Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A CHRISTMAS STORY ... and Giveaway!!

Once upon a time …

There was this not so bright CDQ author who had this very “bright” idea to write a Christmas story called A Light in the Window. Not just any Christmas story, mind you, but a prequel Christmas story that would tie a pretty bow around two series she’d written about an Irish family with a deep passion for God.

“Oh, it will have everything Christmas,” she exclaimed, hands clasped in delight, “from cookies and snowflakes to angels heralding at night. Laughter and tears, romance and more, all wrapped up with magic in a Christmas play fundraiser for the downtrodden and poor.”

As busy as an elf at the North Pole in July,
she penned a 100 K novella that would hopefully make people sigh.
Next she badgered her husband to design a cover extraordinaire, complete with snow globe from the story and her own daughter with silky-blonde hair. 

Dizzy with excitement, she spun into promotion without a single doubt, whirling and twirling to tell the world what Christmas was all about.
There were blog tours and interviews till her fingers were sore, all coinciding with proofing and editing and contests galore.
Facebook and Twitter and blurbs kept her busy, never as an author had she been in such a tizzy.

And then … t’was the night before release and much to her dismay, her nerves were all a flutter—what would the reviewers say? Worry and hand-wringing over rankings and reviews stole both her sleep and her joy—would they bring good news? Good news, bad, it didn’t seem to matter, for in her heart of hearts,
gloom descended with a clatter. Stealing her hope, her joy, her peace all aglow, until that magical moment when she saw …

A light in the window.

A flicker, a flame, the warmth of a still, small Voice,
take your eyes off Amazon, dear author, for you have much to rejoice. Your true joy lies not in sales or in the approval of men,
but in the birth of a Savior who redeemed you from sin.
So let His light shine brightly within your window, aglow on your sill,
to spread the warmth of His love and peace, holy and still.
To proclaim the true message of Christmas with all of your might,
that it may be a holy Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Regrettably, this Christmas story is true, but happily, ends well. You see, it took my own Christmas story—A Light in the Window—to focus my eyes on what Christmas is really all about. Yes, it’s about family and giving and reaching out to others with our love and our faith, but it’s also about receiving. Receiving His grace and His wisdom to focus on Him rather than ourselves. This “light in the window” came to me via my experience with my own Christmas e-book and a pretty amazing book entitled The Well, by Mark Hall, pastor and lead singer for Casting Crowns. My church has been urging each of its 6,000 members to read this book, and once you do, it’s pretty obvious why. Like Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well, He is the only source of “living water,” and to try and draw our confidence, peace, hope and joy from stagnant holes of our own devise will never truly satisfy and only make us sick.

Oh, as Christians, we all talk a good game and most of us even trust God and love Him with a passion most pure (sorry, couldn’t resist!), but when it comes to the source we tap for our hopes, dreams and happiness? I suspect most of us—or at least myself, for sure—dip into stagnant holes of our own choosing to make us feel better rather than drawing our sustenance from the Well of Living Water. These stagnant holes can be anything we run to instead of God—be it food, drink, money, approval, success—you name it—and we may not even be aware of just how much of an idol these things have become. I certainly wasn’t fully aware that I was trying to draw my happiness from success as an author, and yet the more I drank from this stagnant hole, the sicker and weaker I became. Sewer water that almost ruined the joy of the beautiful gift God has given me—the privilege of writing for Him!

And so my Christmas story ends happily and to celebrate, I would like to give away a copy of The Well, a book I truly believe every author and person needs to read, along with your choice of any of my books. Just leave a comment, and you’re entered.

EXTRA BONUS POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In honor of Seeker Sandra Leesmith’s book Current of Love releasing this week, I am offering TWO ENTRIES in today's Seeker blog contest and FIVE ENTRIES in my December contest below if you order Current of Love in paperback at $7.16 or e-book at $3.99. Just indicate the letters “COL” with your comment and the extra entries are yours. Here’s the link: CURRENT OF LOVE.

THEN … five extra entries in my DECEMBER CONTEST(click here for details, then scroll down: DECEMBER CONTEST) FOR SEEKER COMMENTERS ONLY for signing up for a FREE SUBSCRIPTION to Book Fun Magazine or getting somebody else to (five points for each subscription). Just tell me so in your comment and YOU COULD WIN THE FOLLOWING ....

$150 GRAND PRIZE of a KINDLE (or equivalent gift card), a copy of THE WELL by Mark Hall, your choice of ANY OF MY BOOKS including Love at Any Cost or an audio version of A Love Surrendered AND your choice of five top CBA books from the following list:

Like Dandelion Dust by Karen Kingsbury
Redemption by Karen Kingsbury
And the Shofar Blew by Francine Rivers
The Atonement Child by Francine Rivers
Full Disclosure by Dee Henderson
Faith by Lori Copeland
Glamorous Illusions by Lisa Bergren
Long Trail Home by Vickie McDonough
Wedded to War by Jocelyn Green
House of Secrets by Tracie Peterson
Breathe by Lisa Bergren
Twice Promised by Maggie Brendan
Snow Angel by Jamie Carie
A Lady of Secret Devotion by Tracie Peterson
The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian

IT’S EASY, IT’S FREE AND IT’S A GREAT MAGAZINE that will automatically come via e-mail each month, so here’s the link and GOOD LUCK IN THE CONTEST!!

FINALLY … I am pleased to give five extra points in my December Contest to anyone who purchases C.J. Darlington’s new writer’s e-book called 112 Christian Authors and Publishing Professionals Share Their Best Advice for Novelists, in which I am a contributing author. This incredible book features advice from authors like Karen Kingsbury, Frank Peretti, Ted Dekker, Jerry B. Jenkins, Josh McDowell, Liz Curtis Higgs, Francine Rivers, James Scott Bell, Terri Blackstock, Randy Alcorn, Melody Carlson, and many more! Just $2.99 at Amazon for your KINDLE or at Barnes & Noble for your NOOK at Just put "112 AUTHORS" in your comment.


  1. Julie, this is a wonderful post! I am so happy you are focusing on the joy of writing and touching the hearts of others-- and the joy of revealing your own beautiful heart and your deep faith.

  2. Hi Julie:

    God wants us to rejoice in our successes
    and to take pleasure in our victories
    for all gifts come from God
    even the ability to experience
    such pleasure is embedded
    in the very body
    that God has provided us.

    One addition:
    A Window of Opportunity

    And may the ‘heart” of the Father
    Be “revealed” to you in the
    Gift of His son
    who is the way,
    the truth,
    and the “light”.


    P.S. I see ”A Light in the Window” as your Christmas gift to all who have enjoyed your six book series – especially your older readers who may well like Patrick and Marcy the best. (As I do.) Thank you.

  3. The rhyming was fun!

    Ummmm, did you say 100k novella? Cuz I'm pretty certain that's an oxymoron. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Please enter me in The Well giveaway.

    I don't have any other comments my mind is still taking it all in. Thank You.

  6. Hey Julie, just bought the kindle version of COL (Sandra is on my blog tomorrow).
    The Book Fun Magazine is jam packed with info and articles.
    my brain is fried its been hot oh and the wrist well going to drs is dangerous. last week it wasn't broken but about 6 weeks with maybe tendon damage. This week cos the pain kept increasing looks like cartilage damage and up to six months to fully heal. I am beginning to think breaking would have been so much better.

  7. This was such a wonderful post for me to wake up to this morning. Thank you so much Julie. I do love the cover of A Light in the Window by the way...your daughter is beautiful!

    I would love to be entered into your giveaway. Thank you for the chance.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

    countrybear52 AT yahoo DOT com

  8. This was such a wonderful post for me to wake up to this morning. Thank you so much Julie. I do love the cover of A Light in the Window by the way...your daughter is beautiful!

    I would love to be entered into your giveaway. Thank you for the chance.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

    countrybear52 AT yahoo DOT com

  9. Julie, I'm still giggling at the 100K NOVELLA.....


    What a lovely post, and oh my stars, you are doing amazing give-aways! I shall pale in comparison on the morrow, so I shall content myself with Christmas chocolate and dwelling in your beautiful shadow.... but I love the warmth and gentleness effusing from this post.

    Just marvelous.

    Vince, I love Patrick and Marcy too. I think it's their established maturity and realism... Aren't they rock-solid characters?

  10. What a beautifully written blog post. Thank you so much for sharing with us! And The Well is definitely going on my must-read list. I might purchase an extra copy as a Christmas present, too.

    Happy Wednesday, Seekerville!

  11. Yes, I too am agog at the 100K novella.

    Lovely post, Julie. And thank you for the recommendation of Te Well. Of to look it up in case I don't win it. ;)

    And in the spirit of sharing, Happy Birthday to Seeker villager and wonderful person - Julie Hilton Steele.

  12. Julie what a fun post. I smiled through out it.

    I also really enjoyed A Light in the Window. I love Marcy and Patrick, and though I knew the "ending" due to the other books, I found myself still caught up in their story.

  13. Julie, Love the rhyme. But the message inside is awesome. Don't you love the way the Lord teaches us individually?

    Thank you for the plug also. I'm so excited about my new release. More excited than I've been in a long time.

    And Vince, I'm with you and Ruthy. Patrick and Marcy are my favorite folk in the series also.

  14. Julie, what a beautiful post! I loved your poem--so fun. But even more, the reminder that I can really only be filled, satisfied, affirmed at one well.As I find my identity in Jesus,such peace fills my spirit. Thanks for sharing about The Well. It sounds like a book I need to read! Please enter me in the drawing.

    I've been hearinggood things about 12 Authors, so I took the plunge (sorry for the cliche, Myra!), and purchased it.

    Thanks again for this post, Julie!

  15. Ahh Julie, this is such a wonderful post, I have been seeing this book in many places and know I will read it, your daughter is beautiful and know the pride you must have in this book. God knows your heart and I enjoyed reading your thoughts of Christmas and the rhyming you wrote-I am stealing some of it as I love beautiful words too....
    thanks for sharing your heart-your words-your stories..

    Paula O(

  16. Beautifully written and just wanted I needed to hear.

    I have "The Well" but enter me anyway as it would make a great addition to our church library. My copy is marked and highlighted. :)

    Also I have 112 Christian Authors and Publishing Professionals Share Their Best Advice for Novelists on my kindle.

  17. Hi, Julie...i enjoyed your post! What a clever poem. My mom had a cousin who always wrote her letters in poem, and that is so neat. Thanks for the chance to win.


  18. Happy Birthday, Julie Hilton Steele!

  19. Julie, what a beautiful post! Just perfect for this holiday season where the true meaning of Christmas tends to get lost.

    100K novella. Of course, only you can super-size short story. LOL! Are you sure you aren't from Texas???

    I read A Light In The Window and just like every other JL book, I couldn't put it down until I finished. Made for reading deep into the night, but well worth it. You poured your heart into this book and the rest of the world will be blessed.

    So you mentioned being a contributor to The you turn a simple book into a multi-volume set?? I guess I"ll have to go read it and see...

    Great post, Julie. Merry Christmas!

  20. Happy Birthday, Julie Hilton Steele!!! Enjoy a great day!

  21. Julie, your creativity amazes me, but not your love for the Lord. God bless you during this precious time of year. Thanks for writing for Him.

    Hugs, Janet

  22. Hey Julie! Thank you for the post, and the reminder of where we need to look for meaning in not just Christmas, but every facet of life.

    I'm looking forward to reading your short (!?!) novella :)

  23. Ooops, I meant C.J. Darlington's book of advice for novelists, not The Well.

    Sheesh. It's going to be a long day.

  24. GOOD MORNING ONE AND ALL!! In honor of Christmas, breakfast will be ALL of my favorite cookies (and each of the different cookies/confections I used to bake for 30 cookie/cake plates for friends and neighbors. Sixty DOZEN cookies every year, yet another sign of my MSD (Martha Stewart Disease) flaring up over the holidays!! Here they are -- ENJOY with hot hazelnut and chocolate velvet coffee and a selection of teas!!

    --Russian Tea Cakes
    --Spritz pinwheels
    --Spritz flowers with jam in middle
    --Spritz Christmas Trees w/Red Hots
    --Almond Bark
    --Iced Sugar Cookies (decorated with three different color icings ... up to 20 minutes per cookie to decorate ... I am now in rehab)
    --M&M Cookies (for Keith ... I hate 'em!)
    --Rice Krispie wreaths with red hots
    --30 rum cakes


  25. I loved your post. You're correct, many people don't slow down during Christmas to give God the glory. Thank you for opening my eyes. :)

  26. NATASHA!!! WOW, what an honor to see you here and as the VERY FIRST commenter, no less!! Thank you, my dear, sweet friend, for coming by and for your kind words! Have a cookie!! :)

    VINCE: Beautifully said, Vince, as always, and YES ... He DOES want us to take pleasure in our successes as long as He is first, so thank you for reminding me of that. :) And thank you, too, for your kind sentiments about ALITW being a Christmas gift to my readers. Never thought of it that way, but it's truly a beautiful way to look at it, so I will!!

    LOL, MELISSA ... yeah, I'm "pretty certain" you're right!! And, YES, it was SUPPOSED to be a novella when I pitched it to Revell two years ago. They were interested, but unfortunately didn't want to publish it till 2014, so Natasha and I thought it would be a fun project to try on our own. And God knows I write long books WITH an editor to keep me honest. By myself with no editor??? Bye-bye, novella ...


  27. Love this post and your transparent heart, Julie! And your willingness to promote others. Hey, I didn't know you were in that anthology! I went ahead and purchased it--had been sitting on the line. LOVE the card with your heroines pics in there!!! The Well sounds like a great devotional. Many blessings, sweetie!

  28. Julie, have I mentioned how much I love that picture of you?

    Oh my stars, you're just gorgeous.

    And a whisper from a bird (and facebook) reminded me we need to have cake for another Julie today!

    Julie Hilton Steele, happy birthday! I brought white cake with raspberry filling and snowy-white frosting... and carrot cake.

    Because you can never have too much cake.

  29. MARY!!! BLESS YOU, my friend -- you will NOT be sorry!! Just read my November issue last night and WOW, what a wealth of fun and touching articles ... uh, that is if you can overlook the broad on the cover ... ;) You now have FIVE ENTRIES in my December Contest, my friend, as well as being entered today in this giveaway today with TWO ENTRIES for signing up (I changed the rules just now), so GOOD LUCK!!

    JENNY, NO!!!! You sprained your wrist??? Cannot believe the year you've had, girl, so I am hoping 2013 will be TONS better!! And THANK YOU for purchasing Sandra's book -- you will not be sorry!! You now have FIVE POINTS in my December contest and I'm giving you an extra two points in today's giveaway as well, so you go, girl!!

    CINDY, thank you SO much -- I can't help but love the cover, too, because it's like a love letter to me from my hubby and daughter. :) Good luck, sweetie!!


  30. Good morning, Ms. Lessman! You have a cheeky heart which plays out in your poetry! You have a lovely way of writing rhymes that make you smile, as much as they make you sit up and take notice of the message your revealing! I love the 'ending' moment, where its the joy you get in creating the story that trumps everything that comes afterwards. If you are confident in the message of the story you've just crafted, than no one can change your mind nor can any review ever harm you. You have to be bold and own your writing voice. Especially when yours is as sweet as a songbird and as strong as an ox! I am a subscriber to Book Fun Magazine already. I loved the spread they gave you inside the latest issue! Oh! That lovely little collage of the O'Connors? Where you inserted the titles of the novels in such a clever way!? You should make that your signature for emails! What a beautiful way to celebrate the blessings of our faith all year round! One day I hope to read The Light in the Window, but until then, thank you for sharing how the light of truth you were sharing in your story, became reflected back to you with a deeper meaning than anyone else who might have picked it up! Writing opens up our own wells inside us, with revelations aflutter as we walk through life full of creative energy.

    Happy 12-12-12!
    Happy Christmas!
    Blessings and Light!

  31. RUTH ... yeah, Ruthy, God knows I couldn't write a novella to save my soul. Well, maybe if I just pulled one of my subplot chapters out ... ;) I am doing "amazing giveaways" because Nora and Fred St. Laurent of Book Fun Magazine have been SO kind and generous to me that it is the very least I can do. And I LOVE the magazine, to boot, so why not?? And God knows we can't be in this for the money, right??? ;)

    ANNIE ... SO glad because you will NOT regret it, truly. An AMAZING book that has had a profound effect on my life, so maybe you will win it here, eh??

    LOL, MARY ... like I told Ruthy above, couldn't write a novella to save my soul. Heck, I had to give up Christmas cards years ago because I always had to write a book, which meant I'd have to start my cards in July ... ;)


  32. Thanks, DAWN ... I actually had a lot of fun writing it, at least the rhyme part. And I didn't even start out to do a rhyme as you can tell from the first paragraph, but before I knew it, I was sing-songing along into a poem. I won a poetry contest in college, but NEVER, EVER would I rhyme because I was free-flow thinker and poet, but this just kind of came naturally, I guess because "The Night Before Christmas" was in my head. :) SOOO glad you enjoyed ALITW -- THANK YOU for reading it, my friend!

    Hey, SANDRA ... uh, yeah, sometimes I "love" how the Lord teaches us individually" and then other times?? Not so much ... ;) Amazon sent me a note telling me Current of Love is on its way, so I am SOOO excited!!

    JEANNE T ... YAY, sooo glad you "took the plunge," my friend, and I hope you enjoy the book!! You now have five entries in my December Contest as well as being entered in this contest today, so GOOD LUCK!!


  33. PAULA, THANK YOU!! And "steal" away, my friend, as it's never stealing when you promote God's truth. Good luck in the contest, sweetie, and here's to a win!!

    BRIDGETT ... Oh, girl, you are going to LOVE The Well, ESPECIALLY if this post is what you needed to hear today, trust me!! And THANK YOU for buying "112" -- you now have five points in my December contest, so GOOD LUCK!!

    MARIANNE ... thanks, sweetie, although I'm not too sure how "clever" it is ... just the plain truth!! Good luck in the contest, girl!!


  34. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIE HILTON STEELE!! Just because of that, I am giving you TWO entries in today's contest, so GOOD LUCK!! AND thanks to Jeanne T. for letting us know!!

    LOL, AUDRA ... Oh, honey, I "WISH" I was a contributor to "The Well" like Lisa Whelchel, who wrote the foreward!! No, I was a contributor to the 112 Christian Authors book by C. J. Darlington. :) And BLESS YOU, my friend, for not only reading ALITW, but for posting a review too -- you are THE BEST!!

    Thanks, JANET ... I don't know if it's creativity or just plain anality, but whatever it is, I got it in spades!! ;)


  35. Julie,
    YOU are the best!!! I loved your Christmas poem...Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  36. Please enter me for a copy of The Well -- it sounds like a great read.

    I got my first copy of Book Fun mag this month and I've already ordered and am half way through "112 Christian Authors and Publishing Professionals Share Their Best Advice for Novelists" -- it is so inspirational for a newbie writer and I'm savoring the advice. I wish they had it in hard copy instead of just in an ebook.

  37. Hey, JAN, you're welcome. Trust me, I needed it PRETTTTTY darn bad, so I am grateful for the lesson God taught me through this experience. For that reason alone (oh, and the cover, too), this book will always be near and dear to my heart. Good luck and hopefully you will win ALITW here!!

    LOL, AUDS ... it's early, darlin', especially for you mountain-time dwellers ... ;)

    MISTY ... you are MORE than welcome, my friend! And I'm thanking God for opening MY eyes too ... :)


  38. Great post! This is something we all need to remember this season!

  39. CARRIE!!! LOL ... "transparent heart"!! Ah, yes, and when coupled with a big mouth, gets me in trouble more times than I care to admit!! Take it from me -- honestly is NOT always the best policy when one is putting one's foot in one's mouth ... ;) And THANK YOU for your sweet comment about my 2011 Christmas Card -- my hubby is a wonder, no question. You are now entered into my December Contest with FIVE points, my friend, so GOOD LUCK!!

    RUTHY ... thank you SO much, sweetie!! It's a wonder what Photoshop can do, isn't it??? And, YES, Jeanne T. was kind enough to announce Julie H.S.'s birthday, so THANK YOU for bringing the cake. YUM, two of my faves -- white cake and carrot cake!!

    MARJORIE!!! You made it here, girl ... or maybe I should say that "I" made it here since I put the wrong date in my Journal Jots last week!! ;) Thanks for coming by and LOVE your statement that my "voice" is "as sweet as a songbird and as strong as an ox!" LOVE IT!! Good luck, my friend, and here's to a win today. :)


  40. KAREN!!! So are YOU, my sweet friend and I wish you and yours a happy, healthy and holy holiday season as well ... oh, and GOOD LUCK in the contest!!

    WOW, LISA ... nothing slow about you, girlfriend, is there??? GOOD FOR YOU because you NOW have TEN POINTS in my December contest, so you go, girl!!

    Thanks, ABBI ... I totally agree. Uh, about needing to remember this at this time of year, not the "great post" part ... ;)


  41. Do I love that you are right in front of the Christmas tree? I do. Love that magic!!!

  42. Just fyi, when Julie says, "$150 GRAND PRIZE of a KINDLE."

    She does NOT mean $150 GRAND, as in $150,000. Please relax.


  43. Julie,
    What an inspirational post. Although I am not yet book published, I have heard the concerns of authors about the reviews. Thanks for presenting a Christ-filled post, a preparation for all authors published or not.

  44. Julie, you wrote a POEM. It's a really excellent poem, too. You should try and get it published. It could be the new Night Before Christmas.

  45. You're so right about keeping our focus on the season. I've been fretting about a gift I need to buy and buy SOON. And now, I'm just gonna relax and get something. It ain't life and death.

  46. Hi Julie!

    I was so blessed to come across your post this blessed by reading it! It truly seems like your work is annointed! God Bless you for sharing so much of yourself! I needed the reminder that my writing should be for the audience of one first and foremost! What I do is to honor our Lord! I looooved your post and it truly inspired me in the right direction!! So MERRY CHRISTMAS! and I'm excited to enter the contest and ordering the magazine as well! With Love, Sheila

  47. As always Julie I loved the post! I love your honesty in your struggle to always put God first especially in a career that requires you to self-promote.

    I love all of your books, but have to agree with commenter Vince since I am of the "older reader" set that Marcy and Patrick's story is my favorite :)

    Keep shining your light Julie!

    Julie@My Favorite Pastime

  48. I'd love to read The Well and enter the drawing. I recently subscribed to Book Fun Magazine--does that count? (It was this month.) Looking forward to meeting you at OCW in August.

  49. Hi Julie! Just finished A Love Surrendered and as always, absolutely loved it.

    I thought the 100k was a typo, but wow. So another Lessman book to read. Why is it that your books are some of the longest that I read but I get through them the quickest?

    Merry Christmas to you. Thanks for highlighting the true purpose of the season.

    I'm a Book Fun subscriber.

  50. I agree Mary, This would make a great writer's Night Before Christmas poem. Let's get her to publish it.

  51. Julie, A LIGHT IN THE WINDOW is on my kindle and I love, love, love it. Drat the business of the season, smile, but I'm almost finished.

    Great Christmas read folks.

  52. 12 12 12 Yes, that is a great date. lots of weddings today I understand so makes it a romantic day for us romance lovers. Does help you remember the date too. LOL

  53. Julie, what a beautiful post! I'm reading A Light in the Window right now, and it's a lovely, touching story. So fun to get a glimpse into the courtship days of Marcy and Patrick and discover how their family saga began!

  54. Julie, thanks for a great post and the entries.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes! I started off the day at the endocrinologists for a tune up. I was told you can never have too much VIRTUAL cake!

    Peace, Julie

  55. Thanks for sharing your heart with us, Julie, especially at this time of year as so many of us are looking forward to new beginnings in 2013. I tend to become introspective as we approach Christmas, looking at where I am since last year and considering where I'm going as God prepares my path. It heartens me to read these posts of faith as the hubbub of commercial Christmas threatens to shake the true meaning of the season.

    The cover of your book is beautiful, and it might surprise you that when I first saw it, I wondered if that was a photo of a younger you. Come to find out, it sort of is! I have one of those beautiful daughters, too and there are times when I'm looking into my own face. Blessings to you and yours for a Merry Christmas!

  56. Oh goodness Julie! Loved your twist on the Night before Christmas poem! Made me smile the entire time I read it.

    And I'm with Melissa Jagears on the 100k novella thing. Pretty sure those don't exactly exist.

    And you know, I have a nearly finished ms siting on my computer. At the moment it's 93k and I HATE the thing. Not because the story isn't good (because believe me it is . . . :-)) but because it's SOOOOOO long! I feel like I've been working on it forever, when it's actually only been four months. But since the longest thing I've ever written is 75k, the extra 20k is killing me. I don't know how some of you other writers endure penning such long books without throwing your computer across the wall.

    100k and you don't hate your novella? I'm amazed!

  57. LOL, TEENSTER ... the "magic" of Keith Lessman, as always!!

    ROTFLOL, MARY ... THANK YOU for clearing that up, although the poor winner would have figured it out soon enough ... ;)

    MARY VEE ... oh, you just wait, sweetie-pie!! One of the greatest joys of authorship ... battling the ugly demon of self-promotion. I'd start praying now, girlfriend, if I were you ... :|


  58. I just ordered COL!! So excited to get it! And I subscribed to Book Fun Magazine. I've read so many great reviews for Light In the Window, I'm eager to get my hands on that as well! That might be a "Merry Christmas to ME" gift! haha

  59. Mary love the 150 grand comment.

    Julie I think a sprain would heal quicker too. its something to do with cartilage near the ulnar. It has been an interesting second half of the year to say the least. I tell friends I am going to the dr (voluntary)now and they can hardly believe its the same person. 6 months ago I would have toughed it out before getting it checked out. 6 months ago going to the dr really scared me now I have no fear, admittedly I want to see my dr but I have now seen all but 2 of the drs here and 5 different ones in the last 5 months.

    yes up early its still over 80 outside and just to hot to sleep. had to get up for a little while but going back to bed now. Oh and I loved A light in the window is cos it doesn't deal with the hero or heroine grieving the loss of a mother or grandmother or an father and child there wife/mother. nearly all christmas books I have read have dealt with this issue this year and several I have cried over 2 in public including Mary's story.

  60. Julie;
    Learning the lesson of writing what's placed on our hearts and NOT worrying about the outcome is indeed difficult - I praise the LORD that HE kept prompting me to write a Women's Fiction last spring when I was so sure I was to write a Historical Romance. NEVER wrote so well as when - after months of arguing like Moses of old - I wrote a 109,000 word novel and ENJOYED the process along with the BLESSING of OBEDIENCE. Oh yeah - don't know where He intends the book to land but I've LEARNED to write what's been PLACED on my heart and allow Him to take it from there since it was all HIS idea to begin with. ') I'm not entering the contest - I HAVE all of your books except the one to be released (LOVE AT ANY COST) Your books truly touch my heart!

  61. MARY C. ... Yes, I did write a POEM, which is weird since I didn't intend to. Hmmm ... The Author's Night Before Christmas" ... not a bad idea!! And, NO ... it's not life and death, for darn sure!!

    SHEILA, I am SO thrilled that my post blessed you, my friend -- that blesses me right back!! And THANK YOU for signing up for Book Fun -- you won't regret it and NOW you have five entries in my December contest and two in today's contest, so GOOD LUCK!!

    JULES!!! Well, I ain't nothing if not honest, girlfriend, sometimes to a fault and YES, very well put -- it IS a true "struggle" to put God first in a career that requires us to self promote!! Aw, and I will do my best, my sweet friend, to "keep shining" my light ... :)


  62. MARY HAKE ... YES, darlin', I'll let it count, so five entries in the Dec. contest and two today, so GOOD LUCK!! And not sure what you mean by OCW in August ... do you mean ACFW in Sept.??? Not going anywhere in August as far as I know ...

    PATRICIA ... Soooo glad you enjoyed ALS, my friend, and what a lovely comment to make about my long books!! :) Thank you, you sweet thing, and you now have five points in my Dec. contest and two today!!

    LOL, SANDRA ... ain't gonna publish NOTHING more this year or for a while as I am plum tuckered out!! SO glad you are enjoying ALITW, Sandra and take your time, my friend. We need to "enjoy" this season slowly ... And lots of weddings today??? On a Wednesday?? Well, at least those guys shouldn't have any problem remembering their anniversary ...


  63. Sipping my coffee and drinking in this beautiful post. It touched me deeply. Thank you. :)

    Please enter me in the giveaway of The Well. :)
    nicnac63 AT hotmail DOT com

  64. MYRA ... thank you SO much, my friend, for reading ALITW!! Goodness, I would send it free to any Seeker who wanted it, but I just didn't want to push since I know everybody is SO slammed around the holidays. And, yes, it was SO fun for me to delve into Marcy and Patrick's courtship days, too, so I'm glad it is for you as well. :)

    JULIE STEELE!!! Where'd the "Hilton" go in your name, girl?? Hope your day is as special as we all think YOU are, darlin' and here's hoping you're good for another 50,000 miles after this morning's tune up ... ;)

    LYNDEE ... oh, I do too, my friend, become "introspective" this time of year, so I'm glad my post "heartened" you. And you know what? Several other people have said that about the cover of ALITW too, which blows me away because I think my daughter is stunning, but I sure wouldn't think that if I thought she looked even remotely like me!! But thank you for the SUPREME compliment!! I won't tell her ... ;)


  65. NAOMI ... I am SO glad I could give you a chuckle, my friend, and the 100K novella was definitely meant to be a "chuckle" as well because God knows I can't write anything brief on a bet. LOL ... you HATE your ms.??? Those are pretty strong words, girl, although I will confess to not liking a number of my ms. when I was done, but then I end up liking them when I do galley edits, so it might be just a matter of getting some space away from them for a while. And it's not so much my novella I love, it's the characters -- Marcy and Patrick are very near and dear to my heart because their marriage is based on my husband's and mine, so I pour a lot of myself into them and their marriage. :)

    WOW, SHEILA ... GOOD GIRL!! You now have TEN POINTS in my December Contest and two points in today's contest, so you go, girl!! Here's to a win!!

    JENNY ... five doctors in five months??? YIKES!! You need to have your pastor lay hands on you, darlin', pronto!! Still have you on my prayer list, my friend ...


  66. YAY, JOY ... I am SO proud of you that you followed HIS leading in writing the WF!! You can bet your bottom dollar He has a place for it, girl, so I'm anxious to see what He does with it. And thank you AGAIN for being such a support and reading all my books -- you are a BLESSING!!

    HEY, BETS ... thank you!! And consider yourself signed up, girlfriend!!

    C.E. HART ... SOOO glad it did, my friend, and you are definitely entered, so GOOD LUCK!!


  67. WOW.

    I don't know where to start.

    Mostly this is why I love Seekerville and Julie Lessman.

    When the rest of the world is clamoring about book sales and figures and marketing and media...

    You are the still, small voice that brings me back.


    And I love the card! Maybe someday I'll be able to make one with more than a few words on it! :D :D 'Cause right now it would look a little empty.

  68. Thanks Julie for the opportunity to win with a giveaway!

    I love the way you take a moment and acknowledge each person that comments, you always touch each of us, thank you!

    Love your Books!

    Would love to win!

  69. Thanks so much, Julie, for sharing your story behind the story. It's inspiring to hear how other writers work through the process. :)

  70. Hi Julie:

    Last night after I made my late night Seeker post the DJ on the radio announced that it was 12: 12: 12, 12, 12, 12 and that a special orchestral work was about to be played. As the music played I read more of “A Light in the Window”.

    Marcy was apologizing to Patrick for treating him so badly but, even given that, he was still a rouge and not someone she could trust enough to love. Of course, I knew the future so I had to smile at that. I think prequels are best read last. It gives the reader a God’s eye view.

    I went to sleep when the chapter ended and soon had a dream. It was Christmas 1945 and all the kids were back safely from the war. They returned to the family home in Boston. Marcy had died that summer. They were all gathered around the Christmas tree telling of events they each shared with their mother.

    Then the dream went to my mother’s funeral (she died this time of the year) when each of her four children stood up in church and told a very moving and private story they experienced with their mother – our mother. Each of these stories revealed a mother we never knew. She was a different mother to each of her children. A very different mother who showed her full self only after we became adults.

    The dream returned to Boston where the shared insights of each of the seven children and six in-laws (evidently Gabby had not yet married) created a new Marcy. It was like a resurrection in spirit. It was like making a fresh acquaintance of someone no one ever really knew but thought they knew well.

    It was as if the very sadness of the occasion brought forth the promise and the reality of life everlasting. There was joy.

    This dream could not have lasted more than a minute. It was all visual. When the last child spoke ( I never heard a word that was spoken) there were tears in everyone’s eyes. A full moon appeared at the very top of the front window. The three candles on the window sill were about to go out. All the family looked to the moon experiencing their own silent thoughts. I wanted so much to be a part of that family.

    Then I woke up. It was 3:13 a.m. It was after four a.m. before I could settle down enough to go back to sleep.

    I keep thinking, “Mom, I never knew you and yet it was I who knew you best.” I had to believe this.

    It took until late this morning to decide whether I should disclose this dream. Often what I have just read before falling to sleep is worked into my dreams. I sometimes even start my dreams, while still awake, with the last scene of my WIP. This dream was really not that unusual for me expect I think my mother would have wanted me to let this one be known.


    P.S. I just checked and “Current of Love” has magically appeared on my Kindle. I just Love the cover. It just occurred to me that we were probably on that same riverboat during the New Orleans part of our honeymoon. What fun.

    P.P.S. I think Julie is like my wife. You have to make certain adjustments when dealing with her. If you want a novella, you have to request a novelette. If my wife says she will be ready at 1 pm, that means 2 pm at the soonest. I call it L.A.T.E. – Linda Adjusted Time Equivalent. It’s just understood. As heroes always say in romance novels: “Women”. : )

  71. VIRGINIA ... oh, WOW, what a beautiful thing to say, my friend, I am deeply touched, truly. Of course, there are those who think that means in the mentally deprived sense, I suppose, but that's not how I mean it ... :) And thank you for your kind comment about my Christmas card at the end of this post. My sweet, talented artist hubby did that and he's been so busy, I haven't had the heart to ask him to add A Love Surrendered yet ... Am saying one RIGHT NOW for you to have a Christmas card like this too someday, listing all your many books!!

    GLENDA ... thanks, my friend, but I simply could not NOT acknowledge dear friends who take the time to read my books, encourage me and come by to leave comments, of which you are one!! BLESS YOU and GOOD LUCK!!

    KAREN ... you are more than welcome, my friend, and if it can save some poor author the grief I've gone through in this lesson, then it was well worth it. :)


  72. Perfect! Thank you for bringing a smile to this girl's face. The same girl who happen to be home from school sick. *Sigh* :-)Ah, the glorious cold canadian winters.

    Anyways, I'm glad I didn't forget to stop by! I absolutely love your passion for God, Julie!

    Have a lovely day everyone and I'm also wishing you all a splendid Christmas season, where my Daddy would reveal to you once more that you are dearly loved.

  73. Hi Julie!

    Thank you so much for this reminder of our Savior's love. I, too, feel I sometimes try to find my sustenance in other things, and with everything going on at work this week, I needed that reminder. Praise the One on High who fulfills all of our needs!

    BTW, I just wanted to let you know I'm giving my mom "A Passion Most Pure" for Christmas. She hasn't read any of your books yet, and I'm too selfish to give her my own copy ;)

    Have a wonderful day, and a very blessed Christmas!

  74. VINCE I'm so glad you shared your dream. My mom's birthday is tomorrow and she was like yours. Different to each of us which really allowed us each to be our own individual and unique self. That is a gift.

    I'm with you. Prequels are wonderful after we already know the family and we do have to smile at their doubts because we know the outcome. grinning

    I can hardly wait to finish reading the rest of Patrick and Marcy's story. Better get to it.

  75. OH, VINCE!!! I am giving you an extra two points in this contest for a total of three entries -- one for commenting, one for purchasing Sandra's book and one for being the very first person EVER on this blog who has made me cry and laugh at the same time and then weep for a solid minute after.

    OH MY, what a dream ... one that not only touched you, my friend, but me VERY deeply and probably most of the readers of this blog. Even now, responding to your comment, I am crying because your dream speaks to us of the precious promise of life everlasting through HIM and only HIM. The pure joy to know that we will be reunited in with loved ones who have passed on, and ALL in the presence of a glorious God!!! Thank you for sharing this incredible dream with me and everyone else. You are priceless, you know that???


    THANK YOU for purchasing Current of Love -- you now have FIVE entries in my December Contest!!

    And how wonderful to end up LAUGHING during a comment in which I sobbed! LOL -- L.A.T.E. is a royal HOOT!!! I'm afraid a "novelette" would get you an LIH, so you best say "short story" to be safe or "chapter" ... ;)

    Love you to pieces, Vince!!


  76. JULIE I'll have some of those iced sugar cookies to go with my chocolate velvet coffee while I kick back and read some more of A LIGHT IN THE WINDOW. woo hoo

  77. GANISE!!! You're home sick??? BOO!!! Am saying one for you RIGHT NOW, you sweet thing -- stay warm and snug, okay? Love you, sweetie ... :)

    STEPH!!! Thank you, my friend, SO appreciate that and if you send me your address, I will be happy to send you a book plate personally signed to your mom along with a bookmark, okay? Just tell me her name and your address, and I'll get it to you. :)

    SANDRA ... LOL ... I brewed that chocolate velvet coffee just for you, my friend, so drink up and happy reading!!


  78. Thank you for this beautiful post. It reflects what I have been feeling, but (for some reason) have not been able to put into words so elegantly.

  79. GANISE, VINCE and JENNY and SHIELA, you are making me cry.

    Julie, you are such a softie. I love it. But you're right. It was a special dream and so sweet that Vince shared it.

  80. Julie, thanks for pointing that out. Weird. Added it back in. Yep, I am counting on running like my 12 year old Honda that is at 150K and counting!

    Peace, Julie

  81. Beautiful, Vince. What a lovely heart...

    Thank you, Julie! A one in a million darling... love you right back.

    Sandra, I made you cry... happy tears? If so it was an honor, friend! Here's a kleenex. ;-)

    God bless Seekerville!

  82. oh, I love cookies, cake, pie, dessert for breakfast! would love to win this book of yours! what a treasure! thank you for the beautiful poem you wrote. Rhonda

  83. Love your poem and the post. Thank you for blessing me this morning.

    Grace and peace to you.

  84. Love your poem and the post. Thank you for blessing me this morning.

    Grace and peace to you.

  85. Your writing is an inspiration for the holidays and all year round.

  86. Hey, Julie!!! I definitely need to be reminded of this from time to time! It was recently hit home for me--can't really go into the details, but I realized that God is the only source that satisfies. His love is truly all I need, and it is the only love that is perfect and always satisfies. He gives me such peace! Peace it took most of my life to accept and experience. I still get upset sometimes, but I also can feel a peace, no matter what I'm going through, that passes understanding. It's just there, always, no matter what I'm going through. And I have been through some stuff! But as long as I have his love, I'm okay.

  87. And I was amazed at your poetry, Julie!!! Great job! :-)

  88. Oh, Julie, I just read your comment about all the cookies you used to make! Girl, I do understand. The only difference between me and you is that I'm LAZY and you're not! I used to make cookies for the garbage workers and the mailman. I learned to tell myself no when I got the urge to do that. I still make homemade pumpkin bread a few times a year and give a loaf to our neighbors, made with pumpkin I cooked from a real pumpkin. LOL

  89. Hey, Julie, if you can write a 100k novella, I can write and 30k historical. Right? I tend to write j the bare bones and struggle getting my word count up.

    You're daughter's on the cover. That is sooo cool. A Light in the Window has a good ring to it. But kind of eminds me of Tom Bodet, "We'll leave the light on for ya." :)

    Connie Queen

  90. That should've been "just" the bare bones. Now wonder I have trouble w/turning out the pages.


  91. MICHELLE ... you are MORE than welcome, my friend!! I can't help but think this is a universal message to each of us in our own way that God loves us with an everlasting love, yes, but He is also a jealous God Who wants our affection and focus too. I'm especially glad for the reminder at this beautiful time of year, so I'm happy it blessed you too. :)

    SANDRA ... a weepy "softie" at that, so Kleenex is a mainstay at my house ...

    JULIE ... I'm glad you added it back in, darlin'!! "Julie Hilton Steele" just rolls off the tongue so nicely, you know?? And, OH ... that we were ALL Hondas ... ;)


  92. GANISE ... You are SUCH a ray of Sonshine on this blog, girl, you know that?? Get some rest and get well soon!!

    RHONDA ... a girl after my own heart!! The only thing better than cookies for breakfast is pumpkin pie with whipped cream and peach cobbler -- YUM!!! Good luck in the contest, sweetie. :)

    BONNIE!!! So great to see you here, my friend, and am THRILLED to have been a blessing to you, girl!! Grace and peace right back at ya!!


  93. SUNNYMAY ... aw, that is SUCH a sweet thing to say, you little doll, you -- THANK YOU!! Now ... let's hope others think that, too, when I try to sell A Light in the Window year round (since it does take place June through May) ... ;)

    WOW, MEL, you sound like you have come a LONG WAY, my friend, so looks like God has been fine-tuning us both, eh? OUCH!! ;) I used to be a poet years ago, but not the rhyming kind, so I do NOT know where this came from!! WAIT ... we are already like twins (give or take thirty or forty years) emotionally and now we are also that way with cookies??? Do-do-do-do-do-do ... (uh, that was supposed to be the Twilight Zone music in case you didn't get it, which might not have being a young whippersnapper!). :)

    CONNIE ... LOL!! YEAH, me and Tom Bodett!! ;) A 30K historical??? Gosh, that sounds like one of my chapters ... ;)


  94. I loved your poem Julie!! Especially "So let His light shine brightly within your window, aglow on your sill, to spread the warmth of His love and peace, holy and still."

    And I signed up for the Book Fun Magazine awhile ago so I'm not sure if I was already entered or not.


  95. I brought lotion-treated tissues for all o' youse who are getting teary-eyed....

    I love the emotions of this season!!!

    AND I'm grabbing a cup of Sandra's chocolate velvet coffee... with Sweet cream creamer... and smiling as I tiptoe away... What a beautiful Christmas spirit Jules has brought to us today.

    Love it, Julie!

    And I'm lovin' on the coffee, too.

  96. I brought lotion-treated tissues for all o' youse who are getting teary-eyed....

    I love the emotions of this season!!!

    AND I'm grabbing a cup of Sandra's chocolate velvet coffee... with Sweet cream creamer... and smiling as I tiptoe away... What a beautiful Christmas spirit Jules has brought to us today.

    Love it, Julie!

    And I'm lovin' on the coffee, too.

  97. Ruthy, If its chocolate velvet you know its going to be a great cup of coffee. smile

    Julie, you have impacted so many with your poem. See you are going to have to publish it. Make it a mainstay for the Christmas season in Seekerville.

  98. Hi Julie,

    Just wanted to pop in and say how much I LOVED "A Light in the Window"!!

    Wonderful job! I love Patrick even more now!


  99. Julie, what a clever post! I didn't know you could rhyme as well as you write passionately! It's a great reminder for all of us, not to get hung up on all the other "stuff" of this world, so that we miss being close to God. I'm going through another big test of my faith right now so need all the reminders I can get to keep on trusting the Lord.
    I'm a subscriber to Book Fun Magazine.
    Merry Christmas and blessings to you.

  100. Wow, Julie! So many giveaways. Have a wonderful Christmas. Great post!

  101. Awesome, Julie....absolutely awesome post and MESSAGE for us today--Thank you!!! Hugs, Patti Jo

  102. Julie, it is quite spooky how alike we are. :-) And I do remember that Twilight Zone music!
    Yep, God has brought me far, and is still nudging me to go farther! Ouch! indeed!!!

  103. Julie, I'm late today. But I'm so glad I came! What a fantastic, touching post. Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us. It's made me want to refocus this Christmas.

  104. I love your poem Julie! Thank you for reminding us all what Christmas is really about! :-)

    I hope each and every one of you has a beautiful, blessed Christmas!


  105. MARISSA, thank you SO much, my friend for your sweet comment AND for signing up for Book Fun -- you have five entries in my December Contest, so GOOD LUCK, sweetie!!

    LOL, RUTHY ... I want my own box of Kleenex, if that's okay. ;)

    SANDRA, who would have thought a silly, little poem would make such a ruckus, eh? :)


  106. SUE!!! I am SO thrilled you liked ALITW because I'll make a confession here ... I get a littttttle bit nervous when my favorite reader friends read my books because I really care what they think. And, you, my dear friend, are one of my all-time faves, so it always gives me a little kick to know you enjoy my books. And I know what you mean about Patrick ... he becomes ALL the more a hunk after this prequel, doesn't he?? Love you, sweetie, and here's to a win!!

    PAM ... I am sorry to hear about the "big test" of faith you are going through, my friend, but just think all the blessings in store on the other side, right? God is NOT a one-way God -- as evidenced by the Scripture that "ALL THINGS work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose, and that's you, kiddo!! Saying one for you right now and also giving you five entries in my December contest, so GOOD LUCK!!

    Yeah, CARA, I'm just a glutton for giveaways, aren't I?? I always used to think I was pretty tight, but I discovered later in life that I'm only tight with myself. LOVE to give to others if I can, so this is fun for me.


  107. PATTI JO ... thank you, sweetie, and it is an awesome lesson, isn't it? Just not so awesome going through it at the time, but I sure like the end result a LOT better, I can tell you that!!

    MELANIE ... I'll bet if we sat down over dinner, just you and I, we would be shocked just how much alike we are, which is why I understand you so well, you sweet thing. :)

    Hey, MISSY, then my work here is done today, my friend, because that's why I've been trying hard to do myself -- refocus on what's really important. :)


  108. Hey, RENEE, thanks for coming by, sweetie, and I wish you the same, my friend -- the happiest, healthiest and holiest of holiday seasons!!


  109. WOW...
    Julie, you're PAWMAZING says May!
    Love this!

    And your daughter is the perfect cover girl! :)

    Thank you for posting this, and your poetry. Who knew?!

    Merry Christmas!

    may at maythek9spy dot com

  110. Thank you. This was just so beautiful.


  111. KC AND MAY ... aw, thanks, guys, appreciate your kind words (and barks)! It was fun to do, so maybe I should do it more often ... :)

    MARY ... thank you, my friend, and here's to a win in the contest!


  112. Can't wait to read ALITW! It's on my Christmas wish list and I was told to NOT buy anything on my list so I must be patient for Christmas. =) I follow the Book Fun Club and the Magazine. Great group and I very much enjoy the magazine. I'm off to write my final paper for this semester and then I can read, read, read without feeling bad! Yay!

  113. Your Christmas book sounds lovely! Thanks for the giveaway...and story all writers can relate to well. Look forward to checking out your novella. Blessings on your Christmas season!

  114. MELISSA!!! You made it -- good girl!! Five points in my December Contest and two points in THIS giveaway, so you go, girl!!

    LOL ... THANK YOU for putting it on your Christmas "wish list," my friend, and I hope it's worth the wait. Let me know, okay??

    Hugs and more hugs,

  115. Julie, I enjoy your books and I thank you for using your talent in the way you do. A Light in the Window attests to that. A blessed Christmas to you.

  116. Julie, what a beautiful post and a BEAUTIFUL message. I loved it, and felt very uplifted. Yes, its God's praise we ultimately seek and His light we want to share. I know that your books bring people closer to Him--thank you so much for sharing your talent.
    God bless you and have a wonderful holiday!

  117. LOL, PAM ... thank you, but the "novella" as you put it is a full-fledged novel because as so many of my good friends on this blog are prone to point out, I cannot write BRIEF to save my soul. All of my books are between 475 and 511 pages each, except for my last one in the O'Connor series, in which my editor made me cut 50,000 words to keep it at 400 pages. BUT ... the good news is that this Christmas e-book is my shortest of all, approximately 200 pages, so that's pretty close to a novella to me, I guess. :) Good luck in the contest!!


  118. Aw, JUDE, thank you SO much, my friend, and I wish you and yours a most blessed Christmas and GOOD LUCK in this contest!!


  119. I would love to be entered for a chance to win A Light in the Window.
    (Its the only book of the O'Connor series that I haven't read yet.)
    Thanks for the post and the giveaway!
    Merry Christmas!

  120. Oh, AMBER, thank you SO much for your beautiful comment -- MUCH APPRECIATED, my friend, as is your precious friendship. :)


  121. LEAH!!! And I would LOVE to send it to you, my friend, so here's to a win!! God bless and good luck!!


  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. Oh, Julie, Julie, Julie,
    You have blessed me so!
    First, I just LOVE your post.
    Your rhyme scheme is spectacular!

    Second, the giveaway is WONDERFUL!
    I couldn't take the risk of not winning so I ordered THE WELL already. I am also reading THE FRONTIERSMAN'S DAUGHTER because you loved it so (you stated this in another post).

    Third, I overlooked the fact that your prequel will only be an e book, and I have been waiting for the printed one. . . now I know!!!!
    I also love it that you did not wait any longer to publish it. It should have been snatched up two years ago when you presented it!!!

    Fourth, I LOVED the wonderful article in the Book Fun Magazine!!!
    Loved all of the photos, too! By the way, I am a new subscriber now.

    Fifth, I just LOVE how you ooze your passion for God consistently whenever I read anything you write!
    Thank you, that blesses me so.

    Luv ya, Julie,
    Charlotte :)

  124. Such a beautiful post. :)

    As always, I'm eager to enter giveaways for your books, Julie! :)

    biblioprincess15 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  125. would love to win your book!Enjoyed the books I have read!

  126. Love, love, love my Julie books. :)

  127. WOW, CHARLOTTE ... your comment alone is such a blessing it should rate 2 pts. in the contest!!

    Thank you SOOOO very much for your kind words, for purchasing The Well (if you win, I will give you your choice of two of my books since you already bought The Well!), for reading The Frontiersman's Daughter (Laura is one of my ALL-TIME faves!!), and for subscribing to Book Fun and reading the interview. BLESS YOU!! You now have five points in my December Contest and don't tell anybody, but I'm giving you one extra point in this contest for a total of three (2 for commenting and 1 for subscribing) just because your comment was SO adorable, so here's to a win, my sweet friend!!

    Hugs and more hugs,

  128. RACHELLE ... thank you for coming by AND for your support, you sweet thing. Here's hoping it nets you a win in this contest, so GOOD LUCK!!


  129. SHELIA ... BLESS YOU, girl, and thank you for your sweet comment! You are now entered and here's hoping you pull out a win!!


  130. JAN!!! You did it -- good girl!! You are now entered in my December Contest with six points, kiddo, plus two points in this giveaway, so GOOD LUCK!!


  131. What a wonderful post and wonderful giveaway!


  132. Hey, JO, thank you!! And let's hope it's even more "wonderful" if and when you come up with a win!! GOOD LUCK, sweetie. :)


  133. Hi Julie ... what a wonderful post.. it was fun to read !! and your daughter is absolutely beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the great giveaway !!! I felt the need to read Light in the Window when I saw Carrie Fancett Pagels gave such a great review !!! have a blessed day Julie .. Chicki

  134. Julie. Loved you story above. Have enjoyed all your books so far and would love to have the last book. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    Sue Hamilton

  135. CHICKI!!! Your name ALWAYS makes me smile, girl, so thanks for coming by!! Would LOVE to send you ALITW, so GOOD LUCK, my friend!!


  136. Hey, SUE, right back at you, my friend, and trust me -- I would LOVE to send you the last book, so here's to a win!!

    I wish you and yours the happiest, healthiest and holiest of holiday seasons!!


  137. Every one must read Julie's book A Light in the Window. It is her gift to us. My thank you seems very small compared to all you've done for all of us.
    Blessings to you. Your friend for life.

  138. Merry Christmas, Julie! Put me in the drawing for The Well and... A Hope Undaunted! Love, Kathleen

  139. Oh, SANDI, you are SUCH a blessing to me, my friend, and I will gladly take that friendship for life, you sweet thing! SO glad you are enjoying ALITW. :)

    Hugs and more hugs,

  140. KATHLEEN!!! You're in, darlin', and here's to a win!!


  141. I hope I'm not too late but even if I am I adored this post. You are so much fun and I love, love the cover. I know you aren't supposed to bank on that but! Good job hubby! And beautiful book Julie. You make me smile. I'm so glad you learned and shared your journey. Blessings to you this Christmas!

    I suppose you might need my email. :) jessie (at) jessie gunderson (dot) com

  142. JESSIE!!! Soooo very good to see you here, girl, and unfortunately, the drawing was over the weekend BUT ... I have two more left to go this year, so do check out my website calendar, okay?

