Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Seekerville Welcomes Artist-Author Tracy Sands

Tracy Sands (R) and Debby Giusti (L) at the
Debby Giusti here! 

I’m thrilled to welcome Tracy Sands to Seekerville today. Tracy is a talented artist who answered the Lord’s call to create something very special and became an author in the process. A faithful servant, Tracy has a huge heart for Jesus and for His children and is always ready to do as the Lord requests. I hope you’ll enjoy reading her story.

Tracy Sands taught art to elementary school children for ten years and often talks about the night that changed her life. “God gave me something I had never dreamed of having,” she said, her blue eyes twinkling and a warm smile spreading across her pretty face. “He gave me The Christian Alphabet.”

It all started in 1999 at a church choir performance. “I was sitting in the back pew, listening to the awesome Christian music, when an incredible urge to draw came over me. I had a pen, but no paper so I used the concert program, and in the white space, I sketched what the Lord was showing me. The ideas came so quickly that I felt like I would pop if I didn’t get everything down immediately."

What Tracy drew in church that night were alphabet characters made with Christian symbols. She continued to work on the project and completed the 26 works of art—one for each letter in the alphabet—in nine months. The letters contain almost 100 religious symbols, many dating back to Biblical times. With a Master's Degree in Art, Tracy ensured each symbol was authentic and has included a section in the book that explains each symbol's meaning and where it can be found in scripture.

“There are many layers to this unique alphabet," she said. "Every letter contains a special word that applies to our faith. A is for Always. B is for Believe. C is for Christ. In addition, each letter has an accompanying Bible verse, a prayer and a basic Christian lesson that includes activities for children. For example, G is for God and the lesson teaches why God created us and what our purpose is in life."
Soon after completing the alphabet, Tracy and her husband, Albert, started their family and were blessed with three boys, who are now 8, 10 and 12 years old. Although busy raising her children, Tracy was eager to share The Christian Alphabet with others and created personalized “Name Art” prints that she often gave as gifts. Later, she expanded her artwork to include bookmarks and note cards.
The boys help mom at her mall kiosk.
“I sold things out of my house or attended little craft shows around town and found that people were generally thirsty for God. Every year my business grew until it was almost too much for me to handle.” Two years ago, a family friend asked if he could help. "God sends us people when we need them, so I immediately said yes.”
Tracy and her husband (R) with business partner and
publisher Matthew Hilger and his wife (L).
Her business partner owns a small publishing company and encouraged Tracy to write THE CHRISTIAN ALPHABET BOOK. She spent months on the project and calls it a collaborative effort with the Lord in charge. “The book teaches about Jesus, Prayer, and the Bible in a visual, interactive way. Love, the dove, guides the reader and provides fun activities that reinforce each lesson. The overall message is to love God and love others, as Jesus taught us. Although written for children, the lessons are for all ages. No matter how old we are, we need to be reminded that Jesus always loves us and He promises us eternal life if we believe in Him and follow Him.”

The book combines three of Tracy’s passions: Jesus, teaching children about Jesus, and artwork about Jesus. “Along with my children, this book is my legacy, my life’s work, a labor of pure love. There is nothing more important than giving our kids a firm foundation of faith. This book does that. It teaches the basics of Christianity in a fun way."
Tracy with her proud parents (R) and brother and sister (L).
The sign around her brother's neck reads: Brother of the
Author and Illustrator.
Looking back, Tracy admits, “I'm an artist, not a writer. I created artwork that lends itself to book form. As a teacher, lesson plans were easy for me, but words were not. I had fears and doubts and struggled every time I sat down to write." To counter those fears, Tracy wrote the following ten points that she wanted to share with us today.

Ten things I learned while writing a book for God. 

1. It is scary putting yourself/your work out there for all to see (and criticize). Remember you are writing for the Lord, NOT for glory to come to you, but to God be the glory.

2. You will feel unworthy, often thinking, “I can’t do this, Lord, why did you call me?” Then, He reminds you that you can do it WITH His help. He will do it through you. You can relax and be the vessel for God to use to pour out His love.

3. You can fight off this fear and doubt, which is not from God, by writing on your knees. (I did this often by spreading out the books and papers on my bed, so that I could write as I knelt.)

4. Pray before writing. Pray as you write. Pray when you are finished.

5. When you don’t know what to write, pray more. Read you Bible. 

6. Ask people to pray for you. Ask a few holy people to help you when you are stuck on something. Pray with them too. (A friend gave me these words to help: “I will rip the fear from your heart and replace it with the surety of my love.” ~Jesus.) Talking about it helps you get things straight in your head so you can start writing again. Talking to God about it always helps. He may answer you with a Bible verse.

7. Keep a Bible handy at all times. Keep a Bible verse written out that helps you find peace and strength. (My verses changed, but a good one was “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” ~ Phil 4:13) Keep a tune in your head that fights off the fear and doubt. (My song was “Home,” by Philip Philips. “Don’t pay no mind to the demons. They fill you with fear.”)

8. Keep your ultimate/overall goal in mind and go back to it if you feel overwhelmed. Memorize a special Bible verse to go with it. My main verse was Romans 15:13. It is about “The God of hope who fills you with peace and believing…and being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit…”

9. God will provide the time to write and words to write--in HIS time. Be patient, faithful, and prayerful.

10. Perfection can be your enemy. You will never get it absolutely perfect. Only God is perfect. Typos will happen; there is always room for improvement. So relax. You are human; therefore, you are imperfect and trying to do your best for your Heavenly Father who loves you no matter what.
The musical team who produced The Christian Alphabet Song
available on The Christian Alphabet website.
When I asked Tracy about the future, she said, “God has already taken me farther than I ever dreamed of with this book, so only He knows. But I think Christian numbers might be a great sequel.”

I agree!

Tracy is giving away a copy of THE CHRISTIAN ALPHABET today. Leave a comment, share how the Lord inspires your writing and/or share what you’ve learned along the way to be entered in the drawing.

A second drawing will be for a copy of THE GENERAL'S SECRETARY (Debby Giusti's January release from Love Inspired Suspense) and a ceramic "Be still and know that I Am God" plaque.

Since we’re counting down the days until Christmas, the breakfast buffet includes Stollen from Germany, Panettone from Italy, and Cranberry Scones from Great Britain. Enjoy!

Merry Christmas!
Debby Giusti and Tracy Sands

For more information or to order your copy of THE CHRISTIAN ALPHABET or THE CHRISTIAN ALPHABET SONG, go to

Tracy Sands is from Peachtree City, Georgia, where she lives with her husband, Albert, and their three sons. Tracy taught art and “church school” to all ages for many years. She now spends her time caring for her active family and working on The Christian Alphabet™.

By Debby Giusti
Trusting the Wrong Person Can Be Deadly...
Lillie Beaumont's dark past has just turned up on her porch--fatally wounded. The dying words of the man imprisoned for killing Lillie's mother suggest hidden secrets. Criminal Investigations Division special agent Dawson Timmons agrees. He has his own motive for seeking the truth, and it gives Lillie every reason to doubt him. But even as they reluctantly begin to face painful secrets together, Dawson fears that a murderer is waiting to strike again. And this time, Lillie is right in the line of fire...

THE GENERAL'S SECRETARY, by Debby Giusti, is available at Amazon.


  1. OH this makes me SMILE!!!!

    Thank you, on so many levels.
    Just PAWSOME!!!

    Will be checking out your website ASAP.

    Debby, might have known you'd be hosting a wonderful person like Tracy. I use the Writer's Prayer SO often... :)

    Merry Christmas!
    and Stollen. YUM!

  2. For some reason, the website isn't coming up. Will try again later...

    And TEEENA, happy trails!!!

  3. Yep, I can't get the Christian Alphabet site to come up either, hopefully whatever is wrong with it will be fixed by morning!

    What great insight into doing anything for the glory of God. I've definitely learned it is not by my strength alone that makes anything happen!

  4. Amazing insights, thank you so much. You touched on some pivotal problems - perfection among them. Right up there with discouragement, and so easy to fall into. Thanks again, Tracey, I'm bookmarking this post!!

  5. I RAN to Amazon and ordered this book.... and now I'm planning anniversary gifts for my children.

    What a wonderful, God-centered, spirit-driven idea, Tracy!

    I love it! I can't wait to get my copy to see the symbols up close, and then to plan out gifts.

    What a beautiful and genteel expression of our love for faith. Deb Giusti, thank you for finding this gem of a girl and bringing her here!

    Hey, we made Chinese noodle candies/cookies yesterday for our parent plates, and there are extra!!!! Today I'm doing the cinnamon chip snickerdoodles we featured in the cafe yesterday, a recipe from an award-winning TEXAS cook that Mindy Obenhaus brought by.

    Oh my stars, I cannot wait!!!

    Tracy, God bless you and your family with a Merry Christmas!!!!

  6. Guys, it took a while for it to load for me, too... then finally clicked in.

    Tracy does this happen often? That it's sluggish to come up?

    But gals, well worth it once it does. What great ideas and the symbolism had me pressing BUY NOW on Amazon.

  7. This is just lovely! The Seekerville sign is beautiful in detail. I wish you much success, Tracy.

    Thanks for hosting, Debby. Have a lovely Georgia Christmas, ladies!

  8. Good morning, Seekerville!

    I'm grabbing my first cup of coffee and smiling at Tracy's artwork on the mouse pad she created for me. The words Love and God are joined by the letter "O" into a cross.

    (Her mom and sister have the same Love God cross design on their shirts in the photo.)

  9. Hi KC and May!
    Sorry about blogger problems last night. Glad you got through!

    Isn't Tracy's work amazing! Each of my grandchildren received their own autographed copy of THE CHRISTIAN ALPHABET at Thanksgiving. The books were instant favorites!

  10. I just checked The Christian Alphabet website and it worked for me.

    Anyone else having trouble getting on the site?

  11. Melissa wrote:
    "I've definitely learned it is not by my strength alone that makes anything happen!"

    So true!

    I'm on deadline for my next book! BTW, Christmas is NOT a good time to have a book due. NOTE TO SELF: Always reschedule December books to January! :)

    Tracy's "points" about God providing time have hit home with me over and over again. He is providing extra minutes in the day and a peace that is beyond all understanding.

  12. Joanne,

    I'm joining you in the perfection struggle. And discouragement usually hangs around to cause trouble as well.

    No matter what we write or create, whether fiction or artwork, we all seem to face the same problems.

    I find comfort knowing others have overcome the creative negatives and have succeeded!

    Prayer and trusting the Lord are the keys to success, as Tracy mentioned.

  13. Ruthy, your children will love the book. So will you!!! Each letter is a work of art!

    Thanks for the goodies! No calories, right?

  14. Here's the link...

  15. Hi Deb!

    Isn't the Seekerville artwork lovely? Click on the graphic to see the letters in detail.

    Thanks for the Georgia Christmas wishes. It's warm and sunny down South! :)

    No snow in sight!

    Wishing you a blessed Christmas, Deb!

  16. Heading over to Amazon right now.

    Such a wonderful bit of beauty this morning, in a week where it is much needed.

    Debby, so glad you have another book coming!

    Peace, Julie

  17. Glynna sent me info on how to bury the Amazon link for Tracy's book. See if this works...

    The Christian Alphabet

  18. Nope. I must have done something wrong. Will try again.

  19. Hi Seekerville citizens! It is my pleasure to be here all day with you. Thank you Debby for your kind words. You are a huge inspiration to me. Your sweet spirit helped me so much with the book. Now, to share it with your friends here is so fun! I am not usually this awake this early :) It must be from reading all the nice comments from the "real writers"... †racy Sands, "The Christian Alphabet lady"

  20. The last link works...or at least it worked for me!

    Morning, Tracy! Bet your house is busy with your three boys getting ready for school.

    Grab a cup of coffee and some stollen.

  21. Tracy,

    What impresses me most is, not only did you think of a great idea, but moved on it. How many times have I thought wow, I should try _____________ but then never do?

    You found "people were generally thristy for God." This is one thing that has surprised me when I started looking in the Christian market. People want good, wholesome books/movies. I had thought I was in the minority when craving cleaner entertainment. Not so, they're out there everywhere. Give me something that doesn't bother my conscience. Give me hope. Brighten my life.

    Love what you did with the alphabet. Brilliant.

    Connie Queen

  22. I am off to take my three boys to school (and my nephew too). Then I can sit and chat :) I am new at blogging. I think I am going to like this.

  23. Hi Connie,
    You're so right about folks looking for wholesome books and movies. Too bad Hollywood doesn't catch on and produce more quality films. Thank goodness the publishing industry tapped into the Christian fiction market.

    I've read that the success of Frank Peretti's, THIS PRESENT DARKNESS, published in 1986, opened up the Christian fiction market. The publishers realized readers wanted Christian stories in a wide range of genres. The LEFT BEHIND series went on to establish Christian fiction as a top seller.

  24. Tracy, you're doing a great job!

    BTW, yesterday was Tracy's first day to leave a blog comment. Ever. On any blog. She stopped by Seekerville to say hello in the afternoon!

  25. Debby,

    Love Inspired is a great example of a publisher getting it.

    And if Hollywood won't do it, others can. Like Fireproof and Courageous.


  26. You're right, Connie! We are seeing good films from non-Hollywood producers! Thank goodness.

  27. Tracy,
    I totally love it when someone's talented and uses his or her talent for the Lord. And teaching kids about God is such an important ministry. It all starts with what's taught when kids are still very young. I love it that the AWANA concept starts at such a young age. Sometimes people ask me: do kids really have to learn Bible texts by heart at that age? YES YES YES. They see and hear so many things every single day, they desperately need God's word to counterbalance all that! Your book will certainly help with that. And... how do you mean, not a real writer? You're a real writer! And a passionate one too! I hope your book ends up under a whole lot of Christmas trees!


  28. Connie,
    loved reading about your husband's adventures while trying to study. I bet the sheriff figured he'd made a special catch!

    Loved your idea of a stowaway on a cruise ship. I think I read about a suspense book some time back that used the idea of a woman, illegal immigrant, hiding on a cruise ship with her young son. I think she witnessed a murder or something and is then forced to work with a special agent on board. Not sure if this was a Christian book...


  29. HI Tracy,
    What a terrific looking book. The Seekerville letters are lovely as well. Blessings to you for using your artistic talents this way. I'm certain your work is an inspiration to both children and adults.

    Merry Christmas, Debby! Congrats on the new book coming up.

  30. Debbi,
    I'm hearing more and more comments that people dislike the fact that fi TV series are showing more and more graphic violence. Apparently they have to go further and further all the time to 'grab' the audience. I don't care for that kind of thing at all, so love to watch older TV series where things were more tuned down. There was crime and all that, but you didn't have to see the victims up close. I guess it's the same with books: often they've got so much violence and a very negative view of people and what drives them. Everybody's so selfish and running after their own interests reading a book like that is depressing! I love it though when in a secular book that's pretty dark I find a moment of grace. I think it was in a Ludlum book where an agent's confronted with a former friend who's now his adversary, even a hitman. In the course of the confrontation they're ambushed by more bad guys and the former friend decides to stand by the hero and even gives his own life so the hero can escape. It's then said that at the moment the former friend decides to rush forward and defend the hero, he's reconnected with who he used to be. He becomes human again, in a way. I loved that moment, and it's about all I recall of the entire book!! I think if books can show that side (forgiveness, redemption, restoration) they deserve to be out there.


  31. so glad I didn't miss this post, thanks Debby and Tracy, this would be a great book for all children but I am thinking adults too will enjoy. Thanks Tracy for sharing with us today..
    I would love to win and be able to share with my family, will be looking for it though Tracy-should I not win.
    Merry CHRISTmas Seekerville.

    Paula O

  32. Oh, and Debbi, good luck on finishing your book and all! The General's Secretary sounds great. Really creepy opening with that guy appearing at her house.


  33. What a fabulous post. Thanks for sharing, The artwork is gorgeous!
    (and the breakfast delicious)


  34. Connie, Viv, yes! In this loud world of phones that do everything, I find it hard to find peace sometimes. That is why I reach for anything that has to do with God...books, movies, -people especially. AND now this site! It is so wonderful to read all the comments from you ladies of faith.

  35. Wonderful testimony of God's guidance, Tracy! Thank you for sharing this! I think the Christian Alphabet is a must-have for young kids! So beautiful. When I was little, I was so intrigued with illustrated letters. I don't know how to describe it, but any letter that the illustrator had turned into a picture, I thought that was so fun and exciting! I'm still a ways away from grandchildren, but I definitely want to get them this book! And Christian numbers ... there are a lot of stories and symbolism to go with the numbers!

    God bless you!

  36. -About the "real writers" comment,
    I am still trying to get used to being called and author. I have been an artist for a long time, but never dreamed of having a book. I gained a whole new respect for people, like you all,= that work with WORDS. I have worked with a pencil all my life, but to SKETCH, not write. :) God had to send me lots of people to help The Christian Alphabet Book be a reality.

  37. Hi Tracy, Welcome to Seekerville. What a wonderful gift from God to all of us, especially our children.

    I love how He worked in your life and now you have produced a lovely book for children. And a lovely tool for teaching about Christ and God's love.

    I know that feeling of joy that you accomplished something for HIm. The same thing happened to my friend and I when we did the books on the Fruits of the Spirit and on the Virtues.

    You're doing great blogging also. Have fun today. You will like our Seeker friends. smile

  38. HI Debby, Congrats on keeping that deadline on schedule. It is a trick in December isn't it? smile

    But I know you will do well. You listen to the Lord.

    Thanks for bringing Tracy. What a terrific book and ministry she has.

  39. Melanie, I was one of those kids that wanted to hang out at the caricature booth at Six Flags instead of run around the park. I have also been fascinated with sketching, -graceful drawing of God's creations(especially people)-then I learned how to draw in Middle School and High School. I wanted to show others how to create beautiful things too, so I taught Art in for 10 years. It was my dream job. I was able to teach kids, and help/watch them create. Now, with this book, my other passion, Jesus, is highlighted. He is the subject matter of The Christian Alphabet. :)

  40. The one thing I've learned is I may want to go one way, and God may want me to go in another. I always try to follow Him because it's all for His glory. :)

  41. Debby, Tracy, what a beautiful post today. I love how God gave you your idea for the Christian Alphabet book. The letters shown are beautiful, and I love how they represent words and symbols from the Bible!

    Your 10 tips were fabulous--keeping my writing God-centered is key. I liked the idea of writing on my knees, literally. Sure keeps me humble when I'm on my knees. And perfection--such a great reminder that ONLY God is perfect. Thank you for that.

    One thing I do when I sit down to write is to pray for some of my writing friends' progress on their books. I also ask God to inspire and guide my own writing.

    Thanks for sharing this today!

  42. Hey Tracy & Debby,
    I'm so happy that you had Tracy on Seekerville today. Tracy's book and artwork is so beautiful and inspiring. I'm lucky to have her as a neighbor, too;)

    We have our own autographed copy (& I have Debby's) so please don't enter me in the contest. I just wanted to say hello and tell everyone that The Christian Alphabet would make a wonderful Christmas gift for anyone!

  43. Tracy, this is a beautiful concept for a book! It will be perfect for my Sunday School room...

    I loved following your journey, too, from that first irresistible nudge on. An inspiring story.

    Debby, thanks for introducing us to Tracy, and best wishes as you finish that book!

  44. Tracy, I am so envious. I can't even draw a stick man. So, I'll just admire your talent. Beautifully done. I loved hearing your story how God gave you the images. It is such a blessing when he lays ideas in our laps and all we have to do is obey his voice.

    Enter me in the drawing for both books. Yours for my children at church. And Debby's for my own enjoyment. :)

  45. WOW, TRACY, talk about a GOD story!!! It gives me goosebumps at how God gave you this amazing idea, then walked you through the entire process.

    Especially LOVE #4: Pray before writing. Pray as you write. Pray when you are finished.

    AMEN AND AMEN!! I wish you endless blessings in your endeavor for Him!!


  46. Tracy, I love what you've done.

    It looks beautiful. I've moved into grandmother stage of life and will be giving your book as gifts to young mothers. I'm so glad to discover you!

    Debby, thanks for bringing Tracy to Seekerville!

    I'd love to be in the drawing. Thanks!

    Jackie L.

  47. Hi Tracy:

    I read your post late last night and went to your site but it was busy. I got in this morning. Anyway, I’m a marketing guy and I was wondering what could be done with a Christian alphabet. I programmed my subconscious before I went to bed to come up with some marketing ideas. I do this often. As usually happens I didn’t come up any thing.

    But when I got up to turn on the coffee at six am I ‘saw’ a portrait of Jesus in front of my eyes at the end of our long hallway. I was awake and I said to my subconscious, “you’re too late and this is a picture. It has nothing to do with alphabet letters.”

    As I walked down the hall towards the picture it got bigger and I could see that it was like a pointillist painting and the points were all letters from your CA. As I got even closer to the painting I could see some of the letters, which were all catawampus, even spelled words. One phrase stood out: “Jesus Saves”.

    I remember thinking, “Great idea but it would take a miracle to create a picture like this.”

    I just thought I tell you this in case you have a miracle muse to move you. : )

    I did ‘see’ the picture. (I’m not kidding here, Virginia.)


    P.S. Please put me in the drawing for the book.


    Seekerville authors share their Christmas tree on my blog today!

  49. Hi Tracy:

    Four times now, all this morning, I’ve read “Christian Alphabet” as “Christmas Alphabet”. Maybe it’s just the time of the year. But do you think there could be something to this? Could you have a Christmas version of the CA? You have already created the framework. You have a platform.

    Christmas cards written in the Christmas Alphabet – a version of the CA -- might become a standard like “White Christmas” (which I saw last night for the first time at the theater on a big screen.).

    Christmas cards written in the Christian Alphabet could become a big fundraiser for a worthy Christian missionary program.

    Anyway, good luck. You have come up with a wonderful idea.


  50. What a lovely inspiration--thanks for sharing your story, Tracy! The ten things you learned are applicable to every creative person. We need to trust God for our inspiration and direction, even when the results we hope for are long in coming.

    Oh, and I LOVE seeing "Seekerville" spelled out with your beautiful alphabet letters!

  51. Wow -- I'm gobsmacked! This is BRILLIANT!!! I work in the library at two schools so I just hopped on over to amazon and bought one copy for each school. I bet when the teachers see them though they will each want a copy for their religion tables. The illustrations are stunning and the concept of visually grabbing children's attention this way is beyond brilliant! I'm excited!!!!

    And Debby, I just finished The General's Secretary last night. LOVED it!!! You kept me up late so I could finish it. And I missed a bus stop yesterday because I lost track of reality with my nose buried in that book! Not good since I had to scramble along icy, snowy streets to make my way back to the next bus connection. :-)

    So, no need to enter me in either draw since I've read one and ordered the other. :-)

  52. Waving to Julie who creates beautiful cards that uplift and affirm. You are an artist!

  53. Viv, loved your comment about finding "moments of grace" in books. Lovely.
    I need to write those words on my computer and remember them as I write. Am I including moments of grace in my stories?

    Thank you!

  54. Hi Lyndee,

    There's a woman at church who reminds me of you. Whenever I see her from afar, I always think, "Is that Lyndee?" I need to introduce myself to the lady and tell her about her look-a-like who is such a delightful person and friend of my heart!


  55. Paula,
    Love your creative way to write "Merry CHRISTmas!" Perfect.

    I know the little ones in your family would love THE CHRISTIAN ALPHABET. The adults would as well.

    You're in the drawing!

  56. Glad you liked the beginning of THE GENERAL'S SECRETARY, Viv.

    Creepy is a compliment for a suspense author! :)

  57. Hi Marianne,
    I knew Seekerville needed to see Tracy's work. Glad you agree!

    Peppermint bark and fudge are on the breakfast bar. Time for a mid-morning treat so help yourself!

  58. hi Vince (and ladies)
    I love the "Chrsitmas Alphabet" idea! That is a new one. I do have cards and bookmarks (my sister's ideas) but wow! I will give that one a lot of thought Vince. Thanks for sharing.

  59. Hi Melanie,

    Isn't it exciting to see the Lord working in so many ways. Your wonderful books, Tracy's art, Julie's Advent cards, Ruthy's baking and books, folks sharing their gifts with's all so good!

  60. Hi Sandra...another dedicated author who ministers to children. My little ones love all your books. I was at my eldest daughter's house last week and Percival was being passed around between the children. :)

    For those who don't know, Sandra Lee Smith writes children's books under the name Sandy Wardman.

  61. Misty wrote: "It's all for His glory."

    A perfect message, especially as we work to prepare our homes and hearts for the Christ Child.

    Wishing you abundant blessings THIS Christmas and in the year ahead.

  62. Jeanne,
    Love that you pray for others before you being to write. Something I need to do after I say The Writer's Prayer.

    BTW, Tracy and I met at church this morning and prayed for all of you.

  63. Larissa, praying for your sweet hubby and family today. I heard his grandmother passed away yesterday. Holding all of you close with love and sympathy.

  64. Tracy, your alphabet book and the name are is adorable! Bookmarking your site for future baby shower gifts. :)

  65. Jan, you mentioned God's nudge and Tracy's response.

    I'm sure He's nudging all of us to stretch and grow.

    A question for all of us...
    What is God calling you to do in the New Year?

  66. Bridgett, you're in both drawings.

    Tracy recently found the church program with her original sketches and had it framed.

    Sometimes our beginning steps with a story or a new project seem so...well, basic. Yet with hard work and determination and perseverance those baby steps can turn into something profound.

  67. Julie, I treasure the scripture you chose for our Seekerville bookmarks. When we lean on Jesus, everything falls into place.

  68. Jackie L...

    You're in the drawing.

    Isn't Christmas even more special when we can share Baby Jesus with little ones?

  69. Oh, Vince, how beautiful!

    I'm seeing it through your description. Thanks for sharing how the Lord is working in your life. Some hesitate to tell others when they are touched by the Divine. You've shared for the benefit of all.

    Tracy will be back online soon. I'm eager to hear what she says about your amazing vision.

    PS: I still think of the leap of faith idea you gave me some years back. Do you remember? I do.

  70. Waving to Cheryl!

    Thanks for stopping by and reminding us of your site and the Seekerville Christmas tree Tina created for us.

    Isn't Tina wonderful?


  71. Vince,
    More wonderful ideas for Tracy.

    You are so creative. Love your mind!

    The Christmas Alphabet idea is definitely inspired!

  72. Myra,
    We all struggle when we have to wait for God's perfect timing, don't we? Yet, He always knows what's best.

    If only I could remember to be more patient!

  73. Thanks for the prayers, Tracy and Debby!

  74. I just bought a copy for my Granddaughter for Christmas. What a great book, Tracy. And Debby, thanks so much for having Tracy on, a perfect time of year for it, too.

  75. Kav, I'm sending cyber hugs!

    Thank you for ordering THE CHRISTIAN ALPHABET for your schools! Tracy and I prayed that more children would learn about Jesus through her book and this blog. Thanks for being the faithful servant through which the Lord answered our prayers.

    Thank you too for your kind words about THE GENERAL'S SECRETARY. So glad you liked the book. Sorry about causing you to miss your bus stop! Shame on me!

    My next book will have subliminal messages, such as: "This is your bus stop" and "Get off now!" :)

  76. Godsmacked!

    A Kav-ism!

    Love it!

    Merry Christmas! Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow.

    In Canada. Not Georgia. :)

  77. Pam,

    You're right! The Christian Alphabet Book would be a fantastic baby shower gift.

    Plus, you could give a "Name Art" plaque with the baby's name along with the book. How special would that be!

  78. This book is perfect for my 2 1/2 year old glad to hear about it!

    I agree that God brings people into our lives just when we need them. This year God introduced us to a travel writer who is encouraging us to create a travel blog--a new focus for my DH and me.

    And, yes, it is so "scary to put yourself out there for all to see," but I believe all is to God's glory!

    Thank you Tracy and Debby.

  79. Aren't you a sweet grandma, Mary!

    The Christian Alphabet Book is the perfect Christmas gift for little ones...and their parents.

    Plus, Amazon has it at a SALE price today. (I love sales!) And aren't they shipping most things free this close to Christmas?

  80. Oh, and gingerbread cupcakes coming out of the oven right now....sharing!

  81. Sherida,

    Ah, the Lord is nudging you to stretch and grow. How exciting!

    Keep us posted on your travel blog.

    And be sure to stop by often for coffee and hugs. Once you leave a comment on Seekerville, you're family!

  82. Such a treat. Thanks, Sherida, for the cupcakes. YUMMY!

    Shall we leave one for Santa?

  83. I am just blown away reading all the posts. I am Godsmacked too! (I am a little emotional(tears of joy) about it and my husband is wondering what is up with me today) You all can really see Christ in The Alphabet =and Vince! You really saw something special. God gives us these quick glimpses sometimes -doesn't He? The "A" is for Always -the very first lesson in TCABook is about how we do not always see God becasue he is IN us and ABOVE us and All around us =in His beautiful creations... BUT He is "The air that we breathe -the Love that we give and recieve." "Love" the dove from above (who guides you thru the book) says "Whenever you feel the wind or see your cold breath in the air.. think of God." I am so touched by the LOVE, Thank you.

  84. Kav, Thank you so much for Spreading the gospel by Spreading/giving The Christian Alphabet to two schools! That is so generous. I am sure you will be helping many children learn about Jesus Christ and build a firm foundation of faith.

  85. Yes I am feeling the cyber hugs! This is a new one for me..I like these kind of hugs :) I have to decline on the sweet treats though, well, no I don't.. cyber treats have no calories!- making them even better than real ones...eating my mother's cyber-snowball cookies now...

  86. Tracy, I remember Debby sharing your alphabet with me several years ago. It's beautiful!!! I just love the Seekerville drawing you did! Thank you for sharing that and for being with us today!

  87. Just ordered 3 copies (one for ME ME ME!).
    Thank you Tracy!
    I can't believe this is your first blogging experience.
    Seekerville is a daily must. Now you know why. :)

  88. TRACY, go read VINCE's comments very carefully. He really is great at this stuff. I take his suggestions very seriously.

    I love the spelled out names in a picture. They are so great.
    I may get one of them for each grandchild, too. Birthdays are coming!!! :)

  89. amazon also promised to have it to me by FRIDAY. I could have paid extra for THURSDAY. So it should be here on time. But even if not, Grandma is always looking for something to have in hand when she shows up for a visit.

    And this would be a good one.

  90. Missy, thank you for the kind words. You remind me that The Christin Alphabet is a blessing/gift to all, not just to me. A friend gave me a plaque that reads "Jesus loves you, but I am his favorite" it makes me smile because sometimes (because of The Christian Alphabet) I feel so blessed and wonder why He gave me this awesome gift. Then I remember He gave it to me so I can share it with everyone. He was born in Bethlehem 2012 years ago for us all.

  91. Mary, I just read what Vince wrote again! yes that is so cool. I would like to create the jpg "JESUS SAVES " in The Christian Alphabet, now, but is there any way to post it here for all to see?
    KC, so glad the site worked for you, thank you for your support. And yes I will be back to blog, I love this!

  92. Debby, thanks for mentioning Tracy's book is on sale at Amazon today! I just ordered a copy. It will be the perfect gift for our granddaughter's second birthday this spring! (And her big brother and sister will enjoy it too!)

  93. Hi Missy,
    You probably saw one of the bookmarks Tracy made for me when you and I were rooming together at a writing event. Her work is all over my house! :)

  94. KC, glad you finally got through. You bought three books! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  95. Mary, thanks for the heads up about Amazon shipping books for Friday arrivals. Fantastic!!!

    Amazon + The Christian Alphabet = A Very Merry Christmas for a Lucky Girl or Boy

  96. SALE!!!









  97. Hi all, this is all very exciting. I am Tracy's business partner/publisher/friend. I have known Tracy for over 20 years. I have three children and Tracy gave a name art print to them for their baptisms. For several years, I had been telling my wife, "Tracy needs to promote and market The Christian Alphabet more!" Then a little over a year ago, time was opening up in my schedule and I approached Tracy about being partners. In the last year, we've developed the website and published the book and now we are ready to share Tracy's talent with the world! I love all of the enthusiasm on this blog - thanks to all!

    I couple of things I want to share. We recorded The Christian Alphabet Song. There is a little video on YouTube and we have a CD available on our website.

    Also, for free shipping, you can join our Facebook page...

    A big thanks to Debby for helping to Spread the Word! Tx, Matthew

  98. I forgot to mention - sorry for the issues with the website last night. This was a temporary issue with our host and hopefully it is all resolved now. Matthew

  99. VINCE---

    Why would I think you were kidding?

    Oh, right. You're that straight-faced kind of kidder.:)

    I appreciate the heads up.

    But I'm guessing you're not the type of man to joke about a 'Jesus Saves' vision! Just a guess. Tell me if I'm wrong.

    I love the Christmas card idea. :)

  100. TRACY-

    Love this. So pretty!

    I'm so jealous of anyone with this kind of talent. :D

    And these would be so pretty in watercolor, framed. I wish we were related so I could guilt you into making me some art. Heehee!

  101. Matthew,
    Thanks so much for stopping by Seekerville today. We're thrilled you talked Tracy into taking her "cottage industry" global!

    I know the Lord has wonderful plans for The Christian Alphabet!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  102. Hi Virginia!

    I bet your house is busy this time of year with your little ones. Enjoy every moment. They grow up so fast!

  103. We do have Christmas cards/Note cards - Tracy came up with a beautiful Faith-Hope-Love design with the Christian Alphabet letters.

    We also just did our first fundraiser for a mission trip and raised $500 in a couple of days.

    There are so many ways to use The Christian Alphabet - can't wait for Tracy's next inspiration! But for now, our primary focus is the book and our personalized name art prints. Matthew

  104. Vince, I'm liking your Christmas alphabet idea! Will have to do some brainstorming on that one. Matthew

  105. Yes to Vince's ideas! And thanks to Pam for the baby shower gift idea. I've ordered two from Amazon--one for our granddaughter and one as a baby don't include me in the drawing. Beautiful!

  106. Maybe The Christmas Alphabet will be a December 2013 release!

    I see more s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g for Tracy! :)

  107. Thanks, Sherida!

    I know your granddaughter and the sweet baby will enjoy your gifts.

  108. Debby (sorry for misspelling your name earlier!),
    so glad you liked the moments of grace comment. I guess it's because I often remember books because of a single scene that struck me. As a suspense lover I tend to read books that are pretty heavy on the action scenes and especially then a scene that's personal/emotional can really hit home. Matthew Reilly (for those of you who don't know him: don't read him if you like your books realistic! there's a lot of action in them and often you will be rolling your eyes like 'yeah, sure, as if that was EVER going to happen... but he's a brilliant plotter; if there's a plane wreck in chapter 2 you can be sure it'll be the solution to a problem in chapter 11!) did several books about a team, and the lead character's sort of drawn to the woman who's his second in command. In the course of a book in the series they've been on a date, but nothing happened (he didn't kiss her or anything). She tells another female team member in an early chapter, then action, action, in a slow moment the female team member asks him why he didn't kiss her on the date, he explains he doesn't feel worthy of her love, she says he should just kiss her the next time he sees her. Action, action, action, I think about 140 pages worth of it, and then, she's tied up by the bad guys, he has finally found her, rushes in... throws down his automatic weapon and kisses her! I LOVED that. Not only because their romance is so sweet, but also because I had sort of forgotten about the 'kiss her next time you see her' part and then when he did it, I remembered it.

    Again, his books are extremely over the top in places, so I can understand people give them a wide berth, but to me Reilly proves in places he can do emotion brilliantly. He really doesn't need to hide behind all the gadgets... :)


  109. Viv, I'll check out Matthew Reilly's books. It's always nice to find a new author to read.

    Plus, I love action and suspense with a mix of romance. :)

  110. Vince, Tracy and Matthew,
    great idea about a Christmas Alphabet! People love to buy books around Christmas time, and it's the perfect moment to share the good news with people. Maybe also give this book as a present to someone who isn't that familiar with faith yet?

    Christmas is the best time to share Jesus because everybody's already thinking about Bethlehem, the angels etc. People may feel drawn to the sort of sweet side of the feast, but they can also be interested in finding out why the Son of God came to earth. At least, that's my experience!

    I so agree with what you said, Tracy, that there's a thirst for God. Sometimes it can be surprising how open people are to it and what amazing opportunities open up! Praying that your book may bless many lives!


  111. Debby,
    if you want to try Matthew Reilly, DON'T start out with his latest, the six sacred stones, five warriors etc series. It's even more over the top than his earlier ones, and I'm afraid also in places takes the Da Vinci Code approach to Christianity, if you know what I mean :(.

    Try his earlier ones:
    Ice Station (set in the isolation of a polar station, great characterization and brilliant plot twists), then Area 7 (that's the 'drop your gun and kiss her' book).

    I do have to warn you that the action is pretty hard core in places and a lot of people die. It's certainly no Christian suspense. But then I can't help loving his plotting. Especially in Area 7, where he uses a multi-story facility to the max and also has some amazing twists surrounding the bad guys. When you're reading that, you can't help thinking it's beyond brilliant if you can come up with that!

    Let me know some time what you thought of it!


  112. love the alphabet looks soooo good.

    late posting had a bad day yesterday with wrist. so typing one handed today.

  113. ooooo, i'm definitely going to buy this book (if i'm not fortunate to have my name pop up as a draw winner). this book sounds perfect for my three year old boy. i want to make sure he gets a solid foundation in Christ. will be heading to the website after reading through the comments.

    i'm a graphic artist who wants to write. there are times when i'm looking for a book for my son or nieces and nephews that i think "maybe i should draw and write one for them instead". stray thoughts that i haven't quite followed up with. (i wrote a little story for my nephew, i just need to add the pictures).

    i guess this post is a small kick in the keister for me to follow my stray thoughts a bit more and not lay them aside.

    thanks for sharing with Seekerville!!!

  114. I am so glad that Matthew (my business partner) stopped by. He is a Best Selling Author himself, many moons ago, and now works hard promoting The Christian Alphabet.
    He is living proof that God sends us people to help where we are lacking. This book would not have gotten done without his help. He was my editor and publisher and patient, loving friend He put it all together like pieces of a puzzle. I never imagined how many edits we would go through! It was a long and difficult process, but God guided us both. We all have special gifts from God and when we join together our efforts to Spread God's Word, we are sure to be fruitful. Our mission statement is simple: To promote God's everlasting life and love by using The Christian Alphabet

  115. DebH,
    I know what you mean "stray thoughts" AND little boys.. I have 3 boys that keep me busy, but at the end of the day I often think, "I am tired!", and then I think "Did I teach them anything that Jesus would teach them today?" Having my kids -being a parent, was the best training to write the 26 lessons that are connected to the 26 letters of the Christian Alphabet. I put the main lessons (one sentence) in red type so that those tired moms at the end of the day could just read that one sentence to their kid and let the conversation take its own turns. For example, Has your kid asked you "Why can't we SEE God mommy? (A lesson) "Why did God make us mommy?" (G lesson) Well, I remember having a hard time answering these questions, so I pray this book helps you to start conversations and answer questions about Jesus :)
    sending love from one mommy to another

  116. Great art woork!! When we find out gift from God I think it is such a great wwarm feeling. I had always wished I could sing, but even my kids would ask me not to sing to them. It took me a while to find my gift but no one should ever give up looking. It is there even if it is hidden!! I pray your book does well it is a great addition to the world of books.

  117. DA,
    I can't sing either. I can't even read music. I spent all my time on Art. So a nice God story... I called a lady at church, Joyce Gruschow, that can sing beautifully (gives me chills singing), and asked her to sing The Christain Alphabet Song. We have since become good friends, but with that ONE CALL she took the song (that my mom and I wrote) and she made it a beautiful piece of music. The tune is the same as the original ABC's Song (which is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) But she got some kids and her entire band (I didn't know she was in a band!) to help her. You can hear it at if you go to the SONG tab. God knew that I knew nothing about music, but He gave Joyce the gift of a beautiful voice and with her gift and willingness to give to God, -The Song came to be!

  118. Jenny, so sorry to hear about your wrist. Is it carpal tunnel?

  119. DebH,
    I think you may be getting a nudge from the Lord today, which is was Jan talked about earlier. :)

  120. This is a wonderful book. I know my kids are too young to get married, but I'm already thinking "grandchildren" when I see this.


  121. DA,
    I can't sing either.

    But as Tracy mentioned, our friend Joyce does have a beautiful voice, which is such a gift from the Lord. Plus, she invited children to help her sing the songs on the CD! So sweet!

  122. Merry Christmas, Walt!

    I bet Santa's going to leave lots of fun things for your guys this year!

  123. Please just enter me into the second drawing that's for Debby Giusti's book. I don't have kids so I can't use the first one. I like the Love Inspired Suspense books.

    I can't sing anymore but I used to be able to when I was a kid. Maybe my singing voice abandoned me around puberty. I was a Melody Maker in school in 5th grade. We sang at the mall, the Board of Education (where we got a standing ovation), and one performance at school (I think it was before the school play in the evening). I had hoped that we would do even more performances. I loved it. I think we even had actions to go with the songs. I don't think we had the group in sixth grade, but I was looking forward to it.


  124. Several Comments:

    Virginia: You mentioned once that I was like your father who needed to say in advance when he was kidding because he can kid with complete seriousness causing people to believe him when they really shouldn’t. That was the context of my remark. I know you understood this but I was not sure whether you remembered it in the context of what you said about your father.

    I really did ‘see’ the image and I checked on Google just now and what I saw would be called a ‘photo-mosaic’ except what I saw was made up of letters and not photographs. Most of the letters did not form words because the letters were chosen for their black to white content since they were being used to form a larger picture. If you look at a black and white photo in a newspaper it is just made up of black ink dots and that is all. Ink dots and white space (where an ink dot could have gone) create the photo. The “Jesus Saves” was the only full sentence that I noticed and that is why it came to memory. I did not mean to imply that you did not believe me. : )

    Debby: The expert on ‘leap of faith’ is the Danish philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard. I don’t know if I was quoting him about something or if I was giving my own view on this topic which is that you cannot prove the existence of God, as you can prove 1 + 1 = 2 (that is, with logical arguments and mathematical certainty) because if you could, then everyone would believe in God and there would be no ‘faith reward’ or ‘spiritual merit’ for believing in God as there now is. Thus the need to make a 'leap of faith'. Did I get it right? : )

    Debby: Are you sure Amazon has free shipping? I think you have to spend $25 to get shipping free. If not, I sure want to know about it.

    Matthew: I listened to the Christian Alphabet song and it is very well done. I sure like the idea of children going to Christian schools and having this song to learn by. I would have liked it as a child.

    Tracy: If you think Seekerville has nice warm hugs today, you should come to the New Year’s Party. It’s a real party. Lots of comments. Lots of people drop by. Prizes every hour. Last year was so much fun because it happens in real time. I’m looking forward to it again this year.

    Mary: I feel the same way about you. People should listen to what you have to say especially when say people should listen to what I say. This is a pretty good arrangement. : )

  125. Debby its from the fall 3 weeks ago. they now think I damaged the cartilage and could take up to 6 months to fully heal. I am praying it will be way less. The pain has been an ache that wont go away. I did get stronger pain killers yesterday and they are helping. today its not nearly as painful unless I do something I shouldn't like using the little finger when typing. Its so frustrating just when I was getting on top of things I did this but I know it will heal just need to give it time. not feeling like crying today so thats a huge improvement.

  126. Hi Michele,
    Sounds like you had fun with your youth musical group.

    Thanks for letting me know about the drawing!

  127. Tracy, what lovely artwork and color choices. "Seekerville" is gorgeous. Thank you for #10 ... it's as good a reason as any to stop the incessant editing and get on with the next project :-)

    Nancy C

  128. Vince,
    I got it wrong about Amazon! You do have to buy $25 worth of merchandise. I saw another company's promo that was free-shipping for Christmas and mixed them up. Thanks for keeping me straight!

    Actually, the leap of faith comment was about The Writer's Prayer. You said I should do a video showing someone taking a leap of faith as TWP is being recited in the background.

    Perhaps something to work on in 2013.

  129. Jenny,
    Sending lots of prayers and chicken soup! Sorry about your fall. Be careful and take good care of yourself!

  130. Nancy,

    Tracy's #10 is one I struggle with too! Especially when I'm on deadline and running out of time! :)

  131. Sherida!!! Gingerbread cupcakes!!!! You must come to Yankee Belle Cafe and share that recipe.

    I'm totally serious, I would LOVE THAT!!!!!

    I just got a confirmation from Amazon that my Christian Alphabet book is on the way!


    Hey, we made cinnamon chip snickerdoodles today and I brought a plate to share.

    So stinkin' good. Goes great with coffee....:) So I'm refreshing the pot.

    Wow, what a lovely busy day, Tracy and Debby!!!! I love that you've brought folks out of the woodwork (around here we call those ROACHES, but that's a story for another day) the week before Christmas!!!

    There is a longing in our hearts....

  132. I try! I told someone when I tripped I tripped on a raised paver and flew through the air. Well she laughed and thought I was being funny. I said no I literally flew threw the air. as I was going quite fast and the way the show caught I was airborne slightly landed on the side of one knee, skinned the other, hit the bins and moved them before the wrist hit little finger side hard. I think breaking it may have been easier to treat and less pain. I am sure I will learn something from all this.

  133. The #10 is from a Christian Song lyric.. Francesca Battistelli - Free To Be Me
    ..."Though I can't always see (Chorus) I got a couple dents in my fender Got a couple rips in my jeans Try to put the pieces together But perfection is my enemy." :)
    I love Christian Music.
    It really helps me focus and pray

  134. This is such a busy time of the year, but I love this bloggin' thing :) I feel like I just spent the day with some good friends...chatting, eating snickerdoodles, drinking coffee, getting hugs and prayers,sharing ideas...

  135. >> A friend gave me a plaque that reads "Jesus loves you, but I am his favorite" <<

    Absolutely priceless! A friend with a sense of humor is priceless, too.

    Cheering you on toward deadline, Debby.

    Nancy C

  136. I am doing some of my cookie plates to deliver today so have plenty of gingerbread shapes, chocolate and white forcer or cookie press cookies, and lots of sugar cookies to share.

  137. Ruthy,

    Seekerville never has roaches!

    Snickerdoodles - YES!

    Roaches - NO!

    Lurkers are always welcome! :)

  138. Jenny, thank goodness you weren't even more seriously injured! What a spill!

    BTW, I pray especially hard during the holidays for all those who have lost a loved one during the previous year. You're in my prayers for healing and for mourning.

  139. Tracy,
    Friends, coffee, chatter, writing, hugs,'ve got it! That's Seekerville. Add God. He's always with us too!

  140. VINCE--- I'm not so old I can't remember a conversation from three days ago.

    Oh, wait. Yes. Yes, I am.

    My kids were just trying to remind me of something I'd told them. I denied it for a good five minutes.

    Then... there was that tiny glimmer of... ahhhhh, that's right. The memory, come out of whatever tiny synapse it had been hiding, making rude gestures and blowing tiny raspberries.


    I fear for my memory.

  141. Hi Debby:

    You said I should do a video showing someone taking a leap of faith as TWP is being recited in the background.

    I really said that? That sounds pretty good but hard to do. Below is a script idea from the master himself:

    “Leap of faith – yes, but only after reflection”
    ― Søren Kierkegaard

    I can ‘see’ a woman at the top of the Grand Canyon carefully checking her hang glider and then saying a prayer while she looks up at the sky.

    The voice over words of the "Writer’s Prayer" at this point are:

    “Keep me focused and on schedule, and take away any fear or sense of inadequacy that blocks my progress. Give me courage to step out in faith, to stretch and grow and to be the writer you have called me to be.”

    And then the hang glider jumps to her freedom in flight.


    I think that would be a great visual. Now do you know any hang gliders? Maybe there are some stock videos you could purchase.

    BTW: A short but powerful video like this would make a great opening to any writer’s conference.


  142. I love that idea Vince,
    The way you describe it I can see it clearly. That Writers Prayer is awesome. We could just change a few words of it and make it the Artists' prayer :) What do you think Debby?

  143. Hi Virginia:

    You said:

    “VINCE--- I'm not so old I can't remember a conversation from three days ago.”

    Was it only three days ago? Some memories are filed with a ‘use by date’. Like the ones we don’t want to remember.

    I made a discovery awhile back. Do you know how as people age they think that time is speeding up? I can really feel it zipping by myself. However, I discovered that time does not speed up. It’s just that we forget so much of what has just happened that it just seems to be speeding up.


  144. Tracy, thanks for joining us at Seekerville today. Your art work is amazing! I really appreciate the Seekerville sign.

  145. Hi Tracy:

    You wrote:

    “That Writer’s Prayer is awesome. We could just change a few words of it and make it the Artists' prayer :)”

    Yes, you could do that, but then, you’re an artist. Do you think you could draw an “Artist’s Prayer”? That is, create a picture or series of illustrations on a single canvas, so that by simply observing it, you would have achieved the equivalent of a spoken prayer?

    I think it is possible.


  146. Thanks Debby, I appreciate the prayers its been a tough few weeks but there is good. The pastor gave me a candle to light Christmas day to remember mum and good memories.
    The injury is helping me to slow down. It doesn't matter if I don't have as much cooking done as I wanted. People will understand if I give them an iou of cookies for the new year (a friend gets his May birthday ones in Dec so maybe he can get his christmas ones in may).

    I know I have support of so many around the world and that really does help.

  147. Vince, you did remember! That's it exactly. :)

  148. The Artist's Prayer works, Tracy.

    BTW, I love Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way! Fantastic!

  149. Vince, time is going very fast these days...too fast!

    Am I just forgetting everything?



  150. You have our support, Jenny! For sure!!!

    Hugs and love! Prayers too!

  151. Vince, now you have given me a lot to think and pray over todaqy. I am very thankful for that. -a visual prayer...That could be the most powerful art work ever! I have done something called "Praying in color" -it is a short book about doodling while you pray. It is a cool concept that I have done and taught my kids to do. You doodle as you pray and at the end you have that visual prayer, you can hang up your prayer and take it down and pray some more (doodle for God) Try it and you will see what I mean. If you are praying for someone or something specific you can write that word/name, and then doodle around it=(draw whatever lines/shapes/colors come to your head)You can also Pray in color with Sacred Scripture.. to help you memorize it. I have a hard time staying focused when I pray, and this is a fun freeing way to pray.

  152. Heehee! Oh, Vince. That's a good take on it.

    I actually don't think time is speeding up. I think it's a matter of math.

    If you're 6 years old, and you can remember 4 of those years, you feel tiem goes very slowly because you can take your time to think of each week or day before you're done with 'remembering'.

    If you're 60 years old, going back 58 years is very time consuming so you just skip most of it... ending up with the feeling that time is flying by.


    Probably not.

  153. Debby,
    Sounds like I definately need to get = The Artists Way by Julia Cameron. tell me mmore about it?

  154. DEBBY--

    LOL on the 'enjoy every minute'. I just posted an article about that week or so ago.

    It seems it's the go to phrase for people to hand out to young moms.

    That and 'you've got your hands full'.

  155. It was hard for me to enjoy every minute when I had my hands full of three lil boys. But I know what they mean now. My boys are too big to pick up now, and I miss those days of watching them walk for the first time, hearing them say new words and just reading them a storybook!

  156. I only remember the good times, Virginia! :)

    That's why time is passing so quickly?

  157. I am plum tuckered out. I had such a lovely day in Seekerville. Thank you to all. I will be back some day soon for more cyber hugs.
    Debby, You are one of my most favorite people. I strive to be more like you and my mom everyday. You are such a special lady. You inspire me to be the best I can be and I love you my friend. Your support, prayers and love mean so much to me. I can not find the words to express my deep appreciation. Can you feel my good-night-cyber-hug ?

  158. Hi Virginia:

    I’ve thought about this a lot and the rationale that you advanced does show how ‘blocks of time’ change in meaning over the years. A four year block of time to a 12 year old is a third of his life and seems like a long time. It’s the time it takes to finish college. But to a 60 year old person four years is only one-fifteenth of his life. The block does not seem so big to him.

    The perception that time is slowing down or speeding up is somewhat different. This is often expressed by the saying “If you are hanging by your thumbs, time moves very slowly.” The opposite is, “if you are fighting a deadline, time speeds up.” This happens at any age. Young people want to hurry up and grow up – usually to get a drivers license. Older people want time to slow down. The big change comes when you switch from thinking how old you are to how much more time you can be expected to have left.

    Of course, this is just speculation and there is nothing to back it up other than its inherent plausibility. Am I sounding like your father yet? : )


  159. Thanks for being with us today, Tracy. Keep producing beautiful art for the Lord.

    Sending cyber hugs back to you!

  160. Thanks, Debby and Tracy! Loved reading about how the Lord showed Tracy what He wanted her to do....and she obeyed. I'm sure Tracy's book has touched many lives--young and old. ~ Thank you again for sharing today, and I wanted to add that I think #4 in Tracy's list is especially important: PRAY! I am striving to always pray before I begin writing (in addition to other times also). Blessings, Patti Jo

  161. Patti Jo, thanks for reminding us about the importance of prayer! Sometimes, especially when we're busy, it's easy to forget to do just that.

    Wishing you and yours a joyous Christmas!

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  163. Very Interesting. the Christian Alphabet is awesome. Amazing what God can do when we give him ourselves and surely our imagination. I like your ten points, especially five. I think I forget to do that more often than not. And does really help to have someone pray for you and with you.



  164. This is just wonderful. I'll have to investigate further.


  165. Ruthy...the gingerbread cupcake recipe was from the recent King Arthur Flour catalog...and they were good, especially the cinnamon-cream cheese frosting!

  166. I'm not a writer but God inspires to do everything I can to serve him to the best of my ability in helping my fellow man anyway I can
