Sunday, December 16, 2012

Weekend Edition


We Have Winners

  Please see our rules for giveaways in Seekerville. Be sure to contact us with your snail mail address if you are a winner and/or at

We welcome Thomas Nelson author Kelly Long on Monday.  What do the three wise men and writers have in common? Kelly shared about keeping our "Eye on the Star." Winner of  a combination prize of A Marriage of the Heart and An Amish Kitchen is Kav.

Are you sitting on the fence about using clichés? Tuesday Abingdon Press and Heartsong Presents author Myra Johnson brought us 101 reasons to quit cold turkey! You just may be surprised at how easily (and how many!) clichés worm their way into your writing and everyday conversation. Winner of a copy of The Dimwit's Dictionary, by Robert Hartwell Fiske is Virginia Carmichael.

HO-HO-HO ...  on Wednesday Revell author Julie Lessman delved into what makes a Christmas story great in her blog entitled "A Christmas Story." The winner of a copy of The Well and their choice of any of Julie's books is Vince.

  "For unto us a child is born..." That's the reason hearts open to warmth, love and laughter during the Christmas season, regardless of circumstance.  Ruth Logan Herne  chatted about writing for the Christmas market on Thursday. The winner of a Yuletide Hearts, (Ruth Logan Herne, 2011) Gift of Family (Mia Ross), Candlelight Christmas (Mary Connealy and Linda Goodnight) and His Mistletoe Family (Ruthy, 2012) is Emily Reynolds, and because Ruthy is feeling surprisingly good this holiday season, we have mini surprise Christmas packages going out to Katie N. and Linda Bonney Olin!

On Friday, Mary Connealy shared her Best of the Archives post, "The Personification of Place." Winner of her Christmas e-novella with Linda Goodnight, A Candlelight Christmas is Deb H.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Join Seekerville friend and Love Inspired debut author Virginia Carmichael, who brings us "Keeping Perspective in a Tunnel Vision World." Virginia will give away a copy of Season of Joy to one lucky commenter! 

Tuesday:  In "S-T-R-E-T-C-H-I-N-G Toward The New Year" Love Inspired author Glynna Kaye shares 10-minute stategies you can do NOW to better ring in a rocking writing 2013.  She'll be giving away to two winners a copy of one of her books (winners' choice) !

Wednesday: Love Inspired Suspense author Debby Giusti invites you to stop by to learn the heartwarming story of how an art teacher and mother of three answered the Lord’s call to create and publish The Christian Alphabet.  Guest blogger, Artist-Author Tracy Sands will share her journey to publication in her blog post: "Ten Things I Learned While Writing a Book for God."

Thursday: Montlake author Sandra Leesmith will celebrate the release of her new book Current of Love with Christmas gift copies to five winners. She is also sharing a wonderful article about containing the Raging River of Ambition within God's Plan written by her friend and fellow author Ann Lee Miller. Ann will also be giving one lucky winner an ebook copy of her new release Avra's God.

Friday: Every Friday during this busy Holiday Season Seekerville will be sharing a Best of the Archives post along with a giveaway. Don't miss this oldie but goodie!

Seeker Sightings

SAVE THE DATE -It's time for our fifth annual round the clock New Year's Eve Party.  Food, fun and giveaways for 27 straight hours. We'll be here!

Wednesday, December 19th, Seekerville participates in Cheryl St. John's Great Christmas Tree Tour. Stop by and get a look at the Seekerville Tree.

On Tuesday, December 18, Myra Johnson will be featured on the blog Launch Your Creative Life. Myra talks about her journey to publication and the perseverance required to follow your dreams despite disappointments and discouragement.

Julie Lessman's Journal Jots December Contest:Don't miss out on Julie's weekly blog to her readers where she's giving away SIX TOP CBA BOOKS, A KINDLE (or equivalent $69 gift card), and choice of any of Julie's books including A Light in the Window (e-book or signed printed manuscript).  

Excitement is building for Pam Hillman's sophomore release, Claiming Mariah, coming January 1st to an etailer near you! 

Pam will be in residence at Tyndale House blog ALL WEEK next week.  Monday, December 17th is a Q&A session. Bring your questions and we'll do our best to provide answers. Tuesday, December 18th Shaina Turner interviews Pam, and Wednesday December 19th, don't miss Pam's article comparing Digital First vs. Digital Only. Shaina wraps up the week on Thursday spotlighting all three of the 2013 Digital First titles.

Ruth Logan Herne and Debra Marvin visited Frank Capra's It's A Wonderful Life in Seneca Falls at the Real "Bedford Falls" Festival 

Random News & Information

 Nielsen BookScan Adds Walmart (PW)

 25 Free Christmas eBooks (GalleyCat)

3 Quiet Fears that Stop Writers from Writing (WD)

What Writers Need to Know About Goodreads (GalleyCat) 

 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Writers (Writer Unboxed)

Facebook: Best Practices for Profiles, Pages, Groups and Posts by Darcy Pattison (W.O.W via K.C. Frantzen)

Topsy Tools for Writers & Publishing Professionals (GalleyCat)

How Writers & Readers Can Win at Scrabble (GalleyCat)

Christmas Presents for Writers-Part 1 & Part 2 (Urban Writer) Yes, they are British but don't you wish you were??

Seekerville would like to C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-E! 
Friend of Seekerville, Lyndee Henderson
 who just signed with Agent Mary Sue Seymour!

 That's it! Have a blessed week.


  1. Seriously, Lyndee, you are so close to a first sale!!!

  2. Whoot, Lyndee!! Congratulations.

    Great WE! Congrats to the winners! Now that my eh em...judging duties are done I can visit more

  3. Congrats to all the winners this week, good job everyone!

    MAJOR congrats and big time cheering for Lyndee, way to go!!! So happy to see your great news, all right :)

    Have a great weekend Seekerville and Seeker friends, blessings everyone!

  4. Lyndee, Yippee Ki Yi Yay! So proud of you!!!! Happy dancing in upstate!

    Congrats to all winners.... so fun seeing those smiling faces! (Okay, I get that I can't really SEE them but I'm personifying virtual non-reality)

    Don't ask. It's always better not to ask.

    Tina, thank you for a wonderful WE. You rock. And if Tina passes through your town on her move this week, she's promised to stop in and cook dinner for you and twenty of your friends.

    Let me just map-quest her route to AZ....


    I think you have to live in some kind of desert oasis for her to pass through.


    Sunday. A great day for prayer and remembrance in this season of Advent. I love the sweet prayerful side of Advent... vespers.... church walks... candlelight vigils... Magnificat....stained glass windows... storefront churches like the Church of the Second Chance in St. Maybe...

    Emmanuel. God with us.

    I love it.

    Hey, we're doing "Bake a Memory Day" here. That's when some of the grandkids gather here and we make a mess of Grammy's kitchen with cookies, candies, whatever we want to make. SO FUN. This is part of my Keeping Simple Christmas....

    (Which Dave would say only works if I stop shopping online. Men. Sheesh.)


    Leaving the first batch of Ruthy sugar cookies for y'all. With hugs and blessings.

  5. Keep it up, Ruthy. You trouble maker you!!!!

  6. Hooray Lyndee!!!

    (And that top is just gorgeous. Is that silk? Wow. Soooo pretty.)

    Christina, the worst part about judging this year was not getting to read the rest of the story.

    Seriously, I got some AWESOME entries. There are so many incredibly talented writers out there.

    Which makes me super happy because that means MORE BOOKS TO READ!

  7. I'm waiting at the door for Tina because I actually DO live in a desert oasis. Dry as a bone for 120 miles around... except for our little valley.

  8. Yay, Lyndee! Congratulations. And congrats to all the winners for WE.

  9. Let's map this out....

    Tina: Denver starting point....

    (Tina, you might want to Google grocery stores along the way. Best to be prepared, right???)

    Tina end destination: Arizona...

    Oh my stars, other than a side trip into Utah...

    With all 4,000 inhabitants....

    She really only hits two states.



    Tina, might I suggest you re-route? Or just move to upstate New York (you know you should, don't even argue the point. I'm here. Without familial piety, that alone should bring you to my beautiful if overtaxed corner of the lower 48)

    Do you know how hot it gets in AZ????

    I will wilt. Like bad lettuce. Like celery left on the counter too long. (which means 5 minutes in AZ.)

    I will sweat.

    Wrinkles will form.

    I think it's time to discuss this more thoroughly. Plans can be changed, Teeeeenster!

    (Come on Peeps, shout with me:)

    We Love NY!

    We Love NY!!

    We Love NY!!!!!!!

  10. I happen to love NY AND ARIZONA and I know how hot it gets there in the summer. They could say 'do you know how cold it gets in NY in the winter?' IT's all perspective!

    I'm glad our trip to Bedford Falls was last week and not yesterday, Ruthy!

    COngratulations, Lyndee. Don't you just love those big stepping stones toward the future!

    Have a lovely THIS IS THE LAST WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS WEEK week, everyone.

  11. Congrats, Lyndee - and next week sounds great. Looking forward to it!!

  12. WHOO-HOO, LYNDEE!!! Today an agent, tomorrow a sale!!


    TEENSTER ... my eyes are glazed over by the articles on Facebook and Goodreads, but Kav is right -- W.O.W!!!! Talk about GREAT INFO!! I'm printing both of those puppies off ... not that I'll ever find the time to actually implement them, mind you ...



  13. Congrats to the weekend winners, and also to Lyndee! :) WTG!

    Next week looks like another great week. I look forward to the Seeker posts.

    I join each of you in prayer for those in Newtown, CT. What a sad time.

    Blessings to each of you,
    C.E. (Cheryl)

  14. Super news, Lyndee.

    Great weekend edition, as always. I will have visit/read the links later.

    Tina, hope your move goes well...too bad South Dakota is no where near Colorado/Arizona, I could go for a home cooked meal made by someone else! HA!

  15. Congrats to the winners, see another great week ahead, and a new signing for a friend of Seekerville Lyndee,good luck on your future writings....
    WOW a New Years Eve all-nighter not far away too....
    Have a great weekend all....

  16. Congrats, Lyndee! What a great Christmas present!

    Trying to map out everything I have to do between now and Christmas and it's NOT pretty. Somehow I will get through it all.

    Have a great day!


  17. Rose, you have a wicked -Mary Connealy sense of humor. Maybe Helen Gray can give me her squirrel recipe.

  18. Congrats Lyndee. woo hoooooo

    Congrats to the winners also.

  19. Ruthy and Debra, seeing you in those winter coats--my,my you might want to consider driving to Arizona with the Teenster. Much warmer weather. smile

  20. Tina, You coming makes me want to get home again.

    Welcome to Arizona girlfriend.

    Happy Dancing. Another Seeker in the Southwest.

    Right Glynna? We love it.

  21. Okay, Sandra. If you love the come you are never there????

  22. My feelings are hurt. Blogger doesn't like me. I tried three times to post last night--and went away sad and unposted!

    The coffee pot was taken care of. I just couldn't tell you about it.

    Hip, hip, hooray, Lyndee!! Way to go, girl.

    Tine, what a time of year to move. Didn't you have enough to do? :)
    Hope you get settled soon.


  23. New spelling of your name, Tina. Makes you sound like a fork in the road you're following.

  24. Congratulations, LYNDEE!!

    SANDRA -- Well SOME parts of Arizona are nice and comfy this time of year. But Friday/Saturday the Northland got TWO FEET OF SNOW! You and the pups can come on up anytime and help shovel!

  25. Lyndee!! Congratulations! Soooo happy for you!

    Congrats to the winners this week.
    And, can I just say--WOW. The link to the article about Facebook was so indepth. Very helpful indeed.

    Great WE, Tina!

  26. So, Tina, I don't suppose you're heading an hour south first, are you? If you were, I'd be happy to cook YOU dinner. :) I hope your move goes well. I've been praying for you. :)

  27. Safe travels to Tina and hubby!!!

    Ruthy's having fun with the grandkids! Are the cookies out of the oven yet? Waiting patiently...

    Congrats to the winners!

    YAY, Lyndee!!! Such great news! I'm seeing good things ahead in 2013!

    Spent the last two days in Middlesboro, KY and Harrogate, TN. Climbed to the top of the mountain overlooking the Cumberland Gap to view the junction of three states: KY, VA and TN. The weather was perfect! Sunny and warm.

    Also toured the Lincoln Museum at Lincoln Memorial University. Such a nice trip through a beautiful part of our country.

  28. Lyndee and winners: CONGRATS!!
    Sending plenty of love to Connecticut... Emmanuel.

    Merry Christmas again Seekerville!*Smiling* What a pleasure it is to witness your beautiful spirit.



  29. Congratulations, Lyndee!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!

  30. Jeanne!! You sweet gal! I look forward to chatting with you again very, very soon!!

  31. From TINE: Tell me about it, Helen. I am seriously overwhelmed. But only 24 hours or so and we will be on our way.

  32. Hi Seekerville! Thanks so much for all the wonderful wishes! If it weren't for the wonderful and generous people here, I'd still be thinking instead of doing. Very grateful for all the advice and encouragement!

    Great WE. Congrats to all the winners and thanks for another great week here.

    I've been birthdaying all weekend for my grandson's first birthday. We've been hosting and serving cake and ice cream since Friday night! The little guy had a great time and it was really fun. The crowd just left, so this was the first I could check in. Thanks again!

  33. Congrats to all the winners AND to Lyndee!!! YAY!! ~ Tina, thanks for always giving us such a great WE---you are amazing.
    Hugs from Georgia, Patti Jo

    p.s. And since it's rainy in GA right now, I've baked a peach cobbler--warm from the oven. Nothing like a warm dessert in rainy, chilly weather.

  34. Lyndee, fantastic news and a wonderful accomplishment. Kudos!

    Congrats, too, to all the winners.

    Tina, the link about what makes writers stop was muchly appreciated. There is always so much great info in the WE. Thank you. Wishing you and yours a safe journey. P.S. Meteor Crater is kewl if you get the chance to see it :-)

    Nancy C

  35. Congratulatins, Lyndee!!!

    It's been a quiet, sleepy, rainy day here in MS. Other than church, we just hung out at home.

    Checking out all the great links in the WE!

  36. Hahahahaha!

    I just saw Tina's response to Sandra about the southwest.... ROLLING ON THE FLOOR, SANDRA!!!

    And Sandra, they don't have Bedford Falls in Arizona... Honey, how many Christmas movies do you see shot in AZ or NM??????

    And doesn't Deb Marvin look stinkin' adorable????? That whole town is charming.... and I got to stand on the George Bailey bridge.

    The one where he contemplated suicide and Clarence the angel jumped in to save him by pretending he was drowning.

    Oh, I love that movie and they just can't put that in an arroyo.


    You need trees and a river and that sweet New England feel.


    But it's more like North Carolina up here now, and I'm not complaining.

    Our snow-o-meter is at zero...

    And the grass is GREEN. Photosynthesizing.

    And I still have flower pots that were out in the open and they're not dead... they're not blooming, but the greens are still green.

    I did not have to hang lights in a blizzard.

    And that's good because I still need a new front roof! :)

    Old houses. You fix one thing... two more break. The price of charm.

  37. I'm a day late but want to say thanks for the great WE! And also congrats to Lyndee!
