Saturday, December 22, 2012

Weekend Edition

When they saw the star, 
they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.
Matthew 2:10

We Have Winners

 Please see our rules for giveaways in Seekerville. Be sure to contact us with your snail mail address if you are a winner and/or at

Monday,  Seekerville friend and Love Inspired debut author Virginia Carmichael, who brought us "Keeping Perspective in a Tunnel Vision World." The winner of Season of Joy  is C.E. Hart.

  In "S-T-R-E-T-C-H-I-N-G Toward The New Year" Love Inspired author Glynna Kaye shared 10-minute strategies you can do NOW as you ring in a rocking writing 2013.  The winners of  their choice of one of her books are Misty R and Cara G.

Wednesday Love Inspired Suspense author Debby Giusti invited us to stop by to learn the heartwarming story of how an art teacher and mother of three answered the Lord’s call to create and publish The Christian Alphabet.  Guest blogger, Artist-Author Tracy Sands shared her journey to publication in her blog post: "Ten Things I Learned While Writing a Book for God." The Christian Alphabet Book winner is Bridgett Henson.  The winner of Debby Giusti's January Love Inspired Suspense, The General's Secretary is Michelle F. In addition, Michelle will also receive a ceramic "Be Still and Know that I AM God" wall plaque from Debby. 

 Montlake author Sandra Leesmith  celebrated the release of her new book Current of Love with Christmas gift copies to five winners on Thursday. Winners are: Marianne, Patricia W., Whitney, Joanne Sher, and Viv. She also shared a wonderful article "Channeling the Raging River of Ambition" written by her friend and fellow author Ann Lee Miller. The winner of an ebook copy of Ann's new release Avra's God is Virginia Carmichael.

Friday:Tina Radcliffe shared a Best of the Archives post Liminal Space. Winner of a 10 page critique is Jeanne T and the winner of an e or print copy of Sandra Leesmith's release, Current of Love is Annie Rains.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Tyndale author Pam Hillman is your hostess on December 24th, Christmas Eve, with a thought-provoking post titled "Where is Jesus?" Read it and think. 

Tuesday: Seekerville Closed To Celebrate The Birth of Jesus!

Wednesday: Love Inspired author Tina Radcliffe is your hostess today. We'll be serving leftovers and chatting about the last 361 days. Stop by for a respite from your holiday business to plan for the next year.

Thursday:Montlake author Fran McNabb will be the guest of Cara Lynn James today. She'll blog about "Using Local Color to Enhance Fiction." Fran is also giving away a print or ebook version of Windswept, her latest sweet romance.

Friday: Every Friday during this busy Holiday Season Seekerville will be sharing a Best of the Archives post along with a giveaway. Don't miss this oldie but goodie!

Seeker Sightings

 Check out the Seeker Sightings at The Writer's Alley-12 Days of Christmas Weekend Edition.

SAVE THE DATE -It's time for our fifth annual round the clock New Year's Eve Party. We start at midnight on Monday and go through New Year's Eve on the west coast. Food, fun and giveaways for 27 straight hours. Don't miss it.

Wednesday, December 19th, Seekerville participated in Cheryl St. John's Great Christmas Tree Tour. Stop by and get a look at the Seekerville Tree.

 Win your choice of any of Julie Lessman's books including A Love Surrendered (paperbook or audio) and her Christmas e-book A Light in the Window: An Irish Christmas Love Story at a giveaway on her Pearl Girl Christmas Blog on Thursday December 20th,  entitled, "When God Wraps a Present ..." Follow the entire series, which began on Friday, December 14th and ends on Christmas Day, and have a chance to a pearl necklace, free books, a gift pack and CDs!! Info can be found at Julie's Journal Jots.

Friday December 21st through Sunday, December 23rd, win your choice of any of Julie's books including A Love Surrendered (paperbook or audio) and her Christmas e-book A Light in the Window: An Irish Christmas Love Story at a giveaway on Mary Vee's blog.

During Christmas week, watch for an interview with Myra Johnson and a review of her 2009 debut novel, One Imperfect Christmas, on the blog L.Leander's Reviews and Interviews. Get the inside scoop on Myra's writing space and favorite writing tool, plus a peek into Myra's growing-up years and childhood dreams.

On Friday, December 28th, Pam Hillman blogs with Morgan Tarpley on Pens on a World Map about her research trip down the Natchez Trace. And... Pam's excitement knows no bounds!!! Only 10 more days until Claiming Mariah releases and Pam's Blog Tour begins. We blow the door off the Prize Vault on January 1st!

IN Group: Iowa-Nebraska ACFW Christmas Party held at Lorna Seilstad's home. 

L-R Front: Stephanie Ludwig, Dawn Ford, Shari Barr, Back: Lorna Seilstad, Mary Connealy, LoRee Peery, Rose Ross Zediker,Kathy Anderson, Cheryl St. John, Cathy Richmond

Random News & Information 

Harlequin Manuscript Submission-It's Easy! (eharlequin)

Macmillan Children's is adding a "crowdsourced teen romance imprint that will work with both writers and readers to discover (and then publish) the best, most SW♥♥N-worthy, teen romance novels." Called Swoon Reads, it will be part of  Feiwel and Friends. They will open for business next spring, and the website says manuscripts "chosen by the community and the SW♥♥N Reads publishing team" will get a $10,000 advance and a standard world rights contract.( PW)

Esi Sogah will join Kensington as senior editor on January 2.  She was most recently associate editor at Avon. (PW)

Successful Query Letters for Literary Agents (GalleyCat)

 Stephen King Gives Screenwriting Advice (GalleyCat)

Exclusive: Our 2012 SYTYCW Contest Winner—and THE CALL from Harlequin! (Harlequin Blog)

Merry Christmas from Seekerville. 


  1. Congratulations to all winners! Enjoy your booty.

    I baked pies this afternoon. We're having Christmas dinner tomorrow and our gift exchange Sunday after dinner at the local buffet.

    The coffee pot's set.


  2. Ooooh, I won an e-book!

    That means I might have to actually read a fiction book not on paper. *shiver*

    But I'm willing to try!

  3. We made it. I hope those people who actually took that Mayan calendar seriously now hear about Jesus and eternity. And - the sun begins to hang out longer in the Northern Hemisphere. Woo hoo! "Things are looking brighter!" (note to self)

    Congratulations to the winners of last weeks' giveaways.

    Helen, enjoy your Christmas -you're not the only one who is doing multiple days of Christmas. It's nice, isn't it?

  4. Multiple days of Christmas here, too, and that's so much better for our family than trying to crowd everything into one day of tired kids....

    And we've learned to share our families with other families!!!

    And we love having Dave's family come and play with us on Christmas Eve.

    And it's snowing, our first measurable snow. And the wind knocked the rein-da-deer down so I'll be unscrambling legs and umm... legs and antlers once the sun comes up.

    Congrats winners! And a prayerful thank you to the Lord God Almighty for another Christmas and may he bless those struggling right now with the peace only he can bring.

  5. Oh, my Christian Alphabet book came yesterday!!!

    Link to Tracy's Page

    Oh my stars, it's wonderful! Simply marvelous!

    I'm thinking each family could get a name plaque done with the symbols for next Christmas....

    Planning ahead!!!

  6. Congratulations winners! I won Sandra Leesmith's book. Yay!

    Another stormy day here in NC. Great weather for writing and wrapping Christmas presents.

    Ruthy, love the idea of name plaques with the Christian alphabet symbols. Hmmm.

  7. Yay! I won Season of Joy. :) Thank you so much.

    Next week's posts sound interesting--especially Thursday's topic. I can't wait!

  8. So excited to win The Christian Alphabet. I can't wait to share with the children at church.

    Thanks Seekers and


  9. Great WE. Lovely start to my snowed in day! My landlord hasn't come yet to snowblow me out so it looks like it's Christmas baking and cleaning for me but I'm getting a little nervous because I haven't done my Christmas shopping yet! Today was supposed to be the day since it's my first Saturday off since August. Ack!

    Merry Christmas!

  10. Congrats to the winners, quite a few too.
    the line-up for next week looks like some great people and topics so rest up over the weekend girls and get ready to do it again soon.
    Merry Merry CHRISTmas to all....

    Paula O

  11. Congrats to the winners!!!

    Merry Christmas, everyone :)

  12. What kind of pie, Helen?? Yum, yum, yum.

  13. Snowed in, Kav. Let's make sugar cookies together.

  14. Congrats to last week's winners. It's cold, cloudy and windy here in Phila., but no snow yet. It'd be lovely to have some as long as my sons can get here. There's snow in the forecast NW of us. I hope everyone has a safe and blessed Christmas. Wishing you much happiness in your new home, Tina. Glad to know you arrived safe and are settling in.

  15. Tina,

    I made pumpking pies. I know that sounds more like Thanksgiving, but it's one of the few desserts my youngest son likes, and he couldn't come for TG. Daughter's bringing a cheesecake.

    Kids will leave Monday morning, daughter & her husband to spend Christmas Eve with his parents, son to work Christmas Day.

  16. Congratulations to the winners, and Tina, thank you so much for the critique! I'll get with you on that. :)

    What a great looking week coming up. I hope I'll get to read some, as we have a busy number of days coming. And we may actually have a white Christmas this year! We haven't had one of those in awhile.

    Merry Christmas everyone--for those celebrating now and on the actual day. You all are a gift to me.

  17. Might be a short week next week but it's packed with good stuff!

    Congratulations to all of this weeks winners.

    Christmas festives started for me on Monday with the ACFW gals in the picture and will continue through Tuesday. Getting together with friends and family!

    I wish you the Merriest of Christmas'.

  18. Helen, pumpkin is my favorite, followed by coconut cream and then key lime. So please save me a piece.

  19. Virginia, welcome to the new world. lol

  20. Congrats to all the winners, and THANKS Tina for another awesome WE! MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my wonderful Seekerville friends!
    Hugs, Patti Jo (Luke 2:11)

  21. Helen, we're having a pizza party at church tonight so that we don't have to cook!

    Except we get to concentrate on just making desserts, which is fun for a change.

    I'm making Terribly Terrific Toffee. It looks easy, and sounds really good. Hope I make it to the church with at least a little bit of toffee...

  22. p.s. Ooops! Meant to add that I've brought some goodies to share today (in case no one has gotten their fill of *sugar* during the holiday season yet, LOL). Enjoy my Georgia Pecan Praline coffee cake, and my Georgia Peach Shortcake with whipped cream. ~ Blessings, PJ

  23. LOVIN the WE as usual (maybe a bit more since I WON something ;))
    You guys are WONDERFUL.
    Merry Christmas, Seekers!

  24. We're counting down to Christmas! YAY!

    Congrats to all the winners! And Tina has wi-fi, which is always good for Seekerville.

    Loved seeing the ACFW NE pic! So many familiar faces. Lucky Mary C. to have such a special group of writers in her "home" chapter.

    Is everyone wrapping presents? I did quite a few last night and have more to go.

    Daughter and grandbaby, with whom we were planning to spend Christmas, have the flu. Her hubby and 8 yr old daughter are also sick. Prayers appreciated for everyone's speedy recovery. Hopefully, we'll gather on New Year's for a family celebration when the fam is healthy!

  25. Ah, Jeanne, so sweet! Hugs and Merry Christmas to you!

  26. Ruthy, so glad The Christian Alphabet arrived in time for Christmas. Go Amazon!

    Bridgett! YAY, you! Congrats on winning!!! I know you'll love Tracy's book and her art!

    I got an actual email from Amazon saying (paraphrasing) "you live On a road that's a death trap, you are OUT OF LUCK LOSER!!!"

  28. Congrats to the winners!

    Wishing one and all a Merry Christmas!

    House is half cleaned. Rest tomorrow and mother-in-law arrives tomorrow too.

    Already exhausted. Praying for energy!


  29. Mary, it's beautiful! What a great book.

    And mine disappeared.

    Already. You know how things are with kids, right? So I opened it, ooed and ahhhed and showed it to Jon who DID NOT show the proper amazed enthusiasm and I set it up high.

    I thought.

    Then yesterday when I was looking for it, Jon said, "Oh, I saw one of the kids looking at it...."

    ONE OF THE KIDS... which means it could be anywhere in this cavernous old house. So it might not make it under the tree today, but it will find its way home eventually.


    Helen, I'm doing pumpkin for Christmas Day. Today was strawberry rhubarb and banana cream.


    I harvested enough rhubarb for 1/2 a pie today. In howling snow in upstate NY, it's been mild and I saw the rhubarb was growing... so odd, but the temps were right and it's in a sheltered nook... so when I discovered that I only had a bag-and-a-half of frozen rhubarb left in the big freezer, I went out in the dark and harvested about 12 good (although somewhat short) stalks...


    Now that's an unusual circumstance!

  30. CatMom I have NOT gotten my fill of sugar, as I am dieting.

    Thank you, yours are cookies I can eat without guilt!

  31. Today I spend cleaning.
    I actually cleaned the house yesterday and then, when I woke up this morning and looked it it, turns out I MISSED A SPOT. So heaven knows how low my standards can you, but I'll try again today.

  32. Hi Seekerville!
    I am sorry I missed the fun yesterday. I heard that Bridgett won The Christian Alphabet drawing! Enjoy!
    Ruth, and all that recieved the book from Amazon, Thank you so much for the support and kind words. I pray The Christian Alphabet is something you can share with those you love this Christmas.
    Love from above, †racy Sands (Guest -first-time blogger on Wednesday!)

  33. C.E.!!!!!!!

    I just saw you won my book!!

    I'm so excited for you!!!! Can you tell? :D

    Make sure you shoot Seekerville your address so I can send that off to you right away.

    I would put my e-mail on here but I'm afraid the spam-bots would get it and my computer would explode.

    P.S. Or I'm on facebook. You can find me there on my author page. Or personal page. :)

  34. Susan, praying for you to have lots of energy so you can enjoy your company and your Christmas!

    Waving to Tracy!!!

    Ruthy! Battling the elements for rhubarb! That is book-worthy! :)

    Love the star pics, Tina! Thanks!!!

    Merry Day Before Christmas Eve to all!!!



  36. Congrats to the winners.
    Ruthy...I understand. Put together a piece of furniture yesterday and now the cordless screwdriver is missing. Each child saw someone ELSE with it! Hmmm.....
    May the Lord bless you all this Christmas. I know I say this every year, but I am SO blessed God introduced me to the lovely Seekers. You all have been, and continue to be, an amazing blessing and encouragement to me (and many other aspiring authors).

    Merry MERRY Christmas!
