Saturday, January 5, 2013

Weekend Edition

Welcome to the very first Weekend Edition of 2013.

We Have Winners

 Please see our rules for giveaways in Seekerville. Be sure to contact us with your snail mail address if you are a winner at

Many thanks to all the writers, published and unpublished who made our New Year's Eve party such a success (with over 2800 comments!) If you stopped by check here to see if you are on the giveaway list.

Wednesday was the January Contest Update. Winner of a contest critique (max 15 pages) is Cindy Regnier. Winner of a Seeker Winter Reading package is Crystal.

Thursday we were joined by Love Inspired author, Audra Harders who just recently grasped the meaning of "bigger and better is not always as it seems." Audra shared some of her New Year's revolutions on the subject in her post Do We Need Bigger and Better? The winner of a $15 gift certificate to Amazon or B&N or is Hallee Bridgeman.

Friday we shared a Best of the Archives post : Pimp Your Contest Entry. Winner of a ten page critique is Pat Jeanne. Winner of a Seeker surprise package is Misty.

  Next Week In Seekerville

The January calendar is up. Check out our webpage to keep updated on who's blogging this month.

Monday: Join Mary Connealy today for..."SPEEDBO-Firing a Warning Shot Across the Bow." Mary is firing a warning shot to tell you that Seekerville will again be hosting SPEEDBO in the month of March.

Tuesday: Join Seeker and award-winning author Myra Johnson on Tuesday for a lively discussion about . . . some writerly topic of interest. She's still catching up with "real life" after the holidays, but she promises that if you play along with her "blog du jour," she'll give away not one but TWO copies of her January release, A Horseman's Hope, book 3 in her Horsemen of Cross Roads Farm series from Heartsong Presents.

Wednesday:  Wouldn’t it be great if writers were only expected to write? These days, the business and marketing expectations can make any writer, published or unpublished, feel overwhelmed.  Thomas Nelson author Tracy Higley shares insights into a strategy that can bring both simplicity and peace as you consider all the tasks on your marketing to-do list.

Thursday: Today Cub Reporter Ruth Logan Herne sets the record straight on "Reader  Expectations: What Turns Them Off, What Brings Them Back For More!" On advice from a Seekervillager, Ruthy asked readers what they like... and what they don't like. Stop by Thursday to see what your audience and your friends have to say on the down low... And if you'd like to be in on the fun, e-mail Ruthy with your thoughts on the subject before Wednesday! Names won't be used without permission. Send your comments to And despite the fact that she can't imagine why anyone would jump at this and sees "run screaming" as a more likely scenario, Ruthy is offering a twenty-minute (give or take!) phone call to one commenter...  Just let her know and she'll put your name in the cat dish!

Friday:We're delighted to have New York Times best-selling author Margaret Brownley will be talking about "Resolutions for Writers" and she will give away a copy of her newest release from Thomas Nelson,  Waiting for Morning (Book #2 in the Brides of Last Chance Ranch series).

Seeker Sightings

 This week was the launch for Pam Hillman's Tyndale release, Claiming Mariah. Pam's celebrating with a virtual release PARTY! on facebook. Come as you are! We're serving cake today!

 Check out Pam's Official Blog Tour Here!

 Myra Johnson announces her January release, A Horseman's Hope, book 3 in the Horsemen of Cross Roads Farm series for Heartsong Presents.

Grace Lorimer (little sister of Kip Lorimer from A Horseman's Heart) is too busy for a relationship. And love is definitely out of the question while she works her way through college to earn her occupational therapist certification. Besides, her mother's string of failed relationships and broken promises prove romance is not worth risking her heart—even when she begins to care deeply for single dad Ryan O'Keefe. Four years after his girlfriend, Shana, became pregnant, Ryan still can't believe he's a father…and can't imagine being anything else. His daughter is the light of his life. Now if only Shana could embrace motherhood and the three become a real family….Then Ryan receives shocking news about Shana, and his world is torn apart as he faces losing his daughter. Suddenly old feelings for Grace resurface, but is a whirlwind marriage of convenience the answer? 

Now Available for Preorder!

A June  novella collection with Margaret Brownley, Robin Lee Hatcher, Debra Clopton and Mary Connealy 

1800s mail-order bride catalogs facilitated many happy marriages. Here are the stories of four couples who owe their wedded bliss to creative editing by The Hitching Post publisher.

“And Then Came Spring”—Margaret Brownley
Sheriff Tom Garrett wants vengeance on his brother's murderers, but he must think of his orphaned nephew. Then Mary-Jo shows up, swearing she married Tom’s brother by proxy and he’d neglected to mention a son.

“An Ever-After Summer”—Debra Clopton
Widower Matt McConnell wrote his ad with no room for misunderstanding—Bible believers need not apply. But Bible-thumping Ellie shows up on his doorstep. Matt’s so desperate for her help that he accepts.

“Autumn’s Angel”—Robin Lee Hatcher
Luvena Abbott is a singing sensation in New York. But as guardian to her brother’s children, she has few options to provide a home. Clay Birch won an abandoned theater in a poker game. The Hitching Post editor thinks they'll make a perfect match.

“Winter Wedding Bells”—Mary Connealy
David Laramie is looking for a woman to care for his children. In exchange he’ll make her financially comfortable for life. But no woman wants to marry a dying man. Then Megan responds to his ad. It seems his “edited” letter contained no mention of him dying.


Mary Connealy will be on Mary Vee's blog starting on Friday, January 4th and continuing all next week. Mary will be giving away a signed copy of Out of Control, book #1 of the Kincaid Brides series.

Check out the Thorndike Large Print edition of Missy Tippens' A House Full of Hope!

You can still get the 2012 November/December issue of Southern Writers Magazine, featuring our very own Julie Lessman, here.

Random News & Information

Speedbo 2013 is coming. Last year we were overwhelmed by the over 100 writers who participated in our month long writing challenge. This year we're ready for you and we're excited to do it again. March 1, 2013 through March 31, 2013. Details coming, but this is your heads up to clear the decks and prepare.

Don't forget to download your free copy of the Seekerville New Year's Eve Party Cookbook in pdf format. A few recipes have been added and updated, so this supersedes all other editions. Stop by Yankee Belle Cafe, Ruthy is cooking up Rose O'Shea's Killer Oatmeal Cookies (from Tina Radcliffe's The Rancher's Reunion).

Amazon Select: One Author's Choice (Five Scribes)

E-book restrictions leave 'buyers' with few rights (AZ Republic)

 My Publishing Predictions for 2013 (MacGregor Literary)

Your Novel Blueprint (WD)

Two Classics, from Literary Agent Noah Lukeman, Free on Kindle. How to Land (and Keep) a Literary Agent & How to Write a Great Query Letter.

Show Me the Money (Brenda Hiatt) We like to post this several times a year!

 THE ACFW CAROL is now open. Deadline March 15, 2013

The FHL IRCA is now open. Deadline March 1, 2013 

California Hooker contest open to published, unpublished, self published authors. Opens January 5th, deadline February 15. FIRST 3 Pages.  All electronic.

The RWA Web Page Has Been Revamped!

Why Writers Should Use the My Healthy Habits App (GalleyCat)

How to Submit Your Novel in the New Year(GalleyCat)

You Are More Than Your Novel (Southern Writers Magazine Blog)

It's Almost Here. Downton Abbey Season 3. Coming Home (PBS)

 That's it. We leave you with one of our favorite quotes that zinged by at the New Year's Eve Party...


  1. Great WE as always!!!

    I'm counting the days till Speedbo and have my Jan/Feb to do list organized so I can hit the ground running with it :D.

    Congrats to all the winners - I think I'm still recovering from that party ;).

  2. Speedbo? I'm challenging Ruthy again.

  3. WoooHoooo.

    I'm SO psyched that we're doing Speedbo again. March is so much saner a month to do this than November.

    Great WE, Tina. And wow, what a fascinating lineup ahead next week. Too bad I have to work and can't just hang out here all day. ;)

    Congrats to all the winners.

  4. Local Seeker Sighting.
    Myra Johnson's book hit my local Walmart shelves late Friday afternoon. So cool to have the Heartsong books in Walmart now. So much easier to grab them. :-)

    Oh. And my book was there, too. I may or may not have discreetly snapped a pic. Or two. Or ten. :-)

    Prayer Request:
    My family has had a rough start to the new year. Mom's got an infected tooth/mouth but the dentist can't pinpoint exactly where and what the problem is. He's trying to get her into a specialist ($$$$$)and she's in severe pain and has been since Monday; and then the bottom of the main bathroom's bathtub broke today and will have to be replaced. (More $$$$$) So, I would humbly ask that you lift me and my family up to the Lord. It would be greatly appreciated! Thank You!

  5. I can’t be snarky like Ruthie, Mary Virginia, or Melissa. And I can’t be brilliantly informative like the rest of you.

    But I just wrote the sweetest words.

    T H E E N D

    I have a lot of editing to do, but the first draft of my new manuscript is COMPLETE!

    Which is why this post hit me like a bolt out of the blue. I've been so focused on finishing this one that I had not thought about SpeedBo.

    Gotta get those edits done, and then think about the next one.

    Cofee will be served bright and early.


  6. Praying, Clari!!!!

  7. CONGRATULATIONS, HELEN, my friend of few words.

  8. Oh my comment has been immortalized. how cool is that.
    I have taken the splint of to actually type for a bit today. figure will test how its feels after a few mins. (besides it was getting hot)

    I really did enjoy the party.

  9. Praying, Clari. My mother went through a time of that where the doctor said it was a tooth thing and the dentist said it was a sinus thing and no body could help her.

    HELEN!!!!!! Congratulations. Well done.

  10. Yay Helen! Not a thing I can say snarky about The END!

    Come see Pam Hillman on my blog in oh...15 minutes. :) And you can come and just look at the pretty cover, it's that kind of cover, you can't tire of seeing it.

    Speedbo, I'll be joining you!

    Will pray, Clari.

  11. Awww, Clari, prayers!

    Whoot, whoot, Helen! You are the third person in less than twenty four hours I've congratulated for writing those words!! Congratulations.

    I just may join you all for Speedbo. Need to study a little more on plot, though.

  12. JENNY!!!

    You made the quotations list!

    And it's the kicker!

    Love it. :)

    Totally made me smile.

  13. HELEN!!!!


    And *ahem* I am NOT snarky.

    I'm being completely serious. You all prefer to put that positive spin of humor over everything. But I'm as serious as a mom without any coffee.

  14. Prayers, Clari.

    Congrats, Jenny, for getting your words highlighted!

    I'm taking the weekend off. I'm toast. I always get to pushing when I get near the end of a project and end up with tight muscles. Need to relax a bit before diving into revisions.

  15. Praying Clari

    back to one handed.

    Helen im taking the next week off today we had a reprieve from severe heat but a week coming up of it. i also have 2 days in the city.

  16. Congratulations Helen!
    I hope your THE END Is much nicer than my THE END (Which never seems to be the end but only the beginning of the next round of revisions...)



    And now there are more recipes!

    Clari, I hope they get that diagnosed and prescribed ASAP. how awful!

    Hey, Happy new year everyone!

  17. Prayers, Clari.

    Yay, Helen. That's a great feeling.

    Another great feeling is having a birthday. TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY. I have to shout it to Seekerville b/c everyone in my household is still sleeping. :)

  18. Praying Clari!

    Hooray for speedbo -- I'm game to give it a whirl again. And a great WE as always. :-)

  19. Thanks, Tina, for the Weekend Edition! Congrats winners!!

    Jenny, your quote made me smile.

    Wonderful to hear Myra's book is sharing Walmart shelves with yours, Clari! Praying for your poor mom and a way to handle the expense of that tub.

    Congrats, Helen, on typing The End!

    Hugs, Janet

  20. CLARI ... praying RIGHT NOW, darlin', for your sweet mom. Good thing one of God's names is Jehovah Jireh ... the God who provides, eh???

    HELEN!!! SUPER CONGRATS, GIRL!!! You beat me by a paragraph. :) Actually finished book 2 in the "Heart of San Fran" last night, but hated the last paragraph, so I prayed before I went to bed, asking God like I always do to give me a fun zinger ending, and HE DID!! Middle of the night, bathroom break, I'm scrambling for a piece of paper and pen in the dark. He is SOOO good!!!

    ANNIE!!!!!!! Happy Birthday, darlin' ... you don't look a day over 16 and that ticks me off, but I love you anyway ... ;)

    LOL!!!! Love, LOVE, LOVE Jenny Blake's quote -- "I speak fluent typo"!!! I predict that quote will go viral ... :)

    FAB WE, TEENSTER ... SOOOO much good info and soooo many good links!!

    RWA's new look??? I actually preferred the red ... it reminds me of passion and Val-day, so the green leaves me a little cold. But then I suppose it could mean "green with envy" when the Inspy market blows them out the water ... ;)



  21. CLARI - So excited that you spotted your book on the shelves. Isn't that the greatest!!!! I bet if you sent a photo or two to our seekerville address Tina would post them on a Weekend Edition.

    We love sharing Seeker friends news. I guess you have noticed. LOL

    And prayers are already out their for your mom.

  22. HELEN- congrats. Aren't those words just the most?

    JENNY love the quote. Just makes me smile every time I read it.

    DEBRA the shortbread is better with the correct amount. chuckle. ANd yes folks, if you haven't tried it, it is yummy.

  23. Congratulations to the winners!

    Looks like a great week ahead. I've got to mention--I LOVE the cover to A Bride For All Seasons! :)

  24. MELISSA Love your blog. Very interesting. What a nice article with Pam. Interesting questions too. smile

  25. Bring it, Walt!

    What's the challenge? What's at stake? And more importantly WHAT DO I WIN, WALT-BABY??????


    Clari, praying! Saints be praised, dear girl, it never rains but it pours and teeth....


    Yowza, that's a rough double whammy. Hugging you both and blanketing you with prayer.

    While I plan how to thrash my buddy Walt in March.


  26. Helen, I think you're just as snarky as I am, but you married a preacher and therefore must behave...

    My grocer has no such restrictions, LOL!!! :)

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Isn't this ahead of schedule? Weren't you thinking it would take most of this winter????

    And winter's barely begun!

    (Wait, I don't mean that, clearly it's nearly OVER.... Sorry!)

    I'm so proud of you that I can't even be the littlest bit snarky!!!

    I love that Jenny Blake is immortalized.... and so stinkin' cute.

    Now if we could prod her temps down to the low 80's, everybody would be more comfy cozy down under!!!

  27. I love that Clari's book and Myra's are out together and can't wait to get to Walmart this weekend and shop!!!


  28. Thank you, ladies, for your prayers!

    JULIE - God does provide and has proved himself over and over to my family, but in the middle of the pain and worry, it's easier to focus on the storm. Thank you for the gentle reminder - Jehovah-jireh!

    I'm praying for all of you prepping for Speed-bo. Don't think I'll be doing it. I'm just now starting back into the rough draft of my NaNoWriMo MS and will most likely still be busy with that. :-)

  29. It's the weekend already??? The holiday season always messes up my timeline.

    Helen - CONGRATULATIONS! And yes, take the weekend off!

    Clari - praying!

    Jenny - LOVE this quote :)

    Ruthy - Snarkiness knows no profession. Helen just needs to be aware of who might be listening when she wants to be snarky.

    Speedbo - I was telling my dear husband this morning that my whole year may turn out to be Speedbo. Does it count if I start early?

    Myra and Clari - no books at Walmart on Friday, but I'll check again next week.

    Tina - Please, please, please don't tell me you're finished unpacking yet. I have a whole pile of boxes I haven't touched yet, and we moved in April 2011.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  30. Super WE -
    Excited about SpeedBo - though current WIP is DUE in April. Mine will be a pre-March SpeedBo! :)
    And wawzah, those covers - gorgeous!!!
    Thanks for sharing all the links. Already have opened in new tabs, waiting for me to read!
    Happy Saturday all.
    (And I just realized I need to change the photo back from only May, if she'll let me!)

  31. And congrats to all who are writing THE END!

  32. Thanks again for WE, Tina. Excited about winning the critique. Congratulations to all of last week's winners.

    Well done to Helen on first draft of another story. Treat yourself.

    Happy Birthday to Annie.

    Praying for your family, Clari.

    Thinking of Jenny there in the severe heat.

    Wonderful weekend to all.

  33. Happy Birthday to you!!
    Happy Birthday to you.

    You look like a contest diva.
    And write like one too.

  34. I am done unpacking. Sorry. It was making me insane.

  35. March is the perfect month for Speedbo. I need an incentive to get through March, although it's no where near as bleak and gloomy as it was in Vermont.

    Tina, the articles are wonderful, as usual. Thanks!

  36. By the way, today is shop Hobby Lobby day if you're interested. DH is there now! :)

  37. Tina, I always did it like that. I would work until I was sick to get everything unpacked and in place.

    I have to have ORDER before I can do my own thing.

  38. Sandra, thanks for the blog love.

    Actually, I just changed the coloring in light of Vince's wise advice. So if you show up here, Vince, come look and tell me if it's better!

  39. Happy Birthday, Annie!!!! Hope you're having a fabulous day!


  40. I have this weird thing that happens when I unpack the last box.

    Within a couple months we're moving again.

    The last four out of eight times, at least. That means four times I've finished unpacking, and four times we just pack it all up again.

    I know my unpacking has nothing to do with moving...but still...this time I'm leaving that one stack of boxes out in the garage until I don't remember what's in them anymore.

    I think our Thanksgiving tablecloth is in one of those boxes.

  41. Well, Jan I can see your point. That would scare me too. Egads. 8 times. Shoot me now.

  42. Whew, still recovering from the big party! And just when I was thinking I could sleep, I see the WE and the notice of SPEEDBO! How can we possibly have more fun than that? Feelin' energized.

    Thanks for another great WE and week. Congrats to the winners, and have a blessed weekend all!

  43. PS, Tina, Congrats on getting to 'The End' with that unpacking task!

    Jan - I have the same issue that you have. Every time I unpack, we move. It's not pretty. I've shed possessions down to minimal. For me, that's the Godsend of moving...

  44. Maybe I should've said a numerous-words month.

    I don't use a lot of big words...


  45. I was having a pleasant morning--until the explosion.

    I was curled up here in my recliner, near the hearth, when one of the glass doors of the fireplace blew up!!!

    Glass everywhere.

    Took an hour to clean it up.


  46. Ugh!

    Blogger ate my first comment. Again.

    Just to let ya'll know, there is another contest. The good thing w/this one is you can enter several categories w/only ONE ENTRY FEE. Did ya'll get that? $25 fee pays for up to 12 different categories. (only one entry per category though.)

    Connie Queen

  47. Oh no, Helen.

    No one was hurt?


  48. Congrats on THE END, HELEN!! Way to go!

    Woooh hooo! SpeedBo is just around the corner. It's time tos tart whipping up those freezer meals, ladies and gentlemen!!!

    And JULIE, honey...HOW did you get to be considered a Southern Writer, hmmm? Is Missy tutoring you in Georgia-speak?

    Praying, CLARI! That's definitely a rough start to a new year. I'll be looking for your book!

  49. No injuries. Just a mess to clean up--and a fireplace to get fixed.

  50. happy birthday Annie

    not good about the fireplace helen

    Thanks Pat Jeanne yesterday was a little cooler. today hot again but a cool start. didn't sleep well tried without the splint and while more comfortable the wrist started hurting so i know its still got awhile to go.

  51. Hi Tina:

    The rule page for Speedbo no longer exits. At least, that is what the link from last year tells me. Can you clear up one thing: Speedbo is not like NaNo in that it does not have to be novel and it does not need to be 50,000 words. Is that right? I think I did two 25,000 books last year. What kind of goals are allowed in Speedbo? That’s all I need. I need to know what goals are allowed before I can set them. Thanks,


  52. Hi Clari:

    I said some prayers for your mom. I had a similar problem but my dentist, (former dentist) tried to pull the tooth anyway and after a few hours gave up and my wife had to rush me to an oral surgeon. It took over six hours total. Believe me, you don’t want a dentist doing anything when they are not sure what needs to be done. I never want to do that again. I’ll say a few more prayers tonight before bed.


  53. Hi Helen:

    Did the glass just explode because it got too hot? That happened to my Volkswagen driver’s door window one summer when the temperature was over 110 degree outside. Who knows what it was inside the car. The glass pieces were all very small. What a mess. I hope you are okay and that you don’t step on any glass that you missed.

    Congrats for ‘The End’. Now that I know when you were born, I’m going to be your biggest fan. : )


  54. Hi Melissa:

    I showed up and I liked your new look so much I joined your site. Now I will get updates when you add new material. I hope everyone here gets a chance to visit your site. Especially now that it is so pretty and easy to read. Do you ever feature Roman Empire romances? Did you know that romances were very popular during the Roman Empire? I have five of them but I don't try to read them in Latin. Maybe you should review a Roman romance that was being read back then.


  55. Hi Glynna:

    You asked: “And JULIE, honey...HOW did you get to be considered a Southern Writer, hmmm? Is Missy tutoring you in Georgia-speak?”

    Did you know that Missouri takes great pride for starting the Civil War? You don’t get more southern than that. : )

    BTW: to some it's "The War Between The States" or "the northern war of aggression.”

    Bye, Y'all.


  56. Vince. Rules, rules, rules.

    Speedbo is no rules. Just write.

    Let me go find them for the analytic mind or you might stay up all night worrying about it.

  57. Vince,

    I don't know what made the glass explode. The fire was going nicely, but not raging hot.

    Like you described, it was all very small pieces.

    I put my shoes on to run an errand and had to take one of them back off to remove three "pebbles" of glass.

    Now I need to know your birthday, so I'll know which of us is older. :)

  58. Thanks for the contest info, Connie.

  59. Thanks for the contest info, Connie.

  60. Glad you're okay, Helen. But now you have to replace the glass.

  61. That's right, Tina. Right now there's a big trash bag draped over it to block the wind from the chimney.

    Had someone come look at it. Can't get a glass for it locally. Not sure where we'll have to go.

  62. Hi Helen:

    I’ll tell you my birthday and I’ll leave it up to you if you want to announce if you’re younger or older than me.

    It’s June 14th. Flag Day.

    Also born on June 14th, Burl Ives, Donald Trump, Harriet Beedher Stowe, Alois Alzheimer, Gene Barry.

  63. Hi Tina:

    You wrote:

    “Vince. Rules, rules, rules.

    Speedbo is no rules. Just write.

    Let me go find them for the analytic mind or you might stay up all night worrying about it.”

    What is going to keep me up all night is wondering how you are going to find the rules when there are no rules.

  64. Ah ha, Vince, since I'm YOUNGER than you I cna tell it. :)

  65. Clari-

    We've had some teeth issues in this house with my second child. She had an absessed tooth that was missed by the dentist and by the time it was figured out, it was oral surgery time, taking two other teeth with it.

    I remember a LOT of fear and uncertainty. But that was 6 years ago and I realize how very blessed we were to be able to have it fixed by someone professionally.

    By husband tells the story of when he had a sore tooth when he was about 15. It was $5 to fix and $1 to pull (aprroximately).
    His family BORROWED the equivalent of $1 from a wealthy man in town and got it pulled.

    I told that story to myself a lot as we paid off a three thousand dollar dentist bill!

  66. I have a son who was born July 13th..... 2003. It was 113 that day and I was glad to be in the hospital where it was cool!

    Age is so relative. Unless you're fresh out of the womb and then you win. You're perfect even if all you do is eat and you know what and you know what.

  67. You're right, Vince. I couldn't find the rules. There are no rules. Last year you worked on your Rewards Book. I did find that comment.

  68. That Jenny! What a quote! Love it! lol

    BTW, I've been trying to get over here ALL day, but Melissa's blog was hopping so along with facebook.

    Lots of friends: what a su-weet problem to have. :)

  69. Helen, congratulations on typing

    THE END!

    No sweeter words in the world of a writer.

  70. What is going to keep me up all night is wondering how you are going to find the rules when there are no rules.


  71. It's not easy being famous, Pam.

  72. Happy birthday, Annie!!!!

    And Tina's done unpacking.

    Oh my stars.

    I think I still have a box (or 7) in the attic, that are there from when we bought this farm 23 years ago.

    hanging head in shame, walking away, sloooooowly, dejected...

  73. Helen, ours did that years ago... It was nearly $300 to replace the heat tempered glass, so be prepared for sticker shock. And there was only one glass shop in Rochester area that did it, so we had few options. We heat with our wood stove, so it got chilly.... It took them 5 or 6 days to get the glass and cut it to fit our door.

    But it's never happened again, so that's good!

    Scary, though, right?????

    Yikes, kid!

  74. Vince, I love your quest for rules!

    Because it's easier to BREAK THEM when we know what they are, right?

    And isn't Melissa's site amazing????

    Melissa!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!

    Hey, I'm working on a new book this morning....

    Mary would be SO PROUD.

    It opens with gunfire.

    I learn from the master! :)

  75. GLYNNA SAID: "And JULIE, honey...HOW did you get to be considered a Southern Writer, hmmm? Is Missy tutoring you in Georgia-speak?"

    LOL ... the only thing "Southern" about me is the Southern Pecan coffee I have in my pantry, but apparently they feature authors from all neck of the woods with a strong emphasis on those of Southern descent or writing. Trust me, I was just as surprised as y'all!! :)

    VINCE RESPONDED: "Did you know that Missouri takes great pride for starting the Civil War?"

    No, I did not know that, but then I have long since discovered that when it comes to comparing myself to Vince Mooney, I don't know a whole lot ... ;)


  76. Oooh - maybe I will be ready to get some SERIOUS writing done by the time SpeedBo comes around. That's my GOAL now! (LOL thanks for the goal. I NEED goals. Desperately. Cuz I'm me) I'm in the midst of snowflaking my novel - and i LLOOVVVEEEE it!! Gonna aim to be DONE with that part by March 1.

    And, great WE as always, Tina. This week looks FANTASTIC! Thanks, ladies!

  77. Hope y'all are having a good Sunday. :-)

  78. Clari- praying sincerely! Rom 8:28 for you and yours, friend. This year and always.

  79. "You are more than your novel" -- words that go onto a sticky note for sure.

    Thanks for the links. They are always read-worthy, and this time I found a new (to me) blog.

    Winners, new releases and Speedbo -- oh my! Definitely gearing up for Speedbo. I accomplished so much last time. Not as much as planned but more than I had before Speedbo :-)

    Hoping to read all the WE comments later this evening and catch up on news.

    Nancy C
