Saturday, February 2, 2013

Weekend Edition

Wow, February already. The first Weekend Edition of the month. It seems like we just finished picking the confetti from our New Year's Eve Bash out of the cushions. So 32 days have passed. 

  • Do you still remember your My One Word?
  • Are you still on target?
  • Still looking to the prize?
  • Are you planning for Speedbo?

We Have Winners

 Please see our rules for giveaways in Seekerville. Be sure to contact us with your snail mail address if you are a winner at

Tuesday we welcomed back Harlequin author, Lynne Marshall, who shared "Revisions and the Author." The winner of a print or e-book (the winner's choice) of either One for the Road (Single Title) or Courting His Favorite Nurse (Spec. Edition) or Dr. Tall, Dark...and Dangerous? (Medical Romance) is Cathy Shouse.

Barbour author Valerie Comer got down and dirty about newsletters Wednesday with "Where There's News, There's A Letter." We learned why they are an important part of an author's platform and just what newsletter providers some of your favorite CBA authors utilize.  The two lucky winners of an unsigned copy of Rainbow's End, a collection of 4 novellas featuring a geocaching adventure in the spectacular Lake of the Ozarks wilderness are Kara and Library Lady.

Today, Sandra Leesmith will discussed our role as writers in bringing forth the light of God in her post "Let Your Light Shine." Sandra has a unique giveaway today:  a BOC or a $100 donation to the charity of your choice. The winner is Rose Ross Zediker.

Friday was the February Contest Update.  And you got to meet the February Contest Diva, Debra Marvin. Things got a little carried away on Friday, thanks to some of our generous friends. The following winner list:

Valentine Package: Amy Campbell and Sherida
Print copy of Tina Radcliffe's Mending the Doctor's Heart: Terri
Any contest entry critique by Debra Marvin:Piper
Genesis contest entry critique by Gina Welborn:Mary Vee
Genesis contest entry critique by Christina Rich: Susan Mason

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday:"Ready For My Chance"---A story of the kind of flexibility that would make a circus contortionist green with envy by Mary Connealy. And the first ever in the known universe giveaway of Swept Away by Mary Connealy. Coming soon from Bethany House Publishing.

Tuesday:Nancy Mehl will be our guest, talking about "Settings, Backstory and Description." She will give away a copy of Unbreakable, from Bethany House Publishing.

Wednesday: We are delighted to welcome the writing team known collectively as Sparkle Abbey to Seekerville. Their post is aptly called "Two For the Price of One-Writing Together." Stop by and meet the authors of the Pampered Pet Mysteries and you might win a trio of their books published by Belle Bridge Books.

Thursday: Please welcome Gwen Hernandez, author of Scrivener for Dummies, as she talks about "Scrivener: Everything but the Muse." Join the fun and learn the ins and outs of this popular novel-writing program. Don't miss out on the giveaway!

Friday:What do small-business owners and authors have in common, and what can they do to spread the word about their services or stories? Freelance editor Amber Stokes offers "5 Tips for Spreading the Word and Surviving in the Online World," along with a $10 gift card.

Seeker Sightings

Pam Hillman’s Blog Tour Blowout celebrating the release of Claiming Mariah continues with stops this week with Jean Kinsey, Becky Jacoby, Diana Brandmeyer, Jo Huddleston, and Liz Tolsma! And that’s not ALL. The Prize Vault is OPEN! #Digital1st

 Debby Giusti sends a special thank you to all those who participated in her book signing last Thursday. The event was a huge success because of the generosity of so many wonderful friends, both local and cyber! Debby will blog about the event this Tuesday on

On Saturday, February 9, Debby Giusti will be the guest speaker at the Atlanta Sisters in Crime meeting. She'll talk about the ins and outs of pitching a story to an editor or agent and provide an opportunity for those who attend to practice--and perfect--their pitches.

February 8-22, 2013- Join Julie Lessman at Remain in His Love  blog for an interview and giveaway of choice of Julie's Books. Hope to see you there.

Check out Julie's interview on a very cool website for Christian Fiction called Soul Inspiratonz.

Ruth Logan Herne is chatting with Mary Vee this weekend about the road's she's taken, the paths that led her to where she is today. Stop by and leave a comment to get your name in the drawing for Ruthy's July 2012 book A Family to Cherish.

Check out this review for Swept Away by Mary Connealy in Library Journal and then go order your copy.

Life hasn’t been easy for Ruthy MacNeill. When the wagon train that her family joined tries to cross a wild river, she’s swept away and rescued by Luke Stone. Ruthy had prayed for a change, and Luke’s journey to reclaim his family’s ranch seems like a great adventure. Along the way, Luke’s friends take an interest in Ruthy, which doesn’t sit too well with Luke, who is also beginning to take a shine to her. 

VERDICT: Carol Award–winner Connealy (“The Kincaid Brides” series) has created a strong, independent heroine who meets her match in Luke, the strong, silent type. They clash at first before finding solace in each other, which makes for humorous moments that will please readers who enjoy romantic comedies with a Western flavor.

Random News & Information

5 Reasons You WANT Negative Reviews (Book Daily)

From The Moral Premise Guy: Great Stories. True Premises 

Year Ahead: Fiction 2013 by Dave Long (Christian Retailing)

How To Support An Author's New Book: 11 Ideas for You (Writer Unboxed)

Check out the Bookmarketing Channel on YouTube for highlights of Digital Book World (Penny Sansevieri)

The Newbery medal went to Katherine Applegate for THE ONE AND ONLY IVAN (HarperCollins Children's); the Caldecott went to Jon Klassen for THIS IS NOT MY HAT (Candlewick). (Publishers Lunch) Check out  this delightful preview of The One and Only Ivan in the Amazon Video.

HC Christian and Espresso Book Machine Agree (PW)

Lion Hudson launches Christian fiction imprint (The Bookseller)

Exploring the New Adult Genre (Harlequin Blog)

10 Types of Social Media Updates—How Many Are You Using? (Michael Hyat)

The Financial Reality of a Genre Novelist (GalleyCat)

Show Me the Money (Brenda Hiatt)

That's it. 

Have a great week, and remember to check out the February calendar in Seekerville the Town.


  1. Have a cup of coffee while you explore all these links.

    Great WE edition, as usual.

    Congratulations to all winners.



  2. She's baaaaaack!!!!!!!

  3. Still have some cough. But I don't think I'm contagious over the internet.

  4. I'm so, so excited to be on the line-up for next week!! Thank you, Julie and all of Seekerville, for being willing to host me! :) Love you guys!


  5. Helen!!!!!

    Congratulations to the winners!

    Love this week's line up, especially the Scrivener.

  6. Another great weekend post!
    Congrats to all the winners.

    YEs, I've been taking God at his "one-word" for me and (as usual) He's encouraged me in this call :-)

    Happy Weekend, Seekers!!!

  7. I'm so glad you are feeling better, Helen!

    have a super weekend, everyone! Uninterrupted writing time?
    wouldn't that be nice?

    I'm looking forward to reading Piper's contest entry.

    Thank you for organizing the contest day AGAIN, Tina. It's a super contest month!

  8. Thanks for these article links, Tina. Reading The Financial Reality of a Genre Novelist, then the comments, which were even more informative, and then reading Brenda Hiatt's Show Me the Money, I feel like I have a better picture overall of the publishing industry and its options. VERY Interesting. :-)

  9. Yay, Helen's feeling better!

    Great weekend edition, and I'm a winner! I'll get the information to Sandra later today.

    Can't wait for next week's post.

  10. Yippee! I'm a winner! Congrats to all of the other winners as well.

    Well Debra, I guess you can look forward to my entry coming to you through Seekerville.Please know that I appreciate any help you can give me from your experienced contesting perspective.

    Thanks for a great weekend edition Tina and have a good weekend, everybody!


  11. Congrats to all the winners and looks like a good line-up for next week. thanks for the post today ...
    see ya next week.

    Paula O

  12. Great WE Tina! CONGRATS to this week's winners, and looking forward to more great postings in Seekerville next week! ~ And since my ONE WORD for 2013 is Service (or To Serve)I baked some of my usual Georgia goodies to "serve" today in Seekerville--Please enjoy my Georgia Pecan Pie, Georgia Peach muffins, and Georgia Peanut Brittle (don't break a tooth, LOL). ~ Hugs, Patti Jo
    p.s. Helen, you were missed, and praying you're all better now! Could I PLEASE have a BIG cup of your coffee?! ;)

  13. Happy Feb to all!

    Where did January go?

    Great lineup for next week. Can't wait!

    Waving to Helen as I head to the coffee pot.

    HOPE! Remains my One Word for 2013.


  14. Thanks, Tina! Lots of great links with great articles.

  15. ♥♥♥♥♥

    “Waves to Amber!”

    I’ve watched Amber go through college over these past years on her “Seasons of Humility” website. Always the highest quality. It’s been a dance of visual poetry. I know everyone will love Amber here at Seekerville! Just a few days away!

    Cheers for Ruth!

    It has been announced that Ruth has been given the romance equivalent of pitching the last game of the World Series: Ruth will be the host blogger on Valentine♥s Day!

    “For to whomsoever much is given, of her shall be much required…”
    Luke 12:48

    It’s enough to gladden all our hearts!


  16. So many enthusiastic writers about to go under the RED PEN!!!!!!

  17. How exciting! I won a critique from Christina!

    Christina, it will be a while before I have my entry ready. Bear with me, okay?

    Life has been crazy here. Been to the neurologist with my son - not much help offered, just a new pain med to try.

    Taking him, migraine and all, to the naturopath today. Hoping she can help.

    Bad weather on Thursday and hubby got into an ice related fender bender. No one hurt but major pain in dealing with police, car insurance and auto body shops! Grrr.

    I hope February is better than January! Think I'll just concentrate on writing - fictional world is sometimes much better to deal with than the real world.


    P.S. What do I do with my critique entry when ready? Christina, my email is sbmason at sympatico dot ca. Let me know! Thanks so much!

  18. Tina, what a great WE! Thanks for all those great links! I found the one by Dave Long particularly interesting, and I'm definitely studying the Great Stories-True Premise one!

    One Word--yes, God has shown me many things, through blogs and life, about maintaining an accurate PERSPECTIVE. I'm getting some practice at it, too. :)

    Congratulations to all the winners--and there were a lot of you this week!

    HELEN, I'm so happy to see you back!
    SUSAN--I' so sorry your son is in such pain. Praying for answers and wisdom.

    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

  19. VINCE!!!!

    OH. HY. STARS.

    Well now the pressure's on. I think I'm going to have to take my very pragmatic post on Conferences, To Go or Not to Go and put is off a month....





    Okay, must think on this.

    Now ask if I knew it was The Big "V" Day.....

    Of course I did, silly!!! :)

    Hey, I'll make cupcakes with pink and rose frosting and sprinkles and red hearts. Not the hot ones.

    Mulling, Vince.....

    Dagnabbit. :)

  20. I AM getting ready for SpeedBo. And Scrivener is on my envy list (think hubby will get it for me for Valentine's Day?). Will DEFINITELY be here for that one.

    Great WE, Teenster :)

  21. Thank you, Missy! :)

    And Vince, waving right back at ya!! I'm honored by your words. I've been so grateful for all your thought-provoking comments and encouragement over these past few years, and I greatly admire your talent and knowledge. So to have you say such kind things means so much to me! :) Thank you!!

    I'm really looking forward to having the chance to share a blog post here. :) Hope it's helpful and encouraging!


  22. Vince, in Ruthy land, this is called, leaving her speechless.

  23. Tina:

    Being speechless is not a bad thing in a world where we are admonished to ‘show and not tell’.

    BTW: we had our monthly WIN ACFW’s meeting this afternoon and I touted Seekerville and all the reasons why one should enter contests. (Do you know we have published romance authors who don’t visit Seekerville very often? And what they know about Seekerville is so mixed up it would amaze you! I think I need some Seekerville bookmarks to leave on the book table. I'm also a member of the OKC ACFW chapter.)

    Anyway, I got up and read the info on the “Everything but the Kitchen Sink” contest. They asked me to talk about contests because I just received a Rose award for being a finalist in a writing contest. Then right after my award, Kathleen Y'Barbo (club president) also received a Rose award for signing a new two book contract. (I felt like just a fraud. I had one of those ‘What am I doing here?’ moments.)

    The guest speaker, Kristen Ethridge, a brand new Love Inspired author, who had her first book debut yesterday, came all the way from Houston to talk to our group. She was a delightful speaker: funny, inspiring, and very knowledgeable. Her book is, “Saving Gracie” and Kristen told us how it was rejected 39 times over the years. In frustration she entered it into one the big contests and soon got an email from an editor (which she was going to delete as spam but then relented when she decided that even spam from an editor would be a welcome change) and the editor, from Love Inspired, wanted to know if the book was still available! (You had to hear her say, "Yea", to get the full effect.)

    I think Kristin would make a wonderful guest blogger for Seekerville. I know this much for sure: she is a delightful guest speaker.


  24. Susan, yay!!! I'll email you shortly. Sorry to hear about your son. I understand migraines.

    Tina, what is your secret? Do you use spreadsheets to keep all in order? You amaze me.

    I remember my word-surge.

    I'm taking the month of Feb. off, going to be doing reading and getting ready for Speedbo and hopefully doing lots of critiques, I hope, helping get everyone ready for Genesis.

    Oh, and the FAB. Y'all have to enter the FAB just to blow them out of the water, especially since GH canceled the inspy cat.

  25. Glad you are feeling better, Helen!

    Congrats Winners!

  26. What a great week it was ...and it looks like another one ahead. I'm particularly looking forward to Gwen Hernandez.

    Congrats to the winners! And thanks not only for the WE, Tina, but yesterday's contest update.

    Nancy C

  27. Glad you are feeling better, Helen!

    Congrats Winners!

  28. Nancy C!! Great to see you !

  29. Christina? Spreadsheets for what?

  30. Vince!! You are not a fraud. I am mailing you bookmarks this week and I will email Kristen.

  31. Hi Ruth:

    I just emailed you my idea for a ‘home run’ Valentine Day blog. However, it may be more like an inside the park home run in that it would be a lot of work and they might even hold you up on third. I hope you still have the same email as the last time.


  32. Hi Tina:

    I’ll be looking for the bookmarks. I plan on being in OKC for the February 16th meeting. Linda is coming with me and Kathleen is going to talk there all about social media. I need this because I know very little about it. It will also be fun to see if there are any Seeker friends in that OKC group.

    You’ll love Kristen. She sounds just like a Seeker soulmate.


  33. Thanks, Tina ... I've surfaced from editing and judging. The contest update listed some tempting contests where the final judges are agents. I'm pondering ...

    Nancy C

  34. yeah! I won the Genesis crit. Awesome. Thank you.

  35. Well, I had the pleasure of reading Piper's story and we had a 'one of those God thing' moments. I have seen her work before in a contest and loved it. How sweet to be able to tell her and to work on this entry with her.

    Red Pen is a good thing. I've learned it the hard way.

    Piper's writing is like watching a Hallmark movie-she has a gift for characterization and a strong voice. I can't wait to see where she goes in the future!

    JOANNE - I bought Scrivener after NaNo when it was 50% off if you completed. That drove me to get my 50K words (yes, I'm that cheap) and I love it.


  36. Vince, I got your e-mail! I'm totally psyched and it's not a problem at all. I think it's a great idea, but SHHHHHH.......

    let's build the suspense, big guy....

    I'm glad Tina is contacting Kristen. It will be fun to have her on board.

    And Vince, you know writers are creatures of habit, not as bad as baseball players and their superstitions, but writers generally follow the same course, a-b-c-d-e-f-g each and every day. So you ship those peeps over here where no one is going to charge them 10,0000 dollars to help them get published.


    Did I say that out loud?????


  38. Tina, thanks for compiling this info.

    Mary Vee is sending me her Genesis entry for me to help her with it.

  39. Happy Birthday Today

    Melanie Dickerson

    February 3, 2013

  40. Hi Ruth:

    I can’t wait for Valentine’s Day! ♥♥♥♥♥

    It will be a day to remember. Even a night to remember. It will be a Titanic event in the best sense!

    About those other writers: they’re about to meet Johnny Seekerseed! I just need the seeds. : )


  41. :0 You are welcome Madame Prez. And thank you!

  42. Congratulations to all of last week's winners. Thank you, Tina, for the links.

  43. AAAWWWWWW!!!!!! Vince wished me a happy brithday! :-) Thank you, Vince. You are such a hero. Bless you!
