Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Weekend Edition


We Have Winners

 Please see our rules for giveaways in Seekerville. Be sure to contact us with your snail mail address if you are a winner at  Don't be shy. Remind us if we get behind per our rules.

Be sure to check here to see if you have been a winner during the last five weeks of Speedbo. Time to start claiming those prizes! All prizes must be claimed by  May 15th or they are forfeited.

"CONGRATULATIONS — IT'S A SERIES!!"  Monday we broke out the booties, balloons and cigars with Revell author Julie Lessman  as she announced the birth of her brand-new series set in 1902 San Francisco. Julie took us step-by-step in the gestation and birth process of a series with a few tips thrown in for good measure.  Winner of their choice of a Julie Lessman book is Susan Snodgrass.

Tuesday Abingdon Press and Heartsong Presents author Myra Johnson brought us "Synopsis Writing 101." Myra  shared her tips and guidance on encapsulating your novel-length plot in a well-honed synopsis that is sure to catch the eye of a contest judge, agent, or editor. Jennifer Fromke is the craft book of her choice as listed in Myra's post.

Wednesday Love Inspired Historical author Janet Dean chatted about the value of entering contests with her post, "The Water's Fine. Take the Contest Plunge." The three winners of The Bride Wore Spurs, her April release, are Marilyn Puett, Elaine Manders and Jenny Blake.

Ruth Logan Herne shared "Road Tripping Your Way into the Hearts of Readers." The winner of a 15 page critique is Piper Huguley and the winner of The Lawman's Second Chance, the first of her new Love Inspired "Kirkwood Lake" series is Cindy W., Cindy R. and Mary Preston!

 Love Inspired author Tina Radcliffe gave us "The Rule of Three in Writing" on Friday. The winner of Michael Hauge's DVD Writing Powerful Movie Scenes is Jackie Layton, the winner of Mending the Doctor's Heart is Jenny Beardsley and the winner of a first three chapter critique of a romance novel, not to exceed 50 pages is Ruth Ann Dell.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday:  Love Inspired author Missy Tippens shares "How to Hook Your Reader: 3 Tips for Using POV and Emotion to Your Advantage." Stop by and comment for a chance to win a copy of her RITA® finalist book,  A House Full of Hope.

Tuesday:  Bestselling author and writing instructor James Scott Bell reveals how he came up with a seven book historical romance series and, with bated breath, actually wrote it. And now he wonders if he should do more. Maybe you can help him decide.

Wednesday: Love Inspired Suspense author Debby Giusti will provide editing tips for our Speedbo manuscripts today. Add your own favorite editing strategies to Debby's list to be entered in the drawing for one of her books.

Thursday: "Doing the Misstep Dance Or Putting Plan B in Motion" with Tyndale Digital First author Diana Lesire Brandmeyer. Stop by to chat! Seekerville is giving away a digital copy of Mind of Her Own to one visitor.

Friday: Come and meet Michael Reynolds as he talks about "If Nobody Loves Your Book (Except God)... "  The secret to dealing with publishing frustration from one of the Bible's greatest scribes." Mike is the author of a wonderful Irish historical fiction series put out by B & H Fiction.

Seeker Sightings

Missy Tippens  will be talking about knitting and the tie in to Georgia Sweethearts on Allie Pleiter's DestiKNITions Blog on Wednesday, April 17th. Please stop by!

Don't miss 11.5 Questions with Mary Connealy on Novel Crossings.

Julie Lessman Sightings:

GOODREADS GIVEAWAY UNTIL APRIL 15!! “Sweet Thunderation," Julie's publisher Revell is giving away five free copies of my upcoming release, Love at Any Cost, book 1 in her brand-new “Heart of San Francisco” series. All you have to do is click on the Goodreads link and enter—it’s that’s easy! Good luck and here’s to a win!

 April 11-22, 2013:Check out the hunky celebrity Julie chose to represent her new hero in Love at Any Cost and win your choice of any of Julie's books at this fun character spotlight on ANDIE TUBB’S BLOG.

April 11-16, 2013:WIN THE DAUGHTERS OF BOSTON TRILOGY -- THREE BOOKS -- at Kara Grant's Blog

Debby Giusti will be blogging at on Tuesday. Stop by to say hello!

Random News & Information

 Chat with 2013 RITA® Finalists: the RITA Reader Series

In an effort to connect America’s most popular romance writers with their fans across the world, Romance Writers of America® (RWA) is launching an 11-week series of interactive video chat events highlighting 2013 RITA Award finalist authors. Fans will have the unique opportunity to meet one another and ask their favorite authors questions face-to-face in an intimate online environment.

Each week, RWA will host several of the finalists of a 2013 RITA category in a fun Q&A through Find out about those dashing heroes and daring heroines, writing habits, and more!

How to participate: All you need is a webcam and computer microphone. The events are free to the public, but only the first 1,000 people to RSVP will be granted access to each of the weekly events.

Follow RWA on Twitter @romancewriters (#RITAchat hashtag) during the chats.

It isn't to early to sign up for the Inspirational Chat Week Seven. 

 Inspirational Romance
June 6, 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT
Authors participating: Elizabeth Camden, Jennifer Delamere, Robin Lee Hatcher, Rachel Hauck, Marta Perry,
Cheryl Reavis, Missy Tippens, and Becky Wade
Click here to learn more & register

 Barnes & Noble relabels PubIt! as Nook Press, adds web-based publishing tool (engadget)

 Marking Time With the Viewpoint Character (The Editor's Blog)

Spotlight on Heartsong Presents (eharlequin) 

April Christian Fiction Online Magazine 

 Zondervan Launches New YA Imprint (PW)

 In the UK at Harlequin, Joanne Grant has been promoted to executive editor, while both Carly Byrne and Flo Nicoll move up to editor. Publishers Lunch)

It's the middle of April-don't forget your April Contests!

 In Romantic Suspense, Do You Go with Predictable or Twisted–or Both? (Romance is My Day Job)

 Literary Agents Are Watching Blogs & Amazon Bestseller Lists (GalleyCat)

 LinkedIn Acquires Pulse in Bid To Be a ‘Professional Publishing Platform’ (GalleyCat)

Self-Publishing Video Tutorials (GalleyCat) 

So You're a Writer. Creative...but are you Highly Sensitive?

Author Know Thy Business: Self-Publishing By The Numbers, An Informal Survey (E-book Formatting Fairies)

 A Serious Bump On The Head Turned This Mother Of Two Into A Best-selling Author (HuffPost) 


  1. Can't believe another week has flows by so quickly.

    Another great WE. I need to explore those links some more.

    Congratulations to all the winners.

    The coffee pot is set for the weekend.


  2. Congrats to all winners. i am so excited to win Janets Book. Will have some light reading for the plane trip home (or to Hawaii).

    The wrist feels so much better today. its still tender and I need to be careful but its the best its felt in over 19 weeks. As much as the pain of the injection hurt and hurt real bad. I think it was worth it as it really does feel so much better than it did.

    Now if you have some nice spring weather when I come I may get my white hand back to the colour of the rest of the arm!

  3. You must have bumped your head, Helen. You said that twice.

  4. Helen I agree the weeks are flying by in 3 weeks I will be almost ready to board the plane for America.

  5. Hurrah, Jenny!!!!

  6. Tina, blogger bumped me and demanded a password. Then it posted the comment twice.

    I got rid of one of them. :)

    Oh, and that should be "flown."


  7. Great WE. Thanks, Tina.
    Congrats to the winners.
    Happy weekend, all!

  8. Thanks for the coffee Helen!

    Congrats to all the big winners! Some super Seekerville (sur)prizes this week. :)

    Great writing weekend everyone!
    Now I'm off to view a few of Tina's fabulous links...

  9. Helen it did the same to me but I pressed back and my post had posted.
    Im hoping spring springs by may. just going through some clothes and seems most of my sweaters are now toooo big! This is good but some are favourites.

  10. Wow! I am excited about winning Janet's book. I have not read her before.

    My RWA meeting is today. I always love this day because I get to be around other people who understand that when you say GMC you aren't talking about a car. *grin*

    Later, gators.


  11. Good morning.
    I am not happy to be up this early.

    Ruthy is probably in a time zone SIX HOURS AHEAD of me, which is why she's up.

  12. Great weekend edition, as always!

    Congratulations to all of the winners.

    I took the test, I am not highly sensative.

  13. Love the WE, as always, Tina.

    Let me just say "hunky" is a spot on description of Julie's new hero! I'm a HUGE Matt Bomer fan. Episode one of White Collar hooked me for good, and I can definitely imagine him playing that role.

    I'll be visiting that giveaway for sure.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.

  14. Congratulations to the winners! What great prizes for this past week. :)

    Tina, this was a great WE. I checked out a couple links--the one on "Marking Time" was good for me. I hadn't considered some of the ideas for grounding the reader in the "time" of the story. The article on Laura Kaye was fascinating. :)

    JENNY--I'm so glad your wrist is feeling better. I hope you enjoy the US!! What part of Hawaii are you visiting?

    Have a wonderful Saturday, all!

  15. Helen, I need coffee!!!!

    Jenny, so glad your wrist is feeling better. You've had a time of it. Praying you're on the mend.

    Must click back and see Julie's hunky hero... lol

  16. Saturday morning, the coffee's on, the sun is shining warmly, and we have Seekerville. What more could i want? a few more weeks in the sun! but Mom and i are off to the cold, wintery white north. We do have internet and heat there! Congrats to the winners! Thanks for the coffee, Helen

  17. Another great WE, Tina! You find the most interesting stuff!

    Jenny, so glad your wrist is feeling better! Hope your trip goes well!

    Mary, so why were you up so early???

  18. If you are like me and don't watch anything but Masterpiece and DWTS, you have to depend on the internet to find out the latest hunky/cutie and beautiful/adorable actors and actresses who are acting as templates for our h/hs! Yes, I'd heard of Matt Bomer and now... yes. I know WHY I've heard of him.

    Thanks for all the links and news and congratulations to all the winners.
    Praying today for all the contest entrants out there. Don't watch the calendar! May God's favor be upon your entries and His peace with you while you wait for word. (Okay. Note to self. Yes)

    Back to writing. I can't squander what so many of you would want. A silent day alone to write. Love it!

    oops spoke too soon. My neighbor just cranked up some incredibly loud music--loud enough to be heard over my classical music. ARGH! It's not even summer.

  19. Terrific WE as always, Tina! CONGRATS to ALL the winners--YAY!! Looking forward to another wonderful week in Seekerville!

    It's a GORGEOUS day in my part of Georgia this morning--Thank You, Lord!

    And now I must scoot to the store (UGH) but looking forward to cooking supper for oldest daughter and SiL this evening (YAY!).

    Okay, I've baked some Peach muffins and Georgia Pecan Pancakes if anybody is hungry. There's a Peach Cobbler for later (unless everybody is sick of those, LOL).

    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  20. I love love love starting my Saturdays with the WE. Today it's been in dribs and drabs because I came to work early to work on my dreaded synopsis (doesn't the word sound like a venemous snake?)That's the way I feel about it too. I'm going to be in toxic overload from synopsis poisoning soon.

    Thanks for the link to the online magazine. I can't believe it's free.

    And, gulp, this is the weekend I'm supposed to send away my first contest entry. I don't even have a paypal account yet! And I have to figure out how to add page numbers in word. Nothing like leaving things to the last minute, eh?

    And by the way, I'm just a tad shy of sensitive. :-)

  21. What a great week we've had. Congratulations to all the winner. Yay, I won The Bride Wore Spurs by Janet Dean. That should get me in the mood to go back to the ranch after I finish my Speedbo. Yes, I know it should have been finished in March.

    The sun is out, the birds are singing and I'm writing my BLACK MOMENT this weekend. Think I'll make sure the setting is beautiful. That always makes a bad thing seem more sinister to me.

    Glad you're feeling better, Jenny.

  22. Kav. Create the PayPal account asap.

  23. Excellent Weekend Edition, Tina! Thanks for the fascinating links! I'm on the cusp of sensitive. Which means I must be two people in one. Kind of.

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    Jenny, take care of that wrist. Nice to know Hannah and Matt will be flying the skies with you on your return home. Safe travels!

    Marilyn, hope you enjoy The Bride Wore Spurs! Have fun today. Love hanging with writers. Smiling at your GMC comment!

    Elaine, I'm giving myself two more SpeedBo weeks in April. Starting next week. :-) Hope you like hanging out at the Lazy P!

    Patti Jo, sick of peaches? Not in any form!! Have fun cooking for your family.

    Proud of you, Kav! I remember struggling to do a header. To format. To start a PayPal account. Contests are growing opportunities that's sure.

    The sun is shining! Yay! Have a great weekend everyone!


  24. Looking for something interesting to say... found nothing. SOOOOO... HAPPY WEEKEND you all!

  25. LOL. Ganise. Always good to see your smiling face.

  26. Rita awards! And this might make someone smile today. Check out Katie's post on Friday. Short. Sweet and funny. :)

  27. :)) Thanks, Tina! Always nice to see you too. And as always, good job with the WEs.

  28. Scrolling through the posts... Myra Johnson's cover for When The Clouds Roll By... I will need this book, please. O my goodness, Myra it is SO well done!

  29. Thank you, Ganise! Abongdon does great covers-- really captures the essence of the story!!

    BTW, had lunch with Missy today. She came up to speak at our ACFW chapter. Soooooo fun!!!!!! Wish all of you could have been there!

  30. Great WE Tina, thanks!

    Congrats to all the winners (especially my c.p. Elaine and my critique mentor Debra Marvin who won Janet's book. I won it a bit ago on another blog and it was great--like all her other stuff!

    Lucky Myra! I hope that you had fun at Missy's talk. Sounds like a great time. And that cover is wonderful...I think the Inspy realm overall does a better job with covers.


  31. Jeanne, I will be in Oahu not sure what I will do there yet I get 4 nights 3 days. it will be fun cos I love the area.

    Thanks all for the good wishes. the wrist is feeling good today a little sore (nice bruise from the injection) I still need the light brace for now but it feels so much better. I wont over use it yet.

  32. Well I didn't know you and Elain are CPs. That is very cool.

  33. Congrats winners!!

    The article about Marking Time is great!

    I'm glad you are feeling better, Jenny!

  34. Yep Tina, she's helped me a lot!


  35. Congrats to winners!!!

    I love that eraser. I have one at home and at school - especially for the kids I serve!!
    Great reminder

  36. Oh, I missed yesterday!!!! I love me some WE, Teeeenster!

    Oh my stars, Mary.... the day was half-gone here, darlin' girl! And I got oodles of things done yesterday, including some kitchen cleaning which really shocked my family.

    They're such brats.

  37. ROSE!!!!!!


    Me, either. In fact I was so NOT HSP that the test ordered me off the website....

    I said, Yoh! Whatevah, Dude!!!!


    I am so totally not sensitive that instead of feeling bad about things that go bad I pray... ponder... and then do my best to become even more successful or nice or funny or whatever someone picked on.

    Eleanor Roosevelt: "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission."

    I refuse to give anyone permission.



    (You realize that I just HURT PEOPLE'S FEELINGS by saying that, right????)

    My children would tell you that an ounce of sensitivity might have been nice...

    But then they'd say that having a fire-breathing mother with a conscience wasn't a totally bad thing, either.

  38. Happy weekend Seekerville and congrats to the winners of the week.
    I got my pkg from SpeedBo and some good books to read, Thanks everyone.
    next week looks like good line up so hope to see you then...
    Paula O

  39. Great WE TEENSTER. Like Debra, I love the eraser. Brings back so many memories. Silly, I know.

    JENNY, I bet you are soooooo excited. I'm already praying for safe travels for you. Its a long flight.

    ANDREA, I love White Collar also. Always great to find good heroes.

    ROSE and RUTHY, there must be something wrong with that test.

  40. Ah, Sandra, Rose and I can take the heat.

    Insensitive clods that we are.

    And this clod is making SNICKERDOODLE CAKE to share, so if I can't be sensitive, the least I can do is be good in the kitchen!!!


    Cake's in the oven. I'll get Rose to help me serve it!

  41. Congrats to all the winners!

    Another fantastic WE, Tina! Thanks for all the great links!

  42. >>> the booties, balloons and cigars <<<

    That's a series of three! And then there's ...

    Oh ... we aren't doing that today? Well ... okay.

    Congrats to all the winners!

    Had just enough time to check in. Coming back later to read the links and posts. Hope everyone's having a gorgeous weekend.

    Nancy C

  43. Tina, thanks for the link to ROMANCE IS MY DAY JOB! FYI to anyone in the dark, as I was: It's written by 5 HQ editors...a number are suspense editors so it's a great site for me to visit.

    Where do you find these things, Tina? You must scour the Net, day and night. Am I right?

  44. Piper and Elaine, tell us the story how you two got together. Pretty please?

  45. Jenny,

    We're excited about your trip to the US! Planning lunch on Monday, May 6th. Currently, Patti Jo, Edwina, Missy and I will be there.

    Anyone else in the ATL area who can meet for a couple hours on Monday? We'll lunch close to the airport so Jenny can make her next connection.

    Contact me: debby AT debbygiusti DOT com for more information.

  46. Debby,

    Nothing too exciting---good old Scribes on ACFW last year. Elaine was the only one willing to take on my craziness and I appreciate her for that!


  47. Piper, so good to hear you enjoyed The Bride Wore Spurs!! Thanks!

    Myra, I wish we all could've been there to hear Missy's talk!


  48. You are welcome Janet!

    Hmmm. I did not notice until just now that I won the Ruthy critique! Yippee!

    Any tips before I go into the lion's den? :)

  49. I do not scour the net day and night.

    I have insomnia which does help.

  50. Pray, Piper. :)

    Just kidding!

    Thanks for sharing how you and Elaine found each other! Did you bring Elaine to Seekerville? If so, thanks! She's delightful...just like you!

  51. It IS a lion's den, Pipes....


    Be afraid.

    Be very afraid.

    But I do serve cake to my prisoners and assignees, therefore you may have some snickerdoodle cake with cinnamon cream cheese frosting.

    You will love me no matter what I say about your work once you TRY THIS CAKE.

    I think the witch used this cake recipe to fatten up little children before she ROASTED THEM.

  52. I appreciate it Debby! (and the advice too--prayer always helps! :)) And no, I don't think I can take credit for bringing Elaine over to Seekerville, I mean who doesn't know about Seekerville right? Maybe she lurked less, is all--but she would have to say.

    Ruthy, *Gulp* I saw the snickerdoodle cake recipe on the FB link that you posted and all I can say is...what a way to go....:)

    Hope you will bring it over to the Yankee-Belle for all to try....


  53. Piper is a great critique partner. She's gentle, but when she speaks you'd better listen. I was glad for the chance to join her because she has a good story. I have a feeling her stories will not only get published but sell like hotcakes.

    We had common ground in RWA. I was very active in that organization back when Nora Robert was just another romance writer.

    Yes, I've lurked in a few dozen blogs, but I got to know Seekerville better because of Piper. I liked the friendly, natural feel of the comments.

    Some bloggers react like I'm a robot or popped in from Mars, not that I can blame them. I have an extensive writing history (emphasis on history). I wrote for a Christian newspaper, spent years in RWA, and have half a dozen novels in waiting, but don't have any current credentials, and I have a quirky sense of humor. You guys seem to be able to overlook that.

    Sorry I'm so late today, but I've been doing taxes and writing a deathbed scene. Both made me cry. You'll get it tomorrow, Piper. (The scene, not the taxes.)

  54. LOL. Elaine you are too funny. Yeah, I've been in RWA for a hundred years myself.

    We have a few quirks around here.

    We like NORMAL. Normal to us is real. What you see is what you get.

    And if you don't get us..OH WELL.

  55. LOL, ANDREA ... who isn't??? Good night, but that boy is gorgeous, isn't he??? He makes the PERFECT Jamie MacKenna, in my opinion, so I hope you think so too!!

    Excellent WE, Teenster, and forgive me for being late. Had Little Girl all weekend, so a "WE" bit crazy ... :)

