Wednesday, July 10, 2013


First, let me say that after years of reading Seekerville, Carey and I are thrilled and honored to share a piece of our journey with you.  We pray it will inspire and challenge you as so many Seekerville posts have done for us.

For me, divine detours—or Divine Interventions, if you prefer—have become a way of life. Sometimes the detours are clear blessings, and other times they send me down a path that has me smacking my GPS and demanding an alternate route.  But even the most terrifying detours, eventually lead me to destinations better than I could have dreamed.

One such diversion happened a few years back when my corporate job of eight years was downsized. Even with our combined incomes, my husband and I struggled to cover all our expenses. And yet, we both felt the nudge that this was my time to pursue writing as a full-time career. So we took the detour.

Was it scary trying to support our family on half the income? Absolutely.  But every day I would put the kids on the bus and then sit down and write. And there was always just enough for everything we needed. I finished my first novel, an adult inspirational time-travel romance set during the Revolutionary War, and began to query agents. (Yep, it’s still sitting on my computer waiting for the inspy market to embrace its…er…unique combination of elements.)
As the rejections rolled in, I searched for a new project. I’d been kicking around the idea of doing a retelling of Brigadoon and it seemed appropriate that I should write it through the lens of my teenage self, since I’d seen the musical for the first time as a starry-eyed, hormone-crazed sixteen-year-old. Enter my brilliant critique partner, Carey Corp, who “coincidentally” had just finished her second young adult novel. When I began discussing my idea with Carey, the creative sparks exploded. Far away kingdoms, heroic swordfights, magic spells, two charming princes in kilts … soon it became clear that this story was bigger than the both of us, but that together we could make it amazing!

As you may have guessed, we took the detour, and DOON was born. We soon discovered co-writing is a rocky path, fraught with hairpin turns in communication, rock slides full of compromise and slippery tests of faith. But through two agents and seven (yes, seven) rewrites, our partnership and friendship have not only become stronger, but DOON is a better book than either of us could’ve imagined when we took the leap into co-authoring.

But neither of us could’ve guessed that our biggest divine detour was yet to come. After three long years of whipping our masterpiece into shape, it was time to enter the submission process. Carey and I are both Christians, and our novel has a subtle inspirational thread, but we decided we would play down the spiritual element in order to reach a broader readership. So our current agent, the fabulous Nicole Resciniti, sent our manuscript to all the top secular YA publishers. Weeks turned into months. We prayed and we waited and we prayed some more, but still we heard nothing—not even a rejection. Until we received a call from our agent who was attending a Christian publishing conference, she was ecstatic because every editor she spoke to was looking for a book they could market as an inspirational/mainstream crossover for teens, and they all wanted to read DOON.

Carey and I didn’t know there was such a thing as a mainstream/Christian crossover novel, but we couldn’t imagine a more perfect fit for our magical, modern-day fairytale. After a few more agonizing months of waiting, we received an offer from Zondervan/HarperCollins. Not only did they want to publish the entire DOON, four-book series in hardcover, they created a new division called Blink YA Books entirely for YA crossover novels and they wanted to make DOON their lead title!

Did we take the detour? You bet your pretty panties we did!!! And we haven’t regretted it for even a moment! Once again, God has exceeded our wildest expectations through Blink’s excitement and support for this series.

Exhibit A - Blink sent us to BEA in NYC last month and we signed over 300 books!
Was I a wee bit scared taking a leap with a brand new, untested imprint? Nope. Because after all the divine detours my magnificent God has taken me on, I’m beginning to trust and obey. I can look back and see how my character has been strengthened and how my faith has grown. I’ve learned more about myself and what God wants for my life than taking the safe route ever could’ve taught me.

So the next time you see a bright yellow divine detour sign, take heart my friend, you’re about to embark on a wild and wonderful adventure!

Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon are the co-writers of DOON, Brigadoon reimagined. Book One coming 8/20/13 from the new YA imprint BLINK (a division of Zondervan/HarperCollins). Join us on our journey at

What are some of your experiences with divine detours? I’d love to chat with you! Leave a comment or question to be entered into a drawing for a signed advanced copy of DOON!
 Exhibit B - our amazing, custom designed cover!
Veronica doesn't think she's going crazy. But why can't anyone else see the mysterious blond boy who keeps popping up wherever she goes? When her best friend, Mackenna, invites her to spend the summer in Scotland, Veronica jumps at the opportunity to leave her complicated life behind for a few months. But the Scottish countryside holds other plans. Not only has the imaginary kilted boy followed her to Alloway, she and Mackenna uncover a strange set of rings and a very unnerving letter from Mackenna's great aunt---and when the girls test the instructions Aunt Gracie left behind, they find themselves transported to a land that defies explanation. Doon seems like a real-life fairy tale, complete with one prince who has eyes for Mackenna and another who looks suspiciously like the boy from Veronica's daydreams. But Doon has a dark underbelly as well. The two girls could have everything they've longed for... or they could end up breaking an enchantment and find themselves trapped in a world that has become a nightmare.


  1. Welcome!!! Wow your story is so inspiring and the book sounds wonderful.

    Signing at BEA!!! DREAM!!! Ruthy and I went to BEA in 2011 as tourist authors. So cool.

    So what's next for you two?

  2. What a great story!!!! That's so awesome!!!

    And with a near teenager who devours this sort of thing, I'm TOTALLY in for the drawing :).

  3. Ah, Gene Kelly, *heart sigh* Of course I've got to read a Gene Kelly movie in YA form! Just promise me it doesn't have one long, long, long interpretive dance sequence. Love Gene Kelly, but someone should have smacked him for those! But the tap sequences, always wonderful.

    And the little Seeker Newsflash at the bottom is um, a little mind-boggling. It's so vague it sounds like one of those spam things you shouldn't respond to, and even if I wanted to respond, what am I supposed to say? "I saw something that said I should contact you about something...." What is keeping them from telling us what we're supposed to be excited about? Sorry, just don't know what I'm supposed to get out of the Seeker Newsflash thingy. :) Maybe it's just me......

  4. What a great road (and detour) to publication!

    As for my own detour, I always feel a little awkward talking about my divorce, especially on an inspirational site. Shortly after the process began, I started attending a divorce recovery group where every week the leader began with the words, "We all know God hates divorce..."

    I can't tell the reasons for my divorce because my ex insisted on a non-disclosure clause in our settlement. But I can tell you that after 18 months of therapy with a counselor who is a strong Christian and long talks with my pastor, I know I made the right decision and God doesn't hate me. I stopped attending that group and found another program that was also faith-based, and through it I found the most wonderful group of women friends who all understand the pain of divorce. And we've been there for each other every step of the way.

    Yeah, I had no idea my life would take such a drastic detour. But I think I'm a stronger person for it. I discovered a backbone I never knew I had. My faith has grown. And after being out of the workforce for 15 years, I got a part-time job working for -- get this -- my divorce attorney, who is a woman of strong faith too. Doesn't God have a great sense of humor? In addition to scheduling and filing and typing, et cetera, I occasionally listen to a crying woman who's going through a divorce and doesn't know what she's going to do. I can tell her, "Honey, I've been there and done that and you will come out okay on the other end."

    My writing took a huge detour. I'd just finished my first manuscript right before the big D began and on a lark I entered an online pitch contest at eHarlequin. Color me surprised when I was selected as a finalist. Color me more surprised when I got a request for a full. I remember sitting in the closet under the stairs during a tornado warning, editing the manuscript so I could meet my deadline for mailing it to New York. It was ultimately rejected and writing took a downward spiral. It's hard to write about HEA when your own is swirling down the toilet.

    Slowly, slowly I began to pick up the pieces. I started by writing again for the confessions magazines. Each sale bolstered my confidence. And then along came SpeedBo and the Boroughs novella contest, all at the same time. Hmmm. Wonder how that happened??? So I took a deep breath and decided I'd finish an old manuscript for my SpeedBo project and enter the contest. Now a month later, I'm a finalist. Win, lose or draw, I feel good about the whole experience.

    God does work in mysterious ways, ways that detour us from the path we think we should be taking. But at least in my experience, that detour was the right thing to do.

    And I didn't mean for this to turn into a novel.


  5. Lorie, congrats on your upcoming releases! I totally get what you're saying regarding divine detours. A year ago I was writing sweet romance and Bible Studies, discouraged by the lack of market opportunities for Aussie contemporary inspirational romances. I had no idea God had a better plan and an amazing opportunity arose in August 2012 when Harlequin opened the Heartsong Presents line for submissions that included foreign settings.

  6. This was a really cool post and definitely a great reminder! I just recently heard about Doon and I was instantly intrigued! I have only seen Brigadoon once a LONG time ago and I remember not really caring for it but I have been wanting to give it another try and this might just be the push I need!
    Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway!

  7. What a wonderful, inspiring story. Thank you for sharing.

    I am a big fan of musicals and Gene Kelly, oh my stars I loved him so.... I would love to be entered to win a copy of Doon so that I can step into that wonderful world you've created.

    Smiles & blessings,
    Cindy W.

    countrybear52 AT yahoo DOT com

  8. Hi Lorie,

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful journey story with us. I clicked over to your website and I think it all sounds so fabulous.

    I have a couple of questions -
    I know it's YA, but how low do you think reader age can go? I have 4th graders who read The Hunger Games, and I think this sounds more appropriate for them, but is ten too young?

    I read that you obtained permission from the Alan Jay Lerner Estate and the Frederick Loewe Foundation. Could you tell us anything about that process. That part fascinates me.

    Best of luck to you both and Doon!

  9. Marilyn,

    Thanks for sharing your journey. It's so wonderful hat ou've ended up working in a place where you can help others with similar struggles.

  10. Hi, Carey and Lorie! I love your take on detours! They can seem horrible, but God can use them for our good.

    And I love your beautiful cover! Your series sounds wonderful. May God bless your career, now and in the future! You are definitely off to a great start! :-)

  11. Marilyn, I think you're a very strong, wonderful person and I'm so glad you are my friend! You are persevering in such a beautiful way. Love you, girl. God is proud of you too! ;-)

  12. Congratulations! What a beautiful cover.

  13. Hi Tina!
    I'm so glad to hear my story resonated with you! :D
    We just returned from signing at ALA in Chicago, which was amazing.
    Now we're focused on promoting the launch of Doon on August 20th and writing the sequel.
    Blink created an AMAZING trailer that we'll be revealing soon too!!

  14. Thanks so much Carol! I hope your near-teen will enjoy her time in DOON! =)

  15. Melissa, I feel exactly the same about Gene Kelly - love him, but some of those endless interpretive dances were a bit self-indulgent and skip-worthy. :)

    Not sure about the newsflash at the end, that wasn't part of my post.

    So glad you're excited to read Doon!

  16. Marilyn!
    Thank you SO much for sharing your divine detour with us. You are one brave lady! And I *love* the image of you sitting in a closet under the stairs, during a tornado warning editing your MS!!! I have to believe God rewards that kind of dedication. I can't wait to see where He's going to take you next. :)

  17. What a fun twist in a book!

    I love detours. I love roads less traveled. And I love great books!

    Lorie, thanks so much for being here today. Like Tina said, we caroused around BEA two years ago and it was delightful... Being with me can be slightly embarrassing, but I managed to tone down my I love New York City enthusiasm!

    It was NOT EASY but so fun! I'm looking forward to the trailer! And best of luck to you and BLINK!

  18. Narelle,
    I love when God takes us in a whole new direction! I for one, love to read novels in exotic locations! So happy for you. :D

  19. Marilyn I love your story.

    Your story gives your words a depth that other writers long to create. When your path has been littered and bent by life, those experiences become book fodder.

    I love that you're doing so well in the contest! And that you're avidly working at this career. It will knock you down from time to time, but that's true of just about anything in life... and God is right there to pick you up. Dust you off. And set you on your author trail again!

    Oh, that God!!!! :)

  20. Hi Abbi!
    One of the interesting things about my motivations behind writing Doon is that I loved the concept of Brigadoon but felt the plot fell short. So I hope you'll enjoy Carey and I's very different interpretation of the story! :D

  21. I always say miracles are God providing a solution/opportunity that you,in your wildest dreams, could not have imagined.

    Your story is proof!

    My life is nothing but detours. I started out as a microbiologist and now write Christian fiction.

    Peace, Julie

  22. Thanks so much, Cindy! Gene Kelly was pretty dreamy. =) Hope you enjoy your time in Doon!!

  23. Hi Mary!
    My recommendation for Doon would be 14 and up, due to some more mature romantic content. The hero and heroine are both 18 years old. But if you read it and feel some more mature pre-teens could handle it, that's totally your call. :o)

    As for the rights, that was another God-thing that I wanted to include in this blog, but ran out of room!
    My writing partner and I couldn't afford to hire an intellectual property attorney, so we did some research and then contacted the Learner & Loewe estate attorneys on our own. Terrifying!!! We outlined the ways Doon was similar to Brigadoon and made sure they knew it was a whole new plot with vastly different characters. Then we turned it over to God and waited.
    After several weeks we received permissions from the estate to use the concept for our novels. Miraculously they didn't even request a percentage of the sales! Amazing what can happen if you simply ask. =D

  24. Thank you Melanie!
    And thank you for being such a wonderful support and answering my "newbie" questions with patience and grace! Hugs!!

  25. Thank you, Jackie! I'm kind of in love with the cover myself. ;D

  26. Hi Lorie,

    Thank you for sharing your story! I absolutely LOVED it and it inspires me to continue with my own writing (rejections and all). My husband and I love "divine detours" or "God Winks" as we call them(since we love the book series by that name).

    Congratulations on all of your success and your upcoming book!


  27. Thanks so much Ruth! BEA and NYC was a blast!! If you think you were embarrassing, check this out:

    Carey and I are uber-geeks!! ;D

  28. So true, Julie!
    A microbiologist to a Inspy writer...Wow!! That's a divine detour if I ever heard one!!

  29. What a wonderful story! You two are most fortunate to have each other to write with, but also the sensitivity to take God's divine detours. Congratulations on yuor success! I'm so excited there's a series like DOON out there for YA readers.

  30. I absolutely love divine detour stories like this one. It's all about trusting God and following his leading.

    I wrote an ancient biblical romance. I had very little hope of selling it. Market research told me nobody was buying this era. By the grace of God and his divine intervention Love Inspire Historical made an offer.

    I would love to be entered in for the signed copy. I have a 15 year old who loves stories like Doon.

  31. Hello Lorie!

    Doon sounds great and God was certainly looking out for you both when you got Nicole as an agent. She is awesome. I am looking forward to reading this book. Feel free to put me in whatever container for the drawing, but I am happy to purchase it upon release.

    And you cannot go wrong with Gene Kelly? After all he is from--wait for it--Pittsburgh!


  32. Lorie,

    Your story is very inspiring. Thanks for sharing. Don't you love it when God brings you to a place that is so much better than anything you could've dreamed of? From your testimony it sure sounds like God has been busy. It is amazing when we turn our life over to Him what he does.

    I always love reading books that are twists on stories that have stood the test of time. So fun. Definitely enter me for the drawing! When I finish reading a YA novel, I always donate it to the high school I teach at so the students can enjoy it, too.

  33. Vince,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your hand. I'll be praying for you that it heals quickly.

    I hate emergency waiting rooms, and my kids always pick holidays to get hurt- Easter, Memorial Day, Christmas- which makes the wait even worse.

  34. Thanks so much, Jeanine!
    I love "God Winks"! I'll have to check out that series!!

  35. Jeanne,
    Thank you!! Carey and I feel very blessed! :-)

  36. Thank you for sharing your story with us! And for the reminder that detours can be the best way to go. I always try to remember that detours only seem that way to me - they are always God's first and best route :)

    I'll be watching for Doon! I love the concept, and I'm anxious to see how the crossover works! I think it will be very successful.

  37. Christina,
    Yay!! I love that you sold your "unconventional" story! God is good!!!

  38. Hi Piper!
    You're so right - Nicole is a total blessing!
    Gene Kelly was from Pittsburgh?! I had no idea. LOL. :D

  39. Lorie, the story of your writing journey is truly inspiring! We just never know where God will lead us if only we're open to follow His path.

  40. What a great story of detours that lead to an amazing destination.

    Enjoyed this TEMENDOUSLY!


  41. Dianna,
    God is definitely my Dream-Giver!!
    Excellent idea donating YA books to your high school!

  42. Thanks so much, Jan! I'm excited to see how the cross-over element is received as well. It's another let go and let God thing. :)

  43. So true, Myra! Thanks for reading. : )

  44. I want to thank my co-author for such an inspiring post. DOON has been a long journey, with a surprise ending that I couldn't have envisioned in my wildest dreams: To be a launch series with a new, mainstream YA imprint anchored to Zondervan under the Christian branch of HarperCollins; to receive such amazing support and enthusiasm from our publisher & for them to have enough faith in this project to send us to BEA and ALA; to have a super savvy Christian agent in our corner; and to be able to share this journey with my one of my BFFs.

    When I think of all the agents and publishers who passed, especially the smaller presses, I see God's protection and purpose around DOON ... What He has brought to fruition is so much more ABUNDANT than I ever dared to hope or dream.

  45. Aww...thanks so much, Pam! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :D

  46. Beautifully said, Carey! Hugs!!! :D

  47. If you come into downtown Pittsburgh from the airport, you see a statue of Gene Kelly dancing and singing in the rain--a different kind of welcome to a city. He was awesome, even in the not-so-great movies.

  48. Thank you ladies for sharing your amazing journey! What an inspiration!

    I'm now going to think of every roadblock in my writing as a "Divine Detour" and remember your story.

    LOVE that cover! I'm sure it will draw the kids in for sure!

    Best of luck with your launch.

    sbmason at sympatico dot ca

  49. LORIE!!! I am SO sorry I am late, but I've been sidetracked with blog glitches that are now fixed, thank you, God!!

    BUT ... you people must be STARVING!! I've brought some of my favorite breakfast treats -- peach cobbler, cinnamon Kreusel, cake donuts with white, chocolate, and maple icing and LOTS of cinnamon hazelnut coffee and peppermint tea. So dig in!

    Lorie, you've been bizzzzzy this morning, girl, but what a hostess with the mostest -- THANK YOU!!

    Cannot WAIT to read Doon because Brigadoon was one of my all-time favorite musicals.


  50. How exciting, Lorie! I'm thrilled for you and Carey. Now, that's a detour I love to see! :)

    Great cover!

  51. Hi Sue!
    I love that you're going to see roadblocks in your writing as a Divine Detour! Think I need to do that as well. ;D

  52. LOL, Melissa! Good point about the newsflash. :)

    In fact, the blog post was having some trouble, so Julie may have removed that portion (it wasn't showing up on some browsers). But if you still see the info... I worked with Bill a while back, adding my books to Deeper Shopping. And they did some great promo.

  53. Wow!!! Love your detour story and really love the fact that publishers are stepping up to bring inspirational/mainstream lit to the YA market. It is sorely needed!!! I'll definitely be picking up a copy!

    As to detours -- there have been so many that my life road resembles a pretzel! :-)

  54. Yum, Julie! I'll take a slice of that cinnamon Kreusel with my hazelnut coffee, please. :D
    Thanks so much for working out the bugs on my post! Hugs!!

  55. I love not-so-easy road to publication stories!!!

    And what a GREAT cover. Love it.

    I'm not familiar w/Brigadoon. Typically, I don't read time travels. But enter me in the drawing because I'm always willing to give 'em a try.

    I'd love to try co-writing, but would be of ruining our friendship. Would have to be able to honest and trust each other a great deal. One of these days, maybe.

  56. Thanks so much, Missy! I wish all detours were so clearly marked. ;D

  57. LOL! Your pretzel analogy is great, Kav!! I do love a good pretzel. ;-)

  58. Hi Connie,
    So glad you like the cover!
    I would consider Doon more of a fantasy than a time-travel. Individuals are Called to Doon from all over the world, infusing the kingdom with different culteral traditions - like pizza - and modern conveniences - like indoor plumbing. ;D

  59. Morning LORIE, Welcome to Seekerville and what a great and encouraging story to share about you and your partner CAREY. Love it. Love the sound of your book also.

    Have fun today and thanks again for joining us.

  60. DIANA S. great to see you again.

    JULIE the goodies are yummy as usual.

    What a wonderful and blessed day.

  61. Thanks Sandra! Everyone has been so gracious and welcoming, I feel blessed to be here. :D

  62. Thanks for sharing your very inspirational detour story, Lorie!

    God is so good. I thank Him daily for directing me away from secular suspense to my wonderful Christian publisher, Love Inspired!

    That was the best detour I've ever taken!

  63. Hi Lorie:

    I just love your cover. It looks like Machu Picchu to me. Mysterious and cloud shrouded with a narrow bridge leading into it. The ‘cross over’ image is wonderful. I think the cover art tells a whole story in itself. It makes me want to enter your story. Ideal.

    I don’t understand this new genre. It would seem that any time there is magic in a story it can’t be Christian. (Magic diminishes the value of Christ’s miracles.) However, if your story has underlying Christian values, then it might serve as a bridge to the full Christian genre. Is this the case?

    I really enjoy good YA novels. Can’t wait to read yours because it offers a new reading experience.

    Now, for the really big question: Are you plotters or pantsers. Is one a plotter and the other a pantser?

    How would it be possible for co-authors to pantser a story? I would think that you would work out the plot by agreement ahead of time so you can both agree on the end result. I can’t imagine two pilots in a light plane both flying by the seat of their pants with both deciding to go in different directions.

    I’m sure everyone would be interested in how you work as coauthors.

    One successful pair has one author write the first draft and the other author edits it into a final. Then they both work to polish the work.

    Another set first agrees on the plot outline and then they write every other chapter. Both also have strong individual careers as writers.

    Another husband and wife team writes each chapter together. I can’t see how this would work. (You write the first scene and I’ll write the next?)

    Would you tell us how you work? We don’t see many coauthors so we need to learn what we can while we have the opportunity.

    How long are each of your four volumes? Are they the same length or are they all over the place like Harry Potter?


    Please enter me in a chance to win your books.

  64. Hi Debby! Definitely sounds like a Divine Detour to me. ;D

  65. Hi Vince,
    Great questions! As to the crossover aspect of Doon, it does have underlying Christian values as well as some more overt faith elements. I like what you said about it being a bridge to the full Christian genre.

    As to our writing process, Carey and I both started out as pantsers - writing alternating chapters and discovering the story as we went along. But as you can imagine that didn't last long. At some point we had to begin planning ahead. Now we plot with bullet points and a synopsis, but it's still a lose plot, allowing us to infuse our creativity and have that sense of discovery as we write. :)
    We each write a character and then edit and polish each others work.

    As to the length of the books...Doon is 412 pages, but as to the rest this is yet to be determined since we sold books two,three and four on proposal. Also a God-thing. :D

    Thanks for your interest, Vince! Did I answer all your questions?

  66. Hey, I tried to bring the coffee pot last night, but there was nothing but a heading. No article.

    Same thing this morning.

    Lunch is over, and here you are!

    My daughter played the lead in her high school production of Brigadoon when she was a freshman. The drama teacher recruited me to do the piano accompaniment. It was a challenge, but we had a great time.

    Who has experienced a lot of detours on her way to publication.)

  67. Marilyn, thanks so much for sharing your story. I'm so glad you've come out the other side and are doing so well. I've been voting on the contest!

    For those who haven't seen the contest where she's a finalist, here's where you can go read and vote. Marilyn's story is Better As a Memory:

  68. Marilyn, thanks for sharing your detour. Tough times, for sure! But you survived and thrived and the sun/son is shining on you now, girlfriend. :)

    See you at RWA! Expect lots of Seeker hugs. :)

  69. What happened to your hand, Vince? I can't find mention of an injury in the comments.

  70. Hi Helen,
    Glad you can see the post now! We were experiencing some technical difficulties this morning. ;-)

  71. Welcome to Seekerville, Lorie! Fun to see how your detours led to your fabulous success story! Huge congrats to you and Carey on Doon! Love the cover! The story sounds wonderful!

    I took my biggest detour when I turned from writing for the ABA to write inspirational romances. God has blessed me in countless ways since.


  72. Julie, All the sugar in your luscious treats should ease the frustration of an uncooperative Blogger.


  73. Hi Lorie, thanks for coming to Seekerville.
    I love the idea of detours because, honestly, don't we all have them? And aren't they just LIFE.

    I claim Robert Frost's 'The Road Less Traveled' as my own story. AS authors we are all on a MAJOR detour from 'normal life.' :D

  74. Mary, we are definitely on the road less traveled! I'm just thankful I don't have to navigate it on my own. :D

  75. Lorie:

    Yes, you answered my questions except I’m not sure of one thing. You wrote:

    “We each write a character and then edit and polish each others work.”

    Did you mean ‘character’ or ‘chapter’. If characters then that is interesting. Did you take one of the girls and Carey take the other? If so, who gets the male characters? Do you each write your character’s male love interest?

    Do you have magic in your book?

    Also, I’d love to quote your comment in my post coming up at the end of July on the Pantser/Plotter dichotomy. I just love how you had to switch from one to the other. I need a quote like this. : )



  76. Vince,
    Carey and I each write a character in first person past tense. I write Veronica and Carey writes MacKenna. It this first book, those are the only two POV's, but because our respective characters have a romantic interest, we each develop our own heroes and write them through our heroine's eyes. Doon focuses on the relationship between Veronica and Jamie, and book 2 will focus on MacKenna and Duncan.

    There is magic in our book. :)

    Yes sir, you can quote me on your blog post! Shoot me an email when it goes live so I can promo it online. LorieLangdon at live dot com

  77. Debby:

    I smashed my pinky when the arm chair I was getting out of pulled away from the chair leaving a gap into which my finger went so when I stood up with my left arm on the left arm rest, it slammed the right arm down on the very edge of my finger. This acted like a lever with a mechanical advantage of at least two and really hurt the finger.

    Just like Jenny told about another man yesterday, I took care of it myself, which was against my wife’s advice. Of course, by the next day it was really bad and I had to go to the emergency room anyway. Women always seem to want men to go to the emergency room for everything and men try to hold out because it is manly to show you can take the pain. Many times the man is right. This time my wife was right. What can I say, sometimes that happens.

    I go back tomorrow for an exam and to get the results of the images. They did not have a radiologist on duty yesterday. I hope the bone is not splintered but I hit it hard enough to cause a lot of damage.

    The chair is now being super glued on both sides. Well, we are going to have to put other horses in that barn. : )

    Thanks for your concern.


  78. A wonderfully inspiring, upbeat post! Thank you.

    Detours? My life in a nutshell ... or my life as a nut.

    Detours are also the reason I don't plot my stories ;-)

    Wishing you both the best with your books,
    Nancy C

  79. Ouch, Vince! That injury is painful just to read about. Hoping for the least damage possible.

    Nancy C

  80. Seriously love this. And I now can't wait to read Doon! Good job!!

    I loved Brigadoon too!!


  81. Seriously love this. And I now can't wait to read Doon! Good job!!

    I loved Brigadoon too!!


  82. I can not wait to read this!! I saw it on Goodreads a few weeks ago and added it right away. now, just to get one in m hot little hands...

  83. wow. your detours sound like they were quite scary. i think you've a lot more trust in God than I do. I'm excited that He's rewarded your Faith with such a cool debut book. Count me in for the drawing please.

    i've heard of Brigadoon, but haven't read/experienced it. I do love your book cover too.

    thanks for sharing your experience. quite an encouraging testimony to help bolster my faith when i hit detours.

  84. Thanks everyone for your kind words (and your votes!). This new life is not where I had planned to be, but it is where I am, and I figured I could either make the best of it or not.

    And after an afternoon of typing the most depressing notes about a client's spouse who is a drug addict, I think I shall kick back in my recliner and read a bit. That's the down side of my job -- seeing some of the really ugly side of life.


  85. Thanks, Nancy! Wishing you the best as well. :o)

  86. Christen,
    Love to find fellow Brigadoon fans!

  87. Virginia,
    Thanks so much for adding us on Goodreads! Only 41 more days...Yay!

  88. Hi Deb,
    I'm so glad you found the post encouraging! Faith is like a snowball, once you get started it gets easier and easier, and bigger and bigger. Don't be afraid to start believing! :D

  89. Your book sounds amazing! Love the cover, Scotland and kilts! What a detour! Thank you for sharing your journey.

  90. Lorie, we should all listen and follow the divine detours placed in our lives. The adventure God has planned off the path of your plans is better than anything you can imagine.

    I may be late to the party, but I'm glad I didn't miss it. You go, girls!!!

  91. MARILYN, OH MY GOODNESS!! I just now got the chance to read your comment, and I am SO amazed at how God has walked you through (or carried you!) through the minefield of divorce. And the strength and confidence He has wrought in your life (and your writing, I'm sure) is literally glowing from your words, my friend. What an inspiration your detour is to the rest of us, especially writers who may have undergone a similar detour.

    I gotta feeling God is going to use this detour in your life BIG TIME in your writing.

    You go, girl!!


  92. JULIE H.S. SAID: "My life is nothing but detours."

    LOL ... join the club, my friend. I didn't pick my writing back up until my mid 50s. ;)

    WOW, LORIE ... just read your response about getting permission from Lerner and Loew -- WOW again!! That is DEFINITELY a God thing. :)


  93. VINCE!!! Soooo sorry about your finger, my friend. Saying one right now for speedy healing.

    LORIE ... LOVE how you pansters were forced to dabble with plotting because the same thing happened with me after three books in a 15-person family saga. After a while, panstering just doesn't cut it anymore and a some plotting is needed.

    HELEN ... I had problems with some pix, which is why the blank page for some IE users, but I deleted a textbox and VOILA ... the blog was back. :)


  94. NANCY C SAID: "Detours? My life in a nutshell ... or my life as a nut."

    LOL ... you sound like my kind of gal, girlfriend. :)

    LORIE ... thanks SO VERY MUCH for your diligence today with responses. You were a wonderful hostesss, and your winner will be announced in the Weekend Edition, then I'll send you their address.

    Hugs and Happy Dooning!!

  95. Lorie
    Detours are great unless we think we need to be somewhere ...(when we are silly enough to think we control over any thing) and I love your delightful trip to this contest for Doon . Oh my. I love that cover and blurb


  96. Sheridan,
    Thank you for reading about my journey!

  97. Audra,
    I couldn't have said it better myself! God's adventure is better than anything we could plan. :)So true!

  98. Thanks for having me, Julie! This has been a wonderful blessing - again, God's timing. I've been feeling a little beat up and overwhelmed and you all have lifted me up. Thank you so very much. : )

  99. Oh, WOW, Lorie ... "a little beat up and overwhelmed"??? Uh ... I think that's called being an author ... ;)

    Seriously, am saying one for you and Carey because I remember how crazy a debut book/series can be. But it sure helps toughen you up for the rest of the books, my friend, so that's a positive. :)


  100. Congrats! Looking forward to reading DOON. Love the gorgeous cover! Best of luck with future endeavors.
