Friday, July 19, 2013

Live From RWA

Romance Writers of America (RWA) is a nonprofit trade association, with a membership of more than 10,000 romance writers and related industry professionals, whose mission is to advance the professional interests of career-focused romance writers through networking and advocacy. RWA is governed by a board of directors and belongs to its members. 


The 33rd annual RWA Conference, this year in Atlanta, Georgia is a gathering of more than 2,100 published and aspiring romance writers, editors, agents, and other industry professionals.

From the ground floor looking up at each floor in the Marriott

Conference attendees will enhance their writing and knowledge of the ins and outs of publishing at more than 100 workshops; get the inside track at panels and round-tables featuring publishing professionals; schedule a one-on-one pitch meeting with an acquiring editor or literary agent; attend parties and network with the stars of romance fiction; and be a part of RWA's "Readers for Life" charity book signing. The four day conference ends with the gala RITA® and Golden Heart Award presentation.

2013 Literacy Event

Missy Tippens
Janet Dean, Missy Tippens, Debby Giusti

Janet Dean

The RITA®, named for RWA's first president Rita Clay Estrada, is presented for excellence in romantic fiction. You can see the past recipients of this award here.

In addition the following awards are presented at conference:

Lifetime Achievement Award-2013 recipient-Mary Jo Putney
Emma Merritt Service Award-2013 recipient-Nancy Haddock
Service Award-2013 recipient-Eloisa James, Julie Hurwitz, Donna MacMeans & Trish Milburn
Bookseller of the Year-2013 recipient-Cathy Genna Barnes & Noble
Librarian of the Year
-2013 recipient-Sarah Whitten
Industry Award-2013 recipient-Bette-Lee Fox, Library Journal

Dianna Shuford & Debby Giusti

Part of the fun of conference is wearing your RWA Badge which includes unique pins for each conference you attend and pins for chapters, chapter contest wins and RITA and Golden Heart finaling. It also includes ribbons for various designations.

Kelly Ann Riley and Mary Curry. Mary has just won the Long Contemp Category of TBL

Join the celebration at, Facebook or Twitter to follow conference events. Saturday night (8-10 ET) be sure to check RWA FB and Twitter #RITAGH and #RWA13 to follow the awards ceremony.

Seekerville wants to give you the ultimate armchair conference experience so please enjoy our photos and be sure to comment. Three commenters will win their RITA® finaling book of choice as available on Amazon (print or ebook). Just tell us you want to be in the drawing. Winner announced in the Weekend Edition.

Here are the 2013 RITA® finalists.

One of the best parts of conference? Catching up with friends!

Piper Huguley and Mia Ross
Lyndee Henderson and Debby Giusti

Myra Johnson, Mary Connealy

Mary Connealy, Mia Ross, Myra Johnson, Mary Curry

Jane Dean, Myra Johnson, Mary Connealy

Janet Dean, Walt Mussell, Mary Connealy

Janet Dean and Shirley Jump

Debra Clopton
Patty Jo Moore brought Seeker treats.

Mary Connealy, Marilyn Puett, Myra got a new do Johnson
Group Hug, L to R Marilyn Puett, Myra, Janet, Missy, Lindi Peterson, Patti Jo Moore, Sandra, Debby and Mary Curry
Sandra Lessmith at her Indie Booksigning Event

Julie Hilton Steele and Vanessa Riley

Recent News from Atlanta:

 The RWA Board of Directors met for two productive days in Atlanta, and one of the items on the agenda for the meeting was the adoption of rules for the 2014 RITA and Golden Heart contests. We are pleased to announce some exciting changes. In furtherance of RWA’s strategic goals of raising awareness and status of the RITA Awards, and ensuring the RITA contest remains viable in light of industry evolution, the Board is pleased to announce the following:
•All published romance novels and novellas with a copyright date of 2013 are eligible to enter the 2014 RITA, including self-published works.
•Number of total entries will be increased by 66 percent (from 1,200 to 2,000).
•All author-entrants are eligible to judge the preliminary round. PAN members who are not entered in the contest also are eligible to judge the preliminary round. The final round will be judged by PAN members.
•Changes to categories: •A category was added for Erotic Romance
•Contemporary romances will be divided into two categories: novels with fewer than 65,000 words and those with 65,000 words or more

•All entries with a minimum total score of at least 90 percent of the total possible score will advance to the final round. This means that no entry will be advantaged or disadvantaged by the number of entries in a category. Final round entries will be scored in the same manner as the preliminary round.
• Judges will be allowed to opt in to their preferred categories; they must choose at least five categories.

Please note that this is a summary and is not intended to replace or supersede the rules, which will be published soon. Members interested in a full report of actions approved at the July board meeting are welcome to read the minutes, which will be published on the RWA website within the next few weeks.


Board of Directors

Romance Writers of America, Inc.

 The Blog that Helped Us Sail Off Unpubbed Island (CAREER) Speakers: Mary Connealy, Janet Dean, Debby Giusti, Myra Johnson, Sandra Leesmith, and Missy Tippens. Thursday, July 18, 8:30 to 9:30 am. Learn how group blogging helped these aspiring authors sail straight to publication.  

Debby Giusti passes out leis and chocolate

Your instructors, (L to R) Sandra Leemsmith, Missy Tippens, Debby Giusti, Mary Connealy, Janet Dean and Myra Johnson

Patty Smith Hall, Julie Hilton Steel and Debby Giusti after class.

For more RWA Conference photos check out Julie Hilton Steele on Facebook

Lastly, we have some quick chats with RITA® finalist Missy Tippens and GH finalist Piper Huguley. Missy chatting with LI author Mia Ross and Piper being interviewed by Julie Hilton Steele. And Debby Giusti and Missy Tippens. All videos courtesy of Mary Curry's iPad. 

That's it until Saturday.

Don't miss the Weekend Edition for Award Night photos and more videos!

Future Conferences:

2014 July 23–26  San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter & Marriott Riverwalk
2015 July 22–25  New York Marriott Marquis
2016 July 13–16  San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina
2017 July 26–29 Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin

P.S. I'm also cooking in the Yankee Belle Cafe today. So when you get hungry, stop over there for some Chopped Salad.


  1. Is this your first RWA conference, Walt??

  2. OMG, Tina. This post is amazing. My eyes are crossing though, so I better get to bed...4:30 comes way too fast.

    Tonight I glanced through the pics, tomorrow I'll read the words, LOL!

    Everyone at RWA, have a great time!!!

  3. Whoa, so much awesome stuff going on! :D Hope you all are having a blast!

    Have to say I love that pic of Sandra signing Love's Miracles!! My first client - and we're not done yet! ;) So glad Seekerville brought us together, Sandra! Who knew when we first started out in February that you'd be signing copies of the second edition of this book at RWA??? (That print version is mostly due to Lena Goldfinch - her formatting and cover skills are awesome!)

    Sorry I'm getting all gushy, LOL. Just feel a little starstruck seeing this. :)

    Oh, and by the by, if anyone checks this out tonight, Love's Miracles is still FREE for Kindle for another couple of hours, I believe! Here's the link:

    Love's Miracles

    Thank you all for the awesome giveaway, too - would love to be entered!

    Hugs to all!



  4. Hello, Tina. I'm going to bed. No more pictures/video til tomorrow. ;)

    Walt, somehow, I've missed you so far. Must fix that.

    I have to say, this has been my best conference ever and that's due to all my Seeker friends. It's good to be with family. ((((Hugs)))) I'm completely serious when I say you all are with us in spirit.

    1. I saw Mary curry slipping out of the hotel shop heading to bed last night with peanut bitter! Mary, I hope you rested well. I know we wore the roving reporter out!

    2. That was supposed to be peanut butter. :)

  5. I want Vanessa Riley's Dress! And yeah for Missy's RITA flag. Put me in the drawing, please, though I have no idea which I'd pick!

    1. Melissa, seeing that flag was so exciting! But then Janet knocked it off and the base broke off!! Of course we were laughing hysterically. And it was fixable (lucky for Janet!). LOL

  6. Oh, I love this!!!! It's like I'm there. Thank you, thank you! I can't wait until the morning when I can see the videos and not risk waking the hubs.

    And please put me in the drawing.

  7. OH MY GOSH!!!

    This is so fun!! I'm loving the videos!

    It's so odd to see people in poses other than their Google account icon.

  8. Cool! Love's Miracles had a free run?

    You guys are really rocking the marketing! It's #95 and we all know that top 100 is the sweet spot.

    Ok, Sandra, check in here and tell us how the Indie signing went. I heard murmurs over on the self pubbed loop about how many authors, but I didn't get a good number. Sounded like A LOT.

  9. Oh my stars, this is too fun!!!!

    I love hearing the videos, oh, Mary Curry I love you THIS MUCH, what a stinkin' great idea!



    Harlequin Party!!!!!

    RITA AWARDS!!!!!!

    And honey, I do not care who takes home that pretty lady, to have risen to the top of the pile of authors who enter the RITA... and make it into a very coveted final...

    To me that's the win.

    That's the "clutch".

    I know it's different in horse racing.... But then there are only a dozen entries in a horse race.


    Around a hundred. To be in the top of a hundred or more contestants and a large round of judges is WONDERFUL BEYOND WORDS!

    You rock that green dress....

    Sandra, you look so cute signing that book! WAVING!!!!


    And Patti Jo, you brought treats.

    Now I feel at home.

    Bless youse guys. I hope you have a ball today!

    The Harlequin girls will be actually having a ball, LOL!

    Dress pretty! And weasel your way next to Nora, okay????

    1. Ruthy, I feel the same. Totally honored to be on that list. I feel like a winner already!

      I'll be sitting with Natasha Kern and Robin Hatcher tomorrow night so I'm really excited! There will be others at our table but I don't yet know who.

      But first the big Harlequin party tonight!! And Ruthy... No stockings tonight!! LoL

  10. Melissa, you're right about Vanessa's dress!!!!

    I am a closet dress envier....

    Clearly out of the closet now, LOL!

    Vanessa, it's stinkin' lovely!

    I am guilty of slightly overdressing at conferences. I think it's because I only get to wear dresses for church, so when I'm at conference, I love to put on heels.... Pantyhose, LOL, Seekers!!!!! and a dress...

    It's fun to feel like you look professional and still comfy when most days it's jeans and a t-shirt mode!

    Is anybody else like that? Just gets a big kick out of dressing up?

    Looking normal?????

  11. Good morning, Seekerville! What a fun post, Tina--and thanks for the 2014 contest update! Will be interested in seeing the complete rules and changes.

  12. Ruthy, must confess. The videos were Tina's dema... Uh request

    Everyone was SO gracious. Now that I've got the hang of it, expect more today. I'm happy to take requests.

  13. Virginia, Julie and I estimate there were 40-50 authors at the Indie signing. There were 5 rows of tables. Probably about 10 authors per row.

  14. looks like you are all having fun.

    Ruthy I HATE pantyhose! partly cos Im alergic to nylon. I also have issues with heals.

    When are the Rita's announced?

  15. thanks so much for the FUN RWA post! Can't wait to get home tonight when I'll have time to view the videos! It all looks so fabulous--lots of Seekers & Seekervillagers!

  16. Looks like everyone is having a GREAT time.

  17. Wow -- how much fun is this virtual conferencing?????!!!!!! Enough to risk the wrath of the Grammar Queen to over punctuate!!!!!

    1. Kav, I have not spotted any tiaras around so I think you're safe. :)

    2. LOL, Kav!!! GQ is on vacation this week. She may have gone back to Green Mountain Dude Ranch-- wasn't forthcoming with her plans. I just told her she was NOT joining me at RWA!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Oh my it looks and sounds like you are all having a fantastic time! Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us.

    I would love to be in the drawing! Thank you very much!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

    countrybear52 AT yahoo DOT com

  19. I wish everyone was here. Folks are as wonderful as they are here on Seekerville.

    But Ruthy has jelly beans.

    Fun fact: You can't tell how tall folks are by their FB pick.

  20. By the way, I can't watch the videos on my phone for some reason. Which is a good thing. I'm sure i'll hate listening to myself talk!

  21. I meant I can't play the videos either!!! I'm sure everyone sounds and looks super!!!!

  22. Postcard from RWA:
    Weather is hot. Conference is great. Wish you were here!

  23. All of you look so beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us.

  24. Thanks, guys. This is better than that virtual retreat....still wish I could be there to visit in person, though, truth be told I know I'd be star struck and not know what to say until Sandra or another one of you TOTALLY fabulous authors would bring me back down to earth!,,,, I'd love to win

  25. Help! Piper and Mary have convinced me to pitch for Melissa Endlich Sat. Zondervan this afternoon. Must come up with a pitch.

  26. Oh, Tina, this is sooooooo COOL!!! Thanks for the FUN, FUN, FUN sneak peek and cannot WAIT to see what happens!!

    Good luck and God bless to all the finalists, especially Missy and Piper -- you go, girls!!

    Hugs and Happy RWA Weekend!!




    VIDS????? YES!!!!

    YAY!!!!!I must work now, but will come back and watch all the videos and look at all the pics again!

    Smiling from ear to ear in MS, and tomorrow night is RITA NIGHT!! Whoo-hoo!!! :)

  28. It is so much fun to see all you guys and your smiling faces. Almost as much fun as being there!!!

  29. I had no idea you ladies were doing a SEEKERVILLE Workshop at RWA!!!!! How awesome! Looks like you all are having a blast. :-)

    And I'm not sure I'm brave enough to wear period garb the way Vanessa is.(Sorry Vanessa, but I'm a blend in kind of girl).

  30. Naomi, are you really a blend-in gal???? I would not have guessed that.

    And you know what?

    Vintage clothes are such a thing now, that I thought it was just a cute vintage dress she wore because she looked so good in it!

    Oh my stars, I'm such a dunce with that stuff, but she looked great, right????

    Mary Curry!!!!! ROF, LOL, FOR REAL because I can see Teeeeeena gently ordering you to be videographer of the conference.

    Dying laughing!!!!

  31. Wow, now I feel like I was there! What fun! And Missy has such a cute accent!

    Can't wait for the awards and to see everyone all dolled up!

    Glad to put a face to Mary Curry (a pretty face at that!).

    Have a wonderful time everyone!

    sbmason at sympatico dot ca

  32. LOVE this post!!! Thank you to everyone who made the pictures and videos possible. Sparkling smiles and such fun! I feel like I'm there, too!!!! (And honey---so sweet!!!) Sending blessing to Missy, Piper, Marilyn and Julie and ALL attending/pitching/signing, et cetera!!!! Cheering for you ALL! I'd love to be in the drawing for a RITA book, please! Party on!!!

  33. I love the new Rita rules..... It should be open.

    I'm not big on erotica being entered as a romance because in my book it's clearly not a romance by my definition or RWA's. A romance comes first. Sex later.

    So I don't know how they did that and re-examined the romance genre at the same time. So that's a mistake on their part and I don't mind saying it in public.

    But I love that indie authors are receiving the respect they deserve! If a book's good it will prosper... if it's not, it will dwindle.

    And 2000 entries.

    They had to open it. They had to raise the #, but finding enough judges and overseeing this baby is going to be a walk on the wild side. However, if ever a group could do it, it's RWA.

    Did you guys notice 100 classes to choose from at this conference. 100.

    I'm just amazed when I see how much they put out for their members, using a broad selection of presenters and industry pros.

    That's something to be proud of!

  34. HI TINA, Thanks for posting all this neat stuff. The new Indie signing was very successful. We really had fun. Looking forward to more tomorrow.

  35. Missy Tippens!!!!!!

    No stockings for the Harlequin party????

    Are you kidding me?????

    Oh my stars.... (shakes head, chin down, shuffles away...)

    I cannot believe you're going to a dancing, formal affair without everything nipped, tucked and smoothed.

    I'm .... beyond.... bemused.

    'Sall I can say.

    Sign me,

    Ruthy-who-wears-pantyhose-to hide-cellulite-and-lines-author-woman

  36. JHS

    I have not touched the jelly beans.

    I keep seeing me in a dress in NYC next month.

    That's held me back thus far!!!!

    I am 5'2.5" tall. SHORT.

    And it's real easy to turn short into something round.

    But glad you noticed the jelly beans, LOL! I will bribe kids with them...

  37. If I could fit into a period dress I would be right there with Vanessa!! Go Vanessa.

  38. It is totally fun to match faces and voices to names. Love it!!! For me it Julie Hilton Steele and Piper Huguley as we have not met.

  39. Observations on the RWA

    Wow…these photos and videos are like being there. I am learning so much.

    Love the videos. So short and yet so much personality comes through. Wouldn’t it be nice of our photo icons could be ten second videos?

    As a one time photographer I suggest you look at all the author photos on the RITA finalist page. I don’t think you’ll find a better set of photos on one page than you will here. Lots of ideas for having your own photo taken.

    I love the big, well lit, classrooms. What a perfect place to give a class. I just wonder if you can hear the class going on next door. Nothing is more annoying for a teacher than to have the room next door resounding with laughter and joy while you’re talking about ‘deep POV’.

    BTW: For fashionistas here’s Missy’s award ceremony dress:

    See dress here

    Janet Dean and Shirley Jump don't they look like sisters? Wonderful photo. Both write so well it’s fun reading their works regardless of what they are writing about.

    The cutest book I read all year was “The Welcome Committee of Butternut Creek” , by Jane Myers Perrine. Loved it. She was a guest at Seekerville. I wonder if cute wins a RITA. Now I have three writers I’m rooting for.

    Reading this makes me want to finish up my WIPs and join the fun next year. This is what Seekerville does so well. Inspiration.


    P.S. Remember my post on why “Men Can’t Write Romances”? Did you notice how many men are RITA finalists? :)

  40. LOL. Vince. You write such lovely novel posts. Hook us in and then leave us on a hook.


  41. I got to watch the videos!!! I love their voices. Can't wait to see pictures of Missy and Piper in their gowns.

    Julie, I love that you're pitching. You and Piper need to come back and let us know how it goes.

  42. I'm so green right now.

    Looks like ya'll are having a blast and love the pics. I keep cracking up and my daughter, who's sitting at the table with me, looks at me like I'm crazy.

    Throw my name in the hat.
    I've never been to conference and really want to meet you guys.

  43. VINCE!!!! I love that you put a link to THE DRESS!!!!

    That's almost as exciting as THE BABY across the great pond!!!!


  44. My first conference ever was in 2004 and that's where I met about half of the Seekers. Maybe more...

    And I was overwhelmed and amazed and just totally immersed in the learning, the talks, the inspiration, etc.

    It was a glorious time of connecting, putting faces with names and meeting the girls who BEAT ME CONSISTENTLY in contests...

    And we discovered we really loved each other! If for no other reason, I will always love that aspect of conferences.

    I love meeting people.

  45. I put the pix of the dresses request in to our personal paparazzi!

  46. Well with 100 workshops it's hard not to find SOMETHING to love.

  47. San Antonio next year. Grab your hat and boots. Texas conferences are always so much more casual.

  48. This was AWESOME!!! I totally feel like I'm there. =)

  49. WAIT, Tina, are you saying RWA national will be in San Antonio next year???

  50. San Antonio is a beautiful town. Should be fun.

  51. Wow, love the pics....all you ladies are so lovely! Know you are having great fun!

    Please enter me for the drawing!

  52. Hello from Atlanta.
    I'm having a great time.
    Had dinner last night with a crowd.

    I did a book signing with Debra Clopton and Robin Lee Hatcher this morning for our book A Bride for All Seasons.

    I just had lunch with Patti Jo (CatMom). Fun to have company, Patti Jo!!!

    I sat and listened to Nora Roberts after the signing. Very smart lady.

    I've got a dinner tonight with Thomas Nelson.

    And sessions to attend this afternoon.

  53. It IS in San Antonio! (I didn't read the part at the end of the videos. *facepalm*) That is practically my back yard. SO THERE. Yay! =)

  54. How fun! I see a lot of friends in these pictures. And I bet Walt really stands out at RWA. Because he's so tall. ;-)

  55. Yes. Walt is tall. His only distinguishing feature in a sea of romance writers.

  56. I have never been to San Antonio. Is there more to see than in Dallas? I've been there and it was beautiful, but I love going to new places...

    Nancy, what say you? What's awesome and wonderful about San Antonio? Do you have cowboys?

    I love cowboys.


  57. Tina, thanks for "requesting" these photos and videos. What a great look into the conference. Wish I was at that workshop.

    Every lady and gentleman is doing Seekerville proud. Such pretty smiles. So much camaraderie.

    Wish I could have spoken to Vanessa. She's so into Regency, she's wearing an empire dress and I'm writing a Regency now.

    Piper is so cool. I'm already on pins and needles. I can't imagine what she's going through, but the very best is going to happen.

    Please put me in the drawing. I was going to buy all the Rita Inspirational books but if I win one, so much the better.

    Send us more of the conference.

  58. The river walk in San Antonio is the big deal. The downside. HUMIDITY. Oh em gee.

  59. Thank you goes to the paparazzi who were so good to send photos.

  60. Oh San Antonio has cowboys, but even better we have Airmen! SA is crawling with men and women serving our country at the airbase there so give them a thank you when you see them in their pretty blue uniforms.
    And the Riverwalk is amazing. Think Venice only... Texas style. =)
    Rich with history including the Alamo, which if you've never seen you should take time to visit. The Battle of the Alamo is a large part of why Texas flies under the U.S. Flag now. And I am a PROUD descendant of Gregorio Ezparza, the only Mexican defender of the Alamo to fight on the Texas side. His brother Francisco was under General Santa Anna's forces and Francisco requested permission to give Gregorio a proper burial, therefore he was one of the very few fallen heroes to receive one.
    What else? The wax museum is super fun if you've never been to one, and Market Square is a huge market you can get lost in with some of the best restaurants ever.
    Can you tell I'm excited? And I'll get to meet/see my friends! Yay!!!

  61. Tina, we're used to the humidity here. Not so great for hair and takes a few hours to adjust to breathing it, but it is FABULOUS for the skin. =)

  62. True, Nancy. I lived in Tulsa for 17 years. Wonderful for growing things.

  63. Looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing it with us! :)

  64. Everyone looks excited and having fun while learning from from all those workshops. Thanks for all the pics so far and keep them coming. I feel like I'm there with all of you. Please include me in the drawing for a book.

  65. I'll be all over SA for sure. I already told hubs I was going.

  66. Yeah, Christina!

  67. Thank you Mary Curry's iPad!!!!!

    Loving the photos, the news, all of it.

    Now to read comments ...

    Nancy C

  68. Was this a conference where fans could attend? I liked all the pictures. I see one where the author is sitting at a table with her books. I guess she's selling them? The tags they wore were interesting.

    Please enter me in the drawing.

  69. Was this a conference where fans could attend? I liked all the pictures. I see one where the author is sitting at a table with her books. I guess she's selling them? The tags they wore were interesting.

    Please enter me in the drawing.

  70. >>Ruth Logan Herne said...
    But I love that indie authors are receiving the respect they deserve! If a book's good it will prosper... if it's not, it will dwindle.<<

    That makes at least two of us, Ruthy :-) Not that RWA recognition makes or breaks a book, but when someone's taking your dues, they owe you the respect and recognition given to other authors.

    Ah, San Antonio! Nancy K told you so much, and then if you're into Spanish missions, art, gardens, music, old houses ... really, really good food and not all of it is Mexican :-)

    And a lot of at least one of the markets is indoors, Tina!

    Thank you so much to everyone for sharing their Atlanta experiences. Eager for more -- see, you give me a little, I want more ... and more ... and more ...

    Nancy C

  71. This looks like SO MUCH FUN!

    Are you sure you are all there working? Making contacts? Learning stuff? Showing up for classes and appointments?

    Next year San Antonio? That sounds like fun. I love the Riverwalk :)

  72. Love the post and the photos! Looks like a blast.

    I'm so glad you shared!

  73. Well a few people have texted and emailed me they got requests, so apparently some of them ARE actually networking.

  74. Michelle the Literacy Signing is always open to the public and is a fan event.

  75. I should mention the Literacy Event is Free. You buy books but the money goes to literacy and there is lots of swag to pick up at author tables and that is free.

    So anyone in the San Antonio area should plan to go next year, if only to the Literacy Signing.

  76. and several publishers have book signings during the conference where they are GIVING AWAY books!!!!! You just find the authors you like and ask them to sign their book and it's yours!!!!

  77. Harlequin Party tonight!! Put on your dancing shoes!!!

  78. Yes, we are working. I managed to get two requests in amongst the picture taking.

    This has seriously been my best conference ever and that is due in large part to all the wonderful Seekers and villagers who have made this a fabulous party.

  79. Yay, Piper and Mary! Blessings to all! WHAT FUN! I went to last year's Literacy Event and it was amazing.

  80. Sounds like the party is in full swing! The pics are fun—it's easy to see that all are having a great time. Good luck to everyone!

    San Antonio next year? Hmm...

  81. Fun post! I'd love to be entered in the giveaway!

  82. Pitched today with Zondervan and got a synopsis request and the knowledge my first pitch is under my belt.


  84. Hi from Atlanta. I went hard all day. Got lots of free books. I had no idea you could get free books at RWA!!!

    Now I have to face the music and haul them home!!!

    More book give aways tomorrow. I'm totally going. I can ship them home with Fed Ex straight from the hotel. Someone said they grossly overcharge. Fed Ex rips you off. I said, "You don't know the meaning of 'rip you off' until your husband tries to fit all these books in an already full suitcase.

    So we'll see. I think I'm still under the weight limit. I left a lot of trinkets behind in the goody room so I've got some space.

  85. The RWA rule is to always bring an empty suitcase or tote bag.


  86. I think they have a deal with the airlines. More books means more money for the airplane companies.

  87. And tomorrow is THE BIG NIGHT!!!!

  88. Thanks Nancy C, Congrats Julie and hugs to everyone. =)

  89. Wow! So much to take in here! I started skimming the words so I could get through the photos before heading for bed. Will be back to read the deets tomorrow. It looks like everyone's having a wonderful time at the conference. I'll be looking forward to the weekend edition to find out more.

  90. ...and a good time was had by all. How wonderful it would be to attend.

  91. It's hard to believe that I live and work in the Metro Atlanta area and have to miss this. Maybe I'll make it to San Antonio next year. For now, thanks so much for the "play-by-play" of the happenings at this year's conference. Please be kind enough to enter my name in the drawing. I'm at bizzysyb[at]gmail[dot]com. Thanks.

  92. I've loved all the pictures! Some of my favorites are seeing the authors I love with a stack of her books. Also, I liked how they decorated the elevator doors. I hope everyone enjoys! Please enter me in your drawing! Thank you!
    Barbara Thompson
