Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Weekend Edition

 What are your plans for the weekend?

We Have Winners

Monday:  Ever wonder what editors are looking for in a pitch? Find out what’s important and what’s not when Love Inspired Editor Emily Rodmell visits Seekerville on Monday. Her post, "How to Pitch Your Book Like a Rock Star," is just in time for RWA Nationals and provides specific details about catching an editor’s attention and interest so you end up with an invitation to submit. Don’t miss this special opportunity to “chat” with Emily. In addition, Seekerville will be giving away a ton of books. Stop by early and often and plan to have a blurb ready to practice pitch. See you Monday!

Tuesday: Grammar Queen returns, fresh from two glorious weeks at Green Mountain Dude Ranch! Myra tried really hard to convince her to stay longer and spend more time getting better acquainted with Jake, but GQ insisted the Seekervillagers are long overdue for another grammar lesson. Her topic this time is "Removing Repetitious Redundancies," and yes, there will be a quiz. One lucky (?) Seekervillager could win a 10-page grammar checkup for your wip!

Wednesday:  Zondervan debut co-authors Lorie Langdon & Carey Corp talk about "Divine Detours" on their journey to becoming part of the brand new Zondervan imprint, Blink YA Books. Stop by and chat to win a signed ARC of DOON, their YA reimagining of Brigadoon!

Thursday: Brush up your best short descriptions because Bethany House Publishing and Barbour author,  Mary Connealy will be talking about "Tag Lines and Log Lines", how they're different, how to write them and we'll be practicing on coming up with strong tag lines and log lines for our own books. Mary will be giving away a signed copy of her latest release A Bride for All Seasons, a novella collection with Robin Lee Hatcher, Margaret Brownley and Debra Clopton.
 Friday: Today we welcome back, Omaha author, Jewell Tweedt will talk about "Putting the History into Historical Fiction." One reader will win a signed copy of Faith and Hope-Grace’s Story. - See more at:
 Contact us at our email address if you are a winner. If you haven't received your prize in 6-8 weeks, per our legal page, drop us a line. 

Winner of a Seekerville book of choice as available on Amazon from the last Weekend Edition is Barbara Thompson.

Seekerville sends heartfelt thanks to Love Inspired Editor Emily Rodmell for guest blogging on Monday, July 8, with "How to Pitch Your Book Like a Rock Star!" Emily provided detailed information about what an editor is looking for in a pitch. She also offered constructive suggestions on how to improve the blurbs many of our Villagers posted that day. In honor of Emily's visit, the Seekers donated seven, three-book bundles of Love Inspired, Love Inspired Suspense and Love Inspired Historical releases. Congrats to our winners!

Zanne Davis won:Georgia Sweethearts, by Missy Tippens,Yuletide Hearts, by Ruth Logan Herne, Noah's Sweetheart, by Rebecca Kertz

 Rachel Jones won: Mending the Doctor's Heart, by Tina Radcliffe, Reunited Hearts, by Ruth Logan Hearne,The Officer’s Secret, by Debby Giusti

Vanessa Riley won:The Bride Wore Spurs, by Janet Dean,Small-town Hearts, by Ruth Logan Herne, The Captain’s Mission, by Debby Giusti

Suzanne Dietze won:Mended Hearts, by Ruth Logan Herne, Georgia Sweethearts, by Missy Tippens,The Colonel’s Daughter, by Debby Giusti

Dianna Shuford won:A Horseman's Hope, by Myra Johnson,A Family to Cherish, by Ruth Logan Herne, Baby in His Arms, by Linda Goodnight.

Sally Shupe won:His Mistletoe Family by Ruth Logan Herne, Montana Wrangler, by Charlotte Carter,A Canyon Springs Courtship, by Glynna Kaye

Martha Ramirez won:The Lawman's Second Chance, by Ruth Logan Herne,A Canyon Springs Courtship, by Glynna Kaye, The Bride Wore Spurs, by Janet Dean

Tuesday the Grammar Queen returned, (check out the boots!) fresh from two glorious weeks at Green Mountain Dude Ranch!  Her topic this time was "Removing Repetitious Redundancies," Winner of a 10-page grammar checkup for your wip is Dianna Shuford.

Zondervan debut co-authors Lorie Langdon & Carey Corp talked about "Divine Detours" on their journey to becoming part of the brand new Zondervan imprint, Blink YA Books. The winner of an ARC of DOON, their YA re-imagining of Brigadoon is Jan Drexler.

 Bethany House Publishing and Barbour author,  Mary Connealy talked about "Tag Lines That'll Hook Your Reader,"  how they're different, how to write them on Thursday. Winners of 2 signed copies of her latest release A Bride for All Seasons, a novella collection with Robin Lee Hatcher, Margaret Brownley and Debra Clopton are Christy Kennard and Laurie Tomlinson. 

 Friday we welcomed back, Omaha author, Jewell Tweedt who shared, "Putting the History into Historical Fiction." The winner of  a signed copy of Faith and Hope-Grace’s Story is Tonja Saylor.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday:  Join 2013 RITA® finalist Missy Tippens for "7 Things Smart Authors Have in Common." She'll be offering a giveaway to two lucky commenters (hint: it smells like romance!).

Tuesday: Seekerville is delighted to welcome back our Harlequin Special Edition author, Lynne Marshall who will chat with us about "The Gracious Critique Partnership." Lynne will be giving away the first book in the Special Edition duet - Courting His Favorite Nurse to one commenter. And we have a surprise giveaway as well!

Wednesday:Join Sandra Leesmith as she begins her adventure at the RWA National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. She is sharing a 28 day devotional she wrote for writers. But check in later in the day because she will post conference happenings along with pictures of IRCA winners accepting their awards at the Faith Hope & Love Chapter of RWA event. And she will announce the location of a casual get-together after the Thursday morning Seekerville workshop.

Thursday:Welcome back to Debra Ullrick who will be talking about "Writer's Burnout."
She will be giving away TWO copies of her latest release from Love Inspired Historical, The Unintended Groom.

Friday: Today we're putting on our RWA ball caps and shirts and rooting for the home team. Stop by for all things RWA Atlanta Conference and some great giveaways for those of us cheering from home with our post "RWA LIVE!!"

Seeker Sightings 

Seekerville is very excited to share that we are now on Pinterest. We are a work in progress. Thank you to our wonderful assistant (Hi, Alex!) who is helping us get caught up on all our projects. 

RWA Conference Atlanta!!

Please remember to send your photos of RWA, yourself and Seeker friends and authors to us at seekers at seekerville dot net for our next Friday RWA Live Post.

Be sure to check out the Harlequin Book signing where 2013 RITA finalist Missy Tippens will be signing (Friday, July 19th from  9:45 to 11:15).

Sandra Leesmith is excited to announce that she will be signing complimentary copies of Love's Miracles at RWA's first Indie Book signing on Thursday, July 18 at 3:00-4:15 in the Marquis Ballroom D. Please stop by and say "Hi".  If you missed the free Kindle download of Love's Miracles during the Memorial Day weekend, you have another opportunity. Love's Miracles will be free July 18th.     Here's the link.

 Ever wondered what really goes on behind the scenes in Seekerville? The next best thing to a Seekerville Reality Show is the Seekerville workshop at RWA. 

 The Blog that Helped Us Sail Off Unpubbed Island (CAREER) Speakers: Mary Connealy, Janet Dean, Debby Giusti, Myra Johnson, Sandra Leesmith, and Missy Tippens. Thursday, July 18, 8:30 to 9:30 am. Learn how group blogging helped these aspiring authors sail straight to publication.

If you're going to the RWA Conference in Atlanta be sure to check out the Harlequin Booksigning where 2013 RITA finalist Missy Tippens will be signing (Friday, July 19th  9:45 to 11:15).  - See more at:

Missy Tippens, Janet Dean and Debby Giusti shown here with Editor Emily Rodmell.

Seekers signing at the 2013 RWA "Readers for Life" Literacy Autographing,"
Wednesday, July 17, 5:30–7:30 p.m. Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atrium Ballroom A–C (Atrium level). This event is open to the public. Stop by their table and say hi.

Janet Dean

Missy Tippens

Debby Giusti

**NEW INFO*** Faith Hope & Love Annual General Meeting, Atlanta Marriot Marquis, Room A703, Meeting to begin at 2 p.m and end by 4 p.m.

Tina Radcliffe with be a special guest in the Yankee-Belle Cafe sharing her recipe for Chopped Salad on Friday, July 19th.

A Bride for All Seasons Giveaway | Enter to win something new each day!

Random News & Information

Have you pre-ordered your copy of Romance is My Day Job by Harlequin Senior Editor, Patience Bloom??

 Avoid the Passive Voice with Zombies (GalleyCat)  

 **New Info*** Twitter: A Dangerous Sense of Entitlement (Writer Unboxed)

***New Info*** Scrivener Online Registration Open for September 9 Class (Gwen Hernandez)

 15 highest-paid authors of 2012 (CSM)

Check out Authorgraph!

 Boardroom Thriller! Is Barnes & Noble Killing the Nook to Save the Stores? (Yahoo! Finance)

 The Magical Midpoint Moment (Kill Zone)

 How To Be Prolific: Guidelines For Getting It Done From Joss Whedon (Fast Company via Virginia Carmichael)

At Harlequin, Rachel Burkot has been promoted to associate editor at Kimani and Dana Hamilton has been promoted to assistant editor, Harlequin Romantic Suspense. (Publishers Lunch)

Senior marketing manager at Grove/Atlantic and Mysterious Press Jason Pinter will leave the company on July 19 to launch Polis Books, a digital publishing startup focusing on new and backlist fiction from contemporary authors in crime fiction, science fiction & fantasy, and romance/erotica/commercial women's fiction. Pinter told us Polis Books will formally debut next month (and is looking to hire an additional acquiring editor) and publish its first list this fall. Polis will offer authors "modest advances to begin with," as "it's important that our writers know we are investing in them" and royalties beginning at  at 40 percent of net receipts, increasing at various sales benchmarks. (Publishers Lunch)

Guest Post by Lisa Grace (A Newbie's Guide to Publishing)

 Have a story for Harlequin Desire, Kimani, Rom Suspense or Special Edition? Sign up for the online pitch by July 15!

Heart of the West Judge Panel is Now Up to Date. Deadline is July 22 (Thanks to Nancy C!)

Contemporary: Single title; category; mainstream, inspirational in a contemporary setting.
Historical: Single title; category; Regencies; suspense, mainstream, inspirational in an historical setting.
Paranormal: Time travel, ghost, futuristic, paranormals of all other kinds.
Mystery/Suspense: Single title; category; suspense, mainstream, or inspirational.
Young Adult/New Adult: Single title; category; historical, inspirational, paranormal or contemporary.

Contemporary: Nicole Resciniti, The Seymour Agency
Historical: Scott Eagan, Greyhaus Literary Agency
Paranormal: Beth Campbell, BookEnds-LLC, A Literary Agency
Mystery/Suspense: Allison Lyons, Harlequin Editor
Young Adult/New Adult: Judith Engracia, Liza Dawson Associates Literay Agency
Golden Pen: Cori Deyoe, 3 Seas Literary Agency 

That's it, have a great weekend!!


  1. The king sized (weekend) coffee pot is set to brew.

    Congrats to all winners. Enjoy!

    Not going to RWA, but sure wish I could hear that Seekerville workshop. Any chance of the content being posted?


  2. Lots and lots of good info. So, excited for everyone going to RWA. I wish I could attend the panels and the festivities.

    The passive voice with zombies was great. I saw that earlier in the week and now I find myself adding 'by zombies' to all my verbs. :)

    I don't know why I am surprised that four of the top 15 paid authors are YA/Teen writers. I think it's great though.

  3. Thanks for the coffee...and congrats to all the winners...readers, authors and published

  4. I don't know about sailing STRAIGHT to publication. I'd say more like...we were tossed about on the stormy seas, setting sail over and over only to be cast back on the merciless shores of Unpubbed Island, with circling sharks and stinging jelly fish in the icy depths of the battering currents.

    Throw in an occasional typhoon.

    Not even close to STRAIGHT!!!

  5. I can't wait to see everyone at the Seekerville panel! 8:30AM with coffee in hand.

    I am sure the rest of the day will be downhill from there!

    Peace, Julie

  6. No.But you will be able to buy the CD or download it soon after conference. It will be available at

  7. Julie, you could keep the day "up" by just not attending classes.

    Ruthy's Idea Of the Perfect Conference!!!

    Chillaxin' with pals, LOL!

    While youse are carousin' and kickin' up your heels in Atlanta, I'll be here with Teeeeenster, Cara, Audra and Glynna... keepin' the home fires burnin'.


    Okay, keeping the light on for ya'!

    Better!!! Much better!!!!!

    I get a Saturday writing day AGAIN!

    Graduation party tomorrow, so I'm making the most of today. LOVE IT!!!!

  8. Wonderful Weekend Edition, Tina! Congrats to our winners!

    Wahoo, Seekerville is on Pinterest! Cool!

    Can't wait to see Seekers and Villagers in Atlanta! And to cheer for Missy at the Rita's!!

    We'll be celebrating a grandson's birthday today. Birthday parties are such fun!

    Have a great weekend all!


  9. Looking forward to hearing all the gossip from RWA. And I finally set up a personal Pinterest account so I could follow y'all. I'm a bit disgruntled about being dragged into the 21st century kicking and screaming. :-)

  10. What am I doing this weekend? Polishing, polishing, polishing a proposal. It's much more fun that polishing furniture!

    I will stop to have dinner and take in a play at a community theater with the gals.

  11. Another FABULOUS weekend edition, TINA! And special thanks to ALEX for her Seekerville Pinterest!!

  12. Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell what I'M doing this weekend....drafting a Seeker blog, drafting a Love Inspired Authors blog, brainstorming alternate titles for the April 2014 book I submitted a few weeks ago, working on the art fact sheet for same and making headway on the full proposal (due July 30) of the third book in my 3-book contract. As always, a MIND-BOGGLING BUSY DAY even when I don't have to go to the day job! :)

    Oh, and I need to plant flowers I bought several weeks ago and haven't had time to plant. Yes, I know it's July, but this is mountain country Arizona so it's COLD at night later than most places, plus with every free second spent working toward a deadline, there just wasn't time. But I'm afraid if I wait much longer, they'll be dead...and perennials bought from a local nursery are NOT cheap!

  13. Lots of info this week, Tina. Thanks for all your hard work scouting out some great links!

    I'm really bummed I can't make it to RWA! Go Debby, Janet, Missy and Sandra! Sign those books! I'm especially excited to hear RWA is having an Indie book signing.

    And the workshop conducted by our very own Seekerville crew! I'm buying the CD of that workshop as soon as it's available. I know it'll be the hit of the conference : )

    Have fun in Atlanta, ladies. Take lots of pictures!!

  14. Great Pinterest page!! Thanks Alex, it looks great! OMG, I better go update my boards.

  15. LOL!!! I love the Team Missy shirt! Thanks, Tina. I'm feeling the love today. :) :)

  16. So TRUE, Mary. But I don't know about a title that includes shark infested waters. Not sure RWA would have picked that one up. ;)

  17. Bless you, Julie! Anyone who shows up that early deserves a prize. Gosh, maybe Ruthy should ship us a Keurig and we'll serve you as we take turns talking. :)

  18. Kav, before you know it, you'll be hooked on Pinterest!! Beware. You've been warned!


  19. Books, freebies, contests, RITA AWARDS! Whoo-hoo!! Seekerville is on a roll. :)

    Headed out the door to the historical society meeting. This month's topic: circuit riding preachers. Sounds fun!

  20. Casting for Downton Abbey? No wonder. It's because THEY KILLED EVERYONE OFF!!!!!

    Okay, I've pulled myself together. No, they didn't kill EVERYONE. But they upset me by killing off a couple of people. I know it had to be done. But really...couldn't the actors have considered viewers before quitting???

  21. Okay, Tina, I'm off to check out some of your links. Then I'll be finishing up my post for Monday. Can y'all believe I'm getting it put up before Sunday night?! :)

  22. Great Weekend Edition TINA. I think we will love Pinterest. Very user friendly Thank the Lord (said by me who is so technically challenged lol)

    Can hardly wait to see Seeker friends at the conference.

    Thanks Tina for mentioning the CD (said in sarcastic tone because now we are REALLY going to be nervous) sigh

  23. Congrats winners! Great WE!!

    What a fun week this is going to be! I know the Seekerville workshop is going to be a huge hit!

    Go Missy!!

    Was anyone else surprised who the top earning author was?

  24. Another great WE, Tina! Congrats to last week's winners!

    How fun--Seekerville on Pinterest! We are becoming ubiquitous!!!

    (Love using that word.)

  25. Rose, that is fantastic! I will be praying your ms finds favor.

  26. Forgot to say how SUPER-EXCITED I am to see five wonderful Seeker sisters at RWA in a few days!!!

    Someday . . . someday . . .

    We will ALL be together again!!!

    Hoping to see lots of Seekervillagers at RWA, too!

  27. Oh my stars, I'm falling in love with PINTEREST!!!!!


    I'm getting my glee on just thinking about it! SQUEEEEEE!!!!!


    (please don't let that last sentence fool you into thinking I know ANYTHING. I do not. )

    Thank you in advance for

    A.) Not laughing too hard

    B.) If you do laugh uproariously, keeping it to yourself

    C.) Raising a cup of coffee in my name!

  28. OH get an iPad mini. You can do so much more. You can get the app that let's you utilize Word. It will be like having a little netbook. If you are going to spend the money get the product that does it all. For writers the iPad mini. For readers the Fire will suffice.

    Just remember that Apple and Adobe are not friends so no flash ability just like an iPhone.

  29. If you Google "Kindle Fire versus iPad mini" there are tons of articles out there so you can do your own due diligence.

  30. Congratulations to all the winners! Next week is looking good, too, though I won't get to read many of them. Sigh.

    TINA, I loved all the articles you shared in this WE. Wonderful! I especially liked the KillZone JSB one about the magical midpoint moment. So insightful!!

    The kids are chorin' and I get to write. Have a wonderful weekend, all!

  31. Well my RBF (Rita Best Friend) Missy Tippens sent me that article.

    My favorite articles are the Patience Bloom one. I read all the posts on her romance. Awe!!

    The Twitter one. Ouchy!!

    And thanks Carol and Virginia for the Joss Whedon one. Insightful!!

  32. Hi I'm Deb and I feel like I should reintroduce myself. Summer is a tough one, not that it lasts long in upstate NY...

    I had family for a week and I've been deep in my writing cave otherwise (yes Tina.)

    Not sure I can catch up so I'm going to skim and at least lurk next week. I am rather excited to see photos and posts coming out of RWA! You all do such a nice job of keeping the rest of us feeling we are attending by proxy (but get much more sleep and don't have to change out of Tshirts and shorts!)

    Have an amazing time at RWA.
    and everyone have a lovely week.

  33. Wish I could be at the FHL meeting at the RWA conference. I hope to go one of these years. I pray that goes well for everyone attending!

  34. LOL, Tina. But yes, I loved that article. Was glad to share it.

    Can't wait to see everyone next week!!! But first...must get gray roots covered and highlights added...and toenails done is a gorgeous red. I'll be skipping out for a while on my post day Monday to do so. I know all of you of a certain age will understand. :)

  35. I'm typing fast before my internet service "flees" again, LOL.

    Great WE, as always Miss Tina! CONGRATS to all the winners, and I cannot wait to see some Seekers and Villagers at RWA next week! Since this is my very first one, I'll be the most "dazed and confused" lady walking around (especially if I'm not wearing my glasses, LOL).
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  36. Deb, I'll be here with you!!!!

    We can be Team Upstate!!!!! Melanie will join us....

    Mia's going to RWA so she's going to be in the thick of the action.

    But we stay at homes can pocket our money... (not a bad thing, you know????) and cheer from the sidelines!


    ESPECIALLY THE PINTEREST BOARD -- SOOOOOOOO COOL!!!! BLESS YOU, BLESS YOU, BLESS YOU!!! Now ... can I add stuff to my board?? Gotta take the time to learn how this Pinterest stuff all works.

    Cannot BELIEVE the money those 15 authors are hauling in -- WHOA, BABY!!



  38. Just got back from the historical society meeting. Fascinating topic about circuit riding preachers. Then when it was over, an older gentlemen asked if I'd ever found any evidence of female circuit riders. Not to my knowledge. But it was a good question.

    THEN, I met a 15yo who's been doing genealogical research for SEVEN years!!!! Wowzers! Too fun! :) Loved talking to him.

  39. Sounds fun, Pam! I would imagine some of then you heard about were Methodist. :)

  40. I'm so excited about the upcoming week. Thanks, Tina, for providing Seeker where and whens!

    Looking forward to giving out hugs at the literacy signing. Stop by my table (authors sit in A-B-C order) to say hello.

    BTW, don't ever worry about having to buy a book at the literacy signing. It's all for charity. The authors just want folks to say hello!

  41. I failed to include Janet Dean's latest release, The Bride Wore Spurs, in the list of books Martha Ramirez won on Monday, July 8, when Wonder Editor Emily Rodmell was our guest. Thanks, Janet and all the Seekers who donated books!

    Thanks again to Emily for providing such great information about pitching to an editor. If you couldn't join us that day, be sure to read her blog in the archives!

  42. The Seekers are on Pinterest! Woot!!!

    Thanks, Tina, for pinning us! :)

  43. Wow! Books and a critique. I won't know what to do with myself. Congrats to all the other winners, too. Thanks Seekers.

    I haven't even attemtped Pineterest because everyone keeps telling me I'll get addicted. I don't have any more time to waste. Facebook and Twitter are about all I can handle.

    Can't wait to meet up with some of you next week. I'm excited. My first RWA National Conference.

    Now, back to my regularly scheduled program. :-)

  44. Love that the Seekers are on Pnterest—headed right over there and clicked "Follow All." Good Deal!

    I'm getting excited with all the RWA talk—feels like I should be pulling my little black dress out of the closet... but wait, I'm not going! Boohoo! boohoo!

  45. You and me, Mary Hicks. RWA NYC 2015. If we are going to starve to get into the LBD it may as well be for Times Square.

  46. TINA -- an app that lets you use Word on an iPad mini? Can the app also be used on an iPad?

    Nancy C

  47. An amazing WE edition, Tina. Outdid yourself this time.

    I'm still trying to come to grips with Downton Abbey sans Matthew. Not sure ... not sure.

    So many good links. Love the Zombie Passive Voice Alert. Wonder if it works with the fortunes in fortune cookies, too? The Magical Midpoint Moment was an 'aha!' And oh my gosh, the one about entitlement. Gee ... they're all informative links.

    Congrats to all you winners!

    AND GO MISSY!!!!!

  48. Matthew and Sybil. Gone forever. They better not mess with Tom or I am going to revolt.

  49. Yes.Here's one. I am sure there are others.

    Cloud On

  50. I love Tom, too!!!!

    He's such a rough Irish laddie!!!!

    And that baby, how stinkin' cute is she?????

    And Lady Crawley, who is so much like our very own Debby Giusti that when I see Lady Crawley, I see DEBBY!!!!!

    I have Microsoft Word with the cloud now.

    Oh my stars, what a wonderful invention that is. Reviewing????

    So much nicer! Cleaner! No crazy lines, and it reconverts when I send files back to NYC, but it's so much easier for me to see if everything is in the right place because it's not crossing anything out at my end... it changes it and then shows the editors what I've done at their end.


    Here's a link telling more:

    Microsoft 365

  51. Thanks TINA and RUTHY, this is the much-welcomed answer to one of life's aggravations :-)

    By the way, Happy Weekend everyone. Mine is super because our drought-stricken area is getting ... rain!!!!

    Nancy C

  52. The Pinterest board is so beautiful. I makes mine look like it was done by a drunken squirrel. :(

    I tried to get an Instagram account. Turns out you need a smartphone. #lifeiscomplicated

  53. Check out the new edition to the WE! Gwen Hernandez is offering her Scrivener class in September. Her class is excellent! She answers every question and makes sure you completely understand how to use the program.

    So, can you tell I'm awesomely PRO SCRIVENER??

    Sign up.


  54. Nancy C thanks for filling in the blanks for the judging panel. I always like knowing who will see my work WHEN I final!!

  55. RWA in 2015? In NYC?

    Sounds like a plan.

    PLEASE don't tell me it's the last weekend of July...

    I may just have quit my job to attend : )

  56. Julie! I love the cover of your Kissology book on our cover slideshow! When will it be available???

  57. Okay, I've watched how Josh gets several projects done by using his own personal chocolate reward system.

    If he runs for president, I'm VOTING FOR HIM.

    I saw passive voice zombies....

    And I not only saw Nook's big news... I saw how JC Penney is recovering from "GASP!!!!" the notion that I loved, having low prices and passing the no-advertsising on to consumers. I loved that!!! But I found out about it too late.

    Now they're back to high prices and big sales.

    That's annoying, but it was on the same page as the Nook announcement, which is why you get to hear my rant.

    I made peanut butter chocolate brownies for a graduation party this afternoon.

    And chocolate chip cookies. Clearly I love this kid that's graduating!

    And I love seeing tips from Virginia and other indie authors about what's going on at the big Amazon....

    and beyond. I love that e-readers have become the new BIG THING and that my books for Love Inspired ...




  58. Audra and I are good friends.

    She is a Scrivener woman.

    I am a seat of my pants gal.

    And yet we love each other....

    "What the world needs now is love...

    Sweet love....

    That's the only thing....

    That there's just too little of! What the world needs now...."

    She and I will sing Kumbaya... but I'm lucky I can operate a modern-day keyboard, much less Scrivener.

  59. >>Audra Harders said...Nancy C thanks for filling in the blanks for the judging panel. I always like knowing who will see my work WHEN I final!!<<

    Gosh I like your attitude!

    Nancy C
