Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Weekend Edition

We Have Winners

 If you are a winner, email us asap at Please  read our legal page here. If you haven't received your prize in 8 weeks, drop us a line (we get busy writing books and forget). You must contact us every single time you win. 

On Monday Mary Connealy continued her series on Creating Characters with "Creating Characters One Layer at a Time-Layer Three- Is it American Idol? Nope, it's The Voice." The winner of their choice of one of the books (in the format described) from Mary's post is Connie Queen.

Tuesday Barbara White Daille shared "Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals for You AND Your Characters.The winner of an autographed copy of her new release, Rancher at Risk is Mz Zey Zey.

Wednesday we had sound writing advice presented from award-winning author Sharlene MacLaren who divulged her “Ten Steps on Your Journey to Publishing.”  The winner of of her latest book, Heart of Mercy, a tender love story loved and heartily endorsed by Julie Lessman, is Cindy W. 

Thursday  Ruth Logan Herne  and Ben Franklin rang in the new year with some chat about money wisdom!!!  The winner of their choice of a chat-with-the-author phone call is Deb H. and the winners of a free download of any two Ruthy books (one each) are Cortney K and Terri.

Friday Love Inspired Historical author Naomi Rawlings showed us how to go from "Boring to Riveting" as she teaches us to fuse Action/Reaction scenes that capture the reader's attention! Winner of Naomi's new Love Inspired Historical The Wyoming Heir is Mary Hicks.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday:Love Inspired author Missy Tippens is a self-proclaimed "Queen of Charts." As she develops her stories, she uses a variety of her favorite charts to figure out plot and character. Be sure to drop by today as she shares her moral premise chart (based on Stanley Williams's book The Moral Premise: Harnessing Virtue and Vice for Box Office Success) for her latest release, Georgia Sweethearts. Come and share your favorite methods for planning your stories! Enter to win a phone or email chat with Missy to discuss the moral premise of your current story.

Tuesday:Oh, no, she's back! Grammar Queen returns today with another of her scintillating lectures. You won't won't to miss (actually you don't dare miss, or GQ will chase you down and pound your knuckles with her ruler) her enlightening discussion titled "Danger! Dangling Participles Ahead!" You may want to study up ahead of time, because there will be a quiz. GQ will offer a copy of Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing, by Mignon Fogarty, to the brightest student in class (or, more likely, to a needy participant selected via a random drawing).

Wednesday: We look forward to another fun post from Love Inspired Suspense author, Debby Giusti today!

Thursday:Today Karen Witemeyer asks "What do you do with leftover characters?" You could just throw them away and start fresh. Or you could carefully pack them up hoping that they might be brought out again sometimes in the future. Or you might repurpose them into something delicious. Karen will be giving away a copy of A Match Made in Texas.

Friday: Join us on today, when  Carol Cox will visit to talk "Reuse! Recycle!" Don't despair when a favorite part of a scene...or a whole scene...or an entire subplot winds up on the cutting room floor--whether an editor has mandated the cuts or the author herself realized they need to be surgically removed. Rather than being discouraged when ideas don't pan out the way we'd hoped, hang on to them to be reused in other stories later on. Carol will be giving away a copy of Trouble in Store.

Seeker Sightings

Tina Radcliffe is hijacking The Writers Alley Chocolate Cafe today. Stop by and say hi!

First ever Love Inspired Reader Luncheon! Seekers Debby Giusti and Missy Tippens along with several other Love Inspired authors will be taking part in a Reader Luncheon to be held Thursday, January 30th, from 11am to 2pm at the Crowne Plaza in downtown Tampa, Florida. Be sure to save the date! More info on how to order tickets here: Tickets are limited, so don't miss out!

Make plans to attend Murder Goes South, a mystery reader and writer festival held on Saturday, Jan 25, from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM at the Smyrna Community Center, Smyrna, GA. Our own Debby Giusti is one of the featured presenters. Lunch will be provided with ticket. Book signing follows the talks.For more information and to make reservations, visit

Yes, it’s true! Julie Lessman's publisher Revell is kicking off a fun new contest in honor of Julie's brand-new release Dare to Love Again where you can win a $100 gift card, Ghiradelli chocolate tower, a Fisherman’s Wharf gift bread basket, a Chinatown tea set, copies of Love at Any Cost and Dare to Love Again, and more! It’s easy and it’s fun, so check out the details by clicking the link below:

Random News & Information

Emily Krupin has joined Harlequin as assistant editor for the Love Inspired imprint. Previously she was an assistant editor at Oxford University Press. (Publishers Lunch)

 Rejection Letters–A Little Decoding (Romance is My Day Job)

 Romance is My Day Job: A Day in the Life of a Harlequin Editor (YouTube)

 Barbour Launches New Imprint, Shiloh Run Press (PW)

 How Hybrid Publishers Innovate To Succeed (Forbes)

How Isaac Newton is related to Jane Austen and Dickens to Napoleon (UKMail)

The Science Behind a Bestseller (GalleyCat)

Rejection Letters Received by Bestselling Authors (GalleyCat)

 Entangled Publishing’s New Adult imprint, Embrace, has a wish list of stories the editors would like to see. Embrace stories feature characters 18-24 who are striving for independence and finding themselves (and love!) Among the types of stories editors would love to see:Cowboys and/or a Western setting, men in uniform, sports and athletes, characters with unusual jobs, workplace entanglements, travel, struggles to support oneself, surfers, and the conflict of college vs. working world. Check out the complete list here. From Cindi Myers Market News

 Do You Own Your Copyrights? (Writers in the Storm)

That's it! Have a great weekend!


  1. What a fun week I had!! CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners. Looking forward to next week.

  2. Happy reading to all the winners.

    I haven't kept up with you guys this week. Hubby hasn't been feeling well. Tuesday night his blood pressure and heart rate went crazy, made a 50 mile trip to the ER Tuesday night and got home at 3 a.m. To the local doctor yesterday. Seeing a cardiologist Monday.

    Been without my laptop for 2 weeks. Finally got it back today!

    The coffee pot is plugged in.

  3. Another GREAT WE, Miss T!
    Congratulations to all the winners!!
    Looking forward to another awesome week in Seekerville.
    Happy Weekend, everyone. Please enjoy the Georgia Peach Pancakes I'm setting out for Saturday breakfast (with warm maple syrup and *real* butter--YUM).
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  4. p.s. @Helen, prayers for your husband! ~ So glad you've got your laptop back--I'm afraid I'd have withdrawals without mine, LOL. ~ Hugs, PJ

  5. PJ,

    I have my desktop, but I've grown addicted to using the laptop in the living room--or wherever.

  6. Thanks for the great WE. Lots of great info for the start of 2014.

    Helen, I hope dh is feeling better and gets a good report on Monday.

    It's been a crazy week of sub-zero temps, favorite football teams falling out of the play-offs, coyote visits, power outages, stories of pets left outside (wrenched my heart) and cabin fever. Looking forward to better temps this week and writing without fear of the alarm sounding that I am suddenly on battery power instead of electricity.
    Safe travels to those traveling. Prayers to those suffering. Peace to those in turmoil.

  7. Helen, I hope your hubby feels better and gets good news from the dr.

    Waving at Cat Mom and Lyndee and Helen - a nice reminder that I got to meet you all in Indy.

    (good night I'm going back to bed for a nap)

  8. Interesting WE...particularly intrigued by the idea of the digital serials that Barbour will be putting out. So Dickenish, don't you think?

    And Helen, praying that all goes well with your husband's health!

  9. Great WE, Tina! Thanks again.

    Congratulations to all the winners, myself included. I look forward to reading Naomi's book, The Wyoming Heir, thanks Naomi! :-)

    Helen, I know what you mean about being addicted to your laptop—same here. I'm sitting in my bed as I write this. Have laptop, will travel as the mood strikes.

    Good weekend to everyone!

  10. Great WE with lots of interesting sites again. Thanks TINA.

    HELEN, prayers for hubby.

    PATTI JO I'm loving those peach pancakes. Thanks for sending them.

    I'm off to my semi-annual slumber party with my high school girlfriends. Should be fun. a break from the computer. smile

  11. Great WE as usual. Congrats to all the winners. Helen sending prayers for your hubby.

    Hope next week is better. Possible tornados today and dh and grandson will be playing with chain saws this morning. My nerves are shot.

  12. Good morning, Seekerville.

    Serving up cupcakes in the Writer's Alley to go with those pancakes. Yes. They make the perfect dessert.

    Helen, prayers for hubby@!!

  13. Thanks for the great WE, Tina! I can't wait to read some of those article.

    But SNOW??? I wish you could see us right now. It's 56 degrees and POURING RAIN. We've even had thunder an lightning. I almost wish for snow right now!

  14. Oh, no, Helen! I pray he's okay. Hope the doctor can figure out what's wrong.

  15. Goodness, Lyndee. I sure hope you get some relief from the extreme weather!

  16. Elaine, chainsaws would tax my nerves as well!

  17. Okay, I'm diving back in the story. I'm sorry to be so absent these days! I turned in revisions the beginning of the month and then now have a proposal due this week. See you more soon! Well, actually, I'll see you Monday with my post. :)

  18. Helen, praying for your hubby! God bless you both.

  19. Peach pancakes? Sounds delish! I found a new recipe the other day and plan to try it.

    Are You Kidding? cake.

    1 cake mix, any flavor
    1 can pie filling, any flavor
    3 eggs beaten

    You just have to be strategic pairing your cake mix and your pie filling. (butter cake and blueberry; black forest and cherry pie filling, etc.)

    I think I'll make it today.

    No icing required, but a bit of cream cheese icing would be yummy... :)

  20. TINA -- another top-notch WE!

    HELEN -- a midnight run to an ER 50 miles away? That had to be a long, scary drive. Praying for your hubby.

    MISSY -- Congrats on the revisions! My latest book goes in this coming week, then I have to finish up all the 'peripheral' docs that immediately follow--reader letter, discussion questions, AFS, etc. THEN, like you, I've got to get that next 3-book proposal put together. Hopefully BEFORE edits for this latest one fire back at me! :(

  21. The first full week of January went by so fast...before you know it, it'll be Christmas again!!

    Please say it ain't so!!

    Congrats to all the winners and looking forward to the week ahead.

    Prayers for your hubby, Helen! With all the trauma and worry in your house, you still plugged in the coffee for us. I love you.

  22. Georgia peach pancakes! Mmmm, makes me think of summertime. Thanks Patti Jo!

    OMG, sub zero temps, tornadoes, rain...Praying for this nonsensical weather to stop across the country!

  23. Tina, love the mitten photos! I never wear them, but adore the look! Our snow is melting fast.

    Congratulations winners! Looking forward to next week's lineup!

    I've got to check out more links before our company arrives. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes are on the menu and a version of lava cake for dessert. After sampling a cupcake in the Writer's Alley Chocolate Cafe, I want more chocolate.


  24. HELEN, so sorry about your hubby, and praying they can get that heart stuff under control ASAP!

    Busy but productive day for me. Our ACFW chapter officers had a board meeting to make plans for 2014. If you're in NC, we hope you'll check us out!

    And, hey, did I see GRAMMAR QUEEN is coming back next week???? I should have known a week in Australia on Ruthy's virtual retreat would put a fire in her belly to get on our cases again.

  25. Helen..... That's a tough week, my friend. So sorry about hubby's problems. Praying grace and healing for him.... and glad your laptop is back. And girlfriend, I saw your cover on Facebook....


  26. Myra, GQ was so much fun on the retreat! My plane back stateside is tomorrow.....

    But some of the gals headed out today.

    Some good work done and lots of fellowship and camaraderie. LOVED IT!!!!

  27. I had to go to a basement today, tornado warning, my first ever!!!!!

    And you know it will show up in a book!!!!


    Ruthy = Inclement weather.


    I think not!!!

  28. Tina, I love that graphic about the night class!!!!!

    Ruthy's "How to Write a Selling Series".... the "Arc Outside the Arc"....

    LOVE IT.

    Can't wait to start it in a few weeks and we've got room for a few more folks.

    Grinning about having fun wi' youse!!!

  29. Elaine, Dave's a woodcutter. Chainsaws decorate my porches and garage.... and a big wood splitter is locked into place across the yard, surrounded by split firewood.

    I hear ya'!

    But I do love my woodburning stove!!!

  30. Helen - sorry your husband isn't feeling well. Praying for a good answer from the doc.

    Ruthy - how'd you like that tornado drill? They happen far too often in my home state. Very few homes have basements here, but I do have a shelter in my garage.

    Missy - good luck with the proposal!

    Pam - the cake sounds yummy. How long do you bake? Just like a regular cake?

    I'm thrilled to see my name listed amongst the winners. Now I just have to decide which books I want!

    Wish I'd got here in time for Patti Jo's pancakes.

  31. Helen, hope hubby is feeling better and all the tests results are good. Scary, for sure!

    My daughter and sil are running a Marathon at Disney World. Hubby and I are keeping children while they're gone. Three little ones! So much fun! No wonder I couldn't get to my computer yesterday. LOL!

    Congrats to the Seekerville winners!!!

  32. hahaha, Ruthy! You like tornado warning? Move to Oklahoma. They will tell you on the news what street in your neighborhood the tornado is hopping to as it happens. That's scary!

    But no basements in Tulsa. So you get used to hauling the mattress into the bathroom. LOL

  33. Helen, so sorry to hear of your hubby's emergency. I know how frightening that can be. Hope tomorrow brings a good report from the doctor.
    Enjoyed the WE, Tina. Congrats to all of the winners from last week.
    Hope those on writers' retreat down under had fun in the sun and didn't get a serious burn.
    Stay safe and warm, everyone.

  34. Helen, we're praying for your husband and the doctors treating him and to all those with weather concerns.

    Congratulations to the winners and thanks to Tina for the WE.

    Good news about the digital Barbour addition (Kav-yes, interesting with the serials mentioned) and comforting news in the interpretation of rejection letters (and the comment section of that blog post).

    Next week looks filled with good information.

    Patti Jo, thanks for keeping the peach pancakes warm.

    Pam, I'm also asking how long to bake the cake.

    Australia was fun--waving to those who where there. We missed the friends who couldn't make it. I brought back lambington cakes to share...and macadamia nuts. The jellybeans and Tim Tams are all gone. Sorry!

    Happy writing this week to all!

  35. Helen, I hope your husband is better. Sorry for the tough week!

  36. Helen, your husband and you are in my thoughts. Thank heaven for the medical community -- there when we most need them.

    Congrats to all you winners!

    Lots of interesting reading in the links. And KAV, I thought the same thing about series and Dickens.

    On another note, thanks Seekerville for Rogenna's Amazon 101 class. I am learning so much.

    Looking forward to next week ...

    Nancy C

  37. Terri & Sherida, bake the Are You Kidding cake for 35 mins (give or take) at 350 degrees.

    Also, an option to add extra yumminess, you can poke chunks of cream cheese down into the batter before you cook it. :)

  38. Hello, Seekers! I'm elated that I won a giveaway this past week! However, I am having a problem sending an email to the address provided. My gmail is saying the address, was not recognized. Can someone confirm the address or help me? I'm so excited to receive my book!
