Saturday, October 18, 2014

Persistence and Those Little ‘God Nudges’ — The Key to Success!

with guest Susan Anne Mason.

Hi everyone! So happy to be here as part of Seekerville’s birthday month celebration! I am honored that Tina asked me to share a little about my writing journey with you. So hang on to your hats, and let’s go for a ride!

Although I had dabbled in writing as a child, I stopped for many years when life got in the way—university, a full-time job, marriage, and then babies took up most of my time, and it wasn’t until sometime after my 40th birthday that I got the urge to write again.

I started scribbling on note pads whenever I had a few minutes. My first book (one hot mess!) took me over 2 years to finish—not including typing out the manuscript when my hubby wasn’t using our one computer. I wrote another secular romance after that with no idea how to plot a story.

My first ‘God nudge’ came one Sunday in church (yes, I was daydreaming about writing during a sermon—LOL!). This very distinct voice in my head told me to try writing inspirational romance. I listened to this sage advice and once I did, I knew I’d found my home. In fact, my very first inspirational, Wyndermere House, became a finalist in the 2008 Golden Heart contest. Being so new at the writing game, I didn’t realize what an honor this was—not even when someone named Tina Radcliffe tracked me down and recruited me to write a piece for a blog called Seekerville! Though I wasn’t really sure what a blog was, I blithely jumped in with both feet! Little did I know how important the wonderful Seeker ladies would become—both as friends and mentors.

I didn’t win the Golden Heart, and my book got rejected by Steeple Hill (Love Inspired), but I went on valiantly to write a 3-book series. [Note: huge example of persistence here!] The first book in the Rainbow Falls series, Threads of a Tapestry, met with both successes and failures, but was ultimately rejected by Love Inspired. Finally, I followed another God nudge and submitted it to White Rose Publishing, where it finally caught the attention of a wonderful editor who was willing to work with me to turn it into a book worth publishing. In October 2013, I signed a two-book contract with White Rose, and Threads of a Tapestry released this past August as Betrayed Hearts

This, my friends, is only the beginning of my amazing journey to publication.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, Seekerville was hosting a First Page contest to be judged by Elizabeth Mazer, an editor with Love Inspired. I didn’t plan to enter anything since my trilogy was on submission at White Rose and my only other contemporary (I was writing a couple of historicals at this point) was Wyndermere House which—just to recap—had already been rejected by LI. Once again I received a God nudge (not so subtle this time) in the form of one Tina Radcliffe (remember her?) who sent me a personal email—pretty much ordering me to get my butt in gear and submit something to the contest. So at the last minute, I polished up the first page of Wyndermere House and sent it in. Elizabeth ended up requesting the first three chapters and a synopsis!

Meanwhile back at the historical ranch, I followed another God nudge, again at the eleventh hour, and entered my historical romance, Irish Meadows, in a contest I had never heard of—solely for the reason that Dave Long, an editor at Bethany House, was one of the finalist judges. I thought it would be great to have his feedback on my entry, and sent it off on a wing and a prayer. (This was about a month before I was offered my contract with White Rose so I was still eligible to enter).

In March of this year—literally within a week of each other—I was offered a three-book deal with Bethany House for Irish Meadows AND a contract for Wyndermere House from Elizabeth Mazer at Love Inspired. To say I was overwhelmed would be an understatement! Another God nudge led me to Sue Brower, an agent with the Natasha Kern agency, who took me on instantly to help negotiate the tricky waters of these overlapping contracts!

Signing the Bethany House Publishing contract.

So, almost 14 years after I started writing, I achieved my dream, not only of being a published author, but a multi-published author with 3 different publishers!

Looking back, I can admit that if I had won the Golden Heart back in 2008 and been offered a contract with Love Inspired, I would not have been ready—not in the level of my writing, nor in my own confidence as a writer. God in His great wisdom knew this! I believe the turning point for me was in realizing that my fear of the pressures of publication was holding me back. I needed to let go of the fear and get clear about what I wanted. That done, I set my intent to trust God and his plan for my life, and sure enough, in God’s perfect timing, He answered my wish to become a published author—not once, but threefold!

God can dream a bigger dream for us than we can ever imagine! So don’t give up! Persistence and prayer are key! So is following those all important ‘God nudges’.

Have any of you noticed ‘God nudges’ in your life—writing or otherwise?

I am offering a digital copy of Betrayed Hearts to one ‘persistent’ commenter! Here’s the blurb about the book:
Desperate and alone, Lily Draper comes to Rainbow Falls in search of her biological sister, the only blood relative she has left. Emotionally scarred by her father, Lily avoids religion at all cost. Her new landlord, an aspiring minister, soon has her questioning her views. Can she learn to trust Nick's heart or will her sordid past destroy their love?

Betrayed Hearts is available now through the Pelican Book Group/White Rose Publishing and on Amazon.

Links to my book:

White Rose:


The second book in the Rainbow Falls series, Wayward Hearts, comes out in early December. Wyndermere House (now called Healing the Widower’s Heart) releases with Love Inspired in February 2015, and Irish Meadows releases with Bethany House in the summer of 2015.


Susan Anne Mason lives in a suburb near Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where she works part-time as a church secretary. She is a wife and the mother of two amazing kids, and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and Romance Writers of America (RWA). In addition to writing, she likes to scrapbook and to research her family history on-line. You can connect with her on Facebook or on her website

Preorder here.


  1. I'll need you to explain your "persistent" commenter thought, Susan. And I'll be looking for your books on shelves where other Seekerville Authors live!

  2. See, if you listen to me you are guaranteed a HEA. Or a Headache. hahahaha!

    Congratulations, Susan.

  3. Actually, blogger let me comment today? It's going to be a good weekend!

  4. YAY, Susan! An amazing zig-zagging path and God navigated you through all of it with big publishing prizes along the way! What a neat story! Thanks for sharing and CONGRATS!

  5. I actually get to be one of the first commenters today. That's the advantage of staying up late on a Friday night! I really enjoyed hearing your story, Susan. It is very inspiring. I so need to get the habit of persistence. I do let fear hold me back. I think my God nudges come from being a part of Seekerville and hearing all these words of encouragement. Please enter me for your book.

  6. Sue - your God nudges definitely steered you in the right direction. A great story and a great reminder to trust in Him.

    Congrats and best wishes for a long and successful career.

  7. Great post Susan! And Congratulations!!! I loved
    "God can dream a bigger dream for us than we can ever imagine! So don’t give up! Persistence and prayer are key!"
    Tina by the way, you're awesome!
    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  8. What an encouraging post, Susan. Congratulations on all your persistence and success!

  9. Sue, I will never tire of this story! I love it!

    I am a firm believer in God nudges. I believe in the grace and power of the Holy Spirit and his presence among us. When people say you can't... I listen to God who always grins and says, "Oh, yes you can! Go for it, chickie!"

    Who knew that God uses terms like "chickie"???? :)

  10. A wonderful post Susan! Please know that your journey has been (and continues to be) inspiring to me as well. Thank you so much for sharing your story! I'm looking forward to all of your releases!

  11. Congratulations on your three publisher deals. That is so awesome! Also, praise God Tina gave you nudges as well. I am looking forward to finding your books on the shelves as well.

    May you have a blessed day today!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  12. Susan, thank you for sharing your writing journey.

    It's encouraging to hear how you kept writing and was ready when opportunity knocked on your door.

    I'm glad you listened to Tina! Is she one smart girl or what?:-)

  13. God nudges + Tina nudges = success.

    Who knew? ;)

    Great post, Sue. I'm so happy for your success.

    My God nudges have to do with a persistent God.

    Many, many years ago, I ran across an article in Romantic Times magazine about the rising Inspirational market. I was uncomfortable with the direction of the secular market so i told my husband I should try Inspy instead.

    I let doubt dissuade me. I remember thinking who am I to write religion? I'm not qualified.

    Years went by, and I'd get nudges, but I never felt confident enough.

    Finally, I got something a little stronger than a nudge - more like a shove - and I got the message. I heard about the Genesis contest, and since I'd had good luck with the secular contest circuit, I figured I'd give it a try. It was a chance to see if I could actually do it.

    Honestly, I expected I'd go down in flames, but at least I'd have tried. No one was more surprised than me as the manuscript progressed through the semi-final and final rounds, but I was still so full of doubt that I cancelled my reservation and didn't even go to ACFW. You can imagine how I was kicking myself when they called my name for the winning book, but I was at home watching the webcast (online at Seekerville with Tina and Debra Marvin cheering me on.)

    Sorry, long story, but some of us need more of a kick in the pants when we ignore the nudges. ;)

    Congrats on all your successes.

  14. Congratulations on your contracts, Susan. And your persistence!

    Thank you for sharing your story with us.

  15. Congrats, Susan! It's all about listening to the still small Voice. Blessings on you.

    Peace, Julie

  16. Thanks for sharing your inspirational story, Susan! Congratulations to you! "One hot mess" that!

  17. Susan, congratulations! Only God could have orchestrated such an amazing journey. Thanks for the reminder not to give up and remain persistent.

    Tina, you are amazing how you encourage and nudge us.

    Thanks to all the Seekerville ladies for sharing your wisdom and the encouragement you lavish on us.

  18. Noooo...I can't believe I missed your debut by two months!!!!!!!!!!! Ack. I'm going to have to fix that. I'm so thrilled for you, Sue. Talk about God nudges magnifying into an outpouring of blessings! Look at how many books are coming out in a row! I can't wait to read them all.

    So, now I'm wondering what's writing like on the 'other side' -- with deadlines and balancing three publishers?

  19. Susan, I have tears in my eyes. Thank you so much for sharing. God nudges. Aren't they wonderful, especially how they come in so many different shapes and sizes? Like dreams, friends, thoughts and ideas, or you type something and have no idea where that came from or why you said it like that. But God knows. Someone will read those words and need them, and it could be years later, but God knew that now.

    I'm still working on my first story, with others started or ideas for more. There have been God nudges all along, from getting started to where I am now. I have no idea where this journey is going, but with persistance and God in charge, anything is possible, more than I could ever imagine or want to know right now!

    I first thought I needed an accountability partner, one who would keep me writing, but then I realized, after reading this post, this is something I need to do for me. I can't just write b/c I have to send in a word count. I do have friends I do that with but it's more for support and fellowship.

    So, thank you for the God nudge to get it in gear and do it for Him. Thank you! I look forward to seeing the great things God has in store for you and your persistance!

  20. Hi Susan and welcome to Seekerville. What a great story you tell and what wonderful persistence. And congrats on being multi-published. What a wonderful example of how listening helps you achieve your dreams.

    Thanks for sharing and have fun today.

  21. Hi Susan,

    Such an inspiring story--yours and your books.

    I remember the first God nudge I got. I was listening to a sermon of the Talents and decided I didn't want the same outcome as the guy who hid his talents. Because I had 6 manuscripts at the bottom of my closet, hidden for years. Since then I've revived 4 of them and added some more and have no doubt there all going to be used when the time is right, which might start next year.

    Congratulations, Susan and continued success.

  22. I like that comparison to the story of the talents, Elaine. Thanks for sharing that.

  23. BTW, Susan looks exactly as cute in person as she does in those pictures.

  24. Susan, your story is such a PERFECT example of God's PERFECT timing! I smiled and nodded at your "daydreaming" during the sermon. Congratulations on your persistence which rewarded you with multiple publishers. Amazing!

    Gotta love that Tina...and all the Seekers....who nudge, push, or shove our boats off the island!

    I'm so looking forward to reading many Susan Anne Mason books! Blessings!

    Happy weekend of writing and/or reading to all in Seekerville!

  25. Good morning everyone! Sorry I'm a little late to the party. It's Saturday - what can I say?

    @Marianne - You definitely qualify as a 'persistent' commenter! You are so often the first one!

    @Lyndee H - Thanks for your comments!

    @Sandy Smith - I'm sure many people can relate to the fact that fear holds us back. Fear of failure AND fear of success! I hope my story can inspire you all!

  26. [Pause for a sip of coffee]

    @Terri W - So nice to meet a fellow Pelican author at the conference!! Sorry we didn't have time to chat. The one disadvantage of having multiple publishers and belonging to multiple groups is having to spread myself a little thin!

    @Eva M - Waving at a fellow Canadian! Thanks for dropping by!

    @Kara - So glad you found some encouragement in my story. I used to eat up other authors' stories and use them to give me hope! It will happen for you, too!

  27. HI SUSAN!!!!! Congratulations on the huge, exciting new chapter in your life!!!! Three publishers?

    WOW! You go girl!

  28. I remember the exact moment I discovered Christian fiction.

    I had never realized their was a whole Christian publishing industry. I'd even read Love Comes Softly. But I was so cut off at home, waaaay out in the country. I didn't have the internet. Google hadn't been invented yet! I just didn't get that there were publishers who specifically published Christian fiction. In fact there weren't many, Christian fiction was being created at the same time I was writing all those unpublished books.
    And here I was with all these sweet, clean romances.
    It was like I'd been writing for five years for a line of fiction that didn't exist.

  29. @RUTHY - Good morning! I must say that Ruthy also played a big part in my success - from offering critiques (offering to read an entire manuscript in a rush before submission) as well as lots of good advice! Thank you, chickie! (God has a wonderful sense of humour!)

    @Piper - Thank you for your lovely words. And congrats on your recent success! Looks like you are well on your way to a great career!

  30. I'm laughing reading all these comments because lately I've been needing another kick (for a variety of reasons).
    Sally, I loved reading what y wrote above. It really struck a chord.

    And Elaine, yes, I always hear that talents gospel and feel like it's a tap on my shoulder.

    Then today, Debby Giusti posted this on FB

    ""The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few..."
    Luke 10:2
    Where is God sending you?"

    I get the message. I'm pretty sure the answer is NOT - to my computer to play more games of candy crush!

    Back to the WIP that has been missing me.

  31. Sue, I've been so excited for you since I heard of all your sales!! What a joy after working so hard.

    And isn't Tina great for those nudges?!!! :)

    Thanks for sharing your story.

  32. @Cindy W - Thanks for those lovely comments!

    @Mary H - You're so right! Tina is scary smart!!

    @Mary Curry - Thanks for sharing your insecurities along the way, proving that when ignored, God's nudges progress to 'kick in the pants'! That's what Tina's email was for me - a slap upside the head!

    @Rose - Thanks for dropping by!

  33. SUSAN,
    This is real encouragement to me. Thanks.
    Kathy Bailey

  34. If you go to FB you can see Susan's cover for LI.

    Susan, if you have time to send it to me, I'll put it up here as well.

  35. Mary Curry, I had a similar journey. A woman I worked with told me I was writing inspy stories, and I didn't even really know what that was. Then I felt like I wasn't qualified. It took a Bible study group where we studied Moses to make me step out in faith to try it. That was my big God nudge.

  36. @Julie H.S. - Exactly! The still small voice is so important and it becomes the very LOUD voice when ignored!

    @Jill W - (Laughing). My goal is to one day fix that hot mess of a manuscript! Still love those characters!

    @Jackie - You said: 'Only God could have orchestrated such an amazing journey.' So true!! It's comforting to know we don't have to do everything ourselves!

  37. Sally, yes!! I agree. I've found I often have to re-set myself to that mindset. You said it well!

  38. Mary, thanks for sharing Debby's FB status. I love seeing those!

  39. @Kav - Thanks for your support!! And you asked a great question. What life is like on the other side! It's challenging at times for sure. The funny thing is that the pressures of being a published author is the big fear that held me back. Now it's like God is chuckling, saying "See I told you you could handle it!" But it does require juggling. In August when my book debuted, I had a deadline with Harlequin, another a week later for Bethany House, plus all the blogs and promotion for my debut. On top of that, I was dealing with a lot of issues at home - two elderly parents needing attention and a moth infestation! But I survived!

  40. @Sally S - You made my day! I so want to be an encouragement for other writers! My advice to you is to get a critique partner (if you don't already have one) and maybe a mentor. These people will be invaluable to helping you on your journey! Best of luck!

    @Sandra L - Thanks for your warm welcome!

    @Elaine M - "Hidden Talents"! Good for you for pulling out those manuscripts and dusting them off to make them shine! Praying for blessings on your work!

  41. @Tina - "CUTE!" I'll take that as a huge compliment! That's what first drew my husband's attention MANY MOONS ago - he thought I was cute! Thanks for reminding me about my new LI COVER, which I LOVE!! Hope you get it in time post.

    @Sherida - Thanks so much for your enthusiasm!

    @Mary C! - So nice to see you at the conference!! Fun sharing in Tina's win!!

  42. @ Missy T - Thanks for sharing your own God nudge!

    @Kaybee (Kathy) - So glad I could encourage you! Remember, we've all been where you are and you will make it too!

  43. Sue, what an awesome testament to persistance...and listening when God (and Tina) nudge (or browbeat) you for your own good, LOL!

    Three publishers, three offers, 1 agent all wrapped up in a neat package and tied with a beautiful bow. Now THAT'S the kind of birthday present Seekeville loves to unwrap!!

    You go, girlfriend!!!

  44. @Audra - Love it!! I still can't believe I'm getting PAID to write! So awesome!!

  45. Good morning, Susan! Your road to publication is such an amazing story--God's "nudges" combined with TINA'S SHOVES and your own self-discipline and determination are a winning combination!

    It was great meeting you at ACFW--and I'm looking forward to reading your books! But I don't envy your juggling all the deadlines--hang in there!

  46. Hi, Sue! Congrats on all your success!!! So happy for you! And I love your author photo! Very nice! :-)

  47. MARY C -- I can totally relate to your needing a BIG nudge. The stories that I wrote always had a deep faith element, but I just didn't see myself writing "inspirationals." In reading so many CBA author biographies at the time, it seemed pretty clear that you had to be a pastor's wife, an ex-missionary or have big speaking ministry, etc. I was none of the above.

    But I began to shift my contest focus to dip my toe in the inspy waters, God brought the Seekers into my life, and lo and behold!--a first place win in the 2006 Genesis! It would still be a few years (and some nudges from Tina) to move me from my first person POV chicklit-flavored romantic mysteries to the small town romance I'm now writing.

    Lots of ups and downs, but in 2009 the senior editor at Love Inspired spied my entry in the Golden Pen contest and, well, 5 years later I'm working on my 9th book--with 5 more under contract.

    When it finally happens, it happens FAST, doesn't??

  48. @Glynna - So great to meet you too! Our journeys touched paths along the way! Remember the Golden Pen contest? You came first, I came second. We both got a request for the full ms, but mine got rejected. That book is my debut "Betrayed Hearts"! It just wasn't my time back then!

    @Grace - Thanks for your kind words!

  49. Wow! What a ride you've had! Congratulations on the whirlwind contracts. Love how you kept plugging away!

    Your story is a mirror image of so many Seekers and Seeker friends. Many times I've looked back and been thankful that God shut a door. No, I didn't like it at the time, but looking back, I can see his hand at work.

  50. Love your inspiring story. A big congratulations to you!

    Isn't it funny when we realize that we learn so much more from struggle and not winning big before we're ready.

    Love it!

  51. Congratulations on your multiple contracts, Susan! What a wonderful reward for your persistence. ::waving to you in your suburb of Toronto from my suburb of Vancouver::

    I keep reminding myself that it'll all come about in His good time as long as I continue to do my part.

  52. SUE!!! So fun to have in Seekerville again today and to read about your amazing writing journey! So true--persistence and a whole lot of faith are absolute musts in this business. Congratulations!!!!

  53. I didn't know Susan and Glynna were knocking heads in the Golden Pen. What a small contest world it is.

  54. @Pam H - So true, Pam!!

    @Connie Q - Thanks for your comments! We do learn from everything we go through along the way!

    @Carol G - Howdy out there in Vancouver!! What's the weather like? We are cool and cloudy! (Vancouver and Toronto are like California and New York!)
    You're so right, Carol. It's all about God's perfect timing. He knows us better than we do and what's best for us!

  55. @Myra - Thanks! It's so nice to be here in Seekerville! But I've been a terrible hostess ... I should have offered refreshments! Since it's lunch time here, I'll break out the sandwiches, tuna and chicken wraps, salad and your choice of hot tea (very Canadian) or iced tea! Enjoy!

  56. Congrats, Susan! Lovely blog post. It's always great to hear author's publication stories. Very encouraging. :)

  57. It is so encouraging to read others' God nudges. I hadn't thought about a mentor. That would b wonderful! How would I go about finding one? As far as a critique partner, other than contests and a couple of friends who have given me insightful feedback, no official one. Figure I should write more for that. Thanks for the advice!! God nudges all morning! My internet went out yesterday and I wasn't going to check Seekerville on my phone. Look what I would have missed!

  58. @Tina - Yes, Glynna and I in the Golden Pen! Then Glynna sold because of that win!! We should invent the game "Six Degrees of Separation from Seekerville"!

    @Anna - Thanks for dropping by! Glad you enjoyed the post!

    @Sally - Do you belong to any of the writing groups? ACFW? They help link up potential critique partners - I got one from there. And the Faith Hope and Love chapter of RWA are really good at helping find CPs or mentors. The courage to ask is often all you need and God will lead you in the right direction!!

  59. LOL, Glynna!! I love that: The God nudges and Tina shoves. :) :)

  60. Sue, don't feel bad. I always forget the food!!

    And speaking of…it's lunch time here in Georgia!

  61. I also got caught up in the "busyness" of working, taking care of home and family, and church activities and may have missed my time for writing. My first submitted novel has been twice rejected, by LI and Harbourlights. I still work full time and am chapter head for a local writers' group. I find published authors to be the most supportive of all trades. I am working on 2 ideas that I can't seem to get off the ground. I am hanging in though! Thanks for your blog. It is very encourging!

  62. I do belong to the ACFW. I will check out RWA. For example, with the ACFW, where do I find a mentor or critiqe partner? Who would I talk to? Thanks!

  63. Now I'm making minestrone soup and grilled cheese sandwiches! Help yourself!

    My facebook page is : If you scroll down about 4 entries, you'll see my LI cover!

  64. Thanks for the lunch buffet, Sue--yum! Since I'm a Southerner, I'll go with iced tea (unsweetened, please--I'll add my own lo-cal sweetener).

    Wow, can't believe our birthday month is more than half gone already! We need a mid-month birthday cake. So I brought carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Vanilla bean ice cream on the side!

  65. Way to go, Susan! You're on your way!!

    Loved meeting you again at conference.

    Tried to get here sooner, but my internet has been in and out since yesterday afternoon.

    There's fresh coffee.

  66. Susan,
    Loved reading about your journey! Three publishers...isn't God wonderful!

    So great seeing you at ACFW!!!


  67. Mary Curry,
    Thanks for mentioning my FB post this morning. I love the verse and have been pondering the question all day.


  68. Mary Curry,
    Thanks for mentioning my FB post this morning. I love the verse and have been pondering the question all day.


  69. @Virginia - Glad I could offer some encouragement. Keep going! You'll get there I'm sure!

    @Sally S. - If you go to the ACFW web page, under the Membership tab, they list the benefits and critique groups is number two. Click on that and it will prompt for your member sign in. Hopefully it will be straightforward after that. If not, email one of the contact names and they direct you!

  70. Whew! Blogger is giving me a bit of trouble, but I will carry on....

    @Myra - Thanks for the cake!

    @Helen - lovely meeting you again, too! Thanks for the coffee!

    @Debby - Hi! Great to see you as well! Last year in Indiana when I was all by myself, it was so nice to see your smiling face!

  71. Gorgeous cover, Susan!!!

  72. Welcome Virginia Welch! Don't give up. Hang on and hang around. We'll keep giving you the kicks in the nudges you need.

  73. I enjoyed reading how God led you to publishing. His timing is perfect!

    "Betrayed Hearts" sounds like an amazing story!

  74. What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing with us how God is walking you through this writing journey! He's so amazing! CONGRATS on your Bethany House contract and your Love Inspired contract!!!!

    I just love that you got a story idea during a sermon. Happens to me all the time. Shh! Don't tell. :D

  75. @Tina - Thanks for putting up my cover! I just got the official go ahead yesterday to let people see! I am THRILLED with it. Even prettier than the real resort!

    @Victoria - Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words!

    @Natalie - Thanks so much! Love that you also have 'inspiration' during sermons!

  76. Congratulations, Susan! What an amazing journey.

  77. Hi precious Sue!! I am thrilled to see you in Seekerville today! (even though I'm late visiting due to being on a weekend trip)

    Loved reading about your journey and God nudges - - I sure needed your post right now.

    I am beyond thrilled about your contracts, and cannot wait to read your books! :)

    Hugs from Georgia, Patti Jo

  78. @Patti Jo - Thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to pop in! Glad you found encouragement in my post! Hugs back!!

  79. Sorry for the repeat messages...on my sil's PC. Evidently I pushed one button too many!

  80. SUZI-Q!!! Cannot believe how late I am (and more than a dollar short!!), so PLEASE forgive me!!

    WOW ... what a story, my friend ... six books SOLD, just like that!! That has to be a record. :)

    I simply cannot WAIT to get my hands on your Irish series, so bring it on, my friend!!

    Hugs and more hugs,

  81. Sue, thanks for your inspiring post and congratulations on all those sales! I loved that God nudged you in church. Glad you listened. Oh, and listened to Tina too. :-)


  82. Hurray and PTL, Susan!!

    Loved reading your journey to publication!! Thank God for those "nudges" (one by the name of Tina, in particular, LOL) - He always knows best, doesn't He?? I'm inspired by your persistence and would love to read your books!!


  83. @JULIE!! So glad you dropped by even after I'd gone to bed! LOL! Thank you once again for all your support and guidance and prayers! Couldn't have done it without you! And I am SO looking forward to your contemporary series! The tease on your blog was great!! Prayers it finds a home!

    @Janet - Thanks so much for your help over the years as well. The generosity of spirit among all you lovely ladies was truly inspirational to me!

    @Bonnie - So nice to 'meet' you, Bonnie! Glad you were inspired by my story and I hope you get a chance to read my stories!

  84. Wishing you much success in being persistent & successful in all your writing :)

  85. LOVE "God nudges!" and I totally "get" that you got your story sitting in church - what more apt place for a "God nudge" inspiration!! I so appreciate your journey, your willingness and obedience to follow nudges that don't seem logical - but isn't that the way Papa works!!! what an exciting journey - and the best is yet to come!!

  86. Congratulations on all of your good fortune. One day I hope to accomplish a writing career. Thanks for having the giveaway. Happy 7 Years!


  87. What a great testimony to listening to the small, quiet (or not so quiet) voice from the Lord. I appreciate your persistence and the inspiration it sends to all of us!
