Monday, October 20, 2014

Seven + Villager Success Stories

Janet  here. Since Seekerville's inception seven years ago, one by one all the Seekers set sail from Unpubbed Island to the Mainland of Published Fiction. Our goal for Seekerville was to help others do the same by emphasizing the value of contests and sharing craft and inspiring posts. In those early days, 30 comments delighted us, and most of those were ours. LOL Now the blog has over 11,000 followers and almost a million and a half page reviews. God has grown Seekerville and all of us as we share the ups and downs of the writers’ journey. 
To celebrate Seekerville’s 7th Birthday, I asked seven + Villagers, if they'd like to share how Seekerville helped them achieve their dream of publication. I got a resounding yes! So grab a cup of Helen's coffee and let's party with these lovely ladies!  

Keli Gwyn, Family of her Dreams, Love Inspired Historical, June 2015. A Bride Opens Shop in El Dorado, California

Keli Gwyn and Janet
When I dusted off my four-decade-long dream of being a writer, I had no idea what I was doing. I sat holed up in my office cranking out five lackluster stories in two years. Although my joy was abundant, my knowledge of craft was abysmal. All that changed when I finaled in the 2008 Golden Heart®. A wonderful woman named Tina Radcliffe found me and asked me to be a blog guest at Seekerville. Because I was a florescent green newbie writer and a technophobe, I had several questions for Tina. The first was, "what is a blog?" She answered that question and has answered many more since. I was warmly welcomed by all the Seekers and Seekervillagers and have learned oodles from you talented people. Ruthy was my Lighten Up 101 instructor and taught me how to make this writing gig a lot more fun. Missy, one of my contest judges, gave me a great idea on how to improve the story that became my debut novel. I won a critique from Julie, and she gave me awesome pointers on that same story's opening. I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. Seekerville rocks! Happy seventh birthday! Here's to another great year to come.

Virginia Carmichael, A Home for her Family. Love Inspired, October 2014

I've always loved Seekerville for introducing me to great new authors, but as someone who just started writing, every day seems like an intensive writing course. I've learned so much in Seekerville! As for tangible help, I won a fancy printer during The New Year’s party one year. This was back when it seemed like most agents still wanted paper submissions. I had a terrible old printer that mostly ate paper and never printed anything legibly, so I was THRILLED to win. I sent out hundreds of queries and lots of partials with that printer! Then, I finaled in the Seekerville Query Contest with Melissa Endlich, and she requested full manuscripts from all of us winners. She called to say they wanted to acquire it in Nov 2011. I signed my first contract through Seekerville!

Sue Mason, Healing the Widower’s Heart, Love Inspired, February 2015

Ruth Tredway, Helen Gray, Sue Mason, Janet
I most definitely credit the fabulous ladies of Seekerville with my success as a writer! It all started when I became a Golden Heart finalist in 2008. Tina Radcliffe tracked me down and invited me to share a little about my story on her blog. I had no idea who she was or even what a blog was, but I jumped on board. From then on, I became a faithful follower of Seekerville. Not only do they provide fantastic information about the craft of writing, they often feature agents and editors, and host contests. This was the case back in October 2012 when Love Inspired editor, Elizabeth Mazer, was featured in a post which included a First Page contest. I didn't plan to participate since my contemporary trilogy was on submission at White Rose Publishing, and my other stand-alone romance, Wyndermere House, (ironically my 2008 GH entry) had already been rejected by a different LI editor. Then Tina sent me an email pretty much ordering me to get something in to the contest! So I took another look at Wyndermere House, made a few adjustments, and sent it in! To make a long story short, I received a request from Elizabeth, and now 2 years later, my manuscript is being released as Healing the Widower’s Heart (February 2015). Without Tina (as well as all the encouragement and prayers from the wonderful women at Seekerville), I wouldn't be able to call myself a Love Inspired author! Thank you SO MUCH Seekerville!

Jessica Nelson, Family on the Range, Love Inspired Historical, June 2014

In 2007 I started my first manuscript with the intent of publication. As soon as I waded into the cyberworld of writers, I discovered Seekerville. A blog dedicated to helping writers on the path and a home for those who didn't know what they were doing (me!), the Seekers' posts on craft, contests, submission etiquette and encouragement soon had me hooked! Many of the Seekers still resided on Unpubbed Island. Thanks to their intelligent posts and loving personalities, I gained confidence in my ability to seek publication and to actually achieve it. They made traditional publication seem possible when many others said it was impossible.

I am so thankful I stumbled across the Seekerville years ago. Long Live the Seekers!

Jan Drexler, A Mother for His Children, Love Inspired Historical, August 2014

What can I say about Seekerville? Four years ago, my journey to publication started with a vague idea of a story, a thirty-year-old bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing, and twenty-some years of homeschooling and raising children under my belt. Then I stumbled upon Seekerville while looking for tips on how to write. Well, I say I “stumbled upon” this blog, but I know God led me here. From the beginning I knew I was facing a huge learning curve, but the gracious ladies on Unpubbed Island made gentle suggestions and offered enthusiastic encouragement. I entered contests, developed writing goals and discipline, and watched my word count grow. I entered more contests – including the great ones here on Seekerville that led to my first book landing on a Love Inspired editor’s desk and led to signing with an agent. And the Seekers cheered every step of the way. I listened to their advice, learned from their blog posts, and kept working. I signed my first contract with Love Inspired in April, 2012, and this summer signed a three book contract with Revell. My publication journey may have been possible without the Seekers, but I can’t imagine how long I would have struggled in my writing cave without their wisdom and encouragement opening doors I didn’t even know existed. I look forward to many, many more years of being a Seekervillager. Happy Birthday, Seekerville!

Helen Gray, OzarkWedding, Heartsong Presents, September, 2014

My profile says I've been hanging around Seekerville since November, 2009, but I was “Anonymous” for a few months before that, until I learned how to set up an account. During those years I have printed and utilized a lot of How-To craft tips, and I've never been allowed to feel lonely at ACFW conferences. I've also benefited from Seeker critiques. Of the series I had release this year, Mary critiqued the first chapter of book one, Tina critiqued the first chapter of book two, and Grammar Queen edited the first chapter of book three. And I lived to tell about it! In addition to all that, they drink my virtual coffee, even though I have no idea how to make the stuff in reality.

Christina Rich, The Warrior's Vow, Love Inspired Historical, July 2014

SEEKERVILLE, first, happy birthday!

Second, I wouldn't be where I am today without you. It was during your birthday in 2011 I received a request from Emily Rodmell at Love Inspired. In 2012 I received the call! I can't say thank you enough for the continued support and encouragement as I travel beyond the island.

Mary Curry, writing as Cate Nolan, will debut her Christmas book in October, 2015,
identified seven reasons she’s thankful for having the Seekers in my life.

Friends - Some of my dearest writing friends are people I've met through Seekerville. We all know how lonely a writer's life can be, but the Seekers bring a light of friendship into that loneliness. I thank them for their friendship.

Faith - Through word, deed and prayer, the Seekers live their faith and inspire us to be the best we can be. Through prayers I've requested and prayers I didn't know about until afterward, I've been lifted so often by these lovely women. I thank them for their shared faith.

Craft - Seekerville is like one endless graduate course on how to write a book. It's the university from which we never want to graduate. The shared wisdom of the Seekers and their friends helps us strive and never settle for average. I thank them for sharing their knowledge.

Fun - It's not all serious! The one thing you know you can count on is that a day spent in Seekerville will be a day of happiness. From the New Year's Eve bash to the month long birthday party, Seekerville is a cheerful refuge. I thank the Seekers for the joy they bring each day.

Lynette Eason, Patty Smith Hall, Debby, Missy, Jessica Nelson
Family or Community -  I remember the first time I visited Seekerville. I feared it was some "in club" that I would forever watch from the outskirts. Little did I know that Seekerville is chock full of warmth and legendary hospitality. There are no strangers in Seekerville, only the friends we haven't gotten to know yet. I thank the Seekers for inviting us in and making us feel welcome.

Prizes - Not to seem mercenary, ;) but seriously! The Seekers are so generous with prizes offering so many free books, gift cards, and treats. I still drink my tea from the mug Tina sent as my very first newbie villager prize. I thank you for your generosity.

Hope and Support - "And the greatest of these is love."  Through their love for God, each other, and the villagers, the Seekers show by example how to be a love-driven, faith-based community. They never stint on time or effort, advice or prizes ;) Whether it's brandishing a whip or offering candy, the Seekers have our backs and I hope they know we have theirs. They make this journey seem possible and when you reach your goal, there's no better place to celebrate than Seekerville!  I thank the Seekers for years of support and celebration and for being the best kind of community a writer could yearn for.

Years ago, before all the Seekers had made it off unpubbed island, I'd written this "book" and had no idea what I was supposed to do next. Praise the Lord for Google and Seekerville. From the first post I read there, I felt like I'd come home to a place I'd never been before. I jumped in right away and soaked up information like a Persian rug does spilled wine. There was so much to learn but when I began commenting, these "real authors" took an interest in the "new person" and were so welcoming. Encouraging. That sense of home and belonging deepened as I continued to make my daily Seekerville stop for the next two years. I say with honesty Seekerville is where I learned about half of what I know about the craft of fiction and marketing. I made so many friends there and am blessed to have maintained those friendships even though life as a published author no longer affords me the time to spend in Seekerville I once did. I will always be grateful for the Seekers, and their continuing mission to support and encourage the up and coming author as much as the multi-published. I am published today with a very successful Indie debut, and mentoring an up-and-coming author, thanks largely to that early learning and shared community here in Seekerville. Thank you Seekers, for seven years and counting.

Patty Smith Hall, "Christmas Lessons," Christmas Traditions, October, 2014.     
Many will talk about how Seekerville has helped them to realize their dream of being a published writer, and they'd be correct. Cheryl Wyatt's post on scene development back in 2008 changed the way I wrote, and gave me the push I needed to finish my first published novel, Hearts in Flight. 

But it is the kindness of the Seekers that has touched my heart and made Seekerville feel like a second home. In early 2012, the doctors told me my spine could no longer support me and I would need surgery. The recovery period was anywhere from six months to a year, most which would be spent in a brace and on my back. Within days of my hospital release, I received my first card from one of the Seekers, then another and another. Every couple of days for the next few months, there would be a card or two waiting in my mailbox, encouraging me, letting know they were praying for my recovery. Those cards, and the notes written within, helped me through those first hard days of my recovery, and encouraged me to lean on God and to keep writing. A small kindness that still touches me today.

Thank you, ladies--and Happy Birthday, Seekerville!

Janet again. Thanks, ladies! Your sweet words bless and encourage us. Your success is such fun to celebrate! And offers hope to those working hard, who haven't yet received The Call. 

For breakfast I brought orange juice, crisp bacon and crunchy French toast dusted with powdered sugar and warm maple syrup. And of course there's birthday cakes with layers of chocolate, strawberry and yellow to nibble on all day. Leave a comment for a chance to win one of these author's books in either eBook or hard copy, author’s choice (we'll discuss your options) and a $10 Amazon gift card. 


  1. Love this post. I know the Lord put Seekerville in my path, and I don't believe I'd be where I am in this writing journey without y'all.
    After all, a critique from Tina was what made me believe I could truly write and publish a book.

    I'm forever grateful. :)
    Y'all's stories are super encouraging!

  2. It's humbling the way I have always been accepted here. Thank you so much, ladies.

    Hubby and I are going out for steak dinners later today for my birthday.

  3. Seekerville's Monthly Contest Updates is why I'm published. Thanks Tina!!!!

  4. TINA and Sandra, both from Seekerville are the only authors I've felt brave enough to go meet without it being a meet and greet author day! And for me, that's HUGE and it's because, although I. AM. NOT. A. WRITER. I was welcomed with literally open arms. Hugs!


    Congratulations to all the wonderful writers that sailed from the island!! CHEERS TO YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK!!

  6. Melissa Jagears. Really? How cool is that.Tell us your story.

  7. Happy Birthday, Helen!!!

  8. Courtney, you've come a long way! Think about it. You gobbled up the information we shared and worked your buns off! Now you are agented and soooo close to selling. Wow!

  9. The first thing I do every morning is click my link to Seekerville to see what wonderful things y'all have to say that day...okay...I admit, most of the time I can't wait that long and check it several times in the evenings as well. When I decided to tackle becoming a writer I didn't know where or how to start and Seekerville showed me the way. I think the Lord will have a big room in his mansion reserved just for the Seekers who've brought so much to so many of us. Thank you!

  10. Tina, I had my two latest WIPs out in various contests and waiting on results so I could revise and resubmit and since the two I wanted to shop were already out, I wasn't in the market for more contests, but I check Seekerville and the contest update said "Fool for Love Contest LOW ON INSPYS" well.......I had to go look who the editor was, I mean they were low, I might have a good chance at finaling, I'd decided I'd only submit to Bethany judges and the agents I wanted. And it was Bethany House.......well, I don't know, I really wanted that feedback first, but maybe there was a cash prize to entice me since I might have a good chance at finaling? Nope, it was a "voucher to enter for free next year" and then I thought, "wait a minute, I finaled in this one last year. I have one of those things!!" So I dug through my files and found my voucher. How could I not use my freebie voucher? it's the only thing finaling in that contest last year was good for. Totally forgot about it. But what to throw in there?

    So, instead of putting in the WIPs I had out in other contests, I threw in the manuscript I'd recently decided to shelve.

    All of them finaled, but the one I threw in because Seekerville said "low on Inspys" won, and Raela requested it, and here I am. :)

  11. It's late for me, and my eyes are scratchy from too much time on the computer, but I had to have a quick peek at today's column before heading for bed. I'm going to return here in the morning and re-read it because the stories are wonderful and I need to absorb all the inspiration and encouragement I can! :)

  12. Helen! Your comment about the coffee made me laugh! So, you've been fooling us all this time? I imagined you as a seasoned barista...

  13. Wow. I love hearing stories about authors who actually get published! And even though I (for the most part) avoid romance, I've also found Seekerville helpful. You've taught me a lot. Thank you for taking time to faithfully write.

    I haven't been able to stop by yet this month until now--but Happy Birthday, Seekerville! Hope you have many more.

    (And please put my name in the drawing[s], however that works.)


  14. I love all the mentioned authors and their books. I've got my coffee but I think a doughnut would go well with it.

  15. What a beautiful post! I can't say I'm surprised though. You guys are loving and warm. I've never felt lonely at a conference when you were around.
    I love you guys and thank you for everything you do!!!

  16. eWhat a delightful trip down memory lane! LOVE THIS! I'm on I85N heading home... I loved reading these stories!

  17. Esther what do you read/write? Tell us about it. Good writing is good writing so no matter what genre it's nice to hang w/writer buds!

  18. Good morning, Courtney! I'm smiling that Seekerville has helped you along the path! Writing is a solitary occupation. We writers need each other. Need a helping hand along the way. I think writers are the most generous people in the world.

    One in particular. I'm lifting my mug of coffee this morning to Tina, Critiquer Extraordinaire!


  19. Being a part of a community of writers who cheer you on is really amazing. Without the Seekers and Seekerville I'd still be floundering and stuck on chapter 1. So, thanks Seeker sisters and Seeker Villagers. A very special thank you goes to Tina.

  20. HELEN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Have a beautiful day! A steak dinner sounds yummy. I've just piped your name on one of the cakes. We'll sing when you're back.

    Coffee's made. Hot tea too.


  21. Janet, what a wonderful post! So many of our friends have found success in their writing worlds. It just sends goosebumps up my arms!! YAYAYAYAY!!!

    Helen, I've got to laugh really don't make coffee in the real world?? You're such a barista in our world and we love you for it!

  22. MELISSA!! I had your name in mind and somehow lost it. Yikes! Losing my mind is not a pretty picture. I apologize. So happy Seekerville helped you reach publication. Celebrating your success today!!


  23. Melissa Jaegars, on top of the wonderful success stories in the post, yours is a keeper! The contest updates that Tina compiles are priceless.

    So glad you grabbed that entry for one final try in a contest. WooHoo. I love happy endings...and beginnings : )

  24. Happy Birthday Seekerville! I'm ready for that great breakfast. It could be my birthday breakfast.
    Today (Oct 20) is my birthday!

  25. Oops, sorry Melissa. I spelled your name WRONG. It's Jagears. I will write that 100 times on the white board : )

  26. Marianne, how cool that you've met Sandra and Tina. I hope to meet you one day. Writers love meeting readers!! Your love of books is so encouraging!


  27. It's wonderful seeing how many people have gained confidence, skill and contracts from Seekerville posts.

  28. Tina, I'm sensing a pattern here...

    The Nudger

    The Tracker

    I think every one of us has felt that Army sargent boot in our butts to get to work! Keep doling out those orders!

    We love you for it, kiddo.

  29. Happy Birthday, Patsy! Oh how we love celebrating birthdays!!

    What are you going to do with your day?

  30. LEANNE, thank you for your sweet words. You have made my day! We love sharing what we've learned. Contests brought us together. And friendship seals the deal. The best part we've made many new friends through the blog. That mansion will be rocking for sure.


  31. MELISSA, what a great story!! Thanks for sharing. How many books have you sold now?


  32. CAROL G, we can never have too much encouragement and inspiration! Writing is a tough gig, published or not.

    Hope your scratchy eyes are feeling better this morning. I have a sticky note on my monitor with the word BLINK in capital letters. Blinking keeps our eyes moisturized.


  33. Virginia, Helen makes a great cup of coffee. She just doesn't know it since she won't touch the stuff. :-)


  34. Birthday girl, Helen, what do you drink first thing in the morning?


  35. ESTHER, thank you! Whether romance is your thing or not, we're glad you're here!


  36. CATHYANN40, your wish is my command. I stopped at Dunkin Donuts and picked up a variety of donuts. Hope you found your favorite.


  37. Hey, Jessica! Love you back! It's so fun for all of us to hang together at conferences! No writers hiding in their rooms allowed.


  38. Safe travel, Ruthy! I'm so impressed that you can comment on your phone. I haven't figured out how to do that yet.


  39. Thanks for this wonderful, inspiriting post! It is so encouraging to read others' journeys to publication. Thanks for sharing!

  40. I can attest to the generosity of Seekerville! Many times over—and not only in material gifts, but in sharing information and goodwill to everyone who chooses to hang out here.:-)
    My keeper file is bulging with great tips from all of you.

    You ladies are the best!:-) :-)

    I owe my presence here to Nancy Connally. Nancy had to encourage me several times before I checked you guys out. I've told her 'Thank you' more than once! :-)

    I still dabble my toes in unpubbed waters, but my manuscript is finished and editing is in progress.

  41. Happy Birthday, Helen Gray!!
    Steak sounds like a good way to celebrate. :-)

  42. Thank you for the stories of success. They are encouraging.

    Seekerville has been a place where I can learn as well as receive encouragement in this world of writing.

  43. THE BEST THINGS that have ever happened to me professionally are Seekerville, my crit partner and God. Not in that order.
    Mary C. was the first one to reach out to me through a contest. I have enjoyed chatting with Tina every time I win one of the giveaways and relish my interactions with Ruth Who Is Always Right. Hoo boy, it's also fun to go into Walmart or my local library, pick up a book and say, "Ha ha, I know that person," which I am doing more often with Villagers as well as the original Seekers. Shameless greed prompts me to say I have also won dozens of books, Jill Nelson's Deep POV contest, an evaluation with Susan Brower and a plot consult with Cathy Yardley.

  44. There is a thread here among those who have succeeded and that is the help of the wonderful authors here. I too have been nudged by Tina and that is what keeps my trying. Thanks so much to you wonderful people who share your talents with us wannabes.

  45. What a great post this is! Happy birthday, Seekerville. You and your villagers have given much.

  46. Good Morning!

    What a wonderful post of encouragement here, Janet! It really speaks well of Seekerville and all of the lovely encouragement they offer to any and all comers. Seekerville has been a role model for me in more than one way and I am trying to pass along these blessings as they had been given to me. Happy Birthday! Pass the cake and coffee this way!

  47. CARA, I agree! Our need for each other only increases with publication. I'm so thankful for Seekerville!


  48. Audra, bring on the noise makers! We have a lot to celebrate!! Isn't it fun to inhabit a community where we can wear any hat, eat any food and never have to worry about credentials or calories. :-)


  49. PATSY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Two birthday girls today just makes our 7th birthday party more fun! Have a wonderful day, Patsy!


  50. Loving this post.
    Happy Birthday to Miss Helen. :)

  51. AUDRA, GRAMMAR QUEEN is still sleeping. I give you a punishment pass.


  52. ROSE, wow, I think I needed two posts to tell all the Villager Success stories. Congratulations on your books! How many is it now?


  53. Happy Birthday Helen! Happy Birthday Seekerville! Encouraging stories! Special thanks to Janet for this post and for a synopsis critique a few years ago. You can't possibly know how much that helped me!!

  54. SALLY, I, too, am inspired by those who work hard and keep on keeping on.


  55. Janet,

    I have six books published as of today with six more contracted in various stages of publication!

    Thanks for asking!

  56. What a sweet celebration! You ladies brought tears to my eyes. Janet, thank you for sharing these stories.

    I'm so excited for all of you in your publishing endeavors!

  57. MARY HICKS!! I'm so glad Nancy C nudged you to Seekerville!! Love seeing your smiling face here. Like you, I've saved loads of Seekerville posts to reread and study. And if I can't find that post later, I turn to the archives.

    Congratulations on a finished manuscript! Hope the editing is going well.


  58. Esther, we love writers of all genres!

  59. WILANI, we writers all need encouragement. There's way too much negative focus, yet writers are still getting The Call and finding success with Indie Books. Lots to celebrate!


  60. AMY C, thanks for stopping. Where's our birthday girl? Helen must be sleeping in this morning.


  61. I love today's post. It's amazing how many authors you've helped get published through your generosity.

    Thanks so much for all you do!

  62. Hey guys, Jana Vanderslice is in the hospital and is going to have two procedures done today. She wanted me to let you know she's been in the hospital for four days.

    She didn't want you all to think she wasn't being supportive of your writing and Seekerville. Please keep Jana in your prayers.

  63. Melissa Jagears, well, now that story is starting to sound familiar. I remember the voucher part. How cool is that. Direct sale from contest! LOVE IT!!!

  64. Prayers going up for Jana!!!

  65. Eileen Barnes came out of her writerly cave. WOOOT!! Good to see you, pal.

  66. Wonderful post, Janet--and thanks to the Stars of Seekerville for sharing your success stories with us!

    And there are more where those came from! Makes the Seekers feel like proud aunties!!!

  67. Janet, that breakfast sounds yummy!
    I love this post! You Seeker ladies have blessed so many writers, including me! I got so much encouragement from coming here and reading the posts and the comments, especially before I was published, when I was like a sponge, soaking up every bit of great advice and knowledgeable tips here on Seekerville. And especially when I was feeling discouraged by rejections!

    And I still get so much from the posts, and I send other writers here all the time, advising them to read the posts and to search the archives for articles on whatever subject they need to learn more about. Thanks for being awesome, Seekers!!!

  68. KAYBEE, we are so grateful to be part of your writing journey. The prizes make it even more fun!We're all winners in Seekerville.


  69. EILEEN, wannabees reach success when they are teachable and work hard, what you're doing. Thanks for your encouraging words!


  70. Isn't this a great community? Birthday wishes for Helen and Patsy! Prayers going up for Jana. And a big Seekerville party all around!

    And I love celebrating all the accomplishments of every Seeker and Seekervillager. It's so much fun to see God working in all of our writing lives!

  71. Wonderful post, ladies! I'm so glad I stumbled upon Seekerville, too. There's no place like it! :)

  72. LIZ, thank you! Congrats on all your published novels! What's your total now? Tell us more!


  73. PIPER! Another success story with two published books to your name! I could've had two posts with all our talented Villagers. Tell us about your series.


  74. CINDY R, I always hope my critiques will help and encourage, not discourage. Thank you! How are things going on your journey?


  75. Happy Birthday Helen and Patsy! So cool you get to share your birthday with Seekerville.

    Audra - I'll let you in on a secret I have when it comes to spelling Melissa's last name. I divide it into two words - jag and ears.

    I agree with everyone here. Each time I see one of you at conference you make me feel welcome and like you actually know who I am!

    I've been following Seekerville for three years. And I've learned a ton. Thanks for sharing your talent and time.

  76. ROSE, you are amazing!!! Twelve sold books is awesome. Does this mean you had a six-book contract? What year did you sell your debut?


  77. I <3 Seekerville so much. =)
    Especially when you guys would help me cry my way through rejection after rejection. Especially when you guys would inspire me to never give up.

    Prayers for Jana.
    A great big thank you to Janet for inviting me to share.
    And a big shout out to Esther (listen to Ruthy! She knows of what she speaks, hehe.) Seriously, Esther, my novel isn't a romance either. And that strong, in your face cover it has that really moves some books--part of it is things I learned along the way in posts here with behind the scenes on covers, photoshoots, etc. and the Z. So I just want to say again... I <3 Seekerville!!!
    Raising a sword--er--glass in honor today. =)

  78. SHERRI, always great to see a fellow Love Inspired Historical author in Seekerville! How many do you have on the shelves now?


  79. Missy, isn't this encouraging for all of us? So sweet to celebrate all the success of Villagers, published or not. There are no failures in Seekerville.


  80. JACKIE, Thanks for your kind words. So fun to get to know you better at ACFW!


  81. TERRI, thanks for letting us know that Jana needs our prayers. She's got them! Pass along my hug, please.


  82. MYRA, We need a badge that reads Seekerville Book Aunties. :-) Love it!


  83. GRACE, thanks for your sweet words and for steering writers to Seekerville. Tell us about your books!


  84. Rose is amazing. Wow.

    My self-published series follows the development and growth of a college over time. I'm working on the second book in the series and it should be out sometime next month.

    I think the Seekers know that my other series, "Migrations of the Heart" features five sisters and the first three books in the series will be published starting in the summer of next year.

    Thanks Janet, for your support! I've always enjoyed your historicals!

  85. JAN, it is exciting to see God working in all our writing lives! Awesome what He does in His perfect timing.

    Anyone besides me who hoped for The Call way before you or your books were ready?


  86. Oh Janet, I'm still guilty of wanting calls before my books are ready!

  87. Loved this! So many success stories, and to think we all...Seekers and Seeker Villagers alike, had a small part in cheering each and every one of them on.

    Love it!!!

    And, I've got my eye on some MORE Villagers. It's only a matter of time before I know they'll see a book in print. :)

  88. Wow, what an inspiring post!

    And Patty Smith Hall? Your words made me cry. :) Just because it's such a beautiful portrayal of the care the Seekers have given to so many of us.

    Helen and Patsy—HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

    I discovered Seekerville maybe a year after I began writing. Mary helped me figure out what a hook was (hadn't a clue). Tina and Ruthy have had the, um, privilege, of critiquing my writing. I've learned so much from their wisdom! Each one of you Seekers has encouraged me in some way. I love stopping by here as often as I can.

    And the community? It's been fun to get to know other writers through the comments here.

    I'm truly TRULY thankful for you!

  89. ANNA, share how you stumbled upon us. We are so glad you did!


  90. TERRI, I remember the first time I met you. You were so friendly and I was struck by your beautiful eyes!

    Jag ears is a great tip. Thanks!


  91. Janet, I'm sitting here enjoying a Coke. It's my caffeine.

    Yes, I slept in this morning. It's my day, so I'm being decadent.

    Leaving in about an hour. There's a restaurant in a town about an hour from here that makes a really good steak dinner.

    I know most of you will find this unbelievable, but there is not a restaurant in our little town that serves steak.

    I always celebrate my birthday along with Seekerville. But this year I went so far as to put a 7 in it.

  92. Janet,

    I signed a four book contract with Heartsong in February, a novella contract with Barbour in May and Barbour is releasing the 3-in-1 repack of my quilt series in January 2015.

    Lily of the Field debuted in December 2010.

  93. NANCY, thanks for the raised Sword, I think. LOL

    I <3 all the fun, food and fellowship Seekerville offers. And the writing tips and dried tears and inspiration. Do we ever stop learning? Do we ever stop having a discouraging day? Nope, that's life. Sharing it with all of you helps.


  94. You're welcome and no, I don't think so. But thankfully I was prepared for that. The industry is always changing and I am constantly trying to compare myself just to myself. Am I better writer today than I was yesterday? Can I write a better book? Tell a better story? Help a new author to grow? Help myself to grow? Like author buddy Amy Harmon says... victory is in the battle and I'm so grateful for the Seekers and this blog.

  95. I think this site is a wonderful place of love and encouragement. What a blessing you published authors are, helping others achieve their dreams. I have learned so much by reading these daily posts, thank you! Someday when I finally put words to paper, I hope to put all these golden nuggets to use : )

  96. What a sweet post.
    A writer friend of mine suggested Seekerville to me. (Even though I'm fairly sure she doesn't follow it anymore.)

    Where else can aspiring writers find so many encouraging words and craft lessons without all the negative hoop-la?

    Seekerville--a little ray of sunshine to start my day.

  97. PIPER, tell everyone about your series Migrations of the Heart that's releasing next year!

    Thanks for your kind words about my historicals! We must love living in the past. :-)


  98. TERRI, I sure am grateful God said no during those years I was seriously seeking publication but wasn't ready. How many books have you written?


  99. PAM, you are so right! And I've only included some of the Villager Success Stories today.


  100. JEANNE T, we're thankful for you and all the Villagers who make Seekerville a great place to be!

    What are you working on now?


  101. So great to see so many friends among the published but I am especially thrilled to see Mary Curry AKA Cate Nolan in the post. Seekerville has taught me a lot but has given me so many dear friends!

    I'm not pubbed yet but Seekerville constantly pushes me forward and Helen Gray reminds me to persevere! And get coffee.

    Blessings on you, Janet, for bringing us this wonderful post.

    Peace, Julie

  102. HELEN, I'm struggling to picture you as decadent. :-)

    You must have a lot of fodder for your stories living in a town that small.

    Catching more shuteye, coke to wake up by, steak with hubby all adds up to a great day! And 7 in your day? No way!


  103. ROSE, I took a look at your books on Amazon. You are one busy writer! Congratulations!


  104. NANCY, you are wise to compare yourself to no one but you. Good advice for all of us!


  105. REBECCA, thanks for your encouraging words! Writing is like panning for gold. We have to work hard until we reach the prize.


  106. CONNIE, we all need a daily dose of sunshine! Thanks for your sweet words!


  107. JULIE, you said it perfectly. You're not published YET. Glad Helen's peddling perseverance, not just coffee. :-)


  108. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Helen and Patsy. Hooray for October babies (IR 29, son had his day 15)

    Anita Mae directed me in this direction late 2008. I was intimidated at first by the professional feel and information. Then, in the comments, I could feel the caring and sharing of the Seeker ladies. I say AMEN and AMEN to how huge a blessing Seekerville is to the writing community. I'm not pubbed... yet - but when I am, it will be predominently due to the education I've received here.

    The biggest blessing has been the behind the scenes prayers and love given by the ladies of Seekerville. Y'all have been a security blanket for me the past year and a half because of family stuff. Knowing you all care about the person behind the writer is priceless. There's a special place in Heaven reserved for you all to show you just how much you've built the Kingdom, IMHO.

    Oh, and I'm another mercenary Villager who gloms onto each opportunity to win books and prizes here. I feel guilty... but I still say put my name in the draw 'cuz it's all too good to pass up. (maybe i'll stop my mercenary ways AFTER i leave unpubbed island).

    LOVE reading the stories. So inspirational. Seeker ladies, please soak in our appreciation. It's well deserved.

  109. Oh, WOW, Janet ... what a STELLAR idea for a birthday post!! It blessed the socks off of me, girl, to read these author's stories, knowing that ALL of our success has been so profoundly affected by the incredible concept of women (and a few men) who love Jesus banding together -- absolutely AWESOME and INSPIRING!!

    Truly, SEEKERVILLE is a tiny mustard seed that has bloomed and blossomed into a beautiful tree, offering shade and respite, encouragement and hope for each of us on the road to publication and beyond.





  111. Loved hearing all the stories. The writers of Seekerville are such a blessing. I would have given up long ago if Tina hadn't told me I could do it. (who's brave enough to question Tina?! If she says you can do it you can do it :) )

    Because of her encouragement I entered a contest that didn't lead to a book deal but opened doors and took me on a course where three agents and two editors told me they liked my writing and each requested to see my next project.

    I ended up going indie and couldn't be happier but one of those editors and I are on good 'email talking' terms and I am working on a book for her.

  112. It's just 12:30 P.M. and look at all the comments!!!

    Everyone wants to celebrate success! Congrats to all those who shared their stories today! So heartwarming to read. Thanks, ladies.

    Thanks, too, for all the special comments about Seekerville. Isn't it wonderful to have a cyber community that feels like home!

    Hugs to all!

    Happy Birthday to Helen!!!!!!!
    (Which deserves 7 exclamation marks!)

  113. MELISSA JAG EARS!!! What a GREAT story -- thanks for sharing!!

    And, WOW, Rose ... I didn't realize you had 12 books out there/coming, so SUPER CONGRATS, girl!!

    And, PIPER, super congrats on your trilogy that's coming -- you ladies ROCK!!


  114. You are so sweet Janet! I think Tina put it in the WE the Sunday before last that I signed the first three books in the "Migrations of the Heart" series with Samhain publishing. Thank you though!

    Praying for Jana. I hope she's ok.

  115. Janet - I've written 1 secular romance (way back in the day), 3 suspense, and 2 novellas. One of the suspense novels I never submitted anywhere and I've never gone back and done revisions. I do plan on doing that.

  116. DebH, YET is the operative word! Kudos to Anita Mae for sending you our way.

    Praying for others is a privilege. You've blessed us by sharing.


  117. Janet - suspense is my favorite genre and I've written 3. One I've never revised or submitted anywhere. I need to do that.

    My first book was a secular sweet romance. My times have changed. It is so outdated it just needs to live in the drawer I have it shoved in.

    I've also written 2 novellas. One of which needs revisions.

    I hate listing all that - I should be much further along. 😟

  118. Julie, beautifully put! Seekerville is a two way street where blessings flow both ways!


  119. JAMIE, congrats on your indie books!! Aren't the opportunities for writers exciting nowadays?

    Wishing you all the best with the book you're writing for the editor interested in your work!


  120. DEBBY, you make such an important point. Celebrating the success of others is encouraging to everyone!


  121. Cats pajamas! Noon and Seekerville has 117 comments! That's something I love about this place. There are so many people sharing and caring. It's wonderful for writers as we are often WIP isolated.

    Congratulations to all the Seekers and thank you for your mission to help the rest of us, swimmers and non-swimmers, grab a ride on the row boat to Published Island. You ladies ROCK.

    TINA, sometimes you ROCK THE BOAT, ;) and that's why I love you!

    Congrats to all the published Seeker Friends. It's fun to read your stories and see your books on store shelves - most of which I own, too, because I met you here.

  122. Such a joy to read these wonderful stories! The best of authors are Seekers ladies....last week I read Tina's newest and Missy's newest...loved them both! Starting Ruthy's now!

    Happy Birthday to Helen!!

    Quick recovery to Jana!

    Count me in the drawing, please!

  123. Piper, What time period is the Migration series? Early on?


  124. Janet, I love, love love this. What a great and fun time, hearing all these success stories. And so touching. Thanks for doing this. yay.

  125. Terri, I've revised secular books for the inspy market. I probably reworked too many stories instead of starting fresh. Still, I learned a lot by revising. Wishing you the best with your projects. Don't give up!


  126. LYNDEE, Tina rocks the boat for all of us! As you say, the reason we love her.

    I agree, how can we not want to read books from writers we've come to know and love in Seekerville?


  127. JACKIE, Tina's and Missy's books were great! Ruthy's, Mrya's and Mary's were, too! Reading and enjoying Julie's book. If only there were more time to read!


  128. SANDRA, the success stories touched me bigtime!


  129. Happy Birthday, Patsy!

    I missed your birthday mention on my first read through...may I offer you a slice of cake? Ice cream too?

  130. Terri,

    Please let Jana know that we're praying for her! We'll keep her covered throughout her hospital stay and until she gives us the all clear!

    Would cake help? If so, we'll send that along with our prayers. Hugs too!

  131. Happy Birthdays to Helen and Patsy. May you have a gorgeous day and best-ever year ahead!

    Nancy C

  132. Waving to Mary H! Oh my gosh, your book is in editing? Between the Seekers and Seekervillagers, my list of 'to read' books grows and grows.

    Nancy C

  133. Janet, thanks for putting together this post. What a great idea! Encouragement and inspiration abound not only in their stories but in the comments. So much fun to see lovely people succeed.

    Nancy C

  134. Thank you for the encouraging post! :)

  135. Thanks, Janet - - I enjoyed reading these success stories from these ladies! :)
    Seekerville is the BEST!!

    The very first time I posted a comment on here, I felt timid (silly, I know) but right away Seekers made me feel right at home.
    Not to mention all I've learned (and continue to learn), the friendships made, and the laughs! ;)

    Thanks for hosting the BEST blog, Seekers, and ALWAYS being so very willing to help others.
    Hugs, Patti Jo


  136. Wonderful success stories from a wonderful community on a wonderful blog!! I don't have anything intellectual to contribute today except that I miss y'all when life gets in the way and I can't stop by. (Y'all?? I'm not from the South, but doesn't it just sound warm and homey? :-) ) It was also wonderful to meet Debby and Janet and Tina at ACFW. Love you ladies! We have a trip to the Bible Bee coming up and then a move, so I might be scarce, but I'm going to do my level best to get here. Happy birthday, Seekerville!

  137. Hey Everyone! And happy birthday, Seekers!

    You guys have always been so terrific to me, and a real encouragement when I was ready to give up. Then one day, I received a bottle of sand from unpubbed island--I treasured that little bottle, and it held a place of honor in my office when I started writing full-time.

    Until last July. A friend of mine needed some encouragement with her writing so I gave her that bottle of sand and told her it wouldn't be long before she got that first contract.

    I was absolutely right--Kris Hunter not only won the Genesis and the Golden Heart this year, she also signed a four book contract with Bethany House!

  138. I really admire how supportive authors are of each other in this particular branch of the industry. I've discovered several authors and books that I might not have otherwise heard of here at Seekerville! Happy birthday!

  139. Meghan,
    Such a joy to see you and your beautiful family at ACFW.

    Moving? Far? I'll be praying that all goes well as you transition to your new home.

  140. Patty Smith Hall...thanks for sharing about the Unpubbed Island Sand. Wonder if Kristi plans to pass that little bottle on to someone else?

  141. Yay, Seekerville! As a reader, it's so awesome to see so many authors got published through the encouragement and resources from this blog.

    I don't even remember how I first came to Seekerville ... but I think it's been since 2010, though I might not have been commenting then. I remember it wasn't long after I first read Julie Lessman's books. =)

  142. NANCY C! I heartily agree! Sharing in others successes is a win-win for everyone!


  143. CARYL, glad the post encouraged you. thanks for stopping by!


  144. JANET—I'm revising the story that won the Frasier: Safe in the Shadows. It's my first contemporary romance, and it's about a former teen movie star who will do anything to help her chronically ill daughter. These days she avoids the press at all costs. The hero is an NFL player whose life keeps him in the public eye. He offers her a much-needed job . . . And there may or may not be a local paparazzi in there. :)

  145. Went to Colton's in Farmington. And I ate the whole thing!!!!!!!

    If I have to be old as dirt, may as well enjoy it.

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. Gotta run! I'm meeting friends to... can you guess?

    Celebrate a birthday! Will be back to chat more.


  148. What a wonderful tribute to Seekerville. Love in action. You guys are such a blessing. But goodness, did y'all have any idea how this whole blog thing would unfold?

  149. I'm loving learning all this stuff with the birthday posts! It's fantastic! Thanks for the info and getting to know the "inside scoop"! As a reader, I enjoy getting the know the authors better as I read their books.

  150. Grace, thank you for sending people our way. We love having more people to hang out with! :)

  151. Terri W., thanks for that tip on Melissa's name! :)

  152. I loved the picture on the stairwell and the stories.

    Happy Birthday and continued success

  153. What a beautiful tribute to the lovely ladies who created Seekerville, a village of inspiration, encouragement, and friends! Thank you to all!

  154. Seekerville deserves to be on the front cover of Writer's Digest. You all do so much for so many...we are blessed. Thank you for this wonderful post, Janet! It's definitely a post to be read over a few times.

  155. Hello Seekerville,

    Sorry to be late dropping by, but that's what a full time job will do to you. :)

    I'm so happy to be part of this tribute today to have the chance to publicly thank the lovely ladies who give so much to all of us all year.

    Happy Birthday, Seekerville and best wishes for many, many more.

    Patty Smith Hall, I LOVE that magic Seeker sand story. Kristi sure has been having an amazing year.

  156. I loved this post, and to think I almost wasn't able to read it. Our phone lines went down yesterday and when they came back up my computer was very 'injured'. Through some perseverance on my part, I found a reset button deep within and it worked! When I signed into Seekerville this morning everything was there but the blog portion. Now it is back and it feels like Christmas. I'd say I was addicted to Seekerville. Is that a bad thing?

    Thank you everyone who shared your journey to publication and how Seekerville played a part. Wow Tina! You are such a cheerleader! That is so awesome! One of the things I love as much as the teaching and encouragement is the caring that is felt from each one of you. Thank you.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  157. Thanks to all who posted their success stories. It's always an inspiration to hear how people endure when rejection is a common refrain. Congratulations on your successes. Your hard work and dedication are examples to the rest of us.

    Thanks to Seekerville for all the posts. I've learned so much from the blogs and from the comments.

  158. PATTI JO, I felt timid the first time I left a comment. Now it's second nature. You not only bring delicious peach specialties, you bring sunshine with every comment. Thanks for being you!


  159. MEGHAN, I loved meeting you and your wonderful family! Wishing you and yours all the best at the Bible Bee and with the move! We'll miss you.


  160. PATTY, WOW, I'm impressed the sand was an encouragement to your friend. Congratulations to Kris on those contracts!


  161. HEIDI, thanks for your sweet words. We need to help each other along the way.


  162. JEANNE T, I can feel the conflict between your hero and heroine! Congrats on the Frasier. Wishing you all the best with this!


  163. HELEN, stop that! You are not old as dirt. Glad you ate every bite. I just got back from a birthday dinner too. I had black and bleu salmon. Delicious.


  164. KAV, I had no idea! I'll turn that question over to Tina. She may have had some inkling.


  165. BECKE! Thanks! Wish we'd had a professional photographer so those at the back would show up better. That was the one time we were able to congregate in one place at one time.


  166. SHERIDA, thank you. Thanks for coming so often and sharing in the journey with all of us. Means a lot.


  167. JILL, one of the Top 100 Writer sites is awesome, but the cover... Whoa, I love the way you think. Thanks so much!


  168. MARY CURRY, we gain so much from all of you. We love celebrating sales and cheering you on to more!


  169. CINDY W, Addicted to Seekerville is never a bad thing! Glad you were able to read the post!!! Would've missed you!


  170. TANYA, May be hard to believe any of these ladies received a rejection, but of course they did. But they didn't let it stop them. And look what happened.
    That's hope. Something to celebrate!


  171. What awesome testimonies to the power of friendship and community among writers and readers alike. I love reading about all the ups and downs along the road to publication, it gives readers a new perspective of how much goes into the journey. Congratulations to all who have endured, we readers than you!

  172. Janet, I've sold 3 novellas and 3 books so far.

  173. 2nd p.s. - Just saw the note about Jana V. in the hospital and having procedures done. PRAYERS lifted up for her.
    Hugs, Patti Jo

    SEEKERVILLE is the B E S T !!!! :)

  174. I'm so late joining the party today. It has been a busy day. Looks like lots of comments too. I wish I had time to read them all and see how much everyone has received from being part of Seekerville. I am fairly new here but already enjoy it very much. I would love to be entered into the drawing.

  175. Loved reading all these success stories and the part Seekerville played in them - and would love to read each of their books!! Such a wealth of info, inspiration, encouragement, humor and love at the wonderful Seekerville site!! Congrats, authors - thank you, congrats, and Happy 7th Birthday - Seekerville!!


  176. I love all of the stories of success!

    Thank you Seekerville ladies for ALL you do!

  177. A lovely post & I enjoyed reading through the comments.

  178. Congratulations to all the success stories. I know there will be many, many more!

    Thanks for all the years of encouragement, ladies :)

  179. TRACEY, I hadn't thought that the insight gained here helps readers appreciate published books more, but I get that! So cool! Thanks!


  180. MELISSA, that's awesome! I salute you for managing motherhood and getting those words on the page!


  181. BONTON, thanks for your interest in these authors' books. Know they appreciate it too.


  182. SANDY, it's never too late to stop into Seekerville. Thanks for your interest!


  183. DONNA, thanks for coming to the party!


  184. MARY P, we're a chatty group. Thanks for sharing in the fun!


  185. KARA, it's exciting to think of all the success stories yet to come. Happy writing!


  186. So inspiring to hear everyone's stories and how Seekers were such a wonderful encouragement and learning tool for so many writers. I only wish I could spend more time on Seekerville, because you are such an encouragement to me as well, & I know I have tons more to learn from everyone. A HUGE thanks goes to all of you at Seekerville! Thanks a million times over!

  187. I should also mention that I too have received a critique from Tina. At first I was feeling a bit frustrated by her comments--they meant some huge changes in my story, as in lots of work. Then I watched part of the awards gala at the recent conference, & heard one of the winners acknowledge Tina for telling her that every story should begin with the change (exactly what she told me!) and now she was an award winner! Hmm...maybe her advise to me was worthy of listening too... Then, Tina herself won an award! OK Lord, I'm listening--this woman knows her stuff! ;-)

    So yes, now I'm working on making those changes--cut a huge hunk out of the beginning & now working on figuring out how and where to add some of it back into the story in the places where it belongs. (I'm also thankful for someone suggesting that you never "just delete", but cut and put those cuts in a folder, awaiting for the correct time and place, when you MAY be able to use it somewhere else in your story--and NOT have to rewrite it all over again...
    Thanks again to Tina & others...

  188. A very encouraging post. Happy Birthday Seekerville. Thanks for having the giveaway.


  189. Vicki, so glad you're taking Tina's critique to heart! As you say, making those changes is a lot of work. But, working hard is how we get where we want to go. Tina is a perfect example of that!

    Wishing you all the best with making those revisions!


  190. ROSE M, thanks for your interest in our giveaway!


  191. Thank you all for your inspiring and touching stories. And, of course, a very happy birthday to all of you Seekerville.
