Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Weekend Edition-Birthday Week 2

Let them eat cake. And lots of it!
Welcome to the start of week three of our 7th Birthday Celebration. During the month of October we blog every single day. We will be giving away a $50 gift card from various online retailers each Sunday in October. We will also be collecting names (not numbers of comments) for the drawing for our grand prize-an iPad mini. Winner announced on Saturday, November 1st. 

This week's $50 gift card will come from Barnes & Noble.

 We Have- Week Two- Winners

  Be sure to contact us if you are a winner (send an email to with your snail mail address unless email is specified). We don't have time to track you down. Do let us know if you don't receive your prize in 6-8 weeks. Rules are located on our legal page.

Vince Mooney is the winner of this week's $50 gift card from 

On Monday, 2014 Carol Award winner for best novella, Melissa Jagears was our hostess with "Melissa's Seven Phases of the Writing Process." Winner of  the latest in her Unexpected Bride Series is Pam Kellogg. Winner of an original Melissa Jagears Face Book Author Banner is Piper Huguley.

 Sherry Kyle returne to Seekerville on Tuesday with her post, "Pick a Genre, Any Genre." Have you got your genre's straight? Sandy Smith is the winner of her new release, Watercolor Dreams.

Hope you didn't miss it!  Part 4 wrap-up of  "From Sweet to Swoon — The Final SEVEN Ways to Ramp Up the Sigh Factor in our Heroes!” Wednesday Julie Lessman  concluded her series on ramping up the hero swoon factor from ho-hum to hot. DEBRA SMITH is the winner of a giveaway of a signed copy of any of Julie’s books, including her upcoming release, Surprised by Love.

Thursday we joined Ruth Logan Herne as she led us  on a day-long celebration of why the #7 is the default answer to almost every mathematical question in her post "The Power of Seven."  The SEVEN winners of Ruthy's upcoming release, "Her Holiday Family" never before read by anyone are: Artist Librarian, Jessica Johnson, Kathy Bailey, Cindy Regnier, Laney4 (I loved your poem!!!), Miss Zey Zey,  & Bonton. Winner of the $25 Amazon gift card is Lyndee Henderson.

Friday we were excited to welcome Bethany House Editor, Charlene Patterson to Seekerville. Charlene talked about "7 Tips for a Manuscript that Will Impress an Acquisitions Editor" and as an added bonus "7 things NOT to do in your manuscript." Winner of a surprise package of Bethany House book is Book Lover, Book Writer.

On Saturday, 2014 Carol Award winner for best short novel, Tina Radcliffe told you to SNAP OUT OF IT, with her post, "Seven Things You Need to Stop Doing…NOW."  Seven winners of seven surprise packages are:Jamie Adams, Mary Hicks, Glynis, Rebecca, Suzie Johnson, Rachael Koppendayer, and Carla Olson Gade.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday:Love Inspired author Missy Tippens will be sharing "7 Things I've Learned Over the Last 7 Years." She'll be offering a phone or email chat (winner's choice) to one entrant--which will go hand-in-hand with the #1 thing she's learned!

Tuesday:Join Seeker and award-winning author Myra Johnson as she shares her top seven writing resources and why they made it to her favorites list. Join the conversation and you could win a hot-off-the-press copy of Myra's latest release, Every Tear a Memory, book 3 in her Till We Meet Again historical romance series from Abingdon Press!

Wednesday: In celebration of Seekerville's Seventh Birthday, Debby Giusti invited fellow authors Susan Sleeman and Jodie Bailey to join her. Each author will share writing "secrets" in the blog, "Seven Secrets of Success from Three Successful Authors!" Be sure to stop by and see what each of them has to say. Leave a comment to be entered in three drawings for Holiday Defenders, a Love Inspired Suspense Christmas anthology, which features "Mission: Christmas Rescue," by Debby Giusti, "Special Ops Christmas," by Susan Sleeman, and "Homefront Holiday Hero," by Jodie Bailey. Along with the book, each winner will receive a $7 gift card from Starbucks! 

Thursday: Bethany House Fiction Publicist Amy Green will share with us "Four Tips for Marketing Like a Storyteller." Amy, who also runs the blog Bethany Fiction, will give away  all four historical releases from Bethany House this month. FOUR BOOKS-FOUR WINNERS: Tried and True by Mary Connealy, The River by Beverly Lewis, Playing by Heart by Anne Mateer, & A Bride in Store by Melissa Jagears.

Friday: We're excited to welcome Love Inspired, Assistant Editor, Emily Krupin today! Stop by to chat with the editor and we've got a birthday box filled with books to give away throughout the day. Stop by for an editor chat and a chance to win one of over a dozen two-packs of books!

Saturday:Seekerville is happy to welcome Love Inspired, White Rose Publishing and Bethany House Publishing author, Susan Anne Mason to Seekerville with her inspiring post, "Persistence and Those Little ‘God Nudges’ — The Key to Success!" And she's offering a digital copy of Betrayed Hearts to one commenter.

Seeker Sightings

From the Moonlight & Magnolia's Conference this weekend in Atlanta, Georgia. You can find a list of finalists here. Congrats to Seeker Villagers who finaled and to those who won,  and a special WOOT! to our own Myra Johnson.
Walt Mussel and Myra Johnson

Cara Lynn James, Leslie Tentler, Fran McNabb, Debby Giusti, Myra Johnson & Larissa Reinhart

Debby Giusti and Tanya Agler

Elaine Manders, Debby Giusti,  Kristi Ann Hunter, Patty Smith Hall

Jennifer Delamere, Piper Huguley, Julie Hilton Steele, Myra Johnson, & Debby Giusti

Piper Huguley who just sold to Samhain Publishing! Woot!

Debby Giusti & Normandy Ward Fischer

Myra Johnson
The Killion Team, Kimberly Killion & Jennifer Jakes
Kristi Ann Hunter & Vanessa Riley


Mary Connealy's ebook novella released this week! You can find it and buy it HERE. 

New--The 12 Brides of Christmas! You're invited to a Christmas wedding...that is twelve of them!  Discover the joy of an old-fashioned Christmas romance with these twelve heart-warming stories. Brand-new stories from renowned inspirational fiction authors will take you into the heartland of historical America. Releasing each week starting October 6, you'll want to read all of them.

#1: The Advent Bride
Melanie Douglas is alone on the Nebraska plains, teaching school to get by. She finds a unique box with hidden drawers to use over the advent season to engage a young boy in his schooling. When Henry O’Keeffe sees a positive change in his son, he has to see for himself what this new teacher is doing.

Don't be late!  Watch for all 12 stories:
October 6 - #1: The Advent Bride
October 13 - #2: The Nutcracker Bride
October 20 - #3: The Evergreen Bride (by our very own PAM HILLMAN!)
October 27 - #4: The Gift-Wrapped Bride
November 3 - #5: The Yuletide Bride
November 10 - #6: The Gingerbread Bride
November 17 - #7: The Nativity Bride
November 24 - #8: The Christmas Tree Bride
December 1 - #9: The Festive Bride
December 8 - #10: The Christmas Star Bride
December 15 - #11: The Snowbound Bride
December 22 - #12: The Fruitcake Bride

...and have yourself a Cozy Little Christmas!

Mary will be on Coffee Cups and Camisoles being grilled (not with a Weber, but close) by Erica Vetsch on Friday, October 17th. Mary will be giving away a copy of Tried and True and one digital copy (that's the only kind of copies there are!) of The Advent Bride.

And  leave a comment at Lena Nelson Dooley's blog, A Christian Writer's World to get your name in a drawing for a copy of The Advent Bride.

Join Seeker Missy Tippens and 30+ authors for a huge Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt beginning October 17th (noon MDT) at Enter for a chance to win a Kindle Fire HDX or a copy of every author's book!

Random News & Information

Read All You Want – For Free! (Steve Laube Agency Blog)

Harlequin readers can sign up for Scribd using the promo code 'ScribdLovesHarlequin' to get 3 months for free (Emily Rodmell via Twitter)

Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists (Psychololgy Today)

Seeking Immersion Conversion (Writer Unboxed)

Infographic: What Causes The Smell Of Old And New Books (Design Taxi via @EmilyRodmell Twitter)

Book Benches Charm Londoners (PW via KC Frantzen)

Copyright, Publishing Contract Clauses, Image Use And Avoiding Getting Sued With Helen Sedwick (-Podcast-The Creative Penn)

Don’t Wait For Permission: Why Authors Should Be Entrepreneurs (Let's Get Digital)

Congrats to the 2014 SYTYCW Top Finalists (SYTYCW)

Alot vs. A lot: 9 Language Crimes to Watch Out For (

And finally, please consider nominating Seekerville for the 17th Annual Writer’s Digest 101 Best Website for Writer’s Award. Send an email to with “101 Websites” in the subject line. We are an Inspirational Romance Writing Community. 

 Many thanks. 

Your friends at Seekerville


  1. Submitted a nomination.

    Got the coffee pot ready.

    Thanks for another great WE.

    Night, night.

  2. So excited I'm the first to congratulate all of the winners this week!

    Thanks for another great week Seekerville. I'm looking forward to more as we continue to celebrate your 7th birthday.

  3. What a week we've had! And the party's not over yet! Congratulations to the winners ... Thank you to the busy authors and writers that are taking and making the time to make it a success!

  4. Happy 7th and congrats to all winners. Looking forward to the coming week.

  5. Thank you so much, Ruthie and Tina, for the win of "Her Holiday Family". Looking forward to reading it!! I sent an e-mail confirmation on the book and also sent an e-mail to nominate Seekerville for Best Website For Writers!!


  6. Congratulations to all the winners! :) And can I just say how CUTE (and beautiful!) Piper looks sitting behind her very own table?! :)

    I'm on vacation with my honey for a couple days, but I'm looking forward to catching up the posts I've missed. This upcoming week looks like a great one!

    Thanks for a great WE, Tina!

  7. Great M & M pictures. You all look so smiling!

    Congrats to all the winners and finalists. We're so proud of you!

  8. Congrats to all! Have a great Sunday!




  10. Bonton, thank you! I'm so happy you won!

    I just went and read the article about being and author entrepreneur and I loved it. The whole idea of waiting for permission to boost your career should be passe.

    And I went to Scribd and used the special offer code, and they added the two months to the initial free month I already had.


    Thank you, Harlequin for doing that! Now I want to see more Love Inspireds on those lists. If you look at the Love Inspired "tab" you see ten, but if you go to ALL CHRISTIAN FICTION at the bottom of the page, there's a ton more scattered throughout.

    I love this!

  11. Congratulations to all of the winners!
    Looking forward to next week! Happy Sunday to all!

  12. DID IT. Nominated Seekerville to Writer's Digest.

    That seems incredibly easy. I keep thinking I'm missing something.

  13. Very cool edition. Happy Birthday Seekers. Congrats to the winners and the new contract holders this week.
    Oh and Debbie, always fun cutting a rug with you in Georgia.
    Vanessa Riley

  14. Super congrats to all the winners. What great prizes this week and thanks to all the guests providing them.

    And wow, Debby, I loved the great photos of Sweet Magnolia Conference. Looks like super fun.

    Another great week in October. I love birthdays. smile

  15. Congratulations to all the winners!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

  16. Can we cut the cake yet?

    I'm just sayin'.... It's nearly nine AM in New York.

  17. Congratulations to all of this weeks winners.

    Love seeing conference pictures.

  18. LOL @ the snap out of it slap shot. Congratulations to all the winners! What a great party. Happy Birthday, Seekerville!

  19. Ruth Logan Herne it's always cake time in New York especially in Chautauqua County.
    Congratulations to all the winners.

  20. Congratulations to all the winners! Thanks for all the wonderful news, links, and info. Way to keep your birthday celebration rolling!

  21. CathyAnn40 where do you live? I'm from Chautauqua County TOO!!!

    Did you see you won in Seekerville last weekend? Email us to claim your prize.

  22. Those pictures make me wish I was there, Rose.

    Jamie, don't you love it. SNAP OUT OF IT!

  23. Home from Georgia Romance Writers' Moonlight and Magnolias Conference.

    Thanks, Tina, for posting some of the pics! Loved seeing so many from Seekerville! The conference was excellent. Small enough to be warm and welcoming, yet packed with great workshops, editor and agent pitch opportunities and so many special friends.

    Congrats to all the Maggie nominated stories and to all the winners!

    Hope we can get an even larger group of Seekers and Villagers to attend next year. It's a conference you don't want to miss!

  24. Great WE, Tina!
    Love the M&M photos, too! Looks like a like of fun and great lectures.

    Yay to all the winners and I'm a winner, too! Whoohoo! I know just where those funds will be going. My wishlist is almost longer than my TBR stack, lol.

    Sunny day in IL. Lots to do and reading and writing, too! Blessings all.

  25. CONGRATS to ALL the winners!!
    Happy, Happy Birthday to SEEKERVILLE!!!! :)

    Loved all the photos - - even though it's been SO difficult knowing the M&M Conference was in MY state and I wasn't able to attend (sniff, sniff). :(
    Lord willing, NEXT year I'll be there!! :)

    Looking forward to another great birthday week in Seekerville!

    Hugs, Patti Jo

    p.s. About to submit my nomination for the BEST blog--Seekerville!! :)

  26. Cathyann40 are you in Chautauqua County? Where I set Kirkwood Lake????? SO STINKIN' BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

    I didn't realize that!

  27. Tina, I forgot to say how much I loved the pics from M&M.

    Someday I am going to Moonlight and Magnolias just because I couldn't love the Georgia Romance Writers more if I tried.

    They are an amazing group. Truly, the kind of chapter to be emulated.


  28. Thanks for the birthday party WE, Tina. Congratulations to the weekly winners, the Maggie folks, and Piper on her contract. Love the pictures! Looks like such a fun conference!

    I nominated SEEKERVILLE last week. We only get to vote once, right?

    Happy writing/reading week ahead to all!

  29. Congrats to all of the winners! I'm looking forward to working with the multi-talented Melissa Jagears, so I feel like a winner too!

    M&M was a great time! I finally got to meet Elaine face to face and I won Debby Giusti's basket! It's a little earlier next year, from Oct. 1-4, just so anyone knows...:) Have a great weekend Seekerville!

  30. Piper, so glad you won my giveaway! Loved packing the Franklin Covey Career Tote with goodies! You'll look so cute carrying it to work or for fun! (Of course, it's not raspberry, like Julie's! LOL!)

    Great seeing you both!

  31. Yes, Elaine was there! So wonderful to meet Seeker friends and Villagers IN PERSON!!!

    Great seeing you, Elaine! Hope you had a safe trip home!

  32. I always enjoy seeing pics of the conferences....and the great writers who provide such wonderful books for us readers!!!!

  33. Loved the pictures of the conference. And I love the name. Moonlight and Magnolias sounds so Southern and romantic. I'm happy to win Sherry Kyle's book.

  34. Congratulations to the winners! I keep thinking of the cover of Watercolor Dreams. I'll have to go get a copy. Looking forward to the posts for next week!

  35. Congrats to all the winners and all the other news in this WE! I enjoy beginning the week with this news! On to the next week now! Happy birthday, Seekerville once again!

  36. Thanks Seekerville!
    For so much:

    Do’s & Don’ts
    Reviews & Previews
    Recipes & Repartees
    Evaluations & Revelations
    Visitations & Inspirations
    Travelogues & Dialogues
    Prologues & Critiques
    Coffee & Cake

    And to top it all off:
    You can win valuable prizes, too!

    Thanks for All You Do
    Enjoy Your Lucky Seven
    I’ve Nominated Your for the 101
    And Better Still
    The Best is Yet to Come!

    So happy with my prize!
    Congrats to all the other prize winners!
    Congrats to all the finalists, too!

  37. Congrats to all the winners! And thanks for all the great links. Lots to read this week!

  38. I so missed being at M&M this year! It's the first time I've missed in probably over 15 years. :(

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. The deleted message was from my spastic double posting. :)

  41. So glad to have seen old friends and celebrate with Piper on her contract with Samhain and Jennifer Delamere on her Maggie win.

    I think I will wait to unpack tomorrow.

    Peace, Julie

  42. Thanks for the nice comment, Vince.
    Congratulations on the win.

  43. Happy Birthday Seekerville and congrats to all of the winners!!

  44. Lots of great stuff in the weekend edition! Congratulations everyone and happy birthday!!!
