Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Weekend Edition-Birthday Week 4

Welcome to the start of week FIVE of our 7th Birthday Celebration. During the month of October we blog every single day. We're giving away a $50 gift card from various online retailers each Sunday in October. We have also been collecting names (not numbers of comments) for the drawing for our grand prize-an iPad mini. Winner announced on Saturday, November 1st. 

Our final birthday week $50 gift card will come from

We Have Winners

Be sure to contact us if you are a winner (send an email to with your snail mail address unless email is specified). We don't have time to track you down. Do let us know if you don't receive your prize in 6-8 weeks. Rules are located on our legal page. 

Did you claim your prizes from Week One & Week Two & Three?

The Week Three $50 Amazon Gift Card goes to Helen Gray! Congratulations!


Monday Love Inspired Historical author Janet Dean shared "Seven + Villager Success Stories." Thanks to our generous authors, Jeanne T won two hard copies—one for her and one for a friend—of Patty Smith Hall’s Christmas novella, Christmas Lessons. LeAnne Bristow won a hard copy of Keli Gwyn’s novel A Bride Opens Shop in El Dorado, California. Patsy won a hard copy of Jan Drexler’s A Mother for His Children. Marianne won Nancy Kimball’s eBook Chasing the Lion. Eileen Barnes won a hard copy of Jessica Nelson’s Family on the Range. Liz Flaherty won a hard copy of Virginia Carmichael’s Austen Takes the South. Amy C won a hard copy of Helen Gray’s Ozark Wedding. Grace Dickerson won a hard copy of Christina Rich’s The Warrior’s Vow. The winner for the $10 Amazon gift card is Patti Jo.

Tuesday we gave huge, happy, no holds barred Seekerville welcome to Heartwarming Senior Editor Victoria Curran! Victoria shared "One Editor's Top 7 Revision Notes." Winners of a Heartwarming e-book (7 books/7winners) are: Karen Kirst, Jill Kemerer, Rhonda Starnes, Calisa Rhose, Cynthia Herron, Sally Shupe, and Carolyn Chambers Clark. Two winners of four packs of print copies of Heartwarming books courtesy of Harlequin are Tanya Agler and Robin Wilson.

We hope you didn't miss Wednesday and the Suspense Sister with their post, "3 Sisters on Writing: 7 Simple Strategies for Making the Dream a Reality," with Love Inspired Suspense writers (and sisters) Shirlee McCoy, Sara K. Parker and Mary Ellen Porter. Winner of a box of writer’s goodies, including: a Starbucks gift card ($15), a Barnes & Noble gift card ($25), a dry-erase calendar with markers, a crockpot cookbook, and the most important of all—chocolate. The winner will also receive a signed copy of Shirlee’s December release, Her Christmas Guardian, and IOUs for Sara’s January release, Undercurrent, and Mary Ellen’s May release, Into Thin Air is Suzanne Baginskie.

Thursday Virginia Carmichael, (aka Mary Jane Hathaway ) joined us with her post, "The Joy of Rejection."  We have winners:THREE paper copies of Emma, Mr. Knightley and Chili Slaw Dogs to Sara Ella, Donna L.H. Smith, and Deanna Stevens. THREE paper copies of her latest Love Inspired release A Home For Her Family (October 1st) to Meghan Carver, Cindy W and Donna Phillips. Also, THREE digital copies of her latest Mary Jane Hathaway book The Pepper in the Gumbo, releasing October 28th to Nancy C (Chill N), Susan Mason and Sherida Stewart.
THREE paper copies of Emma, Mr. Knightley and Chili Slaw Dogs and THREE paper copies of my latest Love Inspired release A Home For Her Family (October 1st). Also, THREE digital copies of my latest Mary Jane Hathaway book The Pepper in the Gumbo, releasing October 28th!

- See more at:

Seekerville was delighted to welcome back our pal, Erica Vetsch on Friday, with her post "Seven Things That Will Make Your Editor Happy." (She also shared some great news!) Becky Dempsey is the winner of a copy of Sagebrush Knights.

Saturday we welcomed Worthy Publishing author Brandy Vallance with her post, "Seven Essentials For Powerful Fiction." Victoria and Melissa Jagears  are the winners of her debut release, The Covered Deep. 

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday:Sandra Leesmith will talk about the "Seven Reasons to Keep Writing." She will be giving away a hand crafted (by her artistic friend, Diane) bag for a Kindle or tablet. There might be some surprises inside the bag too!  

Tuesday: Pam Hillman is your hostess with "7 Random Writerly Things That Make Me Go Wow!" And she hopes to wow 7 winners with e-copies of her latest novella, The Evergreen Bride.

Wednesday: Today is fairy tale day in Seekerville as we welcome back Zondervan author Melanie Dickerson. Melanie will be sharing, "7 Things I’m Glad No One Told Me about the Writing Life (Or I Would Have Quit)." She's also giving away THREE copies of her November 4, release, The Princess Spy...and we have one more fun twist. If you change your BLOGGER PROFILE PICTURE to reflect ANY fairy tale character (think Mother Goose or Brothers Grimm), we'll put your name in a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card. 

Thursday: Seekerville is thrilled to welcome back one of our favorite literary agents. Stop by to chat with Natasha Kern as she talks about the day in the life of your agent. What is it that they actually do all day long?  Natasha's Seeker clients have sweetened the pot with some fun gifts for that day including chocolate, gift cards and books! If you wanna talk it up with one of the top-selling, most knowledgeable agents in the biz, make Seekerville your Thursday "go-to" place!

Friday:Seeker Glynna Kaye joins us to share “7 Words of Writing Wisdom” – tips that she picked up from the fantabulous ACFW 2014 conference in St. Louis.  In honor of Seekerville’s SEVENTH BIRTHDAY, she’s giving away a copy of her November Love Inspired release, High Country Holiday to SEVEN winners!

Saturday: Welcome to the November Contest Update. Stop by for our usual contest fun and games and prizes, and to meet the November Contest Diva/Divo. Additionally, WE WILL ANNOUNCE THE OCTOBER BIRTHDAY iPAD MINI WINNER. All other winners will be announced on Sunday, November 2, in the Party is Over, Weekend Edition.

Seeker Sightings
I'm Free! Pick Me!

  AWARD-WINNING FREEBIE! There’s nothing better than free, right? Audra Harders is crazy excited about Second Chance Ranch finaling in the International Digital Awards contest, so it’s time to celebrate with free books for everyone!! Tell family, friends…EVERYONE, that Second Chance Ranch is free this weekend! Click here to whisk you away to Amazon and download your free copy. It will just take a minute, then come back to Seekerville and keep the party going!!


To celebrate the release of her novel  Every Tear a Memory:Till We Meet Again, Book 3, award-winning author Myra Johnson is giving away a $100 Amazon gift card! Find the entry form on Myra's Facebook page or at her blog, Writer at Random. The contest runs from October 20 through November 30, and there are several opportunities to increase your chances of winning! 


Glynna Kaye invites you to a "High Country Holiday" at the Love Inspired Authors Blog.

A friendly pre-order competition is going on between Team Historical and Team Contemporary. Pre-order now so the Contemporary writers can catch up to the Historical writers!

Pre-order here.

Pre-order here.

Historical, featuring Mary Connealy, Ruth Logan Herne, Myra Johnson and Julie Lessman.


Contemporary, featuring Mary Connealy, Audra Harders, Ruth Logan Herne, Sandra Leesmith, Tina Radcliffe and Missy Tippens.

Random News & Information

If you haven't, please consider nominating Seekerville for the 17th Annual Writer’s Digest 101 Best Website for Writer’s Award. Send an email to with “101 Websites” in the subject line. We are an Inspirational Romance Writing Community. 

 Many thanks. 

Your friends at Seekerville

Understanding Goodreads for Authors With Julie Whitely, Goodreads Librarian (From the Heart...Cheryl St. John)

October 2014 Author Earnings Report (Hugh Howey)

 Man Spends 17 Months Planning His Proposal, And The Results Are Perfect (Elite Daily)

 Jane Austen Lovers Unite: A Fine Cast Brings 'Death Comes To Pemberley' To Life (Huffington Post)

 I am Not My Book (Writers in the Storm via Nancy C)

Ten Lessons from Plot & Structure (Kill Zone) 

 The Psychology of Color in Logo Design (INFOGRAPHIC) (Huff Post via Brandy Vallace)

The Psychology of Color in Fashion (A la Mode via Brandy Vallance)

5 Marketing Mistakes That Beginning Fiction Writers Make (The Book Designer)

 10 Social Media Rules Every Author Needs to Know (Edie Melson)

Details here

 I'm enrolled! Are you? (We can throw erasers at each other and pass notes!)

Have a great day Seekervillagers!



  1. Congrats to all the winners!! It's been a busy week in Seekerville!

    Super big congrats to Helen Gray!! Now remember, don't spend it all at once, LOL!

    One more birthday week filled with inspiration, laughs and wisdom.

    And cake. Definitely have to have cake!!

  2. Woot, can't wait to get The Covered Deep to read, thanks Brandy, I remember watching you win the Genesis over this one (right?) Exciting!

    And I was going to comment on something else in the post, but I've forgotten and really should get back to rewriting.

    As for Andrea Strong's baby, Grant, I have no newer news than this morning when his lungs had gotten worse instead of better. But I don't think he's exactly critical, just concerning.

  3. Whoopee!!!!!!! An Amazon gift card. It doesn't get any better than that!!!!!!!

    Helps ease of pain of that birthday with the 7 in it that I had this week.

    Congratulations to the many winners.

    There's coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee.

  4. Oh, this is the greatest WE!!!!!

    Tina, thank you!!!! I've got a mug of Helen's coffee and I'm lovin' it!

    I went to the proposal link... Oh my stars, ol' Dave should be ashamed of how lame our proposal was.... But decades later, we're still hitched, so he did something right! :) But how stinkin' sweet, I love proposals!!!!

    And happily ever afters!

    Huge congrats to all winners!!!


  5. Melissa, I've decided that those two plump baby boys of yours and Andrea's are just brats....

    Cute, but brats. Didn't we have Nathan under the lights for a while???? I distinctly remember praying for that little fellow.

    Grant just wanted to one-up him!

    Praying for the little guy and I'm going to give him a stern talking to when he gets home!

    No scaring Mom and Dad!!!!

  6. Tina, you've given us an outstanding lineup of reading for this WE, Thank you!!:-)

    The Goodreads article, James Scott Bell... Everything looks interesting. I'm mourning the fact I won't really have time to read until very late tonight.:-\

    Congratulations to all the winners! Helen, I know your excitement—I just received my winnings from last week. Can't wait to start spending that $50 at Barnes & Nobel!!!!

    Another heartfelt HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Seekerville!!!

    I remembered to vote Seekerville for 101 website this morning. Better late than never??

  7. Congrats to all the winners this week!

    I have both Hope for the Holidays on my Amazon wish list waiting for their release, but I went ahead and pre-ordered the contemporary set to help with the friendly competition ;) hope it helps a little!

    Enjoy this beautiful Sunday all!

  8. OH. MY. GOSH!!! I'm sitting here crying like a baby -- literally -- over that proposal video. LONG ... but soooo worth it!!




  9. Wow, not only did I get to read all those great links, but I had to catch up on a whole week of Seekerville. Phew -- lots of great material, my head is swimming...or maybe that's me swooning over that proposal. Oh. My. Goodness. Just when you think romance is dead...

  10. Congratulations to all the winners!

  11. Congratulations to all the winners! And thank you for the books I won. I already know who I'll give the second copy to. :)

    It look s like a great week! I'm getting ready for church now, but I hope to stop back later and click on some of those links. :)

    Thank you Seekers, for all you do!!

  12. Whoop! Way to Go, Helen!!!

    And congratulations to all of the other winners this week.

    I can't believe the celebrations is almost over.

  13. IT DOES HELP, TRACEY! We want to out pre order those hysterical gals. I mean historical.

  14. I won an e-copy of The Pepper in the Gumbo!! I won an e-copy of The Pepper in the Gumbo! (I double-checked to be sure) Thank you, Virginia!

    Congratulations, Audra, on the final in the International Digital Awards contest! Second Chance Ranch is such a good book.

    Congrats to my fellow winners. As I read through the list I was reminded of how generous Seekers and Guests are.

    Returning later to read the links and sip a cup of tea.

    Sorry. No help here in the competition between Team Historical and Team Contemporary. Pre-ordering both. I refuse to choose :-)

    Nancy C

  15. Can't help with the historical/contemporary contest - preordered both. Going to consider which fairytale character I'll pick for my offer I'D on my birthday. Hmmmm... Must think. Enjoying to the hilt the whole Seekerville celebrations. So generous and humongous blessing!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Oh bother. I hate phone auto correct. Blogger ID - not offer I'D. (Sigh)

  18. Huge congrats to Helen Gray! Doesn't that just make your week, Helen? This Seeker community is just the most awesome place! Nobody knows just how much I've appreciated lurking here over the past ten days. We unexpectedly had to have our canine companion put to sleep and the house has seemed so empty. It's such a blessing to have been able to slip over here and quietly absorb the encouragement that is always available here.

    I may not have commented much, but I *did* send off that e-mail to nominate Seekerville for the 101 best websites award. :)

    Hope everyone has a good week. I'm off to church now to lose myself in prayer, praise and worship. Just what the *doctor* ordered.

  19. hahahaha! Well someone out there is not ordering both or THEY wouldn't be ahead. I will find them!!!

  20. Oh, Carol Garvin, I am so sorry to hear this. Big hugs from me to you! XXXX

  21. I always look forward to your WE editions, Tina! So much fun stuff to explore!

    Congrats to all our weekly winners!!!

    I personally am celebrating this weekend after having successfully upgraded two Macs to Yosemite!!!!!! It went super-smoothly and quickly!!!! Looking forward to exploring the new features!

  22. CAROL, my heart goes out to you! It's so hard to say goodbye to a special pet.

  23. Another AWESOME WE, Miss T!! :)
    Congrats to all the winners!!
    Am thrilled to win a $10 Amazon card---I know already which BOOK I'll use it for! :) (ooops, just ended a sentence with a preposition...but it IS the weekend, LOL).

    Next week looks like another WONDERFUL week in Seekerville--can't wait to read those posts.

    It's a GORGEOUS day here in my part of Georgia---Wish I could share our weather with folks who aren't having such a nice day.

    On a "Personal Note" yesterday my middle daughter ran a full marathon on the Silver Comet Trail (26.2 miles). It was something she wanted to do, so she set her mind to it, worked VERY hard, and did great. I was thinking that she's set a wonderful example to Mom (me) in setting a goal, working hard, and achieving it. :)

    Happy Birthday Seekerville!! You all are the BEST!!
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  24. p.s. Carol Garvin, I'm so very sorry....I know how difficult that is. Sending you gentle hugs, Patti Jo

  25. Okay, down with a stupid stomach bug since last night.... :( Very sad face!

    But I'm feeling better now, and totally psyched about a contest between the Historical "Hope for the Holidays" collection and the Contemporary version!!!!

    And I've got a novella in each, so I win either way, LOL!

    Come on contemporaries.... I must go annoy facebook friends. I'm willing to RISK people unfriending me to help this noble cause!!!

    Going now!

  26. Always look forward to the WE. Thanks, Tina, for all those links too. Happy belated birthday wishes to Helen and congrats on the Amazon gift card and to all winners from last week. Voted for Seekerville. Although I rarely comment I do try to follow this blog and post it to FB. Wonderful remainder of Sunday to everyone.

  27. I went and annoyed people.

    I'm good at it.

    Nancy and Deb H., LOL!!! Thank you! I'm hugging both of you from up here where it's chilly, dark and windy.

    Bless you! :)

  28. Carol Garvin, I still get teary-eyed over losing Maddie.... I hear you loud and clear.

    I'm so glad Libby and Jeter are here to be my buddies now, but there was something about Maddie (she was so naughty-smart!!!) that made me laugh. I still miss her!

  29. Does anyone know what Myra just said? Something about going to McDonalds?

  30. Patti Jo!!!! Marathon running isn't for wimps! Oh my stars girlfriend, that's awesome!

    You tell her we're so proud of her. Dave ran a couple of marathons when he was younger, and we raised a bunch of distance runners.... I know exactly the amount of commitment and dedication that goes into that. Not personally as we know I barely run to the refrigerator. :)

    But I knew how to raise runners!!! :)

  31. Okay I just went an nominated Seekerville as the best of the 101 websites.

    That proposal! Tiffany is one lucky lady to be loved that much!
    wow, what a guy!

  32. Pat Jeanne, lurk all you want. We know you're out there, sweet thing. God bless you for your kind words!

  33. Always look forward to the WE. Thanks, Tina, for all those links too. Happy belated birthday wishes to Helen and congrats on the Amazon gift card and to all winners from last week. Voted for Seekerville. Although I rarely comment I do try to follow this blog and post it to FB. Wonderful remainder of Sunday to everyone.

  34. Wow, tons of winners each week during Seekerville's birthday month!! Congratulations all!

    Next week looks great!

    Thanks for a great Weekend Edition, Tina! Lots of interesting looking links.

    This has been a cooking weekend for me. Dinner guests last night. Our kids tonight. I feel very domestic in my apron. ;-)


  35. Oh Ruthy...thank you for those kind comments, and I'll tell Becca what you said! :)

    And YUK on that pesky stomach bug - - I am so sorry you've had one, but glad you're feeling better!!

    Gentle Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  36. Lovin' all these great posts! Pre-ordered both new Christmas series and can't wait to dig into them. Throw my name into the hat for prizes, please. yackyjan(at)cox(dot)com

    Seekerville Rocks!

  37. Okay TINA and RUTHY, looks like the contemporary collection has pulled ahead on Amazon, #98 to the historicals #100 on christian romance and #24 to the historicals #25 on hot new releases

  38. Just updating the friendly competition, but I will be ordering the historicals too when they come out, love all the Seekerville authors

  39. Congratulations to all the winners! This month has flown by. I guess it's true times flies when you're having fun. Happy birthday Seekerville!!

  40. Tracey, you rock! Thank you for checking that....

    We've got like 5 days to make up for, though. The historicals SHOT OUT OF THE GATE with historical rockets on their little button-closure booted feet!

    I had so much fun writing my historical, it's just charming... and I cried like SEVEN STINKIN' times writing the contemporary. Yes. Bring tissues.

    Oy. Oy. Oy.

  41. Congratulations to all of the winners! I can't believe we're approaching the month of November and the end of 2014. Time didn't got this fast when I was a child.
    Have a great week!

  42. Congrats to all you winners! Seekerville throws great birthday parties.

    I nominated you gals for the 101 Websites. I love this place.

  43. Very late, but very happy about all the winners!

    Yay, Helen! Coffee and gift cards mix nicely. Congrats!

    Ruthy, sorry you've been sick.

    Carol, so sorry about your sweet pup. Sending hugs and love!

    How's Andrea's baby boy? Any more news? Continuing to pray.

  44. Thank you to all of you who preordered books and nominated us.

    This party HAS gone WAY TOO FAST.

  45. Congratulations, all! (And woo-hoo, Helen!)

    Thank you so much for the recent win! Big Harlequin fan here! (Unfortunately, I don't have an e-reader, but I greatly appreciate the kindness! So much fun!)


  46. Congrats to all the winners!
    Long live Seekerville!

  47. Thanks for the Heartwarming ebook! Congratulations to all the winners. Love the links at the end of the post. I learn so much!
