Thursday, November 27, 2014

Seekerville is Closed Today

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His  love endures forever.  (Psalm 107:1)

Seekerville is closed today while we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. 

Please stop by again tomorrow!


  1. Hey!!!! PEEPS!!!!! I snuck/sneaked in the back door (I know where they hide the key!!!!!) in order to say Happy Thanksgiving to the lot o' youse!

    May God bless you with faith, warmth and may he help us to be a blessing to others throughout the holiday season!

    We celebrate tomorrow, so I have today free to write and bake... and go to Mass to thank God for America!

    And may God bless America.

    Love youse!!!

  2. I, too, am popping in to wish you all a very special day of thanksgiving! A wonderful day set aside to remind ourselves of our many blessings and thank the Giver.

    Amazingly, while much of the country is in a deep freeze with icy/snowy conditions and even major power outages in some places, it will be a dry, sunny day in the high 60's in the Arizona mountains!

    May God bless your day, wherever you are!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to all the wonderful people who make up Seekerville. I have met so many wonderful people here who I now am honored to call my friends.

    Thank you for welcoming me into your hearts. XO

  4. .
    Seekerville is closed as one would close one’s eyes. The dreams continue. The horizon becomes boundless. And the heart beats true as the soul is bathed in the blessings of God’s glory. To give thanks is to abide in the wonder of it all.

  5. I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope you are all able to celebrate with loved ones and be thankful for all that God has given us. I will be heading out soon to enjoy a wonderful dinner with some of my family. I just have to remember the cranberry sauce that I make every year and often have to turn around 20 miles out and come back to get it. It is the family joke.

  6. Vince,.... Beautiful. Love it. Love it. Love it.

  7. Sandy Smith!!!!

    I put stuff in the car the night before (of course it's cold here!) and that helps...

    But that scenic route, honey?

    Oh, I've done that!

  8. So much for which to be thankful.* Have a wonderful day everyone!

    *I did that to please Grammar Queen -- no ending a sentence with a predisposition ... no, wait ... a predilection ... no, wait ... a participle ... no ...

    Nancy C

  9. On the floor laughing, Nancy C.

  10. Wishing you all the most blessed Thanksgiving! And thank you for all that you do for us!

  11. I am laughing with Tina!!!! Good job, Nancy!

    Susan, I remembered that youse guys have a normal day today when I got an official bunch of papers from Harlequin! Business as usual with our neighbors to the north!
