Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Weekend Edition

We're doing an early Veterans Day salute in Seekerville this weekend. Be sure to mention those you are saluting in the comments.

If you are a winner please contact us at with your address or email address as needed. See our legal page for giveaway details. 

 We still have a few people who have not contacted us regarding their birthday month giveaways. Is that you? Check here: week one, week two, week three and week four.
OOPS! And week five!

 Seekerville Birthday Bash iPad Mini Winner, Cindy Regnier with her mini!

Monday Mary Connealy shared what she's learning from her first venture into Indie Publishing. All learned from no doubt all completely made up. Winner of Mary Connealy's is The Advent Bride is Jubileewriter (Cindy Huff).  Winner of  Pam Hillman's  The Evergreen Bride is Kelly Blackwell. Winner of Hope for the Holidays-Historical Bundle is Rebecca Dempsey, and Lindi is the winner of Hope for the Holidays-Contemporary Bundle.

Tuesday Seekerville welcome Jennifer Slattery.  Jennifer talked about how to get your books into bookstores and libraries. Brenda Anderson is the winner of  Beyond I Do.

 We revisited Montana and writing continuities (serialized novels) on Wednesday with Love Inspired author Jenna Mindel who stopped by to talk about His Montana Homecoming, book 5 of the Big Sky Centennial series! Winners of His Montana Homecoming are:Carolyn Chambers Clark, Walt Mussell and Natalie Monk.

Thursday we welcome back mystery writer Marilyn Leach who took us on a tour of England as she takes us on a trip to England and shared  the inspiration behind her successful cozy mystery series. Winner of Into the Clouds is Tracey Hagwood.

Michelle Ule stopped by Friday to talk about the  type of videos she's made to charm and entice her readers! Winner of  Bridging Two Hearts is Jeanne T. Winner of  A Log Cabin Christmas  is Eileen Barnes. And winner of an ebook only copy of The Yuletide Bride (Michelle's contribution to the 12 Brides of Christmas novella ebook collection) is Kav.


 Monday: Love Inspired author Missy Tippens has invited good friend and critique partner Lindi Peterson to join her to talk about book covers for both traditional and indie publishing. They'll be giving away e-book copies of Missy's latest, The Guy Next Door, and of Lindi's new release, Rich in Hope.

Tuesday: Who's doing NaNoWriMo this month? Better question--who ISN'T? Seeker Myra Johnson, that's who! On Tuesday she'll count down the top 10 reasons why she hasn't jumped on the NaNo bandwagon. (Can you spell C-O-W-A-R-D?) However, for all you brave souls who are either doing NaNo this month or at least briefly considered it, Myra will help you power through by giving away a $10 Starbucks gift card to one lucky commenter!

Wednesday:Today join Christy Award-finalist Joanne Bischof in a fascinating foray into the audio-book world with her guest blog, "From Page to Performance: The Making of an Audiobook." Not only will you get insider’s glimpse into this industry, but you’ll also have the opportunity to win a paperback or audiobook of Joanne’s latest novella, This Quiet Sky.

 Thursday:Today Ruth Logan Herne barrels into the quaint village in her typical bull-in-a-china-shop manner talking about nothing really important but with enough finesse that by the time she's done, you think she actually knows something. She doesn't, of course, but she will give away three copies (e-copy or paperback) of Love Finds You in the City at Christmas and three e-copies of Try, Try Again another delightful Ruthy-story of second chances, high hopes and holidays! Get in the holiday spirit with the Ruthinator and you might just get a cookie. Or two!

Friday: Dan Walsh returns to Seekerville today with "This Brave New Publishing World." Stop by and share your opinion for a chance to win your choice of three giveaways! This is certain to be an informative day! DON'T MISS IT!


On Saturday, November 15th, Sandra Leesmith will be signing books at the Scottsdale Civic Library local author event.  Autographed books make terrific gifts. If you are in the area, please stop by and say hi.

 Julie Lessman Sightings:

NOW - November 8, 2014:Check out Margaret Chind's Creative Madness Mama blog to read Julie Lessman’s favorite excerpt from Surprised by Love, an interview, and giveaway of winner's choice of any of Julie's books, including her latest release, Surprised by Love!

November 7-14, 2014:
Head on over to Everyone's Story blog where you can win your choice of any of Julie Lessman's books, including her latest release, Surprised by Love!

November 14, 2014:Julie Lessman is hanging out on The Journey blog, where you can win your choice of any of her books, including her latest release, Surprised by Love!

Check out pages 13-15 of your November RWR for a terrific article by Love Inspired author Janet Tronstad, "When She is a He." Mary Connealy,  Missy Tippens and Janet Dean are quoted.

Preorder your contemporary boxed set here & your historical boxed set here.

For the FOURTH YEAR, Seekerville will again be offering entry fee reimbursement to the 2015 Golden Heart Awards to TWO contestants. This year we are again narrowing that to the Inspirational Category entry only in an effort to keep the category open. Send your proof of entering the 2015 RWA Golden Heart Awards to our email address. Winners announced when RWA verifies the category has enough entries. 

 Crown Reorganizing Christian Division (PW)

Alive Communications has changed its name to Alive Literary Agency to mark the business's 25th anniversary. (Publishers Lunch)

Embrace Change-Guest Post by David Gaughran (JA KONRATH)

7 Ways Writers Can Use Facebook Rooms (The Book Designer)

How To Write A Book In A Month – #WNFIN (Future of Ink)

Diversion Books Launches the EverAfter Romance Online Bookstore (GalleyCat)

Clean up your inbox with (Thanks to Writers in the Storm for this tip)

 5 great apps to banish your fear of the blank page (FreelancersUnion)

Mass Market Paperback: Not Dead Yet (PW)

Aiming for the NYT Bestseller List (Let's Get Digital) 


And finally, we like to share our own veteran pictures each year!

Cara Lynn James, Lieutenant, US Navy.

Tina Russo Radcliffe, Specialist 4th Class, US Army
That's it! Have an excellent reading and writing weekend!


  1. Okay, had to do that because I'm never first which means I've probably given all of you my head cold and you went to bed early on the West Coast... SORRY!!!!


    And I'm drinking it madly!

    Tina and Cara-mia, thank you!!!! Thank you for serving, thank you for being my friend, thank you for your constant wisdom and resolve to get things done. I love you both.

  2. Blodgett/Herne shout-outs:

    Larry and Jack Logan, my uncles, both were WWII veterans.

    My older sister Captain Veronica Herne, RN, served in the Air Force in Vietnam and Thailand.

    Terry Herne, my brother, U.S. Army, served in Panama.

    Sean Herne, another wonderful brother, a marine then... and always.

    Staff Sergeant Daniel Blodgett, Dave's brother, Operation Iraqi Freedom, retired two years ago.

    I am blessed to be surrounded by these people, who brought the lessons they learned into their later lives.

    May God bless America.

  3. Ruthy, you're first and I'm second. Wow. Seekers must be sleeping in. lol

    I'm up early to get ready for the big writers workshop Scottsdale Library along with Desert Rose Chapter of RWA puts on FREE today. Yay.

    Hope to see some Seekers.

  4. A hearty salute and thank you to my family of Veterans

    My uncle who died on Iwo Jima, (Marine)
    My Dad served in WWII (Navy)
    Hubby served in Cuban Crisis (Navy)
    Brother served in Viet Nam (Air Force)
    Niece served in Army
    Nephew served in Marines
    Nephew served in Air Force

  5. And big thanks to Cara and Tina. Love those photos.

  6. Thank you to TINA and CARA for serving our country. I salute you!

    TINA, you look sixteen-ish in your photo, too young and small to be in that uniform, but I'm sure you "filled those boots" just fine, as you are a get-it-done woman.

    I won Marilyn Leach's cozy! It will be a fun read this winter, thank you Marilyn and Seekerville.

  7. Well I was only 20 years old. That was a loooong time ago.

    I salute my dad, USMC.

  8. I think we wore everyone out in October. 31 days of partying is a a lot.

  9. This is like Sunday morning traffic in Manhattan. Sparse... and sluggish.

    I need more coffee..... and I think we need to bake something today!

    What will it be?????

  10. Thanks for listing/linking my blog, Everyone's Story, featuring my guest Julie Lessman this week. Lots of fun going on already!

  11. My father served in the Marines then transferred to the Air Force and retired.

    Hubby served in the Navy.
    My son did as well. They believe he got cancer from Anthrax shots administered at the time.
    A couple uncles served in the Army. One died in a helo crash.
    I didn't serve, but I lived and breathed Military life and am proud to say my family served their country.

    Thanks everyone.

  12. First of all, congratulations to last week's winners!

    Second of all, LOVE the pix of TINA and CARA!!!! Thank you both for your service!


    I love you, BRYAN!!!

  13. Aw, Myra, that's so awesome!!! Way to go, Bryan!!!! Stinkin' proud is right!!!!

    Tina Pinson, thank you and your family for all they've done. God bless you all!

    Aw, Elaine Stock, happy to do it!!! (I'm saying that, of course it was Tina that did it, but I'm here at the moment!

    Thank you for having our Julie on over there! She's a spitfire, that girl!!!

  14. Hi Tina:

    First: A Salute to All The Vets -- Present Day and Yesteryear.

    Any thanks for vets who are still here with us also counts as thanks for those who are now gone. That’s the power of the uniform. Put a uniform on and you'll experience what I mean.

    Second: I believe that Applebee’s, Golden Corral, and many local restaurants provide a free meal to vets on Veteran’s Day. You may have to provide ID.

    Third: You Have a Fifth Chance to be a Winner.

    Tina had me stumped there for a while. There are Week Five winners at:

    I thought I had won Glynna’s book, “High Country Holiday” but forgot to notify Seeker HQ; however, when I went over the four weeks via the handy links, I did not see where I won. So, of course, I just thought that I wanted to read the book so much that I simply imagined I won it. (False memory!)

    Still I did a word search twice on those four weeks (one on ‘Vince’ and one on ‘Gylnna’) and there was no doubt about it. I did not win it. But what if there were a Week Five I thought? I worked backwards without the aid of links and Presto – there it was: the hidden Week Five.

    So there may be eveny more winners who don’t know it yet!

    You see it pays to be a Seeker!


    And thanks for all the gifts.


    P.S. 12003 words on NaNo after starting on day two when Tina inspired me to do NaNo this year. Who else is doing NaNo? I’m VincePlato on NaNo.

    P.P.S. This is a very good time to read a Military Romance. I am. : )

  15. oops! Thanks for reminding me about week 5 Vince. I am unofficially doing NaNo. I am in chapter two of my side project.

    I love military romances. Love them! Especially Army and Navy Seal.

  16. Hi, Elaine Stock. Will be stopping by to join the fun!!!

  17. I salute all current and past military members (and their families), including my father WW II POW and my husband with over 10 years in the Army Reserve. Thank you to all! Love the pictures on Tina and Cara!

    Thanks for the WE. I read the male POV article in RWA last night. Good thoughts, Missy, Mary, and Janet.

    And I just ordered the Hope for the Holidays collections. Exciting!!!

    Happy weekend of writing and reading to all Seekerville!

  18. Tina, I hate to say it but you look a little like Sad Sack in that picture! You need to share with a us a better military pic of you!!! Come on! ;-) I want to see your friendly, pretty smile in your dress uniform! Please?

  19. I'll see what I can find when I get home from work.

    Let us explain that picture.

    20 years old. One child. Working rotating shifts, night, swing and days. That picture says: EXHAUSTED MILITARY MOMMA.

  20. Thanks, Sherida! I salute you with a candy cane for ordering them.

  21. THANK YOU Tina and Cara! And everyone else!

    I have lots of friends and some family who have served/are serving. Both my FIL/SFIL were in the Navy. [My dad was rejected due to sleep-walking. His dad helped with the war effort at home during WWII.] My husband's family has a number of vets. My cousin's husband is Army. Matt's best friend is a Marine-turned-dental-hygienist-MP-in-the-Army-Reserves.

    I'm not doing NaNo this year [something that I'm still grieving] but I'm working too feverishly on indie releases...

  22. Ooooohhhhh -- thank you!!!!! I love Christmas stories and Yuletide Bride sounds like a winner. And with snow in the forecast I'm thinking cozy Christmas reading is definitely on the agenda.

    Love your pics, Tina and Cara. Gorgeous!

    I'm thinking your Veteran's Day is close, if not on the same date as our Remembrance Day which is November 11. With the recent attacks on military personnel up here in Canada, it is going to be a very thought provoking day.

  23. Thank you, CARA and TINA!!!! And to all the others who have served or are serving our country.

    My Grandpa was US Navy--back in the 1920's!! (In late 1998 when he passed away, he was just about a year-and-a-half from being 100 years old.) An uncle was Army. Cousins in a variety of military roles.

  24. Ruth, I guess you gave me your head cold, although I guess that isn't physically possible, but apparently we are suffering together.

    Happy Veteran's Day to Tina and Cara.

  25. Saluting Cara and Tina for their service to our country! You gals rock!!!

    Also sending heartfelt thanks to our service members living and dead. God bless them all!

    The special men in my life are military guys...

    My grandfather -- US Army, WWI
    My father -- US Army, WWII
    Hubby -- US Army, Vietnam
    Son -- US Army, Iraq x 4

  26. Tina Pinson, I'm sorry about your son's cancer. I was worried about my own child when he got the anthrax shot. Too new. Too unknown. Bad stuff all the way around.

    I haven't researched the shot. Have there been a lot of cancer cases? Has a definite connection been established?

    A few years ago, I saw info on a higher number of ALS cases in young men who served in the Gulf. Need to look into that and see if anything more has been determined.

    Bottom line: War is hell. Always.

  27. I just LOVE those photos!!! Especially Cara as a blonde!! :)

    A shout out to my dad and my father-in-law for serving in the Army!


    LOVE the pix of Cara and Tina and THANK YOU for your service, my friends!

    All three of my brothers were in the service -- two army and one paratrooper -- so a big-brother salute to each of them and ALL of our wonderful veterans!!

    My hubby and I are addicted to the Heroes and History channels, so my respect and admiration for our vets is over the top when I see all they went through.

    God bless our vets and God bless America!!


  29. LOL, ELAINE STOCK ... do you ever sleep???? ;)

    You are AMAZING!!

  30. Sandy Smith So sorry! I'm sending you some Zicam zinc spray and nasal spray and cough lozenges... and some hot tea!!!

  31. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the servicemen and women who have served our country. And especially to our two Seekers, Tina and Cara!

    I'll also give a shout-out to my brother, a Navy vet.


  32. Tina has candy canes????

    FOR REAL???????

  33. Oh, and I've been writing my historical novella which has an Independence Day Celebration and I've been looking at pictures of stump speeches and red, white, and blue bunting all day. So, even though it wasn't Veteran's Day, I'm certainly in the Patriotic mood already! :)

    Another shout-out to my father-in-law, who served in the Army in the 1950s.

  34. CONGRATULATIONS to all winners. Love those throw back pics!

  35. I've got a niece who's active duty Army right now.
    A brother in law who's retired Navy.
    Two more brother's in law who served.
    My dad served in Korea and his father fought in WWI. With the first invading forces into France...and wounded and taken out with the first groups being evacuated.
    He inhaled mustard gas and his lungs were damaged and he struggled with his health for the rest of his life.
    And me, I got to stay home and safe in a country who's freedom was and is NOT free.
    Thank you Tina and Cara....God bless all those who serve.

  36. Mary, what a great story... the price paid for our freedom should never be ignored or taken lightly.

    While Pam's swaddled in bunting, I'm finishing up a historical novella for our next indie collection.... and I love it to pieces!!!! How did those people survive the odds against them? With each wave of westward push, an undertow pulled back, tugging people east... but then the next wave of westward migration came along and it's amazing to me! So tough, so strong, so capable in the face of death, famine, drought...

    I am humbled.

  37. Good morning (a day late) and congrats to the winners!

    That article in RWR was great! I'm keeping it for reference as I write!

    Have a good week everyone!


  38. Well it's Sunday and I am off to work. Protecting your rights to browse the stacks. :)

  39. The veterans were asked to stand today at church and a special prayer was said for them. Lovely. So many men and women--all ages--stood to be honored. A special moment. I was moved by their selfless sacrifice for our country.

  40. Happy Sunday everyone. I am just sitting around today, still trying to recover from my cold. I stayed home from church--probably did the pastor and everyone in the congregation a favor today!

  41. Just got in from a weekend writers' retreat. Tired but happy.

    My brother served in Vietnam.
    My youngest son served in Iraq.

    Bless Ruthie's heart for taking care of coffee!!

  42. Thanks for the links and another great Weekend Edition, Tina!

    What fun to see Cindy R with the iPad mini, the grand prize she won during our birthday bash!

    Thanks for sharing the RWR article on making heroes sound like men that Mary, Missy and I were quoted in.

    Cara and Tina, thanks for your service to our country! So proud of you both!! And grateful.

    My father-in-law served in WWI. My three uncles served in WWII. My dh was in the National Guard back when the Guard was used to quell riots. A terrible time in our country. Thankfully his unit was not called up.


  43. Myra, God bless your grandson in his service to our country!


  44. Great WE, as always!
    Congrats to all the winners!

    Tina and Cara, THANK YOU for serving our great country (and love those photos!).

    SO very thankful to ALL the wonderful Veterans who served, so we may enjoy our freedoms.
    My precious Daddy (now in Heaven) was in the Air Force and I've had bro-in-laws and a nephew who've served. So very proud of them all.

    Hugs, Patti Jo

  45. p.s. Myra, I know you are SO PROUD of your grandson!! YAY!! :)

    Ruthy, so sorry about your head cold---they can be so miserable.

    We had the most BEAUTIFUL day here in my part of Georgia--Thank You Lord!!
    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  46. Helen, thank you to your brother and son!

    We are beyond blessed, and I hope you had a ball at the retreat! SUHWEEET!

  47. Patti Jo, thank you! It's bound to happen with the rugrats, so I'm kind of glad it waited this long, right???? November might be some kind of record for me!!!!

  48. Tina, thank you for working so hard for like everyone in the known universe.

    I appreciate you more than words can say.

  49. Tina and Cars: thanks for your service.
    My shout outs go to my cousin in North Dakota who has served as a reserve (all the farmer boys in that area do so).
    My husband who did his full 20 in the Navy and his best friend who served 24.
    It's not a job, it's a calling.

  50. Thank you Tina and Cara for your dedicated service. Oh my, you both look like babies...too cute! My email is in desperate need of some organization. Thanks for the website. I'm curious if anyone has tried it. I'm looking forward to next week!

  51. Tina, I was so surprised to see our 'mug shots' in the WE! Wow, my Navy days were so long ago.

    Interesting articles, as usual.

  52. Once a year, Cara. I dust off the photos and put them up for fun!!!
