Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Weekend Edition

Did you claim your giveaway from LAST WEEK

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books!

Monday Janet Dean hosted Emilie Hendryx, photographer and writer, who shares her informative post “Writing Like a Photographer: The Key to Descriptive Writing.” Elizabeth Kitchens is the winner of a set of 25 flat cards (with envelopes) customized with the winner's favorite verse and the option of photographs that she's taken and will provide.

Tuesday: Susan Page Davis visits Seekerville to talk about using symbolism in our writing to add depth. The winners of Susan Page Davis's books are Meghan Carver, Terri Weldon and Connie Queen. Susan is giving away three books. The three winners may choose either of the e-books Frasier Island or The Christmas Tree Bride, or a paper copy of Frasier Island or another book in this series, either Finding Marie or Inside Story. Contact us at Seekerville and we will connect you with Susan to choose your prize.

Jennifer Delamere was back with us Thursday with an inspiring post. "Visualizing Success:  My “Door of Victory.” Marianne Barkman and Nancy C are the winners of a copy of A Bride for the Season. 

Friday we  wrapped up the week with some "Two-Fer" Fun when Winnie Griggs (Her Holiday Family, Love Inspired Historicals) and Ruth Logan Herne (Her Holiday Family, Love Inspired Contemporary) got together and chatted about having books with the same name... out at the same time!!!  Winners of 5 two-packs of their books are:Jennifer, Liz Flaherty, Sherida Stewart, Carol Garvin and Anna Weaver Hurtt.

 Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Love Inspired Suspense author and Seeker Debby Giusti will blog today with "Giving Thanks for Turning Points in a Writer's Life." Stop by for inspiration and fun as the discussion focuses on those important steps toward publication and beyond. Leave a comment to be entered in the drawing for Debby's  Christmas anthology, Holiday Defenders, and a special gift for the lucky winner!

Tuesday:"Write What You Know."  Today, Sandra Leesmith will share how writing what she knows led to unexpected results. We may think we live ordinary lives with nothing to share, but you can be surprised at how what you know will spark up interest in the reader.

Wednesday: Seeker Tina Radcliffe brings you, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effectual Writers: Part I." This is the first in a series based on Stephen R. Covey's international bestseller. An amazing giveaway is a given.

Thursday: Seekerville is closed to give thanks and eat turkey and pie.

Friday: The Best of the Archives. Seekerville revisits one of our favorite and most popular blog posts from the archives. Giveaway is included!

Seeker Sightings

Tina Radcliffe is REALLY excited to share all the fun she's been having with her Ninja Prep. Stop by Yankee Belle Cafe on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving for guaranteed FUN!

Julie Lessman Sighting! 

 Radio Interview November 22-23, 2014. Listen to a fun interview with Julie Lessman and Ivy Donavan of "Dottin' the I" radio show Saturday from 7-8 PM or Sunday from 2-3 PM, OR on the pre-recorded link on the website after the interviews.  Anybody who leaves a comment will automatically be entered into Julie's giveaway for a signed copy of any of her books, including her latest release, Surprised by Love. Here's the link, so come on by!
 November 24-December 8, 2014: Join Julie Lessman on the Artist Librarian blog for an interview and giveaway of winner's choice of any of her books, including her latest release, Surprised by Love!

Ho-Ho-Ho! Don't Miss These Seeker Holiday Reads, Available now!

 That's a lot of books to be thankful for!


Winner selected from Filly Friends will receive a bookshelf of prizes including a $100 Amazon gift card, autographed books, Dreamcatcher, jewelery, western picture frames, ornament, journal, decorative pin, tea collection and much more. Second prize of a $30 Amazon gift card, autographed books and more is also up  for grabs.

Random News & Information 


Self-publishing’s vices and virtues (The Passive Voice via The Guardian)

From Michael Hauge:

I am happy and excited to announce that my new website is finally up and running at We can now offer an abundance of storytelling articles, tips and Q&A, many illustrated with video clips; separate story coaching packages for Screenwriters, Filmmakers, Novelists, Speakers, Marketers and Attorneys; keynotes and workshops for all of those categories, subscriber comments; my upcoming schedule of events; and a much more user friendly store containing all of my books and products. And thanks to the new website, you will finally be able to watch The Hero's Two Journeys, the widely acclaimed seminar I gave with Chris Vogler, as a streaming video. To celebrate the occasion, we're also making a very special offer on all my products and coaching. So take a look , then click through to and surf around all the new features. We hope you like it."

That's it! Have a great reading and writing weekend!


  1. Thank you Jennifer. I'm looking forward to reading the book! It was a great week, and it's a great weekend coming up. Thanks, TINA

  2. Great WE, Miss T!
    CONGRATS to all the winners!

    Happy Thanksgiving, Seekerville!!!
    As I count my many blessings, my Seeker friends are way up on that list. :)

    Hugs, Patti Jo

  3. There's coffee for everyone!

    Congratulations to the winners.

    Need to stop being a slug.

  4. Thank you, TINA, for another great WE.

    Congrats to the winners.

    I am editing my fingers to the bone and I think I'm having a lot of fun. (That's what I keep telling myself. I prefer writing fresh stuff).

    Speaking of Thanking God, my heroine is really thankful to be alive and she keeps reminding me of what I've gone through the past two years. As I edit and reread her story, I've been praising God for the gift of walking without pain. It's an overwhelming blessing to be in this place of physical healing. Thank you, Sweet Jesus.

  5. Happy weekend everyone. Hope it is wonderful.

  6. Anyone thinking of publishing indie books or being a hybrid author should RUN TO THAT SMASHWORDS ARTICLE and read it thoroughly.... or print and post because it is chock full of important stuff you need to weigh as you tiptoe... or Dive!!!! into independent waters.

    Productivity and patience are CLUTCH

    But what a great article!!!!

  7. TEENSTER! You outdid yourself again, my friend, love you and this WE!!!!!!

    Lyndee, that's the spirit!!!! Go you!!!!

  8. Congrats to all winners.... And I had so much fun with Winnie yesterday, what a hoot!!! If you didn't win yesterday, keep your eyes out on facebook... I think the Winnster and the Ruthinator might have something up their "Her Holiday Family" sleeves!!!!!


  9. Congrats to all the winners. Tina, thanks for all the great links to check out.

    Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

  10. Wow -- I'm reeling over that stingy book buyer article. I'm hearing those sentiments so often now. How did the industry allow itself to get into that whole quagmire in the first place? My reader's heart is breaking.

    Thankfully I was cheered up by the Cinderella trailer. How cool is that movie going to be? I never tire of a Cinderella story -- ooohhh, maybe that's what the publishing industry needs -- a fairy godmother.

    Happy Thanksgiving week Seekerville.

  11. Happy Weekend Seekerville.

    Don't forget to find time to read and write during your holiday preparations!

    Go NaNo! Any NaNo checkin's???

  12. Look at all those Christmas Books! That's just fun!

  13. Happy weekend to everyone!:-)
    Tina, you've done another great lineup of reading for us! I'll catch up this afternoon at tea time.

    Congratulations to all the winners! Isn't it fun to see that you've won a goodie? :-) :-) :-)

    And I simply love the quote about waking up with only the things you gave thanks for the day before! I'm plastering that saying EVERYWHERE in my studio, bathroom and even my car!

  14. Tina, I loved the quote and all the article links and I didn't even say thank you...sorry, girl, and thank you, bunches! :-)

    Ruthy, I bought your book, Her Holiday Family yesterday at Barnes & Nobles, but they didn't have Winnie's book—I'll have to order it.

    Or, I may go back and ask them to order it.

  15. Always fun checking out those interesting links, Tina! Thanks for your hard work EVERY weekend in pulling all this info together!

    Just in case . . . thanking God right now for my Seeker sisters and all our friends here!


    And giving thanks to WINNIE and RUTHY because I won their Twin Title books! Thank you SO much! I'm ready for a Christmas season of reading MANY Seekerville treats! THANK YOU, SEEKERS!

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    Tina, thank you for the WE with all the reminders of all our blessings! Loved this quote: "What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?" I'll be reading the great links this weekend. I've already seen the Cinderella trailer----and I'm impatiently waiting for March!

    Happy reading and writing to everyone this weekend! You are ALL blessings, Seekerville friends!

  17. Great WE! As a number of folks have mentioned, the quote about waking up with what I was thankful for yesterday is a MUST SAVE!!!

    Love all the Seeker holiday books!

    Time to buy my turkey!!! But first, I'm putting finishing touches on my Monday blog. Y'all come back now, hear? On Monday! LOL!

  18. Lyndee, rejoicing and thanking God for your recovery.

  19. Waving to sweet Patti Jo who always prays for me when I'm on deadline! I could feel your prayers! Thank you, dear friend.

  20. Help!

    I think I have pantserhea.

    Once I start writing, I can’t stop!

    I’m at 62,324 words on NaNo and I still have 9 days left! I wrote 1,537 words before 10 am this morning! My heroine thinks she’s Scheherazade. Every time I try to end the story, she dreams up something wonderful to keep the story going. She could write a book on, “Rewards For Writing,”!

    I’m hooked!!!

    I can't put the keyboard down! My characters think I'm writing my NaNo book right now or I wouldn't be able to post this!

    “If you don’t have a plot, you can’t tell your characters when it’s time to stop!”

    CAVEAT: While anyone can pantser, (and I’m a good example of that), not everyone can stop!

    My characters are no fools. They know that when the story ends, they become old news and I leave them behind to fall in love with a new hero and heroine.

    How do they know this? They can read my mind because that is where they live. Sadly they always learn that they’re not my first hero and heroine.

    Just this morning Mary complained that she did not appreciate the fact that she was my sixth heroine and the second one named 'Mary'. I told her that all those other heroines taught me how treat a woman even better. (That line of argument didn't work any better than it does on second wives.)

    Now I’m going to have to attend a 12-step de-pantserazation program right after my Scrivener III class ends.

    I dread the thought of being de-pantsered. That hasn’t happened to me since second grade…no, that situation was slightly different. Back then there were nuns to come to my rescue. Today there are none. No nuns! : )

    Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

    Myra & Dora -- thanks for a great class on "Making Your Characters Come Alive". Loved the videos. Hope to see some of your videos appear on future Seekerville Posts!

  21. LOL with Vince!!!


    Is that a contagious disease acquired by anyone exposed to NaNo?

  22. Waving back at dear Debby Giusti! :) SO glad the prayers are helping - - I will continue. :)

  23. Enjoyed the WE with links. So many wonderful Christmas stories from Seekers. Congrats to all the winners. Wonderful weekend and blessed Thanksgiving Day to all.

  24. Tina. Tina. Tina.

    I want to STAMP THAT GRAPHIC on a t-shirt and just wear it everywhere!!!!

    Best Graphic Ever.

    The end.

  25. Mary Hicks, I concur. For Mary Connealy: That means I AGREE, honey

    Being thankful 24/7/365... Telling God about it!!!!...(big smile here!) and then living our lives as an "Alleluia"....

    If we all did that, wouldn't we just make a difference?????


  26. Vince, I'm laughing out loud! IT'S ADDICTIVE, DARLING.

    You know honestly, when you're pantsering, it's not completely unknown... or it shouldn't be. You have to have at least a mental path or framework, right?

    But I'm over the top delighted that you're having fun with this! Yes!!!!

  27. Pat Jeanne, I love seeing your pretty face!!!!

    It just makes me happy, schnookums.

  28. Yay, I won the twin books! :) Congrats to the other winners and Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!

  29. Which graphic, Ruthy???

  30. Congrats to all the winners! Last week's posts were week looks just as awesome.

    WooHoo Thanksgiving week. Time to celebrate!!


    Oh, honey, I'll attest to that!! Nothing feels as good as gratitude -- both to me AND to God!!

    And one of the things I am MOST thankful for this week is Tina Radcliffe. For her wonderful books and fabulous WEs, yes, and for her relentless pursuit of excellence on behalf of Seekerville.

    BUT ... mostly for her bottomless encouragement and bottom-line honesty, both heavily anointed to bless whomever she touches.

    You are a true gem, my friend, and I can't thank you enough for the blessing you are.


  32. Well, Juleeeeeeeeeee. I am all blushing now.

    But red is my favorite color. LOL.

  33. The Christmas books graphic.

    I LOVE it so much.

  34. Awwww......

    Julie, you're such a stinkin' show off.


  35. Oh, that one. Well then go retweet it on Twitter girl!

  36. Julie wrote...Tina's relentless pursuit of excellence on behalf of Seekerville!


    We are so blessed!!!

  37. Snow is forecast in my part of Georgia for Wednesday!


    Half the family will have arrived by then. Hope the other half doesn't get stranded.

    Happiness is having all my family home for Thanksgiving!

  38. I agree with Julie - Tina is the best!! And I'm thanking you again, also - Tina, for the magnificent job you do with the Seekerville blog. Hope to have the pleasure of talking to you in person one day and meeting the beautiful face and personality on the other side of my monitor!! Hugs!!

  39. Aw, Bonton....



    You're killing me, here.

    Don't be nice to her. Well, not THAT NICE.

    She'll get the big head and youse know I can't deal with the big head.


    Be a little nice.

    With Teeeeeena, moderation is key.

    Thank you, darling girl. ;)

  40. Terrific Weekend Edition, Tina! Love the Thank Full! Surely an apt description for both counting our blessings and ignoring the calorie count.

    Congrats to our winners!

    This week's lineup looks great!

    Vince, you are a hoot! I think I'd like a case of pantserhea.


  41. NaNo Update

    7:23 pm Sunday Night
    69,481 words
    About 1/3 the way into Chapter 15
    Hope Chapter 15 is the last one
    Still need an Epilogue
    8 Days Remaining
    Estimated word length 75.000
    If I finish tomorrow I hope to have time to write a 15,000 to 20,000 word novella.

    Hope all the other NaNo writers are doing well. I have three novellas plotted to chose from. I’d love to do a second or third draft of this book for Speedbo.

  42. Hahaha, Bonnie. Thank you dear. Ignore that voice from Western NY.


  44. I would have been here sooner but I kept laughing at Vince's comment. Wonderful. And then I had to read the links. Wonderful.

    Thank you, Jennifer for the copy of A Bride for the Season! May you sell bunches and bunches of copies.

    Congrats to all the other winners, too.

    And what to say about the WE? Wonderful! And that quote -- What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday -- wow!
    Thanks for sharing that.

    Nancy C
