Thursday, December 25, 2014

Seekerville Is Closed Today

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
Seekerville may be closed today to celebrate the coming of God's Son into our world, but never forget...God's "hotline" is open 24/7.
Wishing you a blessed Christmas!
Please stop by again tomorrow.
The Seekers


  1. Well said, Glynna Kaye! Merry Christmas, Seekerville.

  2. "God's 'hotline' is open 24/7."

    And God hears
    your prayers
    even before
    you say them.

    M E R R Y
    C H R I S T M A S

  3. I love God's hotline the best!



    He hears. He knows.

    Merry Christmas, everyone! Glad to see I'm not the only one who sneaks in the back door!

    Cookies and Coffee have arrived!

  4. Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you are all having a blessed day.

  5. Wishing you all the best Christmas EVER,
    and a fantastic 2015!
    Long live everyone at Seekerville!

    (((hugs))) from KC and Cass too

    (and a pawsible new family member... A small lady cat turned up by the mailbox yesterday, cold and emaciated. She is now well-fed and watered and had a warm place to nestle in the hay last night...)

  6. OK, FINALLY got my fudge made. I am so behind on everything this year. Sharing with all my Seekerville friends!

  7. KC, bless you for taking in a hungry kitty for Christmas!

  8. Vince: And God hears
    your prayers
    even before
    you say them.

    Missy: Amen!

  9. Merry Christmas Seekerville!

    Congratulations on the mew family member, KC!

  10. Hope everyone had a lovely day!

    KC, thank you for taking in one of God's needy creatures!

    Nancy C

  11. Merry Christmas, all and to all a good night.
