Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Weekend Edition

We Have Winners


Did you claim your giveaway from LAST WEEK?

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books!
Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books!

 On Monday, Love Inspired Historical author Janet Dean called “All aboard!” the Publication Train. We hopped on before steam engine 9670 pulled out of the depot. We wore running shoes to keep from falling to the tracks as she led  us from car to car. The winner of a $10 Amazon gift card is The Artist Librarian.

Love Inspired Historical and indie author Lacy Williams was with us Tuesday sharing a facet of herself you may not be aware of with her post, "Secrets of an Indie Author Cover Designer." Winner of a $10 Amazon stocking stuffer in honor of her visit is Rachel Koppendrayer ! Winner of a print copy of A Cowboy for Christmas is Natalie Monk.

Debby Giusti
blogged on Wednesday about "Advent Anticipation," with a look at the Nativity story and writing techniques used in scripture. In keeping with the Christmas spirit, Debby held a drawing for a copy of Holiday Defenders and a special surprise gift. The winner of Debby's drawing is Sandy Smith! 

  Belle Calhoun returned to Seekerville today with her post, "Thinking Outside the Box and Trusting your Instincts as a Writer."  She shared the behind the scenes of her latest Love Inspired release Heart of a SoldierThe two winners of her print release from Belle are Marianne Barkman and Jill Weatherholt. The two additional winners of print or ebook are Connie (from Kentucky) and Jennifer Smith.

Friday Walt Mussell returned to Seekerville with , "A New World For Writers...And Fans." We checked out the new world of fan fiction and Kindle Worlds. To celebrate,  the release of his latest Kindle Worlds fan fiction, he's giving away five copies of Even Bodies Fall From Trees.  Winners are: Vince, Mark Abel, DebH, Chill N, and Sherri Shackelford.

 Next Week in Seekerville

Monday:Pam Hillman is your host today. Pam and the friendly monkeys from PicMonkey and MailChimp will show you how to create a newsletter that’s so easy any monkey can do it. You’ll be saying, “Now, why didn’t I think of that!”

Tuesday: Sandra Leesmith will talk about "Ways to Show Love." We write romance after all. And to show her love, she will offer e-copies of Hope for the Holidays Contemporary Collection and Hope for the Holidays Historical Collection.  Each winner will receive an e-copy and also an e-copy for a friend. If you already have your copy, then you can name two friends. By next weekend we ought to be able to kick back and enjoy a great Christmas read.

Wednesday: The Best of the Archives and a giveaway!

Thursday: Seekerville is closed to celebrate the birth of Jesus!

Friday: The Best of the Archives and a giveaway!

Seeker Sightings

Ruthy is on hand over at Coffee Cups & Camisoles: Coffee Chat with Ruth Logan Herne! for the next few days! Come by, check out the giveaways and get your name tossed in a high-tech style cat dish for a chance to win Her Holiday Family (Kirkwood Lake) and Hope for the Holidays, both editions!

Random News & Information

Congratulations to the 2014 ACFW First Impressions Winners with a special shout-out to Anna Weaver Hurtt and Tanara McCauley.

Check out the Kindle Voyage e reader!

 Don't forget to enter the 2015 RWA Golden Heart® Contest. Entered works and related contest fees must be submitted to RWA's contest site by the deadline of January 12, 2015: The Golden Heart contest is open to 1,200 paid entries. Once again Seekerville is offering two entrants in the inspirational category a refund of their entry fee. The goal is to keep that category open. Once you enter, submit proof of entry to Share this information with your writer friends. Winners will be announced once RWA announces that the category made it.   

Twitter Tips for Today's Authors (The Future of Ink)

What Traditional Publishing Learned in 2014 (via The Passive Voice)

12 Ways to Create a Mailing List That Will Sell Books (Author Marketing Experts, Inc.)

Library Journal Announces Christian Fiction Awards (Christian Retailing)

My Favorite Digital Tools in 2014 (Jane Friedman) 

Consistency Can Trump Problems (The Editor's Blog)

 Write Better: 3 Ways To Introduce Your Main Character (Writer's Digest)

Merry Christmas, Seekerville!


  1. Happy reading to all those winners!!

    Finished my Christmas shopping. Now if I only had everything wrapped.

    Great articles.

    Coffee's brewing.

  2. Congratulations to the winners!

    Helen, I'm in the same boat, I need to wrap gifts. Tomorrow I have to wrap the ones for our big family Christmas. I'll be wrapping the ones for our smaller Christmas gathering on Christmas Eve.

  3. Congratulations to the winners. I'm eager to read Pam's post. I've kinda sorta just maybe put off learning how to create a newsletter. Can't wait to see how it's done.

  4. I popped into several articles this morning, it was an early Christmas present to myself!!! The one about 3 ways to start a novel... SO INTERESTING! THOUGHT-PROVOKING!!!!!!

    Next year in Jerusalem!

    And I popped into the Passive Voice talking about traditional publishing which I'm still very much a part of and it's always interesting to see both sides of a rapidly changing picture. I'm just hoping God gives me enough time to have fun in both venues!!!!!

    Keli Gwyn, you and me both! I don't do newsletters, I'd rather write books. When your writing time is finite like mine, I put all my effort into book production.

    I don't know if that's right or wrong, but I'm contracted now through book THIRTY THREE so I'm doing something right! Wait!!! THIRTY FIVE!!!! No, I forgot three novellas , two in February (Barbour and Zondervan) and one in April... THIRTY EIGHT books.

    I keep meaning to do a newsletter but I'm too busy writing so I tell folks to come find me on facebook... and they do! And we chat and pray there!

  5. I'm excited on the newsletter thing too. Having gone bust on the topic myself.

  6. Congratulations winners!!!!

    I always look forward to the WE reading, great links for today. Thanks again, Tina! :-)

  7. Good morning, Seekerville! Only FIVE more days until Christmas. Will get the present wrapping finished up today. Christmas cards are already out the door. Will be a super busy day today, but hope to relax tomorrow afternoon and make some more headway on my next book proposal. I need time to let my brain relax, to let ideas mull, and there's NO MULLING on anything but work at the day job, so I'm looking forward to time unscheduled time to let my brain wander. :)

    Another great W.E. TINA! :)

  8. Tina, thanks for the Weekend Edition. Congrats to our winners!

    Can't believe that Christmas is just days away. We're mostly ready. Our daughter and family arrives tomorrow to join the rest of us here! There's talk of tobogganing Monday for the young and young at heart. The rest can hang in the Inn. Guess where I'll be. LOL


  9. Great weekend edition, as always. I love cozying up with a cup of tea (or hot chocolate) and getting an leisurely start to my weekend with the WE.

    Congrats to the First Impression winners, including Anna Weaver Hurtt and Tanara McCauley. How cool is that?????? Way cool!!!!

    Love that the Library Journal did Christian Fiction awards -- did they always do that or is it a new genre category for them? Must check that out. A great way to get Christian fiction into local libraries.

    Joyous Christmas week everyone!

  10. Thanks Tina for another great WE!

    Congrats to the 1st Impressions winners!

    Helen,I've got to focus on wrapping gifts, too. I need to clear all the wrapping supplies from the guest room so I can clean it up for Christmas company!

    I hope you all have a great weekend as we prepare for Christmas!

  11. Congrats to all the winners! Don't you just love early Christmas presents??

    Helen, I'm with you. All the shopping is done and now to wrap. Our dining room looks like the North Pole exploded showering us with bits of wrapping paper and ribbon debris all over the place.

    Can't worry about that right now. I have holiday gift cheesecakes to make. If our dining room is a disaster, why not make the kitchen one, too?

    Ho, ho, ho...

  12. Ruthy, you wear me out. 35 books??? Ah, God is good and continuing to blow snowflakes of contracts your way!!!

  13. I can't wait for Pam's post on newsletters. And she's so good at PicMonkey!!!

    Learning, learning, learning.

  14. Glynna, I hope you get some very well-deserved time off for Christmas. Replenish that well!!

    And of course, enjoy the holidays : )

  15. Congrats to the FI winners! :)

    My youngest and I are headed out shopping. Prayers please. Why do I put this off???? No need to answer....

  16. Skimming and I see that I'm supposed to WRAP presents????? Who knew!!! Ack! One more thing to do before Christmas.

    One year I wrapped in the hours before each event.

    Ruthy, I need to take a page out of YOUR book and cut back on newsletters and just write books. You are amazing!

    Okay, off to shop. The natives are getting restless!

  17. SUPER CONGRATS TO Congrats to ALL the First Impression winners, including Anna Weaver Hurtt and Tanara McCauley -- you guys ROCK!!

    And, Ruthy -- 38 books???? HOLY FREAKIN'COW!!! You are a whirlwind, girlfriend!!

    Tina, this is -- as always -- a fabulous WE!!

    I wish each and every one of you a happy, healthy, and holy holiday season!!


  18. Congratulations to all of the winners and also to the First Impression Winners...bravo!
    I can't wait to read Belle's newest book! Thank you so much!
    And thank you also for all of the latest news those!

  19. Pam, I was feeling guilty about the newsletter thing, but then realized I really have no talent in that direction.

    But I love, love, love writing books!!!

    I'm not anti-newsletter at all, I think for me it's just lack of time and like so many other times, I weigh it up and if it has to be a choice, I'd rather write a book.

    But I'm looking forward to your post because I love seeing newsletters!!!

  20. Late to the party-again! But I have a good excuse. Had to clean for company arriving in about an hour. My mother-in-law AND father-in-law (divorced) are coming. He will only be staying a day or two then moving on to other family, but Barb is staying for the duration, till hubby drives her back home (4 hours away).
    At least it's nice and sunny here!

    Wishing all of your a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2015!!


    PS. 38 Books, Ruthy! Geesh. That makes me want to break out in hives! LOL.

  21. Congrats to our weekly winners and the ACFW First Impressions winners!!!

    Wow, I can't believe Christmas is almost here!

    And I can't believe 2014 is almost over!!!

    Looking forward to Pam's post next week about PicMonkey and newsletters!

  22. RUTHY!!!! So many books!!!! I am amazed and super-impressed! You are giving MARY a run for her money!!!

  23. Congratulations to all the winners!
    Seekerville is absolutely, hands-down the BEST!!!!
    IF I could, I'd have everyone from Seekerville (the Seeker sisters AND the villagers) to my home for a fun Christmas party---wouldn't that be fun?! (at least for those of you NOT allergic to cats, LOL). Anyway---I know that's far-fetched, but that's how MUCH I love Seekerville. :)

    Christmas hugs, Patti Jo

  24. We LOOOOVE you too, Patti Jo!

  25. Congrats to the Seekerville winners and the First Impressions' winners too!

    Waving to Sandy Smith!

    Pam, I need to wrap too! Feeling the peace though, which is lovely!

    Merry Christmas to all! We're into the countdown. Only a few more days. Love how the little ones can't wait!!!

  26. A great WE!! I have a feeling we're all popping in between shopping and church Christmas activities. We had our dress rehearsal for our cantata this morning. Lots going on!

  27. Congrats to our First Impressions winners!!

  28. Aw, PATTI JO, you are so sweet! And I love your kitties, too!!!

  29. Merry Christmas Seekerville and congrats FI winners! We're on a plane to Sydney first thing tomorrow so look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year :)

  30. Ah, awesome early Christmas present --thank you Seekerville!

    I need to finish making one more gift ... It's going to be close! :)

  31. I'd better get some rest so I'm raring to go on New Years Eve.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Someone asked how many books I had published and I said 27.
    Wow, really? 27? You've sold 27 copies of your book?

    They seemed really impressed.

    Uh...not 27 copies. 27 books. Separate books. Each of which have sold considerably MORE than 27 copies.

    Apparently their expectations were lower than dirty.

    PS this was a while ago.

  34. I'm so excited to win Debby's book Holiday Defenders and to see what the surprise gift is too! I have been hoping to get a copy of that book. I love Christmas suspense.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I am slowly getting my shopping done.

  35. Thank you, Seekerville...I won Belles HEART OF A SOLDIER! Congratulations to the other winners, too. And you'd be impressed too, Mary, if I sold 27 books...since I've never aspired to write one. I'm sure glad you have more than 27 books sold, because I have a few of them!

  36. Oh, yay!!! I'm so excited to read A Cowboy for Christmas!!!

    Congrats, winners! Great WE, Tina!!!

  37. Morning Seekerville. Another great WE Tina. Thanks.

    Congrats to all the winners.

    I had a super treat this weekend. A lovely lunch with Marianne Barkman and her mom. They are here from Canada, enjoying our warm winters. It is always such a joy to meet up with a Seeker friend. I'll post a photo on Tuesday.

    Happy last minute shopping. Remember to take time to rest in the Lord. Love and hugs

  38. Okay Mary and Ruthy. Bragging about all those books. We are so tickled for you though. What an accomplishment. Yay!!!!

  39. Looking forward to Pam Hillman's segment!

  40. Congratulations to Anna and Tanara.....and all the winners this week!

    We're just back from our younger son's graduation from nursing school on Friday. PTL!, both that he graduated and the mountain roads were in good shape for the trip!

    Our cards are sent, home is decorated, presents WRAPPED and under the tree, and we presented the worship service at a care center this morning, so I'm ready to read WE links and my pile of Seeker Christmas books! Thanks!

    Christmas blessings of joy and hope to all in SEEKERVILLE!

  41. Me too, Elaine. I have a huge educational gap.

  42. Welcome back, Sherida! How cool your son is a nurse!

  43. Novellas add up quick. So maybe it's unfair...



    We'll count 'em, they're just short books!!!!!

    I love nurse guys. My nursing buds say having those men on hand makes life a lot easier in many situations.

    I just ate my own version of an outlaw potato.


    With homemade chili, it was a meal in a spud.

    I'm quite happy right now!

    Who knows how long that will last?

  44. This is so cool! Thank you, Walt, for the copy of Even Bodies Fall From Trees. So generous.

    Congrats to all the other winners, and to the FI winners. Super accomplishment.

    Thirty-eight books?? For crying out loud, Ruthy, have some pity on my book-buying budget :-)

    Tina, the WE is a great resource for me. I always look forward to it. Thanks for taking the time to make it possible.

    Nancy C

  45. Thanks again for all the great articles! The WE is wonderful.

  46. Thanks for the shout-outs and congrats! Sorry I didn't reply earlier... I've been going full-speed with family stuff this month and loving every minute of it. Merry Christmas a bit early!
