Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Once Upon a Process or How I Learned to Translate the Voices in My Head

with guest Jennifer A. Davids.

Are you a panster or a planner?

Do you outline or is your mantra like Sheldon Cooper’s response to Penny on The Big Bang Theory: “Wherever the music takes me, kitten.”

In short, what is your process?

It took me a long time to answer this question because honestly I didn’t quite know. My early writing attempts were just that: attempts. I’d have this great mind blowing idea and sit down with pen and paper and start to write it out and then my enthusiasm and/or the story would fizzle. I’d have lots of starts but no finishes.

Then I started to finally get really serious about this writing thing and I decided I needed to buckle down and write the way I was taught in English class: rough draft, first and/or second drafts, final copy.

Yeah. Right.

I did get through a ‘draft’. I thought it was brilliant. It just needed fixed. Being an introvert, I didn’t have anyone look at it thinking I could do this all on my own. After a complete re-write I ended up with a finished product that was nothing like the draft. And it wasn’t very good either. I didn’t think so at the time but a recent look at it to see if I could salvage it caused me to physically cringe and file it in the deepest, darkest corner of my hard drive. I am to this day so very thankful for the editor who turned it down.

So I tried again. I took my time, sometimes leaving it for a few days or weeks but always picking it back up. Many moons later, I had my first completed book, Yankee Heart, and Heartsong Presents wanted to publish it. When they asked if I had ideas for two more, of course I said ‘yes’. How I managed to churn out two more I am not quite sure. But panic, caffeine and looming deadlines had a lot to do with it.

Fast forward to January of this year. I have three Heartsongs under my belt and I’ve struggled for a year to write a longer book. I have tried every method known to man to write my book faster, better and in a way that wasn’t ‘weird’. I always thought my way was haphazard, a little strange and it seemed to take too long to get a book out. I wanted to be able to write a book in a year like a lot of my favorite authors.

I tried software, I tried the ‘write your book in a month’ and ‘write your book in three months’ books, I read blog posts on how different writers write, trying out all the methods they used to plot or characterize with the hope I could somehow find an ‘acceptable’ process.

Nothing worked.

So there I sat with another start but no finish. I decided to go back and try my hand at another Heartsong trio. They were shorter and I had some loose idea of how I wrote them. I had an idea that I liked that could tie-in with my original three and I decided to run with it. And this time instead of using everyone else’s processes, I was going to come up with one of my own, one that worked and if it was ‘weird’ so be it.

And I did.

Not only did I find my process but what I thought was going to be the first in a Heartsong trio turned into a 90,000 plus book that I researched and wrote in a year. At this point it’s getting polished (yes, I got feedback this time from some truly marvelous people) and it will be getting sent off to an agent and a publisher for consideration. 

So what did I come up with?

I’m not going to tell you.

I’m not trying to be mean and it’s not some deep dark secret because I’m embarrassed or something. It’s actually not that weird. The point is it’s distinctly mine.

You see, God created each one of us to be unique. Different. One of a kind.  “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:13-14a ESV. Since that is so why should you think what works for one writer will work for you? How God made you will, to a degree, dictate what your process is. Are you an introvert, an extrovert, an ambivert? How do you best take in information? Are you tactile, auditory, visual? And for some of us, myself included, special considerations like ADD have to taken into account. 

Take the quiz! (Do not use IE as your browser)
 I’m not saying throw out your writing books and stop reading about how other writers write. I have writing books that I dip into from time to time as I work and I’m always trolling social media to see what my fellow authors have to say about this writing life. I’m saying find what works for you. If you’re more comfortable with a more traditional route then great. If what you come up with seems weird and non-conventional, fantastic. You might find what works for someone else works for you too but if it doesn’t don’t worry about it. Move on and find what clicks.

I will say what I came up with seems to be somewhere between the two. For example, my brain will not allow me to write in chapters. I write my books in one large chunk with spaces for POV and scene changes and I break them into chapters only when I’m done. Yet, I do have to plan out where I want the story to go, however loosely, or I get hopelessly stuck.

So what about you? Have you found your process or are you still looking for it? 


Jennifer has been writing down stories since she got an A++ on her ninth grade creative writing assignment. She resides in Central Ohio with her husband, two children and one terribly fussy cat. A member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and a graduate of The Ohio State University, she makes room to write in between being a busy wife and mom.

Online Links


   Buckeye Dreams 

Visit Ohio in the latter half of the 1800s, when rebuilding the country also involves rebuilding lives stripped of hope. Katherine has lost her home, Adele has lost her husband, and Anne has lost her dreams. Can each have their joy restored in romances with men who are also deeply wounded by their own pasts? Find out in this inspiring three-book collection by author Jennifer A. Davids.

Seekerville is giving away one ecopy of Buckeye Dreams to one commenter today. Let us know you want your name in the draw! Winner announced in the Weekend Edition!


  1. You asked what my process is? Well, since I'm a reader, and the only writing I do is reviews, it all depends on how starved I am for reading, or if I can write a review as I'm done one before I start reading, or not. I would love to read your books. Welcome to Seekerville!

  2. I do a skeleton plot, then expand that plot chapter by chapter as I write the book.

    I'm slow and tedious, but in my plodding way I manage to produce at least two category length books a year.

    Loved hiking the streets of St. Louis with you, Jennifer.

    Coffee's brewing!

  3. Hey, Jennifer - I'm still working on what works for me. I'm not much of a plotter. Snowflakes make me hyperventilate. Like you, I have to have some idea of where I'm going. If not I always go down the proverbial rabbit hole. Even just a list of high level plot points helps me out. That said, each time I start a project I find myself doing a little more plotting.

    Maybe one of these days I'll have an entire book plotted before I start writing. Wait a minute, that's the first line of fiction I've written this week! Ha, ha!

    Thanks for reminding us we are all unique.

  4. Your problem is that you didn't have enough dinosaurs. That would have helped. A lot.

    Love you. Will be back when I'm coherent! ;)

  5. Thanks for such a candid post!
    "I yam what I yam!" Popeye had it right :)

  6. A very famous writer told me, "Respect your process." That means do what you do and stop beating up yourself about it. I, like you Jeniifer, look at what other writers do, but I try not to covet their process. Great post.

    Your stories sound very interesting and I would be glad to be in the drawing. My series starts off with with the role of Oberlin in establishing education for all early on. My family lived in Ohio for a time before moving on to Pennsylvania, so the history is very interesting to me. Thank you for your words of wisdom today here in Seekerville!

  7. Great post Jennifer. God did make us all different for a purpose. I am still working on my process and like you in your early days, I have a lot of starts but no finishes. I stop to study and then move on. I have been to this point a panster so this year I am working on doing a skeleton outline so I do know where I am going. It makes sense. Afterall, if I am running a race I need to know where the finish line is or I will never get there. This year the journey will be sketched out.

    I would love to read your book and would love to have my name tossed into the drawing.

    Cindy W.

  8. Well at least I can confidently-um sorta-say, I am an introverted, newly diagnosed plotter who never writes a book the same way twice.

  9. And there is a very weird Carol meet Jennifer story out there that I heard at ACFW. Please share again.

  10. Great reminder, Jennifer. :) I'm a very chronological writer. It's one chapter in front of another, for me. I write best that way. :-)

  11. And gee I got so confused by the dinosaurs I forgot an OFFICIAL GREETING.

    Welcome to Seekerville. We have Mindy Obenhaus burrito breakfast for you folks.

    Eat up.

  12. Hi Jennifer,

    For the first time ever, I'm going to publicly admit that I can't do the Snowflake method.

    Thanks for pointing out that our writing methods can be as individual as each one of us. I'm feeling better as I begin to create a new story.

    I hope you have a great day.

  13. Oh my such a warm welcome! It's cold here in Columbus so thank you! I'm very honored to be here and I am so encouraged to hear about everyone's methods of getting to the finish line - what a wonderful analogy Cindy! Waving to all my ACFW buds out there. Tina, there is a wonderful story about how Carol and I met. The last ACFW conference we had in Dallas we met on the elevator and both of us thought we knew the other. We hugged and chatted all the while thinking to ourselves 'This isn't the person I think it is.' We didn't admit that to each other until later but it was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Needless to say I now look at elevators with great fondness. :) The dinosaurs she alludes to comes from her trying to add dinos to a WWII WIP of mine. LOL! :)

    1. That somehow sounds like, Caro!! Dino's eating choc chip cookies!

  14. As Terri said, we are all unique, and we each have our own way of doing things.

    It's liberating when you finally accept that it's okay to do it your own way—with help from those who have already struggled through the murky waters of 'right or wrong ways to write a book.'

    Love reading the comments... :-)

  15. The introvert/ambivert/extrovert quiz is fantastic! Thanks for adding that, Tina! If you aren't sure where you place on that spectrum I highly encourage you to take it and find out. :)

  16. Jennifer, welcome to Seekerville. You've gifted us with a reassuring post that each of us is unique and we should celebrate!

    I'm nodding over every word you wrote. It took years for me to finally forgive myself and not count myself as failure because I could never make any of the "sure-fire processes" for writing a novel work for me.

    As always happens, God let me hit rock bottom before He smiled and asked, "now will you listen to Me?"

    My method of creating and writing books is unconventional to the rational, logical mind...but it works for me : )

    Thanks for joining us today and sharing your sound words of wisdom!!!

  17. Terri, Jackie, so good to hear you can't make the snowflake method work for you either.

    Another method to cross off my list : )

  18. Carol Moncado. How can you say dinosaurs and then claim you'll return to explain??

  19. JEN! Yes, we do have the best elevator misidentification ever! We went from not wanting to admit we didn't know each other in Dallas, to CPs after Indy, to roomies in STL, and roomies again in Dallas :). Love this girl!

    Plus she made me start watching Dr. Who...

    Audra - in Indy, it was super late and we were a bit loopy [hush!] - it was so late even the Seeker crew had abandoned the couches in the bar area. It took us over an hour to get through the bare basics of this plot she was telling me. There was a photo. grapher. Pronounced just that way. Photo. Grapher. Not photographer and we spent the longest time trying to figure out how I was pronouncing it wrong [you know how the end of conference is].

    Anyway, I kept trying to convince her that she needed dinosaurs in this WWII epic. Jen never agreed :p. I am still annoyed with her over this ;).

  20. Audra, thank you for your kind words! I am with you Terri and Jackie too - while I can see the logic behind the Snowflake method and as much as I respect and admire Randy Ingermanson,I can't make it work for me either. :)

  21. Process?

    There's supposed to be a process????

    Oh, man.

    I start at the beginning... and stop at the end!

    And I revise repeatedly, so planners might say I could avoid that if I planned more, but... I don't plan, I see a plot and I write.

    And then revise, so I'm no help at all but I brought FOOD! Amazingly delicious chocolate chip cookies, freshly baked! And I love to share!

    Welcome to Seekerville, Jen!

  22. Oh yes! The photo grapher. I almost forgot about him LOL!

  23. Oh YUM, Ruth! I'll take one and offer up some milk to go with them. ;)

  24. Hi Jennifer and welcome to Seekerville, What a great post and that Bible verse is from one of my favorite Psalms. So reassuring. smile

    And I'm so laughing at Terri. I too never could get the snowflake thing. And reading down, looks like there are more of you. sigh of relief

    I developed my own pattern because I started way before I knew any other writers. Its such a blessing to networking now. However, I did find Moral Premise book to have really helped my particular process along. So it doesn't hurt to read up on craft ideas. Sometimes they click and sometimes (like snowflakes for me) they don't.

    Have fun today.

  25. I love the cover of Buckeye Dreams. The use of color and imagery is wonderful! Totally inviting!

  26. Thanks for the cookies Ruthy, but I thin I'll go for the Burritos Tina brought. Yum.

  27. I'm not sure that I fit in either category. I know the premise and the outcome. I know the plot points. And as I write, I discover new ideas and new characters who change my story for the better. I guess I'm a discoverer of sorts. I wonder if discoverer could be a term, in-between plotter and pantser?

  28. I will say nothing, nothing, nothing about snowflake anything.

    I will simply cringe.

    It is okay to be a pantser in Seekerville, or a plantser, or a plotter... we are us.

    And that's awesome!

  29. Plus I used our meet story in my debut - set partially at a writer's conference ;).

  30. Love this post, Jennifer.

    I am a very definite plotter. I tried pantsing my way into writing a book. I got about four scenes in and then, I had nothing.

    So, I went back to my plotting ways, and I'm good with it. :) I usually write my rough draft fast, but the revisions and re-writes are what take the most time for me. If I could figure out what my rhythm needs to be for this phase of the process, I'd be golden!

    Thanks for the encouragement to write in the way I am designed to write. I love that psalm!!

  31. I'm a total ambivert. Right smack in the middle. I'm quite sure this doesn't shock Jen ;).

  32. I love the cover too, Ruth. The team at Barbour did an absolutely brilliant job. Love those colors. Fall is my favorite time of year. Sandra those burritos do sound good don't they? I've been meaning to check out the Moral Premise. Angela Hunt's Plot Skeleton book helps me a lot, along with Tami Cowden's archetype books and the Emotion and Trait Thesaurus books by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi. Have to give Peter Leavell a shout out for his multiple FB posts promoting those. Thanks Peter! Jeanne that Psalm is a longtime fave of mine too! And Helen so very wonderful seeing you in STL too!

  33. Well, I'm an ambivert...who knew?!

    And bless you for saying this, Jennifer. I felt a whoosh of relief reading your blog post. I've spent a lot of time recently beating myself up because I'm not like_____ fill in the blank for any super speedy write-in-one-draft (or so it seems) writer. My process is gnarly, and could definitely be improved but I fear that is only going to come about by trial and error...lots of error. LOL.

    So I've learned to be kind to the 'writer me' after reading this. And I think that process is bound to chain at different stages in our lives. Right now I'm dealing with health issues which have really sidelined me and I feel like my progress is at a snail's pace. It's really frustrated me, but now that I've read this, I had a light bulb moment thought -- slow as it may be, it's still progress. Woot!

  34. Kav, it's a blessing to hear that my words have encouraged you. Thank you! I will pray for your process and your health issues. Blessings to you and yours.

  35. Hi Jen,
    Wonderful post and so true! I struggled and struggled with plotting. Took every course and read every blog about plotting, bought numerous books about plotting and finally just figured out my own way. And like you said, that's OK!
    Maybe some of the info sunk into my mind subconsciously - who knows! But now I plot out a rough sketch of what happens in the story, and usually the finished product veers a little off the path, but I get to the end nevertheless!
    It's COLD up here today too! Sipping coffee to stay warm!

  36. P.S. You are SO photogenic! Beautiful pictures!

  37. Thank you, Susan! It's so good to hear from you. Our processes aren't too far off from each others. Only 10 here. I'm guessing it's probably the same or colder where you are. And we have snow (sigh) Hoping I'll learn to like snow again one day. ;)

  38. I love that we all attack this industry in our own ways. We're individuals with varying natures and the way our brains work varies too... So what works for me in my haphazard way, might work for 10% of folks, but the other 90% produce beautiful work in their own way.

    The support of one another is a huge factor in a singular business and I love that we can gather here, eat and talk!

    Speaking of eating, I'll have another cookie!!!

  39. Waving to another OSU grad!!!

    Loved your blog, Jennifer. I keep trying to change my process, but I always go back to what works for me.

    Somewhere in the middle of my manuscript, I stop including chapters and, like you, write scene, after scene, after scene. Later I'll include the chapters, and yes, sometimes I have to add a short scene or two.

    As I've mentioned on Seekerville a number of times, I am most productive when I use my AlphaSmart and write a fast first draft. It's not pretty, but it works for me! :)

    Bet you'll be watching the BIG GAME next Monday!!! Go Bucks!

  40. I am a maniacal plotter who LOVES the snowflake! Please don't throw anything at me. :-) Like you, Jennifer, I've culled what works for me from many other writers and tweaked it to fit my style. There's always more tweaking that can be done, though. Thanks for such an encouraging post!

  41. Welcome to Seekerville, Jennifer! I'm glad you found your method. And refused Carol's insistence on dinosaurs. LOL Don't tell her I said that as I love her cookies.

    My method leans way more to plotting than pansting. I need the main characters in my head and the conflict between them, even turning points, but things can change as I write the story. I revise as I go. Can't do a rough draft to save myself. I write in chapters and scenes. And I'm still not happy with it when I reach The End so lots more revising involved. Time consuming but I've learned to accept it.


  42. Jennifer, welcome! And thanks for sharing. You're so right that we're all different. Our brains work in many ways!

    I'm sort of a mix, too. I'm really intrigued by your idea to write the story in one chunk. Might try that! :)

  43. Jennifer, welcome! And thanks for sharing. You're so right that we're all different. Our brains work in many ways!

    I'm sort of a mix, too. I'm really intrigued by your idea to write the story in one chunk. Might try that! :)

  44. Jennifer and Debby, I'll be rooting for OSU Monday, but not on Saturday when you play IU. After the team that showed up at Michigan State, I'm admittedly nervous. Go Hoosiers!


  45. O-H-I-O! Debby! Oh, I am most certainly watching the big game. Gotta roast those Ducks! Meghan I would never dream of throwing anything but another cookie at you. Have one! ;) And if you ever get a chance to try Carol Moncado's, do! It isn't conference w/out Carol's cookies, is it Janet? :) And it's wonderful to hear about processes that are so similar to my own. Missy, I'm not sure why I write in one chunk - maybe it's b/c when I read I don't focus on whether or not the chapters change b/c I'm so focused on the story.

  46. Welcome to Seekerville, Jennifer! (BTW, I love your picture!)

    Great post! Writing is never easy for anyone, is it? I started off as a panster, but now I'm more of a plotter. Probably I'm in between. Whatever your method, writ ing is hard work.

  47. It's great to be here, Cara. Thanks! And a-men to what you said. Writing is hard work but it's a good kind of hard. :)

  48. I've been a lot like you. Lots of starts but nothing finished yet. I started writing out a timeline and have done much better that way! My characters sometimes change my storyline along the way, ornery things! My WIP also does not have chapters. Scene breaks, yes, but chapters, no!

  49. Oh yay! I'm not alone! Thanks Becky. :)

  50. Jennifer, we all have to find our own path, don't we? :)

    And... panic, caffeine and looming deadlines are just about the best motivators I know of! lol

  51. You said it, Pam!!!

  52. It is just not fair that Jennifer gets to room with Carol's CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES ALL week at conference!!!

    Where did I go WRONG???

  53. So are you a die hard historical writer, Jen? Or do you ever write contempts?

  54. Jennifer, welcome and thanks for sharing your insights! I agree--every writer must find his/her own process.

    Personally, I've found my process can change from book to book. I definitely consider myself a pantser, but now that I'm selling on proposal, by necessity I have to spend more time thinking through the plot so I can write a coherent synopsis. (WHICH JUST ABOUT KILLS ME EVERY TIME!!!!) Usually I need to write several chapters to get a better sense of who my characters are and where they're headed before anything close to a plot synopsis begins to gel.

  55. Someone else just emailed me about the frigid Ohio weather!!!!! So sorry!!!!

  56. My process is the same as Ruthys xcept I pray harrrrd in the middle!!!!!!!

  57. LOL, TINA & RUTHY! I think the three of us must have been cut from the same bolt of writing cloth!

    Start at the beginning ... and stop at the end ... and pray a whole, whole bunch in the middle!

  58. I'm laughing because I just realized I'm doing the same thing I always do in the book I started today... I write some to introduce myself to the characters, and then I start ALL OVER AGAIN... because now I know them better!!!!

    And I changed the dog....

    And I made her ridiculous house worse.

    And the hero is funnier and less outwardly tortured. He's plenty tortured or he wouldn't even make it to page one, but NOW HE'S FUNNY!!!! Which makes his torture seem fixable.

    So that's my SOP: Start the book, see where I want it to begin, go back and start again.

    I don't see how anyone could have an issue with that, LOL!

  59. Tina, don't we all????

    And then BOOM! the crazy obvious answer comes to me/us via the Holy Spirit (and logic, duh on me) because I tend to overplan a story and when I stop and think about it, usually the emotion of the characters situation is more than enough to take us through!

    But it takes me a bunch of writing to see that!!!!

  60. Pam! You can always have as many as you want! You know that!

    And seriously! Everything is better with dinos in it. A family of triceratops coming through a time portal could certainly throw a wrench in the works for Hitler... ;)

  61. Jennifer
    You got me absolutely hooked with the Psalm 139:13-14a shout out because we are all unique. That is my LIFE BIBLE verse. Has been since I was young teen searching for my identity along with wanting to find my birth-mother (adopted as baby).

    I still haven't quite found what works for me, but as I am still in the early stages of my craft, I'm not too worried... yet. Seekerville has been instrumental in keeping me from feeling completely inadequate and posts like yours help.


  62. I was away from my keyboard for a while picking kids up at school - I'll have to leave again shortly to go to my part-time job at the library. Tina right now I would have to say I write only historical but never say never. There may come a time when I write contemporary. The book I just finished is part of a three part series set in three different time periods: Victorian, Edwardian and pre-WWII in that order, all set in England. I know at some point I will have to add a dinosaur just for Carol. Maybe a trip to the British Museum will be in the cards at some point. ;)

  63. Ruth, Myra and Tina,I've heard of people writing the beginning, the end and then working on the middle. I sort of did that with the one I just finished. I read a great NanoWriMo article by Victoria Roth who suggested to do something a little different when you're stuck and one of her suggestions was to write the ending. So I did. And I knew just how many more words I needed to hit my word count. :)
    DebH I'm so glad my words encouraged you. Many blessings on your writing journey. And you're right, Seekerville is the place to be for writing encouragement! :)

  64. Ooops. I meant Veronica Roth in my last comment. Not Victoria. :P

  65. Hello Jennifer! I think I'm still finding my process. I just need to write more often to truly figure it out... I think I'm more of a plotter, but occasionally something will pop into my manuscript that I had no idea was going to be there. These characters take on a life of their own!

    Have a great day!

  66. Filed under "random times swag from conference came in handy":

    I just used a Swept Away by Mary Connealy jar opener to open a bottle of Gatorade for my kiddo who has Flu A. Found it, still unopened, in a drawer ;).

    I'm almost a total pantser. Always have been. The thought of outlining gives me hives. Another reason indie could end up being a super choice for me - no synopsis to write to ;). I usually know a few key points and roughly where in the story they go, but that's about it. Once, a twist hit me WHEN I READ IT ON THE SCREEN! Not as I told my fingers to type it, but when I read it! And it was very plainly spelled out not a could be inferred kind of thing.

    For the record... I adore Jen. That accidental meeting was truly God with a sense of humor and turning what could have been a very embarrassing incident into something fabulous.

    Also for the record... T-Rexes could also have been used to thwart Hitler. For that matter, even a brontosaurus, vegetarians that they are, could have ;). Makes perfect sense in a WWII epic.

  67. Great post, Jennifer. It is nice to know that not everyone has the perfect process in place from the beginning. I'm still working on mine. My problem is that I sit down to write and the words won't go on paper the way I envision them in my head. It is really hard for me to get down a first draft.

    Please enter me into the drawing for your book.

  68. Jennifer, what you described at the beginning of your post sounds a lot like my writing process so :) Sometimes I actually get to where I start feeling like I'm making progress on my book, and then I'll get distracted for months with other writing projects. But I'm determined I'm going to finish and polish a manuscript one day...and I'm definitely a plotter!

  69. Jennifer - I loved the post. Thank you for writing it.

    I enjoyed taking the introvert/extrovert/ambivert test. It was nice to confirm what I've known for years...I'm an extroverted introvert, a.k.a. ambivert.

    As for my writing process, I usually write the first three chapters before I loosely plot the rest of the story. So I'm a cross between a pantster and a plotter, a.k.a. a plot-antser.

  70. I've done that, Jennifer. Been stuck and then thought to my self...

    "Self, what scenes do you know are going to be there?"

    "Then write those and fuss about the one you are stuck on, later."

    Forward movement!!!

  71. Exactly, Myra. I don't know them well until half way through. The first half of the book is a getting to know you draft.

  72. We love library people.

    I just left libraries. In fact only 11 business days ago.

  73. I saw that you had moved on from your library job on Facebook, Tina. I love my library job! I only started a few months ago. After my first day of training I kept saying to myself 'I don't believe they're paying me to do this!' :) It has been so wonderful being here today. I have been so encouraged by your sweet words. Thank you so very very much. It's getting late here on my end of the country. I will try to check back in again before I call it a day. :)

  74. Let's hear a cheer for individuality! Thanks for a delightful post, Jennifer.

    Some people divide the story into chapters as they write?? I am in awe :-)

    Nancy C

  75. Jennifer, thank you for reminding all of us that we are created by God in our unique way. I love that you found your own writing process. I try to be a plotter, and my books are better when I stay on track although I deviate a little usually in the epilogue scene.
    Thanks for the post.

  76. Nancy C, I know, right! :) Tanya a usually deviate a little to from what I initially sketch out. it had been a great day. Thanks so much for having me, Seekers. And thank you all for your wonderful comments. :) Blessings!

  77. Time....we just need time...and we have too little of it. Time to get those ideas written down that are rattling around in our are with me, right? So I wake up in the middle of the night and find a new Seekerville entry three hours and a day old already! Where was I when all you beautiful authors were sharing thoughts and dreams? Great post, Jen...would love to read anything you've written and I am so glad you didn't give up.

  78. I guess I'm a planner, I plan on getting my reviews done, but I guess I need to outline, write & rewrite before it's what I'm wanting to say.. enjoyed today's blog.. please toss me into the bowl..
    Deanna S

  79. Jennifer, I'm like you - I've tried various methods. I've written a fiction book (it is in the deep, dark recesses of my hard drive) and I wrote it by the seat of my pants. The nonfiction I've written and now am editing, I wrote with an outline - I had to have one for the book proposal anyway - so I wrote it first. :)

    Please put my name in for the drawing!
