Thursday, January 15, 2015

Seekerville Welcomes Killer Voices Debut Authors!

Seekerville, a land brought to you by contest-loving, tiara-wearing divas is proud and pleased to present THE DEBUT AUTHORS OF LAST YEAR'S "KILLER VOICES" COMPETITION!!!

So without further adieu (and because these gals TALKED A LOT!!!!) let's introduce the ladies... the covers.... and let's see what's happened since they woke Mary Curry (aka: Cate Nolan) up with The Call last year! :)

Michelle Karl is an unabashed bibliophile and romantic suspense author. She lives in Canada with her husband and an assortment of critters, including a co-dependent cat, an albino rabbit, and an opinionated parrot. When she's not reading and consuming copious amounts of coffee, she writes the stories she'd like to find in her 'to be read' pile. She also loves animals, world music, and eating the last piece of cheesecake. Visit her

Michelle Karl's "Fatal Freeze" releases in April, 2015!

1. What has happened since the call?

Mary - a lot of waiting since my book is the last to come out. ;) I’m just kidding - sort of. There
were some revisions, though not as many as I feared. Then I met the whole new world of Art
Fact Sheets. I have to tip my hat to Seekerville for making them a whole lot easier. Missy’s
timely post and Tina’s
generous guidance made it relatively painless. I can’t wait to see my cover.
But first there was RWA and getting to meet my editor in person and getting to celebrate with so
many friends - new and old.

Michelle - Revisions! Editing! A whole lot of flailing about!

Tammy - Since the call there has been a lot of happy dancing. The fact that my dream came
true still hits me at random moments. For the first two or three months I bounced between
moments of total bliss and panic. A lot of time was spent working on the revision, editing
process and trying to get my web presence whipped into something I was satisfied with.

Dana- There was a lot of celebrating. Then the fun began. Revising, editing, getting a peek at
my cover (can you say SWEET?!!!) Then getting right back into it and starting writing again. It’s
been a wild ride. But I have enjoyed myself every crazy step of the way.

Lynn - I was the last Killer Voice to get the call and when I woke up that morning, I was just
hoping for a revision letter. When I went to bed that night I had a book contract, an agent . . .
and a very long revision letter. :-) There have been so many firsts. The first contract to sign, the
first advance check in the mail, the first time I received an e-mail from Harlequin to their authors,
the first time I saw my name and book listed on Amazon. It’s been almost 6 months and there
are still days I can’t believe this is happening!

Mary EllenJust a few weeks after I received the call I booked a flight to Texas to meet my sisters (LIS authors Shirlee McCoy and Sara Parker) at the RWA conference to celebrate. We had a great time brainstorming and writing late into the night, and I was thrilled to meet so many wonderful LIS authors and editors while I was there. Since then my life has remained pretty much the same—with the added responsibility of completing edits and a number of other tasks that go along with publication. I have worked through the editorial process for my book (Into Thin Air), begun my second manuscript, and remained active as an operational member of Chesapeake Search Dogs with Tank, my search dog in training.

Dana R. Lynn grew up in a suburb of Chicago, IL, but now lives in northwestern PA with her husband, three children, and enough animals to start her own petting zoo. She began her career as a teacher of the Deaf and hard of hearing, but currently works as an educational interpreter. She has been crafting stories all her life and is often seen jotting down ideas wherever inspiration strikes. Her friends know to be careful what they might end up in a book. You can contact Dana at or

Dana R. Lynn's "Presumed Guilty" releases in April, 2015!!!

2. What has surprised you?

Michelle - The amount of support from other Love Inspired authors, to be quite honest. It’s
remarkable how much of a “family” atmosphere has been created among the authors of the
Love Inspired book lines, regardless of who’s writing suspense, historical, etc. There’s nothing
like having a cheering squad of people who’ve been there, done that, and understand what
you’re going through… and of whom you can ask any questions about the publication process!

Tammy - The whole experience has been such an amazing, wonderful, surprise filled
adventure. I’ve dreamed of selling to Harlequin for such a long time, so I still wake up every
day and think, “Is this real?” I am surprised how much I learned about myself and my faith while
writing this book. Becoming a published author was/is such a huge blessing and it came at a perfect time in my life. I might have wanted it years ago, but this was the right time.

Mary EllenTwo things have surprised me: First, how easy it was to work with my awesome editor, Elizabeth Mazer. She has made the whole journey from draft to publication so much fun with her detailed feedback and terrific sense of humor. Second, the network of friends I’ve built through this contest. Many of us keep in touch and support each other through our journeys to build our writing careers

Mary - How about that after all these years I have actually SOLD a book! Honestly, I think I was
kind of numb because of the speed with which everything happened. I am eternally grateful
to Emily Rodmell for offering me a contract, and to both Emily and Tina James for rushing the
process so that they could offer that contract before I went to RWA National in San Antonio.
Emily made sure I was included in everything that Harlequin offered from breakfast with my
editor to the fabulous Harlequin party. The entire conference took on a different, and slightly
surreal atmosphere because it was my first conference as a contracted author. The most
memorable time for me, and the one that still makes me tear up, was the moment when I was
able to switch off my plain name badge for one with the little pink banner that says PAN. I’ve
been a member of RWA for a long time, so that change made it all feel suddenly real! And now
I’m getting all choked up again just remembering.

Dana- I’m with Michelle. I never expected the warmth and welcome I experienced from the
people I have admired for years. An example...I went to my first American Christian fiction
Writers (ACFW) conference this past September. I was hugged so much, and the other authors
treated me like a sister. It was an incredible, blessed experience. I have also loved developing
relationships with my fellow Killer Voicites. Is that a word? Anyway, we “talk” frequently. I
feel that these women are true friends, and I am so blessed to be surrounded with so much
support. And, I just have to say, I love my editor, Elizabeth Mazer. She took a very green and
intimidated new author (that would be me) and helped me to see how to tweak my story so that
my characters came alive.

Lynn - I’m not sure if there is a way to be prepared for all the “other” parts of the publication
process. Providing images and scene information for the cover, working to get the title just
right, praying over every word of the acknowledgements…all while on a revision deadline.
Not to mention trying to craft a memorable bio and beef up my social media presence while
brainstorming the next project.

It’s been an unexpected joy to develop friendships with my fellow Killer Voices. We “talk”
frequently (yeah for Facebook!) and it’s been such a gift to be on this journey with them.

Tammy Johnson grew up as a pastor’s kid. Her childhood was spent moving from one small Kansas town to another. Making friends was difficult so she spent most of her time imagining and creating stories in her mind. Her heroines were always strong, brave and all the things she wanted to be. Now Tammy writes those heroines and their perfect heroes in stories filled with faith, love and danger. She lives in a small Kansas town with her teenage son and dachshund. When not writing, you’ll find her working at a local school as a paraeducator to special needs children, cloud watching, fishing or chasing a summer storm. Wherever she is, a tall glass of sweet tea and a new story are never far away.

Tammy Johnson's "Royal Rescue" also releases in April of 2015!

3. Has the process been crazy, fun or crazy-fun?

Mary Ellen - If I have to choose one, I’ll go with fun. Admittedly, the publication process has been crazy at times, but for me, the fun outweighed the craziness of it all. I have thought about writing a book for so long that I can’t help but just really enjoy this moment.

Tammy - Without a doubt, crazy-fun. One day I think I’ve got it almost all figured out and I’m just
enjoying it, then the crazy hits and I realize I really have a very thin grasp of what I’m doing. I’m
enjoying figuring it out as I go. This experience has been amazing.

Michelle - Can I choose all three? There have been moments of crazy, moments of fun, and
moments of both together. As a first-timer to this process, I’ve tried to take each up and down as
it comes and enjoy it for what it is. Dana- Oh my. I have to choose? Well, I’m going to go with crazy-fun. I love roller coasters, and this whole journey has reminded me of one. I’m having the time of my life, even though there are days when I feel like pulling out my hair.

Mary - The Killer Voices process was crazy fun but there were times I doubted my sanity. From
the announcement of the contest to my contract offer was less than five months. But I didn’t
even begin to write the story until I’d finished the draft of the previous book. Basically I started
the story for Speedbo (March 1st) at which point I had only a vague idea for an opening scene.
By early June I had a completed novel, and by mid-July I had a contract!

I couldn’t have survived the process without the blessing of my sister Killer Voices - both those
who were contracted and all those we met along the way, many of whom received R&R letters
(so hopefuly they’ll be joining us at LIS soon).

Lynn - All three!

4. Is it getting easier?

Tammy - I can’t imagine it ever being ‘easier’. If anything, I think it’s more difficult now because
I’m still wondering if I’ll be able to do it again. Plus, it’s finally sinking in that people are actually
going to be reading my writing. While I was writing, I guess I only thought about an editor
reading it. My mind never went beyond that until after the sale when people I knew started
saying they were going to read it. It’s still mind-boggling.

Michelle - I don’t think writing and publication is ever going to be easy. I suspect each project
will come with its own challenges, but it may get easier to face those challenges with increased

Dana- I think there is so much to learn. And the publishing industry is changing so fast. So I’m
not sure if I can say it’s becoming easier. I do feel more grounded, more sure that this is what
God is calling me to do. And I also feel more comfortable with what I’m doing.

Mary Ellen Well, yes and no. Finding the time to write is still a daily challenge. The KV contest really helped get my writing going because it gave me a deadline. While I find that the craft of writing has gotten a little easier, I still struggle to find the time.

Mary Ellen Porter’s love of story telling was solidified in fifth grade when selected to read her first children’s story to a group of kindergartners.  From then on, she knew she’d be a writer. When not working, Mary Ellen enjoys reading and spending time with her husband, children, and search-dog-in-training, Tank. She’s also an operational member of Chesapeake Search Dogs, a volunteer search and rescue team that helps find the lost and missing.

Mary Ellen Porter (you remember her from our "Suspense Sisterhood" post back in October, right?) has her debut novel coming out in May, 2015

Mary - What has gotten easier is the discipline. I’ve been writing for years, but without any third
party deadline, I sort of drifted, playing with my stories more than working at them. Through
Killer Voices, I learned that I CAN write an entire book and sell it if I really persevere. What
hasn’t gotten any easier is the nerve attacks of sending your baby out for people to read. Having
a pseudonym (Cate Nolan) does feel like a kind of buffer. “You don’t like it, Okay, I’ll tell Cate.” ;)
Lynn - Yes and no. Surviving the revision process and all the “firsts” makes me feel more
confident about that aspect of my next project. But finding time to work on the next project has
been much harder and I’m definitely feeling the weight of the “Can I do it again?” question.

5. Have you had time to plan your next project yet?

Mary Ellen - Although I was a little derailed by the holidays, I am making good progress on my second LIS manuscript. I’m hoping to have the first draft complete by the end of January. 

Tammy - I’ve had time, I just haven’t used that time as wisely as I should. While writing Royal
Rescue, I had several ideas for future stories and they have been percolating. I’ve been working
on the heroine’s brother’s story and I hope to have it submitted in the next few months.

Michelle - By the time you’ve read this, I will have (hopefully) sent off the next project to my
editor or be a week or two away from doing so. What comes after that is another question

Mary - I’m working on it now. I had some other things I was revising in between, but I’m full in the swing of book 2 now (keeping almost Ruthy-hours) and getting the words in every morning.

Dana - I sent my next book to my agent. I now just have to wait and see what she thinks about
it. In the meantime, I am working on a different project. My goal is to write everyday, even if it’sonly a few paragraphs. Every little bit gets me closer to typing “The End”.

Lynn - Several of the secondary characters from Covert Justice have beautiful stories that
need to be told. I’m working on the first draft of one of them and have a rough idea bouncing
around in my brain for another.

Lynn Huggins Blackburn believes in the power of stories, especially those that remind us that true love exists, a gift from the Truest Love. She’s passionate about CrossFit, coffee, and chocolate (don’t make her choose) and experimenting with recipes that feed both body and soul. She lives in South Carolina with her true love, Brian, and their three children. You can follow her real life happily ever after

Lynn Huggins Blackburn's story "Covert Justice" releases in June!!!

6. Where are you now?

Dana- Pennsylvania. (I’m being facetious) I’m trying to prepare for my release day. And,
I’m working on a new project. It was hard to decide what to work on, so I actually have one bookI’m revising, and another I have just started doing my character sketches on. I feel like I have somany ideas running around in my brain, I have to prioritize.

Michelle - Getting everything ready for the book release. And working on that “next project” andplanning for beyond that. It’s a wild, non-stop train ride, and I’m happy to stay on board!

Tammy - Now that my part is complete with Royal Rescue, I’ve been juggling my day job and
family while trying to get the voices in my head talking to me for the next story. April is getting
closer so I’ve also been trying to make some plans for what I’d like to do to get ready for the bigday when the book is on the shelves. I’m not sure the reality of that has totally sunk in yet.

Mary - Right now I have the luxury of celebrating the upcoming releases of my fellow Killer
Voices without any pressure on me yet. (My book was saved for October because it has a
holiday theme.) Revisions and art fact sheets are behind me, but copy edits are still a few
months off, so I’m hard at work on writing my next books for LISI also have to use this space to give a public shout-out to the amazing editors at Love Inspired.

Not only do they continually come up with these inventive ideas for contests, they just make the whole process so much fun and so worthwhile. I’m sure it demanded a lot of extra time from them to work through our stories and coach us, and I’m so appreciative. Having an editor guide your book from start to finish is such a blessing. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to continue to work with these amazing women.

Cate Nolan is the pseudonym for Mary Curry, a teacher, mother, wife and writer.  And lifelong reader. It's that lifelong reader part that gets the credit (or blame) for compelling her to create stories of her own. She’s been writing and contesting for many years and along the way has garnered a few writing credits including being a three time Golden Heart finalist and the 2011 Genesis winner for Contemporary Romance. She won the big prize with a contract from LIS for the Killer Voices contest.
Mary/Cate  can be found on Facebook:

Mary Curry (writing as Cate Nolan) will see her Christmas-themed book release in October, 2015! 

Mary Ellen As I type this, I am in my home office in Maryland. I just finished my word count for the day, but I’m hoping to sneak in another thousand words before the end of the night. I’m excited about the prospect of finishing another book, but (like Mary) I am sure I will be nervous to send it off.  The KV contest offered me a road to publication that I truly never expected—and I hope to continue down this crazy-fun road for years to come.
Lynn - South Carolina. Oh, I guess you mean in the process? :-) My revisions were completed in December, and I’m eagerly anticipating my final cover. I’m also preparing some goodies for my readers (who doesn’t love deleted scenes?), looking forward to my June release, and thrilled to support my fellow Killer Voices this spring and fall.

Ruthy here! We dug into the prize vault and found a SURPRISE BOX OF GOODIES for one lucky commenter! Or maybe more, it depends on how grumpy I am by the end of the day!!!

Come on inside, grab a cuppa, congratulate the gals and let's talk contests and how the harder you work... THE LUCKIER YOU GET, LOL! Leave a comment and we'll throw your name in the cat dish and you never know... there might be more than one name drawn because in Seekerville, we hunger for your success and we love to make you smile!

(I'm being nice today, jot down date and time, please) :) And I'm not sure why the font/blocking on this kept messing up because it didn't look like that on my side of the screen or when the gals sent me the info... So bear with it because my magic pen is having NO EFFECT here!


  1. What a fun post ladies. I'll be watching for these books at my local Walmart! RUTHY, I'm supposed to jot down time at date? Won't the blog do that? And here I thought you purposely changed the font! I'll stick with that! Thanks for making my day!

  2. Congratulations to all the Killer Voices. Such an exciting year for you all and so fun to hear about other writers' dreams of publication coming true!!

  3. How exciting to learn more about your journeys to publication! Just reading your comments made me giddy. So glad you're all LIS authors! YAY!!!

    Good for Love Inspired hosting Killer Voices. Good for all of you working so hard and selling your stories! Congrats and hugs!

  4. Congratulations ladies! I've been so eager to read this post and learn about you and your path to publication.

    I'll be looking for all of your books - can't wait to read them!

  5. Such an interesting post thank you. Lots to appreciate.

  6. Congratulations ladies. This was very interesting. It's 1/15/2015 and 3:21 am. I can't sleep. lol

  7. And another crowning moment. ..I can say I've been on Seekerville!

  8. Marianne, LOL! You'd have laughed to see me trying to get it to change and then I realized Mr. Blogger is just BETTER THAN I AM. I was bested.

    Ridiculous, right????? The Ruthinator CAVED TO BLOGGER



    I hope you gals brought food to the party, I've got a fun frittata from... Ruthy's kitchen!!!!! With the hash browns pre-fried, nice and crisp to add a great dimension of texture to the final dish! We are so excited to have you all here!

  9. DANA!!!!! Aw, shucks, you are the sweetest thing! I'm so glad we hooked up last year.

    Where have we ever seen an OPEN INVITATION CONTEST, with no entry fees, run by editors, where 6 people ended up published and I think 17 people were given a revision letter and request to re-submit????


  10. Congratulations to you all! I love reading books in the Love Inspired line of books (LIS, LI, LIH) and particularly love picking up debut authors. I have found many a wonderful author that way and continue to read their books. :)

    Many blessings to your all in 2015.

    Well, Ruthy, even though Blogger logs the time & date, you said to jot down the time and date, it is 01/15/15 (my mom's 87th birthday) and currently 4:41am EST.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  11. Good morning, Seekerville!

    Thanks so much for having us today. I love having my sister Killer Voices to share each step of the journey with so not only am I eternally grateful to the wonderful LIS editors for giving us this contest opportunity, I'm also grateful that the contest gave me this fabulous group of supportive new friends - both those who were offered a contract and some who are still working on their R&Rs.

    Ruthy, don't laugh at me for admitting how many times I reread the first paragraph trying to figure out what in the world you were talking about.

    For anyone who is confused, I had the glamorous distinction of missing Emily Rodmell's call because I was taking a nap!

    Thanks ever so much for reminding me, Ruthy dear. ;)

  12. Good morning, Marianne. Thanks for keeping an eye out for our books. I'm so sad that I don't have a Walmart in NYC to look for my own book on the shelf. I guess I'll need friends to send me pictures!

    Thanks, Kara. I agree. It's so encouraging to hear about the successes of others. The LI editors are so great at offering opportunities to become published.

    *Waves* to Debby. I couldn't have done it without your support and encouragement and prayers.

  13. I second Mary. Writing might be a solitart career, but we need support to make it happen!

  14. Hi Terri I hope you enjoyed reading it. I hope you enjoy the books. I can't wait to read them all myself.

    I'm so sorry you couldn't sleep, cathyann, . Hope you had something good to read!

    Good morning, Mary Preston . Thanks for visiting with us.

    Thanks, Eva!

    Sadly, I'm off to the day job. I'll check in when I can. I'm leaving behind some goodies from my favorite coffee shop in Manhattan - Financier. Lovely french pastries. I get the blame/credit for introducing Ruthy to the decadence of Financier.


    I've known Mary the longest, but virtually followed Tammy for a long time as she has been a contest diva for a long time like moi.

    Dana I recently met and she's a pint size sweetie.

    Mary Ellen and I met virtually. This is her second Seeker visit. A veteran here already.

    Michelle, can't wait to meet you!

    Anyone going to RWA NYC?

  16. Oh, can't leave yet.

    Cindy W Bless you! That's such a sweet thing. I'm sure all of us are grateful to hear of someone deliberately supporting debut authors. Hope you love the books!

  17. And I forgot Lynn. Forgive me. A pleasure to meet you and I love your red hair.

    This is sooooo exciting!!!!!

  18. Congratulations Ladies. What a fun and exciting year for you!

    Thanks for sharing about your journey, and I can't wait to read your stories!

  19. Ruthy, I'm glad we were able to connect also! You have been a great encouragement for me.

    Tina, it was so much fun meeting you!

    I am so thankful for all the kind words and supports from this community. Thanks!

  20. Congratulations ladies! Can't wait to read more Love Inspired Suspense books by new authors. Keep writing, Luke that is a hard request. LOL.

  21. Congrats to you all.

    It was so exciting to have a friend in the mix in Mary Curry. AND to see her rewarded for so many years of hard work. I got a bit of the inside scoop on how hard everyone worked during this process. You all deserve a HUGE round of applause.

    Peace, Julie

  22. Congratulations Killer Voice winners. All of the books look great.

  23. Congratulations, ladies!! I have been anxiously awaiting your debut. Having been a Killer Voices teammate with Dana, Lynn, and Mary Ellen, and connecting with Tammy and Mary on Facebook, it's been so much fun watching and learning from you all during the past ten months.

    Michelle, like Tina, I look forward to getting to know you, too.

    I can't wait to read all these fabulous LIS books!!

    Ruthy, you said " Seekerville, we hunger for your success and we love to make you smile!" That's why I keep coming back!! I LOVE the encouragement and the feeling that someone (not obligated to do so because we're related) is cheering me on!

  24. I'm on Seekerville! It really feels like I've hit the big time now. :)
    Thank you so much for all the amazing comments! Killer Voices was an amazing opportunity. Like Ruth said, it isn't often you find a free contest with such amazing results. Harlequin is great that way.
    Tina - I'm honored to have been virtually followed. :) I was just thinking the other day I wish I had kept all the contest results so I could look back on it now. I can't even remember the first contest it was so long ago. I'd love to dig all that information back up.
    I'm off to the day job to hang out with kindergarteners and sing 'If you're happy and you know it'. I am happy! They might just have to try to keep up with me today. I'll do my best to sneak away to the computer when I can though. I'm so excited to be here!

  25. It's so exciting to be on Seekerville today! I had planned to be up extra early this morning to work on my ms and pop in and say hello. Unfortunately, I've been up since 4 a.m. with a sick little one - and a lot of laundry! Who says the writing life isn't glamorous?!

    This is the kind of day that calls for a hearty breakfast. I'm from the South, so I've brought eggs, grits, bacon, and biscuits with homemade black raspberry jelly!

  26. glad We got to be friends.

    Lynn. ..did you save any jelly for me?

  27. Congratulations to all the Killer Voices who were picked up for Loved Inspired! It's so wonderful to hear your stories and feel your excitement! So fun to see some Seeker Villagers in the mix!We'll all be looking forward to your debut books!!!

  28. Lynn stockpiled us on food!!!! She's edging toward being the FAVORITE NEW AUTHOR!!!!! She understands my needs, LOL!

    Oh, this is marvelous.

    And you all know this is how the Seekers first met, about ten years ago. It was contests that brought us together in the finalist spots, and then brought us together as a group when we joined forces. What a smart, smart, smart thing that was, and totally Holy Spirit designed!

    Oh, I love that Holy Spirit!!!!

    You guys have graduated by making it through the first books!!! Now tell us about what you would do differently for the aspiring among us.... Would you have put yourself at risk earlier? Pushed harder? Found more people like yourselves quicker?

  29. All the new friends I've made has been one of the best parts of the whole experience.
    Hugs on the sick kid. I have one staying home today too, but he's turning into a man and I think it's not half bad as he's making it out to be. He's old enough to take care of himself, so I'm still off to the day job and checking in on him through the day. Grabbing some snacks on my way out the door!

  30. YAYAYAYAYAY!! And congratulations, ladies! I can't describe how giddy it makes me feel to witness your so-long-awaited success!!

    I absolutely love Love Inspired for offering an opportunity like this. Good luck and may many, many more books be in your futures!!!

  31. If I had it to do all over again. The thing I'd definitely do differently is sticking to it! In 2005 I was a finalist in the Golden Heart. I had a request for revisions and for some reason I let life get in the way and didn't finish those revisions. I pretty much didn't write at all for a few years after that. Of course, IF I had turned in the revisions my writing might have taken a different path and I might not have ended up where I am today. I do wish I'd have figured it all out sooner, but I have to trust that God had this planned all along and knew that had some learning and growing to do first.

  32. Congratulations to all the ladies on their books coming out! I have to thank whomever wrote the author bio for Mary Ellen Porter for spelling "kindergartners" correctly! It is a pet peeve of mine that people normally spell it incorrectly. Silly, I know, but it is what it is!


  33. Ruthy! Thank you so much for giving us the awesome opportunity to share our stories! Your frittata sounds amazing!

    Rhonda! How are you? How's the revision coming? I keep hoping to hear some good news from our fellow Killer Voices teammates.

    Rose, Julie, Kelly, and Jackie - Thanks for popping in with such encouraging words!

    Tina - True confession. That's not my natural hair color. I haven't seen my natural hair color in about 10 years. :-) I was a blonde turned brunette turned gray way too soon. My stylist threw in some nice red undertones a few years ago and my husband loved them, so they've stayed. My sister is the true red head of the family. :-)

    Cindy W. - Thanks! And Happy Birthday to your mom!

    cathyann - Hope you managed to get a little sleep after this. Thanks!!

    Mary, Terri, Eva Maria, Debby, Kara, and Marianne - Are y'all on the West Coast? Or were you up really late writing? :-) Either way, thanks so much for the kind words and warm welcome.

    Dana, Mary, Tammy - Morning ladies! I'm sure Michelle will pop in soon. Isn't this fun!

  34. Cathy Ann, when I can't sleep, I write! You should try it... It's a great way to pester the brain into new... and slightly strange, possibly!!! ... worlds!

  35. Congratulations girls!!

    Sounds like a fun ride. :-)

  36. Tammy, I wonder about that, too... What if I'd tried harder when I first struck out, but then I realize that to fit in then, I might be writing a very different kind of story.

    Would I have been strong enough to say no??? Gosh, I don't know! Money was so tight then, like non-existent tight for a while and what a temptation that would have been!

    THE GOOD SIDE!!!!! All my nametag and hairnet jobs have now turned into paid research ops!!!! ;)


  37. I brought more jelly.

    Who knew there'd be a run on jelly???

    Red raspberry preserves and sour cherry jam.

    Ruthy faves!!!

  38. Thanks for your kind comments, everyone! This really has all been quite the whirlwind.

    Ruthy, I'm about to make some banana pecan pancakes, so I'll whip up a double batch and some cinnamon maple syrup (I *am* Canadian, after all) and bring them to the party, here... hope everybody brought napkins!

    Cindy, I think it is so sweet and so generous of you to specifically choose to read debut authors! Thank you so much for giving us a chance. I hope you love all our books and maybe find a new favorite among the Killer Voices ladies. :)

    Tina, I'm planning to go to RWA NYC! I'm looking forward to meeting you and other LI authors there. I definitely feel like the *totally* new kid on the block, but the welcoming attitude of everyone is really just incredible.

    Rhonda, I laughed at your “not obligated to do so because we’re related” comment about getting encouragement. So true!

  39. Hmm, what would I do differently? Maybe entered an earlier contest. Haha. This was the first "contest" I actually entered, because why not? Talk about a great opportunity... just the first page? "No problem," said I... (I had no idea what I was getting myself into, truly!). I might have networked earlier for the sake of support, though that worked out all right in the end by having these other 5 ladies to lean on throughout the “first book” process. XD

  40. Congratulations to these debut authors! This was a fun and encouraging read. Thanks for sharing your stories, especially the 'what has surprised you'. Loved reading about your experiences. Congratulations!

  41. I love features like this! It's always fun to see some behind-the-scenes stuff. :) Congratulations ladies!

  42. Ruthy ...I'm bringing chocolate so I can be the favorite.

    What would I do different? Trust God more and be more consistent in writing daily.

    Although, I feel that I found such a great group of friends, I'm inclined to say the timing was perfect.

  43. Congratulations to all of you! LIS has really hit the jackpot with the results from Killer Voices. Wishing you all much success.

  44. Hi all, I’m taking a quick break from my day job as a Communications Strategist for the Department of Defense so I could pop in and say hello. It’s wonderful to read all the kind words of congratulations for all of us.
    Becky, I wrote the bio myself, and luckily that’s an easy word for me to remember—however I will admit to generally being a pretty poor speller—thank goodness for spell check and my sisters who help me to catch most of my errors. Although I will say that Shirlee would probably admit spelling is not her strong point either – Sara definitely has us both beat in that department.
    I’ll check back in at lunch to join the fun again

  45. Becky - OH NO! I think I spelled kindergartners wrong in my post. I hope I haven't landed on your pet peever list. :) Peever probably isn't a word, but it sure sounds interesting.
    Zippity do dah is the song stuck in my head for the day. I love popping in and seeing all this love and sharing. Grabbing some more jelly beings more was brought in. I have chocolate nuggets. They are in limited supply though.

  46. Hey there Mary Ellen! I wasn't sure if you'd be able to pop in until after work. :-)

    What would I do differently? That's a tough one, because I can see God's hand all over the timing of this and how perfect it is.

    I would love to have had two or three more books ready to go, but I learned so much during this process that I would have had to re-write them anyway, so I'm not sure that would have helped. ;-)

    I guess I would say write more, worry less, and rest easy in the knowledge that God's got this all under control. (Of course, that's a lot easier to say on this side of the plot twist!)

  47. This was so interesting! Now I will have to look for these books when they come out.

    Please enter my name in the cat dish.

  48. What fun to have the Killer Voices authors all here in Seekerville. Congratulations once again, ladies!!! I enjoyed watching the contest updates on Twitter and joined in the happy dance every time a new contract offer was announced by one of the LIS editors. Talk about exciting!

    And there's more excitement to come. I'll be looking for the books to hit the shelves of my local Walmart. You can be sure I'll have my camera handy. (Waving at Lynn, since my first LIH will be a shelf buddy with your LIS in June.)

  49. What a wonderful post. I loved hearing about your publishing experiences. woo hooooo

    Congratulations and way to go ladies.

    Have fun today.

  50. Lynn - I love your reply! It definitely is a lot easier to say on this side of the plot twist! :) All I can do now is focus on actually trying to do things right now. Developing a good writing habit is number 1 on my list of things to work on. Writing a little every day is so important.

  51. Mary Curry you still haven't sent me your info for your two boxes of Sees Candy. Please don't tell me you're on a diet. Aaargh. If you are, you can freeze them and pull one piece out at a time for a special occasion. smile

  52. I'll take Mary Curry's candy!!!!! Sandra, you have my address and Mary loves me!!!! :)

    Hey, Curry, grab the candy and save it for when we get together if I can sneak to the city this spring!!!! CANDY FEST!!!!

  53. Michelle, I love you and all things Canadian.... I'm across the pond on the shores of Lake Ontario, so I can wave (well, almost!) to my Canadian friends!


    (I wanted to save her the trouble of scoffing!)

  54. This was a blast to read! Thanks, Ladies.

    Nancy C

  55. Dana, I agree about the perfect timing, because it's worked out beautifully and I feel like I'm at a crossroads of Christian publishing and indie inspirational publishing, and gosh, that wouldn't have been true ten years back!

    So I love, love, love that and I've learned to not fear anything... and charge ahead, because no one knows our business better than we do!

    But having said that, I love using the collective intelligence of my agent and my editors because they see things I don't!

  56. Have I mentioned I love getting paid for what I love to do?????


  57. What a fun post! Hearing about first sales is like hearing stories how people fell in love. It reminds me of the fun and privilege of being published. Thanks for making it all fresh and fun again.

  58. Keli! Hey there, shelf buddy! June is going to be great!

  59. Congrats to all of you! I'm so glad for each of you. I think writing suspense is the hardest thing to pull off, so please know that you have my complete admiration. Looking forward to your books!

  60. We're so happy to see all of you Killer Voices ladies here on Seekerville today, and we're thrilled that you're a part of the Love Inspired family. I loved getting to meet Mary, Mary Ellen and Dana in person this year at RWA and ACFW.
    We're considering a new contest for 2015. So if anyone wants to write for any of the Love Inspired lines, now is the time to start brainstorming. And if you got a revision letter from us, we'd love to see the revised manuscript.

  61. Congratulations to all of you! It's fun to meet the people behind the Killer Voices names. How exciting for you! :)

  62. I love, love, love first sale stories! What a wonderful group of authors :)

  63. Hey, Keli and Lynn!!!! Teeeena and I both have June books out, too!!!! PARTY!!!!!!!!!

    I will gladly share self space with the lot o' youse!

  64. Emily, I'm so glad you stopped by!!!!

    Editor in the house!!!

    I'd say we should behave ourselves, but Emily knows us too well....


    You heard it here first, my friends!!! Stay tuned and start thinking... and KEEP WRITING!

    1K/day gives you 3 books/year plus editing time.


    You can do this!

  65. Congratulations, Killer Voices! That contest was so fun. I loved all the socializing.

    I'm so happy for you all. Enjoy the thrill of your debut releases. I'm looking forward to them.

  66. Carolyne Aarsen, I love it when you stop in! Nice to see you, buddy!!!!

  67. Another reminder to those who got an R&R from #KillerVoices

    Do it.

    Do it.

    Buckle down and do it because I guaran-darn-ty you it won't be the last one you get, LOL!

    Revising and resubmitting is part of the job. Go for it. You know we'll help you!

  68. Thanks, Emily!

    A new contest!?!? Awesome!

    If you're thinking about whether entering a Love Inspired contest is a good idea or not, stop. Don't think about it anymore.

    Just do it!

    The editors really do want you to succeed. The worst thing that's going to happen is that you will have a better idea about what's working and what isn't working in your story. So you really can't lose!

  69. Thanks for hosting these Love Inspired Suspense authors, Ruthy. Such fun to learn more about them and their journey!! And to celebrate that you all sold due to the Killer Voice contest. We Seekers believe wholeheartedly in the benefits of entering contests! Congratulations, ladies! Wishing you all much success with your career.


  70. Ooh, fun to see that LI is considering a new contest in 2015! Thanks for stopping in and sharing the news, Emily Rodmell!


  71. MARY CURRY! I'll take a Ton of Pics of your new book for you!! But you'll have to remind me-- October is a long way off! :)

    Congratulations, Everyone! This Enthusiasm is Contagious!!

  72. Jana Vanderslice, my beautiful friend, I love it when you stop by!

    You exude joy.

    Joy is a wonderful contagion. Go you!!!!!

  73. was wonderful meeting you at ACFW!

    I encourage everyone who got a revision letter to go for it.

    Another contest? Squee! I'm so excited about that!

    I think I

  74. Oops. I need to revise what I have learned. I learned to not waste time and the gifts God gives.

  75. Checking in at lunchtime!

    Thanks for stopping by, Emily. It's been such a learning experience working with you to make the story stronger.

    What would I have done differently? Only one thing. I would have tried my hand at inspirational writing earlier.

    I was doing well on the contest circuit, but was increasingly uncomfortable with market trends. I didn't have the confidence to write inspirational, so I just stopped submitting. Who knows, if I had started earlier, maybe I would have been one of the original Seekers.

  76. Mary Curry, you're so right. But we don't have to be original, we love expanding the group exponentially.

    That's the beauty of longing for others' success. It's just so stinkin' much better than gilding your own!

    I'm handing out virtual "Honorary Original Seeker" badges right now!

    Seek and ye shall find... :)

  77. Wow! Thanks for sharing that news, Emily. I can’t wait to hear all about the next contest. Also, I really enjoyed meeting you, as well. Meeting you, other editors, and so many wonderful authors was one of the highlights of the conference.

    Lynn, I am busy at work, but broke my lunch into three chunks today so I’d be able to chime in on occasion.

    Tina, another virtual hello to you :-) I have really enjoyed both visits to Seekerville, I think it is an awesome venue. If all goes well, Shirlee, Sara, and I will be at RWA NYC. I am looking forward to it.

    Ruth, sorry I missed the question during my first brief visit, but if I were to do anything differently, it would be to listen to my sister Shirlee as she nagged me over the years to “just write”! At least I listened this time and entered the KV contest—that deadline forced me to write and the result was worth every single second of late night and early morning writing.

  78. Oh, Jana, that made my day! Thanks so much for offering.

    SANDRA, I did email the Seekerville address. WAH!!!!!
    I'll email you again before Ruthy steals my candy.

    Oh, wait, she just awarded me honorary status. She can have a piece.

  79. HOLY FREAKIN' COW, RUTHY, I think you now hold the record for the LONGEST blog, but maybe not since you covered six ladies incredibly well!! And what a fun (and interesting!!) idea to check in with them a year down the road -- very cool!!

    Michelle said: "I don’t think writing and publication is ever going to be easy. I suspect each project will come with its own challenges, but it may get easier to face those challenges with increased experience.

    You're a VERY wise woman, girl, and sometimes it gets easier with experience ... and sometimes not. Good news? The grace of God grows along with our need. :)


  80. Checking in at lunch. I love the way writers all band together. Published - none published and all the things in between. It's one of the best things about being a writer.
    A new contest sounds like fun! I love contests. :)

  81. Lynn - I'm not on the West Coast. I just stay up too late. That's why I'm always tired. LOL

    I'm loving today, six new authors, June releases by Tina and Ruthy, and a possible new LI contest.

    Does it get any better?

  82. Thank you to Love Inspired Editor Emily Rodmell for stopping by. WOW !! Writers get those manuscripts ready!!!!!!

  83. This is so cool. Going a little fangirly seeing so many great authors in one place.

  84. I agree with Lynn. The editors of love inspired are fabulous. They want you to achieve your dreams and are willing to work with their authors.

  85. Congratulations to the debut authors! I'm looking forward to buying and reading your books! Thank you for sharing your experiences here, and thanks, Ruthy, for putting this together.

  86. Listening to sisters is clutch!!!

    I have a writing sister who writes a Nascar blog, she's a hoot and she loves what she's doing...

    I have another writing sister who thinks romance is mundane and can't stand anyone changing her work.

    And the other two don't write.

    It's such a lovely talent and such a pleasure to put words on paper!!!

  87. Julie, you brat!!!!

    I realized it was long, but it was so fun. AND THEN THE SPACING WENT CRAZY.

    In my version pre-publish, everything is perfectly aligned and all the same fonts.

    It didn't come out anything like that. I don't know what happened in the virtual translation but it wouldn't fix and finally I just took a deep breath and CLOSED THE LAPTOP.

    Mary Curry, Tina and I have your address, we'll get it to Sandra, no worries! Sometimes things get lost in translation, or sent to spam... though the thought that we might have SPAMMED the Currymeister is troubline!


  88. Mary Ellen, I think you and your sisters ROCK.

    Totally tippin' my cap to the suspense sisterhood!

  89. Congrats, ladies! What a thrill and accomplishment!

  90. Busy day of errands and appointments, but I wanted to pop in and congratulate all the Killer Voices gals! What an adventure!!! Enjoy the ride!!!

  91. Congratulations to each of you!!! I truly enjoy reading the Love Inspired lines of books. Looking forward to reading your books!

    Please include me in the drawing for the surprise! :)

  92. Congrats, Ladies! Continued Success! I love new writers and I applaud your journey! Good luck with your future writing!!

  93. Congrats to all you ladies. Fascinating how all this came about and the roller coaster y'all have been on since the call. :)

  94. Congratulations, ladies! So excited for your successes! Thanks for the tips and advice! :)

  95. Congratulations to all these ladies on your accomplishments? You are inspiration for all of us. I am wondering how many of you also have day jobs? That is the hardest thing for me because I don't feel like doing anything constructive when I get home from work.

    Mary, have you written other books under your own name? I am curious why you write under a pseudonym for this book.

    Please put my name into the cat dish! I would love to win surprises!

  96. Sandy, thanks for the congrats. I actually just got back from my day job. I work as an educational interpreter. Some days I have to force myself to sit down and write. I have even brought my laptop to my kids sports practices. I try to get in 1,000 words a day. That's without editing. Most of my editing and revising happens when the first draft is done.

  97. Julie the real reason this blog is so long is because we ladies like to TALK!!! We have formed a little group on facebook, and we chat almost daily. About anything and everything.

  98. Sandy - I have a day job. I work at a school as a paraprofessional to special needs kids. I love working for a school because it gives me the same hours as my son. I always have my weekends and evenings free. I loved the deadlines we had with the Killer Voices opportunity. I always knew I had no choice but to write unless I wanted to give up. This was the one time I wasn't going to give up, so I stuck to it and made myself write. I'm having a more difficult time now that I don't have the looming deadlines, but I know if I really want it, which I DO, I'll have to find a way to make time somewhere. Like someone said earlier, 1,000 words a day is 3 books a year. Even if you just write 500 words a day you'll get a book finished a lot faster than 0 words a day. That's what I keep telling myself anyway.

  99. Yay! Happy to see Emily stopped in! She was so patient with me on helping to make my debut story so much better. What a great first experience working with an editor.

    I'm looking forward to hearing about the new contest and hopefully celebrating successful sales of MORE new LI authors in the near future! *waves pompoms*

    Julie, thank the good Lord for that growing grace, because I suspect I'll need every ounce in the years ahead! Heehee.

  100. Congratulations to all of you! What a joy to hear your excitement in your posts! Can't wait to hold your book in my hand, Lynn!

  101. Sandy, I'm self-employed, so my day job has been to write SEO / website copy / blog posts / etc. for the past few years... it's honestly mind-numbingly dull work, but at least it's writing. That said, until last year I really struggled with spending time on fiction during the hours when I could have been working on contracts that helped pay the bills... but it became clear during the rounds of submissions for KV that I needed a balance of both. I had to give myself permission to think long-term career wise. It's always easier said than done, however.

  102. Congratulations to all the "Killer Voice" authors. I've been reading a lot of suspense lately. Now I have six more books on my TBR list.

  103. Congratulations to all the Killer Voices! I'm especially proud of our hometown girl, Lynn. :)

    Great interview!

  104. Wow, what a day to arrive late to the party! Sqqqquuuuueeeeallllll. So excited for you guys. And super excited to start reading those books. I have all the release dates and titles recorded in my 2015 tbr journal thanks to somebody's blog -- I think Mary Curry's maybe? And those April ones are coming up really soon because you can get them a month early if you order straight from Harlequin. Bouncing up and down with excitement.

  105. Computer problems at work blocked Seekerville from me on the possibly worst day it could. I wanted to celebrate during the day with the ladies since I was a participant of KV. *heavy sigh*

    it is SOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOL to read about what's been happening with them since the end of contest announcements happened. I am so looking forward to reading the books too! I'm currently muddling my way through fixing my MS, taking into account all the advice, suggestions and notes my editor gave to me.

    CONGRATS again to you ladies. Thanks for sharing with Seekerville too.

  106. Isn't the comaderie between writers epic? Kav , I saw your name pop up on my screen and I thought a message from my friend Kav. And we've never met!!

  107. I love all these new names and faces here in Seekerville!!!! Cathy, hello! Thanks for coming over to support Lynn!!!!

  108. I know I've said this before (HUSH UP, CONNEALY) but the reason I get up early and claim that 90 minutes just for writing is because I can't guarantee an hour for writing later in the day... and then I'm tired and not as creative.

    Honestly, youse know I wouldn't steer you wrong, getting that 1K (or at least 500 words, 2 pages) in each day puts me in the driver's seat.

    I can stay ahead of my contracts, my family doesn't suffer, my day job doesn't suffer....

    Think of the self-discipline it took to build America... and then grab hold of that and use it in your daily writing!

    Self-discipline and perseverance get the job done.

  109. Hi Sandy. I do have a day job. Two, in fact. I teach elementary school and then I tutor children with learning disabilities after school. I just got home.

    I do my best writing in the early morning before school. Like you, I'm beat by the time I get home. I save evenings for playing with ideas for future projects.

    As for the pseudonym, there were two reasons. First, I am a teacher and my school has strict social media guidelines. I didn't want them to impact my ability to promote my book.
    Secondly, according to my editor, LI already has quite a few Marys. She was happy to have me use something else.

    Nolan is a family name and Catherine was my confirmation name. I just shortened it to Cate to fit better on the cover (and because I liked it).

  110. I have to echo Ruthy. My only secret is 1k a day minimum - every day. If I give myself a day off, I lose momentum. If I keep at the minimum 1k a day, the writing just gets easier. It becomes habitual.

  111. Congrats to all you wonderful suspense-y writers. Love Inspired is a wonderful line to write for. Many congratulations, hugs and best wishes. Savor the moments.


  112. Lynn's debut novel/LIS and my first LIH will be on the shelf the same month you and Tina have books out, too, Ruthy? That's awesome! I'll be snapping pics for sure. :-)

  113. Gwynster!!!! YES!!!!

    Instead of "selfies", we'll be taking "SHELFIES"!!!!!

  114. Missy! I need to crash another writing party with you. Covert Justice is what I was working on that week at Lynette's!

    Vonda & Cathy THANK YOU for coming by to say Hi!! Love you both!

    DebH - Yeah for another KV! Keep working on that submission!

    Sandy - I stay home with my three littles. When the contest started my youngest had just turned 3. The deadlines were the best thing! It's a lot easier to say, "I'm so sorry, but I can't do (whatever) because I'm on a deadline." :-) It also helps that I have the most supportive husband on the planet. He would get home from work, we'd get the kids in bed, and he'd say, "Do you need to go write?" and off to Panera I'd go. :-)

  115. Keli I can't wait to read your book! I remember Emily tweeting about offering you a contract before Christmas last year. I guess I will have lots to read in June.

  116. I second what Ruthy said about getting to work on those R&Rs. Emily R. sent me one. I got to work, watched my story get better as a result of her excellent suggestions and ended up with a contract offer for my first LIH.

    And for those who might be wondering, yes, I had already had a novel published when I got that R&R from Emily R. Doesn't matter. I know I still have a lot to learn and was grateful for the opportunity.

    I hope to see more Killer Voice sales result from those R&Rs that were sent out. I'm ready to happy dance.

  117. Deb and Kav, you're not late - just in time for second shift.

    Thanks to everyone for stopping by. As soon as I get the dog walked, I'll be back to visit again.

  118. Mary Ellen and Tammy, Maybe it's because I taught Kindergarten that it bugs me! I don't always do so well on spelling, but some things stick with you ;)

  119. Becky, I think it's because we tend to pronounce it with a hard "g" instead of a "t" in that last syllable.

    I say we start a movement to say it with German accents and that will help!!!!


    I can hear Grandma Eichas saying it now! There was no thought of it being anything but a "t" leading that last syllable!

  120. Being in a roomful of 5 year olds will do it to you. I have to admit though, it's very entertaining. You never know what they are going to say or do.
    LOL Ruth - I can barely say it right without the accent.

  121. Becky, my October heroine is a kindergarten teacher who has to go into witness protection. She really misses being with her kindergartners.

  122. Tammy, Ruthy and Becky...I don't worry about how I pronounce it. As long as I can sign it, I'm doing fine:)

  123. Keli, Thanks so much for dropping by and Congrats to you on your second sale to LIH!

  124. I'm sure I missed responding personally to a whole bunch of people who visited in the middle of the day while I was preoccupied with my class of 9 year-olds.

    Thank you so much for visiting with us and for all the kind words of support.

    I can't say enough wonderful things about the editors at Harlequin and how wonderfully supportive they have been to us. I HIGHLY recommend you take Emily's advice and start planning those stories now! The hardest thing about Killer Voices was trying to finish the whole book in such a short time frame. Get a jump on it now and SEIZE THE DAY when that contest comes around.

  125. I missed a bunch, too, Mary. I snuck in some messages during passing periods, but it was sure humbling to see so many people stopping by. God is good...all the time!

  126. I had an amazing time visiting today. Thank you so much for all the encouragement and comments. Keep writing!

  127. I'm back—finally. Today was a busy day at work and my daughter's dance recital was right after. No, she is not a dancer, it was for her HS Dance for Athlete's class--quite entertaining (I'll say no more).

    Sandy, I know exactly how you feel. I have a day job and am up at 5:30 every morning then back home until about 5:30 at night. Also, I am a volunteer on a Search and rescue team, so I typically train from 7PM to midnight on Mondays and Thursdays. Aside from that I have two active teenagers, so time is scarce.

    I started to get discouraged at my inability to keep my word count goals each week, and my sister, Sara, brought me back to reality. She said smaller goals will still get me there. So I have made a small goal to write 500 words on the days I don’t train and 4000 over each weekend. It means it will take longer to finish, but it is more manageable with my schedule—the best thing about it is that if I can exceed the 500 word daily goal, I am happy at my progress rather than being disappointed that I did not meet my goal.

  128. Loved reading all the comments from these ladies! Those book covers look great, and I'm sure the stories will be amazing.
    Congrats to each of you!!
    *Special waves to Mary Curry and Dana Lynn!*
    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  129. It's been great to be here today! Thanks to everyone who stopped by! I couldn't keep up with all the comments, but I read them all. :-)

    The support and enthusiasm has been so encouraging!!


  130. Congratulations to all of the Killer Voice ladies!

    I loved reading your stories.

    Dana, one of our sons is going to be an interpreter!

  131. Stopping in for one last "thank you" to everyone who took the time to visit and comment today. Such overwhelming support is humbling and marvelous, and I hope I get to celebrate one of your successes someday (in whatever form that might be!). Thanks again so much Seekerville for hosting the KV crew!!!

    Now, back to reading & writing... but first? SLEEP. :P

  132. Congrats to all of you! Looking forward to reading your books!

  133. What a lovely day!!!! LADIES!!!!

    Keep focused! Forge ahead!

    Mary Ellen, your sister's advice was spot on. I increase my word count on weekends too, it's my gift to myself, because life happens and with your busy schedule it's a trick! Good for you!

    Can't wait to hear more from all of you! Seekerville is thrilled for your success!

  134. So encouraging to hear your about your journeys to publication! Congratulations to you all and for writing wonderful stories that keep all of us turning the pages! Blessings as you move forward!

  135. I love to see authors having fun in there work.. Some very interesting stories I enjoyed reading today.. 1/16/15 10:34 am CST.. Congratulations ladies..
    please toss me into the dish :) dkstevensneAToutlookDoTCoM

  136. Thanks, ladies, for all your replies to my question about your schedules. You are all very busy but yet don't let that keep you from writing. I need to learn from you!
