Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Weekend Edition-NO LIMITS

This is the year that Seekerville is going to challenge you to break through. 
To launch yourself. 
To step out of your comfort zone.
Welcome to NO LIMITS 2015!

We Have Winners

 Did you claim your giveaway from LAST WEEK?

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books!

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books!

Weekend Edition winners:  Winner of  a free copy of the Hope for the Holiday's Collections-one of each is LibraryPat

Winners of a Seeker holiday ebook of choice are Bonton and Mippy. Congratulations.

The RWA Golden Heart is open and the Genesis opened on January 2. Monday's guest, Love Inspired author, Carol J. Post, prepared you to be a finalist in these prestigious contests with "Nine Contest Entry Boo-boos (and how to fix them)." Donna P is the winner of  of Shattered Haven .

 Ruth Logan Herne chatted about one full year of being a hybrid author, the good, the bad, the ugly... Wait, it's really been good and she's made money and on Tuesday she shared the SECRET OF THAT..  The prize vault was OPEN. Since Ruthy was feeling magnanimous and wants to make people smile because it's CHRISTMAS, the following are the winners of their choice of ANY SEEKER e-BOOK (not just indies, but any book!) : Deb H, Mary Hicks, Mary Lawson, Elaine Manders, and Susan Lower. Tell us what book you'd like, and what e-mail to have it downloaded to!

Happy New Year. Thanks for joining our New Year's Eve Bash with an Auld Lang Syne theme. A special thanks to hosts, Ruthy, and Audra and the wee hours hosts Missy & Vince. You can see all the fun and 1,610 comments here. Winners List: (Winners also won a matching prize for a friend.)

1     The Artist Librarian   
2     Marianne Barkman   
3     Amy C   
4     Deanna Stevens   
5     Dana R. Lynn   
6     Sandy Smith   
7     Vera Godley   
8     Kim Amundsen   
9     Caryl Kane   
10   Jamie Adams    

11    Missy Shay   
12    Jeanne T   
13    Bonton   
14    Cindy W.   
15    Mary Curry   
16   Kelly Bridgewater  & Kandi

17   Cindy Regnier    

Winner of a Kindle HD is Rhonda Starnes!

  Friday was the January 2015 Contest Update. Anna Weaver Hurtt was our January Diva. The winner of a Seeker BOC is Heidi and the winner of a print copy of Woe is Sherida. Critique winners are Natalie, Anna, Mark & Courtney. Send those pages asap-must have them by Saturday night.

Next Week in Seekerville

We must comment on this week's line up because besides our Seekerville hostess Ruthy, we have the honor of welcoming some super guests! So do not miss a single day. If you must, then sign up to get Seekerville sent to your inbox!

Monday:  Seekerville has a huge surprise today and we're all holding our breaths with excitement. (Thus the cold snap in most of the US this weekend!)

We have one of the authors of MY ONE WORD, Rachel Olsen as our special guest. So be prepared to share your MY ONE WORD..and we are giving away FOUR copies of MY ONE WORD the book, in print or ebook to four commenters. Share the above jpg on your blog or share on FB and email us to let us know you did and we'll enter your name for a FIFTH copy. Email us if you have problems copying the image.

Tuesday: Seekerville is delighted to welcome back one of our favorite Love Inspired authors, Allie Pleiter. If you haven't checked out her Gordon Falls series you are missing some great reading. Allie is also a 2015 RT Award DOUBLE Nominee. Today she'll be sharing with her post, "Secondary Characters That Steal Your Heart but Not the Show." 

Wednesday: Today we welcome Jennifer A Davids to Seekerville. Jennifer connected with several Seekers at ACFW St. Louis and we are delighted to have her visit us as a guest with her post, "Once Upon a Process or  How I Learned to Translate the Voices in My Head." Stop by for a chat and a chance to win an e-copy of Buckeye Dreams.

Thursday: Ruth Logan Herne is taking a request from her buddy Keli Gwyn today, to talk about writing children, the good, the bad and the ugly. Anyone WITH children knows when you have no clue what you're talking about and writing today's family life inaccurately tells the reader you're either old... very old.... or mostly dead. None of these are good scenarios for writing families/children/babies! Stop by and Ruhty will happily chat about methods to make your younger people seem as real as your hero and heroine. And with two novellas due out in the next few weeks, Ruthy's got some stories to be giving away!

Friday: We're very excited to welcome award-winning, WaterBrook Press author Katie Ganshert to Seekerville with her post "The Heart of the Matter: Discovering Your Character’s True Desire." Stop by to chat with Katie!

Seeker Sightings

Congratulations to the Swoony Award winners, including Mary Connealy's Tried & True!  
Random News & Information

This just in via email: The Published Maggies are open! The Unpublished Maggies open January 15. And check out the Inspy category. Inspirational Romance-Stephanie Broene-Senior Acquisitions Editor, Tyndale. ENTER~ENTER-ENTER~~NO LIMITS. (We haven't seen Tyndale judging contests in years!!  See the No Limits thought for the week!)

The rest of the January Contest Update can be found here. 

It's time for the CopyBlogger Ten Steps to Becoming a Better Writer pdf

16 Thoughts for Authors/Publishing for 2015- aka Winners Don’t Quit! (Write on the River)

Free Printables for Writing Your Next Novel (Tricia Goyer)

Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge: #16 Babe by Dick King-Smith (Going Down Swinging)

Infographic: Top Social Sharing Trends in 2014 (Media Shift)

Some Authors KO’d by Amazon’s New KU Program (GalleyCat)

The Power of Words, to Build or to Tear Down (PW)

Kindle Unlimited, the Content Glut, and the New eBook Market (The Digital Reader)

 What Are the Guidelines for Formatting a Manuscript? (WD)

How to Improve Your Fiction Marketing Through Peer Collaboration: 11 Quotes From the Experts (The Book Designer)

Kindle Unlimited: 3 Months In Review (Tracing the Stars)

No Limits Thought for the Week


  1. The limitless coffee pot is brewing!!!

    Thanks for another GREAT WE!!

    Not back to read some more of those links.

  2. Tonight while I was working at my mall job, I thought about my goals for writing for the new year. I am excited to get going.

  3. Wow! No. Make that WOW! What a great lineup of posts are coming up in the week ahead. I'm looking forward to them.

    I'm glad to see that Ruthy took my hint and is gonna be talking about kids. She's certainly got the experience. If you haven't seen her cute kids posts on Facebock, you're missing out. She loves on 'em and feeds 'em yummy looking treats. Can't wait to read this post. I'm sure to learn lots.

    Love the new motto!

  4. Oh, and if you haven't met Katie Ganshert, you're in for a real treat. She's AWESOME! She's also tall. I know 'cause I've been privileged to meet my agent mate in person at ACFW. I really look up to Katie--literally as well as figuratively. =)

  5. Congratulations to all the winners last week!

    Thank you for all the links! I downloaded Tricia Goyer's worksheets and quite a few others. I can always use help from people who have been there and done that. Smile.

    Blessings to all throughout the week.

    Cindy W.

  6. I love the No Limits motto!

    I have my one word for this year, but I'll wait and share it on Monday.

    Congratulations to all of the winners.

    I'm excited to spend time with Mary C today at our writer's holiday luncheon.

  7. Great week coming up!!!! SO EXCITED!!

  8. Thanks for all the great links. I'm looking forward to the week ahead.

    I posted the One Word book on my FB author page. I hope it helps get the word out.

    Tina, I will enter Great Expectations before I get out of my jammies today.

    Have a great weekend everybody!

  9. Great WE Tina.

    And what a line up of winners. Great way to start the new year. YAY!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend. I for one am enjoying getting back to my routine. I love Christmas and the season, but it does wear me out. In a good way. smile

    Happy new year everyone.

  10. Another great week behind us. Wasn't that a party! And this We and the coming week....everything's better at Seekerville, cause there's no limit! Have a great one. Thanks TINA.

  11. Congratulations, winners! Myself included.:-) Ruthy, you generous girl, Thank you!

    I'm looking forward to the exciting line-up for the week ahead.

  12. HAPPY NEW YEAR, ALL, and great WE, Teenster!!

    SUPER CONGRATS to all our winners and especially to MARY CONNEALY for winning in the Swoony Awards -- you ROCK, girlfriend!!

    Tina, Especially liked the article on KU since I'm in that program with ALITW. I'd heard some negatives about, so it was good to get a closer look in that article.


  13. Yay, after reading the WE I got that song "Happy" (sorry, I don't know who it's by) playing in my head.

    So many winners. Congrats to all. I won a Ruthy book. I already have a lot of Ruthy books, but none historical yet. Can't wait.

    I wasn't disappointed to not win the Kindle. I already have two Kindles, one a Fire.

    2015 is going to be the best year yet in so many ways.

  14. Wow, Tina, another great WE lineup!

    I'm wondering now how many of us will settle on NO LIMITS as our One Word.

    Wait, that's two words!

    And look at me!!! I made it to Seekerville early (for me!) on a Saturday!

    Except now it's off to do boring stuff like pay bills and clean.

    Oh, and in a weak pre-Christmas moment I volunteered to lead our adult Sunday school class tomorrow. So now I need to prepare the lesson. That should wipe out the rest of the day!

  15. Elaine, you Kindle-holic, you. How many books on each? Or do they share the same books? That's it, duh on me.

  16. Speaking of No Limits…

    I just read, “Her Holiday Family”, which has one of the most loveable yet feisty heroines ever (Tina) and an ultra alpha hero who is as tender to his loved ones as a downy-soft teddy bear. I think at this point it has become very clear that it is Ruth’s talent that has no limits!

    To wit: hospice, unwed mothers, sympathetic characters dying left and right, breast cancer heroines -- whatever! Ruth keeps turning the impossible into the amazing! Any Seeker friend -- I’m confident -- will get twice the enjoyment from reading “Her Holiday Family”! I’m so happy that this book jumped the line to go right to the top of my TBR pile! : )

    Looking forward to ONE WORD!

    I have my ONE WORD selected and I’ve starting applying it already. It will help me make very useful changes in 2015! Yesterday’s efforts have already paid off today.

    What do you think if we started giving our 'one words' on this cold, slow, sleepy weekend? Why should we limit it to just Monday?

    BTW: I just love what Franklin Graham had to say about “One Word”:

    “My One Word” [the book] is a refreshing approach to New Year’s resolutions, replacing unrealistic goals with the desire to become a more committed disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. I commend Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen for focusing the reader’s mind on the only true Word that can change a resolution into a reality.”

    I just love the way he thinks!

    One word suggestions for “No Limits”:

    Limitless, unbounded, unlimited, boundless, infinite, unrestriced

    Now I have to check into just how ‘Swoony,’ "Tried & True,” really is. I usually read Mary for the explosions and shootings and Julie for the swoonings. It is nice to have a Connealy “Swoon Alert”! I'm ready.

  17. Great WE!

    And I love the motto for the year :)

    Looking forward to the next week of posts. Thank you, Seekerville!

  18. Congratulations to ALL the winners....what a week! I REALLY need the Woe is I book....Yay!

    Next week looks great. I have my ONE WORD selected, but I'm not sure if it's auspicious enough for the Monday guest. Wow!

    I put the ONE WORD image on my BLOG and on my FACEBOOK author page inviting all to visit Seekerville! Thanks for the extra chance to win the book!

    Thanks for the NO LIMITS encouragement! Happy writing and/or reading to all of SEEKERVILLE!

  19. And CONGRATULATIONS to Mary! I'm reading her contemporary Hope for the Holidays right now....yes, swoon worthy!

    Now to print the SIGN! Yes, PERFECT...I needed a sign! :)

  20. Another great WE edition that I'm getting to rather late in the day. The wind is a howling indicating that blizzard has finally hit us -- lovely mix of now and freezing rain for two whole days. Time to hunker down and finish up some of those articles and get back to work. Happy third day of the New Year everyone.

  21. No Limit to the good things that will happen this year!

    Thanks, Tina, for providing the Two Words for 2015!

    Still praying about my one word. I have many, but haven't heard from the Big Guy yet! :)

    The Maggies are open! Must enter. Love that contest...GRW is my home chapter so I'm a bit prejudiced, but still, the Maggie is one to win! :)

    Cold and wet in least, it's rain and not snow! Stay safe, everyone, especially those caught in winter storms.

  22. Congratulations, winners!

    Courtney! So excited to see we won critiques!

    I think I may have forgotten to say it yesterday, but congrats on being January's Contest Diva, Anna! :)

    Now to explore those fun links...


    This is my kind of Seeker fun, get in the driver's seat and get 'er done! Go for the gold. Go big or stay home!

    NO LIMITS!!!

    Oh, happy dancing in upstate in the freezing rain!!!!

  24. Oh, VINCE!!!! You Just Made My Day!!!!

    I'm so glad you liked it!!! I love Tina and Max's story, and isn't she like the spunkiest TEEEEEENA character?

    Not that she resembles anyone... :) And the family stuff isn't (TRULY!!!) modeled on anyone, just a typical dysfunctional I'M NEVER TALKING TO YOU AGAIN FAMILY.


    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


  25. Kav... freezing rain here, too.

    A customer just came to pick up firewood and it was ridiculously cold, harsh, wet, freezing conditions!


    God bless him, he loaded it himself! And now I'm back inside, working on Drew and Kimberly's story and I'm at a part that brings tears...

    Tissues handy.

    STUPID PEOPLE, why don't they just do the right thing from the beginning?????



    Because then there'd be no book!


    I'm loving this wedding trilogy. Sigh. Smiling...

  26. GREAT WE, as always, Miss T!
    LOVE the NO LIMITS motto - - will apply that to my writing (AND to my infamous butler's pantry - - this is the year I will FINALLY declutter that closet). ;)
    Congrats to all the winners, and looking forward to reading the awesome posts this coming week.
    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  27. Keli Gwyn, this isn't the first time you've inspired me...

    I love that pic of you and Gwynly in Placerville.

    So stinkin' sweet.

  28. Wow, I'm excited about all these winners! Times two!! Mega congrats all!!

    And thrilled about Monday's guest! I have my One Word ready to share. So much better than a long list of resolutions.

    Tina, thanks for the excellent Weekend Edition and our inspiring NO LIMITS theme for 2015. What great encouragement to make it a terrific year!


  29. Congratulations to all of the winners! I have my one word picked. I can't wait for the post on Monday.
    Thanks for all of the great links, Tina!

  30. Congratulations to ALL YOU WINNERS!

    So many good links, Tina. And I'm especially looking forward to the post about secondary characters. Sometimes the only way I can appease secondary characters is to give them their own story.

    Go contest entrants!

    Nancy C

  31. I'M BACK!!!! I've been gone since New Year's Day having a late Christmas with my husband's family and attending my niece's wedding. So much fun!!

    And now look at all these great links! Thanks, Tina!

  32. Keli, you're right about Katie. She's tall and GORGEOUS!

  33. BTW, since we were partying here on NYE, and we left town on Jan. 1, I haven't been able to reflect on my One Word. I really look forward to tomorrow but must be thinking tonight!

  34. I love My One Word.

    I went into last week knowing mine because it's a really great self-focus for me.

    Can't wait for tomorrow, but I had such a fun writing day today! I love quiet writing days SO MUCH!!!!

  35. Love the "If you're waiting for a sign, this is it." meme.

    Much like the "Here's your sign" campaign! lol

    Great WE and, MARY, congrats on the Swoony awards nod! :)

  36. I'very been away for a while. Life. But enjoyed Ruthy's post and it sounds like a great week to return. Happy New Year!
