Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Weekend Edition

We Have Winners

 Did you claim your giveaway from LAST WEEK?

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books!

Monday we had one of the authors of MY ONE WORD, Rachel Olsen as our special guest. The winners of FOUR copies of MY ONE WORD the book, in print or ebook are: Leslie McKee, Jennifer Smith, Meghan Carver and Paula Mowrey  The fifth winner who shared our graphic on social media is Karen Johnson. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO SHARED!
A copy of the MY ONE WORD DVD Study
A MY ONE WORD Coaching Program Level One Membership - See more at:

BONUS! Rachel generously added two more giveaways!

Winner of a copy of the MY ONE WORD DVD Study is Jeanne T.
Winner of the MY ONE WORD Coaching Program Level One Membership is Jackie Layton.

 On Tuesday Seekerville was delighted to welcome back one of our favorite Love Inspired authors, Allie Pleiter. If you haven't checked out her Gordon Falls series you are missing some great reading. Allie is also a 2015 RT Award DOUBLE Nominee. Today she'll be sharing with her post, "Secondary Characters That Steal Your Heart but Not the Show." Winner of a print  copy of Small Town Fireman is Carolyn Chambers Clark.

We  we welcome Jennifer A Davids to Seekerville on Wednesday. Jennifer share her post, "Once Upon a Process or  How I Learned to Translate the Voices in My Head."Cindy W is the winner of an e-copy of Buckeye Dreams.

 Ruth Logan Herne took  a request from her buddy Keli Gwyn on Thursday, to talk about writing children, the good, the bad and the ugly. Winners pulled out of the cat dish for any Ruthy Love Inspired book of their choice (paperback or e-copy!!!) OR... for Ruthy's upcoming Zondervan novella "All Dressed Up in Love" these names were drawn! (forgive the milk stains!!!) are Kara Isaac, Cynthia Herron, Jackie, Elizabeth Van Tassel and Nancy C. Congratulations, ladies! And with the "Best Romance Hero Type Thing To Say About My Wife Award." for a book of his choice, the winner is : WALT!!!!

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday:  Join Missy Tippens as she explores our 2015 Seekerville theme of No Limits. Drop by as she helps us find what limits us and then explores ways to overcome. Let 2015 be YOUR YEAR!

Tuesday:Today, Myra Johnson takes us on a virtual tour of the Biltmore Estate, which she and her husband visited over the Christmas holidays. What does touring the Asheville, NC, version of Downton Abbey have to do with writing? Myra will tie it all together brilliantly (naturally!) in her post "It's All in the Details." One lucky commenter could win a copy of The Heart and Craft of Writing Compelling Description, by Sharon Lippincott.

Wednesday: For most of us, the new year is a time of reflection on where we’ve been and where we want to go—in our life and in our writing. Join Julie Lessman as she reflects (i.e. rambles) on what it means for her to be a Christian author in her blog post, "LOVE AFFAIR 2015: A Christian Romance Author’s Rambling on Life, Love, and Writing,” where you’ll also have the opportunity to win a signed copy of one of her books. 

Thursday: SNEAK PREVIEW THURSDAY!!! Join Seekerville as we welcome "KILLER VOICES" debut authors into the village to chat about the contest, the contracts, edits, deadlines, revisions, excitement and champagne! We're opening the prize vault on this one to welcome our about-to-be published author buds! Stop by and give these gals a warm welcome and a round of applause!

Friday:  Audra Harders shares writing tips she's garnered from watching this season of The Voice. Who doesn't love the banter between Adam Levine and Blake Shelton? Add Gwen Stefani and Pharrell Williams into the mix and you've got a great blend of music, humor and professional critiques that can be applied to all facets of art...even fiction writing!

Seeker Sightings

Sandra Leesmith will be signing books Saturday, January 10th at the Front Porch Festival & Farmers Marketplace, 7142 N 58th Drive, Glendale AZ.  The Glendale Glitter and Glow Festival is featuring the light display and hot air balloons. Come see all the fun and while there, drop by and say "hi"

On sale this week, Ruthy's 5-star rated indie novel "Try, Try Again"... priced at .99 until January 15, this beautiful story of hope, heart and forgiveness is marriage reunion at its best! "When a homeless derelict saves a wealthy corporate lawyer from ending it all on a cold, rain-swept Christmas Eve, his kindness helps a man, a city and maybe... just maybe... a marriage."

Random News & Information

  2015 RWA Golden Heart® Contest is open as of December 2, 2014. Entered works and related contest fees must be submitted to RWA's contest site by the deadline of January 12, 2015: The Golden Heart contest is open to 1,200 paid entries. Once again Seekerville is offering two entrants in the inspirational category a refund of their entry fee. The goal is to keep that category open. Once you enter, submit proof of entry to Share this information with your writer friends. Winners will be announced once RWA announces that the category made it. 

Stirring Higher Emotions (Writer Unboxed) 

Bite Me (Fall into the Story -The official blog for Nora Roberts and J.D. Robb readers)

 Writing And Creative Entrepreneur Goals For 2015 (The Creative Penn)

  Word Count for Novels and Children’s Books: The Definitive Post (WD)

 Platform Building for Authors [30-Minute Video Interview] (Jane Friedman)

Top 7 Ways Authors Are Using Instagram (The Book Designer)

The prolific author: how many words per hour can you write? (The BookBaby Blog)

It’s 2015 — Believe Anything Can Happen in Your Writing Life (WD)  Let us know if you like this article and we'll put your name in the hat for a PRINT copy of Write Away: A Year of Musings and Motivations for Writers by Kerrie Flanagan and Jenny Sundstedt.

No Limits Thought for the Week:

“The only limitations one has are the ones they place on themselves.” -Muhammad Ali


  1. Happy Weekend, Seekerville. Congrats to all the winners.

    I'm so looking forward to our Killer Voices post on Thursday.

  2. Awesome week! And another one to look forward to! Congratulations to all the winners! Great picture Sandra! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  3. Yeah - it's the weekend! I'm sleeping in Tomorrow!

    The verdict is still out about that article and jacket wobbly. I think I'll stick with my one word - focus.

    Mary - I'm hyped about you Killer Voices visiting Seekerville! I want your secrets. Wink, wink.

  4. What a wonderful week it was, and there are more great posts coming up in the week ahead. Yay!

    Congratulations to all the winners!

  5. Love the Ali comment! I totally agree!

    Leave the dust...

    Write the story.


    We're so excited to be hosting youse!!!!

    OH MY STARS, WHAT A WONDERFUL THING!!!! And that contest gave a lot of folks a chance to R AND R!!!!

    That's REVISE AND RESUBMIT for folks who are wondering what a military term is doing here! And I hope everyone who was offered that chance has hiked up those big girl panties and gotten it done. And if you haven't????

    GO DO IT!!!! NO LIMITS!!!!!

    We are only limited by our own fear and self-doubt.

    "I just stick up my chin! And grin! And SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!... The sun'll come out tomorrow!!!!!"

    Let's all be Annies, the NO-LIMITS CREW!!!!!

  7. Seriously have to agree with Ruthy, and you know that means it must be important if we agree.

    Open doors, folks. If you are given an open door to revise and it.

    First priority. Before TV. Before movies. Before frittering around. Before READING.

    Revise. Submit.

  8. Imagine tiny, tiny print....

    Tina agreed with me?????



    Then clearly you should do it!!!!

  9. Thanks for a great weekend, and congrats to all the winners.

    I love Instagram, and I think the college kids and older like it a lot, too.

    I appreciate the great links. Have a great day!

  10. Congratulations to all of this weeks winners.

  11. Congratulations winners!! :-)

    Great WE, Tina. Thanks again! I've already gotten lost in one of the articles—finishing the others this afternoon at tea time.

    Good line up for next week.:-)

  12. Awww, Terri, thanks for the enthusiasm.

    I'm going to DITTO Ruthy and Tina on the R&Rs. I just read a fabulous interview yesterday with Heather Woodhaven about how she turned her R&R into a sale.

    Okay, off to get in my words. Cause that's my only secret. Words. Every day.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The fancy link didn't work for some reason, but if you cut and paste that link, you'll find Heather's story.

  15. Great weekend edition again Teenster

    Congrats to all the winners.

    And yay. Killer Voices to look forward to.

  16. Okay, okay, I do tend to fritter. I'm listening.

    Well, I do need to play my pickleball. For my health don't ya know. Does that sound like a good excuse?

    Okay, okay I'm going to plant my behind in the chair and start typing. sigh But I love that too so not too hard to convince me. smile

  17. Thanks for the compliment Eva Marie. It is always fun to do the craft fairs. I love meeting and talking to readers.

    And it is for promotion so that doesn't count as frittering.

    Does it?

  18. /waving/ from the Lurker of Late... :D

    Congrats to the winners and Happy 2015 to all! So I'm on record, my One Word is Discipline...

    At least, I'm aspiring to it in several aspects of my life!

    Sandra, wish we could be with you at the fair. Know you're having a good time. We love doing fairs though they're a LOT of work...

    Happy writing and reading all. Great WE as usual, Tina!

  19. I always love checking in on the weekends to see all the interesting links you come up with, Tina! Must come back later when I have more time to check these out!

    And wow, what an exciting week we having coming up! NO LIMITS on the inspiration, enlightenment, and downright good FUN we can always anticipate in Seekerville!

  20. SANDRA, I'm envious of you getting to play pickleball! My doc told me to lay off for a few weeks until I get some back problems under control--or else learn to play left-handed so I twist my body the opposite direction!!!

    Playing left-handed is sounding better all the time!

    In fact, there are a few guys at our center who never hit backhanded, just switch their paddles to the other hand. I have NO IDEA how they do this quickly without dropping the paddles!!!

  21. Love the WE!

    Love "NO LIMITS!"

    Love the WD article about picking 6 impossible things for the New Year. I'm coming up with my 6 today. Should be fun! Who knows what will happen in 2015!

    Congrats to our winners. Looking forward to the week ahead.

    Can't wait for the Killer Voices blog. So proud of all who took part!

    Agreeing with Ruthy on R&R!

  22. Thanks for the Weekend Edition, Tina! Excellent quote from Mohammed Ali.

    Congratulations to our winners! Looking forward to the week ahead.

    What a year 2015 can be if we claim No Limits. If we think big. If we believe and reach for the brass ring.


  23. looking forward to the Killer Voices day.
    now... back to my R and R...

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Awww Myra. Tough break Although hubby fell one time and dislocated his right hand fingers. He so wanted to play pickleball that he did learn to play left handed. When there is a will there is a way. chuckle

    And I know what you mean about switching hands. It always floors me when I watch them do that. I can't think that fast. LOL

    We are having a pickleball rodeo next Thursday and you have to serve the ball through a hula hoop. Another activity is dinking with one paddle per team so you have to pass the paddle to partner to hit next dink. This ought to be a hoot.

  26. Thanks for the WE wiith the links and the "no limits" prompt for 2015. Congratulations to the winners. Haven't commented much recently. Still, I'm reading the blog and posting to my FB page. Looking forward to reading next week's lineup.
    Hope Myra's hand is much better soon. Wonderful weekend to all.

  27. Great WE. I read it earlier and then realized my comments didn't go through.

    Looking forward to next week and I need to go read that 6 impossible things article. Sounds like a good challenge! :)


    I'm so proud of you!

    And I love your attitude: "The only secret I have is words. On a page. Every day."

    No one buys a blank page.

  29. Sandra, it counts as frittering, darling, if you're not getting in 1K/day.


    Your Meany Pants Friend

  30. Go for it, Deb. H... No guts, no glory.

    Who knows how often an opportunity like this might come our way????

    Sometimes it's only once.

  31. Pat Jeanne, thank you for posting to facebook! Those shares mean so much to us!

    And the stats tell us lots of folks come by and most don't talk, but that's okay...

    We know they're with us in spirit and figuring how they can go "NO LIMITS" in 2015.

    Go, us!

  32. Mary - I read Heather's post yesterday. Loved it! Really got me hyped.

  33. Oh my goodness. I got by here this morning and somehow got so sidetracked with the links that I never left a comment! LOL

    Hope you're all having a great weekend!

  34. Mary Curry, we're excited to have y'all!

  35. I haven't been checking in much this week, but have been checking up later.

    Toss my name into the dish for the print copy of the writing book please. I've never seen Alice in Wonderland! I really need to watch it sometime.

  36. And the article on how many words we can write in an hour is such a good reminder. Ruthy always come to my mind. If I'm on a roll 1K/hr is not unrealistic but too many times I have too much down causing me to go back and reread previous sections slowing down my pace.

    Thanks for the links Tina.

  37. The world of pickle ball.

  38. Thanks for the Heather link, Mary.

    Very encouraging!

    YOU R & R people know who you are.

  39. My name was drawn from the cat dish! I won a Ruthy book! Thank you, thank you! I'm ready to read "All Dressed Up in Love" as soon as it's available.

    Congratulations to all the winners -- and how cool that Walt won that special prize.

    Interesting WE links, Tina, especially the post at Nora Roberts' blog. And a fine quote from Ali.

    Nancy C

  40. Congrats, winners!

    Loved the article about believing in impossible things and especially the reference to Alice in Wonderland. Love that. Write Away looks like a fun/encouraging book.

    And I'm going to have the song "Tomorrow" stuck in my head for a week now. (Thanks, Ruthy and Tina. :D ) But seriously, y'all's admonishment and encouragement to keep at it with the R & R helps so much! Writing before reading? Yep, that hurts, but I guess it's necessary. I'll have plenty of waiting-time to read after I submit. :)

    Great WE!!!
