Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Weekend Edition

Hope you're keeping warm out there. 
We bring you another Weekend Edition with a few surprises!

Did you claim your giveaway from LAST WEEK?

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books!

The Weekend Edition winner of a PRINT copy of Write Away: A Year of Musings and Motivations for Writers by Kerrie Flanagan and Jenny Sundstedt is Connie Queen.

Monday Missy Tippens  discussed our 2015 Seekerville theme of No Limits and helped us find what limits us and explore ways to overcome. The winners of a gentle five page critique are Becky, Janda-Anne, Stephanie Queen Ludwig & Jana Vanderslice.

On Tuesday, Myra Johnson took us on a virtual tour of the Biltmore Estate, which she and her husband visited over the Christmas holidays. What does touring the Asheville, NC, version of Downton Abbey have to do with writing? Myra tied all together brilliantly (naturally!) in her post "It's All in the Details." Winner of The Heart and Craft of Writing Compelling Description, by Sharon Lippincott is Kimberly Reilly.

For most of us, the new year is a time of reflection on where we’ve been and where we want to go—in our life and in our writing. Wednesday, Julie Lessman reflected on what it means for her to be a Christian author in her blog post, "LOVE AFFAIR 2015: A Christian Romance Author’s Rambling on Life, Love, and Writing.”  hopetolerdougherty  is the winner of a signed copy of one of Julie's books. 

Thursday,  Seekerville welcomed "KILLER VOICES" debut authors into the village to chat about the contest, the contracts, edits, deadlines, revisions, excitement and champagne! Surprise package winners are: Jana Vanderslice and Vonda Skelton!

 Audra Harders shared writing tips she's garnered from watching this season of The Voice on Friday. Who doesn't love the banter between Adam Levine and Blake Shelton? Add Gwen Stefani and Pharrell Williams into the mix and you've got a great blend of music, humor and professional critiques that can be applied to all facets of art...even fiction writing! Winners of an e version of Rivet Your Readers with Deep Point of View by Jill Elizabeth Nelson are Jan Christiansen, Sandy Smith, and Cindy W.

 Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: When is my manuscript done? Seekerville welcomes back Ruth Kaufman who will share tips when she blogs with us on Monday.  Come by and leave a comment for a chance to win an e copy of the inspirational version of At His Command.

Tuesday: We're delighted to welcome Love Inspired Historical author and Indie author, Naomi Rawlings back to Seekerville with her post, "Using Real Life Trials to Grow our Writing." And...she's giving away a copy of her latest release, Falling for the Enemy.

Wednesday: Today, award-winning author, Debby Giusti, will  be talking about finding writing success, even without publication, in her post entitled, "For Writers: When Less is More." Mark the day on your calendar. Stop by to chat, and leave a comment to be entered in the drawing.

Thursday: Bethany House author Anne Mateer will bring us a special post, "Turning Truth into Fiction." She'll share with us how to turn the true story of a person or an event, whether historical or contemporary, into a novel. Be sure to join us!

Friday: Seeker Tina Radcliffe sat next to an amazing woman on the flight back from the ACFW conference-Elizabeth Van Tassel. Today she's our guest blogger with her post,"The Power Of The Right Turn." Be sure to stop by to meet her and you might win a very nice giveaway too!

Seeker Sightings

Debby Giusti's lastest release is available for preorder in digital or print format on Amazon.


Amish Country Refuge

Colleen Brennan has one goal—take down her sister’s killer.  But chasing after evidence leaves her in the path of a tornado and stranded in an Amish community. With the killer nearby, Colleen must depend on the kindness of Special Agent Frank Gallagher. Although the army officer is recuperating from a battlefield injury, he wants to help the beautiful woman he rescued from the tornado’s fury. He can tell she’s hiding something important. But getting her to reveal her secrets may be his most dangerous mission ever.


Homestead Brides with THREE Seekers in the collection of nine novellas, releases February 1. To celebrate we are giving away THREE copies to three lucky commenters this weekend. BUT YOU HAVE TO TELL US YOU WANT IT! Lots of other great authors are included in this collection. You can purchase it here.

 Winner announced in the next Weekend Ed.

Check out RT reviewer and Seeker pal, Leslie McKee's article covering the 2014 ACFW conference in the February RT Book Reviews Magazine. See the ACFW Carol Award winners, including Tina Radcliffe and many Seeker friends.

 What a fun article. If you haven't read Tina's Carol Award winning book, Mending the Doctor's Heart let us know in the comments and you might win a copy.

 Winners announced in the next Weekend Ed.

Random News & Information

Thank you to my friends for the links they sent in!

 Once again Seekerville is offering two entrants in the inspirational category of the RWA Golden Heart a refund of their entry fee. The goal is to keep that category open. Once you enter, submit proof of entry to Share this information with your writer friends. Winners will be announced once RWA announces that the category made it. Deadline to turn your proof of submission in to Seekerville is SUNDAY, JANUARY 18th.

5 Daily Routines Of History’s Greatest Artists (Business Insider)

 Your Beautiful Rowdy Story (Novel Rocket)

 Library of Congress Conference on Romance

  Research Questions for Developing a Persona (ModarUniversity)

If you're in the Phoenix area don't miss the CWOW (Christian Writers of the West) mini conference on January 24th with Agent Karen Ball. Details here.

How To Grow Your Fiction Email List Subscribers. My Own Case Study (the Creative Penn)

Authors: Plan Your Marketing with a Content Calendar (The Book Designer)

Business Musings: The Rise of The Backlist (Kristine Kathryn Rusch)

Did you visit Seekerville Thursday and meet the Killer Voice Debut Authors? Hope you caught the comment by Love Inspired Editor Emily Rodmell. Check it out here and get those manuscripts ready!

The No Limits Quote of the Week is:


  1. Love the Weekend Edition! I would love to be entered in the drawing for Homestead Brides. This could be my reword for finishing the story I'm working on? Thanks for a great place to mingle and get lots of writing advice, support, and encouragement. Happy Weekend! Now back to the regularly scheduled program of my writing.

  2. SALLLLLLLY!!! Good for you!

    You are in! Finish that book!

  3. Thank you, Tina! Yes, ma'am. See, encouragement. Just what I needed. Now on to the next scene...and the next one, and the next one. :)

  4. Congratulations to all the winners! Hope everyone has a great writing weekend!

  5. I want it! :) Put me in the hat for the Homestead Brides Collection! Novellas are so fun. Congrats winners and looking forward to next week!!!

  6. Please put my name in for the novella collection. :) Congrats to the winners!


    I love to hang mini-mittens on my Christmas tree because that's what Northern girls do! :)

    Tina, what a great WE! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  8. And everyone who is serious about writing, life, love, careers, about anything... should go read that first link about the 5 habits....


    Do them.

    The rest will take care of itself.

  9. Tina,

    Thanks for another great WE!

    Sally, congrats on finishing your story, and congrats to all this week's winners.

    I hope you all have a great day!

  10. Love the quote of the week!

    Congratulations to all the winners.

    Wasn't it fun to have an 'editor in the house' on Seekerville this week?

  11. Great weekend edition. Love all the mittens too, but I need a nose warmer. I think I'm part reindeer in the winter and my nose is always cold. Could be the fact that more cold air is coming inside my house than warm air. :-)

    Bwahahahahahaha -- technology is making us dumber. Liked that 5 tips article just for that line. I'm going to use it when I go back to work.

    Loving this no limits year and this week's no limits quote. Woot! Means I'm not late then. :-)

  12. I want it! I'd love to win a copy of Homestead Brides. Congrats to other winners this week.

  13. Kav, my nose is cold, too! I think that means we live in the north and we have BIG NOSES, LOL!!!

    We can form a club!

    Rose, I love it when the editors stop in! And here's a word to the wise. They stop in often, but rarely comment which is why I almost always behave myself.


  14. I love the quote, "Success has no time limit", to me that equals never give up!

    Please enter me in the drawing for the Homestead collection. I'd love to read it!

  15. Great Weekend! Thanks Tina. Grabbing all those mittens off the line for fingers and toes. ;-)

    Congrats to our winners!

    Looking forward to the week ahead! And Debby's new release!

    Off to watch grandkids in a tennis tournament. Indoors of course. LOL

    Happy Weekend all!

  16. Happy Saturday, Seekerville.

    I love all day writing days!!!

    Hitting the keyboard in my jammies.

  17. Is it Saturday already???? Congrats to our weekly winners! Another great WE, TINA, and thanks for reminding us there are NO TIME LIMITS ON SUCCESS!

    JANET, hope you have fun at the tennis tournament--and YAY that it's indoors!

    Although right now I am looking out my window at an incredibly clear blue sky! Weatherman says we're in for a warming trend into next week, and I am BEYOND THRILLED!!!!!!!

  18. Tina, bumping knuckles with you!

    All Day Writing Days Rock!!!!!!

    Here's Lookin' At You, Kid!

  19. Tracey, that's how I see it too. And you know, this business is as strange as it gets, but oh my stars, how blessed are we to live in a time when we can carve the niche of our own career????


  20. Great WE!

    Congratulations, winners!!

    Looking forward to my WE reading at afternoon tea break. :-))

  21. Another wonderful Weekend edition. congrats to all the winners. I would love a copy of Homestead Brides. Plus I have not read Mending the Doctor's Heart.

    Today I am hoping to finish putting away all the Christmas decorations as well as do some writing and reading.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  22. Yes - I definitely WANT that Homestead Brides Collection. Thank you for the encouragement that I always find on Seekerville. I got an email from my agent which I'm struggling with. Anybody have any ideas on how to build platform BEFORE I have a published book to build platform on? Seems like one of those chicken/egg kind of things.

  23. Love seeing Tina in RT! Woot!

    Looking good, Ms. Radcliffe!

    Congrats to last week's winners.

    Mary Hicks, taking an afternoon tea break sounds delightful. Reading while sipping makes it even more relaxing. I should learn from you. Usually I stay on the run during the day. Love that you have a built in quiet time.

  24. I would love to win the "Homestead Brides" book, I love these and have many in my collection.It's great to have a variety of stories by many great authors in one book. Thank you so much for offering this as a giveaway!


  25. Cindy, there are lots of ideas! Make sure you have a website that reflects the kind of stories you write... Happy/thoughtful/romantic/dark/thriller/mystery, etc.

    Then create a presence on Twitter and facebook.

    Drop in to chat EVERYWHERE you might have potential readers. It's so much easier to convince a publisher to launch you if you have at least the beginnings of a launch pad! And then when that wonderful phone call comes, you've got a spot to build from!

  26. What a great week it was in Seekerville. I especially enjoyed celebrating with the Killer Voices debut authors. I'm so happy for each of them.

    What wonderful posts you have coming up. It's fun to see that my fellow LIH author Naomi Rawlings will be blogging as well as my Cup of Christmas Cheer buddy Anne Mateer. Talk about awesome ladies! I look forward to all the posts. I'm ready to learn a lot. I'm sure I'll laugh a lot, too, since Seekerville is such a fun place.

    I love historical romance, so please enter me in the drawing for The Homestead Brides Collection.

  27. Forgot to say that the mittens are very cute. I bought a pair of purple fingerless gloves to wear when I'm writing on chilly winter days. Actually, they were made especially for me by a lady at our church's Christmas craft fair. Fun and functional.

  28. I would love to win Homestead Brides! Thanks for the WE Tina! Congrats to all the winners! Happy weekend everyone! GO PATS!

  29. TINA, thanks for the heads up on the Emily quote. I missed reading that because I am editing and trying to keep my head down at the words and not up gazing at the pretty lights, shiny objects and glitter that apparently fill my normal, every day life.

    Cat dish pls on the Homestead book. Thanks for the weekend give away...

    And thanks for a great WE.

  30. Listen to Ruthy and remember this..Seekerville was a platform of unpublished authors. Only Debby and Mary had sold when we launched the website.

    Get together with a pal and work together. I know for example that Courtney Phillips and Natalie Monk promo together. Ask your critique partners to consider this. Just start a Twitter account and post fun stuff to gain a foundation following.

    Find your local ACFW group and see if they have a blog you can post on.

  31. Happy Weekend, Seekerville.

    Congrats to Vonda and Jana for winning the super secret prizes from Killer Voice day.

    We had such fun visiting with Seekerville on Thurday. Thanks again to everyone who commented.

    I'm with Tina on the love for writing days. I was ridiculously happy yesterday afternoon because I knew I had THREE WHOLE days off to work on my story.

    Then, this morning I had a flash of brilliance (if I do say so myself ;) ) that solved a problem for not one book, but the next one too! So so so happy to have the time to work now.

    Please definitely toss my name in for the novella collection - a plethora of Seeker authors in one book about brides. Cool stuff!

    All this excitement and I haven't even had a whole cup of coffee yet today.
    Writing, it's a better high than coffee.


  32. Happy to be a winner this week. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I love Seekerville! Thank you for all you do for us :) I would love to have the Homestead Brides and I haven't read Tina's Mending the Doctor's Heart. I'm excited about the possibility of a new contest. Maybe I'll be ready for it. (I messed up my previous comment, so I deleted it!)

  36. Please put my name in for the novella collection. Congrats to the winners!
    dkstevensneAToutlookDoT CoM

  37. Mary Curry, isn't the anticipation of a day off to write mind-boggling????

    I LOVE IT.

    People probably think I'm crazy, but I don't care.

    I love writing stories. I love writing stories. I love, love, love writing stories!!!!

  38. So much good stuff here! Thanks Tina and thanks to everyone who contributed. It helps us all!!!

  39. Congrats to the winners, too! We had a great week : )

  40. Yayayay, Sally. You're a great inspiration to all of us.

    Okay, off to put words on page...

  41. I would love to have a copy of HOMESTEAD BRIDES. There are stories by several of my favorite inspirational authors. I enjoy anthologies and this should be a good one. It will give me the opportunity to read work by a few new-to-me authors. It would make a nice birthday present.

  42. Looking forward to being here on Tuesday.

    And what's with the success quote? Maybe I want a time limit, like right now. (And no, I'm not the least bit impatient either.)

  43. How ,any ways do I tell you I WANT THAT COLLECTION? Every which way, TINA. I have THE FARMERS DAUGHTER and THE PREACHERS WIFE collections already. Thanks, Tina, you're the BEST. Well, one of the best.

  44. Aw, Marianne, you can call her the best.

    The rest of us understand that we pale in comparison.

    The queen remains enthroned.

    TEEEENA? May I polish your tiara????

    And possibly bring you grapes?


  45. Oh, brother. It's getting deep in here. Must bring out my diamond encrusted boots.

  46. No Limits. Our theme for 2015 Miz Preggers.

  47. How did Naomi miss the THEME??????


    Pregnancy brain.

    Got it.


    Naomi, what kind of food do you want for Tuesday? Pickles?????

  48. Love the quote of the week! Congratulations to the winners!

    I've read....and loved Mending the Doctor's Heart, but I'd LOVE to be entered in the drawing for The Homestead Brides! Thank you!

    Now to catch up with last week's posts and to read the links. Next week looks great!

    Happy writing and/or reading to all!

  49. Congrats to all the winners.

    Hey Tina, the way the weather has been here in Arizona, we might need those mittens. I think its supposed to warm up again. whew!!!

    Nice article Teenster. So good to see you in RT :)

  50. Congrats to all the winners. Those are some super, and helpful, prizes.

    The links are great, Tina. Especially the one about habits that ends with a Hemingway quote I intend to add to my 'words of inspiration' list.

    Looking forward to the coming week's posts but especially to Elizabeth Van Tassel. I checked out her website/blog and she is one amazing survivor.

    Now back to editing ...

    Nancy C

  51. Thanks for the WE, Tina! I wouldn't know what's going on in publishing without all the article.

  52. I'm late!! But thanks for a great WE, Tina! I'll have to catch up on links. :)
