Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Weekend Edition

As all of you know, the 20th of January was Penguin Awareness Day. This weekend we'd like to salute the penguin. Be sure to hug one today, and don't be afraid to add a penguin to your novel!

We have a jam packed Weekend Edition. Read slowly so you don't miss any giveaways!

We Have Winners

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books!

Did you claim your giveaway from LAST WEEK?
Winners of Homestead Bride are Keli Gwyn, Wendy Newcomb and Dawn Leonard.

Winner of Mending the Doctor's Heart are Wilhani Wahl and Becky Dempsey.

 When is my manuscript done? On Monday, Seekerville welcomed back Ruth Kaufman who shared tips when she blogged with us on Monday. Becky Dempsey is the winner of an e copy of the inspirational version of At His Command.

Tuesday we were delighted to welcome Love Inspired Historical author and Indie author, Naomi Rawlings back to Seekerville with her post, "Using Real Life Trials to Grow our Writing." Chill N is the winner of her latest release, Falling for the Enemy.

Wednesday, award-winning author, Debby Giusti, talked about finding writing success, even without publication, in her post entitled, "For Writers: When Less is More." The winner of an advanced copy of Debby's March Love Inspired Suspense, STRANDED, is KAV. Debby also gave away five print copies of The Writer's Prayer. Those lucky winners are: Melanie Dickerson, Meghan Carver, Pat Jeanne Davis, Deanna Stevens and kaisquared. 

Seeker Tina Radcliffe sat next to an amazing woman on the flight back from the ACFW conference-Elizabeth Van Tassel. Friday she was our guest blogger with her post,"The Power Of The Right Turn." Winner of a twenty minute coaching session is DebH. Winner of a Bath and Body Works gift card is Gabrielle Meyer.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Seeker Sandra  Leesmith blogs today, and she will talk about the miracles that happen when she is writing. Are they coincidence or God's perfect timing? What miracles have you noticed? Those who comment will be eligible for a a signed copy of one of her books or an available e-copy of a Seeker book of their choice.

Tuesday: Pam Hillman is your hostess on Tuesday, discussing the pros and cons of author book plates with advice on when and when not to use them. She'll be giving away a signed copy of Homestead Brides and bookplates on request!

Wednesday: Love Inspired author Seeker Glynna Kaye shares her thoughts on “Flying Through the Fog” – tips to finding your next story idea and getting it off the ground.  In anticipation of Seekerville’s March “Speedbo” challenge, Glynna will be giving away a copy of Jeff Gerke’s  Write Your Novel In a Month: How to Complete a First Draft in 30 Days and What To do Next.

Thursday: Today we bring you The Best of the Archives and two super special giveaways so you can buy whatever wasn't under your Christmas tree.

Friday: Time for the February Contest Update. Stop by to meet our February Diva or Divo and we've also got some chocolate giveaways! 

Seeker Sightings

Love Our Readers Lunch
Kennesaw, GA
February 14, 2015 at 10:00AM to 1:00PM
Click here to purchase tickets.

Register by midnight January 25, 2015 and you'll automatically be entered to win a Kindle Fire!! *You must be present to win.*

Join us for an eclectic style lunch with NYT Bestselling Author Karen White, Missy Tippens, Meg Moseley, Lindi Peterson and Ciara Knight. This will be an intimate gathering of approximately 35 readers and five authors. You'll be able to meet ALL the attending authors!! Thank you to FoxTale Book Shoppe for being our bookseller for this event!

CHRISTIAN FICTION ROCKS!! Vote for your favorite book of 2014 in Family Fiction Magazine’s TOP TEN LIST contest and be entered to win your choice of FIVE MORE!! Check out Julie Lessman’s “Christian Fiction Rocks” giveaway HERE, and let your voice be heard! Note: You do not have to vote for Julie to enter the contest.


Just in Time for Valentine's Day! FREE DOWNLOAD of Julie Lessman’s award-winning Irish love story, A Light in the Window (178 five-star reviews on Amazon!) for five days only — February10-14, 2015, so mark your calendars now and spread the word!! And be sure to check out the ALITW video starring Julie’s daughter HERE!!

It was so much fun giving away copies of Homestead Brides with THREE Seekers in the collection of nine novellas,  that we're doing it again this week.  That's right! THREE copies to three lucky commenters this weekend. BUT YOU HAVE TO TELL US YOU WANT IT! Lots of other great authors are included in this collection. You can purchase it HERE-it releases February 1.  Winners announced in the next Weekend Ed

Random News & Information

Thanks to everyone who sent links! 

 How Are You Celebrating National Readathon Day? (GalleyCat) BTW, Seekerville is celebrating by giving away a prize package of books. Just let us know you want your name in the draw. Winner announced next Saturday.

Tweet of note: Emily Rodmell ‏@EmilyRodmell  · Jan 21 
If you don't know who you're submitting to and what they acquire, you're wasting your time. Research editors and agents before hitting send.

4 Steps to Happy Writing Productivity (Writers in the Storm)

In Defense of Editing (PJ Media) 

 Don't Start Your Story Unless You Know These 5 Things (Novel Rocket)

 4 Ways Besides Query Letters You Can Contact Literary Agents (Writers in the Storm)

The 2015 Edgar Award Nominees have been announced. 

Kindle Unlimited December payout to authors rises to $1.43 as KDP Select total royalties double (rogerpacker)

How To Set Writing Goals For The New Year In Six Easy Steps (the Future of ink)\

Two Red-Flag Sentences in Publishing Contracts (Writer Beware)

We Leave You with the  No Limits Quote of the Week: (because every step counts!)



  1. Congratulations, winners. I didn't win Homesyead brides this week, but thers no limits on my hoping to win it next week! I was hoping there'd be an appearance of a Seekerville author in Casa Grande later on. That's wher I'll be ...I don't expect I'll have time to read. Need to plan better for next year. Have a great weekend. Thanks, TINA

  2. I'd still like to have that Homestead Brides as well.

    Where, oh where has January gone!
    That's what happens when you're busy, busy, busy.

    Thanks for the great links.

    Congrats to all winners.

    Coffee is set to brew.

  3. I love Seekerville!
    I love penguins! (In fact, I keep my Christmas penguin decorations out all winter!)

    Please enter my name in the Homestead Brides drawing too!

    CONGRATS to all the winners, and Happy Weekend to all my Seekerville friends.

    Now to get some much-needed sleep (maybe I'll dream about penguins, LOL).
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  4. Congratulations Winners!
    Time to go watch the Happy Feet movies ;)

  5. Great Weekend Edition! I SOOOOOOO want to win a copy if Homestead Brides. Besides having three Seekers, it has three Okies, Darlene Franklin, Becca Whitham, and Kathleen Y'Barbo.

    I'm looking forward to next week.

  6. Put me in for the Homestead Brides, and if anyone wants to say a prayer I get these edits done.....three stories all due at once, not the best idea I've had lately......

  7. Penguins! What fun. Every time I see one of the cute critters these days, I think of my LIH editor, Emily Rodmell. She's crazy about penguins. I wonder just how many penguin tchotchkes she has. I'm guessing it's a lot.

    I'm delighted to be one of the winners who'll be receiving a copy of Homestead Brides. Thanks! I look forward to reading the stories.

  8. Helen Gray!!!! Huge congrats on your first indie release!!! It is now residing on my Kindle and I can't wait to read it! I'm so proud of you!!!!

  9. And thank you for the coffee!!!! Happy dancing in upstate!

  10. I am not laughing at Melissa Jagears.



    (This may or may not be true, I might possibly be rolling on the floor, clutching side, right now.)

  11. Terri, isn't that line-up of authors just so fun???? AND IT HAS A RUTHY-HISTORICAL!!!!

    LOVE IN A SODDY!!!! :)

    Oh my stars, who'da thunk it?

  12. Congrats to all the winners.

    Not sure how to add a penguin to any of my stories, but I love the last picture. Pinned it to Pinterest.

    Readathon day? Please add me to the list. I'd love to have a day to sit back and read.

    Tina, thanks for the great WE.

  13. What's going on in Casa Grande, Marianne?

  14. I feel your pain Melissa. I'll pray for you. You pray for me.

  15. Congratulations on the release of the next book in your series, Helen.

  16. Happy Feet! I forgot about that.

    Must go find a video for Seekerville.

  17. Ruthy, I have no idea how you write historicals. I am in awe.

  18. Happy Saturday, Seekerville!

    SUSAN ANNE MASON...if you happen to pop in today, I want you to know that your debut Love Inspired "Healing the Widower's Heart" is in Arizona Barnes & Noble and Walmart stores now--and I picked up a copy last night!! If you get a minute, share with us what it feels like to see your book on the shelves!

    And MISSY TIPPENS AND VIRGINIA CARMICHAEL -- the promo insert in Susan's book features your "The Guy Next Door" and "A Home For Her Family"!

    Seeker Villagers rock! :)

  19. Kitty cats AND penguins, Patti Jo? That's quite an unusual combination! :)

  20. I want in for the copy of Homestead Bride.

    Thank you for Mending the Doctor's Heart!

    Melissa, I am praying for you!

  21. MELISSA--I'll be praying for you and those edits! My next proposal is due on Monday--the three chapters need a bit of polish and the synopsis is still under construction. But now I'm thankful I'M only doing one book at a time. Hang in there!

  22. Congrats winners! It is cool to read names of people you know win prizes.
    I want to be entered in the Celebrate National Readathon book prizes.

    The movie with penguins that popped in my head was Mary Poppins. Go Dick Van Dyke! Congrats again!

  23. Tina.

    You know how.

    It's like eating that bear. One bite at a time.

    And I actually have a love affair going with history, and I pick Mary's brain and I have INTERNET.

    Honestly, it's so much easier now.

    I blame Natasha Kern, it's all her fault. She got me into "Red Kettle Christmas" and it's been no looking back from there.

    Come one, Teeeena. You know you want to!!!!

    Pre-Vietnam era USA. :) It's in you, I can sense it from cross country!!!

  24. Aw, Melissa, the other Seekers... the NICE ONES... have your back.


    I, however, remember the tough woman who knows what to do with a bratty rooster... and I have faith in you, and I'm still laughing!

    Go get 'em, Tiger!

  25. I brought food. There is a positive dearth of food around here, lately.

    CRONUTS from NYC.

    I'm not kidding, I ordered them two months ago JUST FOR TODAY.

    My young friend Sara in Manhattan got half-a-dozen this week, the salted caramel variety.

    I am determined to fashion a Ruthy version, so tell me what youse think!

    Cronuts In NYC

  26. I love penquins! Really I do! I met Pete the Penquin when I lived in California and worked at a television station there. He was brought up from San Diego's Sea World. I had the opportunity to pet him (words can't describe the way a penguins feathers feel). He followed me around the station and his handlers said he never does that unless he knows the person.

    Congratulations to all the winners this week!

    I would love to be in the giveaway for Homestead Brides.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  27. I would love to have my name in for the drawing for a prize package of books in celebration of National Readathon Day.

    Have a blessed week everyone!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  28. Please enter me in the drawing for Homestead Brides.
    Kathy Bailey

  29. RUTHY,
    Thanks for the food alert. I brought a no-sugar-added apple cobbler with a choice of whipped topping or vanilla ice cream. It is snowing in NH.

  30. Please put me in for the National Readathon.

  31. Yay, another opportunity to win the Homestead Brides collection! I'd like to be entered. There is a National Day to Read? Wow, a "reason" to do what we already do! My kids and I will camp out on the couch and read the day away! I'd love to win the prize package of books!

  32. Love the penguins.

    Congrats to the winners.

    Have a great weekend and happy writing.

  33. I do so love my Saturday mornings with the WE...and a bowl of hot oatmeal with raisins. Blissful sigh. I appreciate the simple pleasures in life.

    I'm a bit sad about the penguins. I always do a big penguin reading blitz at the school library and I read 365 Penguins to any kid/class who makes the mistake of sticking a toe in the library in January. Alas, I am home and my wonderful supply got to do the honours. She had a blast and I lived penguins vicariously through her reports.

    Love, love, love that last quote. Believe there are no limits, then fly. Woohooo!

  34. Thanks, Debby, for the printed copy of your Writer's Prayer! I didn't realize you were giving copies away when I left the comment, so thank you so much! I will make sure I put it in a prominent place in my study so I can read it every morning, along with my Jesus Calling devotional. :-)

    And thanks, Tina!!! You are the hostess with the mostest, as always!!!!!!!!!! Cute penguins, BTW.


    But ... not sure how I'm going to fit a penguin in my novella ... but I'll give it some thought.

    SUPER CONGRATS TO ALL WINNERS THIS WEEK ... AND to Mary, Pammy, and Ruthy for the upcoming release of Homestead Brides Feb. 1st!!

    And, Helen -- WAY TO GO, GIRLFRIEND -- on your very first indie!! You are officially "hybrid" now, my friend, so have fun!!

    Hugs and HAPPY WEEKEND to all!

  36. Congratulations, winners!! And a great WE to everyone.

  37. What is this???

    RUTHY's talking about eating bears!

    TINA just recently said something to me about eating elephants!

    I WANT PIZZA!!!!!

  38. I'm just glad nobody said anything about eating penguins, because that would be really, really sad.

  39. So thankful that I won a copy of Homestead Brides last week! THANK YOU SEEKERS! Congrats to all the winners!

    I want in on the prize package drawing for National Read-a-thon day and on that no-sugar-added apple cobbler that kaybee brought! Thanks!

    Thanks too for all the penguin pictures! Love them! I have a penguin collection so I have to find a way to save these pics!

    Time to shovel soon before the rain comes and makes it heavier. Have a great day everyone!

  40. Also wouldn't mind being placed in drawing for Prize Package of Books.

  41. It's the attack analogy, darling Myra, LOL!

    But I'm down for Pizza!!!!

    Hey, what's everyone serving for Super Bowl??? I was thinking lasagna, a white and read version, then I can get it ready the day before.

    Or huge chicken pot pie?

    What's a great main dish (not chili... we do that all the time)

  42. Oh, Kaybee, I'm in on the apple cobbler. #psyched!!!

  43. I'm not really into penguins - so much, but I am into Homestead Brides. Yes, please put my name in. Great coffee Helen. Thank you Seekerville, my favorite stop on the internet cruise.

  44. Super Bowl? What's that?

    Oh, yeah, the day there's nothing worth watching on TV except funny commercials featuring Clydesdales and cute doggies.

  45. I had a great week thanks to a note from the


    that has allowed me to finish a writing project near to my heart.

    TINA, great WE. I got a lot of info from the 5 Things to know before starting your story link. I've read similar things in the past, but this time it really stuck in my brain and I believe it will help me go deeper into my characters.

    Thanks for the generous weekend giveaways! Would love a chance at the Homestead Bride collection and the National Readathon Day giveaway! Whoohoo!

    Seekerville so ROCKS!

    If you're here, that was meant to be a big THANK YOU!

  47. My dear LYNDEE, you are so very, very welcome! It is my delight and deepest pleasure to assist our Seekervillagers whenever grammar questions arise!

  48. I'm getting a penguin into my book.

    I need to do some serious plotting of course.

    I haven't set a book in Alaska for a while. Or far south do penguins go.

    Happy Penguin Awareness Day (or whatever it's called)

  49. I didn't realize you guys "talked" on the weekend! I've never scrolled down further than to see if I've won a prize. My bad.
    I'm snowed in today and getting a fair amount of writing done. Revised "Trail" to 75,000 words and am going to try it with LIH in the near future. The long Trail, no pun intended, had multiple POVs and for LIH I've got to figure out how to convey the information from the extra POVs through my two protag.
    My thing with penguins is, why are they a symbol of the secular Christmas? Santa Claus is from the North Pole and penguins are from the North Pole. Any takers?

  50. Um, y'all, penguins are from the South Pole and Antarctica. Not the North Pole.

  51. Mel, waving to you from GA! Glad you won The Writer's Prayer. Send your addy to the WE address, pretty please. :)

    Great WE. Nice to see the Grammar Queen. Looking lovely, as usual, your highness! :)

    Congrats to all the winners!

    Sending encouragement to Melissa!

    Love Emily Rodmell's tweet! She's such a savvy editor. :)

  52. So glad to see so much excitement over the Homestead Brides Collection. The book is GORGEOUS! :)

    The penguin pics are so cute, especially the last one with the little ones. Adorable.

    I'm trying to figure out how to incorporated penguins in a 1790s story set on the Natchez Trace. Hmmmm...

  53. There are no penguins in Alaska.

    Antarctica, base of South America, Africa and lower Australia.

    Try not to put any in Alaska, okay, Cupcake??? ;)

  54. Kaybee, I have no idea how penguins got involved in Christmas. I found that really odd, too.

    My guess is some movie person put them into a cartoon and it took off from there.

    So unless Santa has moved REALLY FAR SOUTH, like, changing Pole alliances, the penguins are out of their territory.

    I'm guessing Santa put in an Arctic Zoo and the penguins escaped their cage!!!!

  55. Melissa, THREE due at once??? Ack!

  56. Speaking of cobbler, we're having a singing with a pizza party afterward tonight. We're to bring desserts, so I just made a homemade plum cobbler. I also made a small 2-serving one and made sure My Cowboy knew that he could eat the SMALL one, NOT the big one until tonight.

    Maybe he'll share with Seekerville. If not, come out tonight to the singing for fun, fellowship, gospel singing with The Hankins Family, and pizza and homemade desserts afterward. :)

  57. Laughing about the penguins. Love those little flightless critters. Reminds me of the guy in Germany who always referred to nuns as church penguins.

    would LOVE a shot at winning a copy of the Homestead Brides collection. anything with Seeker authors is like an auto buy... budget allowing, that is. auto wish list fodder for sure though.

    great WE Tina. You rock!!!

  58. Thanks for the informative Weekend Edition, Tina! Love the penguins. Will be checking out some links.

    Author P.L. Travers did not like the animated penguins in Disney's Mary Poppins movie, but I think they're adorable.

    Congrats to all of our winners!

    Looking forward to the week ahead!


  59. TINA, you wondered what's going on in Casa Grande? Quite a lot, I'd say. There were tractor pulls and a craft fair out at Pima County Fairgrounds. There was a large Pampered Chef party at Palm Creek Golf and RV Resort. I didn't actually go to any of them. Mom and I went to visit friends.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Great WE!! Congrats winners!

    Please enter me for The Homestead Bride and the prize package.

  62. Oh my gosh, I had no idea a family member's birthday (January 20) is also Penguin Awareness Day! I must use this fact to its fullest potential.

    Naomi, thank you for "Falling for the Enemy." The excerpt I read (at Amazon) has me wanting to read more.

    Congrats to all the winners. And many thanks for the links, Tina, especially the one about contacting agents.

    Now to include a penguin in a story that takes place in 1882 Texas -- hey, it could happen, right? Maybe the penguin doesn't believe in limits :-)

    Nancy C

  63. Whoa. You had me at Pampered Chef, Marianne!

  64. For anyone who would like a free 20 minute session with Elizabeth Van Tassel, go to her web page and follow the directions.

  65. I saw a notice on facebook that said shoppers crashed The Pampered Chef website because of the response to some sale?????

    That's a hoot! Clearly we're in Christmas withdrawal!!!!

    You would not believe the Pampered Chef stuff Beth and Mandy find at garage sales, brand new or barely used. I love kitchen gadgets!!!

  66. What a great lineup for next week!
    I'd like to be entered in the Homestead Brides draw please.. And please toss me in the dish for a prize package of books.. I got the top 2 books on my TBR pile read/finished Saturday to celebrate Ntl. readathon day! !
    Dee :)

  67. Thank you Debby for the print copy of The Writer's Prayer. Congratulations to all the winners ! ! Please enter me into the dish :)

  68. If you only knew how deeply I savour your weekend posts. My week tends to get away from me, and you bring me back to center.

    Thank you for always being a valuable resourse.

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    I'd lvoe a chance at Homestead Brides please.


  69. Well, Kelly B, what a lovely comment! Thank you.

    Good to see all our pals here on the Weekend.

    And on a random note....I got really close to a store with those cousin cookies of the macaroons. But I didn't score. Next weekend will try again.

  70. Tina, you got near to a macaron?????

    CAN I TOUCH YOU????????

    I bought two of Dunkin's "Croissant Donuts" this morning to try and see if they're to-die-for...

    The Cronut has a pumped in filling, and this didn't have anything but the normal sugar/water glaze, so it fell way short in the expectation department, but... the texture was amazing! Great Donut/Croissant texture, so they did a wonderful job on the hardest part!

    Tina, I was at a wedding last fall with a HUMONGOUS tray of macarons back when I didn't realize there was a spelling difference.

    OH MY STARS..... Melt-in-your-mouth deliciousness!!!!

  71. Aw, Kelly....

    We have to give Tina the credit, but then we mock her behind the scenes because otherwise she gets The Big Head.

    We always guard against The Big Head around here.

  72. This is from the non big head person..I live near a DD. I should try the cronut.

    But next weekend. Trader Joes for a macaron for sure.

  73. Love the WE with links thanks to Tina, especially the one with five things to know before starting your story. The penguins are adorable. Congrats to last week's winners and to Helen on her Indie release. Appreciate being picked for a print copy of Debby's Writer's Prayer. Ruthy and an historical. That's great news!

  74. Would love to win Homestead Brides! This cold weather is great for reading!

  75. Okay, so it took me ALL weekend to look through the links. And thoroughly read the WE. Great one, Tina. And thanks for valuable links! You ladies rock!

  76. Pam I had to laugh at the special cobbler you made for your cowboy. I have to do the same thing for my dh. so funny. His favorite is cherry--the sour cherry kind. yum

  77. KAV I love oatmeal and raisins. Makes me think of oatmeal and raisin cookies. yum

  78. Great weekend edition! Congrats to all the winners! Please enter me for a copy of Homestead Brides- I want it!!! ;)

  79. Penguin cuteness overload!! :) Too cute.

    Great WE, Tina! I'm savoring all these links.

    Melissa, many prayers for you! I'd love some going up for me as well. YAY! Three books means three contracts means I get to read three more Melissa Jagears books sometime in the near future!!! :) Happy dance.
