Friday, February 13, 2015

Speedbo Prep Day!

2015 is our fourth year to Speedbo.
This year our theme is #NoLimits

 Speedbo Primer for Beginners:

 Like book-in-a-month, Speedbo in its purest form is a 31 day self-challenge where the writer puts aside the inner critic and produces manuscript pages with the ultimate goal of completing an entire book. No editing allowed.

Of course in the real world that's not always possible. 

So we provide our Speedbo non-rules:

Daily, weekly, monthly writing goals are maintained by the individual writer. You may share or not. Your choice.

Check in is not required, but only those who comment will be entered into the weekly drawings.  All the action is here on the Seekerville blog. One easy location. No fees required.

Don't rule out Speedbo because you can't write nonstop for 31 days.Consider doing the Speedbo that fits your lifestyle:

  •     Become a weekend warrior for five weekends.
  •     Give up evening television for a month to write.  
  •     Get a babysitter Saturday afternoons for a month so you can write. 
  •      Get up one hour earlier for a month so you can write.  
  •     Write during your lunch hour at work for a month.
  •    Become a 1k per day writer for March.
  •     Writing, or revising? We don't care.
  •     Fiction,or  non-fiction? Your call. 
  •     No rules Just write.

We've heard every excuse imaginable for why not to Speedbo, but here's something to remember. Contracts, revisions, galleys, and other editorial requests will arrive at your inbox at the most inconvenient and difficult times of your life once your sell. You'll still meet those deadlines, because you are are a professional writer. 

Speedbo teaches you how to carve out time in your crazy world despite what's going on. Because there will never, ever be a normal day for a writer. 

Here's what some of our Speedbo participants from past years have to say about the month-long challenge:

 I'd encourage anyone who's interested to give Speedbo a try. I'm a fan for several reasons:
First, there's the timing. I find March a great month to focus on drafting. It's still winter here and it's bleak outside. There are not a whole lot of other things going on in March so it's easier to make writing a prime focus. 

Then there's the flexibility. Speedbo works really well with this year's theme of No Limits because your Speedbo goals are entirely up to you. You decide what works for you and you evaluate your success. There's no failing at Speedbo because whatever you accomplish is more than you had to begin with.

Finally, if you need motivation, look no further than this. The book I wrote during last year's Speedbo will be out from Love Inspired Suspense in October. Yes, you can write a book and sell it. I'm living proof!  -Mary Curry

 I’m pretty sure the Seekers should apply for a patent for their Speedbo invention. It is genius. In my little corner of the writing world it gives me accountability without expectation and motivation without threat of failure. Speedbo has birthed new novels in me, transferred ideas to my computer screen and even given me new hope and courage when those two commodities were sadly lacking. Speedbo 2014 was a landmark year. I dusted off the novel I had begun summer of 2013, finished it, edited it and entered it in contests. I won the attention of an agent and now that Speedbo novel is sitting on the desk of editors. Maybe no one buys it, but the point is – I did it! Thanks Seekers and Speedbo. The certificate thing is really cool too! -Cindy Regnier

  “Rescuing Mr. Gracey” had finaled in four contests and placed in two, yet I could not get past mid-point in the story.  Ms. Tina identified the reason immediately. I am addicted to editing at the cost of creating.  She urged me to commit to Speedo with these simple instructions. Write forward.  Every day.  Do not stop for any reason even if what you write is not perfect.  And whatever you do, do not edit!  Like a vigorous exercise regimen, Speedo was challenging and required discipline, yet transformed me completely. Within two months, I wrote the most perfect words… “The End”.  This year, I am entering Speedo with the goal of finishing my second novel, “In Search of Brody O’Donnell”.   Thanks to Speedo, the idea is not scary.  I encourage everyone to engage in this empowering exercise. -Eileen Barnes

 I'll be honest with you guys, I don't always make my Speedbo goal. I know, you're thinking where's the encouragement in that. Here it comes, even when I don't make my goal I write more than normal. There's just something about reading everyone's progress that encourages me - motivates me to do better. So take the plunge, make a Speedbo goal and strive to reach it, but if you don't quite make your word count, don't beat yourself up. Instead, look at all  those glorious words you've written and bask in how much you've accomplished.
- Terri Weldon

 Last year was my first time participating in Speedbo. The timing was perfect because I had entered the Love Inspired Killer Voices pitch contest, and I needed to get words on paper–fast.  Speedbo offered me the challenge of completing my novel in one month by giving me a deadline while providing me with an encouraging community of supporters. When it was all said and done, I didn't meet my goal of writing a complete novel in one month, but I don't count it as a failure. Why? Well first, I wrote daily (something I had never done). Second, I wrote more words in one month than I ever had before (roughly 20,000). Finally, I became a participant in Seekerville (instead of lurking in the background, I started commenting on posts and being involved).

This year, March is going to be an exceptionally busy month for me with relatives visiting and a baby shower for my daughter who is expecting her first child. But I'm already gearing up for my participation in Speedbo. I will once again attempt to write a novel in 31 days. Will I be successful? Only time will tell, but I know one thing for sure. I can't succeed if I don't try. -Rhonda Starnes

 Speedbo offers the ideal format for doing projects that I need to do but which I have been putting off forever because it always seems that taking that much time to do one big project would prevent me   from completing my more pressing short term projects. Of course, the right time to begin never comes. Speedbo makes the ‘right time’ arrive. I have found that with each Speedbo success, I am more motivated to tackle the next  writing project. Nothing breeds success like success.  In my three years of doing Speedbo, I’ve  completed a second draft of a long novel, wrote a novella, and added 25,000 words to a NaNo book that was far from finished at NaNo’s 50,000 word goal. If NaNo is the infantry,  Speedbo is the Special Forces. -Vince Mooney.

  Speedbo is normally my rite of Spring. I plant my Speedbo seeds: new words and goals for my new WIP. It’s a great jump start and keeps me focused. But I didn’t realize how much I need Speedbo until last year when I couldn’t participate.  I’m so glad to be back this year, knowing those seeds I plant are going to bloom!  And newbies, don’t be afraid. Set your own goals and pace. But whatever you do, join up! -Julie Hilton Steele

 New Villagers: The tips, advice, support, and encouragement during Speedbo make the month of March a great writing month. It makes you sit down and seriously think about writing and what goals you want to set. Go ahead and dream! What do you really want to do? Whether you write 10 or 10,000 or more, one word at a time is how you complete a story.

I have entered contests, and entered two of my short stories due to Speedbo.-Sally Shupe

You can sign up starting Saturday, February 14th, through March 31st by sending an email to with your personal goal listed. Sharing your goal is only for accountability. Seekerville will not be sharing your goal with anyone.

We'll add your name to the Seekerville Speedbo Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame will be updated by midnight EST of each Speedbo Day, and y
our name will appear at

Additionally, we'll send you an confirmation email with a Speedbo participant badge to add to your blog or website and a certificate.  

All participants who sign up by March 1st (March 1st at 11:59 pm) will be  entered in a drawing for a little extra incentive -one $25 Amazon gift card to be given away for every 50 writers who sign up.  Remember you can still enter Speedbo after it begins.

Plus, we'll be giving away a $25 Amazon gift card weekly during March (that's five times). All you have to do is check in (on the Blog) and let us know how you're doing. We'll have weekly prizes for our reader cheerleaders as well.

All prizes will be shipped out AFTER Speedbo. April 1st. During Speedbo all we are doing is writing.

So sign up tomorrow, and whatever you do, stretch yourself. 

Get out of your comfort zone.

We leave you with some Speedbo tips to help you prepare for March!

Print your own Don't Break the Chain & use it for March 2015.

Try the Pomodoro Technique.

Join author Carol Moncado's 1K1HR  Group on Facebook.

Check out Write or Die by Dr. Wicked.

Do you need Cold Turkey to keep you focused??

What are your tips? Share in the comments for a chance at today's giveaways!

We're giving away five ecopies of Rachel Aaron's 2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing More of What You Love. 

And for two writers, the print version of 
No Plot? No Problem! Revised and Expanded Edition: A Low-stress, High-velocity Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days by NANOWRIMO founder Chris Baty.

Finally for one reader cheerleader, a surprise book package!


  1. I don't have any tips, especially since I didn't participate in 2014 (although 2013 got me back into writing), but I need another kick-start or I'll be drifting. Again. I did print out my own March calendar back in '13 and noted on each day how many words I wrote that day which helped. And I made my goal which had been vague, even to me. ;-)

    I think I'll give it another shot this year. I might have to burn all my genealogy stuff so I won't be distracted, BUT I do have a door on this room now so I can lock it and keep the grandkids out (they're now 3 1/2 and 20 months so they get into everything). :D




    A testimonial is what the Wizard said the Scarecrow was lacking when he wanted a brain!

    To which, after the testimonial was handed over (it was a scroll) the Scarecrow immediately spoke aloud The Pythagorean Theorem.
    ("The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side")
    (A brief aside, the Scarecrow actually got the Pythagorean Theorem wrong in that scene.)
    Aren't you glad we've had this little talk???

    This is a sweet moment for us all.

    Let me get more straw and then I'll write more.

    (or not)

  3. Here is the correct Pythagorean Theorem.

    The sums of the squares of the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse.

    I try to never pass up a chance to use the word hypotenuse.

  4. Oops, I checked. The Scarecrow got a diploma. It's the TINMAN who got a testimonial.

    Forget the whole thing.

  5. Forgotten, Mary.

    But coffee is remembered--and brewing.

    Great pep talk.

    I just finished the final chapter of my wip, but still need to write an epilogue.

    My brain is toast, so I need a little time to decide on a Speedbo goal.

  6. Melanie, consider this your kick in the keister.

    Doors are good things.

  7. Mary. Go to bed.

    Every month is Speedbo for you, dear.

  8. I've never done Speedbo before but I think I'm going to give it a shot this year. Anything that helps me get words on the page for my new WIP has to be a good thing :)

  9. Way to go, Kara. It doesn't matter where you arrive. What matters is that you take the chance. You will always end up further on the road!

  10. I've spent months editing, and I'm ready to write. So happy Speedbo is almost here to help me transition back to writing.

    Tips? The only thing that comes to mind right now is plenty of caffeine. (Maybe because I'm still trying to wake up.)

    Count me in for Speedbo. I'll sign up tomorrow. Thanks!

  11. I have done NaNoWriMo for the past two years with great success, so I'm excited to force myself to write another book. Thank you for the accountability.

  12. I really want to Speedbo this year but with the commitments I have incurred for March I'm not sure I will be able to participate. So I guess I will hae to be a cheerleader this year. Rah! Rah! Go Speedbo Go!

    The one thing that sticks out in my mind most about Speedbo, is you make your own goals and have a deadline to reach those goals. I have always done better when given a deadline.

    Mary, you make me laugh. I thank you for the laughter today as my 87 year old mom fell and it looks like she injured her back so it is off to the back surgeon today.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  13. Okay, I really, really, really need the book "No Plot? No Problem." I never have a plot when I first start a book. I always fly by the seat of my pants for the first three chapters, which can slow me down adding words.

    I also recommend the Pomodoro Technique. If you haven't tried it, check it out. I'm a big fan of the 1k1hr format, but when I'm in the midst of writing a difficult scene, the Pomodoro technique seems to work better for me.

  14. I'm scared, but I'm signing up. :-\


    March is a busy, hectic month, but then they all seem to be that way anymore! I can't remember the last time I had a calm, slow month. :-)

  15. My number one tip is to read two or three lines from the last writing moment, then push forward until you have at least one page. Of course, I would love the book 2K to 20000K cause I know I need more tips.

  16. I would like to say, I could really, really use No Plot, No Problem That tends to be an issue I have. My plots have a tendency to sag or sputter and stall.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  17. Speedbo...sigh. How long till those books are in my hand? But I'm excited because books WILL come! Thanks, TINA!

    1. Glad to have our cheerleaders here, Marianne!

  18. Last year I succeeded at Speedbo. Wrote 1k every day and that my fellow Speedbo-ers is HUGE for me!

    This year may prove to be a little more difficult so I will tweak my goals.I'm ready to get started.

  19. Wow. Connie, can 't wait to see what you do this year!!

  20. You are not Ali e, Cindy. I sputter toi!

  21. Alone. Shd have said alone. :)

  22. I'm doing Pomodoro this year, Rhonda. And pass the Java, Jackie!!!

  23. Go Kelly and Mary H. proud of you!!!!!

  24. I'm excited!!! SPEEDBO comes at the perfect time as I start another LIS!

    Getting the story ironed out in my head so I'll be ready to race to THE END this March.

  25. YAY!!! SPEEDBO is back!! The perfect motivation to get it done.

    Now ... dear God, PLEASE help me to "get it done ..." :)

    Hugs and GOOD LUCK, all!


  26. Signing up tomorrow! No Plot, No Problem is going on my wish list! The thing I love most about Speedbo is the companionship on Seekerville. "You are not alone!" Thanks for the pep talk Tina!

  27. No Plot, No Problem
    You’re just a pantser.

    Flitting here and there:
    a free style dancer.

    Just jump in the air
    and land anywhere.

    If the spirit’s moving you
    why should you care?

    But you must write the book
    to learn what’s in it.

    It’s like being in congress
    and there’s just no limit.

  28. Pythagoras

    Speaking of Pythagoras, as we often do, did you know he founded a religion where one of the chief commandments was that followers were not allowed to eat beans? Now, before you laugh, remember this: there was no Beano® in 550 BC.

  29. Very inspirational. Last year's SPEEDBO got me going a bit. I did complete a Killer Voice ms (but not during SPEEDBO). It provided me with the "uh, hey... I can actually do this thing called writing..."

    I haven't figured out what to do with SPEEDBO this year. I desperately need to edit my ms. Should I do that or go with fresh stuff? The ms is an R&R from KV...

    I feel like Princess Leia sending out a message: "Help me, Obi Wan... you're my only hope."

    Bottom line though: I AM going to do SPEEDBO again.

    Perhaps I'm in need of that "No Plot? No Problem!" book. Although, the other book looks very good too. Wow. Just call me 'waffler' today...

  30. Can't wait to sign up for Speedbo! One word at a time: my new motto. I have already planned to write during lunch, and I have most evenings free to write. This is exciting! And my local ACFW group meets tomorrow so I'll ask for extra encouragement lol.

  31. for MARY:
    my high-school math teacher had a story/joke to help kids remember the Pythagorean Theorem. I'd be glad to send it to you (for humor purposes)

    Punchline: "The squaw of the hippopotamus hide is equal to the sum of the squaws of the other two hides."

    In the meantime, thanks for the laughs in the comments. I love your sense of humor

  32. Hi Tina, Love all these reminders and the testimonies were great inspiration.

    Mary-You are toooo funny. And this early in the morning too. Better grab some coffee quick. :)

    I plan to do speedbo but do have three pickleball tournaments that are going to get in the way three days. Maybe I can squeeze in an hour early morning to write before playing. :)

  33. What a great lineup of past Speedbo participants! Thanks to TINA et al for the fantastic pep talk!

    Oh, and thanks, MARY, for explaining the Pythagorean Theorem. I really needed that reminder today. :-D

  34. No plot, no problem.
    No problem, no plot.
    It’s like having G M
    without having the C.
    Why fight plots anyway?
    They just bring sanity!

  35. Oh, DEB H, that is too funny!!! Clever, though!

  36. Thanks for the "kick in the keister", Tina. ;-) Now to sound-proof that door...

    Loved reading what everyone wrote, including Mary's Pythagorean Theorem bits. Needed that chuckle this morning after very few hours of sleep.

    Blessings, everyone!

  37. Woo hoo!!! Here we go!!!

    Love those reasons to join Speedbo. Thanks to you all for sharing your experience!

    BTW, I've been giggling all morning. One of my friends saw my link to this blog on FB, and she misread it--didn't see the "b" in Speedbo." So she thought we were preparing for Speedos!! LOL

  38. Never done it before, but I think I'll give it a shot! Signing up tomorrow.

  39. DebH, my best advice is to work on whichever project seems the most doable. I know the LIS editors really want to see the KIller Voices R&Rs turned back in, but if you're feeling frustrated with it and need something fresh to work on, start a new ms for Speedbo. Whatever you choose to do, know that we're all cheering you on!

  40. Tina, thanks for the jump start for SpeedBo! The testimonials are inspiring! Love seeing the success Villagers have had. Success isn't just publication. Success is doing more. Reaching further. No limits!


  41. We should lock down Mary's computer after 8:00 PM.

    I'm not even kidding.

    And does anyone really like the Wizard of Oz???? THE FLYING MONKEYS?????

    I had nightmares for years.

    Tina, I love this, I love pushing, I love JUMPING UP AND DOWN AND TRYING TO WORK HARDER, FASTER, STRONGER!!!

    This is Greek "Citius, Altius, Fortius," not to be bested by Einstein Connealy's pathetic attempts at pseudo-scarecrow-intelligence, "Faster, Higher, Stronger" is what Olympians are made of! If they're not blood-doping, of course.

    But I digress.

    I'm looking forward to Speedbo, yes, MELANIE PIKE get back on the treadmill you talented goof! Oy!

  42. Hey, I'm all over that Seekerville Hall of Fame stuff.

    I vote that Missy should chair that event.

    You're welcome, Missy.


    I love the testimonials. I love that we all need a kick in the britches from time to time and then we saddle-up and ride herd on the range.

    I've been workin' on cowboy books, can you tell?


    That means I brought us some RODEO STEW for lunch, with a side of fresh biscuits from the Loveless Cafe in Nashville and fresh coffee, on the trail.

  43. Speedbo reminds me of a letter to Ann Landers or Dear Abby years ago, the guy who wanted to go to med school and ended with, "But if I do this, I'll be 38 years old when I end med school in 4 years."

    And she replied, "How old will you be in 4 years if you don't go to med school?"


    What have you done today to make your dream come true?

  44. Ruthy, funny, but I'd already nominated you!

    Mary, I just now read your late night posts on the Wizard of Oz. LOLOL!! Yeah, I think you're dangerous at the keyboard after midnight!

    And it's so good to have Vince waxing poetic once again!

  45. Deb, Rhonda's advice is good... I refresh my brain with new stuff all the time so I have a fresh look at the manuscript when I go back to it.

    But the other thing is that sometimes to revise, we throw a lot of the original to the sharks, let them feed, and we roll again with a new mindset.

    Never be afraid to do that, it's part of the business, but in the meantime I'd be working on something else, too.

    Zombie Amish Apocalypse comes to mind.

  46. I'm thrilled to see how many of you are going to be taking part!

  47. CINDY W, My 86 year old mom fell last fall and ended up with a compression fraction in her spine.

    It's been a long struggle but she's back at her own home now, much slower, with a walker, but she's getting stronger still. So sorry your mom (and you) are going through this.

    God bless you.

  48. I am so excited for speedbo! I have a new idea for LIS...what a perfect time to really focus in on it.

  49. Rhonda, cool.
    Here's more about the Pomodoro Technique.
    I'd never heard of it before.

    There are five basic steps to implementing the technique:
    1.Decide on the task to be done
    2.Set the pomodoro timer to n minutes (traditionally 25)
    3.Work on the task until the timer rings; record with an x
    4.Take a short break (3–5 minutes)
    5.After four pomodori, take a longer break (15–30 minutes)

    The stages of planning, tracking, recording, processing and visualizing are fundamental to the technique

  50. PS
    I can also multiple and divide fractions like nobody's business!

  51. Wow, Ruthy, you covered feeding sharks and the ....
    Zombie Amish Apocalypse in one comment.

    Pretty sure that's some kind of record.

  52. This is what I need to remember:
    Because there will never, ever be a normal day for a writer.

    I'll be doing Speedbo 2015. I love the "non-rules" since this allows me to have #NoLimits!

    My tips:
    1. Finish taxes before March.
    2. Clean the house so dust bunnies can be ignored in March.
    3. Put meals in the freezer for days when writing is going so well you don't want to stop.
    4. Finish reading the craft book. (Currently Break Into Fiction by Mary Buckham and Dianna Love.
    6. Write out the basic plot outline. I realize I'm NOT a panster.

    Thank you for the encouragement and please enter me for either of the craft books!


    1. Excellent, Sherida. Orrrrrr.... Do taxes April 15, eat pizza and junk food and don't clean. We agree on the dust bunnies!

  53. I love you guys at Seekerville ttthhhiiiiisssssssss much. You're such awesome motivator and kick butters. :-)

    This is my first day up from the flu so I'm a bit ditzy headed. Would you believe four full days of being too sick to read? Gasp!!!! So, while the idea of having the energy to actually do Speedo escapes me right now, I'm sure I'll be up to par in a couple of weeks. Crossing fingers.

    And I got inspiration reading this...

    1. I need to get a timer. Must have a timer for Speedbo.

    2. I'm going to make an adventish Seepbo chocolate calendar. Instead of counting down 1-24 it will climb by 1000s. So first day will be 1000. Second day will be 2000 etc. And once I've reached the word count goal for the day, I'll get a piece of fair trade dark chocolate! There's tons of cute advent calendar crafts on pinterest and I'm going to convert one of them for Speedbo. The perfect acitivity for a convalescing sickie who still can't read much at a time. :-(

    1. I had the flu in Dec, Kav. It's a linger. Praying for you.

  54. I've got so much to do between now and the end of March it's either sign up for Speedbo or have Tina come to my house with a whip and yell, "YOU SHOULD BE WRITING!!!"

  55. I'm excited about participating in Speedbo. Still working on my goals. I know I won't get a book completed in a month, but I am thinking I will at least do a 1,000 word a day goal. I have a week of spring break in March, so that will help. Please enter me into the drawing. I could use either one of those books.

    1. 1,000 words a day is alota words, a Sandy! Good for you!!!

  56. Wonderful tips, Sherida! Thanks for sharing them. I really need to do the first two. As for the third one, my sweet hubby, Mountain Man, will cook for us on the nights I'm busy writing. We'll eat a lot of brinner (breakfast for dinner) but that's okay by me.

  57. KAV, so sorry you had the flu!!! When you're feeling too yucky even to read, that is very, very bad.

    I like your calendar idea. Actually, I like the chocolate reward part the best. ;-D

  58. I'm so psyched!

    Love Vince's comment...

    "Speedbo is the Special forces."


  59. I have a Pomodora timer. I use it for all kinds of, cleaning, writing.

    The ticking drives my husband crazy! lol

    Must go set the timer and write RIGHT NOW!

  60. Kav! Sorry about the flu, but love the reverse Advent Calendar/Speedbo thermometer reward system!!!!


    Kav, that's a kavalicious idea. I'm all over it because I love visuals and mini-rewards! They make me happy!

  61. Sherida, I agree. Good prep is clutch, and then... good habits can be formed.

    Great list.

  62. Never heard of the Pomodoro Technique. Very intrigued. Just checked out their website, but it looks like if you order anything from there, payment is in Euros. Has anybody read the book?

  63. KAV, I'm sorry to hear about the flu but hopefully you'll be feeling terrific by March.

    I read, "I'm sure I'll be up to par in a couple of weeks," as "bar" not par. Changed the meaning completely. Sorry. And it even kind of fit.

  64. I'm definitely signing up this year. Thank you, Seekerville! Still thinking about and praying about my goal, but I would love to be entered in the drawing. (Just not for the 2K to 10K book. I already have that one.)

  65. That's right Cindy R! Sink or swim - we do it together!

  66. Trying to recall the last time I mentioned Pythagorus.?!!

  67. Ha!!!! Of course you can do it DebH!!!

  68. I agree, Rhonda. It's 31 days. Do what will make you feel successful!

  69. GO! Janet Ferguson!!!

  70. We should start a Speedbo Alum group with a secret hand shake! Sally you're in charge!

  71. I had a great time participating last year, but I'm not sure if I'll have time this year.

    A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a military spouse scholarship fund that I didn't know existed (MyCAA, if there are any other military spouses here), so I'm working with a guidance counselor in order to pursue a certificate in fiction-writing.

    All that to say, I don't know when I will be starting that, so I'm not signing up for Speedbo yet... just in case it is soon. :)

    1. Write or be a cheerleader, Anna. Win-win!!

  72. What's this? Kav has figured out a way to combine Speedbo and CHOCOLATE???????????

    I gotta go. I'm breathing too fast. Hyperventilating maybe. Overexcited!

    I'll breathe into a brown paper sack for a while, then be back!

  73. thanks Rhonda, Ruthy, and Tina for the encouraging thoughts. I need to tackle the notes Shana gave me since I do so want to give her a revision. SPEEDBO goal is edit.
    Now to outline a plan. *sigh* so not my strength...

    need to put chocolate as a reward though. Dark chocolate - mmmmmmmm.


  74. Speedbo Alum group sounds like great fun!!

  75. I'm all fired up for Speedbo now! I loved reading the testimonials. Thanks for sharing the inspiration, Tina. I do plan to participate this year, and set some solid goals for revising my MS.

    Two things that have helped me when trying to write a book in a month are: 1) set weekly goals and 2) just say no.

    Set weekly goals to work toward based on what "real life" your week holds.

    And Just Say No to everything that isn't essential for the month to open up more time. It's not easy, but it helps.

    Oh, and number three: I got my family onboard with me that month, and they were hugely helpful in encouraging me to go write and in cheering me on when I met my goal. :)

    Please don't put me in the drawing for the books. I have one, and the other is probably not one I'd use. :)


  76. So who knew Jerry Seinfeld and I share the same secret to success. Now if only he'd share his fortune. ;)

    Seriously, I never heard it given a formal name like DON'T BREAK THE CHAIN, but that is definitely what works for me. When I commit to 1k/day, I stick to is.

    Last year I stuck to it through June, and then let it lapse when I had to do revisions. Getting back on track proved difficult so this year my vow is 1k/day no matter what. If I'm editing something, then the 1k will be on something else.

    So far this year that practice has netted me 47,575 words.

  77. stick to IT.

    Darn typos.

    PS - happy to give a testimonial, Mary, whether it be for a scroll or they Pythagorean theorem. That was always my favorite thing in math.

  78. I am looking forward to speedbo. I've been trying to get everything ready so I can write big time.I'm aiming for 30, 000 total but would love for it to be more.

    Now if I can just get well. Saw the doctor this morning. Bronchitis and ear infection in both ears. he called in the big guns as far as medicine.

    I would love a copy of either books. I especially would love the plot one.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  79. wow Mary Curry

    what's the saying? oh, right...
    you GO girl!

    (looking forward to your debut in oct. - my birthday month)

  80. Wanted to add that I have the day off and have actually been writing today! I am working on note cards for my novel--different colors for the different characters--so I can then put them where they go in the story. This will make it easier when I begin writing. I am getting excited about my novel again.

  81. Sandy, I love your excitement! That's awesome! Whatever it takes to help you "see" the story, helps speed writing. If that method's working for you, go for it!

  82. I brought chocolate.

    Just in case we don't get any tomorrow.

    I call this a pre-emptive strike.

  83. Hi Mary. Sorry to hear your mom went through a compression fracture. My mom had one when she was 85 they did kyphoplasty surgery and she did really well. We just got back in from taking her into Fort Wayne to the orthopedist. She doesn't have a fracture, praise God. He feels she just strained it when she fell a couple weeks ago. So it's an anti-inflammatory pill, pain pill, and physical therapy.

    Cindy W.

  84. I've been looking forward to Speedbo. Mary C,are you sure it's only coffee in your cup? There has to be some shot of extra energy. I love the way your mind works. New faces and dear familiar friends, we're in for a wild ride.

  85. So good to see so many peeps excited about Speedbo. Such a unique challenge, it's great for everyone. Speedbo in March makes my mind focus on one specific project, even though I'll be shuffling others through, too.

    The encouraging words from some of our Villagers and friends are grand. I'm looking forward to our month long writing party!!


    This is a sweet moment.

  87. Good luck to all you writers! I know those of you who take on the challenge will do it well!!!! Can't wait to read what comes out of your great imaginations :)

  88. Wait a minute! There's no pasta with the pomodoro technique. No garlic bread. Nothing.

    The timer is kind of cute, though.

    Nancy C

  89. I know, Nancy. There should at least be bread sticks and marinara sauce for dipping.

  90. LoRee Peery! You did Speedbo last year! So proud of you for stepping up to the plate this year too!

  91. Valri! Another cheerleader joins the group in the stands.

  92. Go, Jeanne T! Training your family even.

  93. Wilani! Hope you feel better. This is year two of Speedbo for you as well.

  94. Wilani! Hope you feel better. This is year two of Speedbo for you as well.

  95. I have not entered Speedbo before, but I am definitely going to join in. My tip is for anything I put my mind to I share with my family for support. I've already shared with my family what I want to do and they wrote up a little contract to not interrupt me when I have my headphones on and am sitting at the computer. I think their accountability and this amazing place is going to keep me going. I am ready for this! I am also excited to get a little thought going before it all begins!

    Thanks for this!

  96. Wow, Kelly Blackwell, another trained family.

    Do you know Jeanne T??

  97. Well, I'm still giggling over Mary Connealy's first few comments....You're such a hoot, Mary!
    YAY for SPEEDBO!!
    Definitely participating again this year, and thankful to the Seekers for doing this (and always, always offering such support and encouragement---even for those of us who've resided on Unpubbed Island for quite a while now).
    Happy Friday!
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  98. Ruthy, you and my hubby are the same re—the flying monkeys! He was scared of them when he was little and still doesn’t like the movie. I love it!

    How can you call me a “talented goof” when you’ve never read any of my writing? ;-) “Goof” I can handle.

    Two kicks in the keister now. From published authors, one of whom I've met. Guess I'd better sign up tomorrow... (Looks like we might be staying home from granddaughter's 10th birthday party if the weather forecast is true, so what else can I do but get my e-mail out? Oh, yeah, there's the church bulletin...)

  99. Janet Kerr! Great to see you! Another Speedbo alumn.

  100. Patti Jo, do the cats write?

  101. As always, SpeedBo is coming along at the perfect time. I JUST started a new book and I'm going to use SpeedBo to propel me along. Thanks Seekers!

  102. I'm excited about Speedbo this year! I'll probably be doing rewrites and maybe a little plotting toward the end there, but I'm hyped to get the current project done and a new one started!

    Wishing everyone lots of words!!!

  103. Just sent my email to sign up for Speeedbo. I can't remember if I attempted last year, but this year I have a 20K story due April 15 that will be part of a summer romance anthology. This is just what I need! Can't wait!

  104. Tina, in answer to your question last night (Do the cats write?) the answer is yes! Actually, only one of my kitties writes presently. Moses (the sweet black kitty in the photo with me) has a blog on Facebook. He doesn't post real often, but when he does there's always a nice response. ;)
    I'm pleased with his following. :)

  105. I'm finally going to Speedbo this year!

  106. This is the first I've heard of this challenge! Looks really interesting. I've tried Nano before, but this looks more doable for me. Its encouraging to see success that others have had.

  107. I'm excited about doing Speedbo again--last year was my first time & it gave me a great kick in the keister as some of you mentioned. I had NEVER done a writing challenge before, so I kept my goal low--and found that most days I did double or more each day. As long as I got a start, I usually had 2k, & like somebody else said, it got me used to writing daily (at least weekdays).

    Last year I was working on a couple different WIP, and then Tina sent me a msg saying I had won a free critique by a pubbed Seeker--I was SO excited! Then I found out he needed to be a romance (don't know if that is the case this year). NONE of my WIP were romance! So Tina said, "Well, you have a month to work on it." So, I DID.
    When I got my critique back from Tina, she told me to "start with the change" & that meant cutting most of the beginning of my story (or should I say back-story). So I spent several weeks pouting about cuts. Eventually, I figured out she knew what she was talking about & was right--so cut I did.
    Then I was looking at a personal deadline for my memoir & I switched over & finished it--& I'm proud to say, I published it right at my deadline in Nov. & stayed in the Amazon's Hot New Releases in the Breast cancer category--my entire 1st month--even getting a peek at #1 (by the time I saw the link in Google, I wad no longer #1, but I got a screen shot of it on Google! And #2 for several days! WOO HOO,
    Now it is time to pull last years romance out and finish revising & write those finale scenes--YAY Speedbo! I also have a Suspense WIP, so I have plenty to work on!

  108. Looking forward to jumping in again! My Tip is to set a goal that is high enough to challenge you, yet reasonable enough to hit. My goal last year was low (because I didn't know how much I could do), but it felt so good to know I had not only made my goal, but many time exceeding it, many times doubling it! Another tip is to join 1K 1HR. More great motivation!
