Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Weekend Edition-Speedbo Week 1

Welcome to the Week One Speedbo Check-in Station. Grab some encouragement and inspiration for the next week, right here. We're lifting our pens in your honor. Congratulations to all 136 of us who made it to this point. Remember that you can join the race at any time. Details are here.

Besides Speedbo, we have so much going on in Seekerville we're barely catching our breaths. Enjoy this Weekend Edition and all the excitement. Read carefully so you don't miss anything!

We Have Winners

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. -if we forget to send our your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

Did you claim your giveaway from LAST WEEK?

 This week's winner of a $25 Amazon Speedbo gift card is Loraine Nunley. Winner of a one chapter manuscript critique is Dana McNeely.  The box of books winner is Marianne Barkman.

All prizes are mailed out April 1. During Speedbo we write.

Comment any day this week to win the VERY SAME GIVEAWAYS in week two of Speedbo! Remember that you must either be enrolled in Speedbo for the gift card and critique or have declared yourself a cheerleader for the box of books!

 Our five All Dressed Up in Love  e book winners are:

Jess on the other side of the world
Carol Moncado
Christina Lorenzen
Wilani Wahl

Monday Mary Connealy kicked off a month of #NO LIMITS SPEEDBO.An uplifting, encouraging, pep-talk to get you going on your word count and an article SHORT enough to give you NO EXCUSES.(and to give Mary no excuses either). Arlene is the winner of a $25 Amazon gift card.

 What's the one thing all successful people have in common? They fail. A lot. They fail more than the average person. Successful people fail more often because they're not afraid of taking risks. They aren't derailed by failure. Instead, successful people use failures as a launching pad to success. Tuesday we visited with an expert on failure, Sherri Shackelford, and learned some tips and tricks to overcome your fears and increase your productivity with her post, "Failing Your Way to Success."  ohiohomeschool and Jennifer Delamere are the winners of The Engagement Bargain.

Wednesday Love Inspired author Carolyne Aarsen stopped in to talk about "The Freedom of Chains," how discipline allows you freedom to write. Pam Jernigan, Vicki Marney and Marilyn Turk are winners of one of THREE SETS of Carolyne's newest books Her Cowboy Hero and Reunited With the Cowboy, books 1 and 2 of her "Refuge Ranch" series.

Thursday Cathy Yardley was back in Seekerville today to discuss revisions: when to do them, and how to do them. Also, why you might not want to revise as you’re doing a fast Speedbo draft! Winner of  her book Rock Your Revisions is Bettie.

Tina Radcliffe was your hostess with a Speedbo Appropriate post called, "What Have You Done Today to Make Your Dream Come True?"  The dreams mug winners are Sarah Claucherty and Kelly Blackwell. Tossed an extra one in there.

Next Week in Seekerville

 Monday:Two-time Christy Award winner and RITA finalist DiAnn Mills will bring us tips for meeting deadlines in her post "Was that a Truck that Hit Me, or a Deadline?" DiAnn will be giving away a copy of her soon-to-be-released book, Double Cross (FBI: Houston).

Tuesday: Today, join Seeker (and pantser!)  Myra Johnson for "A pantser plots: from the middle, to the beginning, to the end." Using James Scott Bell's book  Write Your Novel From the Middle: A New Approach for Plotters, Pantsers and Everyone in Between,  Myra takes a look at a plotting method even die-hard pantsers can use to their advantage. Join the discussion and you could be one of three winners of the Kindle version of Jim Bell's eye-opening book!

Wednesday: Move over Tammy Wynette, because Julie Lessman’s blog entitled "STAND BY YOUR MAN: Redeeming Haunted Heroes” will have plenty of fast and furious tips to make that bad-boy hero into a real hero your readers will love! Plus a giveaway of any of her books or novellas (including signed paper copies of her novellas).

Thursday:  Join Ruth Logan Herne aka: "The Ruthinator" today when she busts into town demanding that you visualize yourself as successful, because if you won't... WHO WILL????  Ruthy's giving away a $25 Amazon card in honor and hopes of your success! Jump on board, leave a comment and she'll toss your name into the newest cat dish! 

Friday: Seeker Tina Radcliffe will be revisiting the romantic arc today. Stop by for a sighful journey from first glance to love declared with a love-ly giveaway!

Seeker Sightings

It's time to preorder the April 1 release that includes Seekers Pam Hillman and Myra Johnson.

Oregon Trails Romance Collection 

Nine romantic adventures take readers along for a ride on the Oregon Trail where daily challenges force travelers to evaluate the things that are most precious to them—including love. Enjoy the trip through a fascinating part of history through the eyes of remarkably strong characters who stop at famous landmarks along the way. Watch as their faith is strengthened and as love is born despite unique circumstances. Discover where the journey ends for each of nine couples. Today Seekerville will be giving away one pre-order copy to one commenter. Winner announced in the Weekend Edition. Copy available on release day.


Congratulations to the Homestead Brides Collection Authors! Homestead Brides is an ECPA March 2015 Best Seller!

If you haven't read it and still want a copy, let us know. We'll draw a name for one print copy. Winner announced in the Weekend Edition.

And look what's coming!

Five great stories for one low price! Jump into sweet and inspirational contemporary romance with this group of award-winning, best-selling and multi-published authors as they weave stories that will make you smile and sigh. Everyone deserves a second chance, and the "With This Kiss" Contemporary Collection offers the hope and warmth of new beginnings. Available for Kindle pre-order on March 18th at the everyday low price of $2.99.

Take a trip into "yesteryear" with these five stirring historical stories brought to you by award-winning and best-selling historical authors. The "With This Kiss" Historical Collection presents a warm, evocative look into second chances through history with stories that make you laugh, cry and enivision the strength and sacrifices that made our country great. This beautiful collection includes a bonus feature: "Closer Than Brothers" by Mary Connealy, showing the bonds formed by her future heroes as they dealt with life in Andersonville Prison during the Civil War. Available for pre-order on March 18th!

Sandra Leesmith will be signing books at the Tucson Festival of Books on March 14-15.  On Saturday, March 14, Sandra will be signing her sweet and inspirational romances at the Desert Dreams booth from 9:30-5:30.  On Sunday, March 15, Sandra will be signing her children's books at the Children's Author Pavilion from 1:00 - 3:30 pm.  If you are in town, be sure and stop by. The Tucson Festival of Books is a book lovers dream come true.

 Missy Tippens will be featured on Script Chics March 19-25. The Chicks will be reading and discussing her RITA finalist book, A House Full of Hope. Also, Missy will be doing a giveaway that week, so be sure to drop by!

What's better than a dozen eggs, a dozen roses or even a dozen bagels?

Tina Radcliffe celebrates her 12th sale to Woman's World magazine.  Cubby Love will be in the April 16 on sale issue.



Random News & Information

Thank you to all the folks who sent links!

Becoming a Student of Your Own Creative Process (Writer Unboxed)

Be Careful Out There - Cyber Security Tips for Authors (Novel Rocket)

 The Ol’ “Show, Don’t Tell” Thing  (Author Magazine)

Whose Story Is It? Self-Editing for Point of View (The Book Designer)

Agent Carter Actors Star in Speed Reading Video (GalleyCat) How would you fare?

Kindle Spy (Passive Voice)  UNREAL!!

It Is Never Too Late To Start Writing Your Bestseller: INFOGRAPHIC (GalleyCat)

That's it! Go Speebo!


  1. Aw, I love the covers of the ebook novella sets. Congrats winners! =)

  2. I've only sold a little over a hundred print copies of my indie duo of books, but I'm moving ahead with the next series.

    Does that count as Speedbo-ing?

    What could a book worm want more than gift cards and books. Congratulations, winners!!

    Coffee's brewing.

  3. Congrats Tina on another women's world story, that romance short was the only thing I read in those when I lived at home and Mom bought that magazine. My mom's a magazine reader instead of a book reader, so well, put words in front of me and I read them...but evidently only the romance ones.

    Throw me in for the homesteading bride collection giveaway hat. Are any Seekers in the collection I'm in this summer? I don't think so, but let me check.....nope, just some of us villagers.

  4. Congratulations on your latest sale to Woman's World magazine, Tina!

    Wishing all those participating in Speedbo a weekend with impressive word counts.

  5. Tina, congrats on the sale to Women's World!!! Whoot! Whoot!!!

    Helen, I only did print on my first indie book and I didn't order a bunch to sell out of my bag because I realized there was little point. But as I kept producing indie books, sales grew. January is generally a tougher sales' time, usually by March/April sales pick up.

    And play with prices while you keep up production. Price drops are our way of finding new readers, gaining a new audience. And then, having that audience read the other things we produce. Patience and productivity are clutch. Hang in there!

  6. Jen, thank you for loving those covers for our new novella collections. Aren't they gorgeous?????


    And I'm blown away by your art, my young friend. Can you write and illustrate some young reader or elementary children's books in your spare time? I could get lost in your land art, shadowed trees, fog-misted bogs.... You are amazing!

    Jen "Artist Librarian"'s blog is RIGHT HERE and if you scroll down she's got an embedded link to her artwork in the blog page. AMAZING. Although her self-portrait is not nearly as stinkin' beautiful as she is! Go you!!!!!!

  7. Hi Tina,

    Greet WE and congrats on your 12th story for Women's World.

    Congrats to all of the winners this week.

    So far I've written 9570 words this week. I'm so happy to be participating in #Speedbo. Have a great weekend!

  8. Congrats, winners. Now back to writing for me. Keep up the good work everyone!

  9. Tina, congratulations on another story to Women's World. I buy that magazine every week and always search for the 'story'.

    Congratulations to all the winners this week! As far as I am concerned everyone involved with Speedbo is a winner. I am cheering you all on from the sidelines this year. Imagine all the wonderful books that will be written this month!

    So everyone go forth and Speedbo.

    May you all be blessed this week!

    I absolutely love the covers of the new novella collections. Can hardly wait for them to come out.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  10. Ooh, I won? Cool!! How do I claim my prizes? :)

    First week went well - six days, 6300 words, so I'm not too far off my goal. Doing some revising along with new writing, so there's that, too. You ladies are impressing and inspiring me with your productivity! I think at this point I'd like to build the habit of writing at least 1k/day.

    Plus I signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo in April, with my other group of writing buddies, so I can't afford to burn out in March. :) OTOH, I hope to be done the current novel this month, so it'll be interesting to see what I come up with for April.
    Pam Jernigan
    (my email addy is my name, no spaces, and then at gmail dot com)

  11. Great weekend! Congratulations winners! So far Speedboing has resulted in 6088 words this month. Settling in to write more today. Have a great weekend!!

  12. Guess what caught my eye when I opened up today's Seekerville? Nope, it wasn't that I'd won a box of books, though I did a happy dance when I saw it. Nope

    135 Sppedbo participatants. 135 NEW novels or novellas coming soon!!

    And then, some awesome collections including my favorite authors. Aww. Sigh. Life is good!

    Congratulations, TINA for selling another story to Woman's World. Congratulations to all of, cause here at Seekerville we're all winners.
    Thanks TINA for another great WE!

  13. Congratulations, winners!!

    Tina, a good lineup of articles to browse, but I'm leaving in an hour to be gone all day. :-\ I'll catch up tomorrow afternoon.

    I finished the week with 10,386 words.

    Won't get that many next week—little brother is having surgery on Wednesday, and I'll be at the hospital all day. One of the reasons I worked so hard this week. :-)

  14. Please enter me in the Oregon Trail book giveaway. My favorite period to write and read about.
    Kathy Bailey

  15. I've been working my way through "Homestead Brides." I'll read a novella or two at a sitting. Naturally I read the ones by people I "know" first. Will probably knock off another this weekend as a break from, well, everything else. Cooking a meal for the homeless ministry because nobody else signed up. I'm not that great a cook but it will keep them alive.

  16. RE the Oregon Trail book: Nobody's done one on a beautiful young widow who is working her way West as a cook only to find out that the wagon train scout is the man who betrayed her back in Ohio. Are they? Please?
    Kathy Bailey
    Nervous in New Hampshire

  17. Oh wow, such exciting news! Lots of speedboers out there. Yeehaw.

    And congrats to Tina on another short story sale. I don't know how you do it, but I'm glad you do.

    Thrilled to pieces about the upcoming novellas coming out...and love the covers. I could weep from the very spingyness of them since it is still so winterish up here.

    I'm finally getting into a speedbo groove...after how many years? Two? I have conquered the urge to go back and fix by jotting down scene do-overs on index cards at the end of the day. That way I can move ahead with the story next time I sit down to write without my muse nagging me about all the things I did wrong in the previous scene. It's been an epiphany I tell you. :-)

  18. HELEN,
    Where can I get it and how much is it?
    If you're shy about talking price on here, shoot me an e-mail at I would love to read your book but I need print.
    Kathy Bailey

  19. Terrific Weekend Edition, Tina. Thanks! Will be looking for the April 16 issue of Woman's World and your story, Tina. Congrats on your 12th sale!!!

    So excited to see those gorgeous covers on the Seeker novellas releasing this Spring.

    Congrats to our winners!!

    I'm over one-third through my revisions. Happy about that but need to get speedier.

    Impressed by the word counts shared this week Mary, Sally, Pam and Jackie. You rock!

    Off to check out Jen's blog.


  20. What gorgeous covers for the Seeker novella collections!!!! Just stunning!!!

    TINA!!! Congrats on another WW sale!

    And thanks for another super WE! Must find time to check out a few of those links later, but today is my RWA chapter meeting. Lunch and conversation with other writers? FUN!

  21. TEEEEEENA!!! SUPER CONGRATS on the 12th sale to Woman's World, girlfriend -- you ROCK!!

    And SUPER CONGRATS to the winners this week and a hearty pat on the back for the Speedbo-ers too!!

    And, RUTHY, thanks for putting Jen's link in there. Would you believe I've been friends with Jen for years now and even named a character after her in one of my books because she was a winner in my contest, but I have NEVER seen her pic before OR her artwork. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL, both of them, so thanks again, Ruthy!

    Off to edit ...



  22. Congratulations to all the winners!

    Tina and all you Seeker ladies, thank you so much for the encouragement to persevere on this journey. It means so much!

    I'm not going to get a ton of writing done this weekend, but my goal is one scene of my subplot. Hubby gave me the okay to work on it today.

    After my ACFW meeting. :)

    Tina, congratulations on your short story sale!

  23. Another round of novellas from the Seekers? WooHoo! Lovin' it!

    And congrats on the WW sale, Tina!

    No Speedbo for me today. I take Saturday off to spend with my hubby, and we're going to celebrate early spring weather with a trip up into the Hills. We'll wave to the boys on Mt. Rushmore for you :)

    I'll be back at it on Monday, though.

    And yes, I take the weekends off, even during Speedbo. It keeps me sane. Sort of.

  24. So many reasons to congratulate everyone! First - Congratulations to the winners! I'm very happy to be one - love the coffee mug, it will be going on my writing side table -I'm a lapster ;) -
    I am really looking forward to next week's post with some extra giddiness over Tuesday's post with Myra (I have James' book and am too busy typing to read it so far).
    Lastly I am very excited about all the upcoming compilations! Every word you all write inspires me to write more myself. Congratulations to you all!
    Off to read a link with some tea before I dig in for some Saturday Speedbo! Keep going everyone! You are all AMAZING!

  25. PS - Totally forgot to say big congrats to Tina Radcliffe! I devour Woman's World magazines! They are my guilty pleasure without feeling all that guilty!

  26. Helen, I finished Prairie Bride and so loved it. I posted reviews and learned a couple of minutes ago that another of my friends is reading it because she saw my review. I love it when I can help people find great Christian books and your book is great!

  27. Tina, this is a great weekend edition.
    Congratulations on your story in Womans's World. Please remind us when it is out because I will want to buy it.

    Congratulations to all the winners. I am so excited that I will get Ruthy's book.

    I love the covers for the new seekerville Novella collections. I can't wait to begin reading them. Of course I am not doing as much reading this month with Speedbo. I seem to be doing better than I did last year and that is encouraging to me. As of last night I have written 10,088 since Sunday

    Please enter me for the Oregon Trail drawing and also the Homestead Brides drawing.

    Helen, I forgot to mention that yesterday I needed to know how to spell a word we often say but is not in the dictionary. I read it in your book last night. So thanks for your help! And here you didn't even know I would need it.

    Back to writing and reading!

  28. Helen! Yes it counts. KEEP WRITING!

  29. Kaybee, it doesn't matter if someone else writes a similar book because your book is from YOU. It will be completely unique. Don't worry about such things.

  30. The novella covers are so PRETTY. Wow, that's nice work. I love being part of the collection.

    In my Bonus Content part of the historical we meet all the heroes from Trouble in Texas, plus we find out how Seth and Callie Kincaid ended up meeting, marrying, getting that little baby on the way, then Seth vanishing completely.

  31. Helen, I'm on my second cup of coffee, so THANK YOU! lol

    Congrats to the winners and the Speedbo'ers who are racing right along. Yay!!!

    Love the ebook novella boxed set covers. Can't wait to read them all! :) What an amazing time we live in. Ebooks at our fingertips at the touch of a few buttons.


  32. And TINA, congrats on the WW story!

    There's so much in this WE that I'm going to miss someone....

    Ruthy, that cover on All Dressed Up is to-die-for! You snagged a winner of a cover on a winner of a book. Go YOU!

    And congrats to MYRA AND ME that The Oregon Trail Romance Collection is coming soon. My novella in this collection is titled SHANGHAIED BY THE BRIDE. lol Just the title makes me laugh. :)

    And Missy and Sandra are busy with signings and speaking gigs. Honestly, do some of you people ever stop?

    Don't answer that. I don't need the guilt...

  33. Wow.



    Mary Hicks: EXCELLENT WAY TO WORK AHEAD OF THE CURVE. Look ahead, plan our work accordingly. You are positively inspirational, woman!

  34. Wilani!!! I'm so glad you won "All Dressed Up in Love", too! Send us an e-mail telling us which e-mail I should send it to and I'll get it right out to you!

    I can't wait to hear what you think of it!

  35. Thank you, Mary. I get nervous. Thank you for your support.
    Kathy Bailey

  36. Kelly Blackwell, you're marvelous.

    Thank you for all the kind words, it's super to have you on board.

  37. RE the Oregon Trail book: Nobody's done one on a beautiful young widow who is working her way West as a cook only to find out that the wagon train scout is the man who betrayed her back in Ohio. Are they? Please?

    KB, not that I know of, but there are so many ways to spin a story that you just keep writing. This is your story and your characters. Even if someone somewhere has used the basic premise, it would still be different.

  38. I have done my first 1K... then did the banking, went to Sam's shopped for daycare, house, and big box of writing paper.... then to Kohl's and bought (EEEEK!) jeans, and you all KNOW HOW TOUGH THAT IS.

    I want to throw stones at my TV every time a Chico's commercial comes on with tall skinny people wearing size 2 "slimming" jeans.

    At 5'2 1/2" tall, there's nothing in their store that's ever gonna look that way on me, savvy???

    BUT... I did find some cute Levis 515 and bought 3 pair in different colors because if I find a pair that fits... I duplicate them! Jeans are the toughest thing to shop for in Girl-World, aren't they?

  39. Kav, the note cards work great. I do the jotting at the end of the manuscript, but whatever works for you. So proud of you!


  40. Busy weekend here. Baby shower for my niece, plus I have to give the devo at church tonight, and I'm working on edits.

    Oh, and I've got to work on my blog post for HHHistory, due to be turned in on Monday.

  41. Great WE - - Congrats to the winners!
    And TINA - - YAY on selling another story to WW magazine!! :)

    Your post yesterday was awesome, Tina - - but I didn't get to comment because I was re-reading and then sending in my Genesis entry! :) (after numerous computer issues were FINALLY resolved I hit SEND late last night!)

    We have SUNSHINE in my part of Georgia today - - makes me smile despite aches and pains (from infection). :)

    Hugs, Patti Jo

    p.s. Setting out Georgia Pecan Pies for those needing a Speedbo snack. ;)

  42. Off for the day, tea party with 3-year-old, grocery and other shopping, then writing tonight while husband volunteers with homeless ministry. See you Monday!

  43. Speedbo check in - its been a crazy week the good news is I wrote everyday bad news is I didn't make my daily word count goal of 1K. I've done a total of 2268. My month goal of 25K can still be met. I'm taking away that I at least wrote something. Today I'm looking for inspiration.
    Thanks Jeri

  44. Jeri! You're moving forward, honey, and there is inspiration in that! Moving forward is NOT STANDING STILL!!!! Go you!!!!

  45. Jeri, THAT IS THE TAKE AWAY! See Friday's post.

    Speedbo is all about making writing a daily habit. No scolding yourself.

  46. Hurrah, Patti Jo on the Genesis entry.

    So exciting!

  47. Mary Hicks! 10 K!~ wowza.

    If I were competitive, you would be putting me to shame. lol.

    (I am competitive and you ARE putting me to shame~!)

  48. Thanks, Keli and all.

    I am so jazzed about Woman's World.

    Those folks at WW have continued to be wonderful, kind and instructive folks who pay on time.

    What a treat.

  49. 135 Speedbo participants! Yay. I filled in 2 scenes and working on a 3rd now.

    I'd still love to win Ruth's novella and that Oregon Trail Romance book!

    Ooohh, the With This Kiss sets look amazing! Can't wait. Now, back to my writing!!

  50. Thanks for the book! Congrats winners :)
    Toss me in & I'm certainly cheerleading for the Speedbo-ers...
    Looks like some great stuff coming up this week !

  51. Kathy Bailey,

    My new series of indie books are available in both digital and print on Amazon.

  52. forgot.. please enter me for the draw of Oregon Trails Romance Collection thanks

  53. Congratulations Tina on the WW story, so looking forward to it and I don't usually buy it, so yes, you are boosting their sales!

    I am definitely a cheerleader for Seeker writers (minus the short skirt ;) so please enter me in the drawing for the box o' books and THE HOMESTEAD BRIDES collection. It's on my reading list and would love to win it.

    Congrats to all winners and the speedbo writers (like Carolyne said this week I always see speedo too :) By writing all those words, no matter how many, you are that many steps closer to realizing dreams come true. GO SPEEDBOERS!!!

  54. Thanks pal, Lyndee!


  56. Love the Seeker cover reveals! Fantastic!

    Congrats to all the winners!

    It sunny in Georgia! YAY! And flowers are in bloom. So welcomed.

    Remember to Spring Forward tonight!

  57. Speedbo total so far is 5100. I am really enjoying the challenge. Thanks for the chance to win the revisions book. I will put it to good use after the contest. The books today look really good. Best wishes to everyone working to meet your goals! Keep up the good work.

  58. Congrats to this weeks winners!

    Speedbo Update: I said I was going to continue my baby steps today and I did! I got so involved in my story that I doubled my goal for the day. Yay!

  59. Congrats TINA on the Women's World sale!!! The spring Seeker novels collections look awesome. Can't wait.

    Sign me up for all give always. Especially a critique.

    Not a good week word count-wise. A little done each day though. I know I can do better.

    Yay for all the great progress for everyone else. Inspiring.

  60. Wow, so impressed with all everyone has gotten done. So inspiring!

    Love the covers for all the beautiful books. I want to go buy them all. Instead, I'm going to put my name in the drawing. If I don't win, then I'll go shopping. Either way, I'll be a happy camper:)

    I didn't get as many words in as I had planned...but I did get farther on my edits. So I think they balance each other. This week I have a two hour late start on Monday and a day off without kidlets on Friday. Writing time!!

    I have to tell y'all, I'm feeling overwhelmed with God's blessings. I just received my first rating- a 5 star- on Goodreads, and it made my day.

    Plus, my baby just took first place for his bracket in our sectional wrestling tourney. I'm a proud mama right now.

    Happy writing all and God bless!

  61. first rating for my LIS Presumed Guilty I should say.

  62. I have finished the edits on "Refuge of the Heart".... And now need to do a final read-through before I send it back to the editors... so that's my goal for tomorrow, to read the 290 remaining pages, tweak as needed and mark it D-O-N-E!!!!

    And then shifting gears from cold, snowy, poverty-stricken area of upstate NY mid-winter to a multi-million dollar cattle ranch in central Washington state...

    I Love This Life!!!! Hot heroes EVERYWHERE I LOOK, LOL! :)

  63. Oh, the novella collections are BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Congratulations to all the winners, to Tina on her 12th WW sale, and to the Homestead Brides writers! YAY!

    Speedbo report: Day seven and seven days of making my goal=I'm feeling successful! Plus I did over 2000 words in February on a short story to qualify for RWA's "The End" challenge. (It is okay to brag a little bit here in Seekerville , right? But I should confess my daily word count is low, but I'm MAKING time for my dream of writing....and it's working!) Thanks to #Speedbo and all the encouragers!

    I'm cheering for all the SpeedBo participants with all the great accomplishments! YAY!!! #NoLimits!!!

  64. Thanks, Ruthy and Tina, you girls excel as cheerleaders!!

    Monday I'll take a break from writing to get my MS entry together and off to the ACFW contest.

    Congratulations on another WW sale, Tina.. :-)

  65. A good day, Dana! Congrats x2.

  66. I was just reading about last months The End on the RWA page, Sherida.


    RWA NYC is 89% full!!

  67. Congratulations to all of the winners!
    Wow, Tina! Number twelve, that's incredible. I'm so happy for you! I'm still writing and submitting to WW. I have four stories submitted and continue to write, but if you're my competition, I might be waiting a long time for that acceptance letter. :)

  68. Congrats to all our winners! The whole winner thing extends to prizes and WORDS! C'mon, Speedbo!

    OMG, so much great news. Congrats Tina on your 12th sale! WW loves you!

    Helen, indie publishing is a marathon, not a sprint! Be patience, young one. And keep writing.

  69. Gotta love the new novella collections. Gorgeous covers! Very eye-catching. Counting down the days until they're available.

  70. Mary Hicks! 10K words!! You are truly an inspiration!

    Just look at all the writing going on this first week of March! 135 Speedbo participants? Life couldn't get better.

    One week down, three more to go...

  71. Dana, I love it! A 5-star rating is something to rejoice over. I'm rejoicing with you!!

  72. Ha, Jill. Thanks. Not the competition. Your peer. There are four shorts a month and I only sold one so far this year.

    Wish I had time to submit more.

  73. Happy Sunday morning! I remembered to set my clock, and I've got a few minutes before heading out to church.

    My goal today is to spend an hour writing tonight. I wanted to publicly state my goal because it's my Sunday to work at the store and it'd be easy to come home and collapse.

    I hope you all have a great day of worshiping our amazing God!


  74. Fab WE and even more fab Speedbo!
    Rocked it this week and wouldn't have w/o this terrific community.
    Thank you.
    Dashing to Bible Class shortly. Hope to get to other comments later.
    Just wanted to thank you all and go go #Speedbo2015 #NoLimits!!
    See the gang on FB this week to check in!

  75. No Daylight Savings Time in ARIZONA@!!!!

  76. Congrats, Tina, on your Woman's World story!!! So great!

    Dana, congrats on your 5 Star and on your son's accomplishments!

    Cheering everyone on in SpeedBo! Such great writing achievements. Woot!

  77. Dana, that's awesome that you wrassled a 5 star rating from a reader!!! or something like that, right, darling??? :)

  78. Helen, at our age, we have to sprint, darling. Because we've got no guarantees!!!!

    Ruthy "Sprinter" Herne

    Citius Altius Fortius!!!

  79. Speedbo-ers -- all of you -- congratulations on everything you accomplished this writing week. What an inspiration.

    SANDRA, hope you had super book signings.

    Congrats to the Homestead Bride authors. How cool is that! And then two more Seeker anthologies. Ladies, you are breaking my book-buying budget.

    A dozen short stories sold to Woman's World -- go TINA! Thanks for the WE links, too.

    And finally, congrats to all the Seekerville winners.

    Had a family week last week so tiptoed in and out of Speedbo. Jumping in with both feet today!

    Nancy C

  80. The new novellas look great. And congratulations to Tina for another story in Woman's World. Will definitely look for that issue. I hope to have a story published in that magazine someday.

    Excited to know that the same prizes are available for this week. I will definitely be commenting all week.

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend.

  81. Forgot to say please enter me in the weekend drawing for Oregon Trail and Homestead Brides. I would love either of them.

  82. Congrats on another WW story, Tina!! I'm glad you shared the cover. Easier to find it at the store. :)

    So fun to see our boxed set covers together!

  83. 136 participants. Welcome, Natalie Monk.
