Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Weekend Edition-Speedbo Week 2

Stop WRITE there. This is the place to check in. Week 2 of Speedbo.  Congratulations to all 136 of us who WROTE  to this point. Remember that you can join the race at any time.   Details are here.

We Have Winners

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send our your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

Did you claim your giveaway from LAST WEEK?

 This week's winner of a $25 Amazon Speedbo gift card is LoRee Peery. Winner of a one chapter manuscript critique is DebH.  The box of books winner is Tracey Hagwood.

All prizes are mailed out April 1. During Speedbo we write.

Comment any day this week to win the VERY SAME GIVEAWAYS in week three of Speedbo! Remember that you must either be enrolled in Speedbo for the gift card and critique or have declared yourself a cheerleader for the box of books!  Let us know how you're doing and if you want to be entered!

Weekend Edition winner of Homestead Brides Collection is Sherida. Winner of a Oregon Trails Romance Collection when it releases is Becky Dempsey.

Two-time Christy Award winner and RITA finalist DiAnn Mills brought us tips for meeting deadlines in her post "Was that a Truck that Hit Me, or a Deadline?" Candee Fick is the winner of her soon-to-be-released book, Double Cross (FBI: Houston).

Tuesday Seeker (and pantser!)  Myra Johnson joined us for "A pantser plots: from the middle, to the beginning, to the end." Using James Scott Bell's book  Write Your Novel From the Middle: A New Approach for Plotters, Pantsers and Everyone in Between,  Myra took a look at a plotting method even die-The three winners of the Kindle version of Jim Bell's eye-opening book are Mindy H , LeAnne B,  & Dora H.

 Move over Tammy Wynette! On Wednesday, Julie Lessman’s blog entitled "STAND BY YOUR MAN: Redeeming Haunted Heroes”had plenty  of fast and furious tips to make that bad-boy hero into a real hero your readers will love! Kathryn Barker is the winner of a giveaway of any of her books or novellas (including signed paper copies of her novellas).

Thursday we joined Ruth Logan Herne aka: "The Ruthinator" as she she burst into town demanding that you visualize yourself as successful, because if you won't... WHO WILL????  Kaybee is the winner of  $25 Amazon card in honor and hopes of your success!  

 Seeker Tina Radcliffe revisted the romantic arc today. Winner of a Seeker BOC is Bette. Winner of a print version of Romance-ology 101 is Tanya Agler.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Love Inspired Historical author Janet Dean will share tips on writing internal monologue in her post "Introspection: The Advantages and Pitfalls." Leave a comment for the chance to win a $15 Amazon gift card.

Tuesday:  Love Inspired editor Emily Rodmell
is our special guest, sharing how writers can turn a few pages a day into multiple books each year. And she'll have details about a fabulous new opportunity for authors who want to write for the Love Inspired lines!!! Plus, to celebrate Emily's visit... and her surprise... We're drawing names for surprise package giveaways courtesy of your Seeker friends! Leave a comment for Emily to be entered in this and all the #Speedbo drawings!

Love Inspired Author Debby Giusti blogs today. She’ll talk about “Speedbo—Quality vs. Quantity.” Be sure to stop by and join in the conversation. Leave a comment to be entered in a drawing for Debby’s March release—an Amish suspense story—entitled, “STRANDED.”

Thursday: Abingdon Press and Love Inspired author Lisa Carter returns with a Speedbo post entitled, "Story Weaving—10 Fundamentals in Writing the Romantic Suspense Novel." Lisa is also giving away two copies of her latest release, Vines of Entanglement.

Friday: Speedbo is either half over or half begun. You decide with our Gatorade Midpoint Post . Today we'll talk about what some of your favorite authors do when they're STUCK. Stop by and chat and of course we have some giveaway incentives.

Seeker Sightings
Welcome Spring with this Historical & Contemporary Collection featuring many of the Seeker authors!

10-BOOK GIVEAWAY!! Ten authors of historical romance including our very own Julie Lessman have teamed up to bring you a fun giveaway, so here’s the link and GOOD LUCK!!

Sandra Leesmith will be signing books at the Tucson Festival of Books on March 14-15.  On Saturday, March 14, Sandra will be signing her sweet and inspirational romances at the Desert Dreams booth from 9:30-5:30.  On Sunday, March 15, Sandra will be signing her children's books at the Children's Author Pavilion from 1:00 - 3:30 pm.  If you are in town, be sure and stop by. The Tucson Festival of Books is a book lovers dream come true.


Missy Tippens will be featured on Script Chics March 19-25. The Chicks will be reading and discussing her RITA finalist book, A House Full of Hope. Also, Missy will be doing a giveaway that week, so be sure to drop by!

Random News & Information

Thanks to those who sent me links and quotes! 

ACFW Contest Deadlines are Sunday! As of 4:00 pm Central on March 15th, the opportunity is over for this year. Make sure your entry/entries arrive in time. or

 Maine bed & breakfast owner will sell her inn to anyone for just 200 words.(Someecards)

Good news Longmire fans. Seasons 1 & 2 are up on Netflix.  

James Scott Bell on Writing Smarter (Storyfix 2.0)

This Is The Reason Facebook Pages Are Still Useful For Authors (BadRedhead Media)

 Who's afraid of self-publishing? #authorsay (FUTUREBOOK)

How to Register Your Blog with the US Copyright Office (Helen Sedwick)

How to Promote Your eBook Using Twitter and Hashtags (Marketing Tips for Authors)

Writing Spies: Which Agency Does What to Who? (Writers in the Storm) 

How to Make a New Habit Stick (Michael Hyatt) Probably written for Speedbo!

 Self-Pub 101 - May 10-16. Marie Force Virtual Workshops

 Upcoming Events (Free and Paid) With Jane—Plus Other Opportunities (Jane Friedman)

That's it! Speedbo on!!


  1. When I get up in the morning I'm going to do a book signing.

    Congratulations to all winners!

    Thanks for another great WE. Some interesting links there.

    Coffee's on.

  2. SPEEDBO is almost half've started now you just need to finish! Great WE, TINA. Congratulations to all the winners!

  3. I always love the weekend edition. And I'll be at the Tucson Festival of Books all weekend, so I'll be sure to hunt Sandra Leesmith down! How exciting!

  4. Wishing everyone writing this weekend words aplenty!

    I'm excited about the week ahead, especially Tuesday when my awesome editor visits Seekerville and announces the BIG news I've been hearing about on Twitter.

  5. A BIG congratulations to not just the winners this week but to all of you who are still moving forward in Speedbo. You should all be proud of yourselves. Continue the move forward. I know there are some wonderful books being created by you all.

    May you all have a blessed week. Speedbo on...

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  6. Keli Gwyn, I'm excited about Tuesday, too!!!!


    I mean BIG NEWS INDEED!!!!!

    So psyched! And who doesn't love Emily Rodmell????? She's a hoot.

  7. I am in NC to watch my daughter-in-law run a marathon tomorrow morning and to see my beautiful NC grandchildren who are growing like crazy!

    And of course, they're smart and beautiful. :)

    You're thinking: Ruthy, why would you tell folks you're away and your house is empty??? HA. My house is never empty, we have folks move in for the weekend to tend the stove and the dogs. I cannot even imagine an empty house! Working away this morning, so excited to be cruising into the ending of this second cowboy book!


  8. Helen, bless you! Have a great signing today!!!

  9. Congrats to all winners including the writers who are accomplishing their speedbo word count goals!

    I'm excited to win the box of books this week and to have them arrive in April, my birthday month, is a wonderful present too, thank you so much!

  10. Congrats to all winners!!

    Helen, hope you have a great signing today!

    Ruthy, keep safe and enjoy your trip/smart kids!!

    Well, I (duh) did not understand about the cheerleader/box of books!
    If it is not too late, I do Officially want to be a cheerleader for Speedbo..and be in for the box of books! I already have been cheering for them and praying...just did not know I should say so! lol

  11. Yay, I'm so excited about our novella coming out. Ruthy is such a trooper getting these organized for us.

    Yay Ruthy. Yay, novellas.

  12. Helen, Have fun at your book signing. I will be doing same thing at the Tucson Festival of Books.

    Best wishes. Sell lots of books. smile

  13. Hey LeAnne, I'm so excited that you will be at the Tucson Festival of Books.

    This festival is amazing. The whole main thoroughfare of the University of Arizona is filled with booths and displays related to books. There are workshops for writers, famous authors speaking, tons of freebies.

    Over 100,000 people attend.

    LeAnne, I'll be in the Arizona Dreaming Booth which is kind of at the western end of the Plaza.

  14. Okay, Have to brag shamelessly. Hubby and I won gold medal in pickleball tournament yesterday. It was a local tournament in our resort, but still, we had some tough competition. And we had fun. Sorry, had to brag.

  15. Great weekend edition. Looks like another fun week awaits us in Seekerville.

    Congratulations to all of the winners.

  16. Hi Sandra:

    Marketing Alert!
    It's time for a pickle ball romance!
    From team mates to soul mates!
    A romance with relish!
    Two lonely hearts win the gold medal and an HEA!

    Special Request: If J. A. Jance (Juidth) is at the book fair today, would you please tell her that her favorite Oklahoma fan, Linda Mooney, says hello. We both have read almost every book Jance has written but Linda emails her and Jance answers back. Jance does beautiful and highly effective newsletters. Not too often but powerful when they arrive. You might also tell her I'm a big fan of her poetry.

    Also, I hope you have lots of copies of your "Cody the Coyote" book. I can't think of a better market for these books than Tucson. (I once lived in Tucson.)


    P.S. I'm with you! Novellas are now my favorite reading format. Novellas are the new One-a-Day HEAs!

  17. Hi Ruth:

    With your new love of cowboys,
    if you can write funny,
    you'll be ready to give Mary
    a run for the money!

  18. I won the Amazon card! What a way to start the weekend!
    I got the two chapters I wanted to do written this week, finally. Last night I did the second one. This MS already has problems, but I'm going to Finish This Draft and then let it set till NANO. It's the sequel to "Lost and Found," which isn't published yet, so I probably couldn't sell it anyway. If I can finish THIS DRAFT by the end of the month, I'll have had a good Speedbo. Going away for an overnight next weekend. I've already read "Homestead Brides," which I was saving for that weekend, so I guess I could write instead. I wasn't going to touch the book till that trip, but winter in New England will do funny things to you.
    May check in later, it's a lazy weekend because of the predicted SNOW.

  19. Ruthy, what part of NC are you? I am wondering how close you are to me. I live in the NC Mountains near the Georgia state line.

    I have written so far this month 19,671. I plan to continue this habit even after March.

    Please enter me in the gift card and critique drawings.

  20. HELEN, I hope your book signing is a huge success!!!

    SANDRA, congrats on the pickleball championship!!! Have fun with LEANNE at the book festival!!!

    RUTHY, enjoy your time in NC! WILANI and I will wave to you from across the state!!!

    EVERYONE, way to go on your Speedbo goals!!!

  21. Sandra, it's okay to brag. I will when I have something to brag about.


    And high-five to our Speedbo entrants because you are WINNERS just by virtue of taking the challenge and running with it, so ...


    Tina, great articles as always, especially the Facebook info and Twitter promo articles -- THANK YOU!!

    Hugs and HAPPY WEEKEND, ALL!!

  23. Congratulations on your gold medal, Sandra!

    Enjoy those grandkids, Ruthy.

    Love the poem you wrote for Ruthy, Vince. Started my day with a smile.

  24. Congrats to all winners!!!
    Yay for SPEEDBO!

    I'm entering Genesis this year for the first time. Getting that entry in today...

  25. Congrats to the winners!!!

    Can't wait to see what Emily Rodmell, my wonderful editor, has to say in her post on Tuesday! Should be great!

    So many links to check today. Thanks, Tina, for making it easy for us.

    Heading back to my WIP. Happy writing to all!!!

  26. Mucho congrats to all the winners! :)

    My main goal for Speedbo was to finish my current WIP (due tomorrow!) and get it sent in.

    Today I'm editing and making those last tweaks before hitting SEND. :)

    Then it's on to plotting a couple new stories.

  27. Doing my Genesis entry today.
    Kathy Bailey

  28. Senza Fine

    (Best read while listening to this song:

    (Translation provided with this version by lesser singer:

    Without limits:
    there are no goal lines,
    no checkered flags.

    There are no ribbons
    for proud chests to break.

    No walk off home runs
    for the home teams to hit.

    No two minute warnings
    for fans to stand and cheer.

    And no bell to be saved by.

    Yet, perhaps,
    the greatest limit
    of them all
    is having no limits.
    For those who fail to start
    no limits apply.

    "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

    T. S. Eliot


    Just a different POV. A small effort to see the place for the first time. : )

  29. The articles have been great all week! I was particularly inspired by the links in The Romantic ark. I haven't commented, but have kept up while working! I entered two contests this month and hope to enter two more soon. I'm 20k in on my new story. Made a first pass at rewriting one of my older ones. Despite the lingering bronchitis/flu crud, I'm still doing Speedbo! Yay!

  30. Great WE, Miss T!
    CONGRATS to all the winners!
    YAY for Speedbo and Seekerville!!
    Late last night I really "got going" on my WIP and added 2K words!

    Happy weekend, friends - - am off to a wedding (maybe I'll get some more story ideas!?).
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  31. p.s. Helen, hope your book signing went very well!

    And Sandra L. - YAY for your Gold Medal - - that's super!! :)

    Hugs, PJ

  32. What does DST + Upper Respiratory infection look like?

    Don't ask.

    You don't want to know.

    Yawn. Sneeze.

  33. Oh my stars, Vince, I love it.

    I am having so much fun with cowboys AND historicals....

    But giving Mary a run for the money is a thought, isn't it??? :)

    I just had a Krispy Kreme donut. We don't have them by us anymore. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.

  34. Wilani, I'm near Durham for two days... Someday I'll come down when I've got a couple of extra days and head deeper into the state and meet you and Judy Smith... that would be wonderful! And Deb H. is over by the ocean... But I have to head back tomorrow after the marathon.

    And back to work on Monday!

  35. "For those who fail to start, no limits apply."

    I love that.

    Ya' gotta start somewhere. Sometime.

    If not now, when? If not me, who?

  36. Thanks for the WE, Tina, and congratulations to all the winners! I'll be reading the "How to Make a New Habit Stick" by Michael Hyatt. I'm writing (almost) everyday with Speedbo and want this habit to stick. Next week looks great!

    Helen and Sandra, hope you enjoyed your book signings. And cheering for your gold medal, Sandra!

    Ruthy with grandkids! FUN!

    Vince, you made me laugh...and think. Love the relish!

    Courtney and Kathy, way to go on the Genesis entries!

    Wonderful to see #NoLimits on all the progress with Speedbo goals!

    CHEERLEADERS: Thank you for all the encouragement!!!

    Wishing everyone a great weekend!

  37. Congratulations to all of the winners! week looks exciting, especially Tuesday. :) Thanks for the links, Tina.

  38. I'm so excited I won the Oregon Trail book! Better get my reading "caught up" so I can read it when I get it!

    Looking forward to this week on Seekerville. I'm sure Emily's post will be exciting!

    Speedbo update: I continue to fill in the middle of my WIP. I wrote over twice my daily word goal today and am now at 2/3 of my monthly word goal! And I got to write an almost kiss today :D

  39. Tough week, this week... I had a couple of days of nothing. I was stuck because I didn't know how to do the ending. But late Thursday night (as in, early Friday morning, *after* I'd already gone to bed) I figured it out. I'm at almost 48k words, 15k of which were written in March. So I'm still on track for a little more than a thousand words a day.

    Also, I met Julie Hilton Steele for breakfast, which was so much fun.

    Happy Speedbo-ing, y'all!

    Pam Jernigan

  40. And I keep forgetting, yes, I want to be in the drawing for the gift card and the critique...


  41. Wow! I'm loving reading about these thousands of words written this month!

    Tina, thanks for so many links! I'll do some reading tomorrow.

    Congrats to Sandra and hubby for the gold medal!!

  42. A wonderful WE edition, as always! And it's been a great week here, too. Congratulations to all the winners and everyone else who made progress towards goals.

    I'm looking forward to diving into week #3 and making it better than my previous one. Distractions are not supposed to be a reason for faltering, right?

  43. Sherida, go you! Pretty soon those habits feel like the norm and anything else feels wrong...

    Says Ruthy from the hotel lobby in her jammie pants and big ol' sweater, with just the hotel night crew around.


  44. Carol, I've got horse blinders, darling. I'll send you some.

    We can best those distractions!!!!! Hang tight, my friend!

  45. Pam, that was an "AHA!!!" moment, if ever there was one! And you got to meet up with JHS!!!!

    How fun!

    Glad you got over that hump/mountain and that you're back on track. 15K is no small bit of writing, girlfriend!

  46. Jill Weatherholt, Tuesday looks M-A-R-V-E-L-O-U-S, doesn't it?????

    So many surprises on Tuesday!!!!!


    And surprises!!!!!!

  47. Becky Dempsey!!!! An almost kiss!!!! Go you!!!!! :)

    Glad to hear this is going so well for you, that makes me smile! Happy dancing!

    Don't you love those days when it all comes together?????

  48. I have completed the first edit of half of my MS - while not as much as I'd hoped for, since March I've edited four chapters, and am working on the fifth. Thank you Speedbo for your encouragement.

  49. I had four goals for speedbo.
    Two are complete, the third is begun and really all I wanted to do was begin the new book.
    The fourth a final revision of a book due March 31, that I'm starting today. My hope was to give it two weeks but for it not to take two weeks so I could spend more time beginning that book, get farther into it.
    I may get to that when the book that's due is revised and subbed.
    I'm not as far along as I hoped. But I'm meeting all my deadlines so that's good.

  50. Whenever Vince writes poetry, I know things are going to be great! :)

  51. Happy Sunday, Seekerville. I hope everyone is chasing their Speedbo Dreams!

  52. Hey VINCE, All my pickleball friends are saying the same thing. I guess I better get busy. Smile.

    I didn't see Ms. Jance. She is surrounded by bigwigs and fans. whew. Over 100,000 people here. Gorgeous day so big turnout. YAY.

    But if I run into her I will relay the message.

  53. Saw LEANNE Bristow yesterday. How fun is that???

    I'll post a picture on my blog day Tuesday March 24th.

    I did post on facebook page.

    Today I sign in the Children's booth. And yes, VINCE I did bring lots of Cody the Coyote.

  54. Terrific Weekend Edition, Tina! Congrats to our winners.

    Looks like a great week ahead. Especially Emily Rodmell's visit.

    I'm excited to talk with Villagers about characters' introspection.

    The month is speeding by. I've got to be faster to keep up with my goals. NO LIMITS!

    Happy Weekend all!


  55. Sandra, congrats on that Gold Medal!! Always fun to get and share good news in Seekerville.


  56. Ruthy, pulling for your daughter-in-law as she runs that marathon tomorrow!


  57. Thanks for the encouragement, Ruthy and all you fellow Seekervillians! I'm lovin' my cowboy right now, but I swear, he can be dumber than a bucket of rocks sometimes. And my poor Kate is a might confused too. Anyway, their marriage of convenience has given me lots of material. I've written almost 50,000 words since I started my own private SPEEDBO at the first of February. I feel like the train is almost at the top of the mountain.:)

  58. Oh, I'm excited to be a winner. Thanks so much! This month so far has been a trial to say the least, but God is good and so far giving me the grace needed to concentrate on one thing at a time. Happy writing everyone.

  59. Very excited to learn that I won a give-away!! Whoo--Hoo...and Thank you so much!!

    Have fallen behind in my goals for last week...a houseful of company with the cutest little grands didn't help...but am determined to make it up next week!!

    Love all the encouragement on this site...and all the delightful comments!

    Have a beautiful Sunday and a gloriously productive word count next week!

  60. Vince said...
    Hi Sandra:

    Marketing Alert!
    It's time for a pickle ball romance!
    From team mates to soul mates!
    A romance with relish!

    Oh my gosh, Vince! That's great. Thanks for the creativity and the laughter.

    Nancy C

  61. Go SPEEDBO!
    Congratulations to all the winners and those who are making dreams come true!
    WTG, Helen!!!
    Fun Sandra - know you'll enjoy meeting/seeing FURiends at the Festival. There with y'all in spirit!!
    Thx for a great WE, Tina!

    And now, it's Sunday afternoon and I'm off to write.
    Ta ta, all!

  62. ARGGGGHHH! Some cyber monster just ate my comment! Didn't even leave a crumb. And it was brilliant, I tell you. Brilliant.

    Ah well. Onward.

    HELEN and SANDRA, wishing you fun and productive book signings. Congrats on the Gold Medal, Sandra!

    ERICA, way to go completing the manuscript. Have you hit 'send' yet?

    COURTNEY, JANET F. and KAYBEE, so glad you're entering contests. Cheering you on.

    Congrats to all the WINNERS and to you SPEEDBO-ERS for keeping on keeping on. Thanks to the CHEERLEADERS for your support and encouragement -- you're super!

    Good reading in the links, TINA, especially "Who's Afraid of Self-Publishing." Lots of info in that one -- some of it surprising and some that can use repeating :-)

    Nancy C

  63. Hi Chill N:

    Happy to see that you liked the pickleball idea. I also think a pickleball theme would be perfect for a cozy mystery. Perhaps even a series of novellas: "The Pickleball Brides". The first author to exploit pickleball could open up a new subgenre.

  64. Okay, okay, VINCE. I hear you. smile

  65. 30,500 words so far. This is more fun than I'd expected :)
