Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Weekend Edition

 We Have Winners

  Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

Congratulations to our 137 Speedbo writers. You are all winners.   We've got double giveaway this weekend. Share if you met your Speedbo goal and get your name in the basket for a Spring fling of a Seeker book of choice. Ebook for international winners.

This week's winner of a $25 Amazon Speedbo gift card is Mary Hicks.  Winner of a one chapter manuscript critique is Julie Hilton Steele. The box of books winner is Connie Queen. 

You are urged to go back and review the last four weeks to claim any giveaways with your name on them. Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4. Mailings began this week!

 Revell and Love Inspired author Jan Drexler was our guest on Monday, with her post, "Writing: Art or Business?"  Kathryn Barker, Olivia, Dee LeRoye, Cathy Sheldon Davis and Deanna Steven are the winners of A Mother for His Children! Woot!

Tuesday we ended Speedbo with a BANG! Today NY Times Bestseller, Linda Goodnight stops in to launch her new book, The Memory House. She shared some editing tips,and served up a refreshing glass of Miss Julia’s delicious peach tea. Winner of The Memory House is Mary Curry.

On Wednesday Debut Love Inspired author Jill Kemerer was our guest. She's ready to help you edit your Speedbo pages with her post "Tricks to Keep Your Eyes Fresh When Revising." Edwina is the winner of her release Small-Town Bachelor .

Throw Away That Thesaurus!! Wow, is that a statement or what? Thursday Audra Harders shared why using a Thesaurus may be counter productive for writers. Winners of Cathy Yardley's Rock Your Revisions are Pam Jernigan and Jeri Hoag.

Friday  Barbara White Daille stopped in today to ask "Where in Your World are We?" Barbara talked about choosing the setting for a story and the fact that what matters is orienting the reader into your fictional world, no matter where that might be - even if it's simply your own backyard. The three winners of one autographed print copy of her previous book, The Texan's Little Secret, are Sandy Smith, Lyndee H and Julie Hilton Steele.     

 Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Mary Connealy will be here with her usual wit. Her unparalleled insight into the most vital aspects of writing and as always, her un-riveled modesty. She'll be giving away a copy of each of the Seekers new books, With This Kiss Historical Collection and With This Kiss Contemporary Collection. 

Tuesday: Screenwriter, forensics expert, speaker and children's author, Jennfier Dornbush is our special guest today with her post, "10 Things Hollywood Taught me About Being a Writer." Stop by to chat and we have a special giveaway in honor of  her visit. (If her names sounds familiar, that's because many of you heard Jennifer speak at the 2014 ACFW Conference. She is the author of Forensic Speak!)

Wednesday:  What is Young Adult Fiction Anyway?  Want to know what this whole Young Adult fiction rage is all about? Have your ever considered writing YA, but didn't know where to start? How do you incorporate romance into young adult writing? Bethany House YA author   Dina Sleiman will be stopping by to talk about Young Adult fiction and to give you some tips on how to write it. 

Thursday:  SPEEDBO'S DONE. NOW WHAT? Ruth Logan Herne is glad you asked, because April is Revision Month in Seekerville, and Ruthy's going to take you on the wild ride of ruthless slicing and dicing to create a better mousetrap... or book with "It's All in the Timing." Chat with her today and she'll toss your name into the dog dish (the cats have staged a coup and hidden their new dish!) for a wonderful prize she hauls out of the prize vault-- and she'll even dust it, first!

Friday: Rita finalist Rose Ross Zediker will be here with ten surefire topic if you’re asked to give a speech. Rose will be giving away one copy of her latest release, Reclaiming the Cowboy's Heart.

 Seeker Sightings

The ACFW Silent Auction is LIVE! Bid early and often. It closes April 6th. Make us look good.

Bid on a Kindle Fire, the winner gets to pick their 13 books. One from each Seeker!

On March 20th Robin Lee Hatcher featured the contemporary and historical anthologies  WITH THIS KISS.   Five winners won their choice of one of the anthologies Congratulations and thanks again to Robin Lee Hatcher for the spotlight. And thanks to her readers for all the lovely comments.

Help us celebrate the April 10 release of The Seekers’ “With This Kiss” novella collections with a contest where you can win having a character named after you in Julie Lessman's next book, a signed copy, and your choice of any of Julie's books or Seeker books PLUS choice of top CBA book from Julie's library. Here's the link and GOOD LUCK!

Save the Date! Missy Tippens will be taking part once again in a Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! More info at her blog later.


IndieRecon - Learn from some of the most successful authors in the industry!  And it's free.  

Have a blessed #NoLimits holiday weekend.


  1. I did not meet my writing goal, but I did get to knock off a couple of things on the list.

  2. Congratulations to all authors and other winners! May you have a Blessed Easter weekend!

  3. Congratulations to all the winnes! I'm planning to check out the links later this weekend, but I wanted to pop in and say thank you, Seeker ladies, for your encouragement during Speedbo.

    I did NOT meet my goals, but I got a number of scenes written toward my subplot. The story has coe together better as I figured out where my subplot scenes would go. It was a crazy month, filled with unexpected happenings. And some expected. All in God's hands.

    I intend to work on finishing my subplot, revising and editing and being ready to submit by mid-May.

    Have a great Easter, all!

  4. Thanks, Tina, for another great WE!

    And thanks, Seekerville, for hosting SPEEDBO again.

    Unlike other years, I fell well short of my word count goal. However, I did write while working through family challenges that took me from home 22 of the 31 days. I also entered four manuscripts into three contests, because that was something I could do while away. You know the phrase, 'You don't know what you got till it's gone'? Well, I'm anxiously looking forward to being back at the desk this week.

    Blessed Easter all!

  5. Congratulations to everyone that met their Speedbo goal!

    I did not meet mine but I did enter the Blurb2Book contest. So I met one of my two goals.

  6. Congrats to all the winners! Thanks for a good WE, Tina. WTG!

    Came quite close to my Speedbo goal, best ever since participating actually, so I'm stoked. :D

    I'm in the midst of revisions (my fave part, really really) and May showed up on the page day before yesterday. WAHOO! The story is *finally* coming to life... Much of it thanks to Speedbo.

    Fun fact to know and tell: Was searching for the perfect name for the luxury mega-yacht in this story. Decided upon Cercador dels Mars - Seeker of the Seas.

    Thank you Seekerville. #NoLimits

    Everyone have a blessed Resurrection Sunday celebration!

  7. Thank you Seekervill for the super great $25 gift card!!! Happy dancing in my house this morning!

    As I've said many times, there's nothing as much fun as winning a prize! :-)

    Being a part of Seekerville is a daily win.

    Thank you Seekerville for Speedbo.

    I met my goal of 30,000K—and learned that I could write 1000 words a day and keep the yard up! :-)

    All the generous tips on 'how we do it' and the encouraging words from the girls who 'man' Seekerville ( through woman power ) were of tremendous help. Thank you, each and every one of you. :-)

    Thank you, Tina, for a great WE, and Happy Easter to all!

  8. Thanks Seekerville ladies for hosting Speedbo and for the encouragement you gave us this month.

    I met my goal with a couple of hours to spare. I also discovered I gained 6 pounds during Speedbo. I'm going to have to lose those six and finish writing my story.

    You all are the best. Thanks so much! Congrats to all of the winners!

    Happy Easter!

  9. Happy Easter, fellow Seekervillians! A big congrats to all the prize winners this month, but I feel like a winner for surpassing my SPEEDBO goal of 30,000 words. I wrote over 35,000 and proved I can write six days a week and produce more than a 1,000 words a day. A huge victory!!

    Thank you for all the encouragement. I could never have done this without you all!

  10. Happy Easter everyone!

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    I met my Speedbo goal.

  11. Thanks for the Speedbo inspiration all month long! I fell short of my word count by 7000ish because it took me a week to write a 100 word blurb! If I included all the reject blurbs I'm thinking I'd be over my Speedbo goal. LOL.

  12. Congrats to all winners, book winners and speed-boers alike.

    I agree with Mary Hicks and appreciate "the girls who 'man' Seekerville with their woman power".

    I hope everyone has a blessed Resurrection Sunday,
    I'm thanking Jesus for His Sacrifice for me,
    it's hard to think about all He endured,
    so that we could have life, and life to the full,

  13. I did not get my writing goal completed, but I did get a good jump start on my book. I also learned a lot this month from all of the blog posts. Thanks everyone!!

  14. Congratulations to all of the winners!

    Happy Easter, everyone!

  15. Great WE! Congrats to all the winners and speedboers. I did meet my goal and now my critique partners are about to be bombarded :)

    Happy Easter, everyone!

  16. Tina, thanks for the terrific Weekend Edition. Congrats to our winners!

    And to all who made their goals during SpeedBo! If your goal wasn't met, I'm guessing you still accomplished a lot you can be proud of.

    Looks like a great week ahead here in Seekerville.

    Have a blessed Easter!


  17. I met my goal and then some. Very grateful to the Seekers and Speedbo. Sure needed that extra push. And now that I've got my momentum, I'm still going. Easter Blessings to all.

  18. Congrats to all winners and all Speedbo participants who made their goal. Osteoarthritis and undue stress shut down by body/mind. Instead of 30,000 words I ended with a count of 25,665. And then I deleted my daily progress without printing the goals sheet. Oh well. What matters is He is Risen and we celebrate this weekend! Thanks to all Seekers for your dedication and encouragement and knowledge (as well as the Amazon gift!).

  19. I was supposed to work every day on revising....I didn't quite do that. I did finish revising half the book and did my copy edits, so quite a bit, but I probably could have gotten to 2/3 of the book being done.

  20. I saw the ACFW auction link and bid a couple of times. Previous bidder had a proxy bid in so I'm not winning but it pushed to current bid up, I guess that's good.

  21. Congratulations to the winners and the Speedbo-ers!

    Looking forward to another fun week in Seekerville!

    Wishing everyone a blessed celebration of Easter.

  22. Another great WE, Tina!! I hope everyone has a blessed Easter!

  23. I met my Speedbo goals. I actually finished my first manuscript :) I'm glad that April is Revision month since that's what I'm needing now!

  24. Great WE, Tina! Thank you!

    Happy Easter, everyone!!!

  25. Tina, Will you let us now when your magazine story comes out? I don't want to miss it.

    I pre-ordered both collections this morning.

    I had a scare in Walmart this morning. They don't have an outside garden area so had all the blooming plants and fertilizer all in the middle of a main aisle. As soon as I realized I was moving very quickly away which happened to be towards the pharmacy. By then I was very much so wheezing and struggling to get my inhaler out. They all moved quickly to me and kept asking if I wanted to call EMS. Thankfully I didn't have to. The bright spot on all this is my character in the blurb to book has asthma so this may appear in the book at some point. I am ok but still feel very weak so heading to bed for a nap. Grateful the pharmacy staff were watching over me for a few minutes.

  26. I totally failed my blogging goals (but that was kind of due to some outside unforeseen hiccups). However, I did finish some scholarship essays and heard back from a couple I did in December (yay)! Every little bit helps ... right?

    Can't wait for Dina Sleiman's post. I just reviewed Dauntless on my blog --best new-to-me author I've read this year!

  27. Oh, that editor article made me wince and cheer... and made me realize that is why I shall never be a Grammar Queen and I cheerfully pass of the elongated list of rules to my friend, GQ!!!!

    While I respect most of the rules, I like to write with conversational lyricism (that's my name of choice for "RULE BREAKER") because it sounds right to me, like normal folks, sitting around, meeting up, having a cup o' joe.

    That caught my eye first off! Now to CONGRATULATE EVERYONE!!! First winners!!!! Congrats to you! I love seeing happy faces!!!!

  28. Wishing everyone here (lurkers, too!) the blessing of a wonderful, heartfelt Easter.

    "It's all about the cross, 'bout the cross, no bunny!

    It's all about the cross, 'bout the cross, no bunny!

    It's all about the cross, 'bout the cross, no bunny..."

    SING TO TUNE OF "All about the Base.."

  29. TINA!!!! Thank you for an awesome WE. Love it, Love it, Love it! Happy Easter, sweet thing!

  30. Congratulations to everyone!
    I am happy to say that I did make my Speedbo goal. I was concerned for the last week, because it was during my station's sharathon. I am so grateful for Seekerville. Speedbo was so encouraging for me. I still have quite a ways to go, but I am learning to get my tush in the chair and write. All of the posts here have given me so much encouragement and knowledge. I am eternally grateful and will definitely be back again and again. You are all AMAZING!

  31. Great WE and congrats to all the winners.

    I met two of my Speedbo goals. The third one still needs some work but I did make great progress on it.

    Happy Easter everyone.

  32. Happy Easter! He has risen!!!


    Congrats to all the winners and to all those who participated in Speedbo!

    I hope everyone has a joyous Easter surrounded by friends and family!

    Sending God's blessings and love to all! Hugs too!

  33. I made a goal to write every day. I did not meet that goal, but I have lots of strings of pink x's that attest I wrote much more than I would have without my SPEEDBO goal. I'm happy I participated in my first SPEEDBO. Thanks, Seekerville gals!

  34. Easter blessings, everyone! We are so happy to have our daughter and family home from the mission field at long last! We'd appreciate prayers for our son-in-law to find a good teaching job somewhere nearby.

    RUTHY, cute parody--perfect!!!

    WILANI, so glad you're okay! Asthma attacks can be scary!

  35. Hey all,

    I'm pleased to say I met my goal. And you guys inspired me to enter my first writing contest, to boot; I'm so glad I chose to Speedbo! You ladies are awesome. Thank you!!

    Congrats to everyone who "won" and everyone who didn't but made progress anyway!

    Pam Jernigan

  36. Happy Easter everyone. Hope you are all having a wonderful day.

    I'm excited to win a book this week!

    I did meet my Speedbo goal of 1000 words a day as I have a total of more than 31000. There were only 3 days on which I did not meet the goal for the day but did catch up. Since then, I haven't done much. I've been catching up on everything I didn't get done in March. But I find I miss my characters so am ready to get back at it. Please enter me in the drawing.

  37. Wilani, glad you are OK after your asthma scare. I have asthma, too, so can understand what that is like. Take care.

  38. Happy Easter to all my Seekerville friends!
    I'm at our lovely coast for a few days, but still wanted to stop by and say CONGRATS to all the winners, and THANK YOU to the Seekers for again hosting a wonderful month of Speedbo!
    I am very happy to say I met my personal goal (although the second part was slightly changed after I learned about the "Blurb to Book" contest). :)
    The encouragement from this blog is amazing and much appreciated.
    Hugs, Patti Jo

    He is RISEN!!!

  39. Myra and Sandy, Thanks for your kind words.

  40. Congratulations to all the winners, and to everyone who chalked up words during the month. I didn't quite make my original goal, but I got more done than I would have without my March commitment, and I'm content with that.

    Like CatMom, I altered my goal late in the month to prepare material for Blurb2Book. I'm a laggard when it comes to contests, so getting my Phase 1 entry submitted was a significant achievement for me.

    Thanks to all the Seekervillagers for their constant support and encouragement. :)
