Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Weekend Edition

Our library pouch winners are: 

Weekend: DebH
Monday: Jamie Adams
Tuesday: Heidi Robbins
Wednesday: Ms. Zey Zey
Thursday:  Pat Jeanne Davis
Friday: Kav
Saturday: Kelly Bridgewater

We Have Winners

  Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules. 

Winner of a set of the Historical & Contemporary Collection of With This Kiss is Tracey Hagwood.

Monday Missy Tippens celebrated National Library Week! The theme of the week is  Unlimited possibilities @ your library! Miss shared about Unlimited Possibilities in our writing. Winner of one digital copy of her upcoming Love Inspired book, The Doctor's Second Chance, is Donna. Winner of an Amazon e-book copy of With This Kiss Contemporary Collection is Kav and winner of the With This Kiss Historical Collection is Bettie.

Tuesday Myra Johnson talked about her experiences using library programs for book promotion. She shared some of the things she's learned about working with libraries, including what works and what doesn't. Becky (OhioHomeSchool) is the winner of The Oregon Trail Romance Collection, which includes Myra's novella Settled Hearts.

Wednesday Debby Giusti  discussed Brainstorming--A Great Tool for Writers, with information on both group and solo brainstorming techniques.  Becky Dempsey is the winner of Debby's latest Love Inspired Suspense, Stranded, along with a surprise gift.

Thursday  Victoria Bylin visited to say she wouldn't be an author today without libraries. Hallee Bridgeman and Patti Jo Moore (CatMom) are the winners of Victoria's latest release Together With You.

Friday Seekerville welcomed author Julie Jarnigan! She shared about "The Organized Writer." Rhonda is the winner an e-copy of Brian Tracy's Eat That Frog !  Two winners of With This Kiss, Historical and Contemporary Collections are Beth Writes and Martha Fouts.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday:Love Inspired Historical author Janet Dean will talk about ways to up the emotion in your stories as she revisits her post “Seven Tools to Add Emotion to your Writing.” Leave a comment for a chance to win With This Kiss historical and contemporary novella collections. That's two winners, one for each collection.

Tuesday: Bethany House author and marketing/events coordinator for My Book Therapy Melissa Tagg will talk “the talk” with her post “Tips to Take Your Dialogue to the Next Level.“ Stop by for a chance to win Melissa’s latest book, From the Start.

Wednesday: Seekerville is delighted to welcome Heartsong Presents author Karen Fleming back with her post, "Romancing Your Readers Like a Romantic Comedy." And what could be better than a great read (Karen's latest release, Her Hometown Reporter)  and a Starbuck's beverage? Stop by and you could win both!

Thursday: Today we welcome back award winning author Melanie Dickerson, with her post, "Anatomy of an Edit." And one lucky commenter will win her new release from Thomas Nelson, The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest. 

Friday: Author and editor Sandie Bricker is our special guest today. Sandy brings a very special announcement to Seekerville. Of course the prize vault is open!

Seeker Sightings

You've Got Mail! Tina Radcliffe's 12th Sale to Woman's World Magazine is available now!

Award winning author Debby Giusti will be one of sixty authors hosting tables at Barbara Vey’s Reader Appreciation Luncheon, on April 25, in Milwaukee, WI. The afternoon will be filled with fun, gift bags full of books and door prizes, plus lots of raffle drawings for author baskets. NYT best seller Tess Gerritsen is the keynote speaker and a mega-signing follows that’s open to the public. Proceeds from the event will benefit the American Cancer Society. Debby will also attend the Friday evening Author Q&A, at 6:30 PM, that's open to the public.

Every weekend for the rest of April, 
we're giving away a set (one  copy of each) of With This Kiss-Historical & Contemporary Collections

 Just say you want  one!

Winners announced in the Weekend Edition.

 Missy Tippens is taking part  in a Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt,  April 16-19! More info at her blog!

Mary Connealy will be speaking at the Clive, Iowa Library. Clive is a suburb of Des Moines. The library address is 1900 NW 114th St. Clive, Iowa. Phone # 515-453-2221.
She will be speaking at 6:00 pm, Tuesday, April 21st, about what made her start writing to begin with and where she gets her ideas. A bookstore will be there to sell books and Mary will be delighted to sign them.

Random News & Information 

(Contributed by Seekers & Villagers)

Getting Self-Published Books into Public Libraries (PW)

 How Do You Stay Productive Working from Home? (Inkthinker)

Business Musings: The Hard Part (Kristine Kathryn Rusch) 

 A Simple Way to Create Suspense by Lee Child (NYT)

Readers are Smart—Respect What They Bring to Books (The Editor's Blog)

Envisioning a Colorado Haven for Readers, Nestled Amid Mountains of Books (NYT)

The Best & Worst Writing Advice (Writers in the Storm)

How Typing is Destroying Your Memory (The Passive Voice)

Wait, Keep Talking: Author Self-Promo That Actually Works (Whimsydark)

How To Write a Fabulous Proposal by Emily Rodmell (EHarlequin)

 ‘They,’ the Singular Pronoun, Gets Popular (WSJ)

And some Happily Ever After for you here.

That's it. Here's our #NOLimits Quote of the Week:


  1. Congratulations to all the winners!

    Thanks, Tina for such a great WE. I'm looking forward to clicking some of the links when I'm more awake. :)

    I loved that quote you closed with. LOVED IT. Always aim higher. I've got to remember that. :) Good night, all.

  2. Like Jeanne, I'll have to read those links when I'm rested.

    Coffee's brewing for morning.

    Good night.

  3. Helen, thank you for the coffee!!!! It's Saturday!

    So excited, happy dancing, drinking coffee and diving into revisions with gusto!

    Come join me, let's make sense of what we did last month!

  4. Congratulations to all of this weeks winners!

    Thank you for all the links and yes, I would love to win a set of With this Kiss. Thank you for the opportunity.

    Rest, Relax and (W)rite this weekend!

    Blessings to all!
    Cindy W.

  5. Thanks for a great WE, Tina!

    I'll have to enjoy browsing the links later this evening as I have a busy day ahead. :-)

    Congratulations ro all winners! :-)

  6. And that's 'to' all winners. :-)

  7. Congratulations to all the winners! I love seeing what is coming up in the next week. I would love to be entered in the drawing to win both sets of With This Kiss. Have a blessful weekend everyone!

  8. Got my coffee in hand and ready to write...Thanks to SPEEDBO! I'm still not awake enough for happy dancing, Ruthy. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. ;-) Have a great weekend everyone!

  9. Wow -- it's like Christmas!!!!! Thanks so much! A library pouch and a novella collection. How cool is that?! I'd happy dance but I feeling hobbley this morning so I'll happy hobble instead. :-)

    And there's no snow on the ground!!!!!!!!!!!! That's worth celebrating too.

    But rats -- according to that article I can't work in my jammies any more.

  10. Oh my stars, Blogger just hiccuped and kicked me off! Bad, bad blogger! Shame on you!

    I got 8 pages of revisions done, moving on to kitchen duty, errands and then back. My reward if I get 20 pages done is time in the garden. And honestly, there are carpenter ants in my kitchen, so there probably are fewer bugs in the garden!

  11. I agree with Kav, it does feel like Christmas winning both the With This Kiss collections! I don't know why it's so fun to win books I could buy, it just is!

    Thanks Seekerville!

    Congrats to all the winners this week.

    TINA, You've Got Mail was a cute story in WW. Short stories are tricky, you don't have much time or space to begin and finish, but you really pulled it of. Congratulations and applause my friend!

  12. Ruthy, I've got to get some housework done too, then my reward will be some reading time, then a birthday dinner tonight with the family. Life is good!

  13. Congratulations to the winners!

    Great WE edition, and congrats Tina on your 12th sale to Woman's World!

    Thanks for all the great links, and I hope you all have an amazing day!

  14. Thank you, Tina. Congratulations on the Womans' World sale.
    I am "up" today because I got a chapter back from my crit partner and she actually LIKED it! (She is good but tough.) So I'm on a limited roll here. I have to spring clean (okay, FALL clean, whatever) today because it's the last full Saturday I'll have for like ever, but if I get organized and get it all Out Of The Way I'll be able to write more efficiently. When I get tired or done I'm going to work on my next chapter for my crit partner, read her next chapter and enter the Tara. I LOVE Saturdays!
    Kathy Bailey
    Productive in NH

  15. Congratulations to all the winners.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  16. TRACEY, it's fun to win books because they come in the mail in a bubble wrap on an otherwise ordinary day and you savor it, drawing it out as long as possible or ripping it open depending on your personality, and it puts a big shiny star in your day between all the bills and junk mail. You tear off the return address so you can write a thank-you note (and then you Throw It Away because the authors need their privacy), and then you carry the book around all day, maybe dipping into the first chapter or reading the personal note. Anyway, that's what I do.
    Kathy Bailey
    Avid reader in New Hampshire

  17. RUTHY, I reward myself with gardening too! Or baking. I think today I'll make a sugar-free apple cobbler for myself and my husband. We really need to come down to earth after the Easter candy, not all of which was sugar-free. I make a great and easy cobbler with Jiffy mix as the topping. The hardest part is cutting up the apples!
    Kathy Bailey

  18. KAYBEE, LOL, you totally get the book winning thing, nice to be understood.

    Laughing at your "need to come down to earth after the Easter candy", I understand you too.

    Sounds like we're kindred spirits :)

  19. Oh yeah, on the spring cleaning thing, I figure I've got until June when it's officially summer, right ;)

  20. Happy Belated Birthday, Tracy. You're only looking younger@!

  21. Spring cleaning??? We're talking about spring cleaning????

    Way to put a damper on an already cloudy day, gals! I vote we put it off as long as possible. There will always be dust bunnies and dirty dishes, but there's never enough time for the good stuff, like grandkids, friends, writing, vacations.

  22. Happy weekend! Thanks so much for the library card pouch- I can't wait to use it! Please put my name in the hat for a With this Kiss collection :)

  23. Congrats on the wins, everyone! :)

    Now Seeker ladies: are Speedbo giveaways still being distributed via mail? And I'd love to be included in the drawing for the With This Kiss collections!

    Happy weekend!

  24. Time for some coffee :) Looking forward to another great week on Seekerville! I would like to be in for the drawing for With This Kiss!

  25. Great WE, Miss T!!
    CONGRATS to all the winners!
    I am THRILLED to win Victoria Bylin's latest release - - WOOHOO!!! :)

    Cannot wait to get my paws on a copy of WOMAN'S WORLD to read yet another story by one of my heroes, TINA RADCLIFFE!! :)

    Happy Weekend everyone!
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  26. p.s. Almost forgot - - since this is TINA'S 12th sale to WOMAN'S WORLD, I'm setting out a DOZEN DONUTS!! (don't worry, when those are eaten there are more). ;)
    Hugs, PJ

  27. Patti Jo, all twelve donuts are gone. I ate them all.

    Set out more.

  28. Tina WTG! I will hunt Women's World up!

  29. I pretty much break every single rule about being productive working from home.

    Who's got time or money for a designated work phone line? What I'm supposed to get a second phone line or a second cell phone? That's madness. Of course I never get any calls, maybe if I did, I'd feel different.

    I do get dressed everyday, but that's not out of a desire to be professional and productive, it's because my husband mocks me if I don't.

    My life is one big 'break'.

    I move from my desktop to my laptop often. No designated work space.

    I suppose I don't use my desk for 'non-writing'. There are no craft projects sitting on the desk. But then I never do craft project so that's hardly a life choice to 'designate'.

  30. Love that Michelangelo quote!!

    So may great articles to read this week!

  31. As far as a laptop ruining your memory, it reminded me of a cousin who took notes during the church service.

    It was interesting because he'd outline the sermon.

    In a very routine way he made me realize that sermons, like so many speeches, were done in an orderly fashion.

    He's write in the sermon title then the foundational scripture reference, then
    1. First Point
    a. subsection of first point
    b. It was very tidy
    2. Second point
    a. subsection of second point

    He told me almost every time a sermon fit into this outline style, which is, after all, basic speech writing, right? And it helped him remember it later and sometimes he'd look up the scripture references.

    I'm sure he remembered the sermon far better than anyone else.

  32. Thanks TINA for the birthday wishes and kind words, if you are referring to the pics my daughter posted on FB, well she had to go back a few years to find some half decent ones, haha, love her for gong the extra mile and doing that :)

    MYRA, I wasn't the one who brought up spring cleaning, honest, I figure spring's not over for 2 months according to the calender and I'll probably need every bit of it.

    I agree about the best use of time, I'd rather spend mine enjoying my family and friends, that's why I'm off to Fl. Tuesday for a week with my sister, we always have so much fun, woohoo!

  33. Another awesome WE! Congratulations to the winners and I'm so excited about the library card pouch. My girls are going to love it. We have two libraries we use and one has large plastic cards and the other has tiny weird shaped ones that I think you are supposed to hook on your key ring. It will be nice to have one place to keep them all.
    I can't believe Mary ate all the donuts before I got here. Couldn't someone stop her? :(

  34. Tina,

    I picked up a copy of Women's World today. Can't wait to read when I have a moment.

  35. No worries, Jamie Adams! Setting out more donuts!! ;)

    Mary Connealy, you always make me laugh, so you eat all the donuts you want! (but I do have a disclaimer stating I'm not responsible for stomach aches, LOL- - even though I'll gladly hand you some TUMS). ;)

    Now I'm thinking I'll have to write in a donut scene in my WIP today (which is different from a "tea scene" hehehe). :)

  36. Should I feel guilty cause I enter so many contests to win books? Not! And then when I get them special delivery and a meal from TINA, besides? What's to feel guilty about. Thanks, Tina, for taking time out of your busy schedule...yeah, I know! And Sandra, we missed you and didn't even talk about you...well, only a little bit!

    Thanks, Tina....I really needed to do laundry today...

  37. CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners! And yes, I'd love WITH THIS KISS collections! Thank you

  38. Congratulations to all the winners this week! Does a heart good, doesn't it?

    Great WE, Tina. Always so much to read.

  39. Tina, congrats on your 12th sale to WW!! I love the cover of WW edition, too. Yumbola!!

    Are they saying you can melt off 11 pounds of fat in 9 days by eating pancakes?? Sign me up!

  40. Congratulations to Tina on her 12th Woman's World sale.

    I just got back from an all-day writing workshop and am enjoying some down time and enjoying the Seekerville Weekend Edition.

    Only enter me for the historical set, I've already downloaded the contemporary version of With This Kiss.

  41. "I think the greatest danger for most of us is not aiming too high or aiming too low. It's aiming at the wrong target!" Θ

  42. LOLOLOL, Vince! Once again you made me chuckle.

  43. Yes. The Speedbo prizes are still being mailed. Prize rules:

    Seekerville Giveaway Disclaimer (Updated 9/25/2013)

    1. No purchase necessary to enter any Seekerville giveaway. The giveaway will end on the date stated in the posting. The opportunity to play may be affected by local ability to access the Internet at any particular time.

    2. Open to all readers, 18 years or older who are legally allowed to participate in such a give away as allowed by their local laws. Please do not enter if you are not 18 years or older unless your parent or guardian will verify that it is permitted.

    3. Players must submit the required information for each giveaway which will allow the entrant a chance to win. Entrants will be informed if they are a winner in the Weekend Edition. Effective April 1, 2012 winners will not be personally contacted unless time permits. It is the winner's responsibility to contact Seekerville at our email address,

    4. Seekerville authors are not responsible for: incomplete, lost, late, damaged,scrambled or misdirected entries or other errors of any kind whether human, mechanical or electronic, which may limit a user’s ability to participate in any giveaway.

    5. Seekers and their families are not allowed to enter any giveaway.

    6.Void where prohibited by law. All Federal, state and local laws and regulations apply.

    7. Prizes will be assigned to those who have been identified as winners and are not transferable unless specified.

    8. Winners will receive their prizes via mail or email after the give away has completed and winners have been verified.

    9. Taxes, if any, are the sole responsibility of the winner. Seekerville assumes no responsibility or liability for any damages, losses, or injury resulting from the acceptance or use of any prize.

    10. All prizes are mailed out within 8 weeks of announcement of winner if possible, taking into consideration deadlines, births of grandchildren or other natural disasters.

    11. All prizes must be claimed within 8 weeks of announcement or are forfeited. Seekerville is not responsible for any lost, damaged or misdirected prizes.

    12. Entering the give away is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the entrant in accord with these rules and any pertaining to local/federal/international laws.

  44. We are nothing if not thorough. And remember that Speedbo prize mailings began April 1.

    I think that about covers my buns.

  45. I'm loving the spring cleaning that's really fall cleaning, LOL! I figure if you put up enough twinkle lights and ornaments, no one notices the DUST!!!! :)

    Tracey, congrats on the collections, I just sent them to you! YAY!!!!!

    And Kaybee, you are an avid reader and an avid author now, hang in there and keep on keepin' on! I love it when someone actually likes our stuff! Happy!!!!

  46. Vince, I've missed that mark a time or two! Laughing!!!!

  47. I ironed yesterday, something I haven't done in over a year, while watching The Men Who Built America for historical research....

    I will have clean, ironed clothes for one week when the weather warms up. It is a season of miracles around here!

    And I cleaned the chicken coop so 50 chickens LOVE me.


    I am that special!!!

  48. Congrats on your 12th WW story, Tina! Looking forward to your Baker's Dozen! Great WE.

    Ruthy, I used to iron for fun. Easily amused, I know...And FB isn't cooperating this morning, but I tried sending you an advertisement to buy chicken harnesses. We don't want the DCCS (Dep of Chickens and Chicken Services)after any free-rangers up there in NY!

  49. Twelve stories to WW!! Fantastic, Tina! Admiration abounds :-)

    Congrats to all the winners. And belated Happy Birthday, Tracey.

    Lotsa good links. Thanks to all who send them.

    And that ending quote -- WOW!

    Nancy C

  50. Tina, congratulations on your 12th story! I picked up WW yesterday....and loved your sweet story! I admire those who can write something special in very few words. Thank you for the Homestead Brides collection which arrived this week and for the WE information! Interesting thoughts on suspense by Lee Childs, thougtful article on writing for readers, and love the Colorado book haven place.

    Congratulation winners! Happy belated birthday to Tracey! Happy weekend of reading and/or writing to all!

  51. Visiting family this weekend so I'm late checking in.

    Congrats to the winners! Waving to Becky who already submitted her mailing address. Thanks, Becky!!!

    Stormy in GA today. Someone said we've had seven days of least. The ducks love the weather. I'm not as pleased. :)

    Happy birthday to Tracey! Thanks for your sweet note! :)

  52. Congratulations on your 12th story! Enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon. ...daffodils are finally showing their faces in chilly Ohio.

  53. Congrats to all the winners. I'm so excited to see so many are winning With This Kiss collections. They are a lovely gift. Hey, Mother's Day is coming up? smile

  54. Congratulations to all of the winners. An extra congratulations to you, Tina! Twelve times...that's incredible! I loved this story.
    Thanks for sharing The Passive Voice article...very interesting. I'm a big fan of the pen. :)

  55. Tina, thanks for posting the WW cover so I'll know what to look for!

  56. Congats to all the winners this weekend !
    This is such a fun blog. I love reading the posts and comments each day !
    I'd love to be entered to win With This Kiss-Historical & Contemporary Collections.
    Thank you and Have a great week all !

  57. I have had a busy weekend and just now checking in on the WE. I hope I'm not too late to enter the drawing for the With This Kiss collections.
