Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Weekend Edition

I absolutely love the rain!

Why? Because:

  • It's romantic
  • Rain is cozy.
  • I am reminded of this John Michael Montgomery song.
  • Dancing in the rain is the most wonderful thing.
  • Sleeping in when it's raining is bliss.
  • I love the sound of rain.
  • I love the smell of rain.
  • It's cleansing.
What about you? Do you love the rain?

We Have Winners

  Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules. 

Winner of a set of the Historical & Contemporary Collection of With This Kiss is Deanne (Cnnamongirl).

Monday Love Inspired Historical author Janet Dean shared ways to up the emotion in your stories as she revisited her post “Seven Tools to Add Emotion to your Writing.” Winner of With This Kiss historical novella collection is Nancy C and the winner of With This Kiss contemporary novella collection is Dana R Lynn.  

Tuesday Bethany House author and marketing/events coordinator for My Book Therapy Melissa Tagg talked “the talk” with her post “Tips to Take Your Dialogue to the Next Level.“ The Artist Librarian is the winner of Melissa’s latest book, From the Start.

Wednesday  Seekerville was delighted to welcome Heartsong Presents author Karen Fleming back with her post, "Romancing Your Readers Like a Romantic Comedy." Tammy Baumann is the winner of  a great read (Karen's latest release, Her Hometown Reporter) and a Starbuck's gift card.

Thursday we welcomed back award winning author Melanie Dickerson, with her post, "Anatomy of an Edit." Leslie McKee is the lucky winner of her new release from Thomas NelsonThe Huntress of Thornbeck Forest. 

Author and editor Sandie Bricker was our special guest today. Sandy brought us the details of the Bling! Diamond Award Contest. Winner of a  writer book surprise package is Anna Weaver Hurtt, winner of a reader surprise book package is Caryl Kane.

 Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: "How does your Speedbo garden Grow, Part II." So, you spent the entire month of March hard at work sowing words in your writing garden. So, what’s going to happen in April, May, and June? What about July or August? Pam Hillman is today’s hostess and she’ll offer tips on seeing a bountiful harvest from your Speedbo labors.

Tuesday: Love Inspired author and Seeker, Tina Radcliffe is your hostess today with her post, "Book Matter: What is it and Why Does it Matter?" Giveaway? Well, of course!

Wednesday:Join Ruth Logan Herne who asks the vital question: "Have You Put Success on Your Schedule, and If Not? Why Not?" Ruthy will mostly yell at you about not visualizing yourself as the highly successful person you deserve to be as long as you don't trip your sweet self up by not getting out of your own way! Stop by, leave a comment, to get your name in the hat dish for one of several copies, YES!!!  Win-It-Before-You-Can-Buy-It , Ruthy's 4 1/2 Star love story Healing the Lawman's Heart. 

Thursday: Author Cindy Green is our special guest today with her post, "Goodreads Marketing." Of course we have a giveaway too!

Friday: Stop by today for the May Contest Update and to meet our May Diva/Divo. The prize vault is open!

Seeker Sightings

Starting today, Sunday April 26, you can get Ruth Logan Herne's "Running on Empty" FREE FOR YOUR KINDLE OR KINDLE APP ON ANY DEVICE! If you haven't read this highly acclaimed, unforgettable story, grab it now, and yes, spread the word! 241 reviews with a 4.7 Star ranking, folks are loving this beautiful, poignant story that shows yes... you can come home again... no matter what. "Running on Empty" Available Here!

Congratulations to Ruth Logan Herne. Her June release, Healing the Lawman's Heart, received 4 1/2 STARS from Romantic Times Book Reviews!

Every weekend for the rest of April, 
we're giving away a set (one  copy of each) of With This Kiss-Historical & Contemporary Collections

 Just say you want  one!

Winners announced in the Weekend Edition.

Award-winning author Debby Giusti is one of sixty authors hosting tables at Barbara Vey’s Reader Appreciation Luncheon, today, in Milwaukee, WI. The afternoon will be filled with fun, gift bags full of books and door prizes, plus lots of raffle drawings for author baskets. NYT best seller Tess Gerritsen is the keynote speaker and a mega-signing follows that’s open to the public. Proceeds from the event will benefit the American Cancer Society. Debby also attended the Friday evening Author Q&A that was open to the public.

Debby and Barbara will blog about the luncheon on Seekerville, Thursday, May 14th. Get a sneak peak Monday, April 27, when Debby posts a few pictures and highlights on

Missy Tippens new release, The Doctor's Second Chance, will be featured on Margaret Daley's blog the week of May 4th. Please drop by! She'll be offering a giveaway.

Here's a sneak peak at May in Seekerville!

Random News & Information

Links contributed by Villagers and Seekers!

Congratulations to the 2015 Christy Award Finalists!

10 Secrets to Write Better Stories (The Write Practice)

Shame and Your Writing Career (Writer Unboxed)

Check out-Write A House!

 Romance Novels Are Primed To Make An Impact On Society, So Stop Calling Them "Trashy," OK? (Bustle)

 First Bookstore Dedicated to Self-Published Authors Opens in Florida (PW)

How to choose the perfect book title (The BookBaby Blog)

Be a More Productive Writer While Also Achieving Balance (Jane Friedman)

A Call for Stories: Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Very Good, Very Bad Dog 101 Heartwarming Stories about Our Happy, Heroic & Hilarious Pets. Deadline is August 31st.  

 Our #NoLimits thought for the week:
Have a great writing and reading week!


  1. Why you should love rain: Matthew McFadyen and Keira Knightley in a gazebo in the rain....I rest my case.

  2. It's raining in drought-stricken California tonight, and I'm overjoyed. I love the sound of those welcome drops plopping on our rooftop.

  3. Amen, Melissa! That's my favorite version of P&P ... =)

    LOL, I wish it was raining here --it's been so hot the past few days.

    Ah, I've heard so much about Melissa's books --thank you! Can't wait to read it once finals is over ... =)

  4. I want the With This Kiss collections! Congrats to all the winners and happy weekend!

  5. Jen, good luck with finals, sweet thing! Praying for total success!

    Heidi, LOL! Tossing your name in, you'll love those collections!

  6. I love rain. I do not love mud.

    We get lots of both here in the Northeast, and snow, so we're fairly rugged, but last week we had our first spring rain... Falling steady, not too cold, frogs peeping and singing, birds returning, the first scent of worm-ground...

    That was awesome! It was a gift! Of course it has snowed here the past four days, and hailed, nothing major but the jetstream has us in its path and won't let go, so we wait, not always patiently....

    But when there are a bunch of kids and mud, we have Muddy Messes! So fun for them, and lots of laundry!

  7. I like rain, too, but it's rained here until I'm about ready for it to stop.

    A rainy day does make for cozy, snug in, reading time.

    Congratulations, winners! And a happy weekend to all.

  8. Tina, thank you for the shout out for "Healing the Lawman's Heart"! What a lovely thing to see! Thank you, thank you, thank you and huge thanks to Leslie McKee and Romantic Times for their kindness!

  9. Congrats to all winners!

    May would SO have loved those pink rain boots!
    I adore rain and thunderstorms actually, as long as I have everything secured. :)

    Happy reading and writing everyone. Great prizes this week.

    I'm slogging along on May's 4th book - thanks again to #Speedbo2015 #NoLimits !!!

  10. Tina, thanks for the Weekend Edition and its adorable images. I love the sound of rain and the resulting beauty of hydrated nature. Now storms and high winds not so much.

    Congrats to our winners!


  11. Ruthy, congrats on RT's 4 1/2 stars for Healing the Lawman's Heart! Love the cover!


  12. I like rain other than the fact that my basement always gets wet :(

    I'm still hoping to win the With this Kiss collections!

  13. Well...I like rain on principle, but, as Anne Shirley would say, it's best enjoyed in moderation -- like twins.

    We had the darkest dreariest rainy days this week -- every single day, mind you -- so definitely too much of a good thing. But yes, it did bring out the worm smell and wash away lots of the debris and grit that winter left behind so that was good.

    And as a gardener, I love the rain. As a walker I used to love tromping through the rain too. Now, there's something wonderfully delicious about curling up with a good book while rain drops are pelting against the windowpane.

    Congrats to Ruthy on the 4 1/2 stars! No surprise there. And to both Ruthy and Missy on new releases. Can't wait to read 'em.

    Great WE links -- I've read some already but saving some for later in the day after writing. Happy WE everyone.

  14. What do I love about rain?

    Well, first and foremost, the scent and the sound -- heavenly!!

    Secondly? George Peppard and Audrey kissing in the rain Breakfast at Tiffany's with a cat wedged between.

    Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams kissing in the rain in The Notebook.

    Matthew McFadyen and Keira Knightley soaking wet from rain while they argue on a terrace.

    Josh Lucas and Reese Witherspoon kissing in the rain on a beach in Sweet Home Alabama.

    You know what? It just occurred that some of my favorite love scenes are in the rain. 'Nuff said.

    Anybody who's interested, here is a link for the top movie rain kisses:





    KAV SAID: "Well...I like rain on principle, but, as Anne Shirley would say, it's best enjoyed in moderation -- like twins."

    LOL ... GREAT quote!!




    KAV SAID: "Well...I like rain on principle, but, as Anne Shirley would say, it's best enjoyed in moderation -- like twins."

    LOL ... GREAT quote!!


  17. Aw, thank you, I especially like it when everything is ALL ABOUT ME!!! :)

    I'm such a dork.

    And I'm so anxious to hear what folks think of the two newest novella collections, so feel free to tell us what you think, okay?

    I have to say that producing these collections with friends is about the Most Fun Ever!

  18. Melissa's comment is more than accurate! That scene in Pride and Prejudice is my favorite :)

    I'd love to be considered in the drawing for the With This Kiss collections!

    Congrats to all the winners, and what a lovely WE this was!

  19. We're doing the icy rain thing here. Very fall-like! Pitying my dh and mechanic son who are under my car, fixing something. Hot chocolate and hearty breakie on tap to thaw them.

    RUTHY, don't forget you got FIVE Star PAW-meranian (Pomeranian)ratings, too! You are racking up the reviews, big time if the dogs are involved! Congrats on the people version...

    Missy, YAY for you, too! Congrats on the new book!

    Tina, picked up my Woman's World and found out he got mail, she got mail, ;) Cute story! And thanks for another great WE.

    Blurb2Book weekend. Had a panic attack while standing at the grocery Deli counter yesterday. I keep lecturing my 87 year old Dad about Trusting God. That's my lesson, too. I'm grateful for prayers...

  20. The Rain in Romance…

    Nothing beats "Midnight in Paris".

    The ultra romantic hero is in Paris with his fiancée for a visit and he loves Paris in the rain. His fiancée hates it. In fact, the fiancée is one of the worse heroines in the history of romance. She is so spoiled, so self-absorbed and so materialistic that she thinks there is nothing wrong with cheating on the hero while he is out enjoying a walk in the rain. "Just get over it," she says when caught!

    The whole movie is really about when the hero is going to wise up and dump the beautiful heroine.

    At the end of the movie, after he finally walks out on the heroine, he runs into the ideal woman for him. She has his loves and his values and she loves Paris in the rain. They walk off together in the rain with the Eiffel Tower in the background.

    The moral premise: If you like walking in the rain, you are a romantic but if you don't like walking in the rain, you should not marry a romantic.

    See the last scene:

    This is the fastest trip to an HEA in movie history. I love it.


    P.S. I have walked in the rain in Paris many times! (But then again, it rains a lot in Paris).

  21. Rain in Arizona too!!!

    Why can I not get into the Kiera Knightly version of P & P.

  22. I have walked in the rain in Jamestown, NY. Does that count?

  23. I love Midnight in Paris. Love trying to figure out who all the artistic characters are.

  24. Congratulations to Ruthy and the Christy Finalists!

  25. I love the rain as well, but I'm shy of saying so because it seems that the rest of the world loves sunshine. :-) Rainy day here as well with twinkly lights and candles and hot coffee! Happy weekend, and put my name in for the With This Kiss collections, please.

  26. Here in Southeast Texas, we are having a thunderstorm. I am grateful for the rain. We need the drought to end! It's also a wonderful day to read and drink hot spicy chai tea!

    I am so excited to have won the readers surprise book package.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  27. Ruthy's Healing the Lawman's Heart received 4 1/2 STARS from Romantic Times Book Reviews -- and I won the With This Kiss historical novella collection!! How fun is that?

    Thanks to all the Seeker authors for your generosity. Winning this novella collection is such a treat.

    Congrats to all the other Seekerville winners and the Christy finalists. Eager to find out who is the May Contest Diva/Divo.

    Rain is a precious commodity in my environs so yes, Tina, I appreciate it. But I like it best without 80 mph winds and baseball-sized hail ;-)

    Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

    Nancy C

  28. Eddie Rabbit's "I Love a Rainy Night"

    I thought I read somewhere that Eddie Rabbit wrote it while in a high-rise, but this is what's on wiki. If you've never heard the song, it's beautiful.

    "It brought back the memory of sitting in a small apartment, staring out the window at one o'clock in the morning, watching the rain come down," wrote Bronson in The Billboard Book of Number One Hits. "He sang into his tape recorder, 'I love a rainy night, I love a rainy night.'"

    Course I would've been sleeping to the sound of the rain! lol Gentle rain on a tin roof? Nothing like it! :)

  29. I used to love the rain until about 7 years ago. I have a permanent injury in my inner ear so the low pressure systems wreck havoc with my body. Today I am in bed with my laptop so I can write and read.

    I am checking out the links you posted. thanks for another great Weekend Edition.

  30. TINA "You've Got Mail" was such a day brightener to read. What a fun story. Only problem was it wasn't long enough.

    Nancy C

  31. Love the link, Vince. Thanks for sharing. Made me smile. Time to watch the movie again.

  32. Glad it's raining in Arizona....guess now that we left...but had severe weather in Calgary. Was very glad we were in the airport, and I don't think anyone was out on the Tarmac when the.ignte I got struck. Thanks for a great WE edition! Congratulations to all winners, and since some of them are new books available, all readers are winners, too!

  33. Speaking of rain. I love the rain...

    as long as I don't have to get out in it...
    as long as it's not being chased by a tornado...
    as long as it doesn't flood my driveway...

    And, especially as long as it doesn't bring lightening like it did last night.

    Lightening struck a huge oak in the cattle pasture next to our driveway. Thankfully the 30 or so lovely ladies in the pasture were not under the tree at the time, or it would have been a a very sad sight to wake up to this morning.

    My Cowboy assures me the tree will die. :(

  34. Just saw age of A de line....rain was a major player in the story. When I think of rain I think of sitting on the porch of mom and dad's tin roofed Alabama farm house...swinging in the porch swing and listening as the rain hits the pebbled gullies surrounding the house.
    Of course there's always Singing in the rain.
    I just read the historical collection. Would love to have the contemporary With this kiss.

  35. Oh OH, Jody Hedlund's Noble Groom has a kissing in the rain scene....sigh.

  36. The Doctors Second Chance is a good one! Congrats to the winners and With This Kiss-Historical & Contemporary Collections I want one! - I have the Historical & would love to read the contemporary!
    Dee S

  37. @Ruthy - Thank you! Totally will covet any and all prayers in that area ... I definitely feel like a grad student right now. =P

    Hopefully I will be back regularly in a couple of weeks. =)

  38. Tina, I don't like the Kiera Knightly version either.

    It's like weak tea after the A&E version.

    Like chicken broth without the chicken.

    Like Greek yogurt without a spoon.


    And she's too stinkin' THIN.

  39. I am not telling Dave about the rain stuff.

    He would not understand it.

    He'd wonder if I took my meds.

    He'd shake his head.

    It's just not worth putting the guy through that kind of agony. :)

  40. wow, Great weekend edition. Congrats to all the winners.

    I love a summer monsoon storm here in the desert. It just pours and thunders and lightening strikes. It is very exciting. And they are over quickly.

    I like rain for a day for all those reasons Tina listed. But then I'm done. I'm ready for the sun. smile

  41. Keli, super glad to hear it is raining there in California. You need it.


    If you were a man, you'd know why Kiera Knightly is the best P&P Elizabeth Bennett ever!

  43. Ruthy, I've never tried the A&E version. Anywhere I could find it online to try?



  45. You're very welcome :) It was well deserved. Please enter me in the drawing for With This Kiss collection.

  46. I love the rain. Especially when I can be indoors curled up with a good book. It rained all day yesterday here in Indiana. Unfortunately we had to be out in it all day.

    I would love to have my name tossed in to win With This Kiss collectio.

    Have a blessed weekend!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  47. Aw, Leslie! GRINNING WIDELY!

    You're in, sweet thing....

    I've gotten my 1200 words done for the first stint, and hoping to get a quick stint in after church... But then I'm going to a Cancer Survivor's Fashion Show for Gilda's Club of Rochester! My friend Lisa (The Lawman's Second Chance) is modeling after doing a half-marathon this morning... I am constantly inspired by Lisa. When I'm not making fun of her, that is! :)

  48. The romantic rain
    falls soft and clean
    a gentle mist
    sometimes unseen
    it touches skin
    it turns to steam
    it comes and goes
    just a lover's dream.

    The romantic rain
    lets the sun shine thru
    with no dark clouds
    to block the view
    it cools the passions
    it keeps control
    and crowns the day
    under love's rainbow.

    The romantic rain
    God's emotional show
    reflects the world
    only lovers know
    it wakes the seeds
    so love can grow
    in a perfect world
    only lovers know.

  49. Yes, love the rain....PERFECT time for fuzzy socks and hot tea! I especially appreciate this week's #NoLimits quote. Thank you for that thought and some great WE links.

    Congratulations to the winners, to RUTHY on 4.5 RT stars, and to MISSY on the new release.

    Wow, VINCE! Love the poem!

    I finished a short story, so I'll reward myself with time to read the With This Kiss collections.

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday of reading and/or writing!

  50. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Please enter me for the drawing of With This Kiss.

  51. I love rain and a cute dog with pink boots! Thanks, Tina!

  52. I would love chance at With This Kiss collection. Thanks for all that you offer in education and goodies!

  53. One of my favorite childhood memories is visiting my Mamaw and listening to the rain hit her roof, as my sister and I nuzzled together in a double bed.

  54. I'm so late in getting here, I nearly missed the weekend! I hope you all had a good one.

  55. Jen, good luck with finals!! My son is studying for his right now, too.

  56. I'm dancing in the rain after returning from Barbara Vey's Reader Appreciation Luncheon in Milwaukee. Lots of fun, fun, fun!

    I'll post pics and info on May 14! Stay tuned!

  57. Linda, you're welcome! I was gone all day Sunday, I missed youse guys!
