Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Tricks to Keep Your Eyes Fresh When Revising

with guest Jill Kemerer.

Revising. No, it’s not a dirty word, but it can make you feel as if you need a long, hot shower. I know I need a break when I’m nearing my final pass, and I’m convinced I’ve written the same phrase seventy-two times in one chapter.

Over the years I’ve read many fabulous blogs, including Seekerville, and asked fellow writers for their revising tips. I’ve also devised my own methods. I’m sharing my top ten tricks today. This isn’t a step-by-step revising guide. Feel free to pick and choose the ones that appeal to you.


1. The first time you open a rough draft, grab a blank notebook and your favorite pen. Read the entire manuscript without making any changes. Instead, write your thoughts in the notebook.

“I don’t let myself tinker with the story when I’m reading it through (which is a huge temptation). I read it in order to get a birds-eye view… or more accurately, a reader’s eye view of the whole story from start to finish.  So, I don’t tinker.  But I do take copious notes re: what to fix later.” ~ Becky Wade, author of A Love Like Ours (A Porter Family Novel #3)

2. For initial revisions, focus on the big picture: plot, characters and tension. Ignore sentence structure, repeat words, and grammar issues at this point. You’re making sure the story works. Write weak areas down and brainstorm ways to beef them up.

In “A Four-Step Plan For Revision” from The Complete Handbook of Novel Writing, Raymond Obstfeld describes the process this way, “Don’t give in to the temptation to fix something that’s not part of the step you’re pursuing.  Keep in mind that each step has an ultimate goal, and achieving that goal is the whole point of a particular revision.”

3. Save your manuscript in a new file, single-space it, choose a new font, and change the size of the font. Print it out and red-line it.

4. Evaluate micro-chunks. Copy and paste the opening line of each scene into a new document. Read through these “hooks” and evaluate if they are strong enough. For a great article on hooks, read “Gotcha” by Tina Radcliffe in the Seekerville archives. 

5. Mentally read the book in first person if you wrote it in third person or vice-versa. This helps with point of view. You'll notice where characters see things they shouldn't, and it will show weak areas in your writing.

6. For category romance novels, read the submission guidelines about viewpoint characters. The Love Inspired lines expect an almost equal split between hero and heroine viewpoints. To check your manuscript, quickly jot down the viewpoint character for each scene. If 75% of the scenes are in the heroine’s head, consider rewriting scenes in the hero’s point of view.

7. Skim the manuscript, noting where each scene takes place. If twelve scenes are in a coffee shop but none of the characters work there, consider “moving” some of these scenes to new locations.

8. Read your book for genre specific elements. If it’s inspirational fiction, is there a clear spiritual journey throughout the book? Or is the faith element introduced, then ignored only to be wrapped up at the end with no clear progression? If you write suspense, does every scene add to the reader’s tension in some way?

9. Read the manuscript out loud. You’ll be amazed at how many grammar issues come up.

 Speaking of grammar, if you’re really ambitious, check your manuscript for these common copyedit issues listed in “Misery Loves Company: A Copyeditor’s Top 10” by Jamie Chavez.

“It would be good for you to consider this list for a variety of reasons, not least because it will probably make you feel better. But also, of course, because if you eliminate these errors from your repertoire, you’ll free your copyeditor up to find more important problems, without the distractions caused by these. And since you’re paying her by the hour, you’ll get off a little cheaper too.” ~ Jamie Chavez, developmental editor and writer.

10.  Know when to quit.

“We can tighten the threads, sew new ones here and there, and switch things around. But the longer we rip and repair, the greater our chances of the finished product coming out looking frayed and shabby.” ~ “Self Editing: When Is Enough Enough?” article by Jody Hedlund author of An Uncertain Choice.

Next time you’re revising, keep your eyes fresh by trying some of these ideas! I’ve made several of them a permanent part of my revision process, and I’m always adding to my list.

Do you have a great trick to keeping your eyes fresh when revising? I’d love to hear it!

Thank you so much, Seekerville, for letting me be your guest today!

About Jill ~

Jill Kemerer writes inspirational romance novels with love, humor and faith. A full time writer and homemaker, she relies on coffee and chocolate to keep up with her kids’ busy schedules.

Besides spoiling her mini-dachshund, Jill adores magazines, M&MS, fluffy animals and long nature walks. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two children.  Jill loves connecting with readers, so please visit her website and find her on Facebook and Twitter.

Small-Town Bachelor ~

A Place to Call Home
When Reed Hamilton arrives in Lake Endwell for a family wedding, he expects to do his part as best man then head back to the big city. But when a tornado postpones the wedding, the town is in shambles and Reed is injured. Thankfully maid of honor Claire Sheffield offers him one of her cottages to recuperate in.

Dedicated to her family and her dream job at the zoo, Claire is all about roots. She's this city slicker's opposite, yet as they help the town rebuild, Reed is captivated by her stunning looks and caring ways. He can't ask Claire to leave the life she loves for him, but he also can't imagine ever leaving her behind…

Interested in getting your own copy of Small-Town Bachelor? Click here to purchase!

Today Jill is giving away a copy of Small-Town Bachelor to one lucky commenter. Let us know you want your name in the canoe! 


  1. There's so much wisdom shared on Seekerville, that there's really no excuse for bad writing!!! When I'm reading a book for review I sometimes wish I could send them here! You guys and gals all ROCK!!! Or should I say you are sick? That just sounds so bad! Thanks, Jill for your post. I'd love to win! NO LI ITS...or is that too yesterday?

  2. This is a great "keeper" post Jill. Thank you for sharing.

    I would love my name in the canoe for a copy of you book. I love the LI line of books.

    Hope everyone can take a day to rest after Speedboing all last month. Happy Spring! Happy April!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  3. I know for myself that reading things out loud highlights very well.

  4. Hi Jill,

    Welcome to Seekerville. Thanks for the great tips. Could you explain #3 a little more. (I haven't had caffeine yet and can't decide if there's more to it than if it looks different, I may catch something.) Thanks.

    One of my stories I sent to an editor, and my crit group, and by the time it got to an agent, he said he couldn't hear my voice. So I completely get why you say don't over edit.

    Congratulations on your LI book! I'm so happy for you, and I'd love to win a copy. Thanks!

  5. I love revising. I was glad to see how many folks agreed with that yesterday, when Linda Goodnight was talking about revising and keeping threads moving.

    Jill, these are great tips because you offered latitude. Writers revise in multiple ways and it's important to find the best way for you!

    Great job, here!



    And I brought along a really lovely tray of Easter bread, an old-time sweet bread to commemorate Holy Week.

    A blessing on our house!

  7. Can I say I love your cover?
    Good. I just did.

    I wouldn't say I love to edit/revise but it sure does make a difference. I love the way it reads after I've taken the time to go back.

    Thanks for the post Jill!

  8. Great suggestions, Jill. When I revise during the first pass through, I usually just stick lost post-it notes on the page with hints to what I should fix. Then I go back and handle chapter by chapter. Have a good week everyone!

  9. Welcome to Seekerville Jill and congratulations.

    Your cover is so gorgeous.


  10. I brought bagels and schmear.

    Now tell us what else you are working on. AND a little about your journey to publication.

  11. Easter bread and bagels. We are carbing up!!

  12. Thanks for sharing, Jill. I'll be printing out this list to keep on hand. I especially like #4 and #5. I've never thought to do those.

    Please throw my name in the canoe. Your book looks lovely.

  13. Marianne Barkman, so true! Seekerville is practically a college course by itself! Thank you!!

    Cindy W., thanks so much! Did you Speedbo? How did it go?

    Mary Preston, reading out loud makes a huge difference to my books!

    Jackie, thank you so much! I will post an additional comment about #3 after this one! Thank you!!

    Ruth, so true. We just don't fit a one-size-fits-all way of writing or revising. I try many methods and keep the ones that work for me! (And God Bless you for bringing the coffee!!!)

    Connie Queen, I love the cover too!! I may have drooled on it several (hundred) times! Thanks!!

    Kelly Bridgewater, what a genius idea! I'm adding that one--sticky notes! Perfect!

    Tina, thanks so much for having me!!

    (I love bagels and shmear. You ladies know how to throw a party!)

    Rhonda, great!! And thank you!!

  14. Jackie, you asked about #3. I save my manuscript under a new name. Then I "Select all" and change the font style and size, along with single-spacing it. Once I've done this, I print it out and read through for errors. This forces my brain to pay more attention because it's not "seeing" the book the way it does every other day! Hope that helps!!

  15. And Jackie I write in single space. I can see more of what I'm writing w/out having to scroll as often. This made a big difference for me and I'm not sure why.

    Then I change it to double space before I turn it in.

  16. Jill, thanks for the tips. I can see I need to improve my revision process! This is a keeper.

  17. Hi, Jill! What fun it is to see you here in Seekerville today. Loved your post and loved your story. Small-town Bachelor is a fun read with likable characters, emotional roadblocks they must overcome and a sigh-worthy romance. Plus there are adorable otters. =)

    I love editing! My top methods are included in your list: printing out the manuscript so I can see things differently and reading the story aloud so I can hear clunky dialogue, overly long sentences, unintentional repetition, etc.

    What types of oopsies are you most likely to catch when you're editing? Unintentional repetition is one of mine. I marvel at how every manuscript has its own pet words and even phrases. Does that happen to you, too?

  18. Ah, Connie Queen, that makes sense!! I always write double-spaced. So maybe you would want to change your ms to double-space and do a read through to "trick" your brain!

  19. Cara Lynn, I know the feeling! I went through a lot of Cadbury Mini-Eggs during my painful revising session yesterday. Maybe that should be a tip--eat candy!

  20. Keli, thank you for the sweet words about my book! I appreciate it!

    My books are riddled with repetition! UGH! Yeah, I repeat words, phrases, you name it. :(

    I also often find I've written sentences that could be ordered better. So I'll move them around.

  21. Thanks Jill.
    Agree with others. This is one more keeper from the Seeker files.

    Great strategies, most of them new to me. Pawfect timing with Speedbo behind and a deadline in a couple months. :)

    GREAT photo of the K9 reviser too! ;)

  22. Jill, thank you for the great tips. I am new to this stage of the writing process. I will keep this as a reminder.

    Please enter me in the drawing for your book which looks so interesting.

  23. These are good tips, Jill.
    I like revising when I know WHAT TO REVISE. When I was in a physical crit group that met monthly, I used to stop at a coffee shop on the way home and red-pencil the MS they had critiqued in the meeting and revise it as best I could. I couldn't wait to get to it! Now I have one crit partner who is two time zones away and we do it virtually. When she e-mails me a critique I address it as soon as possible, if it's specific. I like revision when I know what I'm doing. There is something gratifying about making something the best it can be.
    Kathy Bailey

  24. Jill, what GREAT tips! Some of these, I've never heard before, but I can see how they wold really help keep eyes fresh! I defeinitely plan to use some of these tips.

    Thanks for the links too. I'm going to look those up! This is a definitely cut-and-paste post for me.

    Thanks for sharing this, Jill!

    PS-Don't enter me in the drawing. I've already read and loved your book!


    SOOOOO many great points, and that Misery Loves Company Top Ten is AWESOME!!

    I was intrigued with your 5th point: "Mentally read the book in first person if you wrote it in third person or vice-versa. This helps with point of view. You'll notice where characters see things they shouldn't, and it will show weak areas in your writing."

    Never, EVER thought of doing this, but it's a very unique and clever take, although with the length of my manuscripts (latest is 525 pages -- YIKES), I fear I would lose my mind (more than I already have, I mean). :)

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your #7. "Skim the manuscript, noting where each scene takes place. If twelve scenes are in a coffee shop but none of the characters work there, consider “moving” some of these scenes to new locations."

    You are sooooo right!! I get bored writing a scene in the same location, so I can only imagine the readers would feel that way too. The only exception to this, in my opinion, is a family home, such as the O'Connor's house in my DOB saga. I created a home that I loved to be in, so when I wrote scenes there, I WAS home and comfortable.

    And finally, your point #9. "Read the manuscript out loud. You’ll be amazed at how many grammar issues come up."

    Absolutely essential, I think, because it's amazing how different things sound/come out out loud, isn't it?? And, yes, I also have to read the ms. in paper form as well to catch a whole new set of culprits than I do on the computer screen. :)


  26. This is making me feel really bad! I never do any of these things! The last three books, I barely had time to quickly read through it before I had to turn it in, I was cutting it so close with my deadline, including the one I have to turn in today! Oh gosh. I need to get better. And that first one? I could never do that. I'd be ready to end it all if I read it like a reader in the first pass!!!

    And apparently I am not a robot but I can dance like one! Google and Blogspot provide a little levity as I finish up what I can do to this ms. before I turn it in tonight.

  27. But it is a great list of revision tips! I will aspire to do some of these with my next books! ;-) Thanks, Jill!

  28. Great tips, Jill--thanks for joining us in Seekerville today!

    I completely agree about printing out your ms. in a different font and format. For my "final" draft, I reformat the ms. in landscape, two columns, single-spaced, so it prints and reads more like the pages of a book.

    For keeping track of how much "air time" my H/H POVs are getting, I LOVE Scrivener! Each chapter goes in its own little file folder on the sidebar, and within that folder I start a new text section and label it accordingly each time I change POVs. A quick glance at the labels tells me who should be up next.

    thanks for the great revision tip list. Sure to help me out once I finish my re-write stuff. Love the links to other great posts as well.

    No revision tips from me...yet. thanks for sharing your process and what you've learned with Seekerville!

    please put my name in the draw for your book - I love the blurb.

  30. Congratulations, Jill!
    Thank you for sharing your editing tips. This will definitely go into my Seekerville notebook.
    I've looked for your book twice at my local Walmart, but unfortunately I haven't seen it. I think it's selling out too quickly. :)

  31. I actually enjoy editing, it's the fun part after the struggle of getting the story down.

    Thanks for the great editing tips, Jill. :-)

  32. May the K9 Spy (And KC!!), A double "Woof" for completing speedbo!! My pooch, Sophie, is sitting with me now!

    Wilani, thank you!! I hope it helps!

    Kaybee, so smart!! I even talk into my phone's recorder function so I don't forget. Critique partners are ESSENTIAL!!

    Jeanne T, aww, thank you!! I'm glad some of the tips are new to you, too!!

    Julie Lessman, haha!! I just cringed at the thought of revising a 525 page book! You get extra chocolate and coffee today!! Yes, series landmarks SHOULD have many scenes. Great point! Thank you!

    Melanie Dickerson, I can't even imagine dealing with your deadlines! Whatever you do works, though, because everyone loves your books!!

    Myra Johnson, I have heard so many great things about Scrivener! I didn't know you could "label" each scene that way. Genius! Thanks for the tip!

    DebH, I hope you use the tips that appeal to you! And have fun!!

    Jill Weatherholt, wow!! Thank you!! My favorite part of my debut releasing is feeling so supported by friends--thank you!!

  33. Mary Hicks, I know what you mean! I'm in the messy part of revising right now, and that's my LEAST favorite part, but I do enjoy the rest of revising!

  34. I would like my name in the canoe. :-) I enjoyed your tips for revision.
    Thank you!

  35. Great post, Jill.

    I have a very hard time quitting. I might hold the Guinness World Book of Records for editing 50,000 words over more than a year! Needless to say, the book was a shadow of its former self and I finally stuffed it under the mattress and moved on to something else!

    Congrats on the new book!

  36. Editing is my favorite part as well!!

  37. Great post, Jill - - thank you for sharing with us today!

    About to dive into some revision on my current ms, so this was timely.

    Love the cover of your LI - - Wow!

    I NEED some of Ruthy's coffee and Easter bread (yum) as I get to work. :)
    Blessings, Patti Jo

  38. Hi Jill:

    I just love your picture!

    I was a studio photographer for a number of years and I admire your photographer's work. Portraits are very difficult. Your portrait 'says' this is an interesting person. The smile makes me think of the cat that just ate the canary. And the eyes are bright and beautiful. It's a picture that tells a story. I'm going to use this picture for inspiration when describing how my hero sees the heroine for the first time. I wish I had taken it!!!

    Will you tell us about how it was taken?

    I have three editing tricks from my years as a copyeditor:

    1) read the copy backwards. This messes the brain's 'autocorrect' feature and you will spot lots of errors the brain corrects for you when you read it the right way.

    2) look at the page and squint. This works best on print ads. This also messes the brain up and you see problems that would have otherwise been autocorrected by the brain. (I didn't believe this until my boss made me do it.)

    3) compile the copy for Kindle (I use Scrivener to do this) and read it as a published eBook on your Kindle. You will quickly and emotionally react to mistakes you would object to if you had paid for the book. (It's an 'How'd this ever get by the editor?' moment.)

    This is best done, as you recommend, with a notebook by taking notes. Read it like a fan. Don't try to edit it at the time by highlighting the mistakes on your Kindle. If you are writing for eBook publication only, then I think this is a necessity.

    Thanks for all the tips.


    P.S. I already bought "Small-Town Bachelor". Love the location. So I meant what I said about your photo. I'm not trying to win book. : )

  39. Jill. welcome! It's so good to have you with us. What a great post! I've never thought of a couple of these ideas. Thanks for sharing, and for the links as well.

  40. Ohiohomeschool, I live in Ohio, too! I love it here! Thank you!

    Lyndee H, Haha!! Too funny! One thing I tell myself? The book will NEVER be perfect. It's okay! God likes me with my imperfections, someone will like my book with its imperfections!

    Tina, I like editing, especially when I've done the big revisions!

    CatMom (Patti Jo), I love your kitty! How cute!! I miss having a cat around. I'll take more coffee and bread, too! :)

    Vince, first of all, thanks for the great revising tips! I'm adding them to my list! Secondly, my friend, Sarah Paull, took the picture, and my photography friend, Denny Betts ( digitally enhanced it to make me look bright and pretty. I'll pass on your compliments! Thank you!

  41. Missy, thank you!! I love it when I find a new idea to try! Yay!!

  42. Great tips, Jill!

    I especially like #1. I keep a piece of paper and pen next to my computer so I can jot questions to look up as I'm writing, too. It helps keep the flow going!

  43. I'm totally sending this page to my Kindle. I'm still pondering on the one about not jumping into another layer of revision until the current one is done. :) Don't you wish we could get it all done in one pass? That'd pretty much be heaven! LOL.

    Great tips. Thanks for sharing. I'll be using these.

  44. Great tips, Jill! Thanks!

    I need to read my stories out loud. I do read chunks that way but not the entire manuscript.

    Next time. I promise.

    Also love your mention of knowing when to stop! Always important.

    Happy Spy Day as the Irish call it, because the focus in scripture is on Judas.

  45. This is a keeper post that's going right into my self-editing notebook. Keli, I have yet to write a story where a pet word hasn't crept in repeatedly.
    I skimmed the comments looking for Vince's suggestion of reading backwards. When I first proofread on the job, this was a trick I was taught by my mentor. I'm out of that habit, unless a sentence or paragraph doesn't make sense after reading it out loud, then I'll go backwards. Often it's an order issue.
    Happy Easter everyone.

  46. Jan Drexler, I must admit I struggle with #1! My natural tendency is to fix, fix, fix!

    Natalie Monk, wouldn't that be wonderful?? I need a minimum of four passes!!

    Debbie Giusti, Happy Spy Day! I've never heard of that, but I like it! It takes me a few days to read my ms out loud. It's hard on the voice and time consuming. :)

    LoRee Peery, I had never heard of that trick (Vince's reading backwards), but I like it! Sometimes I stumble over a paragraph. This would probably show me what needs to be fixed.

  47. My biggest issue is my inability to go forward until everything is plot perfect!

  48. Took the Scrivener class and still not using it. Old dog doesn't like new tricks.

  49. Um... the backwards thing. Is that reading each sentence backwards? My brain isn't quite getting the concept.

    Just wondering...

  50. Tina, I can't move forward with a draft until my first 50 pages are plot-perfect!

    DebH, I'm assuming you are correct. I haven't tried it, but I will next time a sentence feels "off." :)

  51. Hi Jill,
    Small-Town Bachelor looks like an enjoyable read and what a beautiful cover.
    Please through my name in the canoe, in a waterproof bottle of course ;-)

  52. Vince, great tip on reading a manuscript using Kindle. Bet the errors/typos would ready stand out!

  53. These are great tips! I'm really guilty of revising small sections as I re-read, so I like the first one of reading it ALL without making a single change, but taking notes. Thanks!

  54. Thanks for the great tips. They will all come in handy. I actually like revising much better than writing. Getting the first ideas down is the hard part for me.

    I would love to be entered to win your book.

  55. Howdy neighbor! Loved your post. Loved your book so I don't need to win it since I read it. Bettie from B G

  56. Hi Debby:

    Not only do the errors stand out like sore thumbs on a Kindle, you can actually momentarily forget that you are reading your own writing! The screen page on the Kindle will look exactly like any best selling author's! When you don't think you wrote what's on the screen, you can be super critical.

    BTW: I'm reading a 'John Puller' book by David Baldacci and his hero is a CID agent warrant officer. The book is very deep into Army CID police procedures. If you have not read him, I think you'd really enjoy it. I'm reading book I, "Zero Day". However, I keep thinking they are out of Fort Rickman!


  57. Hi Jill! This is such a timely post for me. I'm embarking on revisions as we speak. I have a real love/hate relationship with revisions, most of the time it's trying to figure out what I had in mind when I just vaguely scribbled in notes as place holders, LOL!

  58. Dear Jill, Thank you for your post. For me, it's so hard to revise because I can never read my work straight through, I always have to start revising something. I'll be trying the manuscript in hand, notebook at side to see if I can cure myself of that.

    Please enter me in the canoe.

  59. Jill,

    Thanks for explaining #3 better. I understand now.

    Have a great evening.

  60. You see, Audra, that's why I make it perfect before I move on and lose the thought!

  61. Tracey Hagwood, thank you so much! Confession? I cried when I saw the cover for the first time! I'm such a baby!! I just loved it!

    Debbi Giusti, you are right! I should try it!!

    Stephanie Queen Ludwig, maybe that's your process. I have several friends who revise as they go. It works for them!

    Sandy Smith, The first fifty pages are usually difficult for me. It takes me a long time to write them!

    Bettie, you are such an encourager! Thank you! Don't you love this weather? It had better stay!

    Vince, David Baldacci writes with so much tension. :)

    Audra Harders, ugh! I know!! I stared at this mess of a chapter yesterday, and it literally took two handfuls of Cadbury Mini-Eggs for me to face it.

    Tanya Agler, I think you'll enjoy the first tip. You'll get to appreciate your story in a new way!

    Jackie, I'm glad you asked! I never thought of someone already writing in single-space. Duh! Of course it wouldn't make sense!

    Tina, you are making me laugh!

    Thanks so much, everyone, for making me feel so special today!! I'll be checking in tomorrow morning, too!

  62. Happy Spring ladies. Here to reading, relaxing after so much wriring and eyestrain and here's to warmer, notice I say warmer, not hot weather. Thank you ladies to all the time you devote to reading because I am one glad recipient of your end results of your writing, aka your finished book. Congrats on all the time devoted to this, I know it's not easy, but it's worth it. Please throw my name onto the canoe for the book drawing. Thank you ! Deanne Cnnamongirl(at)aol(dot)com

  63. As someone who is beginning a new editing project, this couldn't come at a better time.

  64. Jill, these are great tips! Thanks for sharing.

    Please put my name in the canoe for a copy of your book!

  65. Bookmarked! Straight forward.
    Thanks Jill :)

  66. Bookmarked! Straight forward.
    Thanks Jill :)

  67. Thanks for the post, Jill. I've saved your excellent tips for when I start the editing process. Reading my manuscript straight through without making changes will be my biggest hurdle. Printing it out single-spaced might help, but it's hard to suppress my inner editor. She loves to tinker. And please put my name in the hat for one of your books. Thanks!

  68. Deanne, lovely words!! It got up to 66 here yesterday! A heat wave in northern Ohio!

    Walt Mussel, have fun with it! If revising gets overwhelming, chocolate and coffee always help!!

    Edwina, thank you!!

    Apphiaone Writes, thanks so much!

    Barbara Scott, I struggle to read it all the way through and just take notes, too. Everything inside me wants to fix, fix, fix! Thank you!!

    Thank you so much, Seekerville, for letting me be your guest today!!

  69. My favorite revising method is reading out loud from a paper copy of the manuscript. There's just something different about reading from paper, and of course reading out loud shows you all those nasty repeats and if something sounds unnatural.

  70. Good information today! Know when to quit.. I need to remember that one :)
    toss me in the canoe please..

  71. Christine, I do that, too! I always catch things!

    Deanna Stevens, haha! I hear you! Thanks!

  72. Thanks for a great list. I'll be using them shortly since I'm in the middle of revisions.
    Please put my name in the canoe.


  73. I don't have any tips for revising since I haven't done it before! I'm to that point now, though, so these tips are helpful :)

  74. I might be laughing at Tina. A SMIDGE.

    About Scrivener.


    I am an old dog, and gosh, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

    Maybe I've gotten cynical about new ways or easy passes or time savers to write. I just figure if you do that 1K/day EVENTUALLY YOU WON'T SUCK.

    Call me simplistic. :)

    I've got a cold so I might be considered grumpy.

  75. I might have thought I was answering Audra's post yesterday.

    I should probably delete that comment. Does it sound insulting? Because I didn't mean it that way. Can I blame the cold medicine?

  76. Thank you, Jill, for the great blog on revising. I liked point 4 to recopy the beginning part of scene or chapter to test for the strength of the"hook." Please put my name in the canoe for your newest LI book.
