Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Weekend Edition

Happy Fourth of July Weekend, Seekerville!

Coming August 1st. 
We're going to a five day work week.
Seekerville has approximately 2,600 posts in our archives
 and we'd like to reshare that wisdom.
We'll be blogging new posts Monday through Thursday 
with the Saturday Weekend Edition as usual.
Friday will be The Best of the Archives with comments off. 

The exception is October, our birthday extravaganza month 
when we always blog 31 days!

We Have Winners

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules. 

Our Weekend Edition box of beach reads is Jackie Smith.

Monday Barbara White Daille  stopped in to ask "What's in a Name?" She has advice on finding the right title, the one that speaks to you and to readers, that gets the gist of the story across. Three winners of their choice of an autographed print copy of Barbara' s books  A Rancher’s Pride  or  Family Matters are Edwina Cowgill, Keli Gwyn and Caryl Kane.

On Tuesday,  Love Inspired author Kristen Ethridge was your hostess and she talked about how life experiences influence writing (or...the story behind the story), with her post, "Wind, Waves, and Writing." Winner of Firefly Summer is Vince Mooney, and the winner of Isaac's Storm is Sandy Smith.

 "When Your Plans Are Waylaid …" Have you ever made plans and not only are they altered but go kaput?  Wednesday, award-winning author and psychologist Carrie Fancett Pagels shared her thoughts and experiences as a Christian author who learned all too well that when it comes to our writing careers,  “Man may make designs for his way, but the Lord is the guide of his steps” — Proverbs 16:9. Winner of a copy of Carrie's The Lumberjacks' Ball and an MP3 download of Steal my Show by TobyMac is Mrs. Tina.
MP3 download of Steal My Show by TobyMac

Thursday  Audra Harders peeked into the scary land that is Social Media discussing Adventures in Social Media, Part 1. She shared what's "book learned" and encouraged our Villagers to  share real-life tips on how to navigate these ever-changing waters. Winners of Rough Road Home ebooks are Sherida Stewart, Mary Hicks, & Jeanne T.

Friday was The Best of the Archives with Liminal Space. The winner of  ten page critique is Tanya Agler, winner of With This Kiss Contemporary Collection is Bettie, and the winner of a copy of Mary Connealy's Now & Forever is Jana Vanderslice.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Mary Connealy will have a post intriguingly titled "Roller Coaster or Collision?" Does Mary have a point in this blog or is she just desperately searching for a title that will be click bait? And if that's her goal she should have named this post 10 things we can learn about prenups from the Ben Affleck-Jennifer Garner divorce. Whichever it is, she is giving away a signed copy of Now and Forever, so stop in and leave a comment.

Tuesday: 2014 ACFW Carol Award winner, Melissa Jagears is hostessing today with "5 Ways your Online Review Screams You’re a Writer and not an Ordinary Reader." This post will knock your socks off. Plus,one commenter can win A Bride at Last and another The Convenient Bride Collection

Wednesday: I know this may be hard to believe, but Julie Lessman is going to post on "The Beauty of Brevity," so let's bow our heads in prayer she can do it. Giveaway included.

Thursday: Bring your sweet tea today when Ruthy Logan Herne talks about writing with groups, writing novellas and writing historicals and why it's important to stretch a little, spread your wings and not be so dog-gone stubborn about what you think you want to say! Ruthy will be offering 3 copies of the Seekers' new Historical collection: With This Spark, hot off the presses!

Friday: 2015 ACFW Carol Award finalist, Lorna Seilstad is our guest today with her post,  "The Writer's Guide to Writing Weddings." Put on your best wedding attire and join us! The favors are fabulous!

Seeker Sightings

Cover Reveal Weekend!

Coming in July, two all-new collections from some of your favorite Seeker authors! In "With This Spark" Mary Connealy, Ruth Logan Herne, Pam Hillman and Myra Johnson wave their country-loving flags in an all-American collection of sweet historical romance, sweeping their readers back to a simpler time... but then is love ever really simple?

Introducing a brand new contemporary collection fresh from the desks of award-winning authors Mary Connealy, Debby Giusti, Tina Radcliffe, Missy Tippens! Scheduled to be released in mid-July, "Coffee Shop Romances" brings you four inspirational and sweet stories of life, love and overcoming adversity to find that special someone, just for you!

Stealing Jake (Aug 2015) by Pam Hillman received 4 Stars from Romantic Times. Click here to read the entire review. Also, Pam's previous book, Claiming Mariah, snagged the number one slot on the CBA Best Sellers list in the Historical Fiction category as well as hit the CBA Top 50 Books which is dominated primarily by nonfiction titles.

Random News & Inspiration

Thanks to the Seekers & Villagers who contributed links.

Congratulations to the 2015 Carol Award Finalists!! A special shout out goes to our Villager friends!

RWA Conference Bootcamp  (RWA Chapter Contemporary Romance Writers)

I Sold My Book! Meet Keli Gwyn (SOLD!)

What You Should be Paying Attention To (Liz Isaacson)

Rap Battle of the Heroines: Cinderella vs. Belle (BuzzFeed)

Why "Start With the Action" Messes Up So Many Writers (Janice Hardy's Fiction University)

My Rolling Edit Process by Jordan Dane (KillZone)

Publisher’s Jargon Every Writer Should Understand (Writer's Patchwork Blog)

How Self-Published Authors Can Distribute to Libraries (Jane Friedman)

5 Tweet Writing Tips to Increase Click Through Rate (BrokeBlokeBlogs)

You're an Author? So You're Really Not Working, Right? (HuffPost Books)

Say Hello to the Exclamation Comma: The Punctuation Mark You Never Knew You Needed (Grammarly Blog)

Scribd Dramatically Reduces Romance List (PW)

Enjoy your day! 

P.S. Seekerville says a big thank you to those who win books and take the time to post reviews. It's never required but always appreciated!


  1. It's nine pm in AZ and the fireworks have just started. Happy Fourth of July, Villagers.

  2. It's 12:30 in NYC and they're still going strong (unfortunately).

  3. Praying for Julie, may she she become one with the backspace and/or delete key this Wednesday.... :)

  4. LOLOLOL, Melissa.

  5. It's 1:46 AM and the fireworks have stopped. My poor Westie Nolly was scared by loud booms for the first time this year.

    Great weekend edition!

  6. Terri, it's 2:03 here and I can't get to sleep.

    I am sort of cranky.

    No fireworks to blame, neither.

  7. Mary, I'm just a night owl! Love staying up late. Hope you get some sleep soon.

  8. I am wide awake at the break of a new day! Birds are chirping... And I'm waving hey to everyone!


    Back later, must get some writing done.

  9. Happy Sunday of the fourth of July Weekend!!! Hope you're still celebrating. Love the flag pics you posted, Tina! Ole Glory always fills me with pride. God bless the USA and God bless all our brave men and women who serve.

  10. Love the Keli Gwyn article. Congrats to the Carol Award finalists!!

  11. "Sometimes the longest road provides the shortest path to wisdom."

    Julie's books are as brief as they could possible be and still provide as much reading enjoyment, emotional satisfaction, and spiritual inspriation.

    However, I did notice that in the interest of brevity the giveaway was not mention. Brevity should never be shortchanged.

  12. delighted to be the winner of the box of Beach Reads! Thanks!

  13. What a Week!

    I just downloaded Pepper's debut book, "The Thornbearer" which I won earlier and which has a great publisher's name: Vinspire Publishing. That could mean they are inspired by me or perhaps inspired by wine. : )

    Also today!

    I won, "Firefly Summer: Pies, Books & Jesus" by Kathleen Y'Barbo, who lives here in Tulsa and who has such a warm, inviting, and charming personality, that many people think she is a Seeker! We brought her here to Tulsa to take Myra's chair.


  14. We aim to please, Vince.


  16. Weekend Question:

    What do you all think of creating a second 'so' in English to befriend the use of the word 'too'?

    Example #1: "So that is what you are up to." (the normal use of 'so')

    Example #2: " It's important to stretch a little, spread your wings and not be soo dog-gone stubborn - " (the new 'too' use of 'so'.)

    Of course, both 'so' and 'soo' would have to be pronounced the same. It would defeat the purpose to pronounce 'soo' as sue.

    As Mr. Spock would say: "It's logical."

  17. "Enjoy your day!

    P.S. Seekerville says a big thank you to those who win books and take the time to post reviews. It's never required but always appreciated."

    A great and easy way to up reviews is for authors and friends to click all reviews that are over 50 words long and favorable as being helpful to you!!!

    When you click 'yes' the reviewer gets an email thanking him or her because the review helped another reader in making a decision about the book. These helpful reviews go to the credit of the reviewer. They make the reviewer want to write more reviews.

    This is very easy to do and it will make mama happy.

  18. Good point, Vince!!! Thanks for mentioning that.

  19. I'm confused, Vince.

    So, too? or So two?

  20. Happy July 5th, Seekerville! TERI, out dogs are a LOT happier now that the fireworks are over! Except I won't be surprised if someone in the neighborhood shoots off firecrackers again tonight. Even Poppy's Thundershirt doesn't seem to help.

    TINA, it doesn't take much for VINCE to confuse me--LOL!!!!!

  21. BTW, thanks for the tip about checking YES on helpful Amazon reviews, VINCE!!!

  22. Vince, that is a great tip about reviews! Thank you! It will be soo helpful to so many!


  23. Soo.... I've got an hour of quiet time, and I'm going to use it! Writing in upstate, my friends!!!!

  24. Hope everyone has had a terrific 4th of July! I've eaten too much. Seen a vast amount of fireworks and will soon be attending a baseball game, America's pastime! A grandson is visiting this week, which promises to be busy and fun.

    Oh, and we got the bunny out of my garden without hurting it. Our plants are thanking us.


  25. Vince, that's a great suggestion. Thanks!


  26. I bet the bunny is thanking you as well, Janet!

  27. I hope everyone's Fourth was wonderful! Tina, thank you for a great WE, and I'm so thrilled I won an Audra book! I look forward to reading it! It's been very busy in my little corner of the world, but I have to say, I sooooooo appreciate the Seekers and the amazing community here!

  28. Thank you for the book! I Love Seekerville! :)

  29. Yay, always excited to win a book. Hope everyone has had a wonderful 4th of July holiday!

  30. Love this WE! The flags, the cover those new Seeker covers! :)

    So. Soo. Makes perfect sense, Vince.
    Wow, I'm a poet, and didn't know it.

    Fireworks. Not to bad here last night since our nearest neighbors are 1/2 mile away, but our dog hates thunder with a passion and we had several hours of BOOMING thunder this morning. Poor girl. She was beside herself. :(

  31. MELISSA SAID: "Praying for Julie, may she she become one with the backspace and/or delete key this Wednesday.... :)"

    LOL ... trust me, girlfriend, I need the prayers, so THANK YOU!!

    MARY, sorry to hear you're "crabby." Doesn't sound like you. Is Ivan wearing off???

    RUTHY, the covers are drop-dead GORGEOUS, especially the historical, which I am just HEARTSICK that I had to drop out of, especially since the cover is SOOOOO pretty and SOOOOO depicts my story! :( Praying both collections "spark" LOTS of sales!

    GREAT WE, Teenster!!


  32. VINCE SAID: " "Sometimes the longest road provides the shortest path to wisdom. Julie's books are as brief as they could possible be and still provide as much reading enjoyment, emotional satisfaction, and spiritual inspiration. However, I did notice that in the interest of brevity the giveaway was not mention. Brevity should never be shortchanged."

    AW, VINCE ... LOVE that quote, my friend -- is that yours??? Thank you SO much for your sweet comment -- that blesses me, even if you are a minority! ;) And, YES, I did purposely keep my blurb short, including the giveaway, so thanks for noticing!! :)


  33. Yeah! I won With this kiss contemporary. Thank you so much. I really enjoyed the historic collection and am looking forward to reading this one...looks like the new collections will be great, too.

  34. Wow! What a WE! Definitely many exclamation points needed!

    I'm shooting off firecrackers in celebration of winning Audra's ebook, Rough Road Home! Thank you, Audra!

    I'm also VERY excited about the fabulous new Seeker the titles and covers! Congratulations, Seekers!

    And wonderful news about Pam's accolades and about all the Carol finalists (YAY, Mindy and Naomi)!

    Next week looks wonderful, too! Now to check out all the links, especially Keli's call story!

    I'm back from vacation and ready to BOLDLY put #NoLimits on my writing! Thanks again, Audra, Tina, and Seekerville! Hope everyone had a great Fourth of July weekend, and I wish all a great week ahead!!!

  35. VINCE SAID: "A great and easy way to up reviews is for authors and friends to click all reviews that are over 50 words long and favorable as being helpful to you!!!"

    Honestly, Vince, you are simply one of the most brilliant men I know, honestly! I never thought about that, but that's pure genius!!


  36. Mary Curry, we heard the fireworks really, really late last night too! Way after midnight.

    Melissa, so true about Julie!! LOL

  37. Vince, I had no idea about clicking that reviews were helpful would do that. Nice to know!

    Hope you all have a great Sunday evening! The weekend has seemed to fly by.

  38. Oh my gosh! I want that Coffee Shop it!

  39. Oh thanks a LOT you SEEKERS. Now my to-read stack will grow by two new collections :-)

    Congrats to all the winners and to PAM for the 4-star review! (Hmm. You know, if I had an exclamation comma it would fit perfectly between 'winners' and 'and'...)

    KELI, the video of your book going on the shelf was such fun to watch. Thank you again for the copy I won several weeks ago (and the Seeker notepad).

    Thanks, TINA, for organizing all the links. The only problem is I find out about more blogs I want to subscribe to :-) Thanks, also, for the labels list on the right side of the page. Being able to access those 2600 (!) posts so easily is a much-appreciated gift.

    Nancy C

  40. VINCE SAID: "A great and easy way to up reviews is for authors and friends to click all reviews that are over 50 words long and favorable as being helpful to you!!!"

    A great tip, Vince. Thank you!

    Nancy C

  41. Nancy C, I'm with you on that last comment. Vince I had never thought of that before!
    What a great idea.
    I've heard you are NEVER supposed to click on unkind reviews...a down vote...because that's what leads to the Most Helpful Negative Review.

    So if you have a 'Negative Review' that's pretty decent you should give it a DOWN vote and hope to raise it to the Most Helpful.

    I have never down either of these. But I may start. :)

  42. Can't blame anyone but myself for my crabbiness. No idea why I've been awake until 4 a.m. or later for the last two nights.

  43. Waving to my friend Jenny B!

  44. Waving to my friend Jenny B!

  45. Tina, that bunny was happy in there. He was young so had no idea he was missing anything as he had all my beautiful, many recently planted, to teeth on. So why do bunnies just gnaw off a stem, then leave it? Are they only after the juice?

