Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Weekend Edition

Coming August 1st. 
We're going to a five day work week.
Seekerville has approximately 2,600 posts in our archives
 and we'd like to reshare that wisdom.
We'll be blogging new posts Monday through Thursday 
with the Saturday Weekend Edition as usual.
Friday will be The Best of the Archives with comments off. 

The exception is October, our birthday extravaganza month 
when we always blog 31 days!

We Have Winners

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules

Last week's  WE Edition winners of Coffee Shop Romances and With This Spark are Dana Lynn and OhioHomeSchool. 

Dee L is the winner a copy of Ruth Logan Herne's All Dressed Up in Love for Kindle. 

Monday  Missy Tippens gave you a peek inside her mind (scary, huh?!). She shared a bit of the planning she did before writing The Doctor's Second Chanceshowing how she used James Scott Bell's bookWrite Your Novel from the Middle, to help her figure out her story. In celebration of the newly released With This Spark, she'll be sending an e-book copy of the collection to two lucky winners: Cindy Regnier and Rachael Koppendrayer!

On Tuesday Myra Johnson talked about settings, and she wasn't just referring to geographical locations! A well-crafted story setting takes into consideration the history, culture, and prevailing mindset of an area. Jackie Smith is the winner of a copy of her  romance When the Clouds Roll By (Till We Meet Again: Book 1), set in historical Hot Springs, Arkansas.

 Debby Giusti  joined us on Wednesday to talked about “Conference Dos and Don’ts!” With the RWA National Conference just a week away, Debby wanted to review some of the info she’s accrued over the years that is applicable to ACFW and regional or local conferences as well. Rhonda Starnes is the winner an advance copy of Debby’s August Love Inspired Suspense, Person of Interest!

We were thrilled to have Tyndale Publishing's Christy Stroud with us Thursday, with her her post, "How to Help Your Publicist.” Jackie Layton is the winner of a bundle of Tyndale books!

Friday  Seekerville welcomed back Love Inspired Suspense author Carol J Post with her post "Pace Your Story for Maximum Reader Engagement (Seven tips to keep the pages turning)." DEBH is the winner of a signed copy of Hidden Identity. 

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Vince Mooney, friend of Seekerville and our resident philosopher, will give tips for writing crystal clear prose in his post entitled “How to Recognize, Edit and Compose ‘Crystal Clear’ Prose.“ Leave a comment for a chance to win one of the Seeker novella sets: With This Spark, a collection of historical romances or Coffee Shop Romances, a contemporary collection. Winner’s choice. 

Tuesday: We're delighted to welcome back, Sarah Ladd, with her post,"Getting Unstuck: How to Keep Writing When Writer's Block Strikes."  She has an amazing new release out called The Curiosity Keeper. You could win a print copy!

Wednesday: Thomas Nelson author Laura McNeill is today's special guest with her post, "On Writing: Interruptions, Blessings, & Minions."  Stop by to meet Laura and chat. You could win an ecopy of Laura's suspense novel, Center of Gravity, that Seekerville is giving away in her honor.

Thursday: Join award-winning author Sandi Rog on an incredible writer’s journey that takes her from the depths of a troubled marriage, MS, and cancer to the heights of God’s love, sure to encourage and inspire you with “Blessings in Disguise.”

Friday: Today Seekerville is Live from NYC for the 35th Annual Romance Writers of America Conference. Stop by as we post new photos all day long. Comment for a chance to win conference swag!

Seeker Sightings

With This Spark and  Coffee Shop Romances LAUNCHED!!  

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Stealing Jake by Pam Hillman

Stealing Jake

by Pam Hillman

Giveaway ends August 12, 2015.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

Bethany House Publishers​ photo challenge. You'll get a chance to win a book prize package if you send in a picture of yourself posed reading a Bethany House book. Details HERE

Villager Stephanie Trietsch and Seeker Debby Giusti met in person for the first time last Monday at the bimonthly writing class Debby hosts in her local
area.The class focused on self-editing. Of course, Seekerville was mentioned as well.

Special RWA NYC Seekerville Sightings

Seekers Mary Connealy, Janet Dean, Debby Giusti, Tina Radcliffe and Missy Tippens are all headed to New York City. 

Where you may find us during the conference: 

(If you see us sitting in on any of the 100 workshops offered, do pull up a chair next to us!)

Wednesday, July 22

2:00 - 5:00 pm FHL Chapter Meeting in the Empire Room This event is open to members and non-members alike. 

5:30 – 7:30 p.m. The 2015 "Readers for Life" Literacy Autographing in the Westside Ballroom.  Debby Giusti & Missy Tippens are signing!

Thursday, July 23 

 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Hot Breakfast Buffet  (Free Food!)

 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. All General and Charter RWA members are entitled and encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting in the Broadway Ballroom. It's your organization. Show up!

9:00 – 11:00 pm Pajama Party (Harlequin Suite; Harlem Room) 

Friday,  July 24

 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Hot Breakfast Buffet  (Free Food!)

9:45 – 11:15 Harlequin Signing (Westside Ballroom 3 – 4) Debby Giusti, Tina Radcliffe & Missy Tippens signing. (Free Books!)

12:45 – 1:45 Harlequin Series Spotlight (Imperial/Juilliard Rooms) 

2-3 pm  Fire Up Your Focus! Strategies for ADD/ADHD Writers (WRITER’S LIFE).Speakers: Alison DeLaine, Tina Radcliffe, Jessica Scott, and Jeannie Watt. Check your conference brochure for location.

Saturday, July 25th

 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Hot Breakfast Buffet  (Free Food!)

***Interactive Photo Booth sponsored by ACX, CreateSpace, and Kindle Direct Publishing: Grab your friends and strike a pose in the photo booth on Saturday, July 25, between 7:00 and 11:00 p.m. The booth will be located on the 6th floor foyer near the Awards Ceremony.

Live Streaming! 8:00 p.m.  – 10:00 p.m. 2015 RITA & Golden Heart Awards Ceremony with Emcee Lisa Kleypas. 

Starbucks® is located on the lobby floor of the Marriott Marquis. See you there!

Not going to RWA? We have a special giveaway just for you this weekend. Tell us you want to be entered to win one of three -autographed by the authors-copies of The Homestead Brides Collection. Winners announced in the NEXT Weekend Edition.

Also, more for those staying home! Sandra Leesmith is still de-cluttering and found several cassette tapes (remember those and do you still have a cassette player?) and a CD from previous conferences.  Cassettes have writing craft workshops so are timeless. The CD has all the workshops from that year's ACFW conference.   If you are a beginning writer this will be a treasure. To win this, put in a comment stating interest in CD & Cassettes.  With these you can have the benefits of a conference without leaving your comfy office.

Random News & Information

Thank you to the Seekers & Villagers who contributed links.

Check out #RWA2015 on Facebook

Connect with Harlequin at RWA (Harlequin Blog)

Christian Fiction is Not Dead (Steve Laube Blog)

6 Most Effective Ways to Increase Sales of Standalone Books (BookBub Partners)

Four Tips for Forming a "Street Team (Novel Rocket)

A Conversation With the SELF-e Team: Exploring Payment for Authors (Jane Friedman)

Atticus Finch 2.0 (Steven Pressfield Online)

Wendy McCurdy to Join Kensington as Editorial Director (GalleyCat)

The Secret World of Kindle Gold Rushers (The Passive Voice)

10 Mistakes Authors Make that Can Cost them a Fortune (and How to Avoid Them) Writers in the Storm

That's it. See you next weekend in NEW. YORK. CITY!


  1. Happy Weekend everyone! Enjoy.

    Please enter me for the Homestead Brides collection.

  2. .
    Romance writers turn coffee into books...
    that will keep you awake all night turning pages!

  3. Congratulations to all the winners!

    Please enter me for The Homestead Bride Collections and I would love to be entered for the cassettes and CD from past ACFW Conferences. My cassette player is in my Crosley my husband bought me for Christmas last year.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  4. Congratulations to all of the winners.

    I hope those of you going to NYC have a great trip!

    Tina, thanks for another great weekend!

  5. I love the coffee analogy! #coffeeisgood #coffeeisgreat #ilovecoffee !!!!

    Tina, thank you for a marvelous WE and have fun in NYC this week! There is nothing like NYC, at least in my experience.... I love it. I can't say often enough how much I love going to NYC, walking forever, buying chocolate and coffee, hanging with my boys and visiting Yankee Stadium, Chelsea Market, the Highline, the seaport, oh my stars, something marvelous in any direction!

    And I always take time to go to Ground Zero and pray. If anyone has an extra day, arrange online for tickets to the 9/11 Memorial and go to the museum. Yes, it's sad. But it's also a testimony to America... and so beautiful. When I was there last year, silence reigned.

    An amazing experience, especially for the creative mind.

  6. RUTHY, thank you for the coffee, I often enjoy a second cup on weekends.
    It's raining outside, it does every time I have a day off, but all is well. Got my scores back from Unpublished Maggies and they weren't too bad, even though I didn't place. Nobody was snarky or even especially strict, so I have a good feeling about this one. I will spend part of the weekend incorporating their changes and working on thank-you notes.
    Don't enter me in the drawing, I don't have an e-reader, but it's okay because I have two Seeker books on my nightstand.
    Kathy Bailey

  7. RUTHY, I love the city too only for me it's Boston because it's the nearest thing we HAVE to a city in NH. There is nothing like a city, even though I don't have the stamina (the lines, the rudeness, the cockroaches) to live there any more. I lived in Boston for several years as a young woman and loved it. I agree, there's something special everywhere you turn.

  8. I'm trying to learn the secrets of turning coffee into books, so would love to win the ACFW conference cd, especially as I live in South Africa so am not able to attend an actual conference.

    Hope that all those going to NYC have a wonderful time.

  9. Happy Weekend folks. Trying to get all my giveaway mailings done before I leave, clean this office, and get some writing done.

  10. Ruthy, thanks for the fresh coffee!! I see you have all my favorite creamers. Unlike my cowboys, I can't drink it black.

    Wish I could hang out with the Seekerville gang at RWA in New York. I can hear Frank Sinatra crooning in the background now. Hopefully by next year, I'll have a bestseller and take my private jet. Okay, a girl can dream, can't she? How about a partial manuscript and a bus ticket?

  11. Tina, thanks for the sharing RWA's agenda in this informative Weekend Edition!

    Congrats to our winners.

    Big thanks to Vince for guest posting Monday. Know he'll host a lively day in Seekerville!

    Will be praying for travel mercies for all who are going to RWA. The WTC is on my agenda, Ruthy. I'm hoping to seeing a play, as many sites as I can squeeze in before the conference starts. Looking forward to chatting with Villagers in attendance.

    Have a great weekend all!


  12. Would love to win the cassettes! :) Have fun at RWA this year Seekers! I'll be watching the awards ceremony! :)

  13. I hope everyone enjoys the conference. I've never been. Please enter me in the drawing for the cassettes. I am already a proud owner of the homestead book. It was a delightful read.

  14. Congrats to this week's winners!!!

    Whew--catching up after a quick trip south to help our daughter & family move into the new home they just bought. These are our missionary kids, and we are so thankful our sil landed a great job teaching at a Christian high school.

    Moving month for these kids, plus a graduation event last month for our Montana grandson, is why I opted not to attend RWA in NYC next week. Just WAY too much traveling for one summer! Can't wait for the news & pix from all of you who are going! Hope you have a blast!

  15. Great WE, Tina!!

    Traveling Grace to everyone going to NYC.

    Please enter me for one of Sandra's CDs. I already have a copy of Homestead Brides.

  16. Tina, you're cleaning your office before RWA? Is that necessary? I'll be lucky to just get packed and on the plane!

    Looking forward to seeing everyone who's at RWA!!!

    Waving to Stephanie Trietsch. Thanks for attending my writing class. Loved having you there! It was a great night filled with creative inspiration, and you added to it all!!!

    Congrats to the winners.

  17. Vince, looking forward to your blog on Monday. I'll be traveling that day so not sure when I'll be able to stop by to say hello!

  18. Great WE, as always!
    Congrats to all the winners!

    SO happy for all who are attending RWA, and I can't wait to see photos!!
    Praying for safe travels and a wonderful conference for you all.

    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  19. A twist on Tina's Pajama Party poster.

    "If still being in my pajamas at 10 a.m. is wrong, I don't want to be right."


  20. I don't do the "Readers for Life" Literacy Autographing ... because this is my chance to look around and see other authors! I am star gazing! :)

    I just love walking up and down those aisles.

    I do hate waiting in line, though. I think I got that from growing up in a very RURAL area. I never learned to wait.

    I have also learned (from the Nebraska State Fair) that when there is a LONG line into a show or display or food stand, there's usually a good reason.

  21. Mary, what about a nightgown at 11:30 on a Saturday morning? :)

  22. I don't do the Literacy because my last name begins with an R. The Nora Roberts fans would block my table and then block the rest room and also the hall way on the first and second floor.

  23. Let me clarify. I am picking up all the stuff off the floor before I leave for NYC.

    Debby, I have seen your desk. I then walked back into my office and threw up.

    Seriously? My office is a health hazard. I am merely going to create an emergency path for my husband in case he needs to go in my office while I am gone. He's brave like that.

  24. Great, WE, Tina. Thanks!

    Have fun and safe travels everyone going to RWA. I'm sure it will be a blast and I can't wait to see all the updates and photos!

    Pls enter me for the Homestead Brides.

    (Tina, you're kidding right? Nora has her own section of the literacy room...see you there NEXT TIME!)

  25. I love the coffee theme today, Tina!! Now I'm craving an extra cup. :)

    I hope to see some of you this coming week!! I'm excited to head to NYC.

  26. BTW, I'm not very good putting together names and faces--and fear calling someone the wrong name. So if you run into me, PLEASE tell my who you are and that you hang out at the blog! And if I see you first and recognize your face from tiny little Blogger profile photos, I'll flag you down. :)

  27. Kathy B, I'm glad you got your Maggie scores. I hope the feedback is helpful! I didn't judge this year but have most years in the past. It's my home chapter's contest. :)

  28. LOL, Barbara. Can you stop by Atlanta and pick me up in your jet? :)

  29. Barbara, we might all be on the same bus. Now wouldn't that be a fun road trip??? :)

  30. Kathy, high five on getting those scores back. I used to love checking the mail box for scores...back when everything was snail-mailed. You could kinda psyche yourself up as you went to the mailbox and opened it.

    Then when we went to email, it was still fun, but MUCH scarier because the emails would just POP up in my inbox and my heart would nearly explode. Well, it still does that when I get good news from my agent or editors! lol

  31. Okay, since we're talking jammies, what is considered too early in the evening to put them back on? Because if 6:00 p.m. is too early, I am in trouble regularly.

  32. The second I get home from work. 4pm. Mine go on. after regular exercise of course. Lolol

  33. Congrats winners and to those heading to RWA, have an awesome time! The Homestead Brides Collection sounds great! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

  34. I'm one of those people who don't work in jammies. Never change until I'm ready to "hit the sack," as they say in the Army. I birthed two daughters. One loves to lounge in pjs. The other is like me. Funny, huh?

  35. I love, love, love the Literacy Signing!!! Love meeting new folks. Love making new friends. So, please, please, please stop by my table. I've got giveaways and hugs!

    Usually Deeanne Gist and I sit next to each other: Giusti...Gist...alphabetical. She's so sweet, and she gives away goodies too. Come visit both of us!

  36. Jammie pants were the best invention known to mankind since almost the wheel....

    And sliced bread has fallen out of favor with the Artisan bread explosion.

    Except that's fallen out of favor with the Gluten free crowd....

    Except that's fallen out of favor with the Life's short... eat dessert first crowd.

    But Jammie pants rock.

  37. I'm reading these comments and you are all too funny. But it feels good to laugh early in the morning. smile. Especially a Sunday morning. I"m so relieved to see all those who want the cassettes. Wish now I hadn't already packed them in one box. I'm sure you will enjoy them.

  38. Jammie pants do rock. But when its this hot, its jammie shorts. And a quick swim.

  39. Tina, remember a messy office is a sign of a creative person. YAY. And what a brave hubby. Mine steers clear of my office. LOL

  40. Have a great time at the conference all of you. Ruthy's right about the 911 memorial. It is awesome. And a reminder of all we have to be thankful for to live in this country.

    Blessings and safe travels.

  41. .
    Without pants,
    what would pantsers do?
    Even with coffee,
    could they ever get thru?
    Since plotting is something
    they could never abide
    each word that they write
    would come out of their hide.

  42. Vince, LOL!!!!!

    I'm always dressed other than pre-dawn. No jammie pants until bedtime, but I do love them!

    I'd look weird doing farm chores in pajamas. Spraying veggies in pajamas. Picking squash in pajamas.

    But before the day begins, the middle of the night writing gig, it's jammies!

  43. Congratulations to all of the winners and those heading off to NYC. Praying for safe travels for all.
    Having never attended a conference, I'd love to listen to the CDs and cassette from previous conferences. And yes, I still have a cassette player. :) I'm very nostalgic.

  44. Jill, I have a cassette player, too! We can be nostalgic together!!!!!

  45. How come I don't have one? See that's the problem with de-cluttering.
    However, before I decluttered I forgot I even had the cassettes. sigh

  46. Have fun in NYC, Tina - looking forward to pics from there!!

    Please enter me in the drawing for "The Homestead Brides Collection" - have been dying to read it!!!!

    Thank you!!

