Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The August Contest Update

 Welcome to the AUGUST contest update. There are approximately four and a half contest months left to this year. Have a cool treat while you ponder that!

Published Author Contests

Cover the Words Book Cover Contest  Deadline August 31 -Traditional and Indie Entries

 Unpublished Author Contests

Golden Palm. Deadline  August 15. Check out the first round judges!! Wow! First 25 pages. Open to Published and Unpublished writers.

Contemporary Category:

Editor: Karen Reid, Harlequin

Editor: Allison Caroll, Harlequin

Editor: Victoria Curran, Harlequin

Editor: Rebecca Lucash, Avon Impulse

Historical Category:

Editor:  Marla Daniels, Pocket Books

Editor: Nicole Fischer, Avon Impulse

Editor: Chelsey Emmelhainz, Avon Impulse

Editor: Elle Keck, Avon Impulse

Young Adult/New Adult Category:

Editor: Piya Campana, Harlequin

Editor: Deirdre Mccluskey, Harlequin

Editor: Elana Cohen, Pocket Books (New Adult)

Agent:  Amanda Leuck, Spencerhill Associates (Tentative)

Paranormal Category:

Agent: Laurie McLean, Fuse Literary

Agent: Nalini Akolekar, Spencerhill Associates

Agent: Laura Zats, Red Sofa Literary

Show Me the Spark. Deadline  August 28. Entry consists of the first chapter (including the prologue if any) for a total of 3500 words only.The contest is open to RWA members and non-members, published and unpublished authors alike. No entrant may submit a manuscript that is currently offered or under contract to be offered by any publisher or currently for sale as a self-published work.

 Contemporary   Mercedes Fernandez       Kensington Books     Editor

Historical           Alexandra Sehulster         St. Martin’s Press     Editor

Erotica               Alissa Davis                     Carina Press             Editor

Para/Sci-Fi/Fantasy   Renee Rocco          Kensington                 Editor 

 Romantic Suspense  Deborah Nemeth   Carina Press                Editor 

Young Adult/New Adult  Alice Jerman      HarperTeen                 Editor           

Inspirational            David Long                Bethany House        Editor

The Beacon Contest. Deadline August 31. Contest runs August 1-31 and is limited to the first 125 entries received. The deadline will NOT be extended unless in a case of man-made or natural disasters. Open to all authors of romantic fiction. Published authors are eligible to enter any category in which they have not been contracted and/or published (includes self published)  in book length fiction (40,000 words and over) in the last 3 years.   Entry consists of the first 25 pages of the manuscript. The entrant may also include an optional 5 page synopsis for a maximum of 30 pages. (Synopsis will not be judged.)

Category Length Romance Agent: TBA Editor: TBA
Contemporary  Romance Agent: Rebecca Strauss–De Fiore & Co. Literary Agency Editor:  Elizabeth Poteet–St. Martin’s Press
Erotic Romance Agent:  Sara Megibow-KT Literary Editor: Kristine Swartz-Berkley
Historical Romance Agent: Courtney Miller-Callihan-Sanford J. Greenburger Editor: Madeline Colevita-Grand Central Publishing
Inspirational Romance Agent: Melissa Jeglinski–The Knight Agency Editor: Shana Asaro–Harlequin Love Inspired
Paranormal/Fantasy/Futuristic Romance Agent: Nalini Akolekar- Spencerhiill Associates Editor: Candace Havens–Entangled Publishing
Romantic Elements Agent: Nalini Akolekar–Spencerhill Associates Editor: TBA
Romantic Suspense Agent: Beth Miller-Writers House Literary Agency Editor: Rebecca Lucash–Harper Collins
Young Adult Romance Agent: Laura Bradford-The Bradford Agency Agency Editor: TBA

Hot Prospects. Deadline September 1. The Hot Prospects Contest is open to any Romance work uncontracted and unpublished at the time of entry. Entry consists of 25 pages and a 3-5 page synopsis.

 Senior Editor – Leanne Morgena, The Wild Rose Press
Associate Editor – Cat Clyne, Sourcebooks, Inc.

Romantic Suspense-
Editor – Amy Stapp, Tor/Forge
Editorial Director - Angela James, Carina Press

Assistant Editor – Kristine Swartz, Berkley Publishing
Senior Editor - Jess Verdi, Crimson Romance

Associate Editor – Eileen Rothschild, St. Martin’s Press

Assistant Editor/Editorial Assistant – Dana Hopkins, Harlequin

Melody of Love. Deadline September 7. Author may be unpublished or published. Manuscript being entered cannot have been published and cannot be currently contracted to be published via any means at any time, including self or subsidy publishing. Entry consists of the first 25 pages.


Mary Altman - Acquiring editor at Sourcebooks


Cindy Brannam - Acquiring editor at Soul Mate Publishing


Angela James - Acquiring editor at Carina Press

New Adult

Heidi Moore - Acquring editor at Samhain Publishing

Young Adult

Victoria Lowes - Agent at The Bent Agency

Fiction From the Heartland. Deadline September 7. Entry consists of: Prologue/First Chapter/Synopsis (not to exceed 10,000 words).


Category Romance
Gail Chasen - Harlequin

Contemporary Single Title
Elle Keck - HarperCollins Publishers, Avon

Cat Clyne, Sourcebooks

Romantic Suspense
Dana Hamilton, Grand Central Publishing

Kristine Swartz, The Berkley Publishing Group

Erotic Romance
Heidi Moore, Samhain Publishing

Young Adult Romance/New Adult Romance
Mary Altman, Sourcebooks

David Long, Bethany House


Sara Negovetich,  Corvisiero Literary Agency
Laura Bradford, Bradford Literary Agency
Victoria Lowes,  The Bent Agency
Cori Deyoe, 3 Seas Literary Agency
Michelle Grajkowski, 3 Seas Literary Agency
Linda Scalissi, 3 Seas Literary Agency

Gateway to the Best. Deadline September 12. Entry Consists of : Up to 7000 words of the beginning of the manuscript, approximately 25 standard manuscript pages.The Grand Prize winner will receive a 2-hour coaching session with writing coach Michael Hauge, valued at $700. 

Single Title/Contemporary Series - Sue Grimshaw, Editor, Penguin Random House
Historical - Kathryn Cheshire, Editor, Historical Team, Mills Boon/Harlequin
 Women's Fiction with strong romantic elements - Katherine Pelz, Editor,  Berkley
 Romantic Suspense - Esi Sogah, Editor, Kensington

 Young or New Adult - Megah Parekh, Editor, Grand Central Publishing

Paranormal - Kerri Buckley, Editor, Carina Press

Bradford Literary Agency – Pitch Contest. Deadline: September 14, 2015. Sponsored by  Contemporary Romance Writers. This contest is free!   Published and non-published authors. Pitches must be for books not under contract as of September 14, 2015.

Final Judge is Literary Agent Laura Bradford.  The agent will select winners to submit partial and/or full manuscripts.

Other Writing Opportunities

Harlequin's SYTYCW Contest is open between now and September 21st for posting entries on Wattpad. See the timeline here.

The Eight Annual Life Lessons Essay Contest. Real Simple Magazine. Deadline September 21, 2015. What Single Decision Changed Your Life?

Would your world now be completely different—even unthinkable—if, at some point in the past, you hadn’t made a seemingly random choice? Tell us about it. Maybe you stayed a few extra minutes at a party—and met your soul mate. Maybe you decided to have lunch with a friend or quit a job or just took the long way home. If you can’t imagine the rest of your life without what happened next, write it down and share it with us.

Enter Real Simple’s eighth annual Life Lessons Essay Contest and you could have your essay published in Real Simple and receive a prize of $3,000.

And finally:

If you live in the Indianapolis area, do not miss this free workshop with Liliana Hart!

Liliana Hart—The Future of Self-Publishing

Sponsor: Indiana Romance Writers of America
Location: Indianapolis Central Library, 40 East Saint Clair Street, Indianapolis, IN
Date: September 12, 2015, 12-4
Presenter: Liliana Hart.
Topics included: Algorithms, Backmatter, Social Media and Marketing That Works, Street Teams, Foreign Translations, Audio, Diversifying Your Books, Moving From Small-Time Writer to Big-Time Corporation, and much, much more.


Time to meet our August Contest Diva: 

Contest Diva by definition: She or He who dares to approach the contest throne. A writer who, armed with the knowledge that it only takes one yes to make a sale, continues to pursue the path of the diva.
Janet Ferguson!

Contest Diva?

I like to think of myself as “critique partner to the contest divas,” not the contest diva… I’ve been blessed with the fun and the honor of having critique partners place and win multitudes of contests! It’s so wonderful to live vicariously through them, thinking, I helped… at least a little. 

Okay, it’s weird and pathetic, but it works for me.

When I first started this whole crazy idea of writing a novel, a few friends at a local writers’ group suggested I submit to a contest. I tried it. I admit, it was a bit overwhelming when I received the judges’ comments. One judge seemed to really enjoy my work, one liked, and the other not so much. So I didn’t enter another contest for a year—when Tina told me to... 
Guess what? I sent in the same manuscript after I worked on it A WHOLE YEAR.
One judge really enjoyed my work, one liked, the other not so much. I did not want to try another contest

 But …

Seekerville’s Tina has this way of making you believe you can do this thing called writing. She makes you believe you can develop tough skin in order to learn and improve. So I decided to try again with all four of my manuscripts. I mean I jumped in all the way, entering one here, another there, and so on. I went contest crazy. Entered a bunch.

Well… Haven’t won. Haven’t placed. I may just be the kind of writer some really enjoy, some like, and others not so much. But still, I see the value of the contests. I’ve gotten feedback on my manuscripts from judges who are completely unfamiliar with my characters which are part of a four-book series (so far) or my Mississippi regional eccentricity or my quirky writing style. Many times the judges pointed out problems or confusing parts of scenes that never occurred to me or my critique partners. 

You can survive the judges’ comments, too. What doesn’t kill you makes you a stronger writer, right?

Don’t you want to make Tina happy? Enter a contest and learn something. NOW!

Let's continue that thought, shall we?  (Make Tina happy!) This month we've got a contest entry rebate -for any of the above contests- up for grabs. All you have to do is enter and send the proof of entry to

 One rebate per person. Open to unpublished authors only. Rebate must be submitted before midnight EST Friday. (That's by 11:59 pm). Drawing will be held right before the Weekend Edition goes up!

And for the readers out there, or the chickens, raise your hand if you want  a book instead. We're offering your choice of any of the 2015 RITA finalists in the Inspirational category to one winner.  See the list here.

Winners announced in the Weekend Edition.  

And if my contest kick in the pants made a difference in your writing journey...let me know in the comments!


  1. Thanks for having me on Seekerville! I really like that there are popsicles, too. How did you know I loved an icy treat?

  2. All the best everyone. Lots of contests & categories.

    Too cold here for any ice treats, but thank you.

  3. Janet, congratulations! How wonderful and exciting for you and us that you're here!

    Tina is good at prodding, isn't she? When we visit Mary, WE KEEP THE CATTLE PROD OUT OF TINA'S REACH.

    It's just safer that way.

    And how much fun are all of these contests! YEEEE HAAAWWWWW! Go get 'em, Tigers, and a rebate besides???????

    Contests were a huge help to me before publication, and by huge, I mean HUGE. That chance for feedback.... Someone that was willing to read a few chapters and then be honest! WOW. WOWZA. YAY! And then getting to the point of finaling and getting editorial feedback.

    Amazing. A contest won me that first contract with Love Inspired, and I've been loving these new chances ever since. Do not fear. Fear is not of God... Be big, brave and bold (I teach this to 3 year olds. Are you less courageous than a 3 year old? NO!!!)

    Go forth and reach for your dreams. They're sitting there, waiting.

  4. Welcome, Diva Janet. Proud to be your favorite butt kicker.

  5. What is the temperature there Mary Preston? Where exactly is it down under and over that you live?

  6. Contests = moving forward on the road. They sure help toughen you up for reviews too.

    1. Jackie!! Genesis finalist!! Way to go president one!!

  7. Hi Janet,

    Congratulations on being August's Diva! Tina is the one who convinced me to enter contests also.

    Tina, I promise to enter at least one of the contests this month. Thanks for always encouraging us to try harder and write better!

  8. Mary Preston, we must be on opposite sides of the world because in Mississippi, we're celebrating if we 100 degrees with low humidity during the past couple of weeks.But have a nice, hot cup of coffee and enter a contest!

  9. Dear Ruth,
    Please keep up the rules about Tina and cattle prods.

  10. Hi, Jackie! You're one of my favorite contest WINNERS! Thanks for stopping by to say hello! Now you might even win the rebate of your contest fees. I know Tina prodded, oops, I mean encouraged you along the way!

  11. Hi, Tina! Thanks for kicking my behind. I promise you the first contest would've been my last if not for you! By the way, can I win? Do I have to enter another contest??

  12. Wow another contest edition. I love contests. Good luck to all of you contest entrants. You will learn so much I guarantee it. smile

    And nice to meet another contest diva. Morning JANET, Have a fun day.

  13. I love contests because it is through contests that I met the SEEKERS. What a blessing that has been in my life.

    Through them I've met all of you. Wow. Super blessings.

  14. Congratulations, Janet. Wear your crown proudly. Everyone doesn't take the same route to success. Your experience was much like mine. I preferred encouraging and praying for my critique partners as they entered contest after contest. And won contest after contest. I never felt the urge except when Tina would prod, gently of course. You and Tina are right, contests are invaluable in getting your work out there before professionals before it's ready for publication. Keep writing. Even books enjoyed by two-thirds of the readers have a sizeable audience.

    1. Hi Elaine! Good diva to diva advice!!

  15. Tina, I'm loving the popsicles! Hoping to find some in the freezer in Seekerville's kitchen.

    Thanks for the contest update. Go forth and enter and make Tina happy!!


    1. Popsicles for all, Janet! 111 in AZ today!

  16. Diva Janet, congratulations!! Do you feel ready to submit a manuscript to an editor? She could be the reader who would love your book.


  17. I love the contest update posts!

    Good luck to all who enter any of these contests.

  18. Morning, Sandra! Yes, Seekerville is a great place! I've met a couple of my critique partners here, too!

  19. Thanks, Elaine. I'm sending you my best pageant wave. I'm glad to know we're kindred spirits. And you're right about audiences. Not everyone likes the same style of writing. Luckily, there's a lot of choices. Blessings on your writing!

  20. Thanks, Janet Dean! I feel ready to submit, and I'm attending my first ACFW in September, so we'll see what happens.

  21. Hi Rose!
    Yes, good luck to everyone who takes the contest challenge! You can do it! Edit, polish, edit again, send to critique partner, double check the rules, have a popsicle, and hit send!

  22. Hi JANET, I'm applauding your DIVA status, you go girl, that's awesome! Good luck with the contesting and upcoming conference!

    And YES, doesn't everyone want to make TINA happy?!

  23. Loll, actually, Tracey, I'm not sure everyone wants to make me happy. But I loop exit the mere idea.

  24. Thanks, Tracey! YES, we do want to make Tina happy!
    Are you happy now, Tina?

  25. Yeah!! It's so nice to see you as the Contest Dive, Janet. I always get a thrill when it's someone I know. Especially when it's someone as awesome as Janet is. Honestly, she is one of the most uplifting, dedicated, encouraging people I know and I am so proud to call her a friend. I haven't entered any contests in a while, so I guess I better get a move on and do it...I don't want Tina to get out the cattle prod!

  26. If I get entries in the rebate opportunity I will be deliriously happy!

  27. That's right,LeAnne. Keep those doggies movin'!!

  28. Congratulations Janet - I think you're an awesome diva! Off to enter a contest for the first time in over a year. Oh the things I do to make Tina happy.

    1. Haaaaa!! Cindy R! WTG. So proud of you. No pain, no gain, right???

  29. Congrats on being Contest Diva, Janet! I've had those contests too where some judges really enjoy my work, some like it, some not so much. At the end of the day, at least I have feedback and awesome critique partners to help spruce up my revisions ;)

  30. Janet, so excited you're the contest diva! Couldn't have happened to a sweeter, more encouraging and inspiring person! So proud of you and all the hard work you've put into being a fantastic writer! :)

  31. Congratulations on being crowned the Contest Diva, Janet. I loved these contest posts. Many of the contests I've entered, I first heard about thank you, Tina!

  32. Thanks for another comprehensive contest list, Tina!

    And congrats to our Contest Diva of the Month! JANET, you have bravely gone where so many writers fear to tread! Contests aren't always about winning or getting your ms. read by an agent or editor. They are valid and valuable opportunities to get feedback on your story from someone who has no stake in the outcome. When you have the right attitude, as you clearly do, Janet, those judges' comment can propel you to even better writing--and eventually a win or even an interested editor!

  33. Awww, thanks, LeAnne! You are another one of my favorite contest WINNERS! i'm thankful to call you friend, and we have Seekerville to thank for that!

  34. Hi Emily! Thanks for stopping by! You've looked at plenty of my writing on the ACFW loop (and probably contest entries), and you always have some great comments to make me dig deeper!

  35. Thanks, Misty! How sweet you are to me! I've cried on your electronic shoulder over at least one contest, and you were such an encourager!
    Then, I went off and entered more contests...

  36. Thanks, Jill! I find all my contest information here! It's all in one clear post every month. Why look anywhere else?
    Blessings on your writing, Jill, and if it's hot outside where you are, we popsicles.

  37. TINA, are you typing on a smartphone? Because some of your comments . . . either I'm really dense, or there are several non sequiturs.

  38. Thank you, Myra! The list is great? Tina makes those?? Oh, now I may owe her more. And seriously, yes, the feedback of a contest pushes and stretches you. When the judges have opposite opinions, I kind of ignore, but when they all three mention or question the same section or phrase in my manuscript, I have to dig in and work.

  39. LOL, Janet, you would be surprised and amazed to know everything our Tina does behind the scenes!

  40. Janet Ferguson:

    I will assert that Tina is not the only Seeker I fear with a cattle prod in her hands.

    Fear can be a GREAT MOTIVATOR. :)

  41. Emily Conrad!! Welcome to Seekerville! A good critique partner is GOLD!

  42. Misty Beller!!welcome to Seekerville! I see your books everywhere!!

  43. Diva Janet, loved reading about your journey! I learned so much from contests. Great feedback that helped me improve my stories...over and over again. :)

    Have fun at ACFW! I know you'll enjoy the conference.

  44. Thanks, Tina, for the contest update.

    I wish there were more published contests later in the year. Seems they bunch up when I'm on deadline and hard pressed to find time to enter. :)

    The cover contest sounds interesting. Are you entering? Anyone else planning to submit?

  45. Thanks, Debby! I can't wait to meet my cyber friends and dear critique partners from ACFW in person! Oh, and learn more about writing.

  46. Leanne...

    You said you haven't entered any contests in a while...

    But you WON the TOUCHED BY LOVE!!!

    YAY, you!

    BTW, you can submit that same manuscript to other contests. You know that, don't you? Especially if the final round judge is an agent or editor with whom you'd like to work.

  47. Hi Debby! The Touched By Love was the last contest I entered, so I guess it wasn't really that long just seems like it. Thanks for the advice, I always worry about entering the same story in too many contests.

  48. Congratulations, Janet, on your perseverance! It takes a whole lot of that to become a traditionally published author, so you're well on your way. It takes a whole lot of courage to send out your work to contest after contest. I can empathize. Like you, I had four completed manuscripts I was submitting. Thirty of those entries garnered me feedback but no finals. However, I learned heaps from my contest judges. Eventually I learned enough to final, but it took perseverance and courage to keep on entering, both of which you have. You also have a portion of your judges already saying they love your work, so I predict it won't be long before you're seeing finals and requests for fulls. I wish you all the best.

  49. Janet F, thanks so much for sharing your story! I think it's a great lesson. We can't please every judge. But we can sure learn from the feedback. And most of all: IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO LISTEN TO TINA!! ;)

    Thanks for a great contest update, Tina!

  50. Ruth has two cattle prods. One for each hand. Do not be fooled!!

  51. Non sequitur???? I can barely spell it on my phone much less do the dance!

  52. Myra is right. I also run the sound system and pay the electric bill in Seekerville.

  53. Keli, thank you for the vote of confidence, and I'm glad I'm not the only one! I'm glad you found a happy ending! I wish you the best, as well!

  54. Thank you, Missy! Yes--always listen to Tina!

    Who else holds a cattle prod here?

    I don't know what non sequitur is, please explain.

    Tina, keep paying the bills and do your best non sequitur dance for us!

  55. Hi,Janet! So fun to "see" you here at Seekerville!

    I also love your humor. You made me smile. :)

    Tina, it wasn't about contests, but your critique of my work definitely made a difference in my writing life. If/when I'm published, I'll have you to thank.

  56. Well, TINA, I've been trying to figure out the "president one" and "loop exit" remarks are all about.

  57. Hi, Courtney! Thanks for stopping by! You are one of my critique partners/CONTEST WINNERS who I've lived through, vicariously! You know I love your humor in your writing, too! Can't wait to meet at conference.

  58. Oh,and Janet,you and your blog make me want to visit Mississippi. :)

  59. Thanks, Courtney! Mississippi gets a bad wrap sometimes, so I'm glad if I can help out a tad.

  60. Good luck to all of you that enter contests! I'll be rooting for you!
    I'm a reader so I'd love to be entered into the contest for a RWA book!

  61. Welcome Valri! We love a cheering section! I hope you win a great book!

  62. JANET!!! LOVED your part of this blog, darlin', and sooooooo identify with you, my friend on a number of points.

    1.) Tina "pushes" us too.
    2.) I didn't even begin to final until well into my contest entries after revising based on contest feedback.
    3.) I had one judge in a contest give me a perfect score, pleading with me to let her know when I got published so she could read the rest of the book and another judge in the SAME contest give me 50%, claiming I had too many POVs, too many subordinate characters, too much of this, not enough of that, etc. You will NEVER please everybody, trust me, not in a contest and not with readers.
    4.) I had about 46 rejections or more by the time the "rejected" book got published, so always remember it only takes one yes in a sea of nos to do the job, either in contests or in publication.

    So hang in, Janet, you are WELL on your way!!


  63. Mmm popsicles! Sounds wonderfully summery in Seekerville this afternoon.

    I'm bringing ice cream and cake today, if anyone would like some!

    Janet, congratulations on being named Diva this month!

    I'd love to put my name in for a book prize! Just to clarify: reader, not the poor bird that gets to be the butt of some many road-crossing jokes.

    Although if that punny road was in Seekerville, Tina well might have urged the squawking thing to "just cross the road already!" with a cattle prod by now...

  64. What a beautiful day in Indiana! High 70s and sunny, perfect for writing, popsicle-y fun, or contest prodding alike!

  65. Wow, so many opportunities for writers out there! Best of luck to those entering! Congrats Janet on being the Diva! :) Keep up your hard work- it will pay off! Please include me in the drawing for readers- there are a few on that list I haven't read yet!

  66. Thanks for sharing your story, Janet! Good message in your experiences for all of us: don't give up on a dream until God says "no"--not when man says it.

  67. Julie,
    Your item number 3 sounds familiar, so I find much comfort in your comments---especially since you have many great published books under your name now! I'll keep rewriting and editing and hoping/praying for that one "YES."

  68. Janet, love reading about your journey. I might just have to check these contests out. Thanks for your encouragement!

  69. Welcome Sarah!
    I love cake, especially the icing! Your weather Indiana weather sounds awesome! In Mississippi, we are cooler today. Only 94 with a 49% humidity. I visited Indiana a few times, though it's been a while---very nice state! I worked in Indianapolis a few months and also once attended the Little 500. Most Mississippians adore all the Mannings, and y'all had Peyton for a while. Gotta love that!
    P.S. Good luck with winning a book!

  70. Welcome Heidi! Thanks for cheering us on! There does seem to be some great books on that list!

  71. Congratulations, August Diva Janet! I agree.....those contest comments make us stronger....both with better direction for our writing and with more determination to continue. Thanks for sharing your contesting story.

    Tina, thank you for the contest update. I certainly WANT to now need to put in the WORK! Popsicle, please!

  72. LeAnne, I had no idea you won TBL!!!! On his! Congratulations!!!!!!!! You are such a hard worker. So proud of you.

  73. awe, thanks, Courtney!!

  74. Haha! I just saw those, Myra. It's Tina-speak. Secret language!

  75. Oh, this was so fun. So many contests, and then a MISSISSIPPI CONTEST DIVA to boot! Us #GRITS stick together. (PS...Janet, if you're a transplant to MS, I forgive you. I know you got here as fast as you could!)

    Congrats on getting out there with your work, submitting, learning, and growing!!

  76. Janet, I'm stopping in a little late today. I use the cattle prod on myself to stay off social media until I've written my goal for the day and exercised. Okay, I don't use a cattle prod. More like a Tazer.

    The contest info is always fun!

    JULIE, I can't believe anyone ever rejected a manuscript from you!!! But what can I say, some editors have no taste. ;-)

  77. Janet F, so exciting to hear you're going to ACFW, a great opportunity to make appointments with editors and agents!! Often they ask for a chapter or sometimes a proposal. If you need any ideas for One Sheets or pitches, don't forget the Seekerville archives.

    Keep us posted.


  78. So glad you didn't give up on writing, Julie! We'd never get to meet the McClares or the O'Connors--or the new characters coming soon!--if you had! :)

  79. I forgot to say it's fun to chat with another Janet!


  80. Go Sherida! Get her done! Tina will send you a popsicle.

  81. Thanks, Pam, my Mississippi friend! We have to stick together. I was born here and stayed most of my life, except for a few years after college-- when I wanted to try out the big city of Atlanta. I liked Georgia, but came back home.

  82. Oh, Barbara! I'm proud of you for being so disciplined. I'm pretty haphazard about staying off social media. A taser-prod might help. Blessings on your writing, and thanks for saying hello!

  83. Janet Dean,
    I like your name because it's hard for me to forget.
    I most certainly will use Seekerville resources as I prepare my materials for pitching. I'm always using the search box and scanning topics here when I need help.

    I've only been to one writers' conference which was right after I'd completed my first manuscript (so green). I attended RWA National, and it was great fun. I met (for a second or two) many of the Seekers in the class y'all offered. I also quickly found out how much I had to learn while attending workshops. Can't wait to learn more!

  84. Hi Myra:

    Try as I might I could not find any of Tina's non sequuntur. Would you please ask the Grammar Queen if a non sequitur is by definition something which cannot be found?


  85. I keep telling people that strong love / hate judge reactions is good. Julie just verified that. Thank you, Julie!!

  86. JANET SAID: "hoping/praying for that one "YES."

    It's out there, girlfriend, so hang in there!

    BARBARA SAID: "JULIE, I can't believe anyone ever rejected a manuscript from you!!! But what can I say, some editors have no taste. ;-)"

    LOL, bless you, my friend!! Well I take great comfort that most of us are not alone in the rejection pool. My favorite book, Gone With the Wind was rejected 38 times, Louis L’Amour received 200 rejections before Bantam took a chance and earned $330 million in sales, and Zane Grey was told, “You have no business being a writer and should give up.”

    SARAH SAID: "So glad you didn't give up on writing, Julie! We'd never get to meet the McClares or the O'Connors--or the new characters coming soon!--if you had! :)"

    Aw, thanks, Sarah -- I can always count on you for support and encouragment!


  87. Wow, someone gave diva Janet the cattle prod!! Go, Janet!!!!

  88. Go Sherida... Enter!!!

  89. Sorry, got excited and just wanted to try out the prod...

  90. Thanks Tina! I was very excited to win TBL and I was at the FHLRWA chapter meeting and awards ceremony, which made it even more special. Plus I got to meet so many great Seekerville members!

  91. VINCE, search the comments for "president one" and "loop exit." I'm still awaiting TINA's explanation about what she really meant to type!!!

  92. Janet, love that you're one of the Seeker workshop attendees! Bless you for coming! And for being eager to learn. I love workshops. Always fun to learn something new. Or if not new, seeing something in a new way.

    Janet Dean, a name that's hard to forget! Who knew????

  93. Janet, Congratulations on being the August Diva. I hope you get a chance to wear your tiara proudly. I can't wait to read more about your series. I love books in a series. Thanks for sharing your writing journey story.

    (Question about contest entry fee: is that only for inspirational contest entries or is it for contemporary contest entries as well?)

    Happy August everyone.

  94. Janet, the Janet part's hard for me to forget.

  95. Tanya,
    Thanks for saying hello! I can't wait for you to read my series either. Hopefully it will be in print some day, and I'll be shouting the news from the rooftops! I love a good series, too. It's like living in another little world when you find a good one.

    One of the ladies in charge will have to answer your question about the contest fee. Blessings with your writing!

  96. Jill W!!! Another brave contestor!!!! Hugs to you!

  97. Every diva know you have to read the RITA finalists! Your name is in the hat Heidi and Sarah!

  98. Hi Myra:

    I don't have a problem with what Tina wrote.

    "Jackie!! Genesis finalist!! Way to go president one!!"

    This comment does not have to follow to me or anyone but Jackie. I just assumed that Jackie was the first or best president of something that Tina knows about.

    I understand that this next one is a little esoteric:

    "Loll, actually, Tracey, I'm not sure everyone wants to make me happy. But I loop exit the mere idea."

    This is computer programming talk for code that can get you out of a loop, or eternal recurrence, and I just supposed that if everyone was trying to make Tina happy, she would see that as an entrapping loop which she would loop exit out of.

    I'm not sure Tina reached the level of non sequitur; however, she may have achieved the making of a ignotus sequitur ( while it follows it is obscure or hidden) : )

    I have to admit you have a sharp eye. You have to watch that Tina. : )


  99. It's supposed to say I love the mere idea.

    The other should say Way to go persistent one.

    Fat fingers on the iPhone = fun phrases.

  100. Love the idea of a rebate! I'll have to see if I have anything worth submitting. The Popsicles look great. I'll take the fudge bar, please.

  101. Way to go Diva Janet! The Popsicles look so summery and are a great choice for this hot summer day. Oh yes please Imwould love to win a book. Thank you for the great post and giveaway opportunity !
    Deanne Patterson
    Cnnamongirl at aol dot com

  102. One fudge bar coming up, Terri. A non sequitur is extra.


  104. Thanks for the reply, Tina. I'm getting back into the contest circuit.

  105. Hi Terri! I bet you've got something you can polish up! Fudge Bars are awesome!

  106. Thanks, Deanne! I'm so glad you stopped by! Good luck on the book drawing!

  107. As time draws near for me to turn in my scepter and tiara (and prod), I just wanted to thank all the Seekerville authors for this fantastic and encouraging website! Whether or not I comment, I read the articles EVERY SINGLE DAY and lurk often. I've learned so much here!

    If I'm ever invited back, I don't bake, but I'll run down to the takery and bring petit fours! (I hope I spelled that right! You know, little mini-cakes, maybe with some almond flavor in the icing.)

    Everyone else, remember to make Tina happy, too.

  108. The Beacon and The Heartland contests seem to be the ones I'll probably chase. Don't know about anything else.

  109. I am a reader. . and would love to win the RITA Inspirational book. :-)
    PS I love new authors! Go enter.

  110. I'm a reader trying to help by teenage writer :) I'd love to win "For Such a Time as This"

  111. Please don't spot the contest updates! :) Entering contests: Scary, sure! But in the long run totally helps me figure out what in the world I'm supposed to be doing. :)

  112. Becky, Thanks for cheering us on! Blessings and Read on!

  113. Danielle, I think it's great that you are helping a young writer! Seekerville has so many great articles on writing craft! Blessings, Janet

  114. Megan, It is scary!! But it does help. I've learned to watch for similar comments that two or more judges make. The other conflicting ones, I kind of have to ignore.
    Blessings on your writing,

  115. Megan, It is scary!! But it does help. I've learned to watch for similar comments that two or more judges make. The other conflicting ones, I kind of have to ignore.
    Blessings on your writing,

  116. Janet, you were a lovely diva. So radiant in your tiara.
