Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Weekend Edition

We've got a Stealing Jake weekend for you as we help Seeker Pam Hillman celebrate a print release! Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy. Two winners announced in the next Weekend Edition.

We Have Winners

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

Winner of the Weekend Edition conference swag from the RWA conference in New York City is Donna Phillips.

Monday Pam Hillman was our hostess with "Shelf Life, Books, and Oreos." Everything in this world has a shelf life. Deanne Patterson is the winner of a signed copy of her hot-off-the-press release "Stealing Jake."

 "DO IT NOW-Post Conference To Do List." Sandra Leesmith talked about what to do after the conference in our Tuesday post. (Besides get some rest of course). Crystal Barnes is the winner of an ebook copy of Coffee Shop Romances and our Christmas in July surprise copy of the contemporary ebook bestseller, Hope For The Holidays.   

Wednesday  Glynna Kaye brought us "Jump-Start Your Story With an Art Fact Sheet" -- tips she's learned from using a Love Inspired AFS before she writes the book. In celebration of her "Inspirational Reader's Choice Award," the winners of a 2-book set of the award-winning Pine Country Cowboy and High Country Holiday are: Cindy W, Mary Preston, Deanna Stevens, Sandy Smith, Meghan Carver, Kathryn Barker, DebH and Heidi Robbins.

Thursday  Seeker Tina Radcliffe brought us "The Secret Life of the Inspirational Romance Writer." What goes on behind those closed doors. Vince and Lori are the winners of conference swag.

Friday  2015 Christy Award, Carol Award and RITA Award finalist, Kate Breslin is our special guest. We are thrilled to welcome her back with her post, “Good Story Comes From Writing What We Know." Winner of Not by Sight is Tracey Hagwood.

Next Week in Seekerville

Starting this week, Seekerville begins our new five day work week.  We'll be blogging new posts Monday through Thursday with the Saturday Weekend Edition as usual. Friday is The Best of the Archives with comments off.  The exception is October, our birthday extravaganza month when we always blog 31 days!

Monday: Mary Connealy teaches some basics. We always hear you have to know the rules before you break them, so Mary will attempt to explain what in the world that means for one basic rules...the dreaded -LY rule.

Tuesday: Winnie Griggs tells us how to raise the stakes. Winnie will give away a copy of her newest release, Journeys of the Heart.

Wednesday: Time for the August (Yes, August!) Contest Update. Stop by to meet this month's Diva/Divo. The prize vault is open.

Thursday: Love Inspired Suspense debut author, Cate Nolan visits Seekerville today with her post, "Top Ten Things I Took Away from RWA15."  And you might get to win a copy of her October release, Christmas in Hiding!

Friday: We launch our Best of the Archives Friday with Pam Hillman, and "Quirky People Make Quirky Characters."
Seeker Sightings

Want more ways to lasso a copy of Stealing Jake this weekend? Well, grab your rope and give her a swing... There are two giveaways, both end tomorrow, August 2nd, so don't delay.

Not only did Kav over at Best Reads give Stealing Jake the sweetest, most amazing review ever, she's giving away a copy as well. Hop over to Best Reads and comment to get your name in the hat.

Two copies are up for grabs on Goodreads.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Stealing Jake by Pam Hillman

   Stealing Jake by Pam Hillman

  Giveaway ends August 02, 2015.

  See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

Julie Lessman Blog Interview and Giveaway: Join Julie Lessman August 4-9 for a blog interview/giveaway on the a TransParentMom blog. Julie will be giving away winner's choice of any of her  books, including a copy of her upcoming novel, Unfailing Love, from the Isle of Hope series.(Julie's first contemporary novel). Hope to see you there.

Random News & Information

The August Calendar is UP!

Congratulations to all the IRCA winners and finalists!

Romance Writers of America honors Irene Hannon (Christian Retailing)

Does Age Influence Capability to Write YA Fiction? (The Guardian)

Happy Ever After: 100 Swoon-Worthy Romances (NPR)

My Favorite Things: Free Images and Free Photos (Novel Experience)

10 Things to Say to a Writer Who’s on the Ledge (My Christian Writers Conference)

PW Asks: Most Millennials Prefer Paper Books (PW)

9 Things You Need to Immediately Stop Doing on Facebook (Social Media Today)

Emotional Wounds Thesaurus (Writers Helping Writers)

What Code is Revealing About Readers (DBW)

How to Price Your eBook on Amazon (BadRedhead Media)

The Power of Fiction (Writer Unboxed)

Have a great writing and reading weekend.


  1. Excited to win Glynna Kaye's 2-book set. Please enter me for Stealing Jake. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  2. Happy weekend! Seriously glad it's here :) Congrats Pam on releasing Stealing Jake! I can't wait to read it this weekend! Thanks for all the giveaway opportunities you all have here at Seekerville- it's so fun to win a book!

  3. Congratulations winners!!!!! Oh, that's always so much fun to say!

    And Pam, congrats to you on your paperback release! This is wonderful and I'm absolutely delighted for you!

    Hey, I've got some sourdough bread for youse with a smear of butter because the milk cow is giving richly... imagine how much butter we'll have when the heifer calf is freshened!


    Coming back later to explore links, but the one on author's age and YA was interesting... because depending on what you write, it doesn't matter! They don't really care about you. They identify with the story.


  4. What a great weekend addition! I'm excited to see I was one of the winner's of Glynna Kaye's 2-book set. Thank you so much!

    I would love to be entered to win a copy of Stealing Jake. Thank you for the chance.

    Smiles & Blessings.
    Cindy W.

  5. Congratulations winners!! Enjoy your new new books.

    And a special 'Yay for you!' to Vince and Lori on winning conference swag. :-)

    Everyone have a great weekend!!!

  6. Pam, so excited for your print release of Stealing Jake!! A wonderful story! Congratulations!!!

    Huge congrats to all our winners! Always fun to see your names.

    Nibbling on Ruthy's sourdough bread that I toasted in the oven. Yummy!

    We're having company this weekend. Off to finish fixing the food.

    Happy weekend all!


  7. CONGRATS to all the winners this week!!!

    BUT DON'T FORGET, WINNERS -- you need to send your snail mail or other required info to Seekerville so you can receive your prize! See the "Legal" button and the "About & Contact" button (right next to the "Home" button).

    Ahh, the weekend at last! I've blocked off the morning to write my little heart out on the third book in the new "Hearts of Hunter Ridge Series" which debuts in October (or actually NOW if you're an LI book club subscriber!). Then this afternoon I'll do some post-proposal-send-off chores--things that have been neglected for the past month or two!


  8. Oh my!!! So fun to have my own WE!! Whoot! NOW I've arrived! :)

    Yes, today's the big day for Jake and Livy. It's an exciting day. Tweeters can look for #StealingJake and if you see something that catches your eye, retweet it. AskDavid is posting tweets that are getting a nice retweet turnaround. Shameless memes featuring adorable orphans are posting on facebook.

    It's a PARTY!

    I think birthday cake is in order! Bring on the punch. How about orange sherbet? That's one of my favs... but I can't remember what you add to the sherbet... hmmmm...

  9. Good morning, everyone! Last week was crazy (I was in and out of the house every day). But today I should be able to hang out a little!

    Great links! I can't wait to read them. Lots of interesting stuff.

    Can y'all believe summer is almost over! The local kids go back to school this week! And we'll be taking my daughter to college later in August. Where did the months go??!

  10. Glynna, I'm excited about your new series!! So fun that the book club people get them early. :)

  11. Pam, add Sprite or 7-Up to the sherbet. That's one of my favorite punches as well!

  12. Yay, another weekend and HEIDI I'm with you. I'm so glad it is here. It has been a hectic week for me. sigh. Many chores but filled with many blessings also. smile

    Congrats to all the winners. Like RUTHY said, always fun to celebrate with winners.

    And PAM congrats on STEALING JAKE being out there in paperback. Whoo hooooo.

  13. JANET, I followed your example and toasted RUTHY'S sourdough. YUM with homemade butter. I used to make butter when I taught kindergarten class. We would go on a field trip to the farm and come back and make homemade butter. The kids always got such a kick out of doing that.

  14. Congrats to all the winners...and a huge big THANK YOU to Seekerville for offering such amazing opportunities for us to win!!

    Can't wait to read Glynna Kaye's 2 books!!

    Celebrating with Pam Hillman on the print release of Stealing Jake. I'd love to be entered to win one of those copies!!

    Checking out the Links later...School clothes shopping with the older Grands...and we might just have enough time to try another Geocache!! Yesterday's attempt was a bust!

    Have a blessed weekend everyone!!

  15. Missy, I was thinking Sprite, but it just didn't quite sound right. I like it with lots of sherbet. Off to mix it now! Yum! This is a potluck party...sourdough bread, orange sherbet punch, cake, and whatever else we can think of. lol

    What was the weirdest potluck you ever attended? Once at a church dinner, we had so many bowls of butter beans (some folks call them lima beans) that if you didn't like butter beans and fried chicken, you were just out of luck.

  16. Congrats on the print release, PAM! Everybody, if you aren't following Pam on Twitter, you're missing some fun cowboy quotes! I get a laugh every day!

    Congrats to our weekly winners, and thanks for the fun and interesting links--several I'll need to check out again soon!

    In the meantime . . . it's Saturday, and that means household duties await. Y'all have a good one!

  17. Happy Weekend Seekerville.

    Raspberry Sherbet
    Hawaiian Punch

    Toasting Stealing Jake!

  18. Another FANTASTIC, Weekend Edition, TINA! Thank you!

    And Congrats again, PAM, on 'Stealing Jake' coming out in print! This is such a fun story. :)

  19. Pam, I'm toasting the release of STEALING JAKE with a cup of Ruthy's coffee! Here's to a long and successful career. Throw my name in the hat to win a copy. :)

  20. RE: Weird potlucks? My motto is always skip the butter beans and grits. In the south, the women at church put me to shame. I think the banquet in heaven will be prepared by a contingent of Tennessee saints.

  21. PAM!! Congratulations on the print release! That said, I'd absolutely love to win a copy, so thank you for the opportunity!

    Congrats to all the WE winners too :)

    I've got fresh iced green tea for this gorgeous Saturday afternoon, and fresh Indiana-grown cantaloupe from the local market stand!

  22. Heidi, hope you enjoy Stealing Jake.

    Long live the Weekend! :)

  23. Ruthy, you're right about the age of the YA writer not mattering. But for me, I'm not sure I could write engaging contemporary YA. I'm afraid my age would show. lol

    I agree with Cindy -- congrats to all the winners this week. :)

  24. Janet, same here. I'm been slaving away in the kitchen. For our potluck, I've got hamburger steak with peppers and onions in the oven. Be ready in about 30-40 minutes. I had to improvise since we're out of buns and I didn't want to go shopping. So peppered hamburger steaks it is. I've never made such a thing, but it's got to be good. What could go wrong?

    Glynna, congrats on your upcoming release. Write like the wind, girl! :)

  25. Missy, I heard that school starts this week around here too. Mind boggling. It used to start mid-August. Seems like August 3rd is just TOO early. #BummerSummer! lol

    And you girl is going off to college??? We might have to have a Missy Meltdown Intervention, yes? :)

  26. Cantaloupe? Did somebody say cantaloupe? Yum! We've had some of the best ones this summer. Delicious!

  27. Pam, if it's dystopian, it's ageless and timeless, right?

    And kind of fun to mess with kids' heads!!! :) All in the name of good prose, LOL!

  28. Hi Tina:

    Wow! I won a surprise. Couln't believe me eyes. So happy that I just broke into song.

    My lyrics to be sung to "Love Letters in the Sand" ala Patsy Cline (Watch it for the seaside romantic inspiration!)

    There's some swag for this lad
    and I'll say that's not half bad
    for writing love stories in the sand.

    Yes, I pantser now and then
    because I know that in the end
    waves will wash my stories from the sand.

    I know that I should always plot
    and keep my writing true
    but plotting into the tides
    is just too hard to do.

    Yet my happy heart still sings
    for each wave the ocean brings
    as I write my love stories in the sand.


    Thanks to Seekerville!


  29. Thanks for the congrats, Pam! Won't be long and it will be on the shelves! Even when I see my books at Walmart, Barnes & Noble and grocery stores and pharmacies, it STILL doesn't seem quite real that I'm published. :)

    Public schools start here this week, too. I remember 'back in the day' when growing up in farming/mining communities in the Midwest, school didn't start until after Labor Day because kids were needed to help out on the farm and had to tend to their animals, produce, sewing, canning and other project displays for a week at the State Fair. How I'd love to go back to the Missouri State Fair for a day!

  30. Hi Ruth:

    The timeless universality of dystopian fiction among young people is because they all show what a terrible mess adults have created running the world. It is thus comforting to know that if they fail as freshly minted adults, it will not be their fault.

    The "Hunger Games" is a retelling of "Theseus and the Minotaur". This was a myth popular in 400 BC. The young never change…but don't tell them that.

    About YA readers not caring about authors, well that depends. If you place a picture of an 80 year old, gray haired, great grandma on the cover who is sitting in a rocking chair and knitting shawl, that, I believe, would depress sales. Would you want to buy a shoot-em-up western by an author wearing a tutu? Impressions alter reality.

    Some years ago a consumer test was conducted in a shopping center by a college in which people tested two drinks. Coke and Brand X. Coke overwhelmingly won! However, both samples were genuine Coke.

    I don't think anyone can write great YA unless they are young at heart! (and paranoid.:))


    P.S. Is there such a thing as "sweet dough" bread?

  31. Yes, I could do Dystopian. That way I could plead ignorance of current tween lingo! I'd just create my own, savvy?

  32. Vince, you are amazing with your lyrics and jingles! If there are any "game shows" that call for that sort of thing, you could win the whole pot!

  33. Spot on, Vince. And in this electronic age of public personas being at the click of a button, authors can't write in obscurity.

  34. Congrats to you winners and to Pam on the print release of "Stealing Jake"! Interesting list of swoon-worthy romances, although I was surprised there were only 2 inspirationals. Thanks bunches for the link to the emotional wounds. One of the things on the list is a house fire, an experience my WIP heroine lives through. Talk about timely!

    Happy Weekend!

    Nancy C

  35. VINCE!!!!!! You are absolutely right, marketing is clutch, so a wild-haired granny... or a fedora-wearing granny might work!

    And you're also right about young people, and their penchant for D-R-A-M-A and how clueless adults are. OY!!!!!

    I make sweet dough bread! For Easter and Christmas, I can't believe I haven't put it on Yankee Belle Cafe. I braid it and form it in a ring and then frost it while it's warm and put sprinkles or jelly beans on it. Vince, it's sooooooo good!

  36. Congratulations on Stealing Jake! I would love to win a copy.
    Thanks so much,
    Becky Boerner

  37. Hi Ruth:

    Your description of sweet dough bread made me run out this morning at 7 am to get a big slice of Pumpkin Pecan bread from my mil. Heated with butter -- it's an out of this world breakfast all its own! But it tastes more like ginger & cinnamon than pumpkin to me. The bread was a gift. Do you know how to make it? I never heard of it until yesterday.


    P.S. I'd love to see a picture of your braided bread.

  38. Y'all are making me hungry with this yummy sounding bread. Vince's Pumpkin Pecan bread, and Ruthy's FROSTED bread! Oh my!

    Nancy, that's interesting about the swoon-worthy heroes. Maybe they haven't read the same books I have! :)

    Becky, so good to see you! I'm so excited to see this book in print!

  39. I'm late. Spent the weekend at my eldest daughter's and watched her run the GA Peach State Women's Triathlon. A fun time with grandchildren too!

    Congrats to all the winners!

    Thanks for the great links, Tina!!!

  40. I'm still chuckling over your trench coat picture, Tina! Did hubby take the pic? So good!

  41. just found this blog...stealing Jake sounds like my kind of book! hopefully I'll get to read it soon, even if I don't win it ;)

  42. I would love to win Stealing Jake!


    And congrats to all our winners, too, including Vince and Lori for the winning the conference swag!!

    Vince, the pumpkin pecan bread sounds to die for!! You and Ruthy are getting me fat just thinking of both of these breads, slathered with butter!!

    Happy weekend, all, although it's almost over, I suppose ...


  44. Hello, flip flop princess! Glad you found us!!! Welcome. There's plenty of chocolate meringues left. Help yourself. Your name is in the Stetson for the book! Check us out next Saturday for winners.

  45. Welcome to Seekerville, flip flop princess! We're so glad you found us. Don't be shy, now! New posts go up around or right after midnight every night (except for the 2 day Weekend Edition) The posts are the meat and potatoes, the comments are the dessert.

    Betti! Good to see you lady!

  46. Thanks for having the giveaway. I like Stealing Jake cover.

    Rose M.
