Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Weekend Edition

Several Seekers and Villagers are gearing up for the WPA (Writer's Police Academy) Conference coming this week. So we'll continue our murder and mayhem Weekend Edition with a nice giveaway from one of our Villagers. Keep reading to find out more.
We Have Winners

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

From the Weekend Edition: Winner of an autographed copy of Person of Interest, the Writer's Prayer, a digital copy of Coffee House Romances and a daily journal is Deanne Patterson.

Monday we welcomed guest Brock Eastman! Brock shared with us about encouraging kids to read and write. Connie Queen is the winner of a signed copy of two of his YA action and adventure stories-- Taken and Risk, books 1 & 2 of The Quest for Truth Series.

Tuesday Myra Johnson fave us  "Saddle Up for Writers!" If there’s a horse in your story, you should read what you might need to know. Whether you're an experienced equestrian or a wannabe (or even a sorta-was like Myra), she encouraged our visitors to share their knowledge and/or your questions, so we could write those horses right! Mrs. Tina is the winner of a three-book set of Myra's Horsemen of Cross Roads Farm series: A Horseman's HeartA Horseman's Gift, and A Horseman's Hope.

 Julie Lessman was our hostess on Wednesday as she shared about her recent sabbatical and the journey she’s taken in becoming the author she was meant to be in Square Hole, Round Peg: An Author's Quest to Find Her Place in the Sun. Kelly Bridgewater is the winner of a giveaway for a signed copy of any of Julie’s books including her upcoming contemporary novel, Unfailing Love, or her Christmas novella, “The Best Gift of All,” which will be included in the Seekers’ Home For Christmas Historical Collection.

Thursday Ruth Logan Herne  brought us "Writer: Under Construction."  In honor of the construction theme (and hot construction guys!) Ruthy threw names into a hard hat  for a $20 AMAZON.COM . The winner is KAV!!! and the winners of advanced copies of Refuge of the Heart are Cindy Regnier and Loves To Read!   
Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Janet Dean brings her "pets" to Seekerville, those words writers tend to overuse in her post, "Groom your Pet Words." Join her for a breakfast of turnovers, glazed donuts and granola and a chance to win a $15 Amazon gift card. 

Tuesday: Don't miss a visit from author/editor/artist/teacher Jeff Gerke! Jeff will be sharing his new how-to book from Writer's Digest Books, The Irresistible Novel: How to Craft an Extraordinary Story That Engages Readers from Start to Finish.

Wednesday: Debby Giusti hosts debut inspirational historical author Kristi Hunter, who will share "Five Things You Can Do Now to Make Life Easier After Contract." Kristi is giving away an advance-autographed copy of A Noble Masquerade.

Thursday: Tina Radcliffe is your hostess and she's bringing friends to this party. Join her for "A Cup of Joe and Getting Into Character." She's got some Joe to giveaway too.

Friday: The Best of the Archives: "Secondary Characters are People Too" with Pam Hillman.

 THE definitive resource for homicide investigators, Practical Homicide Investigation: Tactics, Procedures, and Forensic Techniques details the recognized protocols used by investigative divisions of major police departments throughout the world. The text is used in most police academies, including the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia.
Seeker Sightings

Mary Connealy will be giving away a copy of Now and Forever on A Transparent Mom on Tuesday, August 18th.

Stop in and leave a comment to get your name in the drawing.
Debby Giusti (R) with her wonderful bookseller, Karen Duncan (L). 

Thanks to all who stopped by Omega Book Center for Debby's signing of PERSON OF INTEREST. Thanks especially to Seekers and Seeker friends who ordered the book to be signed and mailed. The turnout was amazing. Karen was touched by all the well wishes as she closes her independent book store. As always, Debby is grateful for the support of so many readers and friends. Thanks to all who made the night a success. Your generous support will benefit the work of the Shepherds of the Meek.

Stop by The Suspense Zone for a chance to win a copy of PERSON OF INTEREST. The contest will run through Aug 31.
Random News & Information

Thanks to Villagers and Seekers who shared links!

Congratulations to two Seeker friends who SOLD in the Harlequin Love Inspired Blurb2Book Contest -Jordyn Redwood (Love Inspired Suspense) and Erica Vetsch (Love Inspired Historical). 

RWA2015 Audio Recordings Now Available for Purchase from RWA. RWA members can now purchase MP3s of the recorded sessions from RWA2015. There’s something for everyone — sessions on craft, self-publishing, the writer’s life, and more! Visit to view and purchase the recordings. 

The ACFW First Impressions Contest Opens September 2nd. Time to earn that diva/divo status.

Balancing Dialogue and Description in Your Story (Jane Friedman)

Your "LOOK INSIDE!" Book Preview: Will it Turn Readers Away or Close the Sale? (Anne R. Allen)

An Accomplished Writer Takes a ‘MasterClass’ From a Gargantuan Selling Writer  (

Book Marketing Tips: 10 Steps for a Successful Ebook Price Promotion (Bookbub)

The Second Draft (Writer Unboxed)

Writers are Speakers - 7 Ways to Destroy Your Speaking Career  (The Write Conversation)

On Character Building (with Ann Voss Peterson and Linda Style) (JA Konrath)

56 delightful Victorian slang terms you should be using (The Passive Voice)


As a special treat to Seeker Villagers, this weekend Villager Walt Mussel is giving away five copies of his latest Kindle Worlds Body Movers fan fiction work, The Good, The Bad And The Body. 

This short story is the second in the Wesley Tales series, and is the sequel to Revenge Is A Body Best Served Cold. The story continues to focus on Wesley Wren, the younger brother of Carlotta Wren, the main character in the Body Movers series. (Please note that Kindle Words’ works can’t be purchased/sent outside the U.S., Also, please note that this book is not an inspirational romance. )  Comment for a chance to win a copy!

Walt also brought Baroida coffee and macadamia nut white chip pumpkin cookies.

Winners announced in the next Weekend Edition.

That's it! Have a great reading and writing weekend.


  1. There's a HUGE pot of coffee brewing for the weekend.

    Now to go read some more of those interesting links.

  2. HELEN!!!!! SO GOOD TO SEE YOU, DARLING!!!! Thank you for the coffee!!!

  3. Walt, I skipped the professional links and went STRAIGHT TO COOKIES!!!!!! :) Pumpkin Macadamia Nut? How could that be bad, with white chocolate chips, besides??? I love white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies, and can't wait to try the pumpkin version! Go you!!!!! And thanks for offering up some reads, my friend!

  4. Congrats to all winners... I got up extra early and got 2K in because I've got grandkids here all weekend... and it's crazy fun, but there's no writing time involved!

    But I'm nearly done with one novella... and then on to the next! #HAPPYAUTHOR!

  5. Woohoo -- super excited (and thankful) to see my name among this weeks' winners. Thank you so much!

    Also super excited about the Writer's Police Academy -- hoping someone will report back on it. With pictures even.:-)

    Great weekend edition -- I'm going to work through the links as the day progresses. Going to be a nasty hot muggy one. Gah!

  6. Congratulations to Jordyn Redwood and Erica Vetsch! Way to go!

    Congrats to all this week's winners!

  7. Congratulations to ERICA and JORDYN. Woo hoooooooo. What wonderful news.

    Congrats to all the Seekerville winners also. Isn't it fun? We love giving away books Such a wonderful gift. smile

  8. WALT I'm so tickled for you. What a wonderful gift you are offering and of course I'm taking some Baroida coffee and macadamia nut white chip pumpkin cookies. -

    How exciting to see your name on those book covers. Way to go WALT.

  9. Congrats to ALL the winners! RUTHY, thanks for the yummy cookies! Congrats WALT. Thank you for the gift you are offering.


  10. Helen's making coffee and Walt is making mayhem and cookies. All is right with my world.

  11. Hi Debby:

    Did you ever notice how God likes to hang out in the most beautiful places on earth? I sure hope He's in Orange Beach for our vacation this year. I could use some inspiration going into the fall.


  12. Hi Walt:

    That's a perfect cover for your story. I hope the story does well.

    A few questions: did you pick the name Wren?

    Does it have anything to do with WREN which is what they called women in the British Navy in WWII?

    One of my favorite books is "Requiem for a WREN" by Nevil Shute and whenever I see the term WREN I think of that book because it was so emotional.

    How many novellas in your series do you expect to write?

    Will any more stories take place in Japan? The Japan story is my favorite.

    Did you have a professional editor do a line edit on your book? I did not find one typo and I'd like to have an editor that good when the time comes.


    P.S. Just a suggestion: Holly Greene wrote four novellas in a series called "Escape to Italy" with each book named for a season, like 'Summer in Sorrento'. It's fantastic if you love Italy. Do you think you could do such a series about Japan? "Escape to Japan". I'd pre-order it today!

  13. Hi Debby:

    I was just wondering. Did you ask Karen Duncan what she plans to do after the bookstore closes? I think what happens after a historic bookstore closes could mirror a major life chance in an ARC. I just think all the readers would feel the strong emotions of the theme alone. We hear about old bookstores closing but we never hear the rest of the story.


  14. I'm happily clapping for the weekly book winners, yay for all of you!

    @Debby Giusti-I really enjoyed your Gone Fishing Archive post, I wasn't following Seekerville then so I'm going to enjoy all the "best of" flashbacks.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  15. Great WE. Congrats to this week's winners and to Jordyn & Erica on the sales to LI/LIS/LIH! :)

    Now where did Tina hide the cookies?????

  16. So glad to have Helen bringing the morning coffee today!! :)

    Walt, thanks for sharing your giveaway!! And thanks to all who sent links.

  17. Also meant to say CONGRATULATIONS on the new sales!!!! Woo hoo!!

  18. Walt, I'm always inspired at Orange Beach!! I spend time on the deck listening to the ocean and writing.

  19. Oh yay!
    Connie Queen is the winner of a signed copy of two of his YA action and adventure stories-- Taken and Risk, books 1 & 2 of The Quest for Truth Series.

    I'm always trying to find series that my teenage boys are interested in. This is great!

  20. Vince, thank you for ordering PERSON OF INTEREST through my bookseller! They're in the mail! She and I both appreciate your support.

    I'm buying some of the bookcases. My daughter is getting some as well. Karen has marked everything in the story, except my latest which she's still selling at full price, to 50% off. I've made two hauls of reference books. She has a number of workers who are moving all books to the front of the it's a daily shift as books sell. The upstairs and rear are cleaned out, but she still has lots of titles up front. Aug 29th is her last day. Any leftover books will be donated to our local Clothes Less Traveled, which benefits the community, and another consignment shop associated with a local church.

    Thursday's signing was grateful for all those who attended and ordered by phone. Karen has been such a blessing to me. She always has refreshments at my signings and offers a warm and welcoming environment that my readers and friends enjoy. Hate to see it all end.

  21. Vince, enjoy your Orange Beach vacation. I love the beach and always feel connected to the Lord when I'm close to the water. I'm sure He'll be speaking to your heart and providing a much needed R&R for you and your sweet wife.

  22. Vince, upon rereading your comment...Karen doesn't know what she'll do next. Probably volunteer work. She loves animals and may work with one of the local shelters. You're right. Having a book store close in a story would be a lovely symbol of a hero/heroine's turning point. Something to ponder. Thanks!

  23. Congrats, Walt, on your story! You're a talented writer. I'm trusting your Japanese stories will eventually sell. Such an interesting time and setting.

    Thanks for the cookies!

  24. Congrats to Jordyn and Erica on their Blurb2Book sales!!!

    So excited for both of you! So glad LI offered contracts. Will love having you both in the LI family of authors. We've a very nice group! :) Hugs!

  25. Huge congratulations to Jordyn and Erica! I am happy dancing for you! This was a wonderful week of postings (not surprised). Can't wait to dig into the weekend finds! Enjoy your weekend!

  26. Congratulations to all the book winners this week and to Jordyn and Erica on their sales to LI. Kudos to Walt on his publishing success. Another wonderful WE, Tina. Thanks for the links, especailly the Writers are Speakers link. I'll be speaking for the first time to a large group of women who invited me to speak at their fellowship breakfast. I feel inadequate and need quidance. Have bookmarked this link after reading it carefully. have a wonderful weekend everyone.

  27. Good afternoon, Seekerville! Just got home from a quick trip south to visit our daughter & family in their new home. Unpacked, doggy blankets in the washer, feet up, cold drink by my chair. WHEW!!!

    Fantastic book signing, DEBBY, but so sorry the bookstore is closing. That's always so sad to hear.

    Congrats to the weekly winners AND to JORDYN & ERICA for those Blurb2Book contracts--WOOHOO!

  28. If I understand it right. Charity Andrews, of A Transparent Mom asks me a bunch of questions. (I know I've got that part right) then SHE answers them herself and declares a winner--as in Who's Answer is Better.
    She calls it FACE OFF. I've read a few of them that are already there and they're pretty fun.

    See you all Tuesday!


  30. Thanks for the great articles, Tina!
    Congratulations to Jordyn and Erica! It's so exciting when these announcements are released. I love to hear the "call" stories. :)

  31. Thanks, everybody, for the kind words.

    Yes, the cookies look really good. I will have to try and make them soon.

    Vince, the Wren name is courtesy of the original author, Stephanie Bond. I had nothing to do with it.

  32. Weekend Thought

    I just saw Glen Campbell on PBS and he said
    that there was a period in the past of country music when country songwriters wrote one dimensional songs and that today as then,"songwriters once again believe that words and lyrics are the same thing".

    I think that is something to think about.

  33. Congrats NEW BLURB2BOOK LI authors, ERICA, JORDYN AND CINDY MILLER! Love riding the wave with you.

    Thanks for a great WE, Tina. Lots of good links to follow this week, too.

    I'm so grateful to be back home. Grateful to live in the USA.

  34. Welcome back to the states, Lyndee!!! You were killing me with all those food photos, btw! I am eating Dukan Bran Muffins thinking of European pastries.

  35. Vince, never fails to make us think. Sometimes that hurts my brain.

  36. Walt, what's next for you in the Body Movers series? Have you ever thought about serializing your Japan books and putting them up on Amazon? Vince has a good point.

  37. Pat Jeanne! Wow, what an honor, congratulations!! I know you'll do great.

  38. Kelly Blackwell, good to see your sunshine face here in Seekerville this weekend.

  39. SUPER CONGRAT to all our winners and especially authors Jordyn Redwood and Erica Vetsch for their new contracts!!

    DEBBY ... SO glad the book signing was a success, but sorry about it being the last one at your favorite bookstore. I know how you feel because I was heartsick when my neighborhood Borders closed down because that was the only place I ever did my booksignings, which they always knocked themselves out for. Sigh. It's a different book world today, isn't it?

    HELEN ... great to see you again, darlin' -- thanks for the coffee. It always tastes better when you serve it somehow ... :)

    WALT!!! You had me at macadamia nut white chip pumpkin cookies -- YUM!!! And your fan fiction sounds just as yummy, so bring it on!!

    MARY CONNEALY ... I did a Charity face-off last week that was an absolute BLAST, so I hope you have fun too! :)

    TINA ... FAB WE, as always!!

    Hugs and Happy Weekend, all!

  40. Your police info reminded me that I've written THREE contemporary romantic suspense novels that have never been published. Wait! FOUR if I count the gothic, which I don't really.
    I don't think they'd cut down well to a novella. They need a home. Maybe Mary Nealy will strike again one of these days!

  41. Hope everyone has had a great weekend. I am sitting here listening to the thunder roll. Weekend winding down.

    I wanted to say I am enjoying the Friday archive posts. Since I am relatively new to Seekerville, these posts are likely to be new to me.

    Looking forward to another great week in Seekerville.

  42. Tina, next for me in the Body Movers series would be a sequel to the Japan one (shout out to Vince for his assistance). Yes, I would like to serialize my Japan novels. May I have to go it alone, like a few Seeker villagers have done.
