Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Weekend Edition

Another weekend and another terrific Seeker release. You can order Person of Interest here.  

 We've also got a terrific Weekend Edition giveaway for one commenter: An autographed copy of Person of Interest, the Writer's Prayer, a digital copy of Coffee House Romances and a daily journal. Mention you want your name in the draw.

Winner announced in the next Weekend Edition.

We Have Winners

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

Last Weekend Edition's two winners of  Stealing Jake are Barbara Scott and FlipFlopPrincess.

Monday Mary Connealy taught us some basics. We always hear you have to know the rules before you break them, so Mary attempted to explain what in the world that means for one basic rules...the dreaded -LY rule. Winner of Now and Forever is Deanne Patterson and for making the day lively Mary is giving an ecopy of Now and Forever to Vince.

Tuesday  Winnie Griggs told us how to raise the stakes or possibly steaks. Winner of her newest release, Journeys of the Heart is Heidi Robbins. 

Wednesday: Time for the August (Yes, August!) Contest Update. Stop by to meet this month's Diva/ Janet Ferguson. The prize vault is open. Winner of a contest rebate is Megan Besing. Winner of their choice of RITA finalist books -one in print or ebook is Danielle Hull.

Thursday Love Inspired Suspense debut author, Cate Nolan visited Seekerville today with her post, "Top Ten Things I Took Away from RWA15."  CatMom is the winner of a print copy of her October release, Christmas in Hiding!

 Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Please join us in welcoming guest Brock Eastman! Brock will be sharing with us about writing for teens. He'll be doing a give away of a signed copy of two of his YA action and adventure stories-- Taken and Risk, books 1 & 2 of The Quest for Truth Series. (pssst…if you'd like to check it out before Brock arrives, Taken is free on iBooks right now.)

Tuesday: Join Myra Johnson for "Saddle Up for Writers!" If there’s a horse in your story, here’s some stuff you might need to know. Whether you're an experienced equestrian or a wannabe (or even a sorta-was like Myra), share your knowledge and/or your questions, and let's write those horses right! One lucky commenter could win the three-book set of Myra's Horsemen of Cross Roads Farm series: A Horseman's Heart, A Horseman's Gift, and A Horseman's Hope.

Wednesday: Join Julie Lessman as she shares about her recent sabbatical and the journey she’s taken in becoming the author she was meant to be in Square Hole, Round Peg: An Author's Quest to Find Her Place in the Sun. A giveaway is included for a signed copy of any of Julie’s books including her upcoming contemporary novel, Unfailing Love, or her Christmas novella, “The Best Gift of All,” which will be included in the Seekers’ Home For Christmas Historical Collection.

Thursday: Join Ruth Logan Herne  for "Writer: Under Construction" when Ruthy shows, encourages, coaches and berates innocent people (aka: YOU) into fixing the things that need attention, and getting the job done. In honor of the construction theme (and hot construction guys!) Ruthy will be throwing names into a hard hat (YUM!) for a $20 AMAZON.COM card with your name on it! Why? Because she knows that craft books, ink, paper and novels cost money. So she's sharing some! Leave a comment to have your name tossed in!

Friday: Best of the Archives Friday with Debby Giusti.  Debby brings back one of her favorite blog posts: "GONE FISHING!" Join her in a reflection on the writing life as she walks along Myrtle Beach. Comments are closed on Friday's.

Seeker Sightings

An excerpt of Fire and Ice, book #3 of the Wild at Heart series, is up on Scribd.  Check it out here

Spotted in a local Texas library by a Villager!

Debby Giusti will speak to the Atlanta Sisters in Crime on Sat, Aug 8, at the Smyrna Community Library, 10:30-12 noon.  Her topic:  "Love on the Run." 

Debby's blogging on The Suspense Zone, Monday, August 10, and her post will run for the entire week. Stop by and leave a comment to be entered in a drawing for a copy of Person of Interest.

On Thursday, August 13, Debby will sign Person of Inerest at Omega Book Center, Peachtree City, GA. Proceeds from the event will benefit Shepherds of the Meek, a non-profit organization that aids the forgotten and cast aside women of Columbia, South America, especially orphans and victims of domestic abuse and street violence. Phone orders will be taken, and books can be mailed for held for pickup: 770-487-3977.  

Karen Duncan, the owner of Omega Book Center, is closing her store at the end of August. Debby hopes local readers will join her on Aug 13 as a final farewell to Karen and her staff who have been such an important part of Peachtree City for almost 30 years!

Random News & Information

Thanks for Villagers and Seekers who contributed links!

Longmire' season 4 plot spoilers; premiere date announced by Netflix (Christian Today)

Why You Should Stop Multi-Tasking (Publication Coach)

Dialog Writing 101: Conversational Mechanics (Live Write Thrive)

Fishing Our Your Manuscript Hook (Writers in the Storm)

Feelings Without Names (Writer Unboxed)

How to Name Your Big Important Novel (Electric Lit)

Productivity And Working Smarter, Confidence For Writers & Breaking The Rules 
(The Creative Penn)

Ready for Your Close-up? What YouTube Can Do for Writers (The Passive Voice)


Everybody Doesn't Like Something...(The Editor's Blog)

Business Musings: Price Wars and Victims (Kristine Kathryn Rusch)

A REMINDER!! Stock Images; A Little Money Goes A Long Way (Helen Sedwick)

Have a great weekend reading and writing!


  1. Great weekend! Congratulations to the winners.

    Debby, I can't wait to read your new story. Please enter my name in the drawing. And if you're ever in KY for a speaking engagement, I'd love to come hear you.

    One of the saddest things in the world, to me, is to see a book store close. I love the smell, the atmosphere, and all the books waiting to be read.

    Thanks for a great start to my day!

  2. Oh -- so sad about the bookstore closing. My Christian bookstore closed this year and it just broke my heart. And several other local independent bookstores have closed over the last few years. We're pretty much left with big box chain store -- Chapters -- and they don't carry very much in the way of Christian fiction. So sad.

    Great weekend edition - I'm slowly going through the links. Loved the dialogue one...the example is fanatbulous, she says enthusiastically. Bwahahahahahaha!

  3. Tina, thanks for another terrific Weekend Edition and the links.

    Looks like an interesting week ahead! Congrats to our winners!

    The closing bookstore is so sad. We've experienced the closing of an independent bookstore here and I still miss it.

    Debby's a busy beaver and a generous author. A Person of Interest is next in my TBR pile. Can't wait to read it!


  4. Just returned from reading Feelings Without Names, a link today. Just wonderful insight for writing emotion. Wow. Now to do it!


  5. Hi Seekerville

    Such great links in this WE. Got to check them out later, especially the one on stock pix. Finding good pictures for memes is such a headache.

    For those who've lost their bookstores, may I suggest the library for the ambience. If your church has a library you are especially blessed. You can browse, look through the books to find the one you want, then, instead of checking it out, go home and purchase your print copy from Amazon. It's kind of nice getting books through the mail.

    I know it's a different approach, but you have to change with the times.

  6. Another great weekend edition! Congratulations to all the winners!

    I would love to be in the drawing for Debby's book. I love the LIS line of books. Especially when a Seeker's name is on the cover.

    Have a blessed week everyone!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  7. Congratulations to all the winners. I'd love to be in for the WE giveaway!

  8. Taking a quick minute to say congratulations to the winners! Will check out the rest later. Can't believe how fast the summer is flying by. Working on multiple projects and haven't been commenting much lately.

    I also wanted to say thanks to everyone who has supported the release of my historical romance "Irish Meadows"! Praise God, it's been well-received and had many lovely reviews! Now if I can do justice to book 3, I'll be happy!

    Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement!!

    Sue :)

  9. P.S. I was reading Ruthy's latest "Healing the Lawman's Heart" (which is great, btw) and the insert in the middle includes my LI "Healing the Widower's Heart" (LI have a theme going for their titles!) as a free book for signing up for the monthly mailing. How neat is that? It was a little thrill to turn the page and see my cover there!!

  10. Good morning, Seekerville! Really looking forward to your new release, DEBBY! And so very sorry about the bookstore closing. Sad news indeed. I hope their loyal customers give them a great sendoff.

    SUE, how fun to have your book promo'd in Ruthy's book! Yes, I've notice LI has many similarly themed titles. Clearly, they know what catches their readers' attention.

    Time to get busy on Saturday chores. Must come back later and check out more of those links!

  11. :( on the Omega Bookstore closing, not that I live in GA or have ever been, but I hate it when a small store closes. There are no bookstores within 40-50 miles of me. There was one about 20 miles away and it closed a few years ago. There are boutiques (clothing, jewelry, cute stuff) in all the small towns around here, and I'm trying to get them to carry a small selection of Christian books. I just haven't quite come up with the right business model for them. They need accounts with a distributor. Must do more research.

  12. Debby, I'm so sorry to see your bookstore close. How sad.

    Another great WE! I look forward to reading all the links.

  13. Debby, not a bookstore closing! How sad :(

    But congratulations on Person of Interest's release! :)

    Please add me to the WE drawing. Congrats to all the winners!

  14. Janet, yeah, that's a fantastic article I read the other day and sent the link to Tina because I want to write that way! I've been thinking about it all weekend as I write. :)

  15. Sue, that's exciting to have your book be one of the giveaways! (Plus, you get paid for them, which is even better). :)

  16. Is Debby Writing Gateway Books?

    Funny story for a sunny Saturday.

    My wife will not read romances. Not even ones I write. So I slipped her Debby's "Person of Interest" and said it was a lot like David Baldacci's 'John Puller' books which my wife loves but laments that there are only three of them in the series, (so far).

    I said Debby's heroes are warrant office agents in the Army CID just like John Puller. In fact their Army posts are not too far away from each other.

    So Linda started reading "Person of Interest" and, as she read, she started turning pages a lot quicker. She even wanted to tell me about how interesting the story was developing. I had to advise her about spoilers because I like John Puller as well.

    When she finished reading the book she kept talking about how exciting the last four chapters were. Then she said, 'did you know there is a pretty good love story in there?"

    I just said, "really? Don't tell me about it because I get to read the book next."

    So I think Debby just might be an excellent gateway author into the full romance genre. Debby could be making new fans for all the other Seekers and romance writers! I think it would be great to support her big charity even by buying your signed copy of "Person of Interest" from, Shepherds of the Meek.

    The second funny thing is this:

    I wrote a review of "Stolen Kisses" which is Debby's novella in the "Coffee Shop Romances" collection of novellas. I also mentioned my wives reaction to "Person of Interest" and do you know what happened? Amazon posted the review under "Person of Interest" by mistake. So if you go to Amazon under "Person of Interest" , you'll see it has 1 five-star review but the review is not posted yet.

    Strange things are happening!

    Have a great weekend.
    Yankees play at the stadium and there are both Cup and Xfinity NASCAR races this Saturday and Sunday. Life is good.


  17. Happy Weekend Seekerville. Hope you accomplish all your reading and writing goals!

  18. "WOW!!"

    I won an ecopy of Mary's "Now and Forever" for 'making the day lively'!

    In that case I think Mary should get a prize too because Mary made it just as lively I did. Perhaps a coconut custard pie from the Yankee Belle Café!


  19. Great WE Tina

    Congratulations to all the winners this week.

    When I was in Walmart this week I bought a couple of Seeker books Person of Interest and Old West Summer Brides! I love reading Seeker books. They are always wonderful!

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  20. Great WE folks. Congrats to winners. Always fun to win those books.

    Hey VINCE are you making that pie? I'll take a piece.

  21. Hi ELAINE, great idea to go to library to look at print versions. I love the idea of ordering it on Amazon, but even better, check it out also. Most library budgets are based on number of books checked out. So if you want your library to have all those copies of the latest books, they need to have the budget for them. Print books cost more nowadays, so great idea to support your library as well as your favorite authors by going to Amazon.

  22. We've lost so many bookstores. It is sad, but like mentioned, part of the times.

  23. Interesting comments VINCE. Thanks for the shout out for Debby's book signing.

    That is so funny about tricking your wife. Does she know? Is she humored also? Be careful. chuckle

  24. Just got home from speaking to the wonderful Atlanta Sisters in Crime! Such a great group. So warm and welcoming. Plus they took me out to lunch. :) Lots of fun conversation about books and writing and local stories that could be turned into interesting plots!

    Thanks, Tina, for featuring PERSON OF INTEREST today!

    Waving to Jackie, the first to comment today. I'd love to return to My Old Kentucky Home. You know I met and married my hubby at Fort Knox. The Spouses' Club invited me back to give their Veteran's Day talk some years back. It was an honor and a joy to return "home!"

    I'm very sad about my local independent bookseller having to close her store. She stayed open as long as she could, but when the high school summer reading program used digital books, she could no longer hold on. A loss for my local area!

  25. Kav, sorry about your Christian book store!

    When Books A Million moved to town, my bookseller started to have problems. That was some years ago so she's work hard to stay open. Used Books became her bread and butter and added to what she earned from New Books.

  26. Thanks, Janet, for having my book on your TBR shelf!

    Elaine, I need to return to the library. Love searching those stacks for a good read!

  27. Cindy, you've always been such a supporter! Thank you!

  28. Yay, Sue! Great promo for your story! So thrilled for you.

  29. Myra, thanks for you kind words about my latest release!

    Missy and Pam, so many of the independent stores just can't compete. Amazon hurts them most of all.

  30. Vince,
    I'm always touched by your encouragement and support. Sending a big hug to your sweet wife! Glad she liked the story. Thanks for posting a review no matter where Amazon chooses to place it! And thanks for shoving my story into your wife's hands. You're a marketing guru! Maybe you should hire out! :)

    Forever grateful!

  31. Thank you, Wilani! Hope you enjoy PERSON OF INTEREST!!!

    By the way, it's based on a true crime committed by a guy I knew in high school. Yes, I changed some of the details, but the idea came from that murder long ago.

  32. Debby, you know I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win your book so put me in the drawing! I haven't missed one of your books yet! Love them all! They are fantastic! Another great week Seekerville! We readers love to read the posts and catch up with all you writers! Keep it up :)

  33. Hi Sandra:

    I'm sure if I made a coconut custard pie it would be 'lively' but I don't believe it would be very rewarding. My idea was for it to come from the kitchens of the Yankee Belle Café.

    Linda knows Debby is a Seeker but she took the book for what it also is: a mystery/suspense. Debby's books always work very well as mystery/suspense stories. I'm sure Linda does not feel tricked because she wanted to read a CID military mystery/suspense and that's what she read. Of course, if it had not been an excellent Military Investigations story, then she would have felt tricked.


  34. Hi Tina:

    It's sad to see the Omega bookstore close. We lost our 1947 'Omega' landmark bookstore (with its old fashion soda fountain) last year in Tulsa when 'Steve's Sundry' closed. I can't help but see the symbolism in that the bookstore is named 'Omega' which can mean 'the last of a line'.

    It is not only a bookstore dying, it's the death of a way of life. But it was a good life.


  35. I am always so blessed when I get the chance to spend some time at Seekerville. The weekend links are so informative!

    I am so sorry about another bookstore closing. These stores are such an important part of the community. Here in Prescott we have a few small stores and I am so grateful because they actually sprouted up after the closing of a major store. I do not find much Christian work there, but we do have a Family Christian for that.

    Myself, I've been away from all writing and reading really because of the closing of our own community outreach. Our local Christian radio station which has been here for 20 years (and has been my work/home/family for 8) is being purchased by a larger group, and frankly, I just couldn't get my feet under me. I am glad to be back here, because Seekerville has been a continual place of encouragement and inspiration. Not letting outside issues hinder me again!

    Thank you all for your tireless efforts. I pray for blessings for all of you. Debby, I can't wait to read your latest!

    Please include me in your weekend drawing.

    Now I am off for an afternoon of re-immersing myself in Seekerville.

  36. Three cheers for Debby! And congrats to the winners!

    Lots of good links, especially the one about stock images. Interesting that buying exclusive rights from one site may not prevent sale of the same image from other sites ... or the fact that others may have bought the image before your purchase. What a surprise that would be to see an image I bought exclusive rights for show up on someone else's book cover.

    Sorry to read about the bookstore closing. Time to go check out more books at the library :-)

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.

    Nancy C

  37. Book stores are going by the wayside in favor of ebooks ! I really hate to see that ! I am a print book reader all the way ! Sorry to see your bookstore closed. My suggestion is to visit your library. Please enter me into the weekend drawing.
    Deanne Patterson

  38. Great WE as always.
    I am SOOOO excited to win Cate Nolan's book - - YAY!!! And thank you very much!

    Please enjoy the cobbler I've just taken from the oven - - made with *FRESH* Georgia peaches, of course! ;)

    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

    p.s. SO sad about Omega Books closing....

  39. Happy Weekend everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying it. Please enter me in the drawing for Debby's book and other prizes.

    I agree it is sad when book stores close. I work part time in a small independent book store in our mall and I really enjoy it. A lot of people come in who are really happy to find a "real" book store.

  40. Thanks, Valri! I greatly appreciate your support! Hugs!

  41. Vince, you're right. The end of the era of neighborhood bookstores. So sad! Yes, we have Amazon and our wonderful libraries and a big BAM in our town and B&N in a nearby town, but I love the smaller stores where the clerks know their customers. The folks at Omega Books have recommended so many good book that I've enjoyed. It's my go-to place. Plus, Karen always went above and beyond for my signings. She enjoyed them as much as I did. And my friends loved gathering in her cozy store as they waited in line. No one ever complained. The signings took on a party atmosphere with folks chatting and enjoying their time together. Hate to see that end.

  42. Kelly, so glad to see your comment today. Change is always hard, isn't it! Sorry about the closings in your own town.

    Thanks for your prayers and your support! Sending prayers your way, as well.

  43. Nancy C, thanks for the cheers!

    I need to read the article about stock photos!

  44. Deanne, I like print books too! :)

  45. Patti Jo, thanks for all the orders you've placed at Omega! Greatly appreciated!

    Sandy, how fun to work in a small bookstore. Hope your employer can weather the storm.

  46. I love the "We are held back by fear, not limitations" quote. So true.

    Debby, I'm so sorry that Omega is closing. :( I thank you for bringing them to our attention over the years!

    And huge congrats to all the winners!!!! Oh, so happy for you, I love winning things. I'm quite ridiculous that way, and I miss real prizes in Cracker Jacks!!!!

    I think it goes back to cereal envy. Kids who got brand name stuff and the cool Detective Ring inside!!!!


  47. Sue, thank you for your kind words about "Healing the Lawman's Heart".... and I love the promo stuff, too!

    You know, themed titles work well for LI/LIS/LIH because the readers expect them... and they like to be tipped off. That's why they buy/read/love romance. No one is going to trick them!!!

    Congrats on Irish Meadows!!!

  48. Vince, you are lively, LOL! And GO LINDA!!!!!!!

    Note to self: Pay Debby for bridging gap to romance for readers. :)

    Note to self again: Write letter to Yankees and ask why they let Donaldson, Price and Tulowitski all go to the Blue Jays. Be polite but direct.

    Note to self one more time: Stop monkeying around and get writing! :)

  49. Debby, I love the title of your latest LIS suspense and can't wait to read it. Kudo's on your win at RWA. I hope to go to the Orlando RWA in 2017. Maybe I'll get to meet you there.

  50. Congratulations to the winners! It looks like another great week coming up..
    Wow.. a terrific Weekend Edition giveaway too ~ put my name in please :)

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. ****

    "Fear is the greatest limitation because fear can create limitations where there were none."


    BTW: Brock Eastman's "Taken" is also now a free Kindle book at Amazon. It has fantastic reviews and it looks like a really nteresting paranormal teen adventure. I want to read more before his guest appearance tomorrow.

    Also, on my first quick scan of this WE post, my eyes read Myra's Tuesday title as "Saddle up Writers" save a horse. I had to go back and read it again.


  54. Hi Ruth:

    I think Mr. Cashman will tell you that those other teams were after the Yankees' future by demanding their best farm team players. That price was too high.

  55. Ruthy, you're up early, even on a Sunday! What determination!!! What a work ethic! You inspire us to keep writing!!!

  56. Suzanne, thank you! Glad you like the title for PERSON OF INTEREST! I didn't know there was a TV series by the same name. Where have I been? But I was glad the editors accepted my suggestion.

    God willing, I'll make the RWA Conference in Orlando. Hope to see you there...for sure! The last time it was held at Disney World, we all had a great time. Just a fun and relaxed venue for the conference. San Diego should be fun too for all the West Coast folks!

  57. Vince, is that your own quote on fear? It's nails it, doesn't it! Fear can really hold us back. Every writer should be Fear Free! As in, my writing cave is a Fear-Free Zone!

  58. Vince, Toronto came to play. Dagnabbit.

    Debby, I was up early! A coyote decided to have a backyard party in my backyard, and he woke up every neighborhood dog except mine.... But what a racket and just enough sleep that falling back asleep wasn't realistic.

    But I finished my book! Time for a read-through, and I was delighted with it, so that part's good!

    I am in need of food. Anybody want some??? Roasted potatoes, barbecued chicken and fresh grilled squash.

    I'm serving!

  59. Yes, Ruthy, I'd love some of your chicken, squash and potatoes! Sounds yummy! :)

  60. Sorry I'm late to comment...I finished my synopsis...yay! Congratulations to all of the winners and to Debby! Her books are always a guaranteed page turner. Thank you for all of the great articles, Tina. I'd love to be entered for the drawing, if I haven't missed the cutoff.

  61. Hi Debby:

    Yes, that was my quote. I'm a short order quote maker. That's also how I feel about it.


  62. Hi Ruth:

    It looks like the Blue Jays came to play their last eight games! The sad thing is: that was some of the best Yankee pitching all year!



    Deb, I hate to hear about your local independent bookseller having to close -- that always makes me sad. I had a Borders store where I held all my book signings that was just WONDERFUL to me, but we all know what happened there. :(
    It's a different publishing world today, exciting and scary, too, but always on the move.

    Vince said: ""Fear is the greatest limitation because fear can create limitations where there were none."

    Again, the man amazes me!!Great quote. :)


  64. Vince.... I know.

    We couldn't put a bat on the ball to save our lives this weekend. I was working outside in the poison ivy with the radio on, I love John and Susan's play-by-play! John Sterling, the voice of the New York Yankees. :)



    But like love, there's always another day!

  65. Great quote, Vince!

    Waving to Jill! Thanks for your sweet words about my stories!

    I'm so sad about the bookseller closing, Julie! A sign of our times, right?

  66. Hi Ruth:

    You wrote:

    "But like love, there's always another day!"

    To which I would add:

    "And when another day is not enough, some of us will say: Wait until next year!"

  67. Congrats, Debby!!

    Wonderful Weekend Edition with lots of interesting info, Tina - thanks!!

    Please enter my name in the giveaway drawing, thanks!!

  68. Next to a good book, I just love journals. You speak to my soul....

  69. oh my goodness! so excited I won a copy of stealing Jake! sending my info now, thank you so much!

