Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Weekend Edition-Birthday Week 1

This is it! The big birthday bash begins on Thursday, October 1st and we're whetting your party appetite with three terrific days of posts to end the month.

October will be 31 consecutive days of posts and prizes, with the Weekend Edition rounding out our week on Sundays through November 1. Each Sunday we'll announce our weekly gift card winner and on November 1st we announce not only the weekly winner, but the GRAND PRIZE BIRTHDAY WINNER.

This is our month to give back to our Villagers and say thank you! All you have to do is show up and comment to get your name in the birthday drawings.

We Have Winners

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

Did you claim your prize last week? Check it out here.  Remember that while a review is never required, it is always appreciated!

The Weekend Edition  winners of a set of the Seeker Christmas novella collections (releasing on October 10) and a  $10 Amazon gift card are JenBCo and Sharon Timmer.

 Winner of Mary Connealy's Fire & Ice is Deana Dick.

 Using History Mysteries to Grab Your Reader’s Attention or Who’s Buried in Grant’s Tomb?  We did on Monday when Jewell Tweedt visited.  Jill Weatherholt is the winner of   Jewell's latest release A Lady for the Lawman.

Tuesday Villagers Natalie Monk & Courtney Ballinger brought us the inside scoop from the 2015 ACFW Conference in Dallas, Texas!  Edwina is the winner of their choice of any  2015 Carol Award finalist release in print or ebook.

Having trouble keeping track of all your story elements as you write that novel?  Wednesday,  Seeker Glynna Kaye shared, "Staying Focused With A Character 'Wanted' Poster." Winners of Rekindling the Widower's Heart are: Vince, Deanne Patterson and Barbara Scott .

Thursday Seeker Tina Radcliffe was back with a post that provided another peek into her very strange mind- "Diary of a Novelist." Winner of a Grammar Mug is Elizabeth Van Tassel. Winner of a Novelist at Work sign is Meghan Carver. Winner of their choice of any Seeker book that is in the rotating sidebar of our blog, and currently available on Amazon or is on preorder is MIKAL.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Sandra Leesmith will talk about using characters from different ethnic cultures than your own. She will have several exciting giveaways, so be sure and drop on by.

Tuesday:  Today we welcome guest Lynne Gentry with her post, "In Search of Verisimilitude. "  Stop by and we'll teach you how to spell it and you might win a copy of Valley of Decision from her Carthage Chronicles series. 

Wednesday: Kristen Ethridge returns to Seekerville today and shares more of her Port Provident series with her post, "Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with a Book (or two or three)."  She has some terrific giveaways as well.

Thursday: Let the party begin!! We're kicking off our birthday month with "The #NoLimits Way to Infuse Your Novel with Color and Sound,"  with multipublished best-selling novelist and writing coach, C. S. Lakin. We have copies of Shoot Your Novel: Cinematic Techique to Supercharge Your Story to give away today too!

Friday: Seekerville is delighted to welcome Bethany House fiction publicist, Amy Green to the party, with her post, "Following Through After a Conference." She's got an information packed post to share and a terrific birthday prize giveaway for our Villagers.

Saturday: This month we have TWO contest diva's, and today, you get to meet the first. Stop by for the October Contest Update and a we're giving away Fairy Tale Birthday Brownies today!

Seeker Sightings

Local Authors are Sweet on Their Readers!
Nine Atlanta area authors will host a Sweet on Our Readers luncheon on Saturday, October 10, 2015, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Sugar Hill Community Center, located at 1166 Church St., Sugar Hill, GA 30518. 
New York Times Bestselling author Haywood Smith is the luncheon’s keynote speaker. Participating authors are: Patty Smith Hall, Kristi Ann Hunter, Ane Mulligan, Bryan Powell, Horton Prather, Haywood Smith, Brandy Steffensen, Missy Tippens, and Ruth Trippy. 
Several prizes will be given away, including a Samsung Galaxy tab 4 with case, baskets of books, and of course always chocolate, and more. A bookstore will be available to purchase books and the authors will be glad to sign them. 
Tickets are $30.00. For more information, contact: or Or contact Missy Tippens directly at missytippens [at] Hope to see you there!

Stop by Love Inspired Authors to learn more about Glynna Kaye's new "Hearts of Hunter Ridge" series!

Sandra Leesmith's latest release, Love's Dream Song, is available for pre-order in both ebook and print.  To find out more about the background of this romantic suspense, check out these cover reveal blogs.

Seeker friend, Sherida Stewart interviewed Sandra on her Tuesday for Tea blog, September 20th.

Seeker friend, Amber Stokes interviewed Sandra on her Seasons of Humility blog, September 10th. 

Look for announcements of future review blogs posted in October. Love's Dream Song will be available October 17th.

Moonlight & Magnolias (M&M) 2015 Conference will be October 1-4at the Atlanta Marriott Northwest at Galleria. Debby Giusti will present “BRAINSTORMING 101” on Friday at 10 AM and will also participate in the PITCH SESSION, at 9 AM. 

Debby will sign Person of Interest at the M&M Book Fair & Author Autographing for Literacy, on SAT, OCT 3, from 4 to 5:30 PM. The signing is open to the public.

Today (9/26) is the last day to grab a digital copy of Pam Hillman's Stealing Jake for only $2.99. Quick links: AmazonB&N, & CBD.

"Suspense & romance in this unusual historical tale." 4 Stars, Romantic Times

Pam just returned from the ACFW Conference in Dallas, TX where she also had the opportunity to join eight amazing authors from Tyndale House at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX for an author event that drew over 700 fans. The headliner was Francine Rivers. Pam wasn't the only one experiencing a fan-girl moment!

Top row: Stephanie Broene, Shaina Turner, Cheryl Kerwin, Karen Watson, Jan Stob
(Tyndale's amazing editors, marketing and PR who were in TX for the event)
Middle row: Authors Candace Calvert, Pam Hillman, Eva Marie Everson
Bottom row: Authors Janice Cantore, Courtney Walsh, Francine Rivers, DiAnn Mills — at Prestonwood Baptist Church.

Pam enjoyed meeting Patricia "Pasha" Christine and Sara Reyes from Fresh Fiction at the Transformed Through Story event at Prestonwood. Both of these ladies were so nice and friendly and we just didn't have long enough to chat. Need more time! Check out Pasha's article about the event at Fresh Fiction.


Myra Johnson's blog tour for The Sweetest Rain continues!
AND--see what early reviewers are saying on Amazon!
Visit the tour stops for more about Myra, her newest release, and book giveaways! More to come next week, so check back!

From the Love Inspired Facebook Page!

Random News & Information

Thanks to Villagers and Seekers for the links!

It's that time of year when we ask you to please consider nominating Seekerville for the 18th Annual Writer’s Digest 101 Best Website for Writer’s Award. Send an email to with “101 Websites” in the subject line. We are an Inspirational Romance Writing Community. 

Many thanks from your Seeker friends!

Check out these Villagers! Inspirational Romance Category Finalists in the Indiana Golden Opportunity Contest! Congratulations!!

    LeAnne Bristow – The Search for Sunshine
    Preslaysa Williams – A Home for Her Heart

    Connie Queen – Falsely Accused

Congrats to the finalists and winner in the Inspirational Category of the TARA!

1st Place – Trail, A Novel of the Oregon Trail by Kathleen D. Bailey (Kaybee)
2nd Place – 15 Days by Rebekah Millet

3rd Place – A Love Restored by Kelly J. Goshorn

Need more pictures from the 2015 ACFW Conference? Check out Magical Moments from Elizabeth Van Tassel's Blog!

Individual author earnings tracked across 7 quarters, Feb. 2014 – Sept. 2015 (AER)

Guess the Writer: INFOGRAPHIC (GalleyCat)

A Gentle Reminder (J.A. Konrath)

Tricks and Traps of Using Real People in Your Writing, Part 3: Invasion of Privacy (The Book Designer)

5 Ways You Can Easily Repurpose Blog Content For More Shares (BadReadhead Media)

How to Market Your Book to a Niche Audience (BookBub Partners)

When It Comes To Book Sales, What Counts As Success Might Surprise You (NPR)

Eight Tips for Reading a Book Without Interruption (Bethany House Fiction Blog)

4 Book Promotion Strategies That No Longer Work (BookBub Partners)

5 Reasons It’s Not Too Late to Write a Novel (Where Writers Win)

9 Ways to Turn your Pen into a Money-Making Weapon (Live Write Thrive)

That's it. See you next Sunday for our first week's birthday winners!

We leave you with cake for the road. Have a great reading and writing weekend!


  1. Thank you Seekers! You gals rock. I've been following the blog since you were five. I hate that I missed those early years. I excited about your upcoming birthday bash.

  2. I can't wait for the birthday month to begin. Happy Weekend everyone.

  3. I feel very old. I was young when this blog started.

    I'm going to go count wrinkles.

    And sob.

  4. Tina, you look old, darling.

    We've done you in. :( But, too bad about that, because YOU DID ANOTHER GREAT, GREAT, GREAT WEEKEND EDITION!!!!!!

    SUHWEEEEET! Thank you!

    I've got some anti-wrinkle cream. I'll share.

    Hey, that Author's Earnings link is AMAZING AND CHOCK FULL OF INFO.

    Every writer who wants to know anything, should be paying attention to that information.

    I'm just sayin'!!!!

  5. I nominated Seekerville!!!!!

    We know how my mind works, if I walk away... I'll forget!

    Checking that off my list!

  6. Terri, I'm so glad you found us, no matter how old we were/are.

    Pass the anti-wrinkle cream, darling.


    We've seen so much change and we've been able to help keep folks up on it! Think back three or four years.... Did you even imagine the e-book revolution would have this effect? Did you foresee the explosion? Or the changing landscape of our bookstore havens?

    The click of a button has changed the face of the shopping world.

    And we've been able to keep you and us abreast.... And that's the glory of a connected community.

    Writers used to have to slog away, alone. All alone.

    We've got us and Seekerville!!!!!

    WE LOVE YOU, TINA!!!!!!!

  7. Things have changed drastically since I have been a villager! Did I even know anyone who owned a Kindle back then? Don't think I did.

    Seekerville's birthday bash is just another reason I love fall!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!

  8. Congratulations to all the amazing winners this week!

    And Happy Birthday to Seekerville! You do so much for us, and October is just another example of how amazing and generous you are!

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Tina, thank you for the amazing Weekend Edition. You rock and, hey, there's not a wrinkle in sight, girlfriend!!! Though it never hurts to start early with that wrinkle cream before they become craters. LOL

    Congrats to our winners! We're all winners just by hanging out together!

    Off to watch grandkids play in tennis tournaments. Will be back!

    Happy weekend all!


  10. I'm so excited about our birthday month! Those eight years hanging together in Seekerville have just flown by!!


  11. Thanks for the shout out! Seekerville's blog posts have taught me so much about the writing craft and publishing industry. I give Seekerville the credit. Y'all are the best. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEEKERVILLE :-)

  12. Happy weekend, Seekerville. Wow, TINA, this is one JUICY weekend edition!

    Congrats to all the Villagers who've finaled, placed or won contests. We're so proud of you!

    And THANK YOU ALL for making Seekerville a friendly haven for writers and readers. Eight years. Amazing.

    Now off I go on a writing "timer day" (setting a timer and not coming up for air for hours at a time). I REALLY need to focus and make super-solid headway on my WIP this weekend. So fun to be writing a CHRISTMAS story.

  13. I am so glad that each year Seekervile and the villagers celebrate my birthday with me...yes, October is my birthday month too. You chose well, Seekerville. Great WE again, Tina...and thanks for the note by snail mail! See you this winter again.

  14. Is it really birthday time again? Eight years, and I've been here three. Don't bemoan the wrinkles. One of the things I found attractive about Seekerville was a group of writers near to me in age. I finally accepted it wasn't too late for me.

    Another thing I've noticed, giveaways get better and better. Congrats to this weeks winners.

  15. Wow, that's a lot of info in today's WE.

    8 years? My, how time flies!

    And... I got to see Preslaysa last week at ACFW. She's so cute! Waving at Preslaysa! :)

  16. Another super-fantastic weekend edition, Tina! I don't know how you do all you do, woman!

    Yes, 8 years--aaaaaaaamazing!


    That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

  17. Well, happy early birthday, Seekerville!!!! I remember worrying that the party would be over when you changed your graphic and started the website after everyone sailed off the island. So thrilled that you keep showing up day after day with encouragement and laughter for all of us who stop by. Y'all are greatly appreciated (didn't I sound Southern there?). Praying many birthday blessing on all of you.

  18. Kav, your words are music to our ears!

    Aren't they, Tina???????

    Hey, Y'all are appreciated right back and remember why we started this 8 years ago... About 6 of us had gotten published, and we were thrilled that 6 had made the leap and we wanted to GIVE BACK...

    And look what's happened.

    Just look what's happened!

    Can I hear an AMEN!!!!!????????

  19. Wow, super fun weekend edition Tina. I can hardly wait for our birthday bash. Fun fun fun.

    Congrats to all the winners. Yay

  20. Congratulations to all of the winners, myself included. I look forward to reading Jewell's latest release A Lady for the Lawman.
    Great WE, Tina! Now, if I could only get my mind off that cupcake. :)
    Can't wait for the birthday bash to begin!

  21. Thank you, Kav! The Seekers have all been blessed tremendously by our Seekervillagers and your faithful support and encouragement! This blog wouldn't be what it is today without each and every one of you!

  22. Oh. I forgot to give RUTHY her


  23. May I just say that in spite of being together for eight years, not one of the Seekers has aged. Right, girls! Could I have an AMEN on that?

    Loved seeing all the Villagers in the various contest lineups! Woot! Congrats to all!

    Just bought a pumpkin for the front porch and two large mum plants for the back deck. Fall has arrived, and the Seekerville Birthday Bash Month is almost upon us! Can't wait!

  24. Tina, just saw your comment about wrinkles. That's not a word ladies least, not ladies in the South!

    A Seeker never shows her wrinkles, nor tells her age. :)

    The blog ages, the Seekers never do!

  25. I'm kind of hungry for that Rainbow cake.

    I need a cyber fork.

  26. I nominated Seekerville for the 101 Best Websites.
    I included that we're an Inspirational Romance Writing Community
    And put 101 Best Websites in the subject line.
    Is that right, Tina?

  27. Myra I KNOW I don't look older at least not on the website, because I'm USING THE SAME PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I changed pictures a few years back and a 'friend' said, "I like your old one better."

    sigh, that's because I was ten years younger, and ten years thinner. So yeah, it probably is better.

    SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!

  28. I honestly think I've gotten a little YOUNGER.

    I think I had a lot on my mind before and now that I've been shooting people (literarily speaking) for eight years, I've relaxed some and that shows on my face.

  29. Apparently, Connealy thinks I am her mother. Uh. Oh.

  30. Happy Birthday to Seekerville.

    Congratulations to all the winners from last week.

    I am busy writing today. I hope everyone is having a productive day.

    I have a question about ACFW. How do I find out if there is a chapter near me? I have learned there is one in Virginia that is all on line. Would that be the best way to go if there isn't one near me. I live in a small town in the mountains of NC and am not able to drive which adds a little to the challenge.

    I would appreciate any advice this awesome group has to offer.

  31. Thank you Seekerville!

    I've been gone for two weeks and yet I return to win the "Rekindling the Widower's Heart" -- the opening "Hearts of Hunter Ridge" series book. I feel like I did as a kid when my parents would move and I'd have to leave my familiar school and old friends behind. Goodbye Canyon Springs! While you'll always be there in memory, let the new hunt begin.

  32. Seekerville at Eight!

    Not being present at the creation, I cannot recall the time when there was no Seekerville. Thus for me, in a way, there has always been a Seekerville. That's because Seekerville is an inspiration that will forever attract an instantiation.

  33. .
    "Seekervillians don't get old. They get wise and wily and will always stay as young as their characters."

  34. "Love's Dream Song"

    A Dream for Southwest genre lovers!

    Reading, "Love's Dream Song", is like savoring a hundred year old cognac that you'd love to sip forever and never finish! I'm only 20% into the story and I already regret that I will never be able to experience reading the words that I have already read for the first time ever again. I've never wanted to read a book more slowly! Indeed, the southwest genre has been a lifelong reading love. And yet, after reading hundreds of captivating desert story books, "Love's Dream Song" seems to be the most ambitious I've ever encountered.

    Can the author really pull this story off? Is it a dream? A paranormal? A breakthrough? Whatever it is, the last page will come like the last day of the Grand Tour of your dreams.

    May the last page come as a mirage forever on the horizon.

  35. A Call for an Expert Opinion
    (i.e., Ruth)

    Is that piece of 6-layer cake, with each layer a different color, a real cake? Or is it just a Photoshop cake? I'd pay $7.50 for that single piece of cake -- if it were real. If it is real, please put the recipe on the Yankee Belle Café website and let me know when you do it! That cake is surely worth the candle.

  36. Wilani, you can go to the ACFW website and click on the "Chapters" tab, which is at the far right of the home page. If you are NC, though, the Charlotte-area chapter folded about a year ago. Membership was very spread out--a real problem in so many locales--and we didn't have enough consistent attendance at meetings or people willing to serve on the board.

  37. A Special Request When Writing about Ethnic Cultures…

    Today I've been working on the ethnic opportunities for enhancing the number of rewards per page in fiction and I noticed that Sandra is posting on this topic on Monday.

    Recently I've noticed many rewarding opportunities squandered by writers when writing about ethnic cultures.

    This is a request to please think about including ethnic 'spices' in your stories. For example, include some foreign language fragments as spoken (with the English translation or with the translation being obvious from the context ).

    Have some of the ethnic music playing in the background where and when it is appropriate. Include some folk or wise sayings from the culture: for example, in Italian, to say that 'no one is indispensible' use a common saying as given below:

    Quando il papa muore fanno altro.

    "When the pope dies, they make another."

    The first time I heard this saying in Italy, I never forgot it!

    Also add a few ethnic factoids to the story. For example, in Italy the number 13 is not bad luck; the number 17 is bad luck. (This goes back to Romans not wanting to write XVII).

    Of course, also have some ethnic cooking smells fill the ethnic's home.

    Doing these things, which takes only a minimum of research, will make your writing more rewarding both in terms of reading enjoyment and in the joy that comes from learning new things and feeling that you have become smarter!


  38. Happy birthday, Seekerville!!!! You don't look a day older than when you started.

    Tina, awesome Weekend Edition! Thanks for all you've done in the last eight years. I'll make sure to go and vote for the website. Oh, and wrinkles? I've found Oil of Olay Total Effects works wonders, dahling.

    Also, I was super excited to find out I'd won Rekindling the Widower’s Heart by Glynna Kaye. Color me happy. :)

  39. VINCE Google Rainbow Layer Cake.
    It's absolutely real. But any cake with VIVID colors like this....plan to use MUCH food coloring.

    Rainbow Layer Cake

  40. My lands! Where has the past year gone! I'm excited it's Seekerville birthday time again, though!!! :)

    Great WE, Tina! Loving those links, as always!

    Congrats contest winner!!!!!

  41. Lots of great links!! And I'm so excited about our birthday month!

  42. Myra, thanks, it looks like the closest is either Atlanta or Anderson, South Carolina. The problem would be transportation. I see the one in Virginia has both an on line meeting each month as well as a physical meeting. I will be contacting an author I know that is in that group and will check into that as a possibility. As I get closer to finishing my first novel which is at over 110k words. I know it needs major work and revising but have no clue where to go with it after I finish writing so perhaps it is time to take the next step.

  43. Happy birthday to Seekerville. I found you during one of your birthday bashes. I don't recall which one, though! Hard to believe it's almost October already!

  44. Happy birthday Seekerville....and many thanks for all the information, encouragement, and fun! All you Seekers look fabulous....with lovely wrinkles that I see. (I'm going out to buy the cream Barabra suggested.)

    Congratulations to LeAnne, Preslaysa, Connie, Kaybee, Rebekah, Kelly, and Courtney....and all the WE winners!

    I agree with Vince....Sandra's Love's Dream Song captures the uniquely beautiful southwest desert country as a suspenseful story unfolds......perfect cultural details included.

    REALLY wish I could attend Debby's BRAINSTORMING 101 class!

    I voted. Now may I have a piece of rainbow cake and a cupcake with sprinkles?

    Let the party begin! Thank you, Seekers!

  45. Vince, isn't that cake gorgeous? But it's not going to taste good with all that food coloring in the mix, and I have a Serious Cake Rule: It's all about the bass... no, wait, make that taste!!!!


    It's all about the taste, 'bout the taste, no color. It's all about the taste, 'bout the taste, no color... It's all about the taste, 'bout the taste, no color...

    Here's a link to a fun version of "All About That Bass"... Postmodern Jukebox Version All About That Bass For Vince!

    Doesn't that just roll back the decades?

  46. I am so confused because isn't Sandra's book on preorder?

    So how are you guys reading it?

    And why do I have to wait??? WHAAAAA!!! WHAAAAAAAAA!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

  47. Becky, isn't it great to stumble into a great party???? SUHWEEEEET!

  48. Congrats to all the winners and...
    Can it BE?
    Time to celebrate your barkday AGAIN?!

    What would we do without our dear Seekers?!

    WAHOOOOO and let's celebrate!!!

  49. Hi Mary:

    Thanks for the link to the recipe. That Betty Crocker photo is 'picture perfect'. It's too pretty to eat! And that recipe, while it is very clear and easy to follow, is way beyond my skill set. When you have to bake in shifts because no one has that many cake pans in their kitchen, that's too much for me. I'll stick to fancy fudge.

    BTW: I'd love to see the young heroine in a romance make that Rainbow cake to beat the mean old twenty years in a row county fair blue ribbon cake contest winner! Of course, the idea for the Rainbow cake entry came from the hero/widower's 5 year old adorable daughter who wants a mommy to teach her how to bake goodies for her daddy who has been very sad for years. There is also a tall and beautiful anti-heroine blonde who is having a professional make 'her' cake entry to get her hooks into the hero.

    I can see that cake on the cover! A beautiful little girl and an adorable puppy -- all on the porch of the most gorgeous southwest desert sunset you've ever seen. I don't even need to read it! I'm feeling the HEA right now just thinking about it. However, I'll pre-order it today, anyway!


  50. Hi Ruth:

    That video is great! I've never head of PMJ but I'm a super fan as of today!

    PMJ is coming the Mesa Arizona on December 8 -- the Immaculate Conception -- and they have tickets for just $27!

    PMJ will also be in Dallas, Dec. 3rd, at the Bomb Factory. I'll have to look into the Dallas gig.

    BTW: Since I never heard of the original "All About That Bass", I also watched the Meghan Trainor version and those big girls really look great! I don't know which version I like best. I'll just have to watch them both. : )

    Are you saying you can't have colors and taste? Isn't that like saying you can't have an 88 piece orchestra, with all those diverse instruments, and still have great sound? Or is it just harder to do? What that cake needs is a conductor who can magically meld that cacophony of colors into an epicurean taste delight!

    "It's All about the Orchestration".

    (And the buds).

  51. Would someone please tell me the "order" (of publishing) of Sandra's Love's Promises series? I have them on my Kindle and want to read them in order!!!



  52. Congratulations to all the winners~
    Happy Birthday to Seekerville!

  53. Jackie, I asked Sandara to drop by to answer your question!

  54. Sherida,

    I would love, love, love to have you in the BRAINSTORMING 101 class. That would be such a treat!!! :)

    Count me in on a slice of cake. Thank you, Ruthy!

    I made an inside-out chocolate cake for my youngest's birthday this weekend. Too yummy!

  55. PMJ is coming here and I want to go but it's on a work night. We checked into it last week.

  56. How funny you should mention PMJ. My hub and I were just discussing the Mesa concert last week. But it's on a school night and I have to get up waaay early for work. Blech. Concerts should be on Friday nights.

  57. Sandra told me Dream Song releases October 17. Must go look.

  58. HI Jackie, My books are not a series nor are they connected in any way. My publisher at the time I started publishing those decided to make the titles like that to give me a "brand" or look. Many think they are a series so I'm not sure it was such a good idea, but I like the look and they are already set up. So you can read them in any order you prefer.

    Love's Dream Song is romantic suspense
    Love's Refuge is light and has some suspense
    Love's MIracles is a psychological drama and my most popular. You need keenex
    Love's Promises is drama and some suspense

  59. Thanks Tina for helping me out here. You are right. Love's Dream Song releases October 17 but it is available for pre-order now.

  60. Vince you have my heart racing at a dangerous pace. I'm so excited that you love the first 20% of the book. Now I'm on pins and needles hoping that excitement stays. What sweet words. Oh my, I'm so nervous. Are you going to like the rest of the book?

    Hey folks do you have moments like these when you say to yourself, "What am I doing? This is crazy."

  61. Hi Sherida, Thanks for the compliment. I"m on pins and needles with you also since your review goes out there on October 6th. It is is scary to put your work out there for review.

    I'm delighted you and Vince both love the setting. Its is very special to me.

  62. THANKS, Tiny and Sandra.......will enjoy the books ...the three I have and I will download LDS soon!

  63. Oh Jackie, I was just trying to find your email. Glad you saw the post. If you want to review Love's Dream Song email me from my website and I'll send you a copy for review.

  64. Hmmmm Vince, Wily and wise????? Is it wise to be wily? Or can you be wily and appear to be wise?

  65. There are so many wonderful thank yous to Seekerville this weekend. But the truth is we should be thanking you all. You are the ones who keep us coming back. You are so much fun and you keep us young at heart. Thanks for all your support and caring.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Myra, I forgot the AMEN!!!!! also. AMEN!!!! AMEN!!!!!

  68. Where to begin?

    Tina, thank you for another wonderful weekend edition! I treasure all your posts I really do.

    Seekerville, as soon as I finish here I will definitely be voting. I found you because of WD and I am so grateful for that list! I feel energized and motivated by each of you. I should also add oh so blessed!

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    Seekers, I look forward to celebrating with you and you are all beauties outside and in! I wish I was around for all 8 years, but i am glad to be here now!

  69. Back from nomination. Thanks for letting us know that we can do this! Off to read your wonderful links!

  70. Hi Sandra:

    Being wily with wisdom is a powerful way to avoid conflict which carries significant survival value. This makes me think of George Patton who said that the GI's job is to allow the enemy die for his country.

    "Love's Not a Series?"

    To tell the truth, as I read all three of your first "Love" books, I thought they were part of a series. This was because of the nature of the stories, the location, and the time period. However, when, "Love's Dream Song," came out I was wondering why you used the "Love's" format.

    Now I know.

  71. Vince, I've never seen the Megan Trainor version! I stumbled on this one on facebook, and I love the song's message. I've only heard the "G" version, I was told there's a more blatant version out there, but I didn't investigate.

    Here's the thing with chemical waste and cake: They Are Not A Good Match. I've made professional cakes for thirty years, and there are certain things I don't mess with.... Fondant (no matter how cool it looks, it tastes awful, and I'm a Taste First Girl....)

    And intense colors. Now I might have to try it to see, but if something messes with the amazingly delicious and wonderful taste and texture of good cake and frosting, I'm kind of heartbroken.

    Cake is my art in the kitchen, but not to the point of sacrificing taste. And a whole tube of that stuff in each layer????

    Ay yi yi. I used to advise people not to pick the dark/royal blue, red or black frostings for cool kids cakes in the bakery because they stain and they taste bad.

    Pastels, though... I wonder if the cake would be as pretty in pastel tones of the same colors? Probably not, but I might try it!

  72. Hi Ruth:

    I've just looked at both videos again and I can only find one word different in the Trainor version and that is they use a bad "S" word for 'stuff'. But the Trainer version is so much cuter and they have pastel colors to match the Rainbow cake. You should really watch the Trainor version. It's like an anthem for the BBW world.

    About artificial colors for cake coloring, I was thinking of the creative use of natural coloring. Of course, I don't see the objections. I'm just the idea guy. I just send the idea over to production and let them handle the objections. : )

    BTW: I emailed PMJ and asked them why they don't hold all their concerts on Friday night. (It's Thursday night in Dallas). The manager said that they'd do that when all the writers in the world promised to only write on Friday nights.


  73. Seekerville, Happy Birthday to you. I'm so excited to be celebrating with you !
    Tina, you are the cat's meow, the top dog as they say !
    You do such an excellent job with the blog. I can always count on coming here for my daily dose of smiles and sunshine and I thank you for that. We can all definitely use that ! I look forward to so many more years of Seekerville. By the way, Ruthy I found a few of your older books at a store and bought them. They are Waiting Out the Storm and Made to Order Family ; )
    Have a great weekend and see you Monday !

  74. Great WE as always, Terrific Tina!
    How awesome that Seekerville is celebrating an 8th birthday - - YAY!!

    I was just taking a quick glance over a few of the comments, and thought that Terri Weldon wrote that she had been following the blog since SHE was five, LOL (she'd actually written that she's followed since Seekerville was five). I need to read more carefully - - or have some more coffee, hehehe...

    Looking forward to more great posts and lots of birthday fun. :)

    Hugs, Patti Jo

  75. Happy Birthday, Seekerville! I enjoy you all so much! Even a reader can learn things from many of the posts that are written during the year! Keep it up! I look forward to more during the next year but for now, let's celebrate - party on!

  76. Hi Vince, Avoiding conflict is not only helpful for survival, but it makes life more peaceful and pleasant. Especially with spouses. chuckle

    Glad we cleared up the Love's issue.

  77. Jackie, I did receive your email.

    If anyone else wants to review, Love's Dream Song, let me know.

  78. Patti Jo you are toooooo funny. Thanks for making me smile.

  79. .
    "A wily wife can secure both harmony and her way."

  80. Another jam packed WE. Thanks Tina!
    Congrats, Seekerville!

  81. Thanks so much Tina! I will look forward to every sip! I appreciate the mention for my blog and had a wonderful time. But came home without a voice so am just getting to visit today! Voice finally returned.

    Have a great week!

  82. Super excited to be a winner this week! Congrats to all of the other winners and all of the writers out there for being so strong and dedicated to your craft. Thanks to Seekerville for being such an ongoing inspiration to us all!
