Saturday, September 5, 2015

The Weekend Edition

Happy Labor Day Seekerville. We're celebrating this holiday (a public holiday or day of festivities held in honor of working people, in the US) by talking American historical inspirational romance.

Mary Connealy is giving away 3 copies of Old West Summer Bride. The book that Mary is giving away includes novellas from Susan Page Davis, Miralee Ferrell, and Davalynn Spencer. This book is exclusive to Walmart and features Mary's novella, A Bride Rides Herd

We Have Winners

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

We've given a way a wagon load of books and prizes in the last two weeks. Did you claim your win?  Check out the winners here and here. 

Winners of print copies of Refuge of the Heart are Helen Gray, Jessica Nelson and Sally Shupe. Winner of an e copy is Deb H! 

Winners of print copies of  The Sweetest Rain are Deanne Patterson, Wilani Wahl, and Susan Anne Mason. Winner of an e copy is Dana Lynn.

Monday was the September Contest Update with our SOLD! DIVA Kelly Goshorn. Our four critique winners are Jackie, Suzanne, Barbara Scott and Kaybee. Winner of a $9 Amazon gift card is Tanya Agler.

Tuesday we brought in September with one of our favorite guests, Davalynn Spencer and her post, "T-Minus 24 Hours and Counting …"  Kelly Goshorn is the winner of an e-copy of Book 4 of The 12 Brides of Summer that includes her novella, The Columbine Bride.

Wednesday Seekerville was delighted to welcome back Love Inspired author Jill Kemerer, with her post, "Sneaky Ways to Write More Each Day." Elaine Manders is the winner of an Unexpected Family, her September release!

If you haven't noticed, look closer, both Tuesday and Wednesday's guests offered  time and organizational tips. Donna Phillips and Melanie Pike are winners of a digital timer to help you get in your daily word count. 

Thursday: Aside from writing the book, PROMOTION is the name of the game. Amy Brantley offered great advice on how "Book Promotion Doesn't Have To Cost A Fortune." The winner of the full promo pack giveaway is Candee Fick.

A Bride Ride's Herd is also available at Amazon in a volume called 12 Brides of Summer-Novella Collection #2 . We're giving away an ecopy of this today as well.  All prize winners announced in the next Weekend Edition.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Seekerville is closed for the Labor Day Holiday. That means we get to write all day long!

Tuesday: Hot on the heels of her newest release, The Sweetest Rain, Myra Johnson joins us with "What the 'Muggles' Don’t Know About the Writing Life." You know what we're talking about--those non-writer types who just don't get what we do, or else they ask innocently worded questions about writing that have no short or easy answers. Share your wish list of what you'd like the "muggles" in your life to know, and Myra will give away one copy of The Sweetest Rain and also a copy of the brand new audio book version of her debut novel, One Imperfect Christmas.

Wednesday: READ ‘EM & WEEP! Grab a box of Kleenex and let’s talk tearjerkers today with Julie Lessman, a weepy CDQ who takes an inordinate amount of pleasure in making herself—and her readers—cry. Julie will dissect several of her weepiest scenes to try and figure out just how to push those emotional buttons that will have your readers running for a box of tissues. Giveaway included of any of Julie’s books, including her upcoming contemporary novel, Isle of Hope or her Lizzie/Brady novella, “The Best Gift of All” from the Home for Christmas Historical Collection, due out October 5.

Thursday: It's a RELEASE PARTY for Ruth Logan Herne's "Refuge of the Heart"!! Join Ruthy today as she celebrates the release of her first traditionally published full-length novel, while she talks about ecumenical writing, being able to include multi-denominations in her stories... and how that helps to seamlessly create a layered reality for the author! To celebrate Lena's knitting skills and the changing seasons, Ruthy's giving away a hat and scarf set and a copy of "Refuge". Stop by and leave a comment to be entered!

Friday: The Best of the Archives featuring Ruth Logan Herne: It's September 11, the fourteenth anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Centers in New York City, so it seemed appropriate to go back in time to her post on writing "EDGY" inspirational fiction... and doubly appropriate because Franciscan Media just released her beautiful... and real... "Refuge of the Heart". So today we'll revisit how to handle life's realities with lyrical prose and deep emotion as we revisit: "Running on Empty": Writing Edgy Inspirational Fiction".

Seeker Sightings

COVER REVEAL!!! Myra Johnson is thrilled about the upcoming release of her very first Love Inspired romance! Coming in November, Rancher for the Holidays picks up the story of a secondary character from Myra's novel Autumn Rains. Find out what's changed in the interim years for a young woman who turned her life around and is now a successful photographer in Alpine, Texas. And wait till you meet the city-boy-about-to-be-a-rancher who steals her heart!

Ruth Logan Herne is delighted to give folks another chance to win their copy of "Refuge of the Heart!" Romantic Times book reviewer Leslie McKee is posting Refuge as her weekend review. Swing on over there, see what Leslie thought of this wonderful story, and do whatever she tells you to do to get in the drawing... and then come back here and play with us!!! Leslie's Blog Link Here!!!!

PLANO, TX Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano Campus. Join us on Friday, Sept. 18, 7:00–9:00 p.m for Transformed Through Story: An Evening with Francine Rivers & Friends (Friends includes Seeker Pam Hillman!) Hear an inspirational message from beloved author Francine Rivers (author of Redeeming Love and Voice in the Wind), meet your favorite Christian authors, and enjoy a delicious dessert. Tickets are $5 and available online and at the Prestonwood Bookstore.

Random News & Information

Thanks to Seekers and Villagers for these links!

War Room Trailer (YouTube)

 Change Keeps Happening (The Wayfarer Blog)

Your Book-Signing Cheat Sheet (or: How To Stay Sane While Everyone Seems To Ignore You)  (Janice Hardy's Fiction University)

An Oldie but Goodie: Classic Romantic Conflicts (Lyn Cote) 

 Six Authors Share Tips for Aspiring Writers (Jean Fischer's Something to Write Home About)

 9 Traps to Avoid if You Want to Grow as a Writer (My Christian Writers Conference)

Should You Have a Newsletter (The Writer's Alley)

Stop Hating on the Sweepers (The Hangar) 

13 Brilliant Blog Posts for Writers (Positive Writer)

Writing Doubt (Writers in the Storm)

On Writing, Rejection, and Persistence (PW)

That's it! Happy Labor Day!


  1. Can't decide if being the first one here at 12:30 am on a Saturday is a good or bad thing... I would prefer to be sleeping, but hey, it's Seekerville!

    Great links to revisit once it's daylight outside :)

    Congrats to all the winners this WE! Mary, I'd love to be added to the drawing for your book, please!

  2. Looks like a great line-up of posts this week! Can't wait for Julie's on kicking up the emotions in your writing especially, since my writing workshop is focused on themes involving life-changing events.

    Beautiful cover, Myra!

  3. I'm joining you, Sarah, as being up at 12:30. Hope everyone is enjoying the start of the long weekend. I am spending it with family to celebrate my parents' 60th wedding anniversary which is today.

  4. Happy Labor Day and writing weekend to all and to all a good night!!!

  5. All those in the US enjoy the long weekend!!

  6. Congratulations to all the winners and a Happy Labor Day one and all!

    I would love to be in the drawing for one of the copies of Old West Summer Bride. Thank you for the chance to win one.

    May you all be blessed this weekend!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  7. Wonderful WE! Congratulations to the winners and have a lovely Labor Day all!

  8. Happy Labor Day Weekend, Seekerville! But, boy, does it feel FALLISH out there. At least it does here in the high country of Arizona (mid-upper 40's at night and upper 60s/low 70s during the day). I even have a young maple beginning to turn color! Do you have your scarecrow decorations out yet, RUTHY?

    Welcome to Love Inspired, MYRA! I'm excited to have you join us--and am looking forward to that Texas-set Christmas book!

    Another great WE, TINA!!

    Well, I'm off to spend much of the day writing--working on my 2016 CHRISTMAS story! :) Then preparing for a family cookout.

  9. Happy Labor Day Weekend! I hope you are able to reach your word count goals without too much distraction.

    Congratulations to ALL the winners! I would enjoy reading the Old West Summer Brides collection! It sounds awesome.


  10. Doing a little of everything today. I'm a Lone Star finalist and I polished my entry for the finals according to judges' comments and turned it in. Worked on an older book I'm editing in light of what I've Learned About Craft. Will be working on some blog posts later. Like Ruthy, I feel that being able to write is a treat and something I do for me.
    Didn't hurt that I just discovered I won one of the critiques!
    "Swept Away" came up in my book pile and I'll be reading that this weekend.
    Took out some of my fall decorations. Kicking and screaming, but they're out.
    Kathy Bailey

  11. GLYNNA-I'm jealous of your 60/70 temps. It'll be 85 in humid coastal Va.

    MARY C, DEBBY, TINA and MISSY-I finally got around to writing my review for COFFEE SHOP ROMANCES. Better later than never I guess, all good stories.

    Book winners enjoy!

    Happy Labor day everyone, but don't labor too much, do something fun!

  12. CONGRATS! to all the winners.

    SUPER CONGRATS to MYRA. Yay Myra. I know this is a dream come true. One of these days I'll set my sigts back on Harlequin. They are my favorite publishers. And so wonderful to their authors.

  13. GLYNNA it is getting to be fall like here also. Freezing temps in the morning but still nice in the afternoon. But yesterday it snowed on the mountains around us. We are at 4,000 feet and snow level was 5,000 feet. So we felt the fall temps yesterday in the storm.

    Time to start thinking like a snowbird and head back south. smile

  14. Have a wonderful holiday weekend, everyone. Aren't we so blessed in this country?

  15. SARAH, SANDY, & TINA--you crazy night owls!!! Looks like MARY P was awake in the wee hours, too--at least in US time!

    Wow, I'm just stunned it's September already. Glad we can enjoy a few more weeks of summery weather, though. I never, ever, ever look forward to winter!

    I have to say I'm really thrilled to join the Love Inspired family! Took me awhile, plus several rejections and rewrites, but here I am!

    Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, Seekerville!

  16. Mike is volunteering today, so I get to spend my whole Saturday writing/editing. Whoo-hoo!!! Are writers crazy or what? This is better than visiting a stationery store and shopping for new gel pens. :)

    I love discovering new Seeker collections. I just hopped on Amazon and bought the 12 Brides of Summer Novella Collection #2. Y'all are so prolific, I need to step up my reading time.

    Super stoked about winning the free critique!! Before I enter one of the contests, I'd love to get some feedback.

    Please toss my name into the hat for an e-copy of OLD WEST SUMMER BRIDES. I've never been a novella reader, but you guys are turning me into a fan!!

  17. MYRA-I can't wait to read Rancher For the Holidays. It has two of my favorite things going for it, a Christmas story and a spinoff of a book I loved, Autumn Rains. I put it on my Amazon buy list the minute I ran across it.

  18. YAY!!! Thank you, TRACEY!!! I hope you like where I've taken this character. It was sure fun revisiting her!

  19. Wow -- it's getting hard to keep up with all the Seeker releases -- but I'm giving it a valiant effort! LOL

    Great links -- I'm hitting them in fits and starts throughout the day. Happy Labor Day weekend everyone -- may it be a profitable one, whatever you decide to spend your time doing.

  20. Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend. Congrats to the winners and Yipee, I won. Thanks Seekerville and Jill Kemerer. Can't wait to read Unexpected Family. I've been too busy to visit as often as I'd like, but Seekerville is still the best blog anywhere.

  21. I've made fresh coffee.
    Haven't gotten through all the links yet. Going back to work on that.

    Labor Day is my mother's birthday. We lost her in '08. Miss her greatly.

  22. Happy Labor Day Weekend to all!!!

    I'm finishing my next Seekerville novella. Into the final rewrites of the final chapter. YAY! Hope to celebrate this evening!

    Myra, so excited about your LI release!!!

    Tracey Hagwood, you are too, too sweet! Thanks for posting the review!

    Sandy, Happy Anniversary to your parents!

    Helen, I miss my Mama too! Mothers are always so special.

    Happy writing to all those at the keyboard.

    Enjoy the holiday!

  23. Pam, I so wish I could come to Plano, Texas!!! Sounds like a wonderful event!

    I hope you all have a great Labor Day weekend!

  24. For all you non Arizonians: High Country = mountains of AZ. They have seasons like Colorado. SNOW too, way above the 5280 miles above sea level stuff.

    I am in the valley.

    We too are seeing lovely weather. Almost makes me believe that there might be a respite from the inner sanctum of hell weather of summer. 97 today. BLISS!!!

  25. Pam! I was blown away by that event you are doing with those terrific authors. Congratulations!

  26. Sandra said:GLYNNA it is getting to be fall like here also.

    HERE? Where is here? Not my here, that's for sure.

  27. Great WE, and CONGRATS to all the winners!! :)

    I hope everyone has a safe, fun Labor Day weekend!!

    I am celebrating a milestone *ahem* birthday tomorrow, so I'm setting out a
    big cake with lots of yummy icing - - and pink roses, of course. ;)
    Enjoy with a cup of coffee!

    Hugs, Patti Jo

  28. Wow! Glad I dropped by since I won one of Myra's books!

    I don't get out much these days except to do promotion of Irish Meadows. Had my first Facebook Author chat this week and though I was exhausted after, I think it went well!

    Happy birthday, Patti Jo! Hope it's a great day!


  29. Great WE. I clicked and read several of the links. No way could I pass up "Stop Hating on the Sweepers".... I mean it's unusual for Seekerville to have a link to the 1700-1800s where street-sweepers were out in full force in the wee hours of the morning sweeping streets, and since street sweepers have been out vogue for well over 100 years, I figured there must be some kind of vendetta against motor-powered sweepers, but how did that relate to Seekerville.

    I had to find out! Definitely NOT what I thought! lol

    I learn something new every day. :)

  30. Isn't the Plano TX event wonderful? I'm so excited! I would have mentioned it earlier, but I didn't have much information or a link until this week. Just really cool! :)

  31. Congratulations to all the winners! Congratulations to all the authors with books coming out. I would love to win a copy of the OLD WEST SUMMER BRIDES.

    Thanks! Happy Labor Day!

  32. TRACEY - You won't be jealous of me MUCH longer. Winter is just around the corner and the weather folks say this could be a BIG snow year thanks to El Nino!

    Wow, SANDRA! Snow level at 5K? Is snow this early at that elevation unusual?

    Happy-day-before-your-birthday, PATTI JO!

    I was in the Valley on Thursday, TiNA, and I think it only got up to 90. I know people who live with humidity don't "get it" when we say 90 is great, but "it's a dry heat" really DOES make a difference. It was beautiful down there.

  33. GLYNNA-we had the snowiest coldest winter I can remember in 20 yrs. last yr, this years prediction is more snow than normal too. I may have to sprout wings and fly South with all the other snowbirds.

    We are just back from our fun outing of the day. We went to see WAR ROOM. Don't walk, RUN! to a theater and see this movie by the makers of Fireproof and Facing the Giants.
    Totally amazing movie!

  34. Wow! Lots and lots of winners over the past few weeks. Congratulations to you all! Tina, thank you so much for putting all this together. You have a knack for selecting great links for us to check out. I'm so thankful for Seekerville. :)

    Have a great weekend, everyone! I'll be nursing a sick hubby an trying to find ways to tire out two pre-teen boys. :)

  35. Pam, congrats on your big event with Francine Rivers!!! Wish I could be there. I know YOU'LL be fantastic...and steal the show! HUGS!

  36. WONDERFUL WE, Teenster!!

    SARAH ... first out the gate this weekend, girlfriend, good for you! And, YAY, glad my Read 'Em and Weep blog may come in handy for your writing workshop on themes involving life-changing events. I'll do my best. :)

    And, GLYNNA, NO!!! Upper 40s already???

    KATHY BAILEY -- SUPER CONGRATS on the Lone Star final, girl -- saying one you go all the way!

    MYRA ... your first LI ... you are on a roll, girlfriend with how many different publishers now???

    And, yes, SANDRA, we ARE soooo blessed in this country!!



  37. A great WE - congrats to all the winners! It's great to be in Sept.! I love Fall! Oregon has even had some rain this past week and boy, did we need it! I hope everyone has a lovely Labor Day!

  38. PAMMY!!! I knew you were doing a video clip for some promo you were part of, but I guess the small detail of Francine Rivers as the guest speaker slipped this old gal's mind because HOLY COW!!! Are you going in person to be there or just via video?

    Sooooo excited for you!!! Give Francie a hug for me. ;)


  39. BARBARA, I've never been a novella reader either, but like you, ever since I started reading the Seeker novellas, that's all changed!

    KAV ... I am TOTALLY impressed that you keep up with all the Seeker books because I know what a hard time I have doing it! :)

    HELEN ... the anniversary of a loved one's passing is never easy, especially if it's a holiday. Saying an extra one for you this weekend, sweetie.

    TINA ... 97 degrees is only "bliss" in Arizona where it's a "dry" 97. Try that temp where I live in Lake of the Ozarks, and you're talking sweat city, girlfriend. :)

    PATTI JO ... a milestone birthday?? HAPPY 30TH, darlin'!!

    SUE ... SO glad your FB promo went well -- they're fun, but very exhausting, as already know.


  40. Wow. Congrats to all the winners!

    BTW just finished reading Mary Connealy's Sophie's Daughters series and absolutely LOVED it!!!

    Happy Labor Day Weekend!

  41. I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day. I've been working on revisions, in my new writing room, this weekend. :)
    Myra, your cover is beautiful!

  42. Hi Kim. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I appreciate the kind words. Welcome to Seekerville! :)

  43. kaybee!!!!!!!!!!!! Lone Star Finalist!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. I forgot to say to please enter me in the drawing for Old West Summer Brides.

    Congrats to Myra on the LI Christmas book. Gorgeous cover. Definitely want to read it.

    Happy Birthday Patti Jo!

    Now off for one more day of celebrating with my parents and the family.

  45. Happy labor day weekend. Please throw my name in for the summer brides books. Congrats to all the winners!

  46. Jeanne, hope hubby is feeling better today!

    Kaybee! Whoo-hoo!!! Congrats on your final. Confirmation you're doing everything right!

    Waving to Kim! Welcome! Glad you found Seekerville! Hugs!

  47. In honor of Patti Jo's birthday, I've brought cake and peach ice cream!

    Happy Birthday, Patti Jo! We love you!!!

  48. Happy Labor Day weekend everyone!

    Happy Birthday, PATTI JO! Glad you got to celebrate with your dear daughters.

    KAYBEE, GO GIRL! Everything's bigger in Texas and so is your final. A BIG DEAL. YAY!

    MYRA - LOVE the cover and congrats on a LI book. Can't wait to read it.

    Haven't found MARY's book at Walmart. ERG! Hopefully, it's because they've sold out! Good for Mary, not good for me.

    Off to an afternoon concert and picnic then back to work. "The answer" came to me while I was sleeping last night. The answer to prayer. Wow, so blessed.

  49. Julie, we're all going to be there in person. It's on the Friday night free night during ACFW. Excited to get to hear Francine speak. The one year she was the keynote speaker at ACFW was the year I missed...back in 2004.

    Thankfully, I don't have to speak, but honestly, speaking in front of a crowd might be a easier than making that 90 second video! lol

  50. Tina Radcliffe said...
    We too are seeing lovely weather. Almost makes me believe that there might be a respite from the inner sanctum of hell weather of summer. 97 today. BLISS!!!

    OMG, Tina! You have given me the PERFECT DESCRIPTION to share with one and all around here ... the inner sanctum of hell weather of summer. Yes!

    Please, those of you who live in cooler climes where it is feeling like Autumn, keep telling us about it. It helps me believe that Autumn will arrive :-)

    Nancy C

  51. Tina, it's in the mid-90's in north Florida, the same as it's been all summer. I'm waiting for fall. It'll be a long wait. Sigh.

    I miss Vermont!

  52. Wow, what a Weekend Edition. New books, new covers, lottsa winners, and Lone Star finalist Kaybee!

    Pam, the Plano event sounds super. Wishes for a big crowd and fun memories.

    Myra, the cover is lovely. Interesting that there are no humans front and center. It creates the feeling that the gate is open, come on in and meet everyone. I like it :-)

    I have learned a new meaning for the word 'sweepers.' Like Pam, I thought the link was something about street sweepers -- why would anyone hate them?? Hadn't a clue there was such a thing on the Internet. Thanks for all the info, Tina.

    Happy Labor Day everyone -- and Happy Labour Day to those of you in Canada!

    Nancy C

  53. I used to live in Arizona myself. It was when I was a teen. I lived for a year in Yuma and a year in Chino Valley. We are from Pennsylvania and my mom was sick of the cold weather and snow so she wanted to move somewhere hot. Yep, this was back in the days before computers at our fingertips so she looked up her information at the library. So Yuma was our destination. I remember coming into Arizona in the summertime in July and looking up at the mountains and seeing snow on them. It just amazed me to see snow in July even if it was on the mountains. We only lasted 2 years in Arizona before we went back to Pennsylvania. It was just to hot for my mom.
    Happy Labor day weekend I hope you all get a chance to relax.I would love to win a copy of the OLD WEST SUMMER BRIDES.
    Deanne Patterson
    Cnnamongirl at aol dot com

  54. Happy Labor Day. I'm especially looking forward to Ruthy's release day column on Thursday. The book is on a table in my bedroom and is next up on TBR pile.

  55. I missed that Kaybee is a Lone Star finalist! Congratulations, diva!

  56. Welcome to new Villager, Kim!!! Great to see you here.

  57. Deanne Patterson. Love that baby face profile? Your sweet baby?

  58. Hey Seekerville, thanks for a great WE. There were some things I really needed in here.

    Are any of you going to ACFW? I'd love to see you face to face.

    1. And please toss my hat in the cow feed dish (I'm a city girl) for Mary's book.

  59. Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday!

    NANCY, I wondered why LI opted not to put people on my cover, but I kind of like it this way, too!

    TRACEY, hubby and I saw War Room yesterday. A really, really good movie! People were cheering and applauding!

  60. Congrats winners and "Happy Labor Day" to all!!

    Enjoyed the Weekend Edition and looking forward to this week's posts!!

    Please enter my name in the drawing for one of Mary's books - thank you!!

  61. Yes, Tina that is my sweet youngest daughter, Rebekkah. She is the youngest of my 12 . The oldest will be 23 this month and is in the band at the University of Maryland. The Terrapins.

  62. Wow. Deanne. Love it! TWELVE KIDS!! GO YOU!!
