Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Weekend Edition

This weekend Seekerville is celebrating the release of Glynna Kaye's

Leave a comment for a chance to win one of three copies. 
Winners announced in the next Weekend Edition.

We Have Winners

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

Nancy C, Bonton and Kim are winners of Mary Connealy's Old West Summer Bride, which includes novellas from Susan Page Davis, Miralee Ferrell, and Davalynn Spencer. This book is exclusive to Walmart and features Mary's novella, A Bride Rides Herd

Terri W is the ebook winner of 12 Brides of Summer-Novella Collection #2 

Hot on the heels of her newest release, The Sweetest Rain, Myra Johnson joined us on Tuesday with "What the 'Muggles' Don’t Know About the Writing Life." You know what we're talking about--those non-writer types who just don't get what we do, or else they ask innocently worded questions about writing that have no short or easy answers. Villagers shared their wish list of what you'd like the "muggles" in your life to know. Kathy Bailey is the winner of  one copy of The Sweetest Rain and Annie Hemby is the winner of  a copy of the brand new audio book version of her debut novel, One Imperfect Christmas.

READ ‘EM & WEEP! Wednesday we grabbed a box of Kleenex to talk tearjerkers with Julie Lessman, a weepy CDQ who takes an inordinate amount of pleasure in making herself—and her readers—cry. Julie dissected several of her weepiest scenes to try and figure out just how to push those emotional buttons that will have your readers running for a box of tissues. Giveaway included an e-copy of any of Julie’s books, including her upcoming contemporary novel, Isle of Hope or her Lizzie/Brady novella, “The Best Gift of All,” from the Home for Christmas Historical Collection, due out October10. The winner of an e-copy of any of Julie's books is Jackie Layton.

Thursday was a Refuge of the Heart release day. Ruthy celebrated the release of her first traditionally published full-length novel, and talked about ecumenical writing, being able to include multi-denominations in her stories... and how that helps to seamlessly create a layered reality for the author! To celebrate Lena's knitting skills and the changing seasons, Bonnie/Bonton is the winner of the scarf and Pat Jeanne and Deanne are winners of a copy of "Refuge."

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: As we're preparing for our October birthday month, come join Missy Tippens who'll share Seven Things I've Learned The Last Seven Years. There'll be a giveaway! 

Tuesday:  Lisa Carter is stopping in to see us today on her way to the ACFW Conference in Dallas Texas. Her post is called, " Is your writing like Julie Andrews, Etta James or Lady Gaga? Recognizing and maximizing your voice." Don't miss today as Lisa is also giving away a copy of her latest release is Beyond the Cherokee Trail, a 4 1/2 star Romantic Times Top Pick.

Wednesday: Love Inspired Suspense author Debby Giusti shares pics and info about the Writer's Police Academy she recently attended. Stop by to learn more about the WPA and get a behind-the-scenes look at law enforcement personnel in action. In honor of our police, fire and EMS heroes, Debby is giving away a copy of her latest release, PERSON OF INTEREST, and a $10 Starbucks' gift card.

Thursday:  Piper Huguley, named 2015 Debut Author of the Year by Romance Slam Jam and Breakout Author of the Year by AAMBC, and who is a two-time Golden Heart ®finalist, is our special guest today. Her post is "Shine with a Steady Light." Stop by to chat and of course we have a giveaway!

Friday: Best of the Archives this week, featuring Ruth Logan Herne, takes us back to her crazy fun, popular post of "Rodeo Stew" where we examine the proper ingredients needed to build deliciously enticing fiction... while everyday reality tugs us in other directions!

Seeker Sightings:

PLANO, TX Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano Campus. Join us on Friday, Sept. 18, 7:00–9:00 p.m for Transformed Through Story: An Evening with Francine Rivers & Friends (Friends includes Seeker Pam Hillman!) Hear an inspirational message from beloved author Francine Rivers (author of Redeeming Love and Voice in the Wind), meet your favorite Christian authors, and enjoy a delicious dessert. Tickets are $5 and available online and at the Prestonwood Bookstore.

Tuesday, September 15th, Villager Sherida Stewart will reveal Sandra Leesmith's new cover for Love's Dream Song. Please join them for Tuesday Tea and learn some of the behind the scenes research for Love's Dream Song which is available for pre-order on Amazon.

Seeker Glynna Kaye resides in the High Country of Arizona

SUPER PAPERBACK DEAL!!  The paperback copies for Julie Lessman's Heart of San Francisco Series are ON SALE for only $1.99 each at CBD for a short time, so take advantage!! Here are the links:  LOVE AT ANY COSTDARE TO LOVE AGAINSURPRISED BY LOVE.

Random News & Information 

Thanks to Villagers and Seekers for the links! 

14 Horrible Situations for Book Lovers to Be in (BookBub Blog)

 7 Success Habits of Exceptionally Productive People (Inc)

Subject: Our Marketing Plan  (New Yorker Magazine)

 Ask Bethany House: Where Did You Get Your Name? (Bethany House Blog)

National Book Festival signals optimistic future for storytelling (The Guardian)

Brainstorming and Inspiration (Books & Such Literary)

 She wrote the book! Gwen Hernandez's Scrivener Courses open on Monday! 

Three great virtual workshops coming up this fall from Marie Force (Marie Force)

Change It This Way or That Way (The Editor's Blog) 

How to Bond With Your Readers: The Pain and Glory of Writing (Write to Done)

 Ray Bradbury: Advice for Writers (DIY Author)

 Long reads to pay off in Kindle Unlimited pay-per-page system as Amazon reveals count details and nearly 2 billion a month page read (Roger Packer)

 State of the Indie Nation with Mark Coker ( The Creative Penn)

That's it. Have a great reading and writing weekend!


  1. First in, good morning, SEEEEEEEEEKERVILLE!!!!!!

    Tina, thank you for an amazing WE again! And huge congrats to all the winners, it's always fun to open the computer and see your name in the "win" column... but just waking up is kind of fun, too!


    Heading in for my first writing spurt of the day. With hugs for all.


  2. Hi Ruthy,

    Thanks for the caffeine. What a great week at Seekerville!

    Glynna, congrats on your new book! I pinned a quote. I hope that helps, it sounds like a great story!

    Thanks to all of you for always inspiring and encouraging us on this journey. Have a great weekend!

  3. My first writing spurt is done... and my outside work is thwarted by steady, chilly rain... which leaves...

    WAIT FOR IT!!!!


    At least some.

    And then writing spurt #2.

    I'm going in!

  4. Oh bliss -- it's a chilly morning so I think hot chocolate is in order. First of the season. Nothing like sipping a warm cuppa while reading the WE! I have Rekindling the Widower's Heart on my TBR pile -- will be reading it this week -- so no need to enter me in the draw.

  5. Congrats to our winners!

    Yay, Glynna, on the release of your latest! Love all your stories!

    Heading to church for a Women's Prayer Breakfast, then spending the afternoon with the grands. I'll be cheering for my sweet baseball and soccer stars!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  6. Congratulations, Glynna! I can't wait to read your latest. Congratulations to all of the winners.
    Last night, I registered for the Scrivener course. I've been wanting to learn this program for a long time, but I need to start at the beginning.
    Happy Weekend!

  7. Good morning, Seekerville! Thank you for the congrats on my October release! A friend texted me yesterday that it's already out in her Walmart! I didn't think it would show up anywhere until at least NEXT week and maybe not until the week after that!

    TONS of stuff to explore in the WE, TINA. WOW! I'll definitely have to come back when I've completed my morning writing binge! :)

    RUTHY & KAV - I love those cloudy rainy days when you can stay inside and do "cozy" things -- read, write, and YES even do housework. Here in Arizona we don't have that many ALL DAY cloudy days, so it's actually a treat when we get one. Things are definitely cooling down in the High Country now. A low of 42 degrees yesterday morning and I won't know what today's low is until closer to sunrise. Still dark here at the moment.

    JaCKIE -- thanks for pinning a quote! :)

    Let us know what you think of Scrivener, JILL!

    Happy writing everyone!

  8. Good morning, Seekerville! As usual, RUTHY outshines us all with her early start to the day. Just why do you have to sound so peppy?????

    We're in for another busy Saturday here. The usual morning chores, then big doings at a special church celebration and bishop installation this afternoon, with our choir joined by several other church choirs.

    But--YAY!!!!--I got started on a new book yesterday, the third in my Flowers of Eden series! I knew it was time to begin when the night before, I woke up with the perfect opening scene playing through my mind. Should I mention to MARY that it involves a Winchester?

  9. Thanks for all these updates! I love to see the new book covers. Hope to see some of you in Dallas at ACFW in a few days! I used to live in Dallas so if you need recommendations for places in town, find me there. Now to pack...

  10. Yay!!!!! Another book by Glynna Kaye. I so love her writing and stories. Yay. I'm happy dancing.

    KAV I think I'll join you on that hot chocolate. Sounds like it will hit the spot. Fall leaves starting to turn here also.

    CONGRATS!!! to all the winners. Its so fun to share on Seekerville.

    Happy reading and writing everyone.

  11. I would absolutely love to win Glynna's new book! :-)

  12. MYRA--isn't it wonderful when you get that inner nudge that tells you it's time to GET GOING! :) But I'm a little concerned about the Winchester...!

    ELIZABETH - hope you have a great time at ACFW! I won't get to go this year, but maybe to another one on down the road.

    Is anyone going to RWA in San Diego next year?

    Good morning, SANDRA! If you come through the Northland when you journey home this fall, there's a copy waiting for you...!

    Hi, WALT! I put your name in the kitty dish! :)

  13. Good noon, Seekerville. I'm working like mad to get ready for the ACFW conference, clothes everywhere, and trying to leave the house in semi-decent order. Lunch is roasted lemon pepper chicken on wheat bread. Yum! I'll share!

    Glynna, congrats on the new release! The Seekers are a busy bunch, which is just how we like it. :)

    1. Yeah Pam! I'm looking forward to saying hi to you in Dallas.

  14. I'm going to San Diego (Hurrah I get to drive and take home as many books as I want to) and then, possibly Nashville next year. Very excited.

    Happy Saturday, Seekerville!!!

    Congratulations on your release, GK!!!

  15. Congratulations to all the winners!

    I am thinking about all those preparing to head to the conference. I can't wait to hear details and see pictures.

    It is turning cooler here in the mountains and I may have to turn off the air conditioner.

    Have a great weekend everyone I hope to get some writing and reading done.

  16. Glynna and Kav, you're so right.

    I'm finishing up my historical novella, and it's so calm and cool and rainy here that no one is stopping by to see me for anything, Libby and Jeter have an overnight guest, Lisa's dog "Quinn" who looks just like Jeter, but a year older... and they're all sleeping. I've got Mass this afternoon, then I'm doing a Haddock fish fry for the family. Even Grandma's stopping by, so the peace is a welcome thing, and just so much fun to finish this fun novella... and revisit Second Chance, South Dakota, my fictional town with the amazing seamstress "Hattie McGillicuddy"... I am having way too much fun on the prairie!

    These collections release in a few weeks, and I can't wait for folks to read them. Oh my gosh, just delightful, charming stories, filled with Christmas and hope and home and angels in the contemporary stories.

    Gotta love angels!!! :)

    Hey, I made Diamond Walnut Chocolatey Caramel bars, one of my new favorites... a crowd pleaser and I'm posting them on Yankee Belle on Thursday. SO GOOD....

  17. Thanks, PAM! And your lemon pepper chicken sounds super yummy! Seems impossible that it's been a WHOLE YEAR since I was packing up for ACFW in St. Louis, trying to decide what to take and what to leave at home. Hope you have a blast!

    Thanks, TINA! I'm still trying to figure out if I can work RWA into my schedule next summer--have a book proposal due right about then, plus day job stuff. Love San Diego, though, and would love to spend some extra days there to dip my toes in the Pacific on Coronado Island or at La Jolla! Haven't been there in quite a few years.

    RUTHY -- so much fun to have a day to cozy in and write! I can just picture the pups and their 'guest' snoozing nearby while you have fun with the novella!

  18. Glynna, you know how much I love each and every book you write so of course, I'm going to enter this giveaway! Looking forward to this new book and love the cover! Each book is a gem! It's been awhile since I read a book from you so I NEED one!

  19. I took a break from working on my presentation for our women's breakfast and came over to catch up with the WE to see my name as a winner of Refuge of the Heart. I'm so thrilled. Hugs back to you, Ruthy. Thank you Tina for the WE. Congratulations to those who came away with prizes and to Glynna on Rekindling the Widower's Heart. Hope Debby was blessed this morning at the prayer breakfast. Kudos to those working on their writing projects today. Traveling mercies for anyone going to the ACFW conference. A wonderful weekend to all.

  20. Hi, VALRI! Wish I had time to write MORE books so I could keep up with your reading habits! :) The next one will be out in May, and I'm currently working on a Christmas one that will be released next fall. I really like the cover on "Rekindling the Widower's Heart," too! Your name's been added to the kitty dish! :)



    Oh, Myra, don't you just LOVE when that happens??

    Ruthy -- I'd pay GOOD MONEY for even one of those spurts, my friend -- I don't have too much gas left these days after moving twice. :)

    Kav, I am soooooo with you on that hot chocolate, girlfriend -- had some this morning, as a matter of fact, because it was 48 in Osage Beach this morning, but thankfully it's climbed to a gorgeous and sunny 69!!

    Happy Weekend, all -- it is for me since my hubby is on the mend from the onset of pneumonia, so YAY!!


  22. PAT JEANNE -- Congrats on winning Ruthy's book! I can hardly wait to get my hands on a copy myself.

    Thank you for the congrats! I'm amazed--this is my 9th published book, with #10 coming out next spring. Such a relief that the ideas keep on coming. Whew! :)

  23. Hey, there, JULIE! Thank you for the congrats! Boy, 48 for a low in central Missouri this time of year is pretty nippy! But don't you just LOVE fall?

  24. Congratulations to Glynna on her new release! No need to enter me since I previously won a copy of Rekindling the Widower's Heart and I'm looking forward to reading this book!

    Congratulations to all the weekly winners! Thanks for the WE! I'll be checking the links.

    I'm honored and excited to be revealing the BEAUTIFUL cover of Sandra's Love's Dream Song on my blog Tuesday. The setting of this story is near my part of the country, so I can tell you this cover truly reflects the amazing area. Thanks for the mention, Sandra!

    Happy weekend of reading and/or writing to all! Blessings!

  25. I hope you're all having a great weekend!

    Myra, the choir event sounds wonderful! It would be fun to gather with other choirs.

    Ruthy, I saw on the weather report his morning that is was cold and rainy there. And I felt sorry for you! LOL I'm feeling sorry for Glynna too with her temps in the 40's. But then I always dread cold weather. Give me the summer heat any day!

  26. A wonderful WE, Tina, thank you!! My day was certainly brightened by finding my name in the list of winners - twice; thanks Mary, Ruthy, and Tina!!

    Congrats, Glynna!!

    Have fun at ACFW - everyone!!

    PTL, Keith is feeling better, Julie!!

    Ruthy, looking forward to reading the Seeker Christmas novellas!!

    Blessings to all!!

    Would love to read Glynna's new book - please enter my name in the drawing!!

  27. Julie, I've assured my children they'll be taking me out in a box.

    Moving is too much work.

    And I love my big old farmhouse, but we probably can't stay here forever. I refuse to think about it, at least for a while....

    But I expect there'll come a time when smaller is appealing.

    But I'm still thinking about GOATS, so maybe I'm not quite ready to move!

  28. Did I win? Yay!!!! Unless there's another Kim here, haha.

    Pray for me that I get through my first test week: Anatomy, Biochemistry, Epidemiology, Physiology and Histology - one test per day. Jesus, I need you!

    Thanks for the welcome packet! I already finished one of the books in less than a day. Have a good weekend/week!

  29. I've always figured I'd move someday. My Cowboy would retire and we'd move a lot closer to our grandbabies (ok, our children, too!)
    But when I listen to Seekers talk about moving (I've moved ONCE in my life but it's been a while) I wonder if I shouldn't just stay here. :(

  30. Praying you finish your tests and read more Seeker books, Kim.

  31. Wonderful WE, Miss Tina! I Was thrilled to discover I'd won the novella collection. I love reading novellas, they're the perfect length. Of course I also like medium length and long books.

    I'll be in Dallas! I'll miss seeing the Seekers. I don't yhink I've ever been to a conference that Missy wasn't at.

    Ruthy - I'll tell you a secret, I like moving. Looked at a house today. When I retire I'm moving. I'm only staying put now because of the proximity of my house to my job.

    I'd love to win Glynna's new book!

  32. Terri, if the day comes when I have to move, I'm adopting your attitude.

    I will not be grumpy.

    I will gaze on it as one would an adventure.

    I will boldly go into that good night.

    This will be easier if I'm dead.


    Okay, you're right, I hate to admit it, but we must go forth boldly. Terri, I will use you as my example when the time comes.

    Because I am somewhat tempted to move back by the shores of Lake Ontario and face the storms... and revel in the sunsets. :)

  33. Congratulations Glynna!
    Look at Pam's lineup! WAWZAH!

    Yay for all the winners last week, and what a show this coming...

    Everyone enjoy ACFW. I'm thinking about joining y'all in Nashville next year...

    Lovin' Seekerville, as always... :)

  34. I'm always excited when Glynna has a new book out. She writes the most beautiful stories!!!

  35. Glynna, congratulations on your new release. Even though "Look Alike Lawman" was published several years ago, there are still scenes that resonate. Looking forward to reading "Rekindling the Widower's Heart," especially after reading the WE pull quote.

    Yippy for the winners -- including me! Thank you for "Old West Summer Bride." Novella collections are such a good way to discover 'new' writers while enjoying a new story from "'the one who brung you" to the collection :-)

    So many good links. Laughed out loud at the pic of the woman crying because she forgot to take a book. The article including Ray Bradbury's advice was especially interesting.

    Safe travels to everyone heading to ACFW this week!

    Nancy C

  36. Uh, Glynna ... how about I finish that sentence? "... there are still scenes that resonate in my memory."

    And I mean that in the best of ways :-)

    Nancy C

  37. Thank you for another day of congrats for "Rekindling the Widower's Heart!" The kitty dish is filling up! :)

    Congratulations, too, to all this week's winners! Seekerville's the readingest and writingest bunch, aren't we?

    Yikes, KIM! That's one heavy academic load you're carrying. Definitely praying for your test outcome!

    NANCY C -- so glad you still have good memories from "Look-Alike Lawman" -- one of these days I intend to go back and re-read the "Texas Twins" series(of which LLL was #4) that six authors wrote together. Hard to believe I was consulting back and forth with the other writers and working on that book 4 years ago--time sure flies!

    I hope you all have had as good of a weekend as I've enjoyed -- writing, gardening and family time. :)

  38. It seems the weekend is almost done and I am just getting the chance to be here.

    Glynna, congratulations on your latest release. It looks wonderful! I don't know how I missed that you live in Arizona. I've been here for eight years so far and love being in Prescott where it is just starting to cool off as well.

    Congratulations to all the winners and for all those going to ACFW, you are in my prayers.

    So many great posts to read this evening and I am really looking forward to next week's posts. I am especially interested in Debby Guisti's experiences at the Writer's Police Academy!

    Thank you Seekerville for always brightening and enlightening my writing life.

  39. Hello Seekerville family ,
    I always look forward to the weekend edition because it's always so much fun with all the terrific pictures and so many awesome links to follow.Please enter me for the drawing for Glynna's new book. Congratulations on it's release, I'm so happy for you. The cover is so gorgeous and you just can't go wrong with a Love Inspired book !
    Thank you Seekerville you always brighten my day when I read your posts !

    Deanne Patterson

  40. This book looks awesome! Would love to win!

  41. This book looks awesome! Would love to win!

  42. This book looks awesome! Would love to win!

  43. congrats to the winners!
    The book looks so good! toss me in please :)
