Tuesday, October 27, 2015

God—You Want Me To Write What?!?

with guest, Jordyn Redwood.

Happy Birthday, Seekerville! Thanks so much for having me. I always enjoy the conversation when I’m here.  

When you get your first book contract—it is truly an amazing event in the writer’s life. An occasion to be celebrated. My agent said to me, “Congratulations! You’re on your way to a great writing career.”

Despite my hard work to drive sales of my debut medical trilogy and even after my first two novels got nominated for a few awards—well— I was met with the sound of crickets chirping. My follow-up proposal wasn’t picked up. 

This was followed by multiple announcements that authors dread hearing. Bookstores closing. Fiction lines being shut down. Well known and better selling authors were getting released from their contracts. 

As an ER nurse, in the words of the sage Survivor host Jeff Probst, I began to strategize. 

I decided to indie publish the books from the proposal that got rejected and started to write the first one. The main crux to do this was to have something for readers by this Fall—about two years after my last book, Peril, released.

I was very concerned, even doubtful, that I would see another traditional publishing contract and the financial reality of going indie and the work behind accomplishing that goal began to weigh on me. At the same time, I witnessed fellow nurses in their “prime” getting forced out—particularly if they didn’t have an advanced degree. 

These concerns and financial pressures led me to have a serious discussion with my husband about going back for an advanced nursing degree—which would seriously hamper building a writing career.

The very next day, I got an e-mail from Guideposts asking me to audition for a cozy mystery series. I auditioned for two—and washed out of both. 

I write thrillers. Edgy ones. Romance is not my strength. It pains me to write outside my comfort zone. But I felt God asking me to do just that. Looking back, I think the Guideposts auditions showed me that it was possible and I could even enjoy it.

I’d heard about Love Inspired’s Blurb to Book contest but didn’t consider myself a good fit for the line. One—the romance—let’s just leave it at that. I put it out of my mind. 

Then one night I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Seriously—I like my sleep so it was annoying. 

“Okay,” I mumbled to God. “I’ll check the guidelines because I’ll bet the deadline for submissions has passed.” 

No. Three days left. 

I’ll give it one day and if I’m still this restless then I’ll enter as a matter of obedience.
I’ve never felt like I’ve wrestled with God until those sleepless nights. I couldn’t figure out any other reason to feel this way about a book line I felt completely inadequate to write for. Kissing scenes?!? Please—I’d rather deal with a medical emergency.

I continued to not sleep so I put together an entry the day before it was due. God, I did as you asked. Now, let me sleep. 

Needless to say, I didn’t expect to move on in the contest. Then, I progressed to the second round where I had to write the plot synopsis and first three chapters. 

There, God. I did as you asked. I know you’re having fun with me.

Then I made it to the third round. 


Now I had to write the whole novel and edit it—in about eight weeks. 

Lord, you saw that vacation on my calendar? 

I made the deadline and wasn’t expecting to hear anything until August 30th. Then on July 29th, the day after I found out I didn’t get a nursing promotion, I got the call from Emily Rodmell that they were offering me a contract for my contest entry. 


I think what this year has taught me is that God has the writing life planned for me but not in the way I expect it might come together. Isn’t He funny that way? The things I said I would never write became the only things I could write with a traditional publisher. This year became about learning about God’s provision for my writing life even when I faltered and didn’t quite believe I could make the whole thing work. This year was about taking opportunities—even if they required me writing outside my comfort zone. It is possible—and it’s good to stretch those writing muscles. 

Be open to opportunities you normally wouldn’t consider. If God means for you to make a go of being a published author—it will happen. He will find a way. 

How have you seen God speak into your writing life?


Jordyn Redwood is a pediatric ER nurse by day, suspense novelist by night. She hosts Redwood’s Medical Edge, a blog devoted to helping authors write medically accurate fiction. Her first two medical thrillers, Proof and Poison, garnered starred reviews from Library Journal. Proof was shortlisted for the 2012 ForeWord Review’s BOTY Award, 2013 INSPY Award and the 2013 Carol Award. Poison shortlisted for the 2014 INSPY Award and the 2014 Selah Award. In addition to her novels, she blogs regularly at Redwood’s Medical Edge and the WordServe Water Cooler. You can connect with Jordyn via her website at www.jordynredwood.com

Seekerville loves that Jordyn sold to Love Inspired Suspense thanks to a contest. We love it so much that we're going to offer to critique the first TEN pages for one writer to prepare your manuscript for a contest. 

For one reader, a lovely assortment of inspirational romances.

Winner's of both giveaways announced in the Weekend Edition!


  1. Holy smokes, a chance to be first commentor? Thanks for sharing your story Jordyn. Makes me wonder what God has planned for me. Will return later. I rally should be sleeping...

  2. Really. Really should be sleeping. Blasted auto correct...

  3. Congratulations, Jordyn on both your perseverance and your contract!! Such great news :)

  4. Congratulations on your contract with Love Inspired. I love the line along with the Suspense and Historical lines.

    You are also to be commended for being a pediatric ER nurse. It has to be difficult seeing the little ones in distress. Bless you for answering the call.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  5. Aw, thanks for sharing part of your journey with us, Jordyn! A similar thing happened to me with a last-minute scholarship application. I think sometimes God works in our lives like that so that we (or those around us) have no excuse but to credit and thank Him for His doings. =)

    @DebH -- Haha --Yes! We all need to be first sometime, right? =)

  6. Congratulations on your contract! God's plans aren't always our plans. His plans are better.
    Happy birthday Seekers. Please drop my name in for either give away.

  7. Oh, that God, he's quite the character isn't He? Imagine asking us to move outside our comfort zone!!!

    Welcome, Jordyn and thanks for sharing what many of us have realized oh, too often.

  8. I think this is a PopTart morning, but I will of course bring croissants for the lovely Jordyn!

    Tell us about your LIS release! When, where, how?

  9. It's really an amazing story of your life. God works in a way that no human would understand.
    Congratulation for your contract!

  10. Jordyn!!!! Welcome to the Love Inspired family! Congratulations to you, I'm so excited for you!!!!!!


    Leave the gun. Take the cannoli!

  11. Croissants, yes, Tina!!!!!

    AND HALLOWEEN CUPCAKES!!!!!! With orange icing and fall sprinkles!

    I'm so excited about the cupcakes and Jordyn's great news!!!!

  12. Jordyn,

    Welcome back to Seekerville! Always good to see you. Loved reading your post and chuckled at your sleepless nights. He finds ways to get our attention, doesn't He? And if we're too busy during the daytime to listen, then he keeps us from sleeping at night. :)

    So glad you were able to discern His will...and you said YES! And look what happened! Now you're part of the LI family! Woot! I always wanted you to be part of the group. :)

    I'm nodding about not doing romance. I started out working on mainstream suspense that was lacking on the love vibe. A number of times my wonderful editor had to encourage me to up the romance. I finally got it! But it took awhile, to say the least. :)

    So nurses are seeing job cuts? I thought most folks in the medical field didn't have to worry about job security. I know you're a wonderful nurse...and a wonderful writer. I so admire you for juggling two professions, and doing both so well! :)

    Reaching for one of Tina's croissants. I brought grits for those of us who like something Southern for breakfast.


  13. Hi Jordyn! It's so great to see you here. I laughed when I read your play by play account of the Blurb 2 Book contest...that was exactly my experience. It's amazing what we can accomplish when it's all God's plan. Congratulations!

  14. Hi Jordyn,

    Thanks for sharing your story of obedience and glory. Congratulations on your new contract!

    A ten page critique? Please add me to the drawing!


  15. Welcome Jordyn! And congratulations on that book sale to Love Inspired! Now comes the writing of the NEXT book. And seeing your first LIS in Walmart, Barnes & Noble, and on pharmacy and grocery store book shelves! Funny how God gets our attention, isn't it? :)

  16. Hello JORDYN! Thank you for sharing your journey. The Lord does have a UNIQUE way of working things out for our good. I'm excited to see where He takes you next.

    Please add my name in the reader's drawing. Thanks.

  17. Jordyn,

    What an inspirational way to start my day, reading your blog. It's filled with hope for all of us.

    Can you tell us about your Guidepost experience and which mystery series you wrote/write for?

  18. Congratulations Jordyn!!! Sometimes I'm not sure if God is speaking or if it's just me. But I did feel He lead me to submit to Highland Press and my first book, an inspirational novella called The Doctor's Christmas Rose, just released. I'm so excited. God is so good.

  19. Jordyn!! What exciting news! I've followed your blog and love your books. Can't wait to read this one! God does that a lot, pushes us out of our comfort zone just so he can show us what he can do. And it's all in his timing. We can't speed things up or slow things down. Isn't it amazing? Thanks so much for sharing your story!

  20. Congratulations, Jordyn! Please enter me in the drawing for the critique. Thank you!

  21. Jordyn, I'm so excited for you! I loved reading your story too. And, I like that you were proactive in scooping out your options. And the way God honored your decision to enter the Book2Blurb contest? Truly inspiring and fun.

    God's spoken into my writing life in a few ways. He's surrounded me with encouraging writing friends. He's given me a final in a contest when I wondered why in the world I thought I could write. He's spoken through songs and messages at church. ;)

    Loved your post today, Jordyn!

  22. Waving to Jill, another new member of the LI family! I'm so stinkin' happy for both of you!

  23. Jordyn, congratulations on your continued success! I found your post very comforting. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

  24. Years and years ago, Karen White gave me a sage bit of advice: Write whatever you want. When someone buys you, then focus on that and create a name...

    And then you can write whatever you want again.

  25. Hi Jordyn,
    Such a great testimony to the power of God when we're willing to be obedient!

    Like Debby I'm surprised to hear about cuts in nursing, I've always believed careers in the medical field were pretty secure.

    Congrats on your LIS contract. I'm looking forward to reading your book. One of my favorite things about Seekerville is connecting with authors I've not read before.

    Please enter me in the readers drawing.

    Happy birthday month Seekerville!

  26. What a great story about listening to God.
    Please enter me in the readers drawing. :-)
    Becky B

  27. I stopped I. Earlier, and read the post. WOW, Jordyn. Actually three professions. Mothering. Nursing. Writing. I love LI - didn't used to, until I found my friends at Seekerville.
    I mentioned to my friend the other day that God had a sense of humour.and she said she wasn't sure she always appreciated it. And I'm thinking we don't always apprentice the ways He finds to get our attention, either!
    I would love to be entered for free books. Of course, Tina, you knew that, right?

  28. Happy Birthday Seekerville. And wishing everyone a great day!

  29. Jordyn, I just love your story about how God crafts a plot for our lives and nudges us forward until we finally understand what He's been trying to teach us all along. I too edged around the romance factor. It could be a definite thread, but the main plot line? I'm learning to embrace it even if my kissing scenes aren't anywhere near to Julie Lessman's. :-)

    Congratulations on being obedient to God's voice and doing the work especially when it was hard. And congrats on receiving the reward of a contract!

  30. Jordyn,

    Thanks for sharing your lesson in obedience. For years I missed His guiding will only to be 'hit upside the head' and look back to realize what I missed. I've learned to be more aware and (somewhat) less stubborn and hardheaded! I have been working on a manuscript for a little over a year and through a comment from a critique writer/friend God told me to split the story into two. Amazing that when I listen the wip is moving right along!!

    PS- my daughter is in her first year as an ED nurse at Parkland Hospital, Dallas, TX! Thanks for all you do!!!

  31. Jordyn, wow! Your story is such an example of faithful obedience, even when the endgame or meaning of that obedience isn't obvious or clear. I drew parallels between this testimony and a few biblical tests of faith, and I have to wonder what He has planned for me, too, much like Deb H.

  32. A pediatric ER nurse? That sounds so fulfilling, but it must be so sad and emotionally difficult at times, too. How did you get into that specialty in nursing? Is there particular training for specialties in nursing, and if yes, what is that like?

  33. "It pains me to write outside my comfort zone. But I felt God asking me to do just that."

    Wow! I'm experiencing this myself on an academic level this final semester of college. I'm in a Professional Writing program, and I'm taking a graduate-level course in science and environmental writing. I've never done much writing in this area, and my very-nerdy and studious self was TERRIFIED of failing and of not being able to do well at this type of writing. I'm trusting Him to guide me through this stretch of my abilities and faith, though!

    I'm glad you are following His lead in your writing, and I'm eager to read your LIS!

  34. Ooh an assortment of lovely books for a reader?! Toss my name in the hat please, and thank you!!

  35. Wow, Jordyn, what an amazing story of listing to God and following His direction! Congratulations on your Love Inspired contract, and thanks so much for sharing your experiences with us today!

  36. Welcome back, Jordyn! What an exciting story. I love how God uses insomnia to speak to us sometimes. :) I've been in that same boat before.

    Congratulations on your sale to LIS!!

  37. Jen, I agree with what you said! (Jen said: I think sometimes God works in our lives like that so that we (or those around us) have no excuse but to credit and thank Him for His doings.)

  38. Vickie, congrats on your debut release! We were so excited to hear about it!!

    1. Thanks so much! Seekerville helped a lot. We are sorta neighbors. I live in Dacula. :)

  39. LOL, Candee, on your kiss scenes not being like Julie's. :)

  40. Jordyn, Congrats on your contract with LIS. I will be looking for your book.

  41. Your post was both encouraging and timely for me. I recently did a "turn around" when it came to which book I wanted to write. After I'd completed one manuscript, another idea began nagging at me. I put the completed manuscript to the side, and began working on this other one. I believe I'm suppose to put this one out before the previous one. Some may have thought that I was just procrastinating, but I believe it's the order that God wants me to do it. God bless you for being open to following his lead! (S.Carrington)

  42. Jordyn, I love how God got your attention and led you to enter the Blurb to Book contest and that led to a contract! Congratulations! Like the heroine of a novel, you faced rising stakes and stepped up to find your happy ending. I hope this will be a long relationship with Love Inspired!


  43. Vickie, congratulations on your release!


    1. Thank you Janet! And big thanks to Seekerville as well!

  44. Good morning Jordyn.

    I remember you being a guest earlier on Seekerville because I won Proof. I'll be honest, I never read it--not my genre--but my daughter did. And she told us all about it. And my family. And anyone who would listen. We wound up buying Poison and Peril. She sang your praises for weeks afterward. LOL. I feel like your part of my family.

    Isn't if funny how everything works out? I'm so happy you got a contract w/LIS. Congratulations.

  45. Congratulations on your success! I'm looking forward to checking out your books :)

    Please enter me in the reader giveaway!

  46. Jordyn, so good to see you in Seekerville! Congrats on your sale to LIS.

    I had to laugh about your crickets. They're so loud in my ears, it's like the cicada invasion we had in Nashville a couple of years ago. I'm ready for God to push me out of my comfort zone, but He's not keeping me up at night. I don't even feel a nudge. Hello, God. Are you listening?

    So glad Seekerville is a safe place where I can curl up and grumble a little. ;-)

  47. Hi Jordyn!

    I loved your story, and I love that you listened when God gave you that nudge. Looking forward to your new book!!!

  48. Now that is what I call Divine intervention! Thank you, Jordyn for sharing that. Through the years, I do see God working in my life, knocking and knocking and then pounding if I don't answer. I'm trying to learn to answer the door early on, but I can be quite "pig-headed" at times. Sometimes, no ALL the time, God's plan sure beats ours. Thank you. I'm not a writer, but a crazy avid reader, so please put me in for the lovely assortment of inspirational romances giveaway. Thank you.

  49. Let's all sing Happy Birthday to Glynna!

    How nice, Glynna, that you were born in Seekerville's birthday month!

    I've brought a huge birthday cake to celebrate all the October birthdays!!! May I cut a slice for anyone?

  50. Waving to OhioHomeSchool!

    I'm an OSU grad. Go Bucks!

  51. Hi Jordyn welcome to Seekerville.
    I think you're gonna LOVE writing romance once you've gotten into it. Such a fun genre!

  52. Debby, my birthday was October 5. Do I still qualify for a big slice of cake? :)

  53. Aw, Barbara, I think you qualify for your own cake! You're birthday twins with SEEKERVILLE!

    I have a carrot cake recipe which, if I chose to abuse it, might catapult me to a position of real power. The governorship maybe, even higher!

    But I'll serve it today for you and Glynna and Seekerville. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

  54. Happy Birthday, Barbara!!! Yes, you get an extra large slice of cake!!!

    Do you hear everyone singing, "Happy Birthday, Barbara?"

  55. Deb H,

    Congrats on being the first one! As you can see . . . I was still sleeping.

  56. Cindy W,

    Thank you! I have a ton of respect for those Love Inspired Historical authors. People may not know but for the Blurb to Book contest-- that had a higher word count requirement than the other two lines and still were give the same amount of time. I don't know-- if it had been me writing for the historical line I would have asked for another two weeks!! They rocked it out.

  57. The Artist Librarian,

    I think you're absolutely right. God shows through in our weakness so we give Him all the credit and others can see what amazing things can happen in following Christ.

  58. Whoo hoo!!!!! Carrot cake could propel you into the White House, Mary! One of my faves. Thanks for the extra big slice, Debby! I do believe I hear the faint sounds of the "Happy Birthday song."

  59. Happy Birthday Glynna and belated to Barbara. October birthdays are awesome. My little man's was on the 15th and mine is coming up on the 29th. So convenient for me that Seekerville's birthday month is the same. I feel like my birthday is celebrated all month too (especially when I win the awesome SWAG offered up by the Seekers!).

    Eating some of the offered cake, no frosting though... little man usually eats that and hands me the cake part. It's been awhile since I've gotten cake AND frosting. Since I have the metabolism of a sloth (I watch people eat and gain weight), so if I'm not going to waste cake, I get my little guy's leftovers.

    Congrats again, Jordyn, on your LIS contract. Looking forward to your book debut.

  60. Thank you, Tina!

    I love being here.

    I'm glad people are bringing virtual carbs to this party because I can eat them and truly not get into trouble on my new "nutrition" plan!!

    So, I'm having pop tarts, and croissants, and Halloween cupcakes (love sprinkles!) and I've never had grits so load me up with some of those, too.

  61. Thanks for stopping by, Ruth!

    Good to see so many of my new Love Inspired family members here!! Truly a great group of people.

  62. Congrats on your contract.....I love LI books and look forward to yours.
    Please enter me for the assortment of lovely books for a reader! Thanks!!!

  63. Hi Debby!

    I just bought your book Person of Interest at my local grocery store-- like five miles from my house! I was honestly really surprised to see that they carry the whole line of books.

    I'm glad to hear you struggled with the romance angle as well. I still don't have it down but am working hard to get it right.

    As far as the field of nursing-- they won't call it "job cuts" but there's been a lot of reducing of positions. For instance, we had around 75 "clinical coordinators". These were nurses who did mostly clinical but some administrative duties as well-- like staff evaluations.

    So they said we need to reduce the number of people in these positions. A number of these were nurses who had served the hospital for 20-30 years. Half of these women were essentially demoted which led to a drastic cut in their pay (like $11.00/hr) and so they ended up leaving.

    I've seen it over and over again that nurses who choose to stay at the bedside for their entire career are not really valued by hospitals in general. Sad, but true.

  64. Hi, Jill!!

    So good to see your here. Have you started your revisions yet?

  65. Glynna,

    So true! That's one thing I didn't really know about Love Inspired-- just how wide their distribution was. I was honestly really surprised to see them at our local grocery store because it wasn't Wal-Mart. I watched pretty closely for a couple of weeks and the books were definitely moving.

  66. Such an encouraging, insightful post, Jordyn. How cool that you host a blog to help writers 'get it right' medically. And thank you for the sacrifices you undoubtedly made to become a pediatric nurse.

    Congratulations on all your accomplishments!

    Nancy C

  67. Rose,

    Thanks so much for your question about Guideposts. In my first audition I was asked to write the first chapter of the first book of a series.

    Evidently what Guideposts does is do a lot of market research around book series and they'd had some interest from readers about a medical series. So they wanted to market test a series surrounding a hospital set in Boston. Guideposts gave me a one line plot for the book, characters names and a few photos and then I wrote the first chapter. They mailed out this packet that contained that first chapter, a series synopsis and the book cover-- which was gorgeous. I so wish I could share.

    Unfortunately, reader response was not what they hoped for and the series did not move forward. Sometimes, it's hard to think about that because I'm like-- I'm such an awesome author I killed a whole book series!!

    Shortly after that, I auditioned for another series dealing with a tea shop set in Maine. That series will be published though I won't be part of it and I'm not sure of the name. At that point, this series had gone through the stage I described before and passed muster and they were lining up authors to write. It's basically a direct book club kind of thing though I think they are starting to make e-books available.

    Even though I was never contracted for a book-- it was such a great experience. I still can't say enough about Guideposts so I would definitely try to audition again if I get the opportunity. But I should probably read a few cozy mysteries before I take another stab at it.

  68. Oh Sally,

    Thanks so much for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoy my books and blog!

  69. Jeanne,

    Thanks for sharing the ways God speaks to you in your writing life. I'm always amazed at how different it is for everyone-- what it is that God does to grab your attention.

    One book I read that totally fascinated me on this very subject was Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander. He's basically an atheist but also a neurosurgeon and ends up contracting this super rare form of meningitis that put him into a coma and has a near death experience.

    I'm just glad God gave me a few sleepless nights and not a coma!! But, his book is a great read about God reaching out.

  70. Ruth,

    I think there's a lot of truth in that-- write whatever you want.

    I heard author Jodi Piccoult speak once and she said she hates to hear the phrase, "Write what you know."

    She says-- "Write what you're willing to research. Write what you're passionate about."

    Wise words in the same vein I think.

  71. Hi Tracey,

    Nursing cuts aren't something you're going to hear about in the evening news because they don't happen like big company lay offs. I think hospitals are very crafty about diminishing positions that force older nurses out. Another common strategy is to have everyone "reinterview" for your current position. And then, guess what, you're not offered the job you had for thirty years.

    Keep in mind, too, the closing down of many rural hospitals. Whether or not you want to attribute that to the Affordable Care Act is a separate discussion but ALL those employees have been displaced-- many, of course, were nurses.

  72. Marianne,

    Yes, God, I think, has a definite sense of humor.

  73. Candee,

    I'm going to start reading Julie Lessman's books!! I need to learn from a master!

    I mean, honestly, I get so nervous about having to put kissing scenes on paper. I just don't want them to come across as cheesy.

    I started to read some of the more, I guess, racier Harlequin novels for some guidance. Sadly, those scenes can't go into LI. So, the research continues!! I know-- the author's life is hard:).

  74. S. Trietsch,

    I cannot tell you the bricks God used in my life to get my attention about writing. Seriously, I have a thick head!! I'm like you-- working harder to hear God's voice the first time. It saves so much trouble down the road.

    And big shout out to your daughter the ER nurse at Parkland. I mean, Wow!! She didn't take the easy road as her first job. Tell her "Strong Work!" for me.

  75. Hi Sarah C,

    Thanks so much for your questions.

    I actually started nursing in the adult realm. My first job was adult ICU. Then after about 18 months I transitioned to a community ER which deals mostly with adults. So, for the first three years of my nursing career, I basically did adult nursing.

    I actually stumbled into pediatric nursing. Sadly, what I learned about myself in taking care of adults (mostly in the ER) was that I didn't have a lot of compassion. Adults largely are responsible for the reasons why they're in the ER. Drunk driving. Drug seeking. I would fix bad emphysemics who couldn't breathe and then they'd want me to wheel them outside to smoke. Of course, this isn't EVERY patient but you might be surprised how many it is per day.

    So, I found myself loving taking care of younger patients because they are largely NOT responsible for the reasons they're in the ER. I, literally, began to bargain with my co-workers to take care of their kids. I'm like, "Listen, Sally, I'll take care of everyone under 21 and you take care of everyone over 65 and we'll split the middle."

    They LOVED it because they hated taking care of kids. Most adult ER nurses feel this way. Their safe zone is adults.

    Finally, it dawned on me-- there are places I can work that ONLY do kids. I quit and took a position in a pediatric ICU in 1996 at a children's hospital and have done peds since then.

    Generally, most hospitals will provide an orientation to the unit and it just depends on what "specialty" it is. For instance, our orientation runs 6-12 weeks depending on your background. If you've been an adult ER nurse-- it might be more like six weeks because kids are not treated the same way as an adult. If you come from med/surg nursing-- it might be longer because you're learning the critical care aspect.

    A friend of mine is starting to work in the OR and their training is like 9 months-- they basically have to sign a contract that says they'll work in the OR for a period of time because they invest so much money in training their staff. If you leave before that-- then you owe them money.

    So, really, it varies depending on the area you want to work.

    And a "Strong Work!" to you for writing outside your comfort zone!!

  76. Hi Rena,

    Sounds like you're making the right choice. Write on!!

  77. Janet,

    Me, too. I hope to write many books with LI.

    I like your comparison there-- to a heroine in a novel! Stepping up to rising stakes. That made me smile.

  78. Hi Connie,

    Thanks for buying my books and for sharing how much your daughter loved them. That totally made my day!

    I get my books aren't for everyone but I so appreciate your support and I'm glad you won the contest!

  79. Hi Barbara,

    Man, I miss you!! How are you?

    I will pray for you. The chirping crickets are so stinkin' hard-- and annoying! This publishing world has a lot of ups and downs and I know there will always be valleys.

    I know this is a "hot phrase" but I'm trying to really create margins in my life. Come up with a game plan on how to really get this writing thing moving up hill again. The contract with LI is awesome but there's still work to do. This one contract will not a writing career make. I want to be sure to hear God's voice and direction.

    One thing I'm trying to do is "The Miracle Morning." It's actually a book about transitioning to the life you want to have. It is a little new-ageish but can totally be adapted for the Christian life. Also, I'm avidly reading/listening to everything Brene Brown has put out.

    I kind of came to a point a few months ago where I'm like-- what am I doing? Is this how I want to be? Overweight? Tired? No vision?

    I think the writing stones God gave me this year helped clarify that His vision for my life is to be writing but the work to get there is overwhelming and I have to create a new mind set to accomplish it. This itself takes time and work that sometimes I think I don't have but I'm trying as hard as I can because I think it will be worth it in the end.

    I don't know it that's helpful. Maybe that's not where you're at but regardless-- I will pray for.

  80. Ohh, now Debby has cake!!!!

    Three, no four slices please!!

    Again, this is the only way I can enjoy carbs right now!!!!!!!!! More cake!

  81. Man, Mary C., I hope so!

    Still have a lot to learn about writing romance.

  82. Someone asked me about the title and release of the LI book.

    It's called Fractured Memory (originally-- The Hangman's Noose for those that followed the contest). It will release July, 2016!

    Here's a blurb:

    U.S. Marshal Eli Cayne discovers a hit package detailing information required to extinguish the life of pediatric ER nurse Julia Galloway—sole survivor of a serial killer dubbed The Hangman. Julia’s amnesia caused by her assault erased any memory of Eli and his work on her behalf. Seeing Julia again stirs feelings he thought he’d left behind. Eli put the wrong man on death row. While under the stress of being chased by a killer, can Julia remember details of her attack to identify the true Hangman? Can Eli keep her alive long enough for the memory to return?

  83. This made me smile, Jordyn! :) Love how your obedience that led to a surprise contract. Sounds like the journey held a bit of nail-biting suspense for YOU as well.

  84. JORDAN, SUPER CONGRATS!! AND WHAT A GREAT, GREAT STORY ... And what an encouragement to me that I'm not the only one God bumped out of their comfort zone!!

    Unlike you, my comfort zone is ROMANCE, but when God started pushing me towards Women's Fiction, I skidded to a squeaky stop. Seriously, God? Me? Write Women's Fiction?? I am a "Calgon, take me away" type of gal, NOT "slice of life," so WF generally is not my cup of tea.

    Uh ... until God poured me a cup. :|

    Like you, I've been nudged in a direction I never expected, so I am anxious to see where it goes ...


  85. Jordan, you ASKED: "How have you seen God speak into your writing life?

    I took an 8-month sabbatical last year to focus more on God, family, and writing for the sheer joy of writing, and boy, did God "speak into my writing life" BIG TIME, and the culmination is my latest novel, a contemporary that is loosely biographical called Isle of Hope.

    You know, I’m almost embarrassed to say this, but then if embarrassment were a deterrent to me, I’d be a deaf mute, so here goes.

    I have been a Christian for over forty years—going from a 23-year-old angry agnostic who once advocated burning Bibles in hotel rooms … to a young woman on fire for God.

    Each and every one of those forty years, God has been my All-in-All and the Love of my Life, the Lamp unto my feet. And yet, though I knew in my head His will IS the path to our highest pleasure, I’m ashamed to say I really didn’t know-know it in my heart until now —- after this sabbatical.

    It’s kind of like not seeing the forest for the trees, you know? I was lost in the woods—the towering oaks of success, contest wins, book sales, people approval, what have you—which prevented the light of the Son from fully shining into my life. It wasn’t until I walked away from the forest for a season that I was able to soak up God to the fullest, helping me to finally and fully grasp for the very first time that true sustenance and growth, true peace and joy, true success and confidence, comes only from Him.

    It’s only through the healing warmth of His Son and the nurturing rain of His Holy Spirit that we can grow to be the people He has called us to be. As a Christian author, I learned one cannot fully receive either Son or Rain in the dark gloom of a forest that overshadows His presence and will.

    Thanks for such an inspirational post today, Jordan!


  86. Wow, Julie-- just wow.

    Your post really touched me. Your words are beautiful!! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and I sincerely hope everyone reads your comment. That's such an amazing testimony and just shows our relationship with God can grow exponentially no matter how short or long we've been a Christian.

    Since you are a romance author and I'm looking to learn from the masters in the genre-- what romance novel would you recommend of yours for me to read?

  87. Yes, Pam-- every round announcement I was sure I wouldn't see my name. The nail biting came when I did see my name and had to figure out writing the next round!!

  88. Thanks for your prayers, Jordyn!! I leapt out of my comfort zone of editing/agenting back into writing, finished my novel, got an agent, started another novel, edited other people's manuscripts, wrote some more, waited some more, but then those darn crickets showed up.

    I have faith God knows what He's doing, but I'd sure love it if He clued me in!!

  89. Jordyn, I loved reading your post! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I can't wait to read your debut novel.

  90. Congratulations, Jordyn! Wonderful post! I hope to read your debut novel!!! I'm a reader and I love to read posts like yours. So inspirational! Good luck!

  91. So good to see you here, Jordy. I appreciate your advice to get out of our comfort zone and to stretch our writing muscles. I can relate somewhat to your expeience this year. For the first time ever and anxious over the prospect, I agreed to speak at a church's event for women. Thankfully, it went well and many appreciated what I had to say. Encouraged by this positive experience, I thought why not put together an article. It's been awhile since I did that. I took my research notes on the topic and queried the editor at a magazine that I'd written for a long time ago. It's been accepted on speculation since my article fits perfectly into one of this publication's themes for 2016. I've learned the need to be open to writing non-fiction while waiting for my fiction to be picked up.

    I'm so happy for you and the success you've found this year.

  92. Pat Jeanne!!! I am so proud of you! Congratulations x2. No guts. No glory. WOOT!!!

  93. Wow!! Your story premise sounds edgy and I cannot wait for it!!

  94. Your story sounds like one I'd enjoy!
    As a reader I would love to be included in the book drawing :) thanks

  95. Hi Jordyn. Thanks for sharing your writing life in column. Glad that things worked out for you and eager to read your new book when it comes out. They say good things take time and this was yours to finally make it with LIS. Congratulations!

  96. Happy Birthday Seekerville. The days are dwindling down, but the fun continues.

  97. Thank you for the birthday wishes...and happy birthday to all the other Villagers who share our Seekerville October birthday month!! :)

  98. Happy Birthday Seekerville. This month has been a total blast with fantastic post and awesome giveaways. Congratulations on going all the way with your book and selling it to Love Inspired Suspense.You go girl ! I LOVE Love Inspired ! Please enter me in the drawing for the Inspirational books. Thank you.

    Deanne Patterson

  99. Happy Birthday, Glynna. I feel blessed too that my birthday falls in the same month as Seekerville's. And your birthday is the day after mine!

  100. So exciting, Jordyn! What a great story. I have seen you around so many different places too. Thanks for sharing. :-)

  101. CANDEE FICK SAID: "I'm learning to embrace it even if my kissing scenes aren't anywhere near to Julie Lessman's. :-)"

    LOL, Candee, thanks for the endorsement, my friend, but I was one of 13 kids in a family where there wasn't enough love to go around, so I started watching old romance movies as a very young child AND reading Gone With the Wind at the age of 12 to get my fix. I'm guessing it's become a habit, so at the ripe, old age of 65, I'm pretty practiced at romance. Uh ... that and the fact I have a GREAT marriage to a WONDERFUL guy, so romance comes naturally to me. :)

    JORDAN SAID: "I'm going to start reading Julie Lessman's books!! I need to learn from a master!"

    LOL, Jordan!! Good girl ... ;)

    THEN JORDAN ASKED: Since you are a romance author and I'm looking to learn from the masters in the genre-- what romance novel would you recommend of yours for me to read?

    Well, ironically, I was going to ask you if I could send you an ecopy of my Irish Christmas love story, A Light in the Window, but I have also written a workbook for Christian authors entitled Romance-ology 101: Writing Romantic Tension for the Inspirational and Sweet Markets, which sounds like it might be more what you're looking for. Let me know which one you would like, and I'll be happy to send you one, okay?


  102. This post hit me personally as my passion to write again is nagging and my prayers are for His direction thanks for sharing

  103. Hi, Jordyn. Thanks for the post and congratulations on your book contract.

    As a writer, I'm trying hard to listen more, write more, and complain less. So thanks for your inspiration of your road to publication and how you listened.

  104. Jessica N,

    Wow! That could be good and bad! Hopefully you're seeing good things "out there".

  105. Julie L,

    Wow-- that's such a generous offer. Thank you!

    I'll tell you what-- e-mail me your Irish Christmas love story-- A Light in the Window. I'll buy the other one to have on hand as a reference amongst the writing books I love.

    My e-mail-- jredwood1 @ gmail (dot) com.

  106. Hi Terri!

    I'm so glad to see you here!! What's been going on in your writing life?

    I hope you get clarity soon on what direction He wants you to take.

  107. Tanya,

    Complaining less-- words I need to repeat to myself every day. Thanks so much for sharing that.

  108. Seekerville Peeps--

    You guys rock as always. Thanks so much for hosting me and for making my day so much fun. I love being here and getting a glimpse of the fellow journeyers on this crazy publishing road.

    Keep writing, people. Keep writing.

  109. Congrats Jordan! I'm considering a venue outside my comfort zone. I just need to keep my ear open to the Lord's voice.

    Happy birthday Seekerville! I'd love to be in both drawings.

  110. I'm not a writer but a very avid reader.....the one thing that stuck out to me "be open to opportunities you normally wouldn’t consider". Now if that doesn't smack you in the forehead, what will?? Just recently God did that in our lives! Without going into a lot of detail here, my husband wasn't really looking for a new job, just thinking/praying hard about it. Due to the high stress level and some other issues going on that was affecting him negatively. Well, God opened a very unexpected door, one that we would never consider...that was our WHAT!?! moment. He answered it in a way the we would have never considered, sought out or even gave a second thought too! He laid it on our laps just as neat as can be & my husband walked through that door. It's been two weeks since he's started his new job & we can see a tremendous difference already. My husband no longer comes home so stressed out he has a migraine, we no longer fuss at each other so easily and he's not so tired he doesn't want to do anything. He laughs more like he used to and our life is getting back into a more normal routine....and we are LOVING it!!

    So yea, be open to new opportunities you never seen coming!! Who know what doors God will open :-) Enjoyed this post so much because it just happened to us so recently...thank you for sharing, Jordyn, you just never know who it might impact!

    I'd like to put my name in for the lovely assortment of inspirational romances please and thank you!

  111. Congrats, Jordyn! Enjoyed reading your story and I love the photo of you sitting in front of the stained glass window. Sorry I'm so late. Just ran out of day. But wanted to stop by and wave. Thanks for sharing!

  112. Congrats, and thanks for your inspiring post - Jordyn!! I love reading how God works in a person's life - so often, it's just the opposite of one's expectations or desires. I've seen it happen in my own life. It's truly amazing and eye-opening to see Him turn doubts into victories - through one's obedience. I feel sure there were blessings I missed out on years ago when I was too stubborn to listen, stumbling around in life - searching for happiness, and doing life "my" way. The upside of that is I've appreciated my many blessings so much more since the trials I put myself through by the choices I made.

    Wasn't Julie Lessman's post amazing? I'm always touched & inspired by her testimonies, one of the many reasons I love her writing so much - she's so transparent, putting so much of herself into each of her books. I've read everything she's written, including 'Romance-ology 101:'- though I'm not a writer. I knew I would find something inspiring in it, while learning more about her technique in writing those passionate stories I love so much. I wasn't disappointed!

    Since you loved Julie's above post and would like to read some of her work, I'd like to extend an invitation to read a review of her coming release,'Isle of Hope'- a life-changing book filled with romance, hope, and forgiveness from a loving God. The blog I contribute to, Overcoming With God (cfpagels.blogspot.com)is featuring a review today on 'Isle of Hope' - there will be a 2nd review of it on Thurs.. A copy of 'Isle of Hope' will be given away to a commenter from each review. If you were inspired by her above post, you'll love reading her novels - which feature numerous personal life experiences, worked into the lives of her characters.

    Seekerville has so many gifted authors whose work I love - I'm also looking forward to reading your coming release in the romance genre, Jordyn! Thanks for being obedient to God in your writing, I feel an author's obedience to Him always yields inspiration for readers, as well as the author.

    Please enter my name in the drawing for the reader giveaway - thank you!

  113. Congrats, and thanks for your inspiring post - Jordyn!! I love reading how God works in a person's life - so often, it's just the opposite of one's expectations or desires. I've seen it happen in my own life. It's truly amazing and eye-opening to see Him turn doubts into victories - through one's obedience. I feel sure there were blessings I missed out on years ago when I was too stubborn to listen, stumbling around in life - searching for happiness, and doing life "my" way. The upside of that is I've appreciated my many blessings so much more since the trials I put myself through by the choices I made.

    Wasn't Julie Lessman's post amazing? I'm always touched & inspired by her testimonies, one of the many reasons I love her writing so much - she's so transparent, putting so much of herself into each of her books. I've read everything she's written, including 'Romance-ology 101:'- though I'm not a writer. I knew I would find something inspiring in it, while learning more about her technique in writing those passionate stories I love so much. I wasn't disappointed!

    Since you loved Julie's above post and would like to read some of her work, I'd like to extend an invitation to read a review of her coming release,'Isle of Hope'- a life-changing book filled with romance, hope, and forgiveness from a loving God. The blog I contribute to, Overcoming With God (cfpagels.blogspot.com)is featuring a review today on 'Isle of Hope' - there will be a 2nd review of it on Thurs.. A copy of 'Isle of Hope' will be given away to a commenter from each review. If you were inspired by her above post, you'll love reading her novels - which feature numerous personal life experiences, worked into the lives of her characters.

    Seekerville has so many gifted authors whose work I love - I'm also looking forward to reading your coming release in the romance genre, Jordyn! Thanks for being obedient to God in your writing, I feel an author's obedience to Him always yields inspiration for readers, as well as the author.

    Please enter my name in the drawing for the reader giveaway - thank you!

  114. P.S. Sorry about the double post entry!!

  115. Jordyn, this message was so encouraging today! Thank you!

    I love medical thrillers, mystery, suspense anything like that. I always say I need a dead body in some part of the story for it to be interesting....wow, does that ever sound morbid? :)

    I loved the way you said "If God means for you to make a go of being a published author—it will happen. He will find a way." Because writing can seem so daunting at times.

    The 10 page critique prize is huge!! Enter me please :)

    Many blessings on the lives you touch as a nurse and a writer!

  116. Hey Jordyn,

    I'm reading after "the" day - sorry to be so late!
    But wanted to stop in and say Congratulations to you and thank you for being obedient to the Lord.

    My experience was almost the same, sans contest.
    Literally sat on the edge of the bed early one March, 2007 morning and said to God, "ALRIGHT! I'll start writing May's story!!! I need some sleep!"

    And on we go with her, but it took me a while to discover she is a K9 Spy. ;)
    Thanks for all you do with your nursing as well. That's an amazing gift.

  117. JORDAN -- You got it, my friend. Sending it right now, so I hope you enjoy it. It's probably the best book for you of all of my books anyway, since it's the lightest on romance -- much "sweeter" than my other books. :)

    Hugs and more hugs!
