Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Weekend Edition-Birthday Week 4

Today is Birthday cake day in the Village. What's your favorite?

Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting

 We Have Birthday Winners!

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules

Did you claim your giveaway from last week? Check it out here.

The Birthday Bash Week Three winner of a $50 Amazon gift card is Deanna Stevens.

Evelyn, Jana V, Kelly Blackwell, and Jill Weatherholt are winners in the Weekend Edition  birthday drawing for a set of Christmas novellas that include both collections, Heart Full of Christmas and Home for Christmas.
are winners in the Weekend Edition  birthday drawing for a set of Christmas novellas that include both collections, Heart Full of Christmas and Home for Christmas.  - See more at:

 Cate Nolan was our special guest Monday as she shared "Writers Write," with an inside peek of her debut release from Love Inspired Suspense, Christmas in Hiding. Winner of an autographed copy of her holiday suspense is Hope Dougherty.  

 Sparks flew on Tuesday, (along with a few jewels from the royal crown) when Myra Johnson went head-to-head with Grammar Queen in a tell-all (well, almost, anyway) #NOLIMITS interview! Mardell is GQ's winner of Grammatically Correct. Wilani is winner of your choice of any one of Myra's novels in print, including her latest release, The Sweetest Rain. AND Bettie is the winner of a surprise box of inspirational fiction. 

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Shelley Shepard Gray visited Seekerville Wednesday with her post, "Don't Blink." Marianne is the winner of a special birthday giveaway...a $20 Amazon gift card. Just Commonly is the winner of Shelley's latest release.

Thursday  Stanley D. Williams, PhD, affectionately known as the "Moral Premise Guy," shared an in-depth discussion of "Irony--the Spice of Life"!  Stan will showed us how dramatic irony works in our stories to make them even more engaging and memorable. Sally Shupe is the winner of his eye-opening book The Moral Premise. 

Penny C. Sansevieri came to town on Friday! Penny is the founder and CEO Author Marketing Experts, Inc., a best-selling author and internationally recognized book marketing and media relations expert. She is also an Adjunct Professor teaching Self-Publishing for NYU. Her post was "The Ultimate (Budget) Guide to Ramp up your Holiday Sales." Elaine Stock and Candee Fick are the winners of Penny's book, How to Sell Books by the Truckload on Amazon - Power Pack!: Sell Books by the Truckload & Get Reviews by the Truckload. Donna P  and Janet Kerr are winners of a $10 Amazon gift card.

"Angels Unaware," was Sandra Leesmith's Saturday post. She talked about characters who are angels and/or the appearance of angels in our novels. Kathy Bailey (kaybee) is the winner of a Kindle loaded with eight Seeker ebooks including Love's Dream Song and the two new Seeker Christmas novellas, A Heart Full of Christmas and Home For Christmas. honor of her October 17th release of Love's Dream Song, Sandra has another giveaway. Linda Morgan is the winner of Love's Dream Song and A Heart Full of Christmas.  

White cake with a delicate whipped cream frosting.

Next Week in Seekerville:

Monday: Janet Dean talks about the importance of putting no limits on our characters in her post “Tips for creating larger than life characters.” Leave a comment for a chance to win both Seeker novella collections Home for Christmas and Heart Full of Christmas.

Tuesday: Katherine Sandell,  associate book editor at Howard Books, Simon and Schuster is coming to Seekerville. She works closely with authors to prepare their work For publication. Acquiring new authors is also a crucial part of Katie's job and she spends many hours pouring over hopeful debut author's book proposals looking for new talent. Katie will be answering questions for hopeful authors to give behind the scene access to what goes on at a publishing house and what she looks for in acquisitions. Leave a comment for a chance to win a surprise package!

Wednesday: Award Winning Suspense Author Debby Giusti promises a fun blog that includes “NOLA” and "#NOLIMITS!” in the title. Are you wondering what she’ll talk about? Stop by to find out. Remember to leave a comment for a chance to receive a special Seekerville-8th-Birthday-Surprise gift!

Thursday: Carla Stewart is Myra's guest, sharing her insights on "Weaving Historical Events in Fiction." An award-winning author, Carla deftly blends engaging characters, historical events, and just the right touch of romance. Come join the discussion for a chance to win Carla's latest release, A Flying Affair.

Friday: What happens when life gets in the way of your deadlines and dreams? Award-winning author Cathy Gohlke knows first-hand and shares her gems of wisdom and inspiration in “Roadblocks and Detours—When Writing is Derailed.” Come by to be inspired and have a chance to win a signed book in addition to the Seekerville birthday giveaways!

Saturday: Glynna Kaye brings a word of encouragement with "The Waiting Game." She'll be giving away several copies of her October Love Inspired release, Rekindling the Widower’s Heart,  as well as a $25 Amazon gift card!

Yellow cake with sprinkles

Seeker Sightings

Photo is Red Rocks near Sedona, Arizona or if your imagination allows, Colorado Red Rocks
Love's Dream Song has just released and is available on Amazon! Today we're giving away two copies to two commenters. Winners announced in the Weekend Edition!

Last Friday, Villager, Kav wrote a glowing review of Love's Dream Song. Kav has a wonderful blog Best Reads that features reviews of the latest books that would interest Christian readers. Be sure and check it out if you are looking for good reads. 

 Merry Christmas Seekerville! We're getting our holiday novella into as many Villager hands as possible. Raise your mittens if you want a copy of either or both! Home for Christmas Historical Collection or A Heart Full of Christmas Contemporary Collection.

Here's a sneak peak of a triple header coming your way in January!

The Bounty Hunter's Redemption, An Unexpected Groom & Rocky Mountain Reunion all available for pre-order!

Black Forest Cake
Random News & Information

Thanks to Seekers & Villagers who shared links. 

 In fact, we are so grateful to our Villagers who send links that we are sending a $10.00 Amazon gift card out to K.C. Frantzen and Chill N who routinely send us links all year long. Thank you, Villagers.

 10 Things That Happen When You Start Reading Romance Novels (Harlequin Blog)

 Book cover design tips for independent authors (Bookbaby Blog)

How to write at least four novels a year (The Passive Voice)

 5 Reasons You Need To Stop Being A Lazy Writer on Social Media (Badredhead Media)

Have you claimed your BookBub author profile? (BookBub) 

12 Simple Hacks to "Undo" Those Embarrassing Tech Mistakes (Hubspot)

Favorite Apps for Overcoming Procrastination!! (The Renewing of the Mind)

The 30 Magic Marketing Words You Should Be Using (Vertical Response Blog)

Tricks to Writing Descriptions in First-Person POV (Live. Write.Thrive.)

 Tapping into the Power of Word of Mouth (Books & Such)

The Art of Turning a Unique Phrase (The Creative Penn) 

 Amazon Sues 1,114 Individual Reviewers For Hire (Consumerist)

Yes! It's that time of year when we ask you to please consider nominating Seekerville for the 18th Annual Writer’s Digest 101 Best Website for Writer’s Award. Send an email to with “101 Websites” in the subject line. We are an Inspirational Romance Writing Community. 

Many thanks from your Seeker friends!

 P.S. If you are new to Seekerville don't forget to ask for a Welcome Packet. Information is here. 

That's it, now have a great reading and writing day! See you on Monday for the start of week four of our birthday bash!


  1. What a treat to win $20.00 gift card during my birthday month. Thanks, Shelley. I've started my review for Heart Full of Christmas. But if you want to send me the other collection? I'd love it. Thank you, Seekerville and HAPPY BIRTHDAY,

  2. HA! Your gift card comes from the Seekerville prize vault! We hope you enjoy it!!

  3. I would love to win the Love's Dream Song. Thank you for the chance winning the Christmas novellas.
    Congratulation to other winners!!!

  4. Love the cake pictures. Today's my grandson's 5th Birthday! Guess who will be eating cake?

    Congrats to the winners! Such lovely prizes.

    Looking forward to the three Seeker January releases! The book club/direct mail readers should be receiving their copies soon!

  5. Congratulations to all winners...this has been an amazing lot of posts this month so far! Thanks, TINA. You rock!

  6. How exciting to be a winner this week! I feel like dancing! I would too except my mom is in town and I don't want her to blush!

    Tomorrow morning after my mom heads out and my husband is entangled in Steelers football, I will be enjoying all the wonderful links!

    Thank you all for everything and congratulations to all the winners! Tina thanks for rockin' the weekend!

    Happy Birthday blessings to your grandson Debby!

  7. The article about not being lazy on social media has a great link to free use photos, make sure you check that out if it interests you. And I'm going to go fix up my bookbub profile now!


    And yes, everyone of you who raises an eyebrow about the 1K/day writing.... writing 1000 words/day.... and how that puts you SMACK DAB IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT.... RUN TO THE PASSIVE VOICE LINK AND SEE TOBY SAYING EXACTLY WHAT WE'VE BEEN SAYING FOR YEARS.

    And I love that she starts out apologizing that it all comes down to simple numbers, but peeps.... My beloveds.... This is a business.

    It all comes down to numbers in the end.

    It's all mathematical.

    And practice is our best polishing friend!

    Set your goal. #nolimits means you should be stretching regardless of circumstance. I get a little puzzled when authors need special circumstances to produce... Do we, really? Or are we setting up personal roadblocks out of fear of failure? Or laziness/procrastination.

    Go for it!!!!

  9. Amazon is suing fake reviewers!!!!! YES!

    Oh my stars, I'm sending them a slice of birthday cake and a hug!

    There are way too many people who want to go around the system. I've heard of writers "buying" followers on Twitter, Likes on facebook... are we in that big of a crunch to look popular?

    How about writing more books???

    More books = more readers = more of all the above.

    And yes, all kinds of writers in all kinds of genres have done this.

    Don't Do This, Okay? Our souls are worth so much more than selling them for a few blue checkmarks on facebook!

  10. My boxes of An Unexpected Groom just arrived.


    In a sweet Finger Lakes town called Grace Haven... which sure does look a lot like Canandaigua, New York!!!!

  11. Congratulations to all the winners this week.

    My favorite cake would be German Chocolate. Alas, I can't eat it anymore but my Mom's was the best!

    I would love the Home for Christmas Historical Collection.

    Happy Birthday Seekerville! Party on!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  12. Congratulations to all the winners. Happy Birthday, Seekerville!

    My favorite cake is Red Velvet.

    Please enter me in the drawing for Love's Dream Song.

    It is really cold here in the mountains--29 this morning. Looks like I'll be wearing my winter coat this morning to church.

  13. Congratulations to all of this weeks winners!

    My favorite birthday cake is German's the coconut pecan frosting! And now I'm wishing my birthday were closer!

  14. Good morning, Seekerville! WOW! Looks like TON of great stuff to sift through in the Weekend Edition, TINA!

    I'll be back to peruse the many links NEXT weekend -- up to my ears in edits for my May book release right now and racing toward the deadline. :)

    WILANI -- I'm a red velvet cake person, too. And just good old plain white cake!

    RUTHY -- Isn't it fun when you open that brand new box of books? I NEVER tire of that special unveiling when the box arrives on my doorstep!

  15. Happy birthday to your grandson, Debby!

  16. Ruthy, congratulations on the box of books! That's so exciting!

  17. I'm raising my mittens high! Please toss my name in the hat for all the giveaways today! :)

  18. Mmm...birthday cake! My favorite is ice cream cake, though anything homemade and delicious will do nicely ;)

    My best friend's birthday was yesterday, although we did not have a cake for her...perhaps we'll have to remedy that this week!

  19. Congratulations to all the winners! October is birthday month in our family too! BTW, what is the Welcome Packet?

  20. Oh...Red velvet is my favorite!

  21. Oh...Red velvet is my favorite!

  22. Congratulations to all the winners! October is birthday month in our family too! BTW, what is the Welcome Packet?

  23. Congratulations to all the winners! October is birthday month in our family too! BTW, what is the Welcome Packet?

  24. Happy birthday, Marianne! Congrats to all the winners this week, too!

  25. Hi Tina:

    Doesn't it seem odd that we can be in week four and it is still only October 18th? I mean 21 days have not even gone by yet. Such thoughts start my morning and my week with cognitive dissonance. Should we really be in a rush to get the celebration over with? All these many prizes are welcome guests.

    Layout rule of thumb: Pictures demand captions below them. It is very hard to look at those marvelous cakes and not have their names. The Seekers have cake expertise. That's like having the key that opens the lock. I'd love to know that if I want to get one of those cakes (and I always do) what name to ask for. (And you can't show a picture to a recipe book.) I'm appealing to the Seekers better angels. (I just had to type 'angels' to see if it works.)

    Also: I can't look at Sandra's "Love's Dream Song" cover art without wanting to go back to that exact location. It makes me feel dissatisfied about where I am. : (

    Update: Thanks for all the prayers. My post operative eye checkup shows the doctor fixed the problem with the bad eye which also improved the vision in the better eye.

    In a whole lifetime I've noticed that prayers really work -- sure, you will not always get what you ask for but you will get it a whole lot more than pure coincidence would dictate.

    Happy Fourth Week of Seeker Brithday Fun!

  26. Congratulations to all of the winners! How generous of Seekerville. Not only are we provided with a wealth of information to improve our writing, but there's prizes and cake too! Woot! I'm thrilled to have won both collections: Heart Full of Christmas and Home for Christmas! Thank you so much!
    Happy Birthday to your grandson, Debby.
    Thank you Tina and the Seekers who provided the terrific links! You all rock!

  27. Pictures labeled for Vince. Off to get cappuccino while shaking head.

  28. A Welcome Packet is a sampling of Seeker author books and a welcome letter. Once a Villager wins a prize in Seekerville they are no longer new and therefore not eligible for a welcome packet. :) Email us if you are new to the Village for a free welcome packet.

  29. LOL -- laughing at Tina's cake labels...calls 'em like she sees 'em. I'd like a piece of each please and then I'll tell you which one is my favourite. :-)

    Just finished the last novella in A Heart Full of Christmas yesterday. What a stunning collection! Loved the angel angle. And peeved that I missed Sandra's great post yesterday. Read it and all those inspiring angel comments this morning. Great way to start my day. Especially with a steaming mug of hot cocoa. Yum.

    Now I'm lingering over the links...oh and speaking of which, thanks for posting a link to my blog. Happy Birthday, Seekerville!

  30. What an awesome way to start my day! THANK YOU so much Seekerville for the Birthday Gift card!

    I love coming here to Seekerville and then reading all the comments too, you all just brighten my day :)
    My favorite birthday cake was those Little Debby Zebra Cakes.. Now that I am gluten free we go with a GF Black Bean Cake with a peanut butter cream cheese frosting.
    Happy Birthday Seekerville and thanks so much!

  31. Congrats to all the winners!

    We celebrated my dad's birthday last night with caramel cake, and it was delicious. But my favorite cake is a family recipe for chocolate cake that takes a pound of powder sugar and a can of Hershey syrup.

    Congrats to all the authors with new books out!

    Happy birthday Seekerville, and thanks for the month of celebrating!

  32. What a surprise! Thank you for the Amazon gift card! Let's see ... how many Seeker books can I get ...

    Congrats to all the other winners and, one more time, to Sandra on the release of Love's Dream Song.

    NOLA means only one thing to me, Debby. It'll be fun to see if my NOLA matches yours :-) All next week's posts sound interesting -- particularly what Cathy Gohlke has to share. Roadblocks and detours have been the norm for me this year.

    Favorite cake? Easy! Italian Cream Cake or Tres Leches. Either will be just fine.

    Wishing everyone a lovely day.

    Nancy C

  33. Thank you seekers. I won Myra's. Box of inspirational books. Happy happy birthday! I have downloaded copies of the two Christmas collections courtesy of the gift cards from Seekerville so I don't need to win those. Thanks anyway.

  34. Jackie? A pound of sugar and Hershey's syrup. Happy but comatose??

    Nancy, I do love Italian creme cake and carrot cake and red velvet cake. Frankly, I never met a cake I didn't like.

  35. Congratulations to all the winners!

    And I actually prefer pie to cake .

  36. Great WE as always, and a big CONGRATS to all the winners! :)
    Like Tina, I never met a cake I didn't like, LOL - - but my very, very faves are white cake with either old-fashioned buttercream icing or caramel icing - - YUM!!

    Looking forward to another wonderful birthday week in Seekerville!
    Also looking forward to those Seeker releases in January!! :)

    Hugs, Patti Jo

  37. Thanks Tina:

    I'll take the Black Forest Cake! I'll call Ann's Bakery Monday. They have been making great cakes in Tulsa for 75 years! I think Ruth should have Ann's on the Yankee Belle Café!

  38. Jackie I'm with Tina What's not to love about anything with a pound of powdered sugar? ha ha ha

  39. Deanna I'm trying to do protein only so your cake sounds intriguing. You need to give us the recipe? Email me at by website. on the contact page. Please please please?

  40. Well I'm not eating cake these days, but my favorite is my mom's pineapple upside down cake or my grandma's carrot cake. Yum

  41. Patti Jo I thought for sure you were going to say white cake with Georgia peaches and whipped cream. Now that sounds really good. Hmmm all this discussion of cake. I better go get something to eat.

  42. Thanks Nanci It has been so much fun.

  43. Vince What a blessing that your eye "fixup" worked. Thank you Lord. We have to have you with good eyes so you can keep reading. Yay.

    And come visit anytime. Better come soon though because it can get cold up in the Color Country. It looks like hot desert, but it is high elevation and cold winds whip around in the winter.

  44. Congrats to Janet, Ruthy and Tina. How exciting that you are all coming out at the same time. What a great selection for those blessed readers in January. yippeeeeee!!!!!!

  45. Now I'm hungry for cake! I'm cutting into the chocolate one or maybe the Black forest. Hard decision with a simple solution. I will take a slender slice of both.

    Congrats to our winners! Looking forward to seeing everyone back tomorrow!

    I'm so excited to share the shelves with Tina and Ruthy!


  46. Vince, Delighted that your eyesight is better! Prayer does change things.


  47. Italian cream cake? Tina, will you describe this, please?


  48. Another great Weekend! Thanks for the prize! So grateful. Can't wait to read it. Ruth, I can't wait to read An Unexpected Groom. Sounds like a great book! Tina's books are always great, and I love Janet's cover! I have a copy of Sandra's Love's Dream Song. Can't wait to start reading it!

  49. Italian cream cake is moist buttermilk cake layers sandwiched between and smothered in whipped coconut pecan cream cheese frosting.

  50. Popping in for a VERY quick hello on a VERY busy Sunday! Congrats to this weeks's winners! One more week of birthday fun!!!!

    See y'all tomorrow!

  51. Another good birthday week at Seekerville I won the Home for Christmas and Heart Full of Christmas last week. Haven't received them yet but look forward to reading them!

  52. Congrats to all the winners. And Happy Birthday to Marianne!

    I would like to be in for Home for Christmas collection. I read the other collection, loved it, reviewed it! Now I am ready for more Christmas stories!!!

    October has been such an exciting month at Seekerville.

  53. Actually two more weeks of birthday fun.

  54. My heavens! Because of all the delicious cake photos, I was FORCED to buy a piece of tiramasu to share w dh for our evening snack while we watch the Cubs.

    Congrats to all the winners. It was a great week of learning.

    TINA, thanks for another wonderful WE.


  55. Congrats to the winners! I love reading all the comments! You guys are great!

  56. Great WE as always Tina. Happy Birthday to your Grandson, Debby. He almost shares a birthday with Guppy, so he must be super cute and wonderful. *heh* Looking forward to reading more Seeker books as I get a chance. So many books, so little time.

  57. Thanks for the birthday wishes. It's my birthday month, the day isn't actually until later in the month.i have SEEKERVILLE to thank for my Amazon gift card. Thank you!

  58. It's a tribute to cake.

    What's not to love!!!!!!!???????????????

  59. I hope you've all had a great weekend! It flew by in the Tippens household.

    Thanks for all the great links! I look forward to some evening reading. But now I'm craving cake!

  60. Tina Radcliffe said..
    Nancy, I do love Italian creme cake and carrot cake and red velvet cake. Frankly, I never met a cake I didn't like.

    Oh my goodness, I had a slice of the most a-m-a-z-i-n-g carrot cake today at lunch. I wonder if the restaurant ships ...

    Nancy C

  61. Kav, thanks for reading! I'm glad you liked the stories. I, too, am reading A Heart Full of Christmas. Finished Debby's excellent story and am really enjoying Ruthy's as well.

  62. Vince, I'm so pleased to hear your eye is doing well!

  63. Thanks for all the well wishes for my grandson. The training wheels came off his bike today so he's feeling very five!

    A fun day, for sure!

  64. Those cakes!!! Mmmmmm! Can't decide which one to try first......rather like trying to decide which novella to read first in A Heart Full of Christmas! So many delicious choices! And BTW, thank you! Congratulations to all the weekly winners.

    I missed many of last week's posts, so I'll be catching up with those days and checking out the links this evening. Thanks for another great birthday celebration WE and for the continuing party next week. Please put my name in the giveaway for Home for Christmas. You all are so generous! Yay, Seekerville!

    Happy birthday month to Marianne and birthday day to Debby's grandson. PTL for Vince's improving eye condition. Cheering for a trifecta of Seeker boos in January. And Jackie's cake sounds like a luscious treat! cake I wouldn't like!

    Wishing all a good week ahead!

  65. YEA! Thank you for the Christmas set! I usually wait until Thanksgiving to break out the Christmas books, but I'm going to read them NOW! And then I can read them again & again!
    Yall are the Best! THANK YOU so much! Happy Birthday!!

  66. Great Weekend Edition, Tina - thank you!!

    Congrats to all the winners.

  67. OH my goodness... A thank you for thanking Y'ALL?
    You are the epitome of grace.

    Seriously, research is a constant so it's easy peasy to share... but thank you again!
    Seekerville is the BEST!

    This has been a crazy few weeks, with emphasis on visitors coming and going and 2 festivals plus prep for a school visit. I'm SO far behind on Internet stuff.
    If I've not wished the Seekers the best birthday celebration ever in the known universe, consider it done now! :)

    From KC & all of us at May the K9 Spy

  68. TINA reminded me: "Actually two more weeks of birthday fun."

    Guess I'm just having TOO much fun!

    Or else I've been working too far into the future and just got confused.

    Party on, Seekerville!

  69. Sandra Leesmith ~ Black bean chocolate cake recipe ~
    We don't use sugar either so I substitute Splenda :)

  70. Congrats to all the winners this week!! Great prizes & posts :-)
    Happy 8th birthday on!!

    Those cakes look scrumptious...yummy!!
