Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Weekend Edition

During our October 8th birthday month celebration, Seekerville has given away OVER 100 birthday gifts. We hope you enjoyed the fun and we welcome you to another 365 days of journeying  from Unpublished Island to the Shores of Success.  Seekerville is here because of you!  Thank you!

We Have Winners

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.  It's not easy to keep track of 100 prizes, so YES, let us know after 8 weeks.

 The Birthday Bash 
winner of an iPad mini 
is Terri Weldon.

The Week 5 winner of a $50 Amazon gift card is Bonnie Roof.

Did you claim your giveaway from the last month?  Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5

Jamie Adams and Helen Wakefield are the final two winners of their choice of either or both, Home for Christmas Historical Collection and or A Heart Full of Christmas Contemporary Collection.

Winner of the Selfie $25 Amazon card is Anna Weaver Hurtt.

Monday Pam Hillman shared 8 ways to determine if you're being heard. Remember that old saying, “If a tree falls deep in the forest, and nobody is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?” Well, if an author publishes a book, how does she know if anybody reads it? Pam shared 8 basic ways to determine if you’re reaching your target audience, and tips on how to fill the gaps. Winner of Stealing Jake is Donna P. and the winner of the 12 Brides of Christmas is Annalee Conti.

Seekerville was delighted to welcome back, Jordyn Redwood with her post, "God—You Want Me To Write What?!?"  Stop by to find out about her recent writing journey. Winner of a first ten page critique is Sharee Stover. Winner of a lovely box of reads is Pam Zollman

  Erica Vetsch (Recent Love Inspired Blurb2Book Winner) was our birthday guest Wednesday with her post, "8 Tips for Having a Successful Writer’s Retreat."  Jessica Nelson is the winner of a print copy of The Cactus Creek Challenge.

  Angela Ackerman returned to Seekerville on Thursday. Angela is a writing coach, international speaker and co-author of several bestselling writing books, including The Emotion Thesaurus. Her post is "Personalizing The Stakes Using Fear And Undeserved Consequences."  She's also brought a fun prize package. Chill'N, Sandy Smith and Vicki Marney are winners of a  month subscription to One Stop For Writers, a powerhouse online library like no other, supplying writers with inspiration, education and unique description resources. Barbara Fox is the winner of a surprise package of books to keep her reading through the holidays!

On Friday, author and freelance editor Naomi Rawlings was our guest with her post, "Don't Limit Your Novel with Poor Editing." Winners of their choice of her Eagle Harbor series novels in ebook form are Deanne P and Jackie Smith. Mug winner is Jill W.
winner's choice of any of her Eagle Harbor series releases to two commenters. - See more at:

Saturday was  the November Contest Update! Kathy Bailey was our November DIVA!!  Winners of a five page critique are Loraine Nunley and Tanya.  Winner of a print copy of The 12 Brides of Christmas Collection is Lisa.

 Enjoy our Villager collages. If I missed anyone, I beg your forgiveness! 

Starting with Cass in the upper left corner going to the right: Cate, Rhonda, LeAnne, Wilani, Artist Librarian, Bettie,  Pat Jeanne, Kaycee, Kathryn, Sally, Patti Jo, Marsha, Anna, Susan, Virginia. OhioHomeschool, Sandy, Pepper.
Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Stephanie Landsem, author of The Living Water Series of biblical fiction, shares how her most meaningful writing comes out of the deepest and most intensely personal experiences of her own life. Stephanie will be giving away a copy of The Tomb: A Novel of Martha, to one commenter.

Tuesday: Candee Fick will be with us celebrating her debut novel, Catch of a Lifetime, and sharing how to make a setting more than a place. Stop by and you could win an autographed copy or an ecopy of the story that made non-football-fan Audra Harders say, “OMG, what a read. I loved every page.”

Wednesday: Dawn Ford comes to you from the flashy side of fiction today to share some information about Splickety Publishing Group where she works as Operations Manager. 

Thursday: Sagging middles are NOT just a problem for those of us who are … ahem … more “mature,” but they plague writers too. Join bestselling author Denise Hunter when she shares some excellent tips on “trimming down” your chances for sagging middles in your novel.

Friday: The Best of the Archives: Featuring Myra Johnson and her post, "Memories from Unpubbed Island." Return to the Island with us and remember how far we've come! Comments are closed on Fridays to give you the opportunity to enjoy these posts and spend the day writing and reading.

Starting in the top left going right: Melissa, Naomi, Baby Eliana, DebH, Just Commonly, Rose, Cindy R, Barbara, Erica, Jamie, Jessica, Jackie, Jan, Meghan, Heidi, Trixi, Jana, Marilyn.

Seeker  Sightings

Coffee Shop Romances and With This Spark on sale!

HOPE IS HERE! Julie Lessman's first contemporary novel ever, Isle of Hope, is ON SALE NOW, so check it out HERE. Here's what people are saying:

-- "This is a novel that has the potential to change your life." -- Noela Nancarrow, Overcoming with God Blog

-- "Isle of Hope is ... Julie's best work yet." -- Bonnie Roof, Overcoming with God Blog

-- "Emotionally captivating and spiritually challenging" -- Bestselling author Denise Hunter

-- "Lush details, dynamic characters, and a storyline that keeps you turning the pages" -- Award-winning Author, Beth Vogt

-- "A delight!" -- Award-winning Author, Becky Wade

NOVEMBER 1-7, 2015: Join Julie for several fun interviews and reviews on Isle of Hope PLUS a chance to win your choice of an e-copy OR PAPERBACK COPY of Isle of Hope or any of Julie's books by simply entering the Rafflecopter contest posted on every blog in the blog tour below on the appropriate date:

NOVEMBER 3-10, 2015: Then join Julie for a fun interview/giveaway on The Engrafted Word blog where you can win your choice of any of her books including Isle of Hope. Here's the link:

Pam Hillman is over-the-moon excited to announce that she just signed a 3 book deal with Tyndale House Publishers. The working series title is Terms of Indenturement, with the first title being Terms of Indenturement, then Terms of Freedom, and Terms of Surrender.

Set in 1790s Natchez Territory, the series tells the stories of three Irish brothers (Connor, Quinn, and Caleb O'Shea) in search of freedom, family, and faith in the new world. The first book has a tentative release date of Summer 2017.

Starting with Walt in the upper left corner and moving right:Chill'N, Suzanne, Marianne, Tracey, Sherida, Debra, Vince, ConnieQueen, Preslaysa, Feline Susanna, Helen, Eva, Jill, Sara Ella, Janet.

 Random News & Information

 The November Calendar is UP! Check out our guest bloggers for the month. 

Let Your Readers Think for Themselves (Romance University) 

Amazon Starts Two Hour Delivery in Some Areas! (Can you say I need that book AND some chocolate NOW!)

Breakaway Body Parts: Are Your Characters' Body Parts Acting on Their Own? (Fiction University)

 Join Harlequin for A Heartwarming Thanksgiving with 13 brand new FREE short stories! Read along for the month of November to get into the spirit!

When Your Self-Editing Can’t Get You There: Nine Helpful Resources (Where Writers Win)

 4 Critical Edits to Make to Your Book’s Description Copy (BookBub Partners)

Dream Big in 2016! How about a Writer's Retreat to BoonsBoro Inn?

Take Yourself Seriously (A Manifesto for Not Working in Your Pajamas) (Writer Unboxed)

The Four Faces of Writing Fears (The Write Practice)

Ask Bethany House: What Does a Copy Editor Do? (Bethany House Blog)

Upper left corner to right: Cheryl, Jeanne, KAV, Sherri, Courtney, Tanya, Melanie, Terri & LovestoRead, K.C. Annie, Keli, Natalie.

That's it! Thank you, Seeker Villagers!


  1. Wasn't that a party???!!!!!
    What a super fun month. Thanks, TINA. It doesn't even hurt to turn a year older when you do it in Seekerville with friends. Congratulations to all the winners. Now I'm looking for new books to read!

  2. Wow - thank you Seekerville! I'm in shock about winning the iPad Mini. If this had posted before midnight I would have thought it was a Halloween trick. Congratulations to all the winners.

    Love the picture collages. I read every name, such fun!

    TINA thanks for another great WE. What a fantastic way to round out Seekerville's birthday.

  3. Thank you for the wonderful month-long birthday celebration, Seekerville - and thank you for the fabulous Amazon gift card, one guess as to what it will be used for, lol. There certainly will be some Seeker author books amongst my purchases.

    Congrats to all the other winners, to Julie Lessman on the release of 'Isle of Hope', and to Pam Hillman on her 3-book contract!! Looking forward to the Nov. posts on Seekerville!!

  4. Congrats, winners!

    Can you believe it's November already? Pam, congrats on your trilogy! Looking forward to learning more about it ... =)

    Happy Birthday one last time, Seekers!

  5. Congratulations to all the winners! Yeah Pam! Thanks again to Seekerville for all you do. So nice to see so many smiling faces. What a happy bunch of people!



    Thank you to you.

    Thank you for being our friends, part of our lives, part of our teams, our laughter, our tears, our ups and downs, our readers, our authors, our beloved friends and sisters and brothers in Christ.


    That is all.

  7. Thanks Seekerville for letting us celebrate 8 years with you! I appreciate all you do for us!

    Congrats to all the winners! It was an amazing month of great posts and great prizes.

    Once again, thanks!

  8. What a fun month, so happy for all the winners!

    RUTHY, I love the way you put things, "THANK YOU, That is all", so exactly right!
    A big thank you to all the Seekers, you're the best, and yes, that is all there is to it!

    I love the picture montages too!

    Happy Sunday and happy November, I have a feeling the next eight weeks are going to fly by!

  9. Rewarding Weekend Thought

    "Sagging middles come from viewing the novel as a forest, as a whole, rather than as a series of individual trees, delightfully entertaining pages. One view tends to cause the problem by looking towards the end. The other tends to cure it by focusing on the most rewarding reading experience page by page."


    "We live the immediacy and savor the memory."


    Yesterday's "Daily Word" Bible Quote --
    Guidance a Seeker Can Appreciate

    "By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going." Hebrews 11:8 NIV


    Then there was the guy who just disappeared among all his many selfies. I guess you could say he was self-absorbed.


    Question of the Day:

    How did that adorable baby take a selfie? (May is a trained K9 Spy -- she could do it.)


    Wildest Claim:

    -- "Isle of Hope is ... Julie's best work yet." -- Bonnie Roof, Overcoming with God Blog

    How could that be possible when you consider the 'O'Connor Family Saga' as one work? We'll just have to wait a decade to find out.


    PAM: I love that "Natchez trace"! My great friend, the fine artist, lives just off the trace. "The Devil's Backbone" is one of the best books on history I've ever read. This series is sure to have instant high appeal! Can't wait!


    "We may turn the clocks back, but God's not fooled."


    "I think some of these clever friends think pressing the self-timer button qualifies as a selfie!"



    That's my favorite picture of Mary! Long hair and a red dress! What every guy loves!


  10. Ah -- the end of a such a good party makes me kinda tearful...but I guess life can't always be a birthday celebration! Thanks for making yours so memorable, Seekerville.

    Okay -- Let Your Readers Think for Themselves was scary good. I'm just about stupdefied with fear now. LOL And the roaming body parts. Hysterical. I learned about that first here on Seekerville and I was mortified over how many of my characters' eyes never seemed to stay in their head. I thought I had it conquered but after reading that article I better check -- especially for shaking fingers with a mind of their own. Bwahahaha!

  11. LOVE the selfies. What a fun group of friends. And Ruthy said it so well.

    Thank you!!!! Thank you!!!!

    You all are the reason we are so blessed. You have all contributed so much to this writing journey we are all on. And readers, we so love you also. You're the reason we write. smile

    I love putting faces to names. What a beautiful group of brothers and sisters in Christ.

    Have a blessed month of Thanksgiving. And thanks again for celebrating with us.

  12. Did everyone remember daylight savings time change?

  13. Tina Love the selfie collages. Thank you for again outdoing yourself. smile

    You are awesome.

  14. Thanks for an amazing and very fast month, Seekeville. Congratulations to all of the winners! Thank you for my mug...I love it!
    Happy Birthday Seekerville! You've taught me so much. xo

  15. Thank you Seeker Villagers, for making our 8th birthday party SO MUCH FUN! You are an amazing bunch of friends--and I LOVE your selfies! :)

  16. Congratulations to all the winners this week.

    I love the collages!

    Now I must get started on Nano. I would have thought this was impossible but two years of doing Speedbo, I just might be able to do this. Good luck to anyone else participating in Nano this year

  17. All those photos brought tears to my eyes!! What fun to see your dear faces!! Thank you, Tina, for putting them, together. It just made my day. :)

    Thank you all for celebrating with us!!

  18. Congrats to the winners, and cheers to a terrific community. I'm honoured I was able to be part of the big bash. I am wishing everyone all good things. :)

  19. Love all the selfies! That was too fun! What a party and we owe it all to YOU guys for celebrating with us.

  20. Thank you all for the congrats! I'm excited about this series set in and around Natchez And Vince, I've been looking for my copy of "The Devil's Backbone" for weeks. It's here somewhere and as I get deeper into the series, I wanted to review it.

    My best option might be just to buy another copy!

  21. Congratulations to all the winners! What a wonderful group of ladies to be a part of.. Thanks for all the gifting you do & the wonderful posts. I do enjoy visiting Seekerville!!

  22. HAPPY NATIONAL AUTHOR'S DAY! May you all have an amazing day!

  23. What a terrific birthday month we've had!! And I so love all the Seekervillager selfies!!! Must look at each one again when I'm not reading this in my iPhone!

    Congrats to all our winners! We love all our Villagers!!!

  24. Yes, TINA, thank you for putting together all the selfie collages! So clever and so cute!!!

  25. Tina, I'm professing my love for you unabashedly!!!!! :)

  26. The SEEKERS always have the BEST parties!!!! :)
    Thank you again for ALL you do for soooo many!!
    CONGRATS to Pam Hillman on the Tyndale contract - - YAY!!
    Loved all the collages - - such a great idea!!
    Noticed a precious feline Seeker fan, LOL. ;)
    Happy November everyone!!
    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  27. Congratulations on eight wonderful years!! Woohoo!!

  28. Hi Pam:

    If your trilogy stays in the 1790's you won't need to be concerned with this giant historical event that took place on the Trace on October 10/11 1809. Meriwether Lewis is reported to have died while staying at "Grinder's Stand", (a kind of roadhouse) on the Trace. He had been prevented from committing suicide earlier. He died of gun shots. His money was gone. To this day it is not sure if he was killed or committed suicide. Most historians think it was suicide.

    It would be interesting if you had characters staying at that roadhouse after 1809 and they were still talking about that death.

    Two more books you might find helpful.

    "The Robber Bridegroom", Welty, Eudora
    The author's first novel, based on the tale by the Brothers Grimm but reset for adult readers in the 1790s of Natchez Trace, Mississippi.


    Old Trace Cooking Native American and Pioneer Recipes" Harris, Gladiola Branscome. A cookbook from the times.


  29. I M P O R T A N T

    Don't change your clocks, if you live in Arizona.

  30. What a great WE!!! Oh so good to see all the Villager faces God has blessed us with! It's been a great 8 years. May the party continue and never end!!

  31. Pam! Congrats on the 3 book contract!! WooHoo. Tyndale loves you and so all your readers!!

  32. And look at Julie Lessman dipping her toe into the waters of contemporary romance. OMG, the inspy world will never be the same again!! Let's hear it for Isle of Hope!!

    Congrats, girlfriend!!!

  33. Happy November! Happy National Author's Day. Happy Start of Nano. Happy, I get a Starbucks today and great to be surrounded by so many wonderful people!!

  34. Sending hugs and love to all the Villagers! Loved the pics! Too fun. Tina, thanks for making all the collages.

    Seekerville had the best birthday ever!!!

    And to end on National Author's Day! So appropriate. We deserve another cake!

    Today, I'm serving angel food with whipped cream icing and strawberries. Light, but refreshing.

    Congrats to all the winners! Waving to Terri who is our BIG iPAD winner. Woot!

  35. So excited about the gift card! Congrats to all the winners!

    Due to a hectic schedule this month, I didn't get to stop in as much as I wanted to, but I really enjoyed what I did get to read and see here during October.

    Also, I got to read Julie's new book for a blog tour and it is amazing! Go grab yourself a copy! :D

  36. Just Arrived!

    I just notice "Rancher for the Holidays" has magically appeared on my Kindle. It must have just released. This is the Love Inspired, Myra Johnson, romance with the very Tina Radcliffe-esque cover!

  37. Awesome! I love the pics, and Happy Birthday! Can you really believe you'll be 9 in another year? Wowza!

  38. Vince!
    That is such a sweet thing to say!!!!
    My daughter took it for me, then I sent it to Tina, then she emailed me back and said, "SELFIE! DO YOU KNOW WHAT A SELFIE IS!?"

    Then I took a few selfies and sent then to Tina.
    Then Tina wrote me back and said, I'm using the one you send earlier.

    Now that tells you how well the selfie went, right?
    I need longer ten feet. But wow would I need to sit far back when I type!

  39. Not to mention my knuckles dragging on the ground. Which, metaphorically, they already probably do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Last night around 11 p.m. I turned the clocks back and suddenly realized I got to live the 10-11 o'clock hour all over?

    Did I change my life?
    Did I spent it in prayer?
    Did I set out to make it the best hour of my life?
    No instead I thought, ANOTHER HOUR TO READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. The collages are wonderful, Tina! Great fun to see all those smiling Seekers and Seeker Villagers. Thanks.

    What a month this has been. Congrats to all the winners, everyone with new releases, everyone who signed contracts, everyone who entered a contest, everyone who finished a first draft, everyone who sat down to write ...

    I am thrilled to win a month subscription to One Stop For Writers. Thank you!

    Now to read links and comments.

    Nancy C

  42. Tina, wonderful, fabulous, exciting way to wrap up our birthday month! Thank you for the fun collages of friends of Seekerville!! I studied every picture and couldn't stop smiling. You all bless us every day!!

    Thank you!


  43. Terri, congrats on winning the iPad mini!!! Have fun with it!


  44. The news just keeps getting better as we celebrate Pam's three book contract!!! One exclamation point for each one. Proud of you, Pam!


  45. Congrats to all the winners!! And there were LOTS of you!!


  46. Congrats, Julie, on the release of your first contemporary novel!!! Thrilled for you!!


  47. Great party! The month went by way too fast. Congratulations to the winners! Seekerville is a great place to hang out. Thanks to all you awesome writers for giving back. You've been a blessing to me and many many others!

  48. Missy, I knew you'd get weepy over the Villager collages, but didn't expect that I would. But I did. You must be rubbing off on me.


  49. Wonderful collages and great Weekend Edition! Thanks, Tina.

  50. OH. MY. GOODNESS!! It is sooooooooo much fun to see pix of the Villagers, putting a face to a name -- I LOVE IT!! Tina, this was the BEST idea EVER, my friend, and consequently, the BEST WE EVER too!!

    THANKS, Bonnie, Janet, and Audra, for the congrats -- this is kind of fun for me, going contemporary. :)

    Anna Weaver Hurt!! You sweet thing -- THANK YOU for the shout out and for just reading IOH in the first place -- SO appreciate it!!



  51. VINCE SAID: "Then there was the guy who just disappeared among all his many selfies. I guess you could say he was self-absorbed."

    LOL ... you are SUCH a hoot, my friend~~

    VINCE ALSO SAID: "We may turn the clocks back, but God's not fooled."

    LOL ... you are on a roll today, my friend!!

    Wildest Claim:

    -- "Isle of Hope is ... Julie's best work yet." -- Bonnie Roof, Overcoming with God Blog

    "How could that be possible when you consider the 'O'Connor Family Saga' as one work? We'll just have to wait a decade to find out."

    I'm rather partial to the O'Connors, Vince, so I'm inclined to think like you on this one, although IOH is certainly my most spiritual book yet, which alone makes it the weepiest for me. :)


  52. VINCE SAID (AGAIN!): "I M P O R T A N T Don't change your clocks, if you live in Arizona."

    LOL ... YOU'RE giving me my laugh quotas for the day, my friend!!

    TINA SAID: "Happy November! Happy National Author's Day. Happy Start of Nano. Happy, I get a Starbucks today and great to be surrounded by so many wonderful people!!"


    MARY SAID: "Did I change my life?
    Did I spent it in prayer?
    Did I set out to make it the best hour of my life?
    No instead I thought, ANOTHER HOUR TO READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LOL ... ME TOO!!!


  53. What a party month! Thank you, Seekerville!!!

    Congratulations to Terri and all the winners......including all of us, I believe!

    Confetti throwing continues for Julie on the release of Isle of Hope and for Pam on the 3-book contract!

    Fun to see our group selfie collages!

    Seekers, thank you for creating Seekerville....such an encouraging community which blesses us all! Now on to another year of inspiration!

  54. Loved October. Laid the groundwork for the next awesome Seekerville year. Absolutely ADORED the collages. I got to be next to the adorable baby Eliana!!! How cool is that?
    Loved to get to see faces to names I mingle with in the comments section every day. Youv'e outdone yourself TINA.

    Yay, yay, yay. Not doing Nano because of computer issues, but may attempt something the good old fashioned pen and ink way...

    Thanks for a wonderful celebration Ladies of Seekerville (and huge congrats to Pam - that trilogy sounds uber cool!)

  55. Congratulations, Seekerville!! So thankful for this great blog!

  56. THANK YOU SEEKERVILLAGERS! For sending in the pictures.
    I love seeing all of you!!! it's so fun. I really studied them and put names to faces. Many of you I know of course, but there were a few new faces and I really appreciate you joining in the fun!

  57. Look at all those lovely villagers.

    It was a fantastic, fun month!

    Thanks for all you do!!!!

  58. What a great month, Seekerville. I was so thrilled to share my release month with your eighth birthday. Sorry to say goodbye to them both.

  59. Can't believe the birthday month is over. It always goes too fast. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

  60. What a wonderful birthday month! You are all amazing! Thank you for a great weekend post and for generally rocking as hard as you all do! xoxo

  61. Thanks SO much to all the Seekers and their guests this month. I can't believe the Birthday month is already over. I couldn't get here every single day, and even when I did pop in, I didn't often comment, but I really appreciated all the information, tips and encouragement. This is such a wonderful community! Here's to another year together. :)

  62. Congratulations to all the winners! Looking forward to another wonderful year in Seekerville.

    Cindy W.

  63. .
    The Party May Be Over
    but the Celebration,
    that is the writing life,
    is still going strong!

  64. Vince, thank you for the suggestions of more books to read! Yes, somewhere in my research I read about Meriweather Lewis. All three of these stories will be set before then, but know knows what might pop up later. :)

  65. Hi Pam:

    I've found that the more history you know, even if it plays no part in the story, makes for much more confident writing.

    I miss the old days with the omniscient author who became part of the story, just as any oral storyteller from that past, and who would say something like this:

    "At last James saw a light in the distance. He'd found the roadhouse, Grinder's Stand, and little did he know, he'd spned the night in the same room where twenty-seven years later, the famous Meriwether Lewis would mysteriously die from two unexplained gun shot wounds."

    Of course someone is telling the reader a story. Even in deep POV there has to be someone telling the story. Even if the clever author 'shows' everything and 'tells' nothing, there still is an author there telling the story!

    I think the time is right to bring back the active author! Of course, the author's comments would have to be very interesting while still keeping the reader in the story. That's why it is so hard to be a good storyteller.

