Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Weekend Edition

This weekend we're going back into the archives for some of our favorite inspirational writerly quotes to make you smile. There's also two bags of reads to give away to a reader and/or writer-two winners. Leave a comment with your favorite inspirational quote this weekend.

We Have Winners

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

Weekend Edition celebrating the release of Myra Johnson's new Love Inspired contemporary romance, Rancher for the Holidays. Winner is Heidi Robbins. 

On Monday  Janet Dean talked about alpha heroes, those hard-nosed, strong-minded, dangerous men that are fun to write. But when they threaten the heroine, readers are likely to be upset. And the heroine can't fall in love with a jerk. Janet shared some tips for softening the alpha hero in her post “Tips for Making the Alpha Hero Lovable.” Marianne Barkman is the winner of The Bounty Hunter’s Redemption, LIH, January 2016.

  USA TODAY bestselling author, Rachel Hauck returned to Seekerville Tuesday, with her post, "The Beauty of the Reader." This was release day for The Wedding Chapel!   To celebrate the release of this RT Book Reviews 4 1/2 Star Top Pick there are copies to give away! Breeze Henke is the winner of a print copy and Rachel McDaniel is the winner of an ecopy!

  Debby Giusti promised something intriguing with her  Wednesday blog post "Mission Impossible."  KC Frantzen is the winner of her latest release, Person of Interest, along with a surprise gift.

Thursday we we're delighted to welcome back New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author, Julie Cantrell to Seekerville. She shared a thoughtful post, "Imperfect People. Imperfect Christians." The two winners of their choice of an ecopy of When Mountains Move or Into the Free are Vince and Terrie Coleman.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: When people see you coming, do they already wish you were going? Pam Hillman talks about the Tiggers and Eeyores in our lives and how to be an encourager in spite of our Eeyore tendencies.

Tuesday: Sandra Leesmith will talk about the "Perfect Place to Write."  Join her and discuss what works for you. Commenters will receive a surprise box of Arizona goodies in honor of her latest release, Love's Dream Song.

Wednesday: Helen Gray is back in Seekerville today, with her post,"Row, Row, Row Your Boat." The keeper of the coffee urn has been busy and she's got a new series out. One commenter can win a copy of Bootheel Bride, the first book in that series.

Thursday: Seekerville is Closed to Give Thanks

Friday: Best of the Archives: Featuring Myra Johnson and a reprise of her December 2009 post on staying motivated during the busy holiday season. Comments are closed so you can enjoy a day of reading, writing, or whatever is on your agenda.

Seeker Sightings

"Come on, Jack, I dare you ..." And Julie Lessman dares YOU to check out the website page for her new contemporary, Isle of Hope, where you will find celebrity pix for her hero and heroine, Jack O'Bryen and Lacey Carmichael, reviewer's quotes, book quotes, excerpts, the first chapter of Isle of Hope, AND a contest to have a character named after you in her next book, along with a signed copy. So here's the ISLE OF HOPE link, and GOOD LUCK!!


Random News & Information

Congratulations to the 2015 ACFW First Impressions Finalists (with a special shout out to Seekerville friends Janet Ferguson, Susan Hollaway, Jennifer Smith & Tanya Agler).

Business Musings: Getting in Touch (Kristine Kathryn Rusch)

10 Top Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Book Publicist (BookBub Partners)

A Visit to the Amazon Bookstore (Bookriot)

20 Powerful Marketing Words & Phrases That Sell or Repel (Vertical Response Blog)

The Fatal Flaw in Weak Descriptions (Jane Friedman)

 NaNoWriMo: 5 Steps to building the right SCENE FOUNDATION (MyBookTherapy)

 How to Go #BeyondMarketing on Twitter (PR By the Book)

 How to Write Through Trout Syndrome and Electric Shocks (Writer Unboxed)

 Understanding Copyrights for Anthologies (Writers in the Storm)

Writing And Editing Fiction: 7 Things To Fix In Your First Self-Edit (The Creative Penn)

10 Online Writing Tools to Make Your Experience Nice and Smooth (Where Writers Win)

Romance Writers of America is proud to announce the special speakers for RWA2016 in San Diego, California, July 13–16, 2016. Click here.

That's it! Have a great reading and writing weekend!


  1. Wheee!!!! I won a book. Janet Dean's. Thank you, Thank you. Congratulations to all the winners! I'll be back with an inspirational comment after my coffee.
    Thanks, Tina for another great weekend edition. I'll follow the links later.
    Also congratulations to the First Impressions Finalists.

  2. I can always fix a bad page. I can't fix a blank one. Nora Roberts

    Thanks for another great, WE, TINA.

    Congrats to First Impressions Finalists and Windy City Finalists.

    Blessings to those traveling this week.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. - Sylvia Plath

    Please add me to the drawing! Happy almost Thanksgiving, everyone!

  4. That "awkward moment" quote is now my favorite writing quote!!! Oh my gosh, laughing so hard, because I do that all the time!

    What a fun weekend edition! Lots of great info too.

  5. Congratulations to all the winners.

    I love all the quotes about writing. My favorite app on my phone is the dictionary. When I am not sure how to spell a word, I can just say the word into the phone and it pops up with the word and definition. Sometimes Libre office doesn't like the spelling of words that are in the dictionary so I learned how to add those words to that dictionary. Having fun learning technical things as I write.

    Trying to get my eyes to focus this morning so I can write before leaving this morning to go with the group from church to Pigeon Forge where we will see the Dixie Stampede.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  6. Congratulations to all the winners.

    My favorite quote, and I even pinned it, is Autocorrect telling me, "I've got nothing."
    Been there. Done that. Maybe daily.

    I hit snooze three times this morning before I could focus enough and force myself to get up for work. So my second favorite quote is I write so I don't have to get up in the mornings.

    Please add my name to the drawing. Thanks for the quotes, and have a great weekend everybody!

  7. Good morning, Seekerville! And happy weekend before Thanksgiving. This is my BIG PUSH weekend/week to finish up my latest WIP.

    Another great W.E. Tina!

    BUT I had to laugh at that first quote. "As far as I'm concerned, the entire reason for becoming a writer is not having to get up in the morning." What alien planet does THAT dude live on? Someone buy me a ticket to get there, please. My alarm goes off every morning before 4, rain or shine, so I can have time to write! :)

  8. One of my favorite quotes is, "The road to 'Someday' leads to the town of 'Nowhere'" - Anthony Robbins. I would love to be entered to win a bag of reads! It would help with my time off after surgery!

    Congratulations to everyone this week and may God richly bless you all!

    Today is my birthday and was able to sleep in and wake up to our first snow of the season! I've been blessed!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  9. I know, Glynna, but I WANT TO LIVE ON HIS PLANET@!!!!

  10. Happy Weekend Peeps!!!

    No guts, No glory!

    No risk, No reward.

    My the FORCE be with you this writing and reading weekend!

  11. Congratulations to all of the winners and to the 2015 ACFW First Impressions Finalists!
    Happy Birthday Cindy!
    Thank you for all of the wonderful links, Tina. I plan to read them this evening, as my allotted internet time is winding down. Enjoy your weekend!

  12. A good book makes you want to live in the story. A great book leaves you no choice. - unknown

  13. Great WE as always, Terrific Tina - - thank you! :)
    CONGRATS to all the winners!
    A favorite quote that inspires me daily is posted on my little bulletin board on my desk:
    --Harriet Beecher Stowe

    Thanksgiving Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  14. P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CINDY W. !!!! Enjoy your special day, along with the Georgia Peach muffins I'm setting out on the table. :)

  15. Sorry, I forgot my quote.
    Be a warrior, not a worrier. ~ Unknown

  16. Happy Birthday, Cindy W. I had my coffee and am now able to read. :)

  17. Good morning, Seekerville--and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CINDY W!!!!!

    One of my favorite writerly quotes, although not specifically about writing, is one I think I first discovered from you, TINA:

    "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." --Einstein

    That one is still on my office bulletin board. I wish I paid more attention to that advice more often. :(

  18. Equally applicable to writers and people in every walk of life:
    "It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."
    Theodore Roosevelt

  19. Tina, thanks for the terrific Weekend Edition. So much to celebrate!! Congrats to our blog and contest winners. Yay!!

    Our daughter and I are going to spend a big part of the day together. I cherish mother-daughter time so I'm excited! The first snow is predicted. Hoping the roads don't get hazardous.


  20. Marianne, love your enthusiasm for winning my book!! It's winging your way.


  21. Cindy W, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope it's fabulous, filled with fun and chocolate!


  22. Wow, I'm loving these inspiring quotes!


  23. This quote can apply to many people, not just writers: "Life will knock us down, but we can choose to get back up." — Jackie Chan

    Happy birthday, Cindy :)

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    Myra, I love that quote by Einstein. Our pastor has used that in messages in the past. It's definitely true.


  24. Hi, LESLIE! And that's a good quote from Jackie Chan. Not always easy to get up and moving again after a setback, but it's the only thing that works.

    Here's another quote I just came across on Twitter:

    "It is perfectly okay to write garbage - as long as you edit brilliantly."
    - C. J. Cherryh

  25. RICHARD, another great quote--thanks for sharing!

  26. Great WE edition and I've only read two articles so far. Loving the quotes -- here's mine:

    Hey you -- too much thinking, not enough doing.

    Really loved the Amazon bookstore article. Got a real sense of what the experience was like. I'm praying the waiting outside until crowds thin was because so many people were aching for a physical bookstore experience not just curious to see what the store was like.

    And the Building Scene Foundation is exactly what I need right now. Succinct, understandable and easy to apply. I created cheat cards for each point and I'm going through each scene with this in mind. There's a few that fall flat and I couldn't put my finger on it and I think this will help a lot. So thank you so much for that link.

  27. Oh, you've opened a Pandora's box for this quote collecting reader!

    *"To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life" W Somerset Maugham

    *"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives only one" George R R Martin

    *"I bring to you with reverent hands the books of my numberless dreams" W B Yeats

    *"These are not books, lumps of lifeless paper, but MINDS alive on the shelves" Gilbert Highet

    *"From your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot in front of the other. But when books are opened, you discover you have wings" Helen Hayes

    *I am a bookaholic and I regret nothing

    I could go on, but then nothing else would get done today, and I'm hosting a birthday party for my grandson and son-in-law tomorrow!

    Happy reading and writing weekend everyone!

  28. Good morning, Tina!! Thanks for all you do at Seekerville and for keeping us posted on the weekends. You're the best. :)

    I know it's not over-the-top clever, but a quote written in my high school yearbook by a wonderful English teacher kept my dream alive through the years: Keep Writing!

  29. know your limits but never accept them.

    I'm already so far past my limits my mind can't grasp it!

    Do you have a sign for that, Tina???????????????????????

  30. Tracey all your quotes are great but I LOVE this one:

    "These are not books, lumps of lifeless paper, but MINDS alive on the shelves" Gilbert Highet

  31. Like Tina, I want to live on that guy's planet, too!

    Tracey, love this one... *I am a bookaholic and I regret nothing" :)

    And that one about too much thinking, not enough doing. If thinking is so productive, why doesn't it just organically produce results? That would be nice. Off to stop thinking and start doing. Sigh.

  32. Richard Mabry! What a treat to have you stop by. Perfect quote!

  33. Congrats to all winners! Happy Birthday to Cindy!
    Something I read and find inspiring and pray each morning: "You know what You will do, and that truth alone is enough for me..I will wait and watch expectantly, knowing that You are good and what You do is good."

    Please count me in the drawing!!

  34. Wait. Friends don't let friends pantser??????

    Who came up with this one? VINCE?????

  35. Tracey how about I fix this:

    *I am a bookaholic and I went to a BA meeting and instead of going through the 12 Step Program, we turned it into a book club, and I regret nothing.


  36. I actually have a quote from Einstein up on a wooden plaque on my wall. (I may have the vague notion that i makes me sound brainy??)

    Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

  37. Patti Jo mentioned Harriet Beecher Stowe and it reminded me of my current favorite quote.

    So much has been said and sung of beautiful young girls, why doesn’t somebody wake up to the beauty of old women.
    ----------------------Harriet Beecher Stowe from Uncle Tom's Cabin

  38. MARY C,
    Laughing at your book club quote fix, yes, yes, yes! No regrets, like no limits!

    Totally off topic, but strangely similar,
    Your fix reminds me of a true experience of a friend of mine, She and another friend decided to sign up for Weight Watchers but couldn't find the location. They gave up and went to Shoney's for a hot fudge sundae instead, and they regretted NOTHING! :D

  39. One of my favorite quotes is by Marjorie Pay Hinckley "The only way to get through life is to laugh through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache."

    Thanks for asking for an inspirational quote- it gave me a reason to scroll through my "inspires me" board on Pinterest and be uplifted by all the wonderful thoughts I've saved :)

    Please enter me in the reader giveaway! :)

  40. Congrats to the Winners!

    I won a Julie Cantrell book! I just checked and her, "Into the Free," has 481 Five Star Reviews! And here I was most impressed by her series covers.
    Seekerville brings in the best guests!

    Notice: This is the NASCAR High Holy Week!

    Remember: Romance has a NASCAR subgenre!

    Watch for some great Hero Inspiration!

    Weekend Quotes

    "Artists have the truest vision because only from the outside, the artist's fantasy world, can the real world been seen in its totality."


    "If you don't understand a genuine artist, well, that's truly understandable."


    "I don't mind it when autocorrect doesn't know how to correct one of my typos. What I mind is all the many times autocorrect 'corrects' words that were right in the first place. I mean, who does autocorrect think it is?"


    "What? Know your limits but never accept them? Well, then you better never say the Serenity Prayer."


    Heads-up: Don't miss Janet's novella "A Daddy for Christmas" that's in "Home for Christmas" (Seeker Collection 8). I've just started reading it and already the character names are easy to remember! There's a Myra, a Russo, a Hillman and even a Ruthy (who likes balls -- 495 Kindle location)! Did you notice how each name starts with a different letter of the alphabet? That sure helps reading clarity.

    Lot's of editing still to do now.
    Enjoy the races.


    P.S. Everyone loves Jeff Gordon. His last race. He could win it all on the day he retires for a real life storybook ending. Anyone with a romantic soul needs to watch the race on Sudnay!

  41. Tracey you actually did make me LOL
    And now My Cowboy is looking at me funny.

  42. Vince....NASCAR?

    I really regret this about myself but I just don't get car racing.

    But go JEFF!!!

  43. Laughing at Marianne's and Mary's comments!

    First snowfall of the season in central Indiana today; it's been snowing since before I woke up this morning and it's still going strong! Might have to dig my way out in the morning for church ;)

  44. Great WE as usual.

    I have 2 favorite writers quotes. One - I have no idea to whom it should be attributed, but I kept it on a scrap of paper in my jewelry box until I sold.

    "She wrote what she loved, 'til she loved what she wrote, and she sent it out one more time."

    The second one is attributed to Richard Bach, except he says he never wrote it. Apparently he quotes it often, but isn't sure who originated it:

    A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit. — Richard Bach

  45. Happy Birthday, Cindy!

    Thanks for all the fun quotes, everyone.

    MaryC, I don't get car racing either. Scares me really.

  46. Thank you all so much for the Birthday wishes. I wanted a little snow for my birthday and so far we've received about 4 inches. Unfortunately I slipped and fell in it. I was by myself and crumpled on the ground in the cold wet snow and not one person driving by stopped to see if I needed any help. It took me about three or four minutes to get up. But a good hot shower helped get the chill out. Praise God I wasn't hurt other than some bruises and achy parts...all over.

    Blessings to everyone this weekend!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  47. Happy Birthday, Cindy!

    I found a quote today on the Western NC Nano facebook group.

    "Remember, People may keep you or me from being a published author, but no one can stop you from being a writer. All you have to do is write. And keep writing while you are working at a career, while you are raising children, while you are trout fishing! Keep writing. NO ONE CAN STOP YOU BUT YOU."

    Katherine Nevillle

  48. Congratulations to all the winners and the 2015 ACFW First Impressions Finalists! Thanks again Seekerville for keeping us up to date with happenings and great posts this week.

    One of my favorite quotes is from John Bunyan about prayers. "In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words, than words without heart."

    What do you think of this following one?

    "Forgiveness is man's deepest need and highest achievement" from Horace Bushnell.

  49. I'm with you two Marys. Nascar does not = sexy or romantic to me.

  50. We must be missing something, some gene.
    Whatever gene it takes to make me love watching golf is also gone.

    I asked someone once how they could watch golf and they said, all the golf courses are so beautiful, it's worth watching just to see them.

    Mary: So you're saying watching golf is like.....watching grass grow?
    Maybe we should have a 'Watching Paint Dry' sport. Oh wait. That's baseball.

  51. Well done on the quotes Villagers and Seekers!!

  52. PS. Huge dark chocolate fan here.

  53. The only quote in my mind today:
    So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
    It shall not return to Me void,
    But it shall accomplish what I please,
    And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

    Thanks for the congrats, and thanks to Tina for encouraging me to enter yet another contest, because I definitely did not want or plan to.
    I'd love to be in the drawing! :)

  54. CONGRATULATIONS WINNERS! One of my favorite quotes is "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!
    Audrey Hepburn

    Tina, I'm with you on the dark chocolate!

    Please enter me in the drawing!

  55. Guess my inspirational quote would be from God's word....where better to find inspiration?

    **Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us"**

    This one has especially been on my heart lately. My aunt put it so simply....God didn't just TELL us He loves us, but he SHOWED us (demonstrates)! Love is an action word & what better example than Christ's? And the second point....He loved us while we were STILL sinners. That one always blows my mind! I LOVE this, such a simple scripture but when you really look at it, it's so much more! Isn't God amazing? And His word resonates so much truth into my life :-)

    Congrats to all this weeks winners! It's been another great week on Seekerville. Here's looking forward to another fabulous week & I am looking forward to the posts. Please add my name to the hat for the bag of reads, thanks so much for all you do! Blessings!!

  56. What a perfect Weekend Edition, Tina!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! I was at a Sisters' of St. Joseph sale yesterday morning, and had a houseful of cuties in the afternoon, so I never made it over here! EEEEEK! On a busy Saturday, and I missed the fun!

    CONGRATULATIONS, WINNERS!!!!!!! Happy dancing for you!

    I mailed out over twenty books this week, so some of you will be getting Ruthy surprises in your mailboxes... and that's always a great thing to check off my list!

    Must go read comments and mock Connealy!!!!

  57. "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission." Eleanor Roosevelt

  58. Marianne, that's a GREAT QUOTE!!!!!! The good book/great book one!

    Love it!

  59. Richard, that is a perfect summation. Thank you!!!!!

  60. Vince, my sister writes a Nascar blog column.... She has loved Nascar since I was pretty darn small!!!!!

    I've never gotten car racing, boxing or wrestling. And I can't watch golf or fishing or bowling. Ever.

    But baseball? The boys of summer???? that's hot.

    Football, the team action and reaction, flea flickers and pockets and hustle??? Yes!

    And I love tennis, always moving, reacting, anticipating. But just watching cars go round and round and round.... Not a Ruthy-friendly sport.


  61. Aloha Acolytes

    A NASCAR driver (gladiator) is only two seconds from death during all the hours a race takes place. To win the driver has to drive on the edge, the very limit before losing control and spinning into the wall. All those cars can go faster than the speed at which they can be safely driven. It's not so much how fast a car will go but how fast are you willing to drive around the curves. These guys (and Danica Patrick -- what guy does not love her?) really have the stuff of heroes.

    But don't feel bad if you don't get it. You have to know more about NASCAR than any other sport to get it. There are more parts to enjoying NASCAR than there are parts to a car. Only in NASCAR do your teammates compete against you! Only in NASCAR do the major leaguers come down during the season to in play in the minor league games. (I just hate this.)

    In NASCAR the women fans are totally passionate! NASCAR may be about cars but I think women fans know more about the sport than the men. (The biggest question in NASCAR today is when and where will Junior's wedding take place? Everyone loves Amy. Ruth: I bet your sister wants to know! Junior's mother really wants some grandkids!)

    I suggest everyone read Nancy Warren's (we like her) "Speed Dating" or for Christmas enjoyment read, "A NASCAR Holiday 3: Have A Beachy Little Christmas\Winning The Race\All They Want For Christmas\A Family For Christmas". (That is, of course, after you read the eight Seeker Christmas collections. Check there may be more than eight by today.:))

    Now as for golf, if you've played golf, you've had all the experience and muscle memory of pretty much every shot a pro on TV takes. You may have even played the same golf courses. That's why the announcer tells you the distance and the wind direction. You know how it feels to make each shot and how it feels when you don't hit the ball properly and how it feels when you get it right. Fans are probably more vicariously into a golf match than they are in any other sport. But then, if you have not played golf or played a lot of it, I'm not sure watching golf on TV makes much sense at all.

    Idea: Think of a sport or activity you don't like or understand, like why women like NASCAR, and have a hero think the same thing of the heroine. "How can you watch that stuff? It's just cars driving round in circles for hours on end!" the hero says. Give your characters some quirks that will wake up the reader who has similar feelings!

    The above is just another way to make your copy more rewarding to read. It's hard to have a 'sagging middle' when readers are highly entertained by each page they read.


    P.S. Sagging middles happen when you take your eye off the ball and start thinking your are writing a novel rather than entertaining a reader.

  62. MARY

    You quoted this:

    "So much has been said and sung of beautiful young girls, why doesn’t somebody wake up to the beauty of old women."

    Because once the children are created, and nature has had its way, thoughts of beauty turn to reverence as the full majesty of womanhood becomes manifest. Some of the most powerful and beautiful photos every taken are portraits of older women. This is authentic, earned, beauty.


  63. Myra:

    If I didn't write, "Friends don't let friends pantser," I should have.

    And while, as Ruth says, "Pantsers Rock", it's important to remember that 'to rock' also means 'to become frozen in place'.

    Pantsertinitis is the leading cause of 'writer's block' in authors. It's okay to pantser -- just pantser responsibly.

  64. Let's talk about Janet Ferguson while she is in the room.

    Many of you do not know the events.

    1. We had a dare you to enter a contest reimbursement opportunity in Seekerville.
    2. Janet entered and not only won the reimbursement but finaled in the contest.

    That's a win-win if ever there was one.

    Thus proving my theory. NO GUTS, NO GLORY.

    THE END.

  65. Trixi!!

    Amen and Amen!

  66. Vince do NOT convince me to start watching NASCAR that might be the last straw for my husband.

  67. Trixi, that's the PERFECT and FINEST quote. Thank you for that.

  68. You know I was looking around a store for something obscure the other day.

    You know like MATCHES. Let's face it, Matches are never going to get their own section, there just aren't choices to justify that.

    And the phrase "Not all who wander are lost." Came to me.

    But then I thought, "But some who wander ARE lost and just too stubborn to hunt up an employee and ask for help."

    So whilst shopping I am also rewriting Tolkien.

    Yes, my brain is a scary place.

  69. Ruthy sez: But baseball? The boys of summer???? that's hot.

    First of all, I know LOTS of people like baseball, I'm not saying I'm normal. My dad was a HUGE baseball fan and I'd say, "I don't get it, the pitcher and catcher are playing catch 90% of the game and the wait between pitches is long enough I can get a snack, go to the bathroom and single-handedly build a small garage onto the back of the house.."
    And he's say, "There's so much going on, so much to know, the psychology of the game is riveting." (okay I'm paraphrasing, I think he just rolled his eyes at me and turned the volume up.)

    So I GET IT that people love it.

    But seriously even the HIGHLIGHTS are boring. They show all TWO homeruns and that's a HIGHLIGHT???? Watching the ball sail into the stands?
    But sometimes I see a shortstop leap into the air, grab a ball moving 100 mph, twist in mid-air and hurl it to the catcher who makes the out, and that I get. That's artistry, that's athletic brilliance. But that's so rare I'm right back to watching paint dry.

    I do confess to being fond of Buster Posey. At least he's a catcher, he gets to play during every pitch.

  70. Oh my stars, Mary Connealy, baseball is the default answer.

    It is the American pasttime.

    It is so stinkin' cool.

    It is a game of thought and strategy. 80% of baseball is half-mental.

    I love Yogi Berra.

    I love Ken Burns "Baseball" one of the best documentaries on American history.


    Three months to wait. December.... January.... February.

    AND JETER'S WEDDING!!!!!!!!!

  71. Congrats X2 to Sarah and to the other FI finalists here. Belated birthday greetings to Cindy. Enjoyed the WE with the quotes and knowing what's happening here. Here's a writerly quote I copied a few days ago. Writers who want to be authentic begin by being true to themselves. Be you. That's your major task. Written by Cec Murphy, Writer to Writer. I hope everyone has a good week ahead and blessed Thanksgiving Day.

  72. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES!!! And I even found a website with the TOP 100 ONES AT TOP 100 INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES. Here's the # 1 from that list, which I love:

    "Life is about making an impact, not making an income." –Kevin Kruse

    I also realllly appreciate Mother Teresa's wisdom, so here's one of my faves from her:
    “Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.”


    Happy Birthday, Cindy, hope it's your BEST EVER!

    LYNDEE -- LOVE that Nora Roberts quote!! And, MYRA ... that insanity quotes is one of my faves too!


  73. Ooooo-ooooo!!! Forgot about my FAVORITE inspirational quote:

    "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words." - Francis of Assisi

    FUN WE!!!!!!!


  74. Ah, yes, baseball. Going to the Drive In with the fam and the baseball game is blaring out of those speakers while we have to watch the cartoons without sound so Dad doesn't miss any of the game.

    Yogi Berra!

    When you come to a fork in the road, take it.

    You can observe a lot by just watching.

    It ain't over till it's over

  75. One of my favorite quotes of all time is
    "What if I fall?" Oh but my darling, what if you fly? E.H.

  76. .
    To make the baseball fans feel more comfortable, NASCAR is in a rain delay."

  77. Stopping by late. I shopped till I dropped yesterday! The house is filled with Christmas presents for the grands, which makes me happy. :)

    Love the quotes. Dana, yours is a favorite! Many of the others are as well.

    I always liked Dorothy Parker's quote on writing: "I hate writing; I love having written."

    Happy Birthday weekend, Cindy! Hope you're still celebrating.

    It's turned cold in Georgia. I guess winter is here at last. Sipping hot tea and snuggled in a plush throw.


    Lots of people don't get romances.

    "They are all guaranteed to end the same way. What's the point?"

    The point is you feel great as you're reading them. Do you have something against feeling really good?


    "If you live the gospel, you won't have to preach it."


    "While the seat of the pants is in an ideal centrally located neighborhood, the brains have chosen not to live there."


    Waiting for the race rain delay to end.

  79. Oh, Dana, I love it. I Googled the quote. Some lovely pictures out there to accompany that quote.

  80. More Rain Delay Quotes

    "I came to Italy expecting adventure. What I never anticipated is the absolute sweet joy of everyday life." Bella Tuscany by Frances Mayes

    "Life is about living. Everything else is either a roadblock or a steppingstone."

    "Pantsering is the only thing that keeps me interested in what I am writing. If I knew what I was going to write next, I'd be bored to death and writing would become work."

    From, "Writing as the Ultimate Entertainment"

  81. Mary, you crack me up! I'll tell Buster you said that. :)

  82. So many good quotes. Thanks to all for sharing ... and adding to my 'good quotes' list :-) Congrats to all the winners, finalists, and a Belated Happy Birthday to Cindy W.

    Thanks, Tina, for all the links and those quotes, oh those quotes. The "awkward moment" made me laugh out loud in recognition. Someone in the comments said they speak the word and their dictionary looks it up. Gotta get me that!

    Which calls to mind a quote that's not so much inspirational as smile-inducing: "A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the other one." ~Baltasar Gracián

    Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

    Nancy C

  83. Liked reading the weekend edition and the comments. I did a google search of funny writing quotes and these were my two favorites:
    writer: n. 1. peculiar organism capable of transforming caffeine into books (google search brought this up as a pin on pinterest with no attributable writer)
    "Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words." Mark Twain.

    Thank you to Seekerville for the shoutout and congratulations to all the finalists and all those who entered.

    Happy Birthday, Cindy W. Four inches of snow?! Wow.

    Happy Thanksgiving week everyone.

  84. If May was still around, she'd be doing a backflip...

    " Debby Giusti promised something intriguing with her Wednesday blog post "Mission Impossible." KC Frantzen is the winner of her latest release, Person of Interest, along with a surprise gift."

    So excited! Thank you one and all.

    Been at a 3-1/2 day craft fair, just got home... Beat... But always a pleasure to make a difference in the lives of children (and a few adults too!)

    Thx Seekerville!

  85. WOW didn't you all have fun with quotes this weekend. Have to say, Tracey H that yours about writing were my favorite.
    Lots of great quotes though.

    Congrats to the winners and to the First Impression Finalists.

    Are you all ready for thanksgiving?

  86. The line up of speakers for RWA 2016 look wonderful. Hope some of you are planning to go to San Diego this summer and enjoy RWA. Yay. I'll be there. We'll have a Seeker get together.

  87. Personally, I like watching Hockey. Canada's National pastime.

  88. Not Canadian btw.

    Rest of everyone's quotes fun to read. A Five quote of mine: "Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling you something." -Wesley to Buttercup while she still thinks he's the Dread Pirate Roberts

    Because it's from The Princess Bride. The other from same source? "as you wish..." -Wesley to Buttercup

  89. That five was SUPPOSED to be five. Blasted auto correct. :(

  90. Blast!!! FAVE, for the love of God... fave as in favorite. sigh

  91. Love this! My favorite quote is friends don't let friends pantster. My sis had to force me to quit. It just never worked for me.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  92. "To be or not to be. ...." after all life is what you make it. If you want something or to be something you have to at least try.
