Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Weekend Edition

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

The two bags of book winners from last weekend's Weekend Edition are Cindy W and Marsha B.

Tuesday  Sandra Leesmith talked about the "Perfect Place to Write."  We discussed what works for you. Lyndee is the winner of a surprise box of Arizona goodies in honor of her latest release, Love's Dream Song. Elaine Manders is the winner of a copy of Love's Dream Song.

Recipe from The Yankee Belle Cafe

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Come hang out with guest DiAnn Mills, bringing us "A Writer's Tenacity." She'll be giving away a signed copy of her new release, "Deadlock." 

Tuesday: It's time for the December Contest Update! Stop by to meet our December Diva. Yes! The prize vault is open and we have some super exciting contest news to share. 

Wednesday:  Winnie Griggs with be here today, talking about "Backstory: Weaving It In Without Slowing The Pace." How to effectively select what pieces of backstory to include ‘on stage’, when to reveal them and how to thread them through your story in a non author-intrusive manner. Winnie is giving away a copy of her upcoming December release The Holiday Courtship.

Thursday: We welcome back, author and editor, C.S. Lakin with her post, "Starting Your Scenes with a Bang." Stop by to chat and you may win an ecopy of 5 Editors Tackle the 12 Fatal Flaws of Fiction Writing.

Friday: Best of the Archives featuring Sandra Leesmith. Sandra will revisit the popular post about using real life experiences in your writing. Comments are closed on Friday to give us all time to read and write and enjoy the archives. 

Gratuitous picture of Tina's Arizona tangerine tree at Thanksgiving.
Monster Tangerines.
Seeker Sightings

Have we got some Love Inspired fun for you! From Love Inspired Facebook 
An Unexpected Groom and Her Small-Town Cowboy

Rocky Mountain Reunion and Alaskan Sanctuary

Center photo shows L to R, Missy Tippens, Debbie Giusti, Myra Johnson, Mary Curry, Mary Giusti & Julie Hilton Steele (in the center).

 December 1 RWA will update their webpage. Check out these familiar faces in the new Member Resources Center.

Random News & Information

Thank you to the Villagers and Seekers who sent links and news! A few extra links this weekend to enjoy as you relax with your pecan or pumpkin pie.

 Meet the newest Love Inspired authors who sold their books via our Blurb to Book challenge and read their exciting call stories! If you dream of writing for Love Inspired, this will definitely inspire you! Click here.

 The Day Jobs That Inspired Famous Authors (Adzuna Blog)

 Our Favorite Bookish Tweets (Read It Forward)

Will You Sell More Books on a Holiday? (BookBub Partners)

5 Ways to Use Instagram as an Author (Jane Friedman)

Calling the Winner of So You Think You Can Write 2015 (YouTube Video)

Disappearing Amazon Reviews: The Facts Behind Amazon's Review Purges (Anne R. Allen's Blog)

The Big Reason Why Agents and Editors Often Stop Reading (Jane Friedman)

6 Ideas for Getting Your Book More International Exposure (BookBub Partners)

Five Years (Marie Force Blog)

How to “Fix” Unlikable Characters (The Write Practice)

What IS a Target Audience? What You Need to Know (BadRedhead Media)

Seekerville gives thanks for these books that released or will be released in 2015. #NoLimits.

 If you are visiting today we invite you to comment, and one commenter will win their of choice of ebook or print -as available on Amazon-from these 2015 releases. 

That's it! Have a great reading and writing weekend.


  1. Thank you, TINA, for another great WE! I'm just not sure when you sleep or eat! Congratulations to the winners. I'll be back later to read the articles through the links. Have an awesome day!

  2. Happy Weekend everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday weekend.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks, TINA. Another great WE!

    And another great Thanksgiving at our house. Hoping everyone here is happily recovered from the turkey hangover. Such good stuff, isn't it? We kept it simple this year and I have to admit, I loved the clean-up being only two loads in the dishwasher!

    Back to reading and writing. Night!

  5. Missed most of this week's post as we've been out of town visiting relatives for Thanksgiving. Heading back home tomorrow bright and early....time sure flies when you are having fun! Congrats to this weeks winners, looking forward to catching back up with you all next week :-) Here's hoping everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving!

    Please add my name to the hat for those books, looks like a great selection!

  6. What a wonderful holiday! But now I have insomnia (too much caffeine for dinner). :) So I'm enjoying a late night visit to Seekerville. :)

    What fun to see our group photo on the RWA website!! :)

  7. Lyndee, I think simple is the way to go. Easy cleanup is always my motto!

  8. Yup. Insomnia here too. Happy Thanksgiving weekend Seekerville.

  9. Wow! Thanks for the alert on the picture.

    That tangerine tree is awesome. Do they taste as good as they look?

    Blessed Advent to all!

  10. Thank you for another great weekend Tina! I pray everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving! We joined our friends, as we have done for over eight years now for a wonderful day. The house was full (about 23 of us) and there were two new babies, one about six weeks old and the other nine days old. This is a very musical family and as they were practicing for a concert in Shipshewana next weekend, I sat and held the nine day old for over two hours. I was in heaven.

    May everyone have a wonderful weekend!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  11. Congrats to the winner and to all of you who got contracts in Book to Blurb and congrats to everybody who had a book published this year.

    Have a great weekend!

  12. Happy thanksgiving recovery to everyone. Hopefully some of the insomnia people got some naps from their turkey dinners. We had a nice quiet day of thanks with one of our sons and then I got some good reading done during the football games.

    Please enter me in the drawing. Have a super weekend.

  13. What a wonderful weekend edition!!!!! Thank you, Teeeeeeeeeena!!!!!!

    Our Thanksgiving was yesterday to give kids time with the other families on Thursday, and it was wonderful to have them all here... to have great food, great times, and surrounded by little ones and not-so-little ones! And a kitten!

    But now it's back to work time and decorating for Christmas time, and I'm determined to have my Advent Wreath on the dining room table by tomorrow, even if we have leftover turkey and gravy for dinner.... It will be lit. (the Advent wreath, not the turkey. I tend to forget that first Sunday every year....)

    So I'm working on "Peace in the Valley" this weekend. What's everyone working on???

  14. HEY NANOWRIMOSTUFF peeps!!!!

    How's the word count/editing count going?

    I know we had a bunch of folks who were editing work, then moving on.... Shout out your update, let's make the rest of this beautiful weekend count!

  15. Coffee is here.... and leftover pie and cheesecake. Turkey is a given.

  16. Congrats to all winners! What a great selection of books for 2015, by great authors. I have read many of them, but do want to be entered for the drawing 'cause I want to read all of them.
    Looking forward to December in Seekerville!

  17. Hi Tina,
    Thanks for a great WE edition.

    That article on disappearing reviews was very interesting. I had no idea so much was going on behind the scenes, especially Amazon's deciding if you "know" an author by being FB friends and they find it out, that can delete your review. That's really wrong.

    And now I have a strange urge for a tangerine, must hunt one down, although I'm sure it won't be as good as one right off Tina's tree.

    Happy Weekend all, whether reading, writing or Christmas decorating as I am doing, hope it's great!

    I'm hoping to carve out some time to dive back in to Isle of Hope with a cup of Barnie's White Christmas coffee in hand. I couldn't have started it on a busier week! I've only had snatches of time to devote to it and then I've had to lay it down, now that's frustrating! And I have a Ruthy book waiting in the wings! I need more hours to read in my day!

  18. Tracey, decorate first... there's nothing like sitting among twinkle lights and a Christmas angel in the Nativity to make reading even more fun!!!!!

    Barnie's White Christmas coffee...

    must Google that.

    It sounds marvelous!!!

  19. Bettie, that sounds like a best of both worlds Thanksgiving!!!!

    Grace and God and Giving thanks.... the perfect hat trick!

  20. Congratulations to the winners.

    Great WE Tina,

    Ruthy, you asked about Nanowrimo, counts. I finished the book I started on Nov. 19 at 50,000. I then went back to a book I started for Blurb2book and have continued writing on it. My total word count for the month is now 62,000/ Two month's ago I never would have dreamed I could write this many words in such a short time. I hope to have anywhere from 65k to 70K by November 30. Seekerville is where I got the courage and confidence I could do this.

  21. RUTHY,
    Barnie's is a national company, we used to have here in Va., but they left the area, after I got hooked on their White Christmas. It's flavored with coconut and caramel, my two favorites together, so it's a win-win in one bag. I used to have to stock up at Christmas, but it's become so popular they sell it year round now. I just order 3 bags from Amazon, 2 of my kids love it and will be getting it in their stockings, shh..don't tell;)

  22. Great weekend edition! Congratulations to the winners. I'd love to be entered in the book drawing. I've been writing all month and haven't had much time to read. My word count for Nano is at 45,000 right now. I see the end in sight! Before Nano, it took me forever to write that many words. I've learned several things this time around and plan to incorporate those things into writing more in the future.

    Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! I've got my tree up, bought some presents, and am going to enjoy sitting, writing, and watching the lights twinkle.

    Have a great weekend!!

  23. TRACEY, the White Christmas coffee sounds divine. Does it come in decaf?
    RUTHY, I agree, there is nothing like reading with Christmas decorations in the background. Or in the foreground, I have a lot of decorations and my house is very small.
    I didn't do NANO, too much editing to do on books I've already written, but I made my November goal. Barely. I'm taking December off from writing and new projects to beef up my Web site, get ahead on some guest posts, query a couple of editors and agents, and promote other writers. Basically, I'm taking care of everything that ISN'T straight writing. And of course celebrating the birth of our and my Lord.
    That information about Amazon is mildly disturbing. Just because you're friends with someone doesn't mean their book isn't good and worthy of a review. I posted two reviews this weekend and they were both of books by people I know. I may be friends with them on Facebook, but that is not our primary contact. Oh, well. Got to work on some weekend chores, back later.
    Thank you for all you do. The WE is a lifesaver for me, I don't want to go four days without talking with another writer.
    Kathy Bailey
    Still Kaybee in New Hampshire

  24. Thanks for a great WE, Tina! I love the photo of your tree.
    Congratulations to all of the winners and to all of the beautiful Seeker books published in 2015!
    I get overly excited when it comes to decorating for Christmas, so our decorations have been up since the first weekend in November. :)
    Have a great Saturday everyone!

  25. Missy, your mom's pecan pie recipe is almost exactly the same as mine. When I made it on Thursday, I couldn't figure out why it tasted different, not very sweet at all. Then it hit me. I forgot to put in the sugar!!! LOL! It was still edible, due to the corn syrup, but I promised my daughter I'd make her another one soon to make up for this fail! :-)
    Love and hugs to Seekerville! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are enjoying the shopping--oh, I mean Christmas--season! LOL! :-)

  26. @KAYBEE, yes it does, I need to order some of that too, perfect for evenings in front of the tree. The "official" name is Santa's White Christmas, with coconut, caramel, vanilla and nuts for flavors. If you buy the whole bean, the beans look whitish, the ground is light colored with almost a greyish tint, but don't let that deter you, it's only the flavorings. I promise I don't work for Barnie's, but this is the best flavored coffee I've ever tried and I've tried a lot. I don't drink it for my first coffee in the morning, but 2nd or third cup, yes, it's as good as a dessert.

    I put up my big living room tree yesterday, did the hardest thing first, took me 5hrs on that one tree, but it was worth it, it feels like Christmas is on the way now. I have 5 more 2 ft trees to put out that I store decorated, easy peasy, and tons of other decorations, I have collected for years, I may have to start passing down some of it to the kidos, but it's so hard to let go with all of the memories attached for this lover of all things Christmas.

  27. Oh, my gosh I perked up at the thought of that coffee Tracey. Off to order it.

    And btw, those tangerines are monster size. I may sneak outside in my writing clothes ..shhh..and snap a picture.

  28. Wow JILL! The first week in Nov., I haven't been able to let myself do it before the day after Thanksgiving, but it would sure be a lot easier if I had more time to do it.
    I hit the ground running on the Friday after in an all out effort to get everything done by the time I have my family Christmas party in 2 weeks. Can you say crunch time? I love it, but my reading is taking a backseat right now. When I'm done, I'll have 2 weeks of wonderful reading time before Christmas to get caught up, so I'm working my plan with that goal in mind!

  29. Lol, Tina, I run for the newspaper and the mailbox all the time in my robe, hoping no one is looking, but oh well if they are, kind of like the red hats, you get to a certain age and you just don't care about some things. If a neighbor yells hello I yell back but keep going :-)

    I hope you love the coffee!

  30. Btw: I noticed Amazon was out of a lot of the coffee since I bought mine, but you can go to their website and order it direct

  31. Happy Saturday After Thanksgiving, Seekerville! Our daughter & family left yesterday afternoon, so today we are in clean-up mode. And . . . I am slightly depressed, which is typical when my house is suddenly empty after a houseful of grandkids. At least now they are only a 3-hour drive away instead of ALL THE WAY OVER IN ETHIOPIA!!!!

    And now--thank you, TINA!!!--I am having serious tangerine tree envy. Since I grew up in the Texas Rio Grande Valley, the fresh citrus every winter is one thing I really, really miss. Oh, those Star Ruby grapefruit! Except now we can't eat grapefruit like we used to because we are older and on meds that you can't take with grapefruit. Whose brilliant idea was that?????

  32. Good morning, btw, to all the good citizens of Seekerville! Marianne, Sandy, Jackie s and Jackie L, Trixi, Wilhani, Tracey, Melanie, Jill, Kaybee, Sally, Julie, Missy, Ruthy, Lyndee, Cindy W and Bettie! Happy Saturday and Happy Leftover Day.

  33. Good morning, Myra. I love Ruby red grapefruit. Yes. I messes with diabetes meds, cholesterol meds and thyroid meds. Beware. Grapefruit and not ripe yet here.

  34. Are you sure those aren't oranges, Tina? They're HUGE! I can taste them now. The fruit is always sweeter right off the tree.

    Thanks for a great Weekend Edition and congratulations to all the winners. I've been slammed with editing projects all month, so my plan to rewrite my manuscript has stalled out. I promise to do better this next month.

    I'd love an e-copy of one of the Seekerville books. Count me in!!

  35. Nope. Orange and grapefruit tree are in the back yard. Not doing as well and not ripe yet.

    And no pesticides. Truly organic!

  36. Happy Thanksgiving weekend. I've been kind of sick, one of Tina'a giant tangerines might take care of what ails you.

  37. Well bummer, Cindy R. Hope you feel better. Maybe turkey soup with the leftovers could help.

  38. Congratulations to the winners. Love the pictures of Tina's Arizona tangerines. I am jealous!
    Happy Weekend!

  39. Another great weekend. Yay1!!! Congrats to all the winners of prizes.

    Its Christmas season. Yippee!!!!

    Hugs to all of you.

  40. Having a turkey sandwich now.

    Yay for leftovers--the best part of thanksgiving dinner. smile

  41. Tina, My tangeloes aren't as orange yet. The navels are starting to turn orange. I can hardly wait because they are absolutely divine.

    The nice thing about citrus is you can leave it on the tree through April. So fresh fruit all spring. No big harvesting mess.

  42. What a beautiful tree Tina! Enjoy all that fruit! Looking forward to another great week at Seekerville!

  43. Wilani!!!! That's amazing. I'm so proud of you! I know what you mean, when you look at the goal it seems unreachable, but when you kind of just sit down day after day, it happens! Go you!!!!! I'm happy dancing for you in upstate where it's kind of gray, cloudy, rainy and did I mention GRAY????

    But I'm hanging twinkle lights and ignoring the GRAY!!!!!!

  44. Tracey, your secret is safe with me!!!!! That's an interesting combo. I discovered I don't like coconut with coffee... or peppermint. I like them with chocolate, but not with the coffee background thrown in.

    But when we find something we love, that's a wonderful thing. So glad you can get it year-round!

  45. SALLY SHUPE, GO YOU!!!!!!

    Wowza Kabowza, thats another amazing word count!!!!!!!! Party time!!!!!!!!

  46. Kaybee, I hear you on all the above.

    First: Good job editing. All the fresh words in the world are worth little (well, MY FIRST WORDS, anyway) without editing, revising, retooling.... And it's got to get done, so I just dig in and do it! Good for you, jumping in!

    Amazon... oh my stars, they like to flex their power, don't they?

    But I've never had a problem with this that I know of, and I have facebook friends (I have a lot of readers on facebook, and they post reviews) who post... so does Julie.... Mary had a friend once....

    (just testing to see if she's alive)

    So my guess is you have writers complaining about other writers... There are some crazy people out there.

  47. Whew! House is (mostly) clean after kids & grandkids left yesterday. Still some laundry to finish up. Grandkids are the greatest, but they sure leave messes behind!

    Great to hear how everyone did with NANO. Can you believe November is almost over already??? Seriously must get back into writing next week. This time of year it is SO hard to keep up a regular routine, which is why we have to forgive ourselves, go with the flow, and just do what we can.

  48. I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
    Looking forward to next week in Seekerville.
    And trying not to *drool* on my keyboard after viewing Tina's tangerine tree - - oh WOW!!!! :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  49. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I have missed having Seekerville every day! I enjoy it so much during the week. Have a great weekend, all!

  50. Chiming in on the Amazon post. I had one author for which I am on a street team who told us this week she was unfriending us on goodreads because of Amazon's policy. I don't want to unfriend all of the authors on facebook because that is one way I know when there is a new book out or a book is on sale etc. If people have to start doing that it could mean a loss of sales. bad for authors and also bad for Amazon.

    If they are taking the time to police us, why cant they police the ones who leave negative reviews who clearly state they have not read the book.

    Okay off my soap box.

    I love the pictures of your tangerines Tina

  51. OH. MY. GOSH!!! Look at those Seeker books this year -- YIKES!!! I knew there were a lot, but it's mind-boggling to see them all together, Tina, so GREAT JOB at shocking me!! AND making me even more grateful than I already am. :)


    RUTHY SAID: "Mary had a friend once...." LOL ... you are SUCH a stinker, Ruthy!! I have to admit, though, that Amazon purge article made me CRAZEEEEEEEE!!! The article talks about Amazon does not require reviewers to read the book they review. EXCUSE ME????? OH. MY. FREAKIN' GOSH!!!! That just fries me. I had a gal post 2 stars on Isle of Hope (no review) back in APRIL ... when the book wasn't even written yet!!! It didn't even release till Nov. 1st, but would Goodreads take it down? Nope. Because like their parent company, Amazon, they do not REQUIRE a reviewer to read a book to post a review. PLEASE somebody tell me that I'm not the only one who thinks this is crazy????


    SALLY SHUPE ... way to go, girlfriend!!

  52. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I had a wonderful time with family this Thanksgiving, eating, chatting, laughing and playing games. I love my family and I sure miss them. It's so good to see my parents, siblings and their families. My nephew even drew me a Happy Thanksgiving card with him, his sister and I riding a gigantic turkey over a grassy field. I miss them already as they headed out the door after lunch today, to get back to their respective homes. It truly is a time of gratitude to be able to get the whole family together! I'm feeling a little sentimental now, but after a good night sleep, I'll get back into my ramblings and usual happy self!

    Congratulations to all the winners this week and to all the amazing Seekers (authors) for such a strong and wonderful display of releases! With only 1 month left in 2015, any thoughts on how you'll be celebrating a blessed year?

    I for one can't wait to read everyone one of these novels and the new ones to come!

    Happy Christmas and good night.

  53. Happy weekend Seekerville friends. Tina, I loved seeing the picture of your tangerine tree. When I moved from Pennsylvania to Arizona as a teen it really was something seeing the citrus trees and date trees there. For a northern girl like me it really was amazing. I am back north again now but I really loved my time in Arizona. I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving. I sure did. I t was wonderful having my whole family at home, all of my children : ) The books look so exciting please enter me in the giveaway for them. Thank you.

    Deanne P.

  54. That article about the disappearing reviews is troubling. I've had a couple disappear lately. One lady had reviewed all three books of my new series. Her review is gone from the second book, but not the other two. ???????

    Thanks for another great WE.

  55. Wilani, I think your soap box is just fine!

    I'm working with blinders on right now, so if there's a kerfluffle brewing, I know nothing personally.... I'm working on Cowboy Story #3 "Peace in the Valley" and holidays and kids, so I'm actively allowing the world to pass me by. :)

    But Wilani, I want you to know that I love your reviews. They mean a lot, you are a true blessing!

  56. Helen, really???????

    That's annoying as heck!

  57. I echo Julie's post...look what the original Seekers have done! You inspire us all! Blessings to all for this post Thanksgiving week.

  58. Congratulations winners!
    I've been blessed with getting to read quite a few of the 2015 books, but I see a few I still have on my wanted list!

  59. So glad to hear about all the word count with Nano and even without nano.

    Great going and during the holiday even.

    I did get my traditional Christmas poem written and printed. Yay. Early for me also. whew!

  60. Sorry Amazon is upsetting all of us. They are trying so hard to be non-biased and are throwing out the baby with the water. That is an expression isn't it? LOL

    Anyway you know what I mean.

    I'm sure Amazon will get flack from this and revises once again. sigh

    Personally I have Amazon executives in my daily prayers. Verizon executives also.

  61. Great WE, Tina.
    Thank you!

    Been trying to post to Sandra's post from earlier in the week, but still not letting me post. Let's see if this will work!

    Outstanding post, Sandra.

    How creative! Can totally see this!!!

    Definitely best of both worlds right there.
    And Seekervillager sightings and fellowship even more fun!

    Thank you and congratulations on your books. You're inspiring to say the least!

    Now that DH is working more from home, I'm still adjusting. Rather unsuccessfully at this point, but hopefully gaining on it.

    Must second your sentiment on Operation Christmas Child.
    We participate also in that program as well as

    It's super when the Body of Christ comes together in such a way.
    What a blessing you and the other Seekers continue to be in my life.

  62. And congrats to all NANO participants!
    Lots more books to read soon!

    2nds to Julie - wow. That's a lotta Seeker books for the year.
    LOVE it!

    So glad to be even a small part of this community.

  63. Wow, what a great WE. Everyone's been busy.

    Congrats to all the winners and big thank you to Sandra for Love's Dream Song. Love stories set in the Southwest.

    Looking forward to next week.

  64. Congrats to those who had November releases! Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday and weekend.

    Please put my name in for the Seekerville Book Drawing.

  65. Thank you for the wonderful weekend post Tina! It is such a treat getting a chance to visit Seekerville again. My grandmother passed away and it has been a rough month. Glad to take some time here and enjoy the wonderful news and links. Look forward to stopping by tomorrow.

    A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

  66. Oh, Kelly. So sorry for your loss. Hugs to you, dear.

  67. Oh, Tina, I am unattractively jealous of your ability to pick citrus from your own tree. I get to pick fresh figs off our mammoth tree every summer, and it's wonderful to eat a fig still warm from the sun (washed, of course). I'm imagining a tangerine, the sharp scent as the skin breaks, the sweet juice still warm ... time to turn my thoughts elsewhere :-)

    Congrats to all you winners, to the Blurb to Book winners, to the folks participating in Nano, and to the Seekers for all the books released already this year.

    Good links. In the 'Day Jobs' post it was interesting to note how many writers were teachers or professors.

    Thanks, Tina, for the WE. A super way to wind up the weekend.

    Nancy C

  68. That is a gratuitous picture, Tina. You have a cruel streak.
    Wait until SUMMER!!!

  69. Unattractively jealous. I really like that.

  70. I love figs. Wanna trade?

  71. Happy Thanksgiving! My family had a good one. I will admit I didn't get stuffed; I guess I'll have to wait til Christmas dinner.


  72. Welcome to Seekerville, Rose Milligan.

  73. KC I got your message. Thanks girlfriend. Glad you enjoyed the post. I think you can only respond like the day after.

    Blessings to all of you as we go into advent season. smiling

  74. Hey Tina, I'll trade too. I love figs. We can trade citrus too and have some of everything. My navels are sooooo sweet.

  75. Kelly, I'm so sorry about your grandmother.

  76. Melanie, I'm sorry you forgot the sugar in your pie!!! LOL

  77. Hope all of Seekerville had a great Thanksgiving! Looking forward to the upcoming week! =)

  78. Another great Weekend Edition - thank you!! Looking forward to another week of informative posts.

    Congrats, winners!!

    Enjoyed the pics of your fruit trees, Tina - thanks!!

    The post about Amazon's review policies is disturbing - I feel more than 1 of their policies unreasonable, however, permitting reviews by people who don't read a book before reviewing it - is the worst. This defeats the whole purpose of having reviews!!

    Please enter my name in the drawing for a Seeker book - thank you!!
