Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Weekend Edition

This is an Isle of Hope release celebration weekend here in Seekerville. One commenter will win their choice the ebook or paperback of Isle of Hope. Winner announced in the next Weekend Edition.

We Have Winners

Can you believe it?? Some of you didn't claim your prizes last week! Better take a second look here.

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

Monday Stephanie Landsemauthor of The Living Water Series of biblical fiction, shared how her most meaningful writing comes out of the deepest and most intensely personal experiences of her own life. The winner of a copy of Stephanie's book The Tomb: A Novel of Martha, is Sally Shupe.

Tuesday  Candee Fick  celebrated her debut novel, Catch of a Lifetime, and sharing how to make a setting more than a place. Winner of an autographed copy of the story that made non-football-fan Audra Harders say, “OMG, what a read. I loved every page," is Cindy W. The winner of an ecopy is DebH...and just so you know, Catch of a Lifetime is equally engaging on ereader or paper!!!

Wednesday Dawn Ford visited us from the flashy side of fiction today to share some information about Splickety Publishing Group where she works as Operations Manager. Winner of a $25 Amazon gift card is Loraine Nunley.

Sagging middles are NOT just a problem for those of us who are … ahem … more “mature,” but they plague writers too. Thursday, bestselling author Denise Hunter shared some excellent tips on “trimming down” your chances for sagging middles in your novel. Winner of of Falling Like Snowflakes is Rose.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Author/Editor/Agent Karen Ball will be sharing "Writing from the Deep: 4 Keys to Surviving the Writing Life." Author/Editor Erin Taylor Young will join Karen to talk with us about their new project, Write from the Deep. Don't miss it!

Tuesday: Join Myra Johnson for "Four Fixes for Faulty Dialogue." Conversation is the way we get to know each other in real life, and it's the way our characters reveal themselves in our stories. Myra offers tips on crafting and formatting effective story dialogue, AND she's giving away TWO copies of her latest release, Rancher for the Holidays, a Love Inspired contemporary romance.

Wednesday: "You want me to cut HOW many words from the book???" Unfortunately, that’s a question Julie Lessman’s has had to ask more than once of her editor, so when it comes to editing a big book down, she’s your gal. Join Julie for her blog, Crash Edits: How to Trim the Fat From Your Novel as she shares tips learned the hard way when she had to cut 50,000 words from one of her books. Plus there will be a giveaway of Julie’s brand-new contemporary novel, Isle of Hope, in either paperback or ebook.

Thursday: Cowboy up with Ruth Logan Herne as she celebrates her first cowboy story going into production at Waterbrook/Multnomah! Gallop on in as Ruthy dons her cowboy hat and Chaps or maybe just admires chaps from a distance while she talks about settin' books cross country, findin' out things cowboy, and how to immerse an East Coast proud Yankee into ridin' and ropin' cattle. Ruthy's lookin' for folks willin' to park their spurs and read Back in the Saddle ahead of time, so mosey on over and let her know you're willin'! She'd like to have some reviews banked for release day in March... and where there's Ruthy, there's always good food!

Friday: The Best of the Archives:  Join Romance addict Julie Lessman on one of her favorite posts: STUPID IN LOVE. Julie not only discusses the very thing every romance-loving woman craves for herself, but also one of the biggest reasons that romance sells like it does, along with clips of heroes who are "stupid in love." Note: Comments are closed on Fridays to give you the opportunity to enjoy these posts and spend the day writing and reading.
The very thing every woman craves for herself and one of the biggest reasons that romance sells like it does. - See more at:

Seeker Sightings

On sale through Sunday. Coffee Shop Romances & With This Spark

Click Here to Enter the Contest
Chance to win a copy of The 12 Brides of Christmas and The 12 Days of Christmas Cookbook HERE

Mary Connealy and Pam Hillman ride the range together! In a novella collection with ten other authors, The 12 Brides of Christmas. Come along for the ride with a 12 author novella collection! 

Missy Tippens will be blogging on Thursday November 12th as part of Edwina Cowgill's celebration for her 600th post!


The Bounty Hunter's Redemption  by Janet Dean is now available for preorder!

JULIE’S WEEKEND CONTEST!!  GET A CHARACTER NAMED AFTER YOU IN JULIE LESSMAN’S PAPERBACK AND REVISED EBOOK COPY OF ISLE OF HOPE AND A COPY! Yes, it’s true — since Julie is doing final edits on both versions of Isle of Hope now, she can still add you in if you win! 

So ... how do you enter?  Well, Julie was SO blown away by the review posted on the Reading Is My SuperPower blog and all the other blogs in the Singing Librarian Blog Tour, she decided to celebrate with this weekend contest, so take advantage!! Just leave a comment on the Reading is My SuperPower blog, and  you’re in the random drawing! And don't miss the interview there where Julie discusses her idea of the "perfect kiss"! Here's the link:

PLUS ... you can receive extra entry points for commenting on any of the other FABULOUS reviews/interviews in the Singing Librarian Books blog tour listed below, which ALSO has a giveaway in addition to Julie's weekend giveaway. NOTE: Anyone who has already commented is automatically entered in this random-draw contest with one point. 
CONTEST ENDS SUNDAY, 11/8 AT MIDNIGHT, and winner will be announced on Julie's FB pages. Here are the links and GOOD LUCK!!



Congratulations to the Books & Such and Splickity Magazine Flash Fiction finalists! A shout out to our Seekervillager Jackie Layton!

C.S. Lakin was our guest during our birthday month (see her post here) and we are delighted to give away a preorder Kindle copy of her upcoming release to one commenter today. Let us know you want your name in the draw!

5 Editors Tackle the 12 Fatal Flaws of Fiction Writing (The Writer's Toolbox Series)  

  • Rachel Burkot has joined Holloway Literary as a literary agent. Previously she was an editor at Harlequin.  
  • At Harlequin, Shannon Criss has been promoted to editor, Kimani Romance.  
  • At Harlequin, Carly Silver has been promoted to assistant editor, Special Edition.  (Publishers Lunch)

Actions Speak Louder than Dialog Tags: Using Beats in Writing (Live Write Thrive)

Amazon opening its first real bookstore — at U-Village (The Seattle Times)

15 Authors Running Fantastic Book Promotions on Instagram (BookBub Partners)

5 Word Pairs Every New Designer Needs to Know (Shutterstock)

Is Being a Pantser or a Plotter Linked to Whether You're Right-Brained or Left-Brained? (Author Zoo)

Publishing a Sequel: 8 Book Marketing Tips You Need to Know (BookBub Partners)

Love Inspired Author Roundtable (Harlequin Blog)

That's it. Have a limitless weekend.


  1. Thanks, TINA, for another great Weekend Edition. I'll be back later to check out all the links! Have a great weekend, Tina. CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners.

  2. Congratulations to the winners! Please put me in the drawing for Julie's book. :) I'm looking forward to reading the linked posts tomorrow. Thanks, Tina, for a wonderful WE!

  3. Have a great Weekend Villagers. Janet! Love your cover. Congratulations on your release, Julie!

  4. please put my name in the drawing.

  5. Julie, congrats on your release and I know this is going to be another Julie Lessman rock-your-socks bestseller! Go you!!!!!!!

    I was awake early, went to a couple of links, and raised my eyebrows over special interest groups that target authors with their one-star reviews.... sigh... Honestly, with all the life there is to live, don't people have something better to do? Like... be nice?

    It's a rhetorical question, but gosh, the world would be a better place if the Thumper Rule applied to grown-ups.


    It's that wonderful time of year when apples dot our landscape and cider is the drink of the day!

    I'm working on "Peace in the Valley" today, then on to the final reading of "Back in the Saddle".... We'll talk more about that on Thursday, but I have to say I am lovin' me some Western fun up here in WNY!!!!!

    Congrats to all of our winners! You are what makes Seekerville so special. I love youse!

  6. Congratulations to all the winners. I'm enjoying reading the Spark and Coffee House collections that I got on sale this week. Everyone should take advantage of the sale price before it goes away. Please enter me in the drawing for Julie.s book and for the Fatal Flaws book. Have a great week end everybody.

  7. Congrats Julie (and winners)!

    I first heard of Instagram through my teenage friends. I'm The Artist Librarian there too. ;-) I'd suggest you look into it especially if you're doing YA. There's also a pretty healthy group of book bloggers using Instagram. So many ideas from looking at other users' artsy book-related photos! Christian YA dystopian author Nadine Brandes has some really nice ones.

    Also hashtagging, lots of hashtagging going on Instagram. =P

    @Ruthie - Whoa, which article was that in? I know generally banning/challenging books in libraries doesn't usually fly too often anymore because of "freedom to read"/"right to read" ideals, so maybe instead of challenging books they're choosing to give authors 1 star reviews?

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  8. Oop, it didn't highlight my instagram links, LOL.

    The disadvantage to Instagram is that while you can look at the pictures posted and comments, etc. via the web (like the above links), most of the functionality, like posting pictures and such is restricted to the app, which means you need a mobile device with a camera to really make use of the program.

  9. Julie, congratulations to a great release!
    And congratulations to all the winners. Again, I am looking forward to all the great posts lined-up for this week! Thank you Seekerville!

  10. Another great weekend edition, Tina! I'll have to come back later and read all the links!

    Great cover, Janet!!

    It snowed in the Arizona mountains on Wednesday--about 9 inches down below and over 20 on the highest peaks--perfect inspirational setting for working on my current Christmas WIP! That's what I'll be working on today, too, as the deadline looms! :)

    What's everyone else working on today?

  11. Bettie, I hope you love those collections! It was so fun being part of them!!!!

    They're on sale all through today: CLICK RIGHT HERE, THEN COME BACK!!!

    .99 you can't beat it!

  12. Congratulations to all the winners. Great WE edition, Tina. Please add my name to the drawing.

    I'd heard Amazon might start a physical store. I can't wait to learn more. Maybe like LL Bean?

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Julie, can't wait to read Isle of Hope!!

    Glad you like the cover of The Bounty Hunter's Redemption, Glynna and Tina! The cover came from a scene with bounty hunter Nate teaching heroine Carly's son to ride, one of my favorite scenes in the book.

    Congrats to all the winners!! Looks like a great week ahead.

    Happy weekend all!


  14. LOVE THIS WE, TINA ... for some reason it really resonated with me ... ;)

    THANK to Tina for featuring my new release, Isle of Hope, AND to everyone for their congrats. It's always fun to release a new book, especially an indie book, so I appreciate all support.

    Another "Julie Lessman rock-your-socks bestseller!"??? One can only hope, Ruthy, and I'm totally okay with going sockless if mine get blessed off!! :) And I'm with you on the "Thumper Rule," TOTALLY!! I was raised on the adage that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all, and that applies to the nasty 1-star reviews too. Believe it or not, I've actually read 1- and 2-star stars reviews that are presented in a gentle and fair manner, although admittedly NOT MANY! :|

    SUPER CONGRATS TO ALL THE WINNERS, and Janet, I love your cover, girlfriend!! Between you, Ruthy, and Mary ... I got me some cowboys in my future -- YEE-HA!!

    Artist Librarian!! I know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about Instagram, but I read the article below and sat up with a light-bulb idea. My daughter knows ALL about Instagram, so I asked her if she wanted to make extra money setting me up on Instagram and giving me a crash course, and she liked the idea, so I may have a presence on it yet. :)

    And what am I going to do today, Glynna? Well, with a possible high of 61, today, I just might be sittin' on the dock of the bay, NOT wasting time, God willing, to finish final edits on Isle of Hope!



  15. Congratulations, Julie, Candee and all the others on new releases. Congrats to the winners. This weekend is all about editing for one client and finishing a short story submission. Happy Weekend!

  16. Congratulations, Julie, Candee and all the others on new releases. Congrats to the winners. This weekend is all about editing for one client and finishing a short story submission. Happy Weekend!

  17. Congratulations to all of the winners!
    Yay Jackie! I loved your flash fiction story!
    Julie, I can't wait to read your book. I've been reading some wonderful reviews on other blogs I subscribe to.
    Thanks for a great WE, Tina!

  18. Congratulations to all of the winners and authors with new releases. It's a great time of the year. Books make great Christmas gifts!

  19. "A wise woman does not forget the vices of an ex-husband." Julie Lessman

    Can you spell 'understatement'?

    No woman ever forgets any wrong a man does!

  20. Tina,

    This is a 'shameless plug' comment so if you want to take it down, I understand.

    Harlequin has their backlist of inspirational romance ebooks for $1.99 on Amazon & Barnes & Noble. This is a deal because they seldom change their prices and it's a good price for people who want to write for Harlequin to do a lot of market research for very little investment!

    BTW-My RITA finalist The Widow's Suitor is one of them!

  21. Congratulations to this week's winners!

    FYI:I noticed the price of one of the LIS books on my Amazon wishlist had dropped so I bought it. Then I got to looking around and realized Harlequin is having a great sale on a huge number of its older Love Inspired books, suspense and historical too. I've bought four or five already and I'm going back to look at more. So if you've been wanting to get some LI books from Ruthy, Tina, Janet, Missy, Debby, or Glynna many of them are just $1.99!!!! Many other authors too. It feels like an early Christmas at these prices!!!

  22. .
    "There's nothing worse than a pushy woman who's right." Julie Lessman

    "Fortunately, 'pushiness' and 'rightness' are inversely proportionate." Vince

  23. Looks like Rose and I are thinking alike this morning. Sorry I didn't see her comment before posting, but hey two shout outs aren't too many, right? ;)

  24. Looking forward to reading your new book, Julie--congratulations!

    However, I will NOT be out on the porch today enjoying beautiful weather. It's cool and rainy here in my part of the Carolinas. Someone told me last week that it's an El Niño year so we can expect a wetter, warmer winter. I'm all for warmer, but I do appreciate big doses of sunshine. :-/

    We did just get back from vacation in Hot Springs, Arkansas, though (pix on FB), and I have a lovely new set of windchimes for my porch. Now we just need a little breeze so I can enjoy them!

  25. Great WE! Love the excerpts and quotes from Julie's latest! I need to read that story. Lots of passion, to be sure!!!

    Congrats to the winners!

    I voted for Janet Dean's cover!!!

    Last day of my self-imposed FAST DRAFT...writing a book in a month. Heading back to my pages!

  26. Thanks for the informative WE, Tina! Congratulations to the winners and to Julie on the release of Isle of Hope! I have my copy....and yes, it is "knock your socks off" good!

    Jackie, loved your story...and your ability to create Christmas spirit using dialog...and only 100 words!

    Janet, sweet cover!

    The link about the action beats is good. I'll be back to read the other links later......must do the fall yard clean up first.

    Oh, and I need to browse the Harlequin sale. Thanks, Tracey and Rose!

    Happy weekend of writing and/or reading to all of Seekerville!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Awesome WE!! Thank you so much for Stephanie's book! Congratulations to all the winners.

    Ruthy! I would love to read and review Back in the Saddle for you! Love your books and can't wait to read a western by you. I'm sure it is awesome!

    Glynna! Snow? I'd love some. We have rain today and I'd love some snow mixed in. Then I would start decorating for Christmas lol.

    I'm doing Nano this month and have almost 10,000 words so far. Looking for many more words this weekend!

  29. Great WE as always, Miss T!
    CONGRATS to all the winners, and looking forward to the upcoming posts in Seekerville!
    We've had 8 days of rainy, gray weather in my neighborhood, so I decided it's good weather for baking. Enjoy the Peach Crisp and Apple Crisp I just took from the oven (especially yummy with a cup of coffee). :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  30. p.s. Julie Lessman!! CONGRATULATIONS on the release of Isle of Hope!! I cannot wait to purchase and read it - - the title alone intrigues me!! :)

    Janet Dean, LOVE your LIH cover!! :)

    Myra, hope you get a breeze soon to enjoy your windchimes - - there's just something about the sound of windchimes that is soothing, imho!
    Hugs, PJ

  31. I'm looking forward to reading Isle of Hope, JULIE! Love the cover!

    Yep, SALLY, snow! I think we broke a 1925 record for the most snow on that day. Hard to believe that I live in ARIZONA, isn't it?? And, like Myra mentioned for her region of the country, it's predicted El Nino may give us quite a winter in the Southwest!

  32. Hey there Seekervillagers.
    Is everyone rested up from the big Birthday Palooza?

    Is there enough coffee?

  33. JULIE! I've got Isle of Hope on my Kindle!!!!
    Maybe I can read it today, maybe tonight during the Nebraska Cornhuskers game.
    I promise I can't bear to watch the game--neither can I stop myself from watching the game--so I'll need a distraction.
    I'm better Isle of Hope will be a FANTASTIC one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Patti Jo, I've got the coffee and now your peach crisp and apple crisp.

    I think vanilla ice cream is called for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. JILL, THANK YOU!! Gosh, I hope it lives up to your "hopes" for it ... :|

    VINCE SAID: ""A wise woman does not forget the vices of an ex-husband." Julie Lessman
    "Can you spell 'understatement'? No woman ever forgets any wrong a man does!"

    LOL, soooooooo true, Vince! ;)

    ROSE!!! Plug away, darlin' ... we rejoice with our own here, my friend, so WHOO-HOO on your Rita Finalist being one of them!! You go, girl and I second and third the plug!!

    TRACEY, sharp eye, my friend, and thanks for the heads-up on all those FAB LI sales!!

    VINCE SAID: ""There's nothing worse than a pushy woman who's right." Julie Lessman
    "Fortunately, 'pushiness' and 'rightness' are inversely proportionate."

    LOL ... not sure what you said there, Vince, but I've learned a long time ago that you are generally right in your assessments, so I'm with you!! ;)

    Oh, MYRA, I LOVE wind chimes, so I'm jealous! Need to put that on my Christmas list ...

    Hey, DEBBY -- yes, lots of passion, but you will be surprised to discover that the spiritual passion FAR OUTWEIGHS the romantic kind, although I tucked that in, too, here and there ... ;)

    SHERIDA, thank you, my sweet friend! We didn't do a giveaway on your blog, I know, but your review was SO wonderful, I included a quote on my Journal Jots blog today, so I hope you don't mind. :)

    PATTI JO ... thanks SO much, sweetie ... the title actually intrigues me, too, which is why I changed this book's title from "Unfailing Love" to Isle of Hope, even though that's the series' name too. :)


  36. Great weekend edition Tina and friends who contributed links. Always fun to see winner names. Happy writing.

  37. Loved seeing this and your beautiful book Julie! Thanks for inspiring us all! Would love to be entered for the book.

  38. Hope you all have a great weekend! We have a house full here. Lots of fun with the kids home from college--and they brought friends!

  39. Rose and Tracey, I'm excited about the Harlequin sale!!

  40. Great WE Tina,

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    Julie, I would love to win a print copy of your book.

    Ruthy, I would love to read and review your new book.

    Tracey, Where is the Harlequin sale?

    My goal for the weekend is to continue writing. Haven't had a chance to get started on it today, but once circumstances allow, I have a feeling I won't be able to stop. This story I began writing last November for Nanowrimo but only got 1,000 words written. I have had a year for the story to gel and take root in my brain. Since Sunday, I have written 20,000 words. It is like I can't stop writing, I have never experienced anything like it. It is exciting. My goal for the next year is to continue writing and learning but if I have some stories written then I will have something to enter in contests etc.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  41. Way to go, Wilani!!! Isn't it a great feeling when the words flow like that?

  42. JULIE, here's the website that tells about the wind chimes we bought. We got them at Garvan Woodland Gardens, though.

    Music of the Spheres

    We got Mezzo Aquarian.

  43. Well, I messed up that link somehow. Here's where it's supposed to go:

  44. @Wilani-
    The sale is on Amazon for ebooks, forgot Myra's heartsong books are on there too!

    @Julie-looking forward to your Isle of Hope, please enter me in the drawing, I've got my name in several places so now I'm waiting it out before I buy it just in case one comes my way, lol.

  45. Oh, didn't realize that, TRACEY! Yes, I see my HP e-books are also priced at $1.99!

  46. MARY, YAY!!! Can't wait to see what you think, my friend, so HAPPY READING!! Haven't had a novel out in over a year, so I'm due ... :)

    ELIZABETH, thanks SO much for your kind words, and fingers crossed for a win. Heaven knows I have enough giveaways going right now, so GOOD LUCK!!

    LANI ... trust me, I would LOVE to send you a print copy of IOH, so GOOD LUCK in the contest, my friend. :)

    MYRA, thanks SO much for the link -- that was really sweet of you!!

    TRACEY, good girl on entering those giveaway ... it's only a matter of time, I hope!! Saying a prayer you pull it out ... :)


  47. Another wonderful weekend edition and I am blessed to have won an autographed copy of Candee Fick's book. Thank you so much and congratulations to all the winners!

    I would love to be entered to win a copy of Julie's book. Thank you for the opportunity.

    Have a wonderful week everyone! May you all be blessed!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  48. Oh the bitter irony of Amazon opening a brick and mortar store after it's been the reason for so many independent bookstores closing. On the other hand -- yay that Amazon thinks there's enough market for 'book'books that they are willing open a 'real' store.

    Great weekend edition. Lots of interesting links. Loved the dialogue tag/beat one. Can't get enough advice on that.

    Happy weekend, everyone!

  49. Wow! Can't believe the Gold mine in all the love inspired books. I am struggling with exercising self discipline not to buy them all. Thanks for letting me know about this

  50. Julie, Thanks for the catchy except of your new book. I am sure it will be a big seller and I can't wait to read it.

    One week of November is already gone. Is time flying or what?? With the holidays coming and all the deep cleaning on my mind. I see my writing time is suffering. How do you others get it all done?

  51. TINA: Thanks for another wonderful WE - I'm looking forward to the coming week's posts, and always love viewing new book releases, book bargains, giveaways, and all the other info WE provides!! Congrats to all winners!!

    ROSE and TRACEY: Thanks for the info on Harlequin books. I was encouraged by an author friend to check out also - they have free book and short story downloads, other free book offers, economy flat rate and free shipping offers, opportunity to sign up for monthly automatic shipments of books, etc.. I viewed numerous beautiful books in the LI line from Seeker authors.

    KAV: the first physical Amazon bookstore has opened, there was an online picture earlier this week - showing the filled bookshelves. The online ratings of the books are shown with the books.

    JULIE: Can't congratulate you too many times on the release of 'Isle of Hope' - you know how deeply it has touched me, I'm praying God uses it to mend many relationships. Thank you for this beautiful book!!

  52. Kav, isn't that almost an ultimate irony?

    Oh, Mr. Bezos!!!!! What a clever fellow you are!

  53. Boston Cream Pie.... Which is, of course, cake.

    But it's delicious and I brought it to go with Patti Jo's amazing peachiness and the ice cream!


  54. Please enter me for Julie's Isle of Hope book and the 12 Fatal Flaws of Fiction Writing.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

  55. Sneaking in before my grandson demands me. I've got to get caught up on the week's posts...
    I'm in the middle of edits and would love to be in the drawing for the editing book.

    Have a lovely rest of the weekend. Congratulations on your contemporary, Julie!

  56. Thanks for another super-duper BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION,SEEKERVILLE! It was a blast!

    TINA, thanks for another great WE. Don't know how you do everything. You must be related to Santa...

    Please throw my name into the cat dish for the Flawed Fiction book. Sounds like a must have.

    Blessings all for a wonderful Sunday and upcoming week.

  57. CONGRATS JULIE! The book sounds outstanding. Will be in my TBR!

  58. Terrific WE! Congrats to all of the winners!

    Please enter me for Julie's book and the Fatal Flaws book.

  59. CINDY AND SUZANNE -- thanks for your interest in my book -- hope your names get drawn, my friends, because I would LOVE to send it to you!!

    BONNIE, you are the busiest bee I've ever seen, my friend! GOD BLESS YOU!!

    SANDY, LINDA, AND DONNA ... your names are in the draw, so GOOD LUCK!!


  60. Hi Julie:

    It took me awhile but I finally reviewed your two favorite kisses and my favorite (from a past comment on the same topic) and I think I've finally discovered what is really going on.

    "A Julie Lessman kiss actually acts as a detonator which ignites an explosion of pent-up emotions that rock the hero and heroine's world while sending out shock waves that reverberate through a reader's body, from the inside out, ending in virtual fireworks."

    I think that's what is really going on.

  61. Congrats on your new release, Julie! Can't wait to read it :)

  62. Weekend Ponderings

    "Isle of Hope"
    -- the row in a bookstore where the diet books are sold.

    "The Doctor's Second Chance"
    After having his marriage proposal turned down, the doctor asks her mother for a second opinion.

    "The Bounty Hunter's Redemption"
    What the 'Dog' got for his 15 books of Green Stamps (it's a historical).

    "The 12 Brides of Summer"
    The alpha billionaire bachelor polygamist finally takes some wives. (It's a Presents).


    He lived a life of no limits.
    He lived a wretched life of excess.

  63. Hey, LYNDEE, thanks for the congrats, my friend, AND for putting IOH on your TBR, although I suggest putting it at the bottom of the stack rather than the top since it's a bit top heavy at over 500 pages ... ;)

    Thanks, DEB, thank you, my friend -- I've missed seeing you around her, girlfriend!

    VINCE SAID: ""A Julie Lessman kiss actually acts as a detonator which ignites an explosion of pent-up emotions that rock the hero and heroine's world while sending out shock waves that reverberate through a reader's body, from the inside out, ending in virtual fireworks."

    LOL ... okay, I am going RIGHT NOW to FB to post this sucker because it's THAT good, Vince, so once again -- THANK YOU for your keen insight and kind words. :) By the way -- you do know I have sent you about 4 different emails to invite you to the Isle of Hope blog tour, right? Never heard back, so I'm guessing I may have the wrong email address ... or (heaven forbid) ... you're hoping I'll go away??? Uh ... because it ain't gonna happen, mister!! ;)

    Thanks, MARISSA C -- I hope you get a chance to read it, maybe with a win here today??? GOOD LUCK!!

    VINCE -- ROTFLOL!!!! Love, LOVE, LOVE your "Weekend Ponderings," my friend -- my first good belly laugh of the day, so THANK YOU!! :)


  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Patti Jo and Sherida, glad you like the cover! It is sweet and has a name I recognize, too. LOL


  66. Vince, I was baffled by your comment beneath The Bounty Hunter's Redemption until I remembered the modern bounty hunter "Dog." I've never watched the show, but luckily I'd been researching bounty hunters recently for a post. Love how you keep us on our toes!


  67. Hi Janet:

    I’ve seen the “Dog” do tv commercials. He’s the only bounty hunter I know. He was my only choice. I thought of using Josh Randall, played by a very young Steve McQueen, in “Wanted Dead or Alive” in the late 1950’s but I thought fewer people who would know this reference. Even though Josh was active in the 1870’s which may be in the same time period as your bounty hunter, I went with the “Dog” – a lot of thought goes into these silly jokes. : )


  68. Hi Julie:

    I’ve seen your emails and I thought they were just announcements for the release of an upcoming book. I took notice. I intended to buy the book, so case closed. I think your emails may need to be more like personal letters and less like advertising broadsides. I’ll have to pay more attention next time. : )


  69. LOL, VINCE ... I'll try to do better, my friend, when I send you an email next, if you promise to open the next email I send, deal?

    Hugs and more hugs,

  70. Hi Janet:

    I always read your emails.

    I think the problem may be like the one a wife had with her husband. She made him go to a marriage councilor thinking they had a communication problem. He would never ‘hear’ her when she told him to do things. Well, it turned out, they didn’t have a communication problem after all. They had an obedience problem. The councilor told the wife to take him to obedience school. :) (This joke is 100% mine from my course on Communication!)


    Doing the best I can. : >
