Thursday, December 10, 2015

New Year's Eve Party Planning and We Need You!

Hey, Ruthy and Audra here, and it is Party Planning Time! Run, quick, grab your notebooks, let's do this!!!

I love the holidays. I love the prayerfulness, the joys and the pains of times gone by and the reality of a child born to the poor and a people, saved and solaced.... I ignore the commercialism and go to the heart of the story, a baby... born in a manger. Sigh..........

And then comes a New Year.

In Anne of Green Gables, Anne says, "Today is a new day, with no mistakes in it YET."


Well, 2016 is a new year with no mistakes in it yet, but we're going to kick it off with joy, laughter, and prizes while we lock up our fears and take charge of our lives and our careers.

Now you're most like wondering if Audra and I want you to look back at 2015? Sure, if it makes you feel good. But if it doesn't, if it wasn't what you expected, if you're disappointed in outcome or income, Do Not Look Back.

Kick it to the curb.

Don't beat yourself up.

Face forward, for we can learn from the past, but we gain nothing by dwelling in the past! This year our New Year's theme is "Reach for the Stars". It's a year to look up, not down. To stretch farther, push yourself further.

To boldly go where no man has gone before... :)  Okay, Trekkies loved that! Geeks abound!

From Audra:

"Writing is easy work." We learned to scribble thoughts into stories as we perfected our penmanship. So, in a way, people are right when they say, “oh you write stories? That doesn’t sound tough."

But we authors know better, don’t we? Writing good, solid, quality fiction is not for the faint of heart. We grapple for the right word, examine scenes from every angle, rack our brains over clever twists and turns so our books will shine in a sea of thousands of titles.

Writing books might be easy. Authoring creative plots, memorable characters, unforeseen black moments is not!

Sometimes authors just need to take a break. Like me. I haven’t written a word since July. Believe it or not, the thought of NOT writing scared me to death. For as long as I can remember, my imagination and I have been the best of friends. Talking to the people in my head is second nature to me, but when you’re talking and not receiving anything back…well, that can borderline certifiable.
I needed a break and I took one. Thankfully, I’m not currently under contract so I have that luxury. But many of my fellow Seekers are under contracts as are many of you, our friends.

Can I have a hallelujah?! That is awesome!!

So, I’ve directed my energy into my day job (a very draining situation at the moment), and then coming home and watching Hallmark movies, reading books, talking with my family – you know, all that stuff normal people do, LOL! I’ve even invested in a gym membership and have been encouraging an adjust in both mind and body.

The break was good and needed, but my voices are whispering to me again and I’m ready to get back to this business of writing. We have a new year looming ahead of us. How do we make the most of it, stretch for new methods and techniques, push the walls of our boxes for new ventures?

I’m tired of the same old, same old. Tried and true methods are comfortable, but comfortable doesn’t allow you to grow. Let’s make this the year we make a statement. We get excited over what we’re doing. We look forward to sitting down and writing. It may be spooky trying something new, but we’re not stepping out alone. We’re all here for one another, aren’t we? That’s what friends do, they cheer each other on – rah, rah!! 

Ruthy again: That's the spirit, Audra!!!

Now here's the plan, Stan: We need co-hosts and hostesses to lead the party through the day from 6:00 AM on 12/31 until Midnight Pacific time (which is three AM on 1/1/16 on the East Coast.

Let me know in the comments if you're interested. I've got a few evening slots open, and one or two daytime slots... Everyone that says they're interested will be tossed into a... NO! Not a cat dish, not at Christmas time! Into a festive candy dish!!!!

Huzzah! We're going all out for this!  :)

The party will be filled with hourly drawings of books, electronics, gift cards, wonderful fun things we all love... And a grand prize drawing of Very Big Gift Card at midnight, Pacific time!!!!

We'll have recipes! And a FEAR BOX, which is nothing to fear. This year we're going to box our fears. Put them away. Lock them up! So bring those fears you can share and any "quiet" ones, too. We'll take care of them for you. And during the year we'll do the occasional call out to celebrate facing those fears and conquering them.

So let's do this! Our Riotous New Year's Eve Celebration will be a party day of thanking God for all the grace and good of 2015 and then gazing forward together for 2016!

Don't youse be makin' us do this alone, now! You know I need, love and want your help, so I'm expectin' the comment box to blow up. BOOM!!!!!

Let's be each other's prayer warriors. Let's be the jam that holds the pieces of bread together. Let's go into 2016 with our faces forward, our fears locked down, ready to climb those mountains or tread water!

Bring your party hats, your noisemakers and dance the day away in Seekerville! (Unless, unlike me, you have a life and a New Year's Eve date! In that case, party with us until it's time to put the heels on!)

Coffee's ready.... And today we're drawing for a $20 Amazon gift card because who wouldn't love an extra $20 in their pocket in December? Stop in and comment to have your name thrown in and let me know if you'd like to be in the host/hostess drawing!

Ruthy and Audra are two strange but delightful people who live on opposite sides of the U.S. thus enabling them to pull off a New Year's Eve Extravaganza while both getting some sleep. It is, they have decided, the perfect plan!

AND DON'T FORGET THREE MORE DAYS OF OUR HOLIDAY COLLECTION SALE!!! .99 FOR EACH COLLECTION! Available for your Kindle or your Kindle app for any device! Our goal is to sell at least a thousand collections this week... Share the word and the love and the great price to help us make our goal a reality!!!

Hope for the Holidays Historical

Hope for the Holidays Contemporary

Home for Christmas Historical Collection

A Heart Full of Christmas Contemporary

Christmas cookies are inside on the back table... with sprinkles!  And there is EGGNOG PIE over at Yankee Belle Cafe today!!!! 


  1. I just love Seekerville! It's a joy to read the posts and all the comments. Always makes me smile! Please enter me in the drawing.

  2. I'm all for new starts for a new year....leaving the past behind me :-) Starting fresh with new goals (whatever they may be), and most importantly, looking for new ways for God to speak to me or move in my life. 2015 has been a year of changes & looking back at it....I can see His hand in it where I couldn't before. I feel there is a time for reflection, but let's not get stuck in the past :-) See what God has done, and move on anticipating what He WILL do in 2016! I'm coming to the party with my hat on, party horn blowing, confetti throwing, crazy 2016 glasses on & those blinking lights necklace around my neck.

    Please toss my name in the pretty Christmas candy dish for the $20, I could always use more books, in spite of what my husband says....LOL!!

  3. Just thinking about New Years Party makes me tired! I LOVE. IT. But don't know how you do it. $ 20.00 can go a long way! I'd love to have my name entered. And maybe after my cup of coffee (I just bought myself a cup that says LIFE BEGINS AFTER COFFEE) I will get my get up and go!

  4. Oh yea......I'll go back there and get myself a sprinkle cookie or two as long as Ruthie (or someone) has coffee or something to go along with them ;-)

  5. 2016 is definitely going to be a year of reaching for the stars, for me, at least. "To boldly go where no Artist Librarian has gone before" ... ;-)

    (Assuming I'll graduate, LOL), I'll finally going to be done with being a student and get into the "real world" --search for a full time job and other "adulting" types of things. =P Kind of scary and exciting at the same time ... is my favorite online store, so I'm definitely in for the gift card drawing!

    Does the host/hostess need to provide a prize or ...? What responsibilities does she have? I might be interested in a slot near midnight (Pacific time, of course). =)

  6. Is it that time already?! Are we saying goodbye to 2015 and saying hello to 2016? So much to say including great blessings in 2015. Though there were moments of struggles, there were also moments of joy and understanding. I am grateful for the many many blessings and experiences on my 2015 journey. I will welcome 2016 with open arms after the celebration of the One who gave us all.

    It sounds like an awesome virtual party, but unfortunately I will be at a live party and therefore will not be able to host. I will take time to pop in and out throughout the day and wish everyone a Happy New Year. Please add me to the $20 Amazon drawing. I will love to buy more books...thanks!

  7. Loves to Read, we love you right back, and you add a hint of sweet mystery to us! Thank you for your kind words, and I'm tossing your name into the very festive candy dish. With some M&Ms!!!!!

  8. TRIXI!!!!! Yes, bring all the party gear and honey, can you get enough necklaces for all of us? In fact, can I put you in charge of handing them out at the door? That would be AWESOME!!!!

    Tossing your name into the candy dish!

  9. COFFEE IS HERE!!!!!!!!! With Flavored Creamers And Tea!!!!!!

  10. Marianne, then don't think about it!!! Just come and enjoy and we're going to tackle into 2016 with such joy and anticipation that God himself will be clapping his excitement! He loves us and wants what's best for us, as simple and silly as we are!

  11. Jen/Artist Librarian, you don't have to provide a thing! We'll take care of all that, you would be a most welcome, young, beautiful (BRAT!!!!) hostess.... Let me know if you'd get a kick out of doing this, I'd love more Pacific side folks!

    We'll provide the prizes... you provide the time!

  12. And Jen, THIS IS SUCH AN AWESOME TIME FOR YOU!!!!! And yes, scary too.... but you're on the precipice (I rarely get a chance to use that word!!!) of a whole new time. AND PAYCHECKS!!!!

    And boldly going into that good night..... YES!!!!

  13. Just Commonly, I will love having you pop in and out on New Year's Eve Day and thank you SO MUCH FOR RUBBING IN THAT YOU HAVE A LIFE....



    You pop in as you are able, and it's okay to bring virtual food along for the buffet table. We don't want our guests going hungry!!!!

    1. Lol Ruth. So would it be bad to say I rather be with y'all then at the live party? What's more fun thanight chatting about books and God's blessings?!

  14. This sounds like so much fun thank you.

  15. Mary, it will be!!!! Dress casual, jammie pants not only allowed but encouraged!!!! :) Or dress to the nines as we toast in a wonderful new year, a new opportunity!

    Go us!!!!

  16. Yay, how fun!! I'd be happy to participate. And breaks are much needed. Good for you for taking care and embracing a change. I'm sure some amazing book is going to pop out of you now because it's just been growing inside, gathering greatness. :-)

  17. It's hard to believe 2015 is coming to an end, but I'm excited for 2016!
    Audra, good for you...taking a break is always good for our mind and body.
    I'd love to participate, Ruthy. I work my day job on the 31st, so I wouldn't be available during working hours. I'd have a small window of time in the late afternoon, before evening festivities.
    Please throw my name into the hat for the gift card!

  18. Audra, Hallelujah! That is awesome!!

    Can you all tell me more about what's involved in hosting an hour? I need to check my work schedule.

    I've already started a Pinterest board...Reach for the Stars 2016. Maybe we can all connect on Pinterest with encouraging boards. I'm on there as Jackie Layton.

    I can't wait for the party.

  19. Good Morning, Ruthy and Audra,

    I'm all about pre-planning a party! I'm sorry I can't host an hour this year. I will provide a prize though, if you have a hostess that needs one. Let me know, I'm happy to do it!

  20. What is involved with hosting? I would love to help out if able. I love the theme reaching for the stars

  21. I'd love to be entered to win a giftcard. That would help with ordering more books.

  22. "Let's be each other's prayer warriors. Let's be the jam that holds the pieces of bread together. Let's go into 2016 with our faces forward together with our fears locked down, ready to climb those mountains or tread water!"

    That paragraph makes me feel like I've had a pep talk from my team coach Ruthy! What an encouraging perspective! We should all be able to take on our own little corner of the world after that, so suit up warriors, flashing beads, hats and funny glasses all!

    I'm hitting the cookie table, because it's just that time of year for cookies for breakfast. Perfect with my caramel coffee, yum!

  23. Mary,

    I just discovered this blog post about Irish Christmas traditions. Just in case you're interested.

  24. Nice pep talk, Tracey! I love the idea of prayer warriors and fears locked down.

  25. Wow, what an exciting post! I can't wait for the Party! Thanks Ruthy & Audra for planning it.
    I would love to shop with that gift card (for books! lol). Thanks for your giveaway.

  26. I am so ready to leave the past behind and begin a NEW YEAR! Ladies, let's do this.....REACH FOR THE STARS!

    Please put me in for the GC drawing.

  27. Jessica, awesome!!!! Happy dancing! I'm sending you a gilt-edged engraved invite right now!!!! :)

  28. Jill, I'm throwing your name in! I know what it's like to be working the 31st.... :) That's probably part of the reason I don't light step my way around a party that night, but curl up with clean sheets and cocoa!

    No one can say I don't know how to have a gooooood time!!!!!! :)

  29. I can't wait!! will be a fun party and an amazing year!

  30. Oh Yay, I'm ready to PARTY!!!. I'm really ready for this year to be over. Not one of our best. But that being said, it also had some of the most amazing miracles and blessings. So I'm ready to reach for the stars and see what next year brings. Yippee!!!

    Bound to be more blessings because that is just the way our Lord is. smile

  31. Trixi, I love the idea of blinking necklaces and funky New Year glasses!! LOL

  32. Marianne, I love that mug slogan!! hahaha

  33. Thanks to Ruthy and Audra for getting together our fun party. Whoopee You girls are amazing. I am so excited. I can hardly wait to find out who is going to host with me. Oh I do love parties.

    Thanks again you two. May you be blessed beyond measure. smile

  34. Yay, Jackie!! What a great idea to start a Pinterest board!! I need to add one to the Seeker's Pinterest boards! :)

  35. Tracey I'm following you to the cookie table. smile

  36. I cannot believe it is time to say goodbye to 2015. Let's just leave it there and look forward. To the new year: Press through and do what God has called you to do. This will be my motto. Encourage, lift up, pray for one another. Cannot wait for the party!!

  37. Audra,
    As a devoted "take a break" fan I applaud you for your wisdom in allowing yourself the time you needed to regroup. There's something wonderful about stepping back and getting refreshed to begin the "next chapter", literally and figuratively speaking!

  38. Sandra,
    Looks like we have the cookie table all to ourselves, haha!

  39. 2015 was good to me, though not as good as I'd hoped. It's all in the Lord's timing, though.
    I'll take a mid-to late afternoon slot. 2 to 3 or 3 to 4. My husband has to work, so I'm not sure how far we'll get. I like First Night on the Boston Common but I won't go without him. I'll probably go to a movie with one of my daughters and then come home. I don't expect much of New Year's, I put all my unrealistic expectations on Christmas!!!
    Please enter me in the drawing.
    Kathy Bailey

  40. Jackie Layton, a pinterest board!!!! You are so stinkin' smart! Why didn't I think of that?????

    Oh mylanta, I'm a little lame at how interfacing with Pinterest works, but I'm so glad you thought of that.

    We could do a Fear Box 2016 board, too.... and post pics through the year of our successes and locking those stupid, trip-us-up fears away!

    Hosting is this easy: You come in and talk like you always do. :) I do the rest. I promise, no bad surprises!!!!!!

  41. SHAMELESS, not self-promotion, but promotion of my friends. KATHY'S HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE. Three of my friends published books in late November/early December and they're all worth a look. Peggy Rychwa/Sheryl Marcoux's "Cowboy In the Moonlight" is an emotional story of the Old West and an exploration of inner and outer beauty. Clarice James' "Double Header" is a smart contemporary tale about a young sportswriter and her struggles to let go of the past. Phyllis Ring's "The Munich Girl" is a gripping tale about the Third Reich and "the legacies that outlast war." All available on Amazon and all good reads for a cold winter night.

  42. Rose! I'd love a donation from you... you can e-mail me at Thank you so much! We'll grab you on board for another fun writers and readers party.

    I love a great celebration of life and grace!

  43. WILANI!!!!! Hosting is just as simple as what you just did. It's commenting and chatting with folks back and forth for the hour. It gets a little crazy on New Year's Eve sometimes, but let me know if you think you'd like to do it! And it's okay to grab another writer and co-host the hour of chit chat and party fun!!!

    If you go back to our 2014 or 2013 celebrations (I think that's the one I messed up and showed up a day late, which is how I got the ORGANIZER GIG, LOL! Tina was NOT AMUSED.....)

    But now I get to be the boss, and you know how much I love bossin' folks around!

  44. Missy, I want a light-up, twinkling necklace! How do we get these?????? You must go look, clearly I'm too busy getting my pedicure!!!!

    (I might be kidding about the pedicure.... ) ;)

  45. Sandra, yes. I agree, I know we've said goodbye to too many people this year. I want 2016 to be the year science truly begins to Kick Cancer's Butt and then I want science to figure out how to waylay Alzheimers.


    His work, our hands.... and in the meantime, I'll write sweet books and be overjoyed!

  46. Wilani, would you co-host with Sandra this year???


    She's very, very nice. A little bossy, like me, but that's why we get along!!!!

  47. Sally Shupe, that is exactly what started this Seekers group and then Seekerville. We put it in God's hands and prayed each other into publication, and then wanted to pass on the grace and joy and opportunities... and that's what started Seekerville... If everyone shared the joys of life, we'd have much less human-caused sorrow! I'm so glad you're here with us!

  48. Ruthy and Audra, thanks for getting us saddled up for the New Year's Bash! It's always loads of fun and a great time to reflect and refuel for the year ahead. Plus there's all those prizes!

    Audra, love that the voices are back! :-)

    Ruthy, thanks for the pep talk! Who doesn't need it?

    What I love about Seekerville is the camaraderie and prayers. We're blessed!


  49. Tracey Hagwood, step away from the cookie table and no one gets hurt!!!!


    You know, you're right about Audra, and she's working today and can't pop in freely.

    We have to know ourselves. And like Melissa Jagears so brilliantly said "There are limits. And we need to know them." So in a year of #nolimits she brought the common sense of self-limiting as needed to us.

    And that's so true. It is easy to make yourself crazy. It is easy to start senselessly spinning. And not everyone is built the same way, or with the same motor.

    Learning what fuels us, and how far a tank of gas takes us, is huge. Self-awareness.

    We've got this, and we're learning, day by day. Together!!!!

  50. What full schedules authors must have.. As a reader I really enjoy coming to Seekerville and reading the daily posts and the comments are wonderful.. You always have the best parties, and the coffee is always on! thank you !

    Please put me in for the GC drawing.

  51. Ruthy, you NEED to go treat yourself to a pedicure! I should send you a gift certificate. Then you'd HAVE to go do it or waste my money. :)

  52. Deanna, we can't make it around here without our coffee and tea (and Diet Dr. Pepper!). :)

  53. Good Morning~ just returned from the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas...whew...cowboys everywhere! Got to meet a great bull-rider who is a distant cousin! He placed in the money!! So proud of him!!

    Love Seekerville and all who comment! Such an encouraging place to hang out and get refreshed! Thanks for ALL you do to help us!!

    2016 looks to be a FULL year again! But, I'm pullin' my rope and nodding my head to open the gate...let the ride begin!!

  54. What an encouraging post, Audra and Ruthy! :) I love the picture of putting our fears in a box and leaving them there, preferably with a key-less lock. :) This year's theme, NO LIMITS was inspirational for me. Next year's—Reach For Your Dreams? Just as inspirational.

    This year had definite ups and downs, stress and joy. And steps forward on this writing journey. I'm ready for 2016 and what it holds . . . as long as Jesus is walking with me. :)

    Please put me in the drawing for the gift card.

    And, depending on the time slots you have available for hosting, I would like to consider doing that! :)

    I'm snagging a cup of coffee and a cookie or two before I head into my errands for the day. :)

    You ladies ROCK!

  55. No need to be coy, Roy...I mean RUTHY. Just tell me when and I will be there. My football team isn't in a good bowl this year (WE ARE PENN STATE) so I can watch with one eye while focusing on Seekerville with the other. Lookin' forward to another New Years party with all yuns.

  56. Lyndee, our team Indiana University isn't in a great bowl but we're celebrating that they're in the Pin Stripes bowl for the first time since 2007. It's in Yankee Stadium on Dec. 26 so not anywhere near the New Year.


  57. Reach for the Stars--love it! And Seekerville parties are the best! Thanks, RUTHY & AUDRA, for spearheading our New Year's Eve bash. Introvert that I am, this is my kind of party--staying in my jammies if I want to, just me and my computer and all my friends via the Internet!

  58. Yes! I want to help! Could I be a guest hostess? Is there still a mid morning or daytime slot available? I need time for my energy to kick in so mornings aren't the best for me.
    Yes! Let's totally do the pinterest thing!

    And #Reach4theStars quote from one of my middle school teachers---
    "Always reach for the STARS! If you reach for the Stars & you miss, you land on the top of the barn. But if you just reach for the top of the barn & you miss, you land in the cow patties!"
    And I would add-- "Wearing those boots into the house would get you in Big Trouble!"

  59. 2015 has not been good to me. My father, grandpa, and aunt all passed away this year. Onto 2016 and no more deaths of close ones.

    I need to finish my three book series set on World War II London too. Put me in for the $20 drawing, please!

    I would like to be a hostess if the time works with my schedule. In the evening would work the best for me. Merry Christmas, everyone!!

  60. Kelly, so sorry to hear about all your losses this year. Praying that 2016 will be a much better year for you.

  61. I would love to be a hostess but not really sure about my schedule that day. I will probably work at the bookstore before the mall closes but should be free in the evening. I would also love to be entered for the gift card today. The New Year's Eve party will be so much fun.

  62. This is going to be some party! :)

    KATHRYN... National Finals Rodeo????


  63. I would love to but I have no idea of what my schedule will be that do. My life has been chaotic lately. What am I saying? My life is always chaotic....
    I might can co-host w/one???

    I'm still working on this month's writing projects and can't wrap my mind around next year.

    January 11 is my 30th wedding anniversary! We're flying to Los Angeles for a 3 day cruise and then going to the Price is Right when we get back. (I've always wanted to "Come on down!" Any good ideas on decorating a t-shirt so we'll have a better chance of getting picked? It's their 40th Cliffhanger anniversary.) Then we'll check out Hollywood before flying back. Whew. I'm so excited!!!

    Ok, this last bit has nothing to do w/New Years or writing but it's why I feel rushed to get everything in.

  64. And AUDRA, I can't believe you haven't written since July. You make me feel almost normal for sometimes needing a break.

    RUTHY, I have to try the eggnog pie. Looks delicious. I'm a pie-girl all the way.

  65. CONNIE! Sending you early "Happy Anniversary" wishes! Hope you get called to "come on down" and win big at The Price is Right--what fun!

  66. KayBee, the afternoon is booked already! I'm down to a couple of evening hours right now, unless you want to co-host with one of us. We'd love to have you!!!!

  67. Janet, I love throwing a great party. I am in my element bossing others around and organizing great pastry tables!!! :)

    I love our parties. I love celebrating. I love PUNCH!!!! :)

  68. Jana, I'll e-mail you! We'd love to have you on board, I might have to double you up with a wonderful co-host mid-morning, but that's okay, right?

  69. Deanna, you're in sweet thing, and thank you! You know we save money on real food by serving virtual food, so we just throw the food budget into the prize vault!!! :)

    Thank you for your kind words!

  70. Ruthy and Audra, our New Years Cruise Directors!


  71. I'd love to help out, since y'all have given me so much, but I've got a bit of home computer issues of late that I'm not sure will be worked out by the New Year. *sigh* I did a quick scribble drawing inspired by your post, so Ruthy - if you'll check your gmail account, hopefully you'll get to see it. Hopefully you'll like. It's really, really rough though since I used Paint instead of my normal Photoshop.

    I love the idea of the locking away fears box. Boy, do I need to lock away a few... I'm looking forward to seeing all the cool stuff on New Year's eve. Every hour brings someone new, something cool! But then, that's the norm for this wonderful place that is Seekerville. Name in candy dish please?

  72. Tracey, I love that term "Team Coach Ruthy"!!!!! :) I'm going to make up a shirt!!!!

  73. Deb H, I'm tossing your name right into that candy dish and just stop by and visit on NYE!!!! I'll tag you to help with something else, you know I love having you on board! And I can't wait to find your "scribblings"..... ! You are an amazingly, wonderful, marvelous artist!

  74. CathyAnn, I've got your name in! Thanks for stopping by!

  75. Missy: A pedicure.... Ahhhh........There's the dream! :)

  76. Kathryn Barker, green-eyed monsters have hold of me!!!! National Rodeo Finals!!!!! YEEEEEEHAAAAAW!

    Surrounded by cowboys and chaps. :)


  77. Jeanne, I'm tossing your name right into the candy dish, dear! And e-mail me if you'd like to double up with someone for the party. I'm full through the daytime hours but we love working together!

  78. Raising my hand to host! I'll be at home with six children, a stack of games, Christmas movies, and treats galore. How long are the slots and what's left? Do you need any more prizes? I might have a little something I could contribute. *wink wink* :-)

  79. Ruthy,

    Since I live out in California, am a night owl and have been known to still be up on the West Coast when you start your day so early on the East Coast, I'm willing to be a hostess/co-hostess for one of the final hours of the New Year's Eve Party from 9 p.m. to midnight Pacific time. Our one and only, who is currently living in Austria nine hours ahead of us, was born on New Year's Day, so I'll be up anyhow to usher in her twenty-fifth birthday here in our time zone. Since I'll be missing Adriana, spending time with Seekers and Seekervillagers would be a great way to keep my mind on other things and have a blast at the same time.

  80. P.S. I have a fun prize package I could offer if you pick me. =)

  81. Ruthy, after taking a look at that eggnog pie, I'm salivating for a slice. Are you bringing it for the pastry table on NYE?? Pretty please?


  82. Jana, that's the best reason I've heard for reaching for the stars! No cow patties allowed in my house. LOL


  83. Wow, with all these volunteers, we're going to have a great lineup NYE!


  84. What a fun post! Sounds like a great New Year's Eve event. We usually stay off the roads and hibernate to avoid all the drunk drivers and go to bed early. Fireworks and gunfire wake us up at midnight, we kiss each other, say Happy New Year, then roll back over and try to go back to sleep despite all the ruckus. Remember the days of sparkly dresses and high heels? Gone, gone, gone. LOL

  85. I'm looking forward to the New Years Eve bash! I'd rather spend my celebrating time here than anywhere else. :)

    And I love your comment, Barbara Scott! Sparkly dresses and high heels are long gone around here, too! LOL!

  86. What a terrific idea! I'd love to be a part of the New Years Eve party. If you need another volunteer, just give me a shout. I've just finished a rather nutty 40 days straight of writing and will finally have some time off for fun. But I will say all that work paid off - I just signed a contract with my publisher, Clean Reads, for the sequel to my first book, A Husband for Danna. So you can be sure I'll be dancing with a party hat on this New Years Eve. It's nice to have some time now to come over and read these posts. They always lift me up.

  87. Lyndee, I'd love to have you on board! Do you want an evening time or to co-host with someone during the day?

    This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

  88. Myra, I'm with you 100%. I love people, but I'm just as happy staying home and hanging with OUR PEOPLE right here!

    And I'm going to bring some Skyline Chili/Cheese Dip, made famous in Cincinnati. Our family has become HUGE fans!!!!!!! Party on!

  89. J.C., it's not bad at all, LOL! We can't be introverts for real, because we're seeking each other out, AND.... we'll have fun doing it!

    And maybe get some writing done at the same time????


  90. Kelly Bridgewater, we had a year like that three years ago.

    It was bitter in so many ways. So many sorrowing people. And sometimes angry people.

    But I kept thinking back to the good times with those folks, and little things that made me smile. And when Grandma and Uncle Chuck's Santa and Reindeer display came to live at my house, it kind of eased the sting. A piece of them to make folks smile as they drive by... and on facebook, too. Perfect tribute.

    I'd love to have you in the evening! Can you e-mail me at I might have to double you up, we're getting full.... is there anyone you absolutely HATE, darling????


    Thank you, Kelly!

  91. Keli Gwyn is still speaking to me after I dissed the purple tree!!!! Oh this has just made me the happiest Ruthy EVER!!!!!!

    I'd love to tuck you in for one of those late hours! Yayuh!!!!!! I love my West Coast buddies!!!!! Thank you, Keli!

  92. Janet, you would love this pie more than life itself. :)

    Yes, I'll bring it for New Year's!!!!

  93. Thank you for the uplifting blog.
    This year has been a hard year for me, so I'm more than ready to leave 2015 behind and reach for the stars in 2016.
    Please enter me in the drawing for the Amazon voucher.

  94. Meghan Carver, yes, come on over to the crazy!!!! I've got an evening slot left with your name on it!!!! :) Do you mind if you end up doubled up with someone because I've got a few e-mails with folks too!

    I'd love to have you take an hour!

  95. Ruth Ann, I'm praying for you and putting your name in the candy dish.

    Praying for you is a privilege.

  96. I can cohost in the afternoon. I'll probably be on anyway. Give me a slot if you've got one.
    We really do need to be each others' prayer warriors. I like that statement. We need to lift each other up so we can lift Jesus up. I am thankful for my crit partner (20 YEARS) and for Seekerville. Also dipped a toe in Writers Alley this year and am thankful for them.
    Kathy Bailey

  97. Ruthy, I think you might have missed my comment. I could help out in the evening hosting.

  98. Cannot wait for the PARTY!!!!
    Ruthy, I've already given you my name for hosting. Who knows, I might even bring some *peach* egg nog, LOL.
    Now to go and find my party hat and noisemaker - - this will be FUN!! :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

    p.s. Audra, glad you took a break and are eager to return to writing. You are SO talented! :)

  99. 2015 was a huge stretch for me. We quit farming, due to my brother's health issues. I got a puppy. I let my inner child out and am now flaunting a new me. I'm really hoping that 2016 gives me a chance to settle into these, though I will be looking for a paying job to supplement my reading habit. And yes, Ruthy. I'm a reader, so I want to READ all the comments. That's where you guys shine!

  100. Jackie, there are only 5 Jakie Laytons that pop up a spinners on Pinterest....which one?

  101. Always love our New Year's celebrations! Can't wait...except I can wait because Christmas comes first, and I don't want to rush Advent. Each day is so special

    Sending hugs and Advent blessings to all!

    Thanks, Ruthy and Audra, for organizing the New Year's fun! What a great way to welcome 2016!!!

    I'm getting the party hats and horns ready. Confetti too! Although first I need to wrap some gifts and get them under the tree. :)

  102. I am so excited for this New Year's party! Giveaways and fun galore :)

    Ruthy and Audra, I would love to be added to today's drawing!

  103. KayBee, that would be great! Can I put you with Pam at 2:00 or with Julie at 3:00????

    Which one works for you? And I'm delighted you can do it in the afternoon, perfect!!!!!

  104. JEN (Artist Librarian) -

    Congrats on being almost done with school! I'm graduating in about two weeks, and it's definitely going to be a change. An exciting one, though :)

  105. Sandy, I saw it just when the kids were clamoring in the door!!! And I was so excited!

    I just sent you and Jackie Layton e-mails.


    When folks say "Hey. What do writers do for a good time on New Year's Eve?" we can say...



  106. Sarah C., I am happily tossing your cute self into the candy dish!!!!

  107. Debby, thank you for taking over all those Party City supplies. You rock!!!!

  108. Marianne Barkman, if I don't tell you how much I appreciate you as a reader and a contributor here, then shame on me! You bless us all the time.

    Leaving farming is a life changing decision. It's HARD. But I'd love for you to get a part time position that fits the reading niche! We need money for books, but sometimes it's just plain good to be busy and see folks!

  109. Patti Jo, I know, I've got you down!!!!! Happy dancing in upstate!!!!!!

    Peach egg nog?

    (Ruthy may or may not be making a really bad FACE right now.)


    Bring it! I bet it's wonderful!

  110. Barbara and Jan, here too! I'm more comfortable in maxi-skirts and long sundresses. The world does not need to see, nor have they missed, the legs of a mother of six...

    That's all I'm sayin'! :)

    We will have so much fun!

  111. Christina, I'd love to have you co-host if you don't mind working with another wonderful person!

    What time of day works for you? E-mail me or give me a shout here, and I'll tuck you into the line-up. The more the merrier and that way I don't have to spend the entire day fixing drinks for everyone!!!!

    I mean fixing COFFEE for everyone!!!!! :)

  112. Loved your post, Ruthy and Audra - thank you!!

    I'm also a night-owl (of the worst kind) with "no life", Ruthy - will be following the New Year's party and will host one of the very late hours, if you still have hours to fill.

    Please drop my name in for the gift card drawing - thank you!!

  113. Janet!!!! Dress whatever way suits you and we'll have a ball!!!

  114. Bonnie, I know the late night gals would LOVE the help! Can you host an hour with Mary at 10:00 Eastern or Tina at 11:00 Eastern?

    I'm so glad you're available!!!!

  115. I will happily hang out with everyone on New Year's Eve... especially if PJ pants are acceptable :)

    Please enter me into the drawing.

  116. I'm looking forward to spending time with anyone who is hanging out with Seekerville on that great day! Let's start the year off right! I'm with ya regarding the PJ pants! The only way to do New Year's Eve!!!!

    Please enter me in the drawing too!

  117. RUTHIE!!!! Went shopping and got those blinking lights necklaces to pass out at the door to everyone who comes :-) Glad you like the idea....why not go all out with our crazy New Years Eve stuff!

  118. Oh yea...I'm also a West coast person (Oregon) so it won't be too late for me to hang out

  119. What an inspiring post! Thank you, Ruthy and Audra! Love the thought of a new year and new calendar pages - empty and yet full of promise. I also love the idea of praying for each other! So blessed to have found Seekerville - starting the new year here with all of you sounds like a blast!

  120. Oh my goodness, what a day to be late to the party. If you're not full up by now, I'd love to host - anytime. Just let me know if you need me and when!

  121. What fun. As Cate just wrote, what a day to be late to the party. If there are any slots left, let me know. I'm available in the morning or late afternoon or late. My kids always watch It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World on New Year's Eve.

    Ruthy and Audra, your post sounded like you were both having fun, and that's a great quality to shine through.

    And an Anne of Green Gables quote. I love Anne, and I always loved when my teachers were like Muriel Stacy (doesn't Anne say that she got the quote from her?).

  122. Marianne,

    I adjusted my name to be Jackie L Layton. Thanks for trying to find me!

  123. Hey Ruthy, I'd love to host an hour on New Year's Eve. I love spending time with you gals. And I love the prayer warriors and the plans to box up and toss out our fears.

    Please enter me in today's drawing!

  124. I am all for new fresh starts. I always face the new year with such optimism . It sounds like, Ruthy and Audra you have the plan down pat and will have so much fun doing it. Please throw my name in for the hostess drawing.

    Deanne P.

  125. Ruthy, If you still need a hostess, I'm available. I can even take the 6AM EST time because I'm always up! The party sounds like a lot of fun!

    Please put my name in the candy dish for the drawing!

    Merry Christmas!

  126. Sorry I was busy yesterday. If you still need hostesses I'm an early riser. Would love to win the gift card. Prayer would be appreciated for a physical issue right now. .

  127. Bettie, I'm throwing your name into the candy dish, haven't drawn yet, so you're fine. And putting you on the prayer list. Health and wellness are so easily taken for granted until you no longer have them.


  128. Running late to today's pawty but I'm in if you need someone too!
    Let us know. We live on Central Time but for Seekerville, we'll plug in where you need us...
    That'd be Cass and me! :)

    Great to hear your plans and how things are going, you two.
    Audra, sounds like a much needed rest... except for the exercise which is GOOD!

    Praying for all Seekers and Villagers right NOW!
    You are such a terrific part of my scattered life.

    Thank you.

  129. Reach for the Stars!

    I love the visual images this theme brings to mind. Wonderful Choice.

    Is Anyone Thinking About Their "OneWord" for 2016?

    OneWord is worth doing. I used my 2015 word all year to great results. In fact, it is going to become a part of my thinking from now on. Looking forward to a new word for next year.

  130. Well, I'm a day late to this post but...SOUNDS LIKE FUN!!!! Actually, this is the first New Years party I've been invited to, so I'll be there!

    2015 was crazy, but good. However, I'm hoping to go even farther in 2016 and make some improvements so that it isn't so STRESSFUL. That will mean facing some of my fears, (**cough cough**agent queries**cough cough) so this year's theme is perfect for me.

    Vince, I have started thinking about my one word, and I think it's going to be FAITH, which is the opposite of fear.

    If you need more hostesses or giveaways, let me know. I'd love to contribute!
    visionwriter2 at

  131. I’m a Pelican Book Group author, and I’d love to host or co-host during the daytime hours. (I’d be a zombie otherwise.) I live in Arizona. If you need a topic, I could do “God is the author of our faith.” It’s not about getting the reward; it’s about character change.

    I could also contribute to the prize drawing a soft-cover book or PDF of my novel Cowboy in the Moonlight.

  132. Late as usual, lol. I will probably have to work New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, but I'll pop in as often as I can!

    Please put me in the candy dish!
