Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Weekend Edition

 We're jumping right into the holiday spirit with marathon holiday movies, from Hallmark to the Classics.  Check out the Hallmark 2015 Christmas movies here and there's even a sweepstakes.

What's your favorite holiday movie? I'm voting for  The Christmas Card.

We Have Winners

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

Last Weekend's Seeker 2015 book of choice winner is Trixi.

Monday  DiAnn Mills brought us "A Writer's Tenacity." The winner of a signed copy of her new release, "Deadlock," is Cathy Shouse.

Tuesday was the December Contest Update with our December Diva Preslaysa Williams. Hope you didn't miss our super exciting contest news. If so check it out above under the Current Contest Update tab at the top of our blog! Winners of Christmas reads are Just Commonly and Heidi Robbins. Winners of a first chapter read (see rules in post) are Laura Conner Kestner and LeAnn Bristow.

  Winnie Griggs visited on Wednesday and shared about "Backstory: Weaving It In Without Slowing The Pace." How to effectively select what pieces of backstory to include ‘on stage’, when to reveal them and how to thread them through your story in a non author-intrusive manner. Becky aka OhioHomeSchool is the winner of Winnie's December release The Holiday Courtship

Thursday we welcomed back, author and editor, C.S. Lakin with her post, "Starting Your Scenes with a Bang." Rapunzel711 is the winner of a $15 Amazon gift card. Janet Ferguson is the winner of an ecopy of 5 Editors Tackle the 12 Fatal Flaws of Fiction Writing.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Mary Connealy is in the house. Mary will be talking with an accent on Monday. Or no, she'll be talking about accents. And anyone will a good Irish phrase to toss at me will be in a drawing for a copy of With This Ring. This is the FIRST EVER IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE DRAWING FOR WITH THIS RING Mary's Novella collection release, coming January 5th, with novellas also from Karen Witemeyer, Regina Jennings and Melissa Jagears. Stop by!
Four top historical romance novelists team up in this new collection to offer stories of love and romance with a twist of humor of wedding proposals gone awry. My novella, Runaway Bride contains brief appearances from characters from the Kincaid Brides AND Trouble in Texas series.

Tuesday: Is it pantsing? Is it plotting? Or is it something in between? You decide when Myra Johnson describes her writing process and what she needs to know before typing the very first word of a new book. Join the conversation for a chance to win one of two Audible audio edition giveaways of Myra's novel One Imperfect Christmas.

Wednesday: Janet Dean looks at decorations on her Christmas trees and compares our purpose to glass balls. If you’re not feeling shiny, not feeling like you’re reflecting God’s light, perhaps you need ways to ease the stress of Christmas preparations in her post entitled “Lets Reflect God’s Light at Christmas.” Leave a comment for a chance to win one of three copies of Home for Christmas, a Seeker historical novella collection. 

Thursday:  Don't even think about missing our post today because Audra Harders and Ruthy Logan Herne are ganging up... er, I mean working together to set the partying table for our New Year's Eve Riotous Celebration on December 31st! Yes, get the red carpet scoop as Ruthy and Audra request (read: BEG) for volunteers and ask your most secret of secret fears so we can go into 2016 ready to "Reach for the Stars." They're offering a $20 Amazon gift card because who can't use an extra $20 in December? Come, say something, and you're in!

Friday: Best of the Archives featuring Sandra Leesmith. Sandra will talk about the ways to show love, a timely topic for this season of love. Comments are closed on Friday to give you more reading and writing time.
Seeker Sightings  

A Heart Full of Christmas, Home for Christmas, Hope for the Holidays Contemporary Collection, & Hope for the Holidays Historical Collection.
A holiday sale you don't want to miss!

Cheryl St. John's Great Christmas Tree Tour HAS BEGUN! You can find many of your Seekerville friends there. In fact, December 7 there's rumors that there's a few Seeker novella collections under the tree! So stop by!

JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! Julie Lessman’s new contemporary, ISLE OF HOPE, is now available in paperback as well as ebook. Need a signed bookplate? Julie will be happy to send one to anyone who contacts her through the contact Julie tab of her website. 

December 1-7 2015: Julie Lessman kicks off Alexis Goring’s “25 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS STORIES” blog series with a fun Christmas interview and THREE GIVEAWAYS!  So come by for three chances to win one of Julie’s Christmas e-books—from the Seekers’ Home for Christmas Historical Collection OR Hope for the Holidays Historical Collection, to Julie’s Irish Christmas love story, A Light in the Window. There will be other author giveaways as well,. Hope to see you there!

December 9-13, 2015: Join Julie Lessman for an interview/giveaway on Lena Nelson Dooley’s blog where you can win your choice of any of Julie’s e-books, including Isle of Hope. Here’s the link — hope to see you there! 

It's a month-long Ruthy Spectacular at Donna Mynatt's Blog "Donna's Bookshelf"... All through December Donna will be reviewing Ruthy books and doing weekly giveaways and an end of month, end-of-year giveaway to lucky readers wanting to add more Ruthy (especially Christmas Ruthy!) to their shelves! Stop by any day, follow Donna's prompts, and have your name tossed into the famous Ruthy cat dish!
Random News & Information

Thank you to the Villagers and Seekers who sent links and news! 

The Harlequin Community Open House is about to begin! 

 Engaging Audiences through Twitter in 15 Minutes a Day (Jane Friedman)

Avoid Weak Words (The Steve Laube Blog)

 17 Inspirational Quotes from Authors to Keep You Writing (DIY Author)

 The Off-Road Vehicle Mind vs. the Paved Story Plan (Writer Unboxed)

"Our Hometown Romance imprint is currently seeking multi-author novella anthologies for publication in 2017. All novellas should be Christian romance. Anthologies should be four novellas in total. We are open to either contemporary or historical settings." (Redbud Press)

Home Office Design: Infographic (GalleyCat)

I am a Writer—Own it! (Writers in the Storm)

November 2015 – the UK report: Author Earnings on (Author Earnings)


 Enjoy this Weekend Edition feature during December.

Litographs: Art from Books

Best Literary Decor Ever (Read It Forward)

Out of Print: Celebrate the World's Great Books Through Fashion 

DVD: The Hero's Two Journeys (Michael Hauge Story Mastery)

Best Of Warner Bros.: 20 Film Collection - Romance (Walmart)

Happily Ever After at Etsy -here, and here 

A Christmas Gift Guide for Readers (Bethany House)

                        And we leave you with...

Why Books are the Best...for Gifts (The Book Designer)

Have a terrific reading and writing weekend!  #NoLimits Ho Ho Ho


  1. Congratulations, Trixi, Cathy, Just Commonly, Heidi, Becky and Rapunzel711. I'll be watching for new authors Laura and LeAnn and Janet to get new novels out after winning this week!!!! Thanks, TINA, for another great WE. and lineup for next week.
    Have a great wkend everyone!

    1. Thanks Marrianne. Have a great and blessed weekend too!

  2. Congratulations to the winners!!! Wow, Seekers 2015 book of can I possibly choose!?!? There are SO many great books out there by SO many of you wonderful authors.......I want them ALL :-)

    Looks like the month of December is going to be a lot of fun! My favorite Christmas movie (I have three really): George C. Scott's "A Christmas Carol", "It's a Wonderful Life", and "Miracle on 34th Street". From there it's whatever Hallmark channel is featuring or even ABC know the old classic kids ones? Too bad they only show them at this time of year. One of our favorite past-times is snuggling up on the sofa with a cup of hot cocoa & watching such mentioned movies :-) Tis the season!

    Looking forward to another great week over here on Seekerville and "hanging" with all of you!

  3. Congratulations to the winners.

    I am enjoying having Christmas movies in the background. I have so many favorites that I began watching them in July. Among the top of my favorites is The Christmas Card, Bachelor Mother, Christmas in Connecticut, It Nearly wasn't Christmas, A Season for Miracles. So far of this years new movies I have loved the ice sculpture one and a crown for Christmas.

    Wishing everyone a joyous and profitable weekend,

  4. Good morning, Seekerville! And congrats to the winners!

    I'll definitely have to come back today once I get some CHRISTMAS SHOPPING done as there are a ton of eye-catching links today--as is ALWAYS the case in the Weekend Edition! Having sent my latest WIP off to my editor on Monday, this is my catch-up weekend--straightening up my office, shopping, winterizing the garden, catching up on correspondence, and doing a billion other things that always fall by the wayside during a final deadline push.

    Less than 3 weeks to Christmas! Hope you all have a WONDERFUL weekend!

  5. Congratulations to all the winners! Enjoy!

    My favorite movie right now is The Christmas Card. I just watched it this week and enjoyed it just as much as the first time I saw it. I also love the original Miracle on 34th Street, the Jim Carrey How the Grinch Stole Christmas and quite a few more. I did watch a couple new ones this week and fell in love with The Christmas Angel. If you haven't seen it I'm sure it will be on again this month.

    I pray everyone has a wonderful week.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  6. Have you seen the new procedure for reviewing on Amazon. I don't like having to decide which box best describes a book. Some books are just unique. I am wondering if everyone gets this when they want to post a review. If they do, I am afraid it will keep the average person from leaving a review. Just my two cents.

  7. Congratulations to all the winners. Thank you, Seekerville! Trixi, I would like to know which book you'll choose?! It's going to be hard!

    I am pretty excited for next week's lineup, well, I guess when am I not?!

    As to Christmas movies, my all time favorite is It's a Wonderful Life! Watch it every year. I've also been hearing wonderful things about White Christmas and would love to check it out this year also. Hallmark ones are pretty entertaining, but there usually isn't one that hits me like I'll add it to my favorite list. However The Christmas Card sounds very interesting and many (not only on Seekerville had said it was great). I might just check it out on demand. Merry Christmas all!

  8. Congratulations to everyone.

    It's a wonderful life is a good one. From Hallmark : a good romance would be the Christmas card, a tear jerker would be the Christmas visitor, a moving historical would be Silent night, and my favorite from the last few years would be Princess for Christmas.

  9. I really like "Elf." For movies, I mean. "Elf" for modern movies and IAWL for classic. I can't watch IAWL without crying, so I ration myself.
    I met my writing goal AND my secular work goal, so I am off to two Christmas open houses at local museums!

  10. CONGRATULATIONS! Trixi, Cathy, Just Commonly, Heidi, Becky and Rapunzel711.

    I love watching the Hallmark Christmas movies. They have so many good ones.


  11. Congratulations to all the winners!

    I love the Hallmark Christmas movies. I'm looking forward to The Bridge this year, and Debbie Malcomer's new Christmas movie. All of her movies have been fun to watch. Besides Hallmark movies, I like New in Town, and While You Were Sleeping. This week we were blessed to take my parents to a dinner theater production of White Christmas. My dad had so many health issues this year, and we felt blessed to enjoy the show together.

    Happy weekend everybody.

  12. Congratulations winners! Looks like a great week of reading coming up.. Should get us into the Christmas spirit :)

  13. Tina, another terrific Weekend Edition! Congrats to our winners!! Looking forward to the week ahead.

    I'm excited about the Seeker novella collections' $.99 sale! I already have them all, but what a deal!

    I'm making a list of the Christmas movies I've never seen thanks to Bettie and Cindy W. Christmas Card's trailer pulled me in!

    Today I must get the Christmas photo cards made.


  14. Happy December, Seekerville! Still trying to get my head around the fact that 2015 is almost behind us!

    Christmas movies? My all-time favorite is White Christmas with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. Also, this season I've been OD-ing on all the new Hallmark Christmas movies. Most have been really, really cute, but there's always one or two we keep watching in hopes it just has to get better.

  15. Christmas movies? There was a question about favorite Christmas movies? Oh my, the things I miss if I read this before I have coffee! I don't watch movies, but I have seen the Christmas Train and I enjoyed that!

  16. Happy December!! Great WE as usual, Miss T! :)
    CONGRATS to all the winners!!
    Hallmark movies are sweet and fun to watch, but my ALL-TIME favorite Christmas movie is the old classic WHITE CHRISTMAS. I LOVE that movie - - and never tire of watching it (even though I can quote almost all the lines and songs, LOL).
    I'm setting out old-fashioned sugar cookies in Christmas shapes (warm from the oven). And just for fun I've even frosted a few of them with peach icing, hehe (hope that doesn't sound yuk to anyone). ;)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  17. Patti Jo, You're a peach to bring old fashioned sugar cookies. :-) Peach flavor is never yuk. Their soft texture make me think of my dh's mom's, only she flavored her frosting with peppermint at Christmas.

  18. Patti Jo, You're a peach to bring old fashioned sugar cookies. :-) Peach flavor is never yuk. Their soft texture make me think of my dh's mom's, only she flavored her frosting with peppermint at Christmas.

  19. I'm finally here with the weekend coffee pot.

    Congratulations, winners!

    I haven't watched any Christmas movies yet. The lists you guys are providing is a good reference.

    Thanks for another great WE. I love the links you always give us.

  20. Oh, yay, PATTI JO, another White Christmas fan! We watch it every year!

  21. Tina it's such a PRETTY BLOG.

    Christmas decorations and flourishes are the BEST.

  22. Patti Jo have you ever seen Holiday Inn? It's the same characters but I think it's a prequel (or sequel not sure) to White Christmas.

    White Christmas is Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye in 1954.
    Holiday Inn is Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire in 1942.

    I like Holiday Inn better for some reason, they are very similar. In Holiday Inn Bing Crosby has retired from performing and moves to a farm. He gets bored and opens his beautiful country home only on major holidays for shows. On Christmas, the show includes the song White Christmas.

  23. The Agony and Ecstasy

    Merry Christmas!
    Great Reading is upon us!

    I've spent the last eight days in great pain, mostly in bed, from a terrible fall on my tail bone. Pain pills only reduce the pain marginally. Nothing is broken so there is no treatment but rest and wait and prayer.

    Three doctors have said it can take a few days to a few months for the pain to subside. A few times in the past, when I've had operations, Seekers have offered prayers and they have worked. I was most thankful then and could sure use some divine intervention now.

    For the first two days after the fall, I could not even lay in bed and read. Then on the third day I was able to read my Kindle in bed for up to three hours in a row. So, I've been catching up on my reading these last few days. (Over 1000 books on my new Kindle -- Over 1,500 only my old one -- think about that for convenience!)

    Thus began the Ecstasy.

    Reading while taking pain pills and being swept away into new romantic worlds has produced the most enjoyable reading experiences I've had in my life.

    "Love's Dream Song" was already such wonderful reading pleasure that I was rationing it to just a page or two a day so 'it would last forever' -- that is, until a few days ago. Then I jumped in and read the last 60 pages at a pace.

    This was an 'other worldly' experience. I was listening to the most beautiful Percy Faith music, I was reading the most ideal story to my liking -- southwest genre, adventure, mystery, romance, spiritual, philosophical, deeply psychological, cultural, with a setting that lives vividly in the mind, fully 5-sensed, with reverberations of the best pleasure vibes I get from reading Tony Hillerman and J.A. Jance combined! All this came to a climax in the most emotional reading experience I've ever had. This type of experience is the true glory of the wondrous fiction author.

    l think of all those who suffer and yet experience the joy of reading inspirational authors as they undergo hours of dialysis or chemotherapy. Those in bed who pay for each move with pain. Every action they take comes with a price in pain. In these cases, of which there are millions a day, the author is doing more than providing a little escapism or a virtual bubble bath, no in these cases, the author is doing God's mercy work of soothing those who suffer.

    If God has called you to be a writer, then you have a worthy mission. Much of the good you do you'll never know about. I think a Christian Inspirational Romance writer has one of the highest 'callings' on earth and deserves our blessings, our love, and our support.

    I've read other wonderful books. Janet Dean's novella, which takes place in the perfect time period for this story, was a joy I will never forget. "Christmas in Rome" was also one of the best travel romances I've experienced and I've been in Rome for Christmas. Right now Pam has me trapped under snow in an avalanche -- which I must say is not a 'warm fuzzy' reading experience. I'll have to get back to 'freezing' once I finish this letter. : )

    God bless you all and thanks for all you do and all you are.


    P.S. I wanted this to be the first weekend post last night but it has taken a few sitting to get it all down. I do hope to make a post or two later. Trying to type helps some when I can't stay in bed any longer without it hurting too much.

  24. Congrats winners! Enjoy your stuff! Something added to your Christmas :) Another great Seekerville Weekend post. Thanks!!!!!

  25. Oh, Vince!!! Praying for a swift recovery. Are you alternating heat and cold.

  26. Oh, VINCE! So, so sorry about your fall! Praying for a quick recovery and end to your discomfort.

    But what an excuse to catch up on your reading! Bless you for being so supportive of Seekers and friends!

  27. Patti Jo has a new profile picture!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  28. Mary Connealy - - YES!! Holiday Inn is another favorite!
    Janet Dean, you're sweet to be so nice about my peach frosting. :) And peppermint sounds yummy - - I need to try that!
    Myra, now I'll think of you when I watch White Christmas next time!
    Tina, you're very kind! I got an overdue haircut a few days ago, so my daughter snapped the photo of me with one of my foster kittens (who I've grown super attached to) by the Christmas tree. :) Since I'd had the same profile pic up since 2008, I figured it was time to update, LOL.
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  29. P.S. Vince, SO sorry about your fall. Prayers for complete healing.

    And Mary - - one more thing about Holiday Inn that always makes my daughter Becca and I crack up laughing is the scene where Bing's George Washington wig is crooked as he plays the piano - - for some reason that is always hilarious to us (I think the pitiful look on his face adds to it!).

  30. Vince you are in my prayers.
    I broke my tail bone once as a young adult.

    Do you have one of those donut pillows?

    I appreciated that.
    Falls can be serious. Prayers for good spirits and quick healing. God bless you, Vince.

  31. Happy WE everyone!

    VINCE, I'll pray for a quick healing and that the Lord will uplift your spirits. I'm glad your Kindle is loaded with books and that you can actually read. I know pain like that is excrutiating!!

    I've been ODing on Hallmark Christmas movies lately. I've got a ton of them recorded, but I wait until Mike is out of the house to watch. If it's a funny one he'll sit still for it (or if there's nothing else on) but they're not his fave.

    My favorite so far is One Starry Christmas. I actually watched that one twice. Of course, it did feature a COWBOY and a CITY GIRL. :)

  32. Congratulations to all of the winners!
    I love the Hallmark Channel movies, but my favorite Christmas movie will always be a tie between White Christmas and Meet Me in St. Louis.
    Thanks for the informative WE, Tina!

  33. Vince, I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  34. Vince, I am sorry to hear that you fell. Praying for a speedy recovery.

  35. VINCE -- I'm so sorry about the injury. :( Will be praying recovery doesn't take months!

  36. Vince, so sorry about your fall! Ouch!!!

    About that avalanche: Hold on. We'll get you out soon! :)

  37. YEA!!! I'm so excited to win a first chapter critique! Thank you so much, and congratulations to all the winners!

  38. Sorry, Vince, just saw the comments about your injury -- praying for you!

  39. chuckle I;m watching a Hallmark movie now while doing Christmas cards. Great way to spend a holiday prep day. smile

    Congrats to all the winners.

  40. Oh my Vince I'm so sad to hear you injured yourself. That tailbone fall can be so painful. What a blessing that Love's Dream Song gave you some respite. I'm thanking God for that dear friend.

    You give gifts as well with your words of encouragement. Thank you.

    Praying for healing and also for the pain to go away. Tell Linda I'm praying for her also. Hugs to you both.

  41. Congrats to all the winners. Yippee!!! We love giving gifts. Its the season. smile

  42. I'm with Patti Jo White Christmas is probably an all time favorite. But I really love about any Christmas movie. Well maybe not the Grinch. I'm not into cartoons.

  43. Another great WE! Tina, thank you for the gifts for writers links! So fun!!

  44. Patti Jo Just noticed the new profile picture. I love it.

    And thanks for the old fashioned sugar cookies. I LOVE those. My sister and I used to make them. But we would eat the raw dough and be miserable for hours. ha ha so funny to remember.

  45. I don't think I've ever seen The Christmas Card. Must remedy that!

  46. Oh, Vince!! I'm so, so sorry!!! I'll be praying for pain relief and quick healing!

  47. Congratulations to all of our winners this week!

    I just heard that my buddy Vince took a spill, I must smack him for it!

    Oy, there is no falling allowed, my friend!

  48. Tina jumped right into NURSE mode!!!! Go Radcliffe!!!!

    Vince, I'm making cookies and some are coming your way. I'll mail them Monday and you will be smiling with them by midweek.

    Nothin' but love for you, big guy!

    Chocolate chip or frosted sugar cookies? You get to pick. Or snickerdoodles?

  49. I'm a "It's a Wonderful Life" fan from way back when they showed it 20 times/season... I'm so glad that stopped, and now I can just pop it into the DVD player and watch old George Bailey-ofski realize how blessed he truly is.

    I love it!!!!!!

    Another huge fave of mine is Anne Tyler's "St. Maybe" a Hallmark Hall of Fame.

    Love it. It's got all the Ruthy-emotion of tragedy, guilt, and salvation. My boys used to think I was crazy for watching it each year, but they were young then.... and life goes on.

  50. Ruthy It would almost be worth the pain to recieve some of your cookies. Yum.

    Thanks for baking some for us btw.

    Love when I see the Mighty Finn helping.

  51. Congrats to all the winners!

    Vince, am so sorry about your fall. Will keep you in my prayers for a quick recovery.
    I always enjoy your comments on here and value your opinion of books.

  52. Sandra, he probably did it on purpose!!!!

    And The Mighty Finn takes kitchen skills very seriously, LOL!

  53. Thanks All!

    I can already feel Seekerville prayers brightening my spirits. Look forward to my first day of progress in over a week. I'm praying too.

    Yes, I have both an air inflated doughnut and a pillow type one. It helps only for a little while. Nothing works for long.

    My doctors are for all ice now. I sit on a special ice pack for 20 minutes at a time four times a day. So far I have not noticed any improvement. But my main doctor said the trauma has to settle down and then I should get a little better each day.

    Ruth, I'd love to get some cookies. The last ones you sent were as good as cookies get.

    My sympathies go out to anyone who has a back injury and pain that there is no treatment for except time passing without further injury.

    Yes, I am getting a lot of reading in. It seems every time I start a new novella collection, I don't get around to reading them all before the next new bright and shinny Seeker novella collection comes out. I also have some of Myra's "Horseman" short novels on my Kindle I'm looking forward to reading.

    I worked on and off a good part of the day on two more posts which I'll try to get up next.

    Again, thanks to all.


    P.S. Sandra: wouldn't you just know it -- the package you sent me arrived today! It's beautiful. Thanks.

  54. Merry Christmas!

    I just listened to Myra's Audible sample of "One Imperfect Christmas" a book which I have read and enjoyed (after I found out I was reading Women's Fiction and not a romance) and the reader for "One Imperfect Christmas" is outstanding!

    I've listened to over 1000 audio books over the years and this reader, Amy Rubinate, is among the best.

    Here's what to listen for in this performance sample:

    1. how the young girl's voice sounds
    2. how the hero's voice sounds
    3. how the heroine's voice sounds
    4. how well the emotional content of the scene is projected by the reader.

    All four points rate an A+.

    When you really listen closely, it's hard to believe that all three voices are coming from the same reader. All these quick change of voices are very hard to do, especially when many speakers are in the same scene, however, such a wide range of voice skills is very important when you are going to be read an entire book by the same reader. Please believe me, Myra got a jewel to read her book.

    You can bet I want to be included the drawing for an Audible copy of "One Imperfect Christmas". I look forward to hearing the reader's interpretation of the book as I sit back and let the story effortlessly wash over me. In my current situation reading is a chore but listening to a great story read by a top reader is an effortless joy.

    BTW: I'm listening to Mary's "Tried & True" for the second time because that's what I have at home on Audible. Love that reader, too.

    Is She or Isn't She?

    As for whether Myra is a pantser or plotter given her writing approach , well, since Myra uses the power of Scrivener to write, she's at least a de facto plotter by definition.

    I've always said:

    "If you must pantser, then at least add the power of Scrivener. You'll get the best of both pantsering and plotting."

    It's almost impossible to compete with an accomplished pantser who is proficient with Scrivener. That's like giving a boxing champion a submachine gun to take in the ring with him. No one needs that much power!


  55. On Discovering Reflexive Backstorying!

    I've been doing much reading and thinking this past week and I seem to have 'discovered' something rather unusual: reflexive backstorying.

    Here's how it happened:

    I just started reading a brand new romance and was very impressed by all the different ways that the author was using to spark and maintain reader interest. The strategic release of backstory bits or factoids (as I call them), every few pages, had me hooked. Also not having to wait a long time between more backstory releases was in itself very rewarding.

    However, here's the rub: after reading three full chapters of attention grabbing backstory releases, the story did not seem to have been advanced at all! What I had read in these three chapters was mostly all backstory with little advancement from the initiating event. It was almost like opening a beautifully wrapped Christmas present only to find nothing inside the package.

    This is why I call it reflexive backstorying. (She saw herself in the mirror).

    This is very odd. Of course, it could be the imaginary product of the pain pills I'm taking. In any event, it might prove to be fun to ponder over this lazy weekend.


  56. This is an interesting Weekend Edition.

    Vince no longer does his blog but for this weekend only we have the honor of his blog posts in the comments.

    I laughed and I cried. I wished I had popcorn.

    And reflexive backstorying. That's a new one to ponder.

    You know Hemingway wrote with a good deal of mind altering assistance and so did Lewis Carroll. Can't recommend it long term however.

  57. Vince I am tickled that you are happy with your gift. smile. And from today's news, sounds like it was timely.

    Hang in there Big Guy and get through this. Praying.

  58. Hush you, Vince Mooney, about your old Scrivener/pantser/plotter nonsense....

    Oy, another program to learn????

    No, no, no.

    I shall wade in, see what my characters do, and proceed with cautious excitement! :)

  59. Mind altering assistance....


    Now I'm wondering if Vince was reading MY STORY.....

    Which means if he was it's back to author school for me.

    It was probably Mary's.


    I feel better now.

  60. Hi Tina:

    I just love the Seekerville Weekends. It's like being set loose on recess! Two days of unpredictable creativity.

    Your links always provide much food for thought.

    It's fun to learn about new winners.

    I also love your "cover vs cover" examples though, I must confess, I don't seem to get what is being compared any more. At first I did but I don't now. But keep it up.

    While I love to contribute my ideas on weekdays about topics the hosts are talking about, I do not want to step on their day by bringing up off topic subjects. This makes Weekends so special.

    I find writing these comments a distraction and the effort masks the pain to some extent. This morning was very bad. My job today is sit as long as possible watching football games, getting up often, and not to lay down. If I lay down on my side, the pain can almost go away; however, as I lay down, my back muscles seem to be 'freezing' in place and when I try to get back up the pain will hit a 9 until I can move around enough to free the tight muscles. This can take up to an hour to reduce the pain.

    Note: as a philosopher I am trained to come up with interesting ideas and insights. Then I reduce them to a cogent argument or exposition. Then I expose them to other philosophers who attack my ideas like a school of piranhas. Nothing personal. No politeness. Just kill the ideas. If the attackers cannot damage the ideas, then everyone starts looking into the ideas for more insights and useful corollaries.

    The above is just SOP for philosophers but as you can guess it does not go over very well in polite society. When I suggested that a famous Presents author's alpha heroes were so attractive to women because they offered the best 'package of benefits', the author went ga-ga and wanted me kicked off eHarlequin!

    So you can see I highly value my visits to Seekerville and your kind forgiveness when I slip into my native mode. : )


    P.S. In vino veritas sed in pain pills, Deus scit.

  61. Hi Ruth:

    No, that was not your story I was talking about in my 'reflexive backstory' comment. Your story elicited an immediate email from me! Let there be no doubt about that! : )

    It was also not one of Mary's stories, either. Reflexive backstory will never happen to Mary. She starts with such a BANG that she blows the story forward. The reader is worried about staying alive...any backstory can wait!

    What ever faults Mary may have, it will never be reflexive backstorying.

    Ruth, Ruth, oh, I can taste those cookies!


  62. Hi Mary:

    My wife, Linda, wants me to give you a thousands thanks for your recommendation to read, "Memory Man". I did not recommend it because I only want to read John Puller books. I also had "Make Me" by Lee Child checked out for her to read.

    Linda went with you and "Memory Man" and she could not stop reading the book. She woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me the book had the best ending she ever read! (She is now reading "Make Me". She does not understand Jack Reacher yet [he just kind of wanders around] but she gets hooked on the first page every time.)

    So thanks again.

    You are the heroine author in this house!


  63. Vince You are in pain so you are forgiven any and all philosophy. Makes things more interesting. chuckle.j

    I'm trying to wangle some of those cookies Ruthy is baking but she isn't responding. I think she intends for them all to go to you. sigh. Well you're forgiven for that too because you know, pain can go a long way in the sympathy and get away with things department.

    That is only until you start getting grumpy. Then we send things to Linda. chuckle.

  64. Vince I've been reading all of David Baldacci. I just finished the King and Maxwell series and have started the Will Robie series.
    I tried The Camel Club and the beginning just sort of annoyed me.
    I might finish Will Robie and then take a break and come back to The Camel Club. I might just be overdoing it with one author.
    And then I probably ought to go back and give Brad Thor another chance.
    I liked the maybe two books I read, but his hero, Roger Horvath is just saving the world over and over and over. Honestly, I can see him doing it once a year, but once a WEEK (which is about how fast I was reading his books) was just exhausting.

  65. What a terrific quote:: “A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.” – Richard Bach

    Those library card socks are super. So many links ... and so much info, like the weak words infographic at the Steve Laube site. Thanks, Tina!

    Congrats to all you winners. We have to be speed readers to keep up with the Seekers :-)

    Nancy C

  66. Vince, hope you're feeling better soon. Take care.

    Nancy C

  67. Home from visiting our son and his family in North Carolina! Such a lovely state!

    Sorry, Vince, about your injury. Sending prayers and love!!!

    Congrats to all the winners!

    Thrilled about the Christmas novellas on sale! Just in time for Christmas.

    Second Sunday of Advent...the month is passing much to quickly. Happy Advent to all!

  68. Hi Mary:

    Your ability to read all the books of a single author in such a short time span is truly amazing. It also has some interesting philosophical implications.

    Reading two to three dozen of an author's books in rapid succession is very much like learning a language by using the 'total emersion' method. In this method all life activities, 24/7, are conducted in the foreign language. You learn many things without thinking about them or even trying to memorize anything. It is considered the best way to learn a language.

    When you likewise read so many of an author's books in a short time, this constitutes a 'total emersion' into that author's writing style. You will be learning many of that authors best writing techniques without even thinking about them. They will simply become a part of your creative superstructure. Of course, some things you will notice and note for future use in your own writing as the opportunity presents itself.

    However, many techniques will just flow from your unconscious to meet a current need and will feel no different in kind than ideas that are totally self-originated.

    I would say this would make you a very powerful and adaptive writer. (Please don't let Ruth know about this as she is already worried about not using the power of Scrivener. I have a Scrivener post to help her next.)

    BTW: Keep doing what you are doing by reading the best selling authors out there. If you follow Star trek, think of such a 'total emersion' reading binge as a kind of Vulcan mind meld.

    I would say you are definitely on to something big! I'd be envious except I couldn't do this even if I could do it. : )


  69. Hi Ruth:

    Don't worry about the power of Scrivener -- especially if you are a pantser. You are in the classic position of the Toastmaster overachiever. I was one and many others have been as well.

    Here's what happens. An executive feels that the only thing holding him or her back from rapid advancement in their career is the ability to give speeches and presentations to groups. Lesser qualified people, with great speaking skills, keep getting promoted over them.

    So the executive joins Toastmaster and begins the first meeting by giving a speech. A three minute 'icebreaker'. This speech does not kill them. Also in the group, wanting the new person to do well, will be many old timers who have come to weekly meetings for decades. These experienced members are very good at speech craft.

    Very quickly our new executive overcomes his or her fear of public speaking. Sometimes you can't shut them up after they lose the fear of public speaking. Since they are well qualified in their work place, they now get asked to make speeches. These speeches are very well received. Many people in one group will also belong to others. A good speaking performance often leads to invitations to give more.

    It does not take long for this type of executive to get so booked up with outside speaking dates that they have no time to come to any more Toastmaster meetings.

    Of course, the old timers lament their loss to the club. But then they will reel off the names of many of the past members who went on to be very successful in the same way. In our Toastmaster group for example we have a U.S. Senator, a Brigadier General, a Sheriff, many big corporation executives, and me. (it lead to a career giving seminars for a living). :)

    Moral Premise: You are like the busy executive who is giving so many career enhancing outside speeches that she does not have the time to attend any more Toastmaster meetings -- even though such meetings would be helpful.

    I mean, you seem to be writing books faster than your fans can read them.

    So don't worry about Scrivener. Just keep doing what you are doing and enjoy the laurels!


  70. Prayers, rest, ice, and lots of reading. Hopefully the t combination will have up and about soon, Vince.

  71. Thanks to all the Seekers and Friends for your support and prayers. All these posts over the weekend helped distract me, for a time, away from a pain that seems to not want to go away.


  72. LOL!!!! VINCE said: "As for whether Myra is a pantser or plotter given her writing approach , well, since Myra uses the power of Scrivener to write, she's at least a de facto plotter by definition."

    Well, you'll have to stop in on Tuesday and find out for sure! ;-D
